;/* ;**************************************************************************** ; * ; THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * ; KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE * ; IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * ; PURPOSE. * ; * ; Copyright (C) 1993-95 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * ; * ;**************************************************************************** ; GDI Definitions for Device Drivers ; ; Since most of the routines only need a portion of these definitions, ; conditional assembly flags have been defined in the various files ; to only include portions as needed (as opposed to having a lot of ; include files to mess with). The flags are as follows: ; ; incFont include font definitions ; incDevice include device definitions ; incLogical include logical object definitions ; incDrawmode include DrawMode structure definition ; incOutput include Output definitions ; incControl include Control definitions ; incPolyScanline include Scan definition page ; General definitions that almost everyone will use. ; Physical Bitmap Structure ; ; Bitmap data structure passed to OEM routines. Defines the location and ; size of a main memory bitmap. BITMAP struc ;*/ typedef struct { /* bmType dw 0 ; 0 means main memory bitmap. Non-zero ;*/ short int bmType; /* ; is number of physical display and format ; of the rest of the structure known only ; to device driver bmWidth dw 0 ; Width of bitmap in pixels ;*/ unsigned short int bmWidth; /* bmHeight dw 0 ; Height of bitmap in pixels ;*/ unsigned short int bmHeight; /* bmWidthBytes dw 0 ; #bytes per scan line ;*/ unsigned short int bmWidthBytes; /* bmPlanes db 0 ; # of planes in bitmap ;*/ BYTE bmPlanes; /* bmBitsPixel db 0 ; # of bits per pixel ;*/ BYTE bmBitsPixel; /* bmBits dd 0 ; Far pointer to bits of main memory bitmap ;*/ BYTE FAR *bmBits; /* bmWidthPlanes dd 0 ; Product of bmWidthBytes and bmHeight ;*/ unsigned long int bmWidthPlanes;/* bmlpPDevice dd 0 ; Pointer to associated PDevice ;*/ BYTE FAR *bmlpPDevice; /* bmSegmentIndex dw 0 ; Index to plaens next segment if non-zero ;*/ unsigned short int bmSegmentIndex; /* bmScanSegment dw 0 ; Number of scans per segment ;*/ unsigned short int bmScanSegment; /* bmFillBytes dw 0 ; Number of unused bytes per segment ;*/ unsigned short int bmFillBytes; /* dw 0 ;*/ unsigned short int futureUse4; /* dw 0 ;*/ unsigned short int futureUse5; /* BITMAP ends ;*/ } BITMAP; /* ; structures used for Device Independent Bitmap (DIB) processing. ; all taken out of Presentation Manager's documentation ; Tuesday 25-October-1988 15:04 -by- Ron Gery [rong] ; C definitions are provided below (separately). ; triple used in PM1.1 (BitmapCoreInfo) format color table RGBTriple struc rgbtBlue db 0 rgbtGreen db 0 rgbtRed db 0 RGBTriple ends ; RGB DWORD used in PM2.0 format color table RGBQuad struc rgbBlue db 0 rgbGreen db 0 rgbRed db 0 rgbReserved db 0 RGBQuad ends BitmapCoreHeader struc bcSize dd 0 bcWidth dw 0 bcHeight dw 0 bcPlanes dw 0 bcBitCount dw 0 BitmapCoreHeader ends ; new format bitmap structure based on PM2.0 format DCR. ; Tuesday 23-May-1989 16:05 -by- Ron Gery [rong] BitmapInfoHeader struc biSize dd 0 biWidth dd 0 biHeight dd 0 biPlanes dw 0 biBitCount dw 0 biCompression dd 0 biSizeImage dd 0 biXPelsPerMeter dd 0 biYPelsPerMeter dd 0 biClrUsed dd 0 biClrImportant dd 0 BitmapInfoHeader ends BitmapInfo struc bmiHeader db (size BitmapInfoHeader) DUP (?) bmiColors db ? ; array of RGBQUADS BitmapInfo ends BitmapCoreInfo struc bmciHeader db (size BitmapCoreHeader) DUP (?) bmciColors db ? ; array of RGBTRIPLES BitmapCoreInfo ends BI_RGB equ 0h BI_RLE8 equ 1h BI_RLE4 equ 2h BI_BITFIELDS equ 3h BitmapV4Header struc bV4Size dd 0 bV4Width dd 0 bV4Height dd 0 bV4Planes dw 0 bV4BitCount dw 0 bV4Compression dd 0 bV4SizeImage dd 0 bV4XPelsPerMeter dd 0 bV4YPelsPerMeter dd 0 bV4ClrUsed dd 0 bV4ClrImportant dd 0 bV4RedMask dd 0 bV4GreenMask dd 0 bV4BlueMask dd 0 bV4AlphaMask dd 0 bV4CSType dd 0 bV4Endpoints db 36 dup (0) bV4GammaRed dd 0 bV4GammaGreen dd 0 bV4GammaBlue dd 0 BitmapV4Header ends if 0 */ /* C definitions for DIBs, as defined in windows.h */ typedef struct { DWORD bcSize; WORD bcWidth; WORD bcHeight; WORD bcPlanes; WORD bcBitCount; } BITMAPCOREHEADER; typedef BITMAPCOREHEADER FAR *LPBITMAPCOREHEADER; typedef BITMAPCOREHEADER *PBITMAPCOREHEADER; typedef