/*++ Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: faxutil.h Abstract: This file defines the debugging interfaces available to the FAX compoments. Author: Wesley Witt (wesw) 22-Dec-1995 Environment: User Mode --*/ #ifndef _FAXUTIL_ #define _FAXUTIL_ #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _FAXAPI_ // // WinFax.h is not already included // #include #else // // WinFax.h is already included // This happens by the W2K COM only. // typedef LPVOID *PFAX_VERSION; #endif // !defined _FAXAPI_ #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define ARR_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0])) // // Nul terminator for a character string // #define NUL 0 #define IsEmptyString(p) ((p)[0] == NUL) #define SizeOfString(p) ((_tcslen(p) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)) #define IsNulChar(c) ((c) == NUL) #define OffsetToString( Offset, Buffer ) ((Offset) ? (LPTSTR) ((Buffer) + ((ULONG_PTR) Offset)) : NULL) #define StringSize(_s) (( _s ) ? (_tcslen( _s ) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) : 0) #define StringSizeW(_s) (( _s ) ? (wcslen( _s ) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) : 0) #define MultiStringSize(_s) ( ( _s ) ? MultiStringLength((_s)) * sizeof(TCHAR) : 0 ) #define MAX_GUID_STRING_LEN 39 // 38 chars + terminator null #define FAXBITS 1728 #define FAXBYTES (FAXBITS/BYTEBITS) #define MAXHORZBITS FAXBITS #define MAXVERTBITS 3000 // 14inches plus #define MINUTES_PER_HOUR 60 #define MINUTES_PER_DAY (24 * 60) #define SECONDS_PER_MINUTE 60 #define SECONDS_PER_HOUR (SECONDS_PER_MINUTE * MINUTES_PER_HOUR) #define SECONDS_PER_DAY (MINUTES_PER_DAY * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE) #define FILETIMETICKS_PER_SECOND 10000000 // 100 nanoseconds / second #define FILETIMETICKS_PER_DAY ((LONGLONG) FILETIMETICKS_PER_SECOND * (LONGLONG) SECONDS_PER_DAY) #define MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND 1000 #ifndef MAKELONGLONG #define MAKELONGLONG(low,high) ((LONGLONG)(((DWORD)(low)) | ((LONGLONG)((DWORD)(high))) << 32)) #endif #define HideWindow(_hwnd) SetWindowLong((_hwnd),GWL_STYLE,GetWindowLong((_hwnd),GWL_STYLE)&~WS_VISIBLE) #define UnHideWindow(_hwnd) SetWindowLong((_hwnd),GWL_STYLE,GetWindowLong((_hwnd),GWL_STYLE)|WS_VISIBLE) #define DWord2FaxTime(pFaxTime, dwValue) (pFaxTime)->hour = LOWORD(dwValue), (pFaxTime)->minute = HIWORD(dwValue) #define FaxTime2DWord(pFaxTime) MAKELONG((pFaxTime)->hour, (pFaxTime)->minute) #define EMPTY_STRING TEXT("") typedef GUID *PGUID; typedef enum { DEBUG_VER_MSG =0x00000001, DEBUG_WRN_MSG =0x00000002, DEBUG_ERR_MSG =0x00000004, DEBUG_FAX_TAPI_MSG =0x00000008 } DEBUG_MESSAGE_TYPE; #define DEBUG_ALL_MSG DEBUG_VER_MSG | DEBUG_WRN_MSG | DEBUG_ERR_MSG | DEBUG_FAX_TAPI_MSG // // Tags used to pass information about fax jobs // typedef struct { LPTSTR lptstrTagName; LPTSTR lptstrValue; } FAX_TAG_MAP_ENTRY; void ParamTagsToString( FAX_TAG_MAP_ENTRY * lpTagMap, DWORD dwTagCount, LPTSTR lpTargetBuf, LPDWORD dwSize); // // debugging information // #ifndef FAXUTIL_DEBUG #ifdef ENABLE_FRE_LOGGING #define ENABLE_LOGGING #endif // ENABLE_FRE_LOGGING #ifdef DEBUG #define ENABLE_LOGGING #endif // DEBUG #ifdef DBG #define ENABLE_LOGGING #endif // DBG #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING #define Assert(exp) if(!(exp)) {AssertError(TEXT(#exp),TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__);} #define DebugPrint(_x_) fax_dprintf _x_ #define DebugStop(_x_) {\ fax_dprintf _x_;\ fax_dprintf(TEXT("Stopping at %s @ %d"),TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__);\ __try {\ DebugBreak();\ } __except (UnhandledExceptionFilter(GetExceptionInformation())) {\ }\ } #define ASSERT_FALSE \ { \ int bAssertCondition = TRUE; \ Assert(bAssertCondition == FALSE); \ } \ #ifdef USE_DEBUG_CONTEXT #define DEBUG_WRN USE_DEBUG_CONTEXT,DEBUG_WRN_MSG,faxDbgFunction,TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__ #define DEBUG_ERR USE_DEBUG_CONTEXT,DEBUG_ERR_MSG,faxDbgFunction,TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__ #define