struct { DWORD biSize; DWORD biWidth; DWORD biHeight; WORD biPlanes; WORD biBitCount; DWORD biCompression; DWORD biSizeImage; DWORD biXPelsPerMeter; DWORD biYPelsPerMeter; DWORD biClrUsed; DWORD biClrImportant; } BITMAPINFOHEADER; typedef BITMAPINFOHEADER FAR *LPBITMAPINFOHEADER; typedef BITMAPINFOHEADER *PBITMAPINFOHEADER; typedef struct { BYTE rgbtBlue; BYTE rgbtGreen; BYTE rgbtRed; } RGBTRIPLE; typedef struct { BYTE rgbBlue; BYTE rgbGreen; BYTE rgbRed; BYTE rgbReserved; } RGBQUAD; /* ICM Color Definitions */ // The following two structures are used for defining RGB's in terms of // CIEXYZ. The values are fixed point 16.16. typedef long FXPT16DOT16, FAR *LPFXPT16DOT16; typedef long FXPT2DOT30, FAR *LPFXPT2DOT30; typedef struct tagCIEXYZ { FXPT2DOT30 ciexyzX; FXPT2DOT30 ciexyzY; FXPT2DOT30 ciexyzZ; } CIEXYZ; typedef CIEXYZ FAR *LPCIEXYZ; typedef struct tagICEXYZTRIPLE { CIEXYZ ciexyzRed; CIEXYZ ciexyzGreen; CIEXYZ ciexyzBlue; } CIEXYZTRIPLE; typedef CIEXYZTRIPLE FAR *LPCIEXYZTRIPLE; typedef struct { BITMAPCOREHEADER bmciHeader; RGBQUAD bmciColors[1]; } BITMAPCOREINFO; typedef BITMAPCOREINFO FAR *LPBITMAPCOREINFO; typedef BITMAPCOREINFO *PBITMAPCOREINFO; typedef struct { BITMAPINFOHEADER bmiHeader; RGBQUAD bmiColors[1]; } BITMAPINFO; typedef BITMAPINFO FAR *LPBITMAPINFO; typedef BITMAPINFO *PBITMAPINFO; typedef struct { DWORD bV4Size; LONG bV4Width; LONG bV4Height; WORD bV4Planes; WORD bV4BitCount; DWORD bV4V4Compression; DWORD bV4SizeImage; LONG bV4XPelsPerMeter; LONG bV4YPelsPerMeter; DWORD bV4ClrUsed; DWORD bV4ClrImportant; DWORD bV4RedMask; DWORD bV4GreenMask; DWORD bV4BlueMask; DWORD bV4AlphaMask; DWORD bV4CSType; CIEXYZTRIPLE bV4Endpoints; DWORD bV4GammaRed; DWORD bV4GammaGreen; DWORD bV4GammaBlue; } BITMAPV4HEADER, FAR *LPBITMAPV4HEADER, *PBITMAPV4HEADER; typedef struct { BITMAPV4HEADER bmv4Header; RGBQUAD bmv4Colors[1]; } BITMAPV4INFO; typedef BITMAPV4INFO FAR *LPBITMAPV4INFO; typedef BITMAPV4INFO *PBITMAPV4INFO; /* currently, if the low byte of biCompression is non zero, * it must be one of following */ #define BI_RGB 0x00 #define BI_RLE8 0x01 #define BI_RLE4 0x02 #define BI_BITFIELDS 0x03 #define BITMAP_SELECTED 0x01 #define BITMAP_64K 0x01 #define DIBSIGNATURE 0x4944 /* endif if 0 */ #ifndef NOPTRC /* endif PTTYPE struc ;*/ typedef struct { /* xcoord dw 0 ;x coordinate of point ;*/ short int xcoord; /* ycoord dw 0 ;y coordinate of point ;*/ short int ycoord; /* PTTYPE ends ;*/ } PTTYPE; /* ;*/ typedef PTTYPE *PPOINT; /* ;*/ typedef PTTYPE FAR *LPPOINT; /* if 0 */ #define POINT PTTYPE /* endif RECT struc ;*/ typedef struct { /* left dw 0 ;*/ short int left, /* top dw 0 ;*/ top, /* right dw 0 ;*/ right, /* bottom dw 0 ;*/ bottom; /* RECT ends ;*/ } RECT; /* ;*/ typedef RECT *PRECT; /* if 0 */ #endif /* endif BOXTYPE struc ;*/ typedef struct { /* min db SIZE PTTYPE dup (?) ;x,y starting coord ;*/ PTTYPE min; /* ext db SIZE PTTYPE dup (?) ;x,y extents ;*/ PTTYPE ext; /* BOXTYPE ends ;*/ } BOXTYPE; /* ;*/ typedef RECT FAR * LPRECT; /* page ; Logical Object Definitions - incLogical ifdef incLogical if incLogical OBJ_PEN equ 1 OBJ_BRUSH equ 2 OBJ_FONT equ 3 if 0 */ /* Object definitions used by GDI support routines written in C */ #define OBJ_PEN 1 #define OBJ_BRUSH 2 #define OBJ_FONT 3 /* endif LogBrush struc ;*/ typedef struct { /* lbStyle dw 0 ;Style of logical BRUSH ;*/ unsigned short int lbStyle; /* lbColor dd 0 ;RGB color ;*/ unsigned long int lbColor; /* lbHatch dw 0 ;Hatching style ;*/ unsigned short int lbHatch; /* lbBkColor dd 0 ;Background color for hatched brush ;*/ unsigned long int lbBkColor;/* lbhcmXform dd 0 ;transform for image color matching ;*/ unsigned long int lbhcmXform;/* LogBrush ends ;*/ } LOGBRUSH; /* lbPattern = lbColor ; pointer to physical pattern if 0 */ #define lbPattern lbColor /* endif ; Brush styles defined by GDI BS_SOLID equ 0 BS_HOLLOW equ 1 BS_HATCHED equ 2 BS_PATTERN equ 3 MaxBrushStyle equ 3 ; Hatched Brush hatching styles defined by GDI HS_HORIZONTAL equ 0 ; Horizontal ----- HS_VERTICAL equ 1 ; Vertical ||||| HS_FDIAGONAL equ 2 ; Foreward Diagonal ///// HS_BDIAGONAL equ 3 ; Backward Diagonal \\\\\ HS_CROSS equ 4 ; Cross +++++ HS_DIAGCROSS equ 5 ; Diagonal Cross XXXXX MaxHatchStyle equ 5 if 0 */ /* Brush Style definitions used by GDI support routines written in C */ #define BS_SOLID 0 #define BS_HOLLOW 1 #define BS_HATCHED 2 #define