DEBUG_MSG USE_DEBUG_CONTEXT,DEBUG_VER_MSG,faxDbgFunction,TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__ #define DEBUG_TAPI USE_DEBUG_CONTEXT,DEBUG_FAX_TAPI_MSG,faxDbgFunction,TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__ #else #define DEBUG_WRN DEBUG_CONTEXT_ALL,DEBUG_WRN_MSG,faxDbgFunction,TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__ #define DEBUG_ERR DEBUG_CONTEXT_ALL,DEBUG_ERR_MSG,faxDbgFunction,TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__ #define DEBUG_MSG DEBUG_CONTEXT_ALL,DEBUG_VER_MSG,faxDbgFunction,TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__ #define DEBUG_TAPI DEBUG_CONTEXT_ALL,DEBUG_FAX_TAPI_MSG,faxDbgFunction,TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__ #endif #define DebugPrintEx dprintfex #define DebugError #define DebugPrintEx0(Format) \ dprintfex(DEBUG_VER_MSG,faxDbgFunction,TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__,Format); #define DebugPrintEx1(Format,Param1) \ dprintfex(DEBUG_VER_MSG,faxDbgFunction,TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__,Format,Param1); #define DebugPrintEx2(Format,Param1,Param2) \ dprintfex(DEBUG_VER_MSG,faxDbgFunction,TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__,Format,Param1,Param2); #define DebugPrintEx3(Format,Param1,Param2,Param3) \ dprintfex(DEBUG_VER_MSG,faxDbgFunction,TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__,Format,Param1,Param2,Param3); #define DEBUG_TRACE_ENTER DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG,TEXT("Entering: %s"),faxDbgFunction); #define DEBUG_TRACE_LEAVE DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG,TEXT("Leaving: %s"),faxDbgFunction); #define DEBUG_FUNCTION_NAME(_x_) LPCTSTR faxDbgFunction=_x_; \ DEBUG_TRACE_ENTER; #define OPEN_DEBUG_FILE(f) debugOpenLogFile(f, -1) #define OPEN_DEBUG_FILE_SIZE(f,s) debugOpenLogFile(f, s) #define CLOSE_DEBUG_FILE debugCloseLogFile() #define SET_DEBUG_PROPERTIES(level,format,context) debugSetProperties(level,format,context) #else // ENABLE_LOGGING #define ASSERT_FALSE #define Assert(exp) #define DebugPrint(_x_) #define DebugStop(_x_) #define DebugPrintEx 1 ? (void)0 : dprintfex #define DebugPrintEx0(Format) #define DebugPrintEx1(Format,Param1) #define DebugPrintEx2(Format,Param1,Param2) #define DebugPrintEx3(Format,Param1,Param2,Param3) #define DEBUG_FUNCTION_NAME(_x_) #define DEBUG_TRACE_ENTER #define DEBUG_TRACE_LEAVE #define DEBUG_WRN DEBUG_CONTEXT_ALL,DEBUG_WRN_MSG,TEXT(""),TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__ #define DEBUG_ERR DEBUG_CONTEXT_ALL,DEBUG_ERR_MSG,TEXT(""),TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__ #define DEBUG_MSG DEBUG_CONTEXT_ALL,DEBUG_VER_MSG,TEXT(""),TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__ #define DEBUG_TAPI DEBUG_CONTEXT_ALL,DEBUG_FAX_TAPI_MSG,TEXT(""),TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__ #define OPEN_DEBUG_FILE(f) #define OPEN_DEBUG_FILE_SIZE(f,s) #define CLOSE_DEBUG_FILE #define SET_DEBUG_PROPERTIES(level,format,context) #endif // ENABLE_LOGGING extern BOOL ConsoleDebugOutput; void dprintfex( DEBUG_MESSAGE_CONTEXT nMessageContext, DEBUG_MESSAGE_TYPE nMessageType, LPCTSTR lpctstrDbgFunction, LPCTSTR lpctstrFile, DWORD dwLine, LPCTSTR lpctstrFormat, ... ); void fax_dprintf( LPCTSTR Format, ... ); VOID AssertError( LPCTSTR Expression, LPCTSTR File, ULONG LineNumber ); BOOL debugOpenLogFile(LPCTSTR lpctstrFilename, DWORD dwMaxSize); void debugCloseLogFile(); void debugSetProperties(DWORD dwLevel,DWORD dwFormat,DWORD dwContext); BOOL debugIsRegistrySession(); #endif // // list management // #ifndef NO_FAX_LIST #define InitializeListHead(ListHead) {\ (ListHead)->Flink = (ListHead)->Blink = (ListHead);\ Assert((ListHead)->Flink && (ListHead)->Blink);\ } #define IsListEmpty(ListHead) \ ((ListHead)->Flink == (ListHead)) #define InsertHeadList(ListHead,Entry) {\ PLIST_ENTRY _EX_Flink;\ PLIST_ENTRY _EX_ListHead;\ Assert ( !((Entry)->Flink) && !