BS_PATTERN 3 #define MaxBrushStyle 3 /* Hatch Style definitions used by GDI support routines written in C */ #define HS_HORIZONTAL 0 /* ----- */ #define HS_VERTICAL 1 /* ||||| */ #define HS_FDIAGONAL 2 /* ///// */ #define HS_BDIAGONAL 3 /* \\\\\ */ #define HS_CROSS 4 /* +++++ */ #define HS_DIAGCROSS 5 /* xxxxx */ #define MaxHatchStyle 5 /* endif ; Logical Pen Structure LogPen struc ;*/ typedef struct { /* lopnStyle dw 0 ;(solid, hollow, dashed..) ;*/ unsigned short int lopnStyle;/* lopnWidth dw 0 ;This is really a point type ;*/ PTTYPE lopnWidth;/* dw 0 lopnColor dd 0 ;*/ unsigned long int lopnColor;/* lopnStyle2 dw 0 ;end caps and joins ;*/ unsigned short int lopnStyle2;/* lopnhcmXform dd 0 ;transform for image color matching ;*/ unsigned long int lopnhcmXform;/* LogPen ends ;*/ } LOGPEN; /* errnz <(SIZE PTTYPE) -4> ; Line Style definitions for lopnStyle LS_SOLID equ 0 LS_DASHED equ 1 LS_DOTTED equ 2 LS_DOTDASHED equ 3 LS_DASHDOTDOT equ 4 LS_NOLINE equ 5 LS_INSIDEFRAME equ 6 MaxLineStyle equ LS_NOLINE ; Line Style definitions for lopnStyle2 LS_ENDCAP_FLAT equ 01h LS_ENDCAP_ROUND equ 02h LS_ENDCAP_SQUARE equ 04h LS_JOIN_BEVEL equ 08h LS_JOIN_MITER equ 10h LS_JOIN_ROUND equ 20h if 0 */ /* Line Style definitions used by GDI support routines written in C */ #define LS_SOLID 0 #define LS_DASHED 1 #define LS_DOTTED 2 #define LS_DOTDASHED 3 #define LS_DASHDOTDOT 4 #define LS_NOLINE 5 #define LS_INSIDEFRAME 6 #define MaxLineStyle LS_NOLINE #define LS_ENDCAP_FLAT 0x01 #define LS_ENDCAP_ROUND 0x02 #define LS_ENDCAP_SQUARE 0x04 #define LS_JOIN_BEVEL 0x08 #define LS_JOIN_MITER 0x10 #define LS_JOIN_ROUND 0x20 /* endif ; Various constants for defining a logical font. OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS equ 0 OUT_STRING_PRECIS equ 1 OUT_CHARACTER_PRECIS equ 2 OUT_STROKE_PRECIS equ 3 OUT_TT_PRECIS equ 4 OUT_DEVICE_PRECIS equ 5 OUT_RASTER_PRECIS equ 6 OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS equ 7 CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS equ 0 CLIP_CHARACTER_PRECIS equ 1 CLIP_STROKE_PRECIS equ 2 CLIP_MASK equ 00Fh CLIP_LH_ANGLES equ 010h CLIP_TT_ALWAYS equ 020h CLIP_EMBEDDED equ 080h DEFAULT_QUALITY equ 0 DRAFT_QUALITY equ 1 PROOF_QUALITY equ 2 DEFAULT_PITCH equ 0 FIXED_PITCH equ 1 VARIABLE_PITCH equ 2 ANSI_CHARSET equ 0 DEFAULT_CHARSET equ 1 SYMBOL_CHARSET equ 2 MAC_CHARSET equ 77 SHIFTJIS_CHARSET equ 128 HANGEUL_CHARSET equ 129 CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET equ 136 OEM_CHARSET equ 255 ; GDI font families. FF_DONTCARE equ 00000000b ; Don't care or don't know. FF_ROMAN equ 00010000b ; Variable stroke width, serifed. ; Times Roman, Century Schoolbook, etc. FF_SWISS equ 00100000b ; Variable stroke width, sans-serifed. ; Helvetica, Swiss, etc. FF_MODERN equ 00110000b ; Constant stroke width, serifed or sans-serifed. ; Pica, Elite, Courier, etc. FF_SCRIPT equ 01000000b ; Cursive, etc. FF_DECORATIVE equ 01010000b ; Old English, etc. ; Font weights lightest to darkest. FW_DONTCARE equ 0d FW_THIN equ 100d FW_EXTRALIGHT equ 200d FW_LIGHT equ 300d FW_NORMAL equ 400d FW_MEDIUM equ 500d FW_SEMIBOLD equ 600d FW_BOLD equ 700d FW_EXTRABOLD equ 800d FW_HEAVY equ 900d FW_ULTRALIGHT equ FW_EXTRALIGHT FW_REGULAR equ FW_NORMAL FW_DEMIBOLD equ FW_SEMIBOLD FW_ULTRABOLD equ FW_EXTRABOLD FW_BLACK equ FW_HEAVY ; Enumeration font types. RASTER_FONTTYPE equ 1 DEVICE_FONTTYPE equ 2 if 0 */ /* The size to allocate for the lfFaceName field in the logical font. */ #ifndef LF_FACESIZE #define LF_FACESIZE 32 #endif /* Various constants for defining a logical font. */ #define OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS 0 #define OUT_STRING_PRECIS 1 #define OUT_CHARACTER_PRECIS 2 #define OUT_STROKE_PRECIS 3 #define OUT_TT_PRECIS 4 #define OUT_DEVICE_PRECIS 5 #define OUT_RASTER_PRECIS 6 #define OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS 7 #define CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS 0 #define CLIP_CHARACTER_PRECIS 1 #define CLIP_STROKE_PRECIS 2 #define CLIP_MASK 0x0F #define CLIP_LH_ANGLES 0x10 #define CLIP_TT_ALWAYS 0x20 #define CLIP_EMBEDDED 0x80 #define DEFAULT_QUALITY 0 #define DRAFT_QUALITY 1 #define PROOF_QUALITY 2 #define DEFAULT_PITCH 0 #define FIXED_PITCH 1 #define VARIABLE_PITCH 2 #define ANSI_CHARSET 0 #define DEFAULT_CHARSET 1 #define SYMBOL_CHARSET 2 #define MAC_CHARSET 77 #define SHIFTJIS_CHARSET 128 #define HANGEUL_CHARSET 129 #define CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET 136 #define OEM_CHARSET 255 /* GDI font families. */ #define FF_DONTCARE (0<<4) /* Don't care or don't know. */ #define FF_ROMAN (1<<4) /* Variable stroke width, serifed. */ /* Times Roman, Century Schoolbook, etc.*/ #define FF_SWISS (2<<4) /* Variable stroke width, sans-serifed. */ /* Helvetica, Swiss, etc. */ #define FF_MODERN (3<<4) /* Constant stroke width, serifed or sans-serifed. */ /* Pica, Elite, Courier, etc. */ #define FF_SCRIPT (4<<4) /* Cursive, etc. */ #define FF_DECORATIVE (5<<4) /* Old English, etc. */ /* Font weights lightest to darkest. */ #define FW_DONTCARE 0 #define FW_THIN 100 #define FW_EXTRALIGHT 200 #define FW_LIGHT 300 #define FW_NORMAL 400 #define FW_MEDIUM 500 #define FW_SEMIBOLD 600 #define FW_BOLD 700 #define FW_EXTRABOLD 800 #define FW_HEAVY 900 #define FW_ULTRALIGHT FW_EXTRALIGHT #define FW_REGULAR FW_NORMAL #define FW_DEMIBOLD FW_SEMIBOLD #define FW_ULTRABOLD FW_EXTRABOLD #define FW_BLACK FW_HEAVY /* Enumeration font types. */ #define RASTER_FONTTYPE 1 #define DEVICE_FONTTYPE 2 /* endif LogFont struc ;*/ typedef struct { /* lfHeight dw 0 ;*/ short int lfHeight; /* lfWidth dw 0 ;*/ short int lfWidth; /* lfEscapement dw 0 ;*/ short int lfEscapement; /* lfOrientation dw 0 ;*/ short int lfOrientation; /* lfWeight dw 0 ;*/ short int lfWeight; /* lfItalic db 0 ;*/ BYTE lfItalic; /* lfUnderline db 0 ;*/ BYTE lfUnderline; /* lfStrikeOut db 0 ;*/ BYTE lfStrikeOut; /* lfCharSet db 0 ;*/ BYTE lfCharSet; /* lfOutPrecision db 0 ;*/ BYTE lfOutPrecision; /* lfClipPrecision db 0 ;*/ BYTE lfClipPrecision; /* lfQuality db 0 ;*/ BYTE lfQuality; /* lfPitchAndFamily db 0 ;*/ BYTE lfPitchAndFamily; /* lfFaceName db 0 ; A variable length field for the face name.;*/ BYTE lfFaceName[LF_FACESIZE]; /* LogFont ends ;*/ } LOGFONT; /* endif endif page ; Device Definitions - incDevice ifdef incDevice if incDevice InquireInfo = 00000001b ;Inquire Device GDI Info EnableDevice = 00000000b ;Enable Device InfoContext = 8000h ;Inquire/Enable for information context ; Device Technologies DT_PLOTTER equ 0 ; Vector plotter DT_RASDISPLAY equ 1 ; Raster display DT_RASPRINTER equ 2 ; Raster printer DT_RASCAMERA equ 3 ; Raster camera DT_CHARSTREAM equ 4 ; Character-stream, PLP DT_METAFILE equ 5 ; Metafile, VDM DT_DISPFILE equ 6 ; Display-file DT_JUMBO equ 11 ; SPAG LJ cool thing ; Curve Capabilities CC_NONE equ 0000000000000000B ; Curves not supported CC_CIRCLES equ 0000000000000001B ; Can do circles CC_PIE equ 0000000000000010B ; Can do pie wedges CC_CHORD equ 0000000000000100B ; Can do chord arcs CC_ELLIPSES equ 0000000000001000B ; Can do ellipses (full arcs) CC_WIDE equ 0000000000010000B ; Can do wide lines CC_STYLED equ 0000000000100000B ; Can do styled lines CC_WIDESTYLED equ 0000000001000000B ; Can do wide styled lines CC_INTERIORS equ 0000000010000000B ; Can do interiors CC_ROUNDRECT equ 0000000100000000B ; Can do round rectangles CC_POLYBEZIER equ 0000001000000000B ; Can do beziers ; Line Capabilities LC_NONE equ 00000000B ; Lines not supported LC_POLYSCANLINE equ 00000001B ; Poly Scanlines supported LC_POLYLINE equ 00000010B ; Can do polylines LC_MARKER equ 00000100B ; Can do markers LC_POLYMARKER equ 00001000B ; Can do polymarkers LC_WIDE equ 00010000B ; Can do wide lines LC_STYLED equ 00100000B ; Can do styled lines LC_WIDESTYLED equ 01000000B ; Can do wide styled lines LC_INTERIORS equ 10000000B ; Can do interiors ; Polygonal Capabilities PC_NONE equ 0000000000000000B ; Polygonals not supported PC_ALTPOLYGON equ 0000000000000001B ; Can do alternate polygons PC_POLYGON equ 0000000000000001B ; an old name for ALTPOLYGON PC_RECTANGLE equ 0000000000000010B ; Can do rectangles PC_WINDPOLYGON equ 0000000000000100B ; Can do winding polygons PC_TRAPEZOID equ 0000000000000100B ; an old name for WINDPOLYGON PC_SCANLINE equ 0000000000001000B ; Can do scanlines PC_WIDE equ 0000000000010000B ; Can do wide borders PC_STYLED equ 0000000000100000B ; Can do styled borders PC_WIDESTYLED equ 0000000001000000B ; Can do wide styled borders PC_INTERIORS equ 0000000010000000B ; Can do interiors PC_POLYPOLYGON equ 0000000100000000B ; Can do PolyPolygons PC_PATHS equ 0000001000000000B ; Can do Paths ; Clipping Capabilities CP_NONE equ 00000000B ; No clipping at device level CP_RECTANGLE equ 00000001B ; Device Output clips to