((Entry)->Blink) );\ _EX_ListHead = (ListHead);\ _EX_Flink = _EX_ListHead->Flink;\ (Entry)->Flink = _EX_Flink;\ (Entry)->Blink = _EX_ListHead;\ _EX_Flink->Blink = (Entry);\ _EX_ListHead->Flink = (Entry);\ Assert((ListHead)->Flink && (ListHead)->Blink && (Entry)->Blink && (Entry)->Flink);\ } #define InsertTailList(ListHead,Entry) {\ PLIST_ENTRY _EX_Blink;\ PLIST_ENTRY _EX_ListHead;\ Assert ( !((Entry)->Flink) && !((Entry)->Blink) );\ _EX_ListHead = (ListHead);\ _EX_Blink = _EX_ListHead->Blink;\ (Entry)->Flink = _EX_ListHead;\ (Entry)->Blink = _EX_Blink;\ _EX_Blink->Flink = (Entry);\ _EX_ListHead->Blink = (Entry);\ Assert((ListHead)->Flink && (ListHead)->Blink && (Entry)->Blink && (Entry)->Flink);\ } #define RemoveEntryList(Entry) {\ PLIST_ENTRY _EX_Blink;\ PLIST_ENTRY _EX_Flink;\ Assert((Entry)->Blink && (Entry)->Flink);\ _EX_Flink = (Entry)->Flink;\ _EX_Blink = (Entry)->Blink;\ _EX_Blink->Flink = _EX_Flink;\ _EX_Flink->Blink = _EX_Blink;\ (Entry)->Flink = NULL;\ (Entry)->Blink = NULL;\ } #define RemoveHeadList(ListHead) \ Assert((ListHead)->Flink);\ (ListHead)->Flink;\ {RemoveEntryList((ListHead)->Flink)} #endif // // memory allocation // #ifndef FAXUTIL_MEM #define HEAP_SIZE (1024*1024) #ifdef FAX_HEAP_DEBUG #define HEAP_SIG 0x69696969 typedef struct _HEAP_BLOCK { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; ULONG Signature; SIZE_T Size; ULONG Line; #ifdef UNICODE WCHAR File[MAX_PATH]; #else CHAR File[MAX_PATH]; #endif } HEAP_BLOCK, *PHEAP_BLOCK; #define MemAlloc(s) pMemAlloc(s,__LINE__,__FILE__) #define MemReAlloc(d,s) pMemReAlloc(d,s,__LINE__,__FILE__) #define MemFree(p) pMemFree(p,__LINE__,__FILE__) #define MemFreeForHeap(h,p) pMemFreeForHeap(h,p,__LINE__,__FILE__) #define CheckHeap(p) pCheckHeap(p,__LINE__,__FILE__) #else #define MemAlloc(s) pMemAlloc(s) #define MemReAlloc(d,s) pMemReAlloc(d,s) #define MemFree(p) pMemFree(p) #define MemFreeForHeap(h,p) pMemFreeForHeap(h,p) #define CheckHeap(p) (TRUE) #endif typedef LPVOID (WINAPI *PMEMALLOC) (SIZE_T); typedef LPVOID (WINAPI *PMEMREALLOC) (LPVOID,SIZE_T); typedef VOID (WINAPI *PMEMFREE) (LPVOID); int GetY2KCompliantDate ( LCID Locale, DWORD dwFlags, CONST SYSTEMTIME *lpDate, LPTSTR lpDateStr, int cchDate ); long StatusNoMemoryExceptionFilter (DWORD dwExceptionCode); HRESULT SafeInitializeCriticalSection (LPCRITICAL_SECTION lpCriticalSection); HANDLE HeapInitialize( HANDLE hHeap, PMEMALLOC pMemAlloc, PMEMFREE pMemFree, PMEMREALLOC pMemReAlloc ); BOOL HeapExistingInitialize( HANDLE hExistHeap ); BOOL HeapCleanup( VOID ); #ifdef FAX_HEAP_DEBUG BOOL pCheckHeap( PVOID MemPtr, ULONG Line, LPSTR File ); VOID PrintAllocations( VOID ); #else #define PrintAllocations() #endif PVOID pMemAlloc( SIZE_T AllocSize #ifdef FAX_HEAP_DEBUG ,ULONG Line ,LPSTR File #endif ); PVOID pMemReAlloc( PVOID dest, ULONG AllocSize #ifdef FAX_HEAP_DEBUG ,ULONG Line ,LPSTR File #endif ); VOID pMemFree( PVOID MemPtr #ifdef FAX_HEAP_DEBUG ,ULONG Line ,LPSTR File #endif ); VOID pMemFreeForHeap( HANDLE hHeap, PVOID MemPtr #ifdef FAX_HEAP_DEBUG ,ULONG Line ,LPSTR File #endif ); #endif // // Server/Registry Activity logging structure // typedef struct _FAX_SERVER_ACTIVITY_LOGGING_CONFIG { DWORD dwSizeOfStruct; BOOL bLogIncoming; BOOL bLogOutgoing; LPTSTR lptstrDBPath; DWORD dwLogLimitCriteria; DWORD dwLogSizeLimit; DWORD dwLogAgeLimit; DWORD dwLimitReachedAction; } FAX_SERVER_ACTIVITY_LOGGING_CONFIG, *PFAX_SERVER_ACTIVITY_LOGGING_CONFIG; // // TAPI functions // BOOL GetCallerIDFromCall( HCALL hCall, LPTSTR lptstrCallerID, DWORD dwCallerIDSize ); // // file functions // #ifndef FAXUTIL_FILE /*++ Routine name : SafeCreateFile Routine description: This is a safe wrapper around the Win32 CreateFile API. It only supports creating real files (as opposed to COM ports, named pipes, etc.). It uses some widely-discussed mitigation techniques to guard agaist some well known security issues in CreateFile(). Author: Eran Yariv (EranY), Mar, 2002 Arguments: lpFileName [in] - Refer to the CreateFile() documentation for parameter description. dwDesiredAccess [in] - Refer to the CreateFile() documentation for parameter description. dwShareMode [in] - Refer to the CreateFile() documentation for parameter