rectangles CP_REGION equ 00000010B ; Not supported. CP_REGION32 equ 00000100B ; Device Output clips to regions ; Text Capabilities TC_OP_CHARACTER equ 0000000000000001B ; Can do OutputPrecision CHARACTER TC_OP_STROKE equ 0000000000000010B ; Can do OutputPrecision STROKE TC_CP_STROKE equ 0000000000000100B ; Can do ClipPrecision STROKE TC_CR_90 equ 0000000000001000B ; Can do CharRotAbility 90 TC_CR_ANY equ 0000000000010000B ; Can do CharRotAbility ANY TC_SF_X_YINDEP equ 0000000000100000B ; Can do ScaleFreedom X_YINDEPENDENT TC_SA_DOUBLE equ 0000000001000000B ; Can do ScaleAbility DOUBLE TC_SA_INTEGER equ 0000000010000000B ; Can do ScaleAbility INTEGER TC_SA_CONTIN equ 0000000100000000B ; Can do ScaleAbility CONTINUOUS TC_EA_DOUBLE equ 0000001000000000B ; Can do EmboldenAbility DOUBLE TC_IA_ABLE equ 0000010000000000B ; Can do ItalisizeAbility ABLE TC_UA_ABLE equ 0000100000000000B ; Can do UnderlineAbility ABLE TC_SO_ABLE equ 0001000000000000B ; Can do StrikeOutAbility ABLE TC_RA_ABLE equ 0010000000000000B ; Can do RasterFontAble ABLE TC_VA_ABLE equ 0100000000000000B ; Can do VectorFontAble ABLE TC_RESERVED equ 1000000000000000B ; Reserved. Must be returned zero. ; Raster Capabilities RC_NONE equ 0000000000000000b ; No Raster Capabilities RC_BITBLT equ 0000000000000001b ; Can do bitblt RC_BANDING equ 0000000000000010b ; Requires banding support RC_SCALING equ 0000000000000100b ; does scaling while banding RC_BITMAP64 equ 0000000000001000b ; supports >64k bitmaps RC_GDI20_OUTPUT equ 0000000000010000b ; has 2.0 output calls RC_GDI20_STATE equ 0000000000100000b ; dc has a state block RC_SAVEBITMAP equ 0000000001000000b ; can save bitmaps locally RC_DI_BITMAP equ 0000000010000000b ; can do device independent bitmaps RC_PALETTE equ 0000000100000000b ; can do color palette management RC_DIBTODEV equ 0000001000000000b ; can do SetDIBitsToDevice RC_BIGFONT equ 0000010000000000b ; does BIGFONTs RC_STRETCHBLT equ 0000100000000000b ; can do StretchBlt RC_FLOODFILL equ 0001000000000000b ; can do FloodFill RC_STRETCHDIB equ 0010000000000000b ; can do StretchDIBits RC_OP_DX_OUTPUT equ 0100000000000000b ;dev opaque and dx array capable RC_DEVBITS equ 1000000000000000b ; supports device bitmaps ; DC Management Flags DC_SPDevice equ 00000001b ;Seperate PDevice required per device/filename DC_1PDevice equ 00000010b ;Only 1 PDevice allowed per device/filename DC_IgnoreDFNP equ 00000100b ;Ignore device/filename pairs when matching ; dpCaps1 capability bits C1_TRANSPARENT equ 0000000000000001b ; supports transparency TC_TT_ABLE equ 0000000000000010b ; can do TT fonts through DDI or brute C1_TT_CR_ANY equ 0000000000000100b ; can do rotated TT fonts C1_EMF_COMPLIANT equ 0000000000001000b ; Win95 - supports metafile spooling C1_DIBENGINE equ 0000000000010000b ; DIB Engine compliant driver C1_GAMMA_RAMP equ 0000000000100000b ; supports gamma ramp setting C1_ICM equ 0000000001000000b ; does some form of ICM support C1_REINIT_ABLE equ 0000000010000000b ; driver supports ReEnable call C1_GLYPH_INDEX equ 0000000100000000b ; Driver supports glyph index fonts C1_BIT_PACKED equ 0000001000000000b ; Supports bit-packed glyphs C1_BYTE_PACKED equ 0000010000000000b ; Supports byte-packed glyphs C1_COLORCURSOR equ 0000100000000000b ; Supports color-cursors and async SetCursor C1_CMYK_ABLE equ 0001000000000000b ; Supports CMYK ColorRefs C1_SLOW_CARD equ 0010000000000000b ; Little or no acceleration (VGA, etc.) ; dpCapsFE capability bits FEC_TT_DBCS equ 0000000000100000b ; can output DBCS TT fonts correctly FEC_WIFE_ABLE equ 0000000010000000b ; can handle WIFE font as Engine font if 0 */ #define InquireInfo 0x01 /* Inquire Device GDI Info */ #define EnableDevice 0x00 /* Enable Device */ #define InfoContext 0x8000 /* Inquire/Enable for info context */ /* Device Technologies */ #define DT_PLOTTER 0 /* Vector plotter */ #define DT_RASDISPLAY 1 /* Raster display */ #define DT_RASPRINTER 2 /* Raster printer */ #define DT_RASCAMERA 3 /* Raster camera */ #define DT_CHARSTREAM 4 /* Character-stream, PLP */ #define DT_METAFILE 5 /* Metafile, VDM */ #define DT_DISPFILE 6 /* Display-file */ #define DT_JUMBO 11 /* SPAG LJ cool thing */ /* Curve Capabilities */ #define CC_NONE 0x0000 /* Curves not supported */ #define CC_CIRCLES 0x0001 /* Can do circles */ #define CC_PIE 0x0002 /* Can do pie wedges */ #define CC_CHORD 0x0004 /* Can do chord arcs */ #define CC_ELLIPSES 0x0008 /* Can do ellipese */ #define CC_WIDE 0x0010 /* Can do wide lines */ #define CC_STYLED 0x0020 /* Can do styled lines */ #define CC_WIDESTYLED 0x0040 /* Can do wide styled lines*/ #define CC_INTERIORS 0x0080 /* Can do interiors */ #define CC_ROUNDRECT 0x0100 /* Can do round rectangles */ #define CC_POLYBEZIER 0x0200 /* Can do polybeziers */ /* Line Capabilities */ #define LC_NONE 0x0000 /* Lines not supported */ #define LC_POLYSCANLINE 0x0001 /* Poly Scanlines supported*/ #define LC_POLYLINE 0x0002 /* Can do polylines */ #define LC_MARKER 0x0004 /* Can do markers */ #define LC_POLYMARKER 0x0008 /* Can do polymarkers */ #define LC_WIDE 0x0010 /* Can do wide lines */ #define LC_STYLED 0x0020 /* Can do styled lines */ #define LC_WIDESTYLED 0x0040 /* Can do wide styled lines*/ #define LC_INTERIORS 0x0080 /* Can do interiors */ /* Polygonal Capabilities */ #define PC_NONE 0x0000 /* Polygonals not supported*/ #define PC_ALTPOLYGON 0x0001 /* Can do even odd polygons*/ #define PC_POLYGON 0x0001 /* old name for ALTPOLYGON */ #define PC_RECTANGLE 0x0002 /* Can do rectangles */ #define PC_WINDPOLYGON 0x0004 /* Can do winding polygons */ #define PC_TRAPEZOID 0x0004 /* old name for WINDPOLYGON*/ #define PC_SCANLINE 0x0008 /* Can do scanlines */ #define PC_WIDE 0x0010 /* Can do wide borders */ #define PC_STYLED 0x0020 /* Can do styled borders */ #define PC_WIDESTYLED 0x0040 /* Can do wide styled borders*/ #define PC_INTERIORS 0x0080 /* Can do interiors */ #define PC_POLYPOLYGON 0x0100 /* Can do PolyPolygons */ /* Clipping Capabilities */ #define CP_NONE 0x0000 /* no clipping of Output */ #define CP_RECTANGLE 0x0001 /* Output clipped to Rects */ #define CP_REGION 0x0002 /* not supported */ #define CP_REGION32 0x0004 /* Output clipped to regions */ /* Text Capabilities */ #define TC_OP_CHARACTER 0x0001 /* Can do OutputPrecision CHARACTER */ #define TC_OP_STROKE 0x0002 /* Can do OutputPrecision STROKE */ #define TC_CP_STROKE 0x0004 /* Can do ClipPrecision STROKE */ #define TC_CR_90 0x0008 /* Can do CharRotAbility 90 */ #define TC_CR_ANY 0x0010 /* Can do CharRotAbility ANY */ #define TC_SF_X_YINDEP 0x0020 /* Can do ScaleFreedom X_YINDEPENDENT */ #define TC_SA_DOUBLE 0x0040 /* Can do ScaleAbility DOUBLE */ #define TC_SA_INTEGER 0x0080 /* Can do ScaleAbility INTEGER */ #define TC_SA_CONTIN 0x0100 /* Can do ScaleAbility CONTINUOUS */ #define TC_EA_DOUBLE 0x0200 /* Can do EmboldenAbility DOUBLE */ #define TC_IA_ABLE 0x0400 /* Can do ItalisizeAbility ABLE */ #define TC_UA_ABLE 0x0800 /* Can do UnderlineAbility ABLE */ #define TC_SO_ABLE 0x1000 /* Can do StrikeOutAbility ABLE */ #define TC_RA_ABLE 0x2000 /* Can do RasterFontAble ABLE */ #define TC_VA_ABLE 0x4000 /* Can do VectorFontAble ABLE */ #define TC_RESERVED 0x8000 /* Reserved. Must be returned zero. */ /* Raster Capabilities */ #define RC_NONE 0x0000 /* No Raster Capabilities */ #define RC_BITBLT 0x0001 /* Can do bitblt */ #define RC_BANDING 0x0002 /* Requires banding support */ #define RC_SCALING 0x0004 /* does scaling while banding */ #define RC_BITMAP64 0x0008 /* supports >64k bitmaps */ #define RC_GDI20_OUTPUT 0x0010 /* has 2.0 output calls */ #define RC_GDI20_STATE 0x0020 /* dc has a state block */ #define RC_SAVEBITMAP 0x0040 /* can save bitmaps locally */ #define RC_DI_BITMAP 0x0080 /* can do DIBs */ #define RC_PALETTE 0x0100 /* can do color pal management */ #define RC_DIBTODEV 0x0200 /* can do SetDIBitsToDevice */ #define RC_BIGFONT 0x0400 /* can do BIGFONTs */ #define RC_STRETCHBLT 0x0800 /* can do StretchBlt */ #define RC_FLOODFILL 0x1000 /* can do FloodFill */ #define RC_STRETCHDIB 0x2000 /* can do StretchDIBits */ #define RC_OP_DX_OUTPUT 0x4000 /* can do smart ExtTextOut w/dx */ #define RC_DEVBITS 0x8000 /* supports device bitmaps */ /* DC Management Flags */ #define DC_SPDevice 0000001 /* Seperate PDevice required per device/filename */ #define DC_1PDevice 0000002 /* Only 1 PDevice allowed per device/filename */ #define DC_IgnoreDFNP 0000004 /* Ignore device/filename pairs when matching */ /* dpCaps1 capability bits */ #define C1_TRANSPARENT 0x0001 /* supports transparency */ #define TC_TT_ABLE 0x0002 /* can do TT through DDI or brute */ #define C1_TT_CR_ANY 0x0004 /* can do rotated TT fonts */ #define C1_EMF_COMPLIANT 0x0008 /* Win95 - supports metafile spooling */ #define C1_DIBENGINE 0x0010 /* DIB Engine compliant driver */ #define C1_GAMMA_RAMP 0x0020 /* supports gamma ramp setting */ #define C1_ICM 0x0040 /* does some form of ICM support */ #define C1_REINIT_ABLE 0x0080 /* Driver supports ReEnable */ #define C1_GLYPH_INDEX 0x0100 /* Driver supports glyph index fonts */ #define C1_BIT_PACKED 0x0200 /* Supports bit-packed glyphs */ #define C1_BYTE_PACKED 0x0400 /* Supports byte-packed glyphs */ #define C1_COLORCURSOR 0x0800 /* Driver supports color_cursors and async SetCursor */ #define C1_CMYK_ABLE 0x1000 /* Driver supports CMYK ColorRefs */ /* dpCapsFE capability bits */ #define FEC_TT_DBCS 0x0020 /* can output DBCS TT fonts correctly */ #define FEC_WIFE_ABLE 0x0080 /* can handle WIFE font as Engine font */ /* endif GDIINFO struc ;*/ typedef struct { /* dpVersion dw 0 ; Version = 0100h for now ;*/ short int dpVersion; /* dpTechnology dw 0 ; Device classification ;*/ short int dpTechnology; /* dpHorzSize dw 0 ; Horizontal size in millimeters ;*/ short int dpHorzSize; /* dpVertSize dw 0 ; Vertical size in millimeters ;*/ short int dpVertSize; /* dpHorzRes dw 0 ; Horizontal width in pixels ;*/ short int dpHorzRes; /* dpVertRes dw 0 ; Vertical width in pixels ;*/ short int dpVertRes; /* dpBitsPixel dw 0 ; Number of bits per pixel ;*/ short int dpBitsPixel; /* dpPlanes dw 0 ; Number of planes ;*/ short int dpPlanes; /* dpNumBrushes dw 0 ; Number of brushes the device has ;*/ short int dpNumBrushes; /* dpNumPens dw 0 ; Number of pens the device has ;*/ short int dpNumPens; /* dpCapsFE dw 0 ; capability bits for Far East ;*/ short int dpCapsFE; /* dpNumFonts dw 0 ; Number of fonts the device has ;*/ short int dpNumFonts; /* dpNumColors dw 0 ; Number of colors in color table ;*/ short int dpNumColors; /* dpDEVICEsize dw 0 ; Size required for the device descriptor ;*/ short int dpDEVICEsize; /* dpCurves dw 0 ; Curves capabilities ;*/ unsigned short int /* ;*/ dpCurves; /* dpLines dw 0 ; Line capabilities ;*/ unsigned short int /* ;*/ dpLines; /* dpPolygonals dw 0 ; Polygonal capabilities ;*/ unsigned short int /* ;*/ dpPolygonals; /* dpText dw 0 ; Text capabilities ;*/ unsigned short int /* ;*/ dpText; /* dpClip dw 0 ; Clipping capabilities ;*/ unsigned short int /* ;*/ dpClip; /* dpRaster dw 0 ; Bitblt capabilities ;*/ unsigned short int /* ;*/ dpRaster; /* dpAspectX dw 0 ; Length of X leg ;*/ short int dpAspectX; /* dpAspectY dw 0 ; Length of Y leg ;*/ short int dpAspectY; /* dpAspectXY dw 0 ; Length of hypotenuse ;*/ short int dpAspectXY; /* dpStyleLen dw 0 ; Length of segment for line styles ;*/ short int dpStyleLen; /* dpMLoWin dw 0 ; Metric Lo res WinX,WinY (PTTYPE) ;*/ PTTYPE dpMLoWin; /* dw 0 dpMLoVpt dw 0 ; Metric Lo res VptX,VptY (PTTYPE) ;*/ PTTYPE dpMLoVpt; /* dw 0 dpMHiWin dw 0 ; Metric Hi res WinX,WinY (PTTYPE) ;*/ PTTYPE dpMHiWin; /* dw 0 dpMHiVpt dw 0 ; Metric Hi res VptX,VptY (PTTYPE) ;*/ PTTYPE dpMHiVpt; /* dw 0 dpELoWin dw 0 ; English Lo res WinX,WinY (PTTYPE) ;*/ PTTYPE dpELoWin; /* dw 0 dpELoVpt dw 0 ; English Lo res VptX,VptY (PTTYPE) ;*/ PTTYPE dpELoVpt; /* dw 0 dpEHiWin dw 0 ; English Hi res WinX,WinY (PTTYPE) ;*/ PTTYPE dpEHiWin; /* dw 0 dpEHiVpt dw 0 ; English Hi res VptX,VptY (PTTYPE) ;*/ PTTYPE dpEHiVpt; /* dw 0 dpTwpWin dw 0 ; Twips WinX,WinY (PTTYPE) ;*/ PTTYPE dpTwpWin; /* dw 0 dpTwpVpt dw 0 ; Twips VptX,VptY (PTTYPE) ;*/ PTTYPE dpTwpVpt; /* dw 0 dpLogPixelsX dw 0 ;Logical pixels/inch in X ;*/ short int dpLogPixelsX; /* dpLogPixelsY dw 0 ;Logical pixels/inch in Y ;*/ short int dpLogPixelsY; /* dpDCManage dw 0 ;DC Management flags ;*/ short int dpDCManage; /* dpCaps1 dw 0 ; more capability bits ;*/ unsigned short int dpCaps1; /* dpSpotSizeX dw 0 ;*/ short int futureuse4; /* dw 0 ;*/ short int futureuse5; /* dpSpotSizeY dw 0 ;*/ short int futureuse6; /* dw 0 ;*/ short int futureuse7; /* ; start of entries in version 3.0 of this structure dpNumPalReg dw 0 ; Number of entries in device's palette ;*/ WORD dpNumPalReg; /* dpPalReserved dw 0 ; Number of reserved entries palette ;*/ WORD dpPalReserved; /* dpColorRes dw 0 ; bits of color resolution (total) ;*/ WORD dpColorRes; /* GDIINFO ends ;*/ } GDIINFO; /* endif endif page ; Font Definitions ifdef incFont if incFont ; flags for extended textout ETO_GRAYED equ 0001h ETO_OPAQUE equ 0002h ETO_CLIPPED equ 0004h ETO_GLYPH_INDEX equ 0010h ETO_RTL equ 0080h ETO_BYTE_PACKED equ 0100h ETO_BIT_PACKED equ 0200h ETO_LEVEL_MODE equ 1000h