description. lpSecurityAttributes [in] - Refer to the CreateFile() documentation for parameter description. dwCreationDisposition [in] - Refer to the CreateFile() documentation for parameter description. dwFlagsAndAttributes [in] - Refer to the CreateFile() documentation for parameter description. hTemplateFile [in] - Refer to the CreateFile() documentation for parameter description. Return Value: If the function succeeds, the return value is an open handle to the specified file. If the specified file exists before the function call and dwCreationDisposition is CREATE_ALWAYS or OPEN_ALWAYS, a call to GetLastError returns ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS (even though the function has succeeded). If the file does not exist before the call, GetLastError returns zero. If the function fails, the return value is INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. For more information see the "Return value" section in the CreateFile() documentation. Remarks: Please refer to the CreateFile() documentation. --*/ HANDLE __stdcall SafeCreateFile( LPCTSTR lpFileName, // File name DWORD dwDesiredAccess, // Access mode DWORD dwShareMode, // Share mode LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, // SD DWORD dwCreationDisposition, // How to create DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, // File attributes HANDLE hTemplateFile // Handle to template file ); /*++ Routine name : SafeCreateTempFile Routine description: This is a safe wrapper around the Win32 CreateFile API. It only supports creating real files (as opposed to COM ports, named pipes, etc.). It uses some widely-discussed mitigation techniques to guard agaist some well known security issues in CreateFile(). Use this function to create and open temporary files. The file will be created / opened using the FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE flag. When the last file handle is closed, the file will be automatically deleted. In addition, the file is marked for deletion after reboot (Unicode-version only). This will only work if the calling thread's user is a member of the local admins group. If marking for deletion-post-reboot fails, the InternalSafeCreateFile function call still succeeds. NOTICE: This function cannot be used to create temporary files which should be used by other applications. For example, it should not be used to create temporary preview files. This is because other applications will not specify FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE in the file share mode and will fail to open the temporary file. Author: Eran Yariv (EranY), Mar, 2002 Arguments: lpFileName [in] - Refer to the CreateFile() documentation for parameter description. dwDesiredAccess [in] - Refer to the CreateFile() documentation for parameter description. dwShareMode [in] - Refer to the CreateFile() documentation for parameter description. lpSecurityAttributes [in] - Refer to the CreateFile() documentation for parameter description. dwCreationDisposition [in] - Refer to the CreateFile() documentation for parameter description. dwFlagsAndAttributes [in] - Refer to the CreateFile() documentation for parameter description. hTemplateFile [in] - Refer to the CreateFile() documentation for parameter description. Return Value: If the function succeeds, the return value is an open handle to the specified file. If the specified file exists before the function call and dwCreationDisposition is CREATE_ALWAYS or OPEN_ALWAYS, a call to GetLastError returns ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS (even though the function has succeeded). If the file does not exist before the call, GetLastError returns zero. If the function fails, the return value is INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. For more information see the "Return value" section in the CreateFile() documentation. Remarks: Please refer to the CreateFile() documentation. --*/ HANDLE __stdcall SafeCreateTempFile( LPCTSTR lpFileName, // File name DWORD dwDesiredAccess, // Access mode DWORD dwShareMode, // Share mode LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, // SD DWORD dwCreationDisposition, // How to create DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, // File attributes HANDLE hTemplateFile // Handle to template file ); typedef struct _FILE_MAPPING { HANDLE hFile; HANDLE hMap; LPBYTE fPtr; DWORD fSize; } FILE_MAPPING, *PFILE_MAPPING; BOOL MapFileOpen( LPCTSTR FileName, BOOL ReadOnly, DWORD ExtendBytes, PFILE_MAPPING FileMapping ); VOID MapFileClose( PFILE_MAPPING FileMapping, DWORD TrimOffset ); DWORDLONG GenerateUniqueFileName( LPTSTR Directory, LPTSTR Extension, OUT LPTSTR FileName, DWORD FileNameSize ); DWORDLONG GenerateUniqueFileNameWithPrefix( BOOL bUseProcessId, LPTSTR lptstrDirectory, LPTSTR lptstrPrefix, LPTSTR lptstrExtension, LPTSTR lptstrFileName, DWORD dwFileNameSize ); VOID DeleteTempPreviewFiles ( LPTSTR lptstrDirectory, BOOL bConsole ); DWORD GetFileVersion ( LPCTSTR lpctstrFileName, PFAX_VERSION pVersion ); DWORD GetVersionIE( BOOL* fInstalled, INT* iMajorVersion, INT* iMinorVersion ); DWORD ViewFile ( LPCTSTR lpctstrTiffFile ); DWORD IsValidFaxFolder( LPCTSTR szFolder ); BOOL ValidateCoverpage( IN LPCTSTR CoverPageName, IN LPCTSTR ServerName, IN BOOL ServerCoverpage, OUT LPTSTR ResolvedName, IN DWORD dwResolvedNameSize ); HINSTANCE WINAPI LoadLibraryFromLocalFolder( IN LPCTSTR lpctstrModuleName, IN HINSTANCE hModule ); #endif // FAXUTIL_FILE // // string functions // LPTSTR AllocateAndLoadString( HINSTANCE hInstance, UINT uID ); #ifndef FAXUTIL_STRING typedef struct _STRING_PAIR { LPTSTR lptstrSrc; LPTSTR * lpptstrDst; } STRING_PAIR, * PSTRING_PAIR; int MultiStringDup(PSTRING_PAIR lpPairs, int nPairCount); VOID StoreString( LPCTSTR String, PULONG_PTR DestString, LPBYTE Buffer, PULONG_PTR Offset, DWORD dwBufferSize ); VOID StoreStringW( LPCWSTR String, PULONG_PTR DestString, LPBYTE Buffer, PULONG_PTR Offset, DWORD dwBufferSize ); DWORD IsValidGUID ( LPCWSTR lpcwstrGUID ); LPCTSTR GetCurrentUserName (); LPCTSTR GetRegisteredOrganization (); BOOL IsValidSubscriberIdA ( LPCSTR lpcstrSubscriberId ); BOOL IsValidSubscriberIdW ( LPCWSTR lpcwstrSubscriberId ); #ifdef UNICODE #define IsValidSubscriberId IsValidSubscriberIdW #else #define IsValidSubscriberId IsValidSubscriberIdA #endif BOOL IsValidFaxAddress ( LPCTSTR lpctstrFaxAddress, BOOL bAllowCanonicalFormat ); LPTSTR StringDup( LPCTSTR String ); LPWSTR StringDupW( LPCWSTR String ); LPWSTR AnsiStringToUnicodeString( LPCSTR AnsiString ); LPSTR UnicodeStringToAnsiString( LPCWSTR UnicodeString ); VOID FreeString( LPVOID String ); BOOL MakeDirectory( LPCTSTR Dir ); VOID DeleteDirectory( LPTSTR Dir ); VOID HideDirectory( LPTSTR Dir ); #ifdef UNICODE DWORD CheckToSeeIfSameDir( LPWSTR lpwstrDir1, LPWSTR lpwstrDir2, BOOL* pIsSameDir ); #endif VOID ConsoleDebugPrint( LPCTSTR buf ); int FormatElapsedTimeStr( FILETIME *ElapsedTime, LPTSTR TimeStr, DWORD StringSize ); LPTSTR ExpandEnvironmentString( LPCTSTR EnvString ); LPTSTR GetEnvVariable( LPCTSTR EnvString ); DWORD IsCanonicalAddress( LPCTSTR lpctstrAddress, BOOL* lpbRslt, LPDWORD lpdwCountryCode, LPDWORD lpdwAreaCode, LPCTSTR* lppctstrSubNumber ); BOOL IsLocalMachineNameA ( LPCSTR lpcstrMachineName ); BOOL IsLocalMachineNameW ( LPCWSTR lpcwstrMachineName ); void GetSecondsFreeTimeFormat( LPTSTR tszTimeFormat, ULONG cchTimeFormat ); size_t MultiStringLength( LPCTSTR psz ); #ifdef UNICODE #define IsLocalMachineName IsLocalMachineNameW #else #define IsLocalMachineName IsLocalMachineNameA #endif #endif // // product suite functions // #ifndef FAXUTIL_SUITE #include "FaxSuite.h" BOOL IsWinXPOS(); PRODUCT_SKU_TYPE GetProductSKU(); DWORD GetProductBuild(); LPCTSTR StringFromSKU(PRODUCT_SKU_TYPE pst); BOOL IsDesktopSKU(); BOOL IsDesktopSKUFromSKU(PRODUCT_SKU_TYPE); BOOL IsFaxShared(); DWORD IsFaxInstalled ( LPBOOL lpbInstalled ); DWORD GetDeviceLimit(); typedef enum { FAX_COMPONENT_SERVICE = 0x0001, // FXSSVC.exe - Fax service FAX_COMPONENT_CONSOLE = 0x0002, // FXSCLNT.exe - Fax console FAX_COMPONENT_ADMIN = 0x0004, // FXSADMIN.dll - Fax admin console FAX_COMPONENT_SEND_WZRD = 0x0008, // FXSSEND.exe - Send wizard invocation FAX_COMPONENT_CONFIG_WZRD = 0x0010, // FXSCFGWZ.dll - Configuration wizard FAX_COMPONENT_CPE = 0x0020, // FXSCOVER.exe - Cover page editor FAX_COMPONENT_HELP_CLIENT_HLP = 0x0040, // fxsclnt.hlp - Client help FAX_COMPONENT_HELP_CLIENT_CHM = 0x0080, // fxsclnt.chm - Client context help FAX_COMPONENT_HELP_ADMIN_HLP = 0x0100, // fxsadmin.hlp - Admin help FAX_COMPONENT_HELP_ADMIN_CHM = 0x0200, // fxsadmin.chm - Admin context help FAX_COMPONENT_HELP_CPE_CHM = 0x0400, // fxscover.chm - Cover page editor help FAX_COMPONENT_MONITOR = 0x0800, // fxsst.dll - Fax monitor FAX_COMPONENT_DRIVER_UI = 0x1000 // fxsui.dll - Fax printer driver } FAX_COMPONENT_TYPE; BOOL IsFaxComponentInstalled(FAX_COMPONENT_TYPE component); DWORD GetOpenFileNameStructSize(); #endif #ifndef FAXUTIL_LANG // // Unicode control characters // #define UNICODE_RLM 0x200F // RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK (RLM) #define UNICODE_RLE 0x202B // RIGHT-TO-LEFT EMBEDDING (RLE) #define UNICODE_RLO 0x202E // RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE (RLO) #define UNICODE_LRM 0x200E // LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK (LRM) #define UNICODE_LRE 0x202A // LEFT-TO-RIGHT EMBEDDING (LRE) #define UNICODE_LRO 0x202D // LEFT-TO-RIGHT OVERRIDE (LRO) #define UNICODE_PDF 0x202C // POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING (PDF) // // language functions // BOOL IsRTLUILanguage(); BOOL IsWindowRTL(HWND hWnd); DWORD SetLTREditDirection( HWND hDlg, DWORD dwEditID ); DWORD SetLTRControlLayout( HWND hDlg, DWORD dwCtrlID ); DWORD SetLTRComboBox( HWND hDlg, DWORD dwCtrlID ); BOOL StrHasRTLChar( LCID Locale, LPCTSTR pStr ); BOOL IsRTLLanguageInstalled(); int FaxTimeFormat( LCID Locale, // locale DWORD dwFlags, // options CONST SYSTEMTIME *lpTime, // time LPCTSTR lpFormat, // time format string LPTSTR lpTimeStr, // formatted string buffer int cchTime // size of string buffer ); int AlignedMessageBox( HWND hWnd, // handle to owner window LPCTSTR lpText, // text in message box LPCTSTR lpCaption, // message box title UINT uType // message box style ); DWORD SetRTLProcessLayout(); DWORD AskUserAndAdjustFaxFolder( HWND hWnd, TCHAR* szServerName, TCHAR* szPath, DWORD dwError ); #endif #ifndef FAXUTIL_NET BOOL IsSimpleUI(); #endif // // registry functions // #ifndef FAXUTIL_REG typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PREGENUMCALLBACK) (HKEY,LPTSTR,DWORD,LPVOID); HKEY OpenRegistryKey( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR KeyName, BOOL CreateNewKey, REGSAM SamDesired ); // // caution!!! this is a recursive delete function !!! // BOOL DeleteRegistryKey( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR SubKey ); DWORD EnumerateRegistryKeys( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR KeyName, BOOL ChangeValues, PREGENUMCALLBACK EnumCallback, LPVOID ContextData ); LPTSTR GetRegistryString( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR ValueName, LPCTSTR DefaultValue ); LPTSTR GetRegistryStringExpand( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR ValueName, LPCTSTR DefaultValue ); LPTSTR GetRegistryStringMultiSz( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR ValueName, LPCTSTR DefaultValue, LPDWORD StringSize ); BOOL GetRegistryDwordDefault( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR lpszValueName, LPDWORD lpdwDest, DWORD dwDefault); DWORD GetRegistryDword( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR ValueName ); DWORD GetRegistryDwordEx( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR ValueName, LPDWORD lpdwValue ); LPBYTE GetRegistryBinary( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR ValueName, LPDWORD DataSize ); DWORD GetSubKeyCount( HKEY hKey ); DWORD GetMaxSubKeyLen( HKEY hKey ); BOOL SetRegistryStringExpand( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR ValueName, LPCTSTR Value ); BOOL SetRegistryString( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR ValueName, LPCTSTR Value ); BOOL