PF_BITS_IS_ADDRESS equ 4 PF_DEVICE_REALIZED equ 10000000B PF_RASTER_TYPE equ 0 PF_VECTOR_TYPE equ 1 PF_OTHER1_TYPE equ 2 PF_OTHER2_TYPE equ 3 PF_GLYPH_INDEX equ 20h PF_WIFE_TYPE equ 08h ; Glyph types for EngineGetGlyphBmp EGB_BITMAP equ 1 EGB_OUTLINE equ 2 EGB_GRAY2_BITMAP equ 8 EGB_GRAY4_BITMAP equ 9 EGB_GRAY8_BITMAP equ 10 if 0 */ /* This bit in the dfType field signals that the dfBitsOffset field is an absolute memory address and should not be altered. */ #define PF_BITS_IS_ADDRESS 4 /* This bit in the dfType field signals that the font is device realized. */ #define PF_DEVICE_REALIZED 0x80 /* These bits in the dfType give the fonttype - raster, vector, other1, other2. */ #define PF_RASTER_TYPE 0 #define PF_VECTOR_TYPE 1 #define PF_OTHER1_TYPE 2 #define PF_OTHER2_TYPE 3 #define PF_GLYPH_INDEX 0x20 #define PF_WIFE_TYPE 0x08 /* Glyph types for EngineGetGlyphBmp */ #define EGB_BITMAP 1 #define EGB_OUTLINE 2 #define EGB_GRAY2_BITMAP 8 #define EGB_GRAY4_BITMAP 9 #define EGB_GRAY8_BITMAP 10 /* The size to allocate for the dfMaps field in the physical font. */ #ifndef DF_MAPSIZE #define DF_MAPSIZE 1 #endif /* endif ; Font data structure passed to OEM routines. Refer to chapters 12 and ; 13 of the OEM adaptation guide for a complete description. FONTINFO struc ;*/ typedef struct { /* dfType dw 0 ; Type field for the font. ;*/ short int dfType; /* dfPoints dw 0 ; Point size of font. ;*/ short int dfPoints; /* dfVertRes dw 0 ; Vertical digitization. ;*/ short int dfVertRes; /* dfHorizRes dw 0 ; Horizontal digitization. ;*/ short int dfHorizRes; /* dfAscent dw 0 ; Baseline offset from char cell top. ;*/ short int dfAscent; /* dfInternalLeading dw 0 ; Internal leading included in font ;*/ short int dfInternalLeading; /* dfExternalLeading dw 0 ; Prefered extra space between lines ;*/ short int dfExternalLeading; /* dfItalic db 0 ; Flag specifying if italic. ;*/ BYTE dfItalic; /* dfUnderline db 0 ; Flag specifying if underlined. ;*/ BYTE dfUnderline; /* dfStrikeOut db 0 ; Flag specifying if struck out. ;*/ BYTE dfStrikeOut; /* dfWeight dw 0 ; Weight of font. ;*/ short int dfWeight; /* dfCharSet db 0 ; Character set of font. ;*/ BYTE dfCharSet; /* dfPixWidth dw 0 ; Width field for the font. ;*/ short int dfPixWidth; /* dfPixHeight dw 0 ; Height field for the font. ;*/ short int dfPixHeight; /* dfPitchAndFamily db 0 ; Flag specifying variable pitch, family. ;*/ BYTE dfPitchAndFamily; /* dfAvgWidth dw 0 ; Average character width. ;*/ short int dfAvgWidth; /* dfMaxWidth dw 0 ; Maximum character width. ;*/ short int dfMaxWidth; /* dfFirstChar db 0 ; First character in the font. ;*/ BYTE dfFirstChar; /* dfLastChar db 0 ; Last character in the font. ;*/ BYTE dfLastChar; /* dfDefaultChar db 0 ; Default character for out of range. ;*/ BYTE dfDefaultChar; /* dfBreakChar db 0 ; Character to define wordbreaks. ;*/ BYTE dfBreakChar; /* dfWidthBytes dw 0 ; Number of bytes in each row. ;*/ short int dfWidthBytes; /* dfDevice dd 0 ; Offset to device name. ;*/ unsigned long int dfDevice; /* dfFace dd 0 ; Offset to face name. ;*/ unsigned long int dfFace; /* dfBitsPointer dd 0 ; Bits pointer. ;*/ unsigned long int dfBitsPointer;/* dfBitsOffset dd 0 ; Offset to the begining of the bitmap. ;*/ unsigned long int dfBitsOffset;/* ; On the disk, this is relative to the ; begining of the file. In memory this is ; relative to the begining of this structure. dfReservedByte db 0 ; filler byte to WORD-align charoffset ;*/ BYTE dfReservedByte; /* dfCharOffset dw 0 ; Area for storing the character offsets, ;*/ unsigned short dfMaps[DF_MAPSIZE];/* ; facename, device name (opt), and bitmap. FONTINFO ends ;*/ } FONTINFO; /* SCALABLEFONTINFO struc ;*/ typedef struct { /* erType dw 0 ; Type field for the font. ;*/ short int erType; /* erPoints dw 0 ; Point size of font. ;*/ short int erPoints; /* erVertRes dw 0 ; Vertical digitization. ;*/ short int erVertRes; /* erHorizRes dw 0 ; Horizontal digitization. ;*/ short int erHorizRes; /* erAscent dw 0 ; Baseline offset from char cell top. ;*/ short int erAscent; /* erInternalLeading dw 0 ; Internal leading included in font ;*/ short int erInternalLeading; /* erExternalLeading dw 0 ; Prefered extra space between lines ;*/ short int erExternalLeading; /* erItalic db 0 ; Flag specifying if italic. ;*/ BYTE erItalic; /* erUnderline db 0 ; Flag specifying if underlined. ;*/ BYTE erUnderline