SetRegistryDword( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR ValueName, DWORD Value ); BOOL SetRegistryBinary( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR ValueName, const LPBYTE Value, LONG Length ); BOOL SetRegistryStringMultiSz( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR ValueName, LPCTSTR Value, DWORD Length ); DWORD CopyRegistrySubkeysByHandle( HKEY hkeyDest, HKEY hkeySrc, BOOL fForceRestore ); DWORD CopyRegistrySubkeys( LPCTSTR strDest, LPCTSTR strSrc, BOOL fForceRestore ); BOOL SetPrivilege( LPTSTR pszPrivilege, BOOL bEnable, PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES oldPrivilege ); BOOL RestorePrivilege( PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES oldPrivilege ); DWORD DeleteDeviceEntry( DWORD dwServerPermanentID ); DWORD DeleteTapiEntry( DWORD dwTapiPermanentLineID ); DWORD DeleteCacheEntry( DWORD dwTapiPermanentLineID ); #endif // // shortcut routines // #ifndef FAXUTIL_SHORTCUT LPTSTR GetCometPath(); BOOL IsValidCoverPage( LPCTSTR pFileName ); BOOL GetServerCpDir( LPCTSTR ServerName OPTIONAL, LPTSTR CpDir, DWORD CpDirSize ); BOOL GetClientCpDir( LPTSTR CpDir, DWORD CpDirSize ); BOOL SetClientCpDir( LPTSTR CpDir ); BOOL GetSpecialPath( IN int nFolder, OUT LPTSTR lptstrPath, IN DWORD dwPathSize ); #ifdef _FAXAPIP_ #endif // _FAXAPIP_ DWORD WinHelpContextPopup( ULONG_PTR dwHelpId, HWND hWnd ); BOOL InvokeServiceManager( HWND hDlg, HINSTANCE hResource, UINT uid ); #endif PPRINTER_INFO_2 GetFaxPrinterInfo( LPCTSTR lptstrPrinterName ); BOOL GetFirstLocalFaxPrinterName( OUT LPTSTR lptstrPrinterName, IN DWORD dwMaxLenInChars ); BOOL GetFirstRemoteFaxPrinterName( OUT LPTSTR lptstrPrinterName, IN DWORD dwMaxLenInChars ); DWORD IsLocalFaxPrinterInstalled( LPBOOL lpbLocalFaxPrinterInstalled ); DWORD SetLocalFaxPrinterSharing ( BOOL bShared ); DWORD AddOrVerifyLocalFaxPrinter (); #ifdef UNICODE typedef struct { LPCWSTR lpcwstrDisplayName; // The display name of the printer LPCWSTR lpcwstrPath; // The (UNC or other) path to the printer - as used by the fax service } PRINTER_NAMES, *PPRINTER_NAMES; PPRINTER_NAMES CollectPrinterNames ( LPDWORD lpdwNumPrinters, BOOL bFilterOutFaxPrinters ); VOID ReleasePrinterNames ( PPRINTER_NAMES pNames, DWORD dwNumPrinters ); LPCWSTR FindPrinterNameFromPath ( PPRINTER_NAMES pNames, DWORD dwNumPrinters, LPCWSTR lpcwstrPath ); LPCWSTR FindPrinterPathFromName ( PPRINTER_NAMES pNames, DWORD dwNumPrinters, LPCWSTR lpcwstrName ); #endif // UNICODE BOOL VerifyPrinterIsOnline ( LPCTSTR lpctstrPrinterName ); VOID FaxPrinterProperty(DWORD dwPage); PVOID MyEnumPrinters( LPTSTR pServerName, DWORD dwLevel, PDWORD pcPrinters, DWORD dwFlags ); PVOID MyEnumDrivers3( LPTSTR pEnvironment, PDWORD pcDrivers ); DWORD IsLocalFaxPrinterShared ( LPBOOL lpbShared ); DWORD AddLocalFaxPrinter ( LPCTSTR lpctstrPrinterName, LPCTSTR lpctstrPrinterDescription ); HRESULT RefreshPrintersAndFaxesFolder (); PVOID MyEnumMonitors( PDWORD pcMonitors ); BOOL IsPrinterFaxPrinter( LPTSTR PrinterName ); BOOL FaxPointAndPrintSetup( LPCTSTR pPrinterName, BOOL bSilentInstall, HINSTANCE hModule ); BOOL MultiFileDelete( DWORD dwNumberOfFiles, LPCTSTR* fileList, LPCTSTR lpctstrFilesDirectory ); // // START - Functions exported from service.cpp // BOOL EnsureFaxServiceIsStarted( LPCTSTR lpctstrMachineName ); BOOL StopService ( LPCTSTR lpctstrMachineName, LPCTSTR lpctstrServiceName, BOOL bStopDependents, #ifdef __cplusplus DWORD dwMaxWait = INFINITE #else DWORD dwMaxWait #endif ); BOOL WaitForServiceRPCServer (DWORD dwTimeOut); DWORD IsFaxServiceRunningUnderLocalSystemAccount ( LPCTSTR lpctstrMachineName, LPBOOL lbpResultFlag ); DWORD GetServiceStartupType ( LPCTSTR lpctstrMachine, LPCTSTR lpctstrService, LPDWORD lpdwStartupType ); DWORD SetServiceStartupType ( LPCTSTR lpctstrMachine, LPCTSTR lpctstrService, DWORD dwStartupType ); DWORD StartServiceEx ( LPCTSTR lpctstrMachine, LPCTSTR lpctstrService, DWORD dwNumArgs, LPCTSTR*lppctstrCommandLineArgs, DWORD dwMaxWait ); #ifdef _WINSVC_ DWORD SetServiceFailureActions ( LPCTSTR lpctstrMachine, LPCTSTR lpctstrService, LPSERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS lpFailureActions ); #endif // _WINSVC_ PSID GetCurrentThreadSID (); SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES * CreateSecurityAttributesWithThreadAsOwner ( DWORD dwCurrentThreadRights, DWORD dwAuthUsersAccessRights, DWORD dwNetworkServiceRights ); VOID DestroySecurityAttributes ( SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *pSA ); DWORD CreateSvcStartEvent( HANDLE *lphEvent, HKEY *lphKey ); // // END - Functions exported from service.cpp // // // START - Functions exported from security.cpp // HANDLE EnablePrivilege ( LPCTSTR lpctstrPrivName ); void ReleasePrivilege( HANDLE hToken ); DWORD EnableProcessPrivilege( LPCTSTR lpPrivilegeName ); DWORD FaxGetAbsoluteSD( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSelfRelativeSD, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR* ppAbsoluteSD ); void FaxFreeAbsoluteSD ( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pAbsoluteSD, BOOL bFreeOwner, BOOL bFreeGroup, BOOL bFreeDacl, BOOL bFreeSacl, BOOL bFreeDescriptor ); // // END - Functions exported from security.cpp // BOOL MultiFileCopy( DWORD dwNumberOfFiles, LPCTSTR* fileList, LPCTSTR lpctstrSrcDirectory, LPCTSTR lpctstrDestDirerctory ); typedef enum { CDO_AUTH_ANONYMOUS, // No authentication in SMTP server CDO_AUTH_BASIC, // Basic (plain-text) authentication in SMTP server CDO_AUTH_NTLM // NTLM authentication in SMTP server } CDO_AUTH_TYPE; HRESULT SendMail ( LPCTSTR lpctstrFrom, LPCTSTR lpctstrTo, LPCTSTR lpctstrSubject, LPCTSTR lpctstrBody, LPCTSTR lpctstrHTMLBody, LPCTSTR lpctstrAttachmentPath, LPCTSTR lpctstrAttachmentMailFileName, LPCTSTR lpctstrServer, #ifdef __cplusplus // Provide default parameters values for C++ clients DWORD dwPort = 25, CDO_AUTH_TYPE AuthType = CDO_AUTH_ANONYMOUS, LPCTSTR lpctstrUser = NULL, LPCTSTR lpctstrPassword = NULL, HANDLE hLoggedOnUserToken = NULL #else DWORD dwPort, CDO_AUTH_TYPE AuthType, LPCTSTR lpctstrUser, LPCTSTR lpctstrPassword, HANDLE hLoggedOnUserToken #endif ); // // FAXAPI structures utils // #ifdef _FAXAPIP_ BOOL CopyPersonalProfile( PFAX_PERSONAL_PROFILE lpDstProfile, LPCFAX_PERSONAL_PROFILE lpcSrcProfile ); void FreePersonalProfile ( PFAX_PERSONAL_PROFILE lpProfile, BOOL bDestroy ); #endif // _FAXAPIP_ // // Tapi helper routines // #ifndef FAXUTIL_ADAPTIVE #include BOOL IsDeviceModem ( LPLINEDEVCAPS lpLineCaps, LPCTSTR lpctstrUnimodemTspName ); LPLINEDEVCAPS SmartLineGetDevCaps( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwDeviceId, DWORD dwAPIVersion ); DWORD GetFaxCapableTapiLinesCount ( LPDWORD lpdwCount, LPCTSTR lpctstrUnimodemTspName ); #endif // // RPC util functions // #define LOCAL_HOST_ADDRESS _T("") RPC_STATUS GetRpcStringBindingInfo ( IN handle_t hBinding, OUT LPTSTR* pptszNetworkAddress, OUT LPTSTR* pptszProtSeq ); RPC_STATUS IsLocalRPCConnectionIpTcp( handle_t hBinding, PBOOL pbIsLocal ); RPC_STATUS IsLocalRPCConnectionNP( PBOOL pbIsLocal ); // // RPC debug functions // VOID DumpRPCExtendedStatus (); // // The following macros are used to establish the semantics needed // to do a return from within a try-finally clause. As a rule every // try clause must end with a label call try_exit. For example, // // try { // : // : // // try_exit: NOTHING; // } finally { // // : // : // } // // Every return statement executed inside of a try clause should use the // try_return macro. If the compiler fully supports the try-finally construct // then the macro should be // // #define try_return(S) { return(S); } // // If the compiler does not support the try-finally construct then the macro // should be // // #define try_return(S) { S; goto try_exit; } // // This was borrowed from fatprocs.h #ifdef DBG #define try_fail(S) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("Failure in FILE %s LINE %d"), TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__ )); S; goto try_exit; } #else #define try_fail(S) { S; goto try_exit; } #endif #define try_return(S) { S; goto try_exit; } #define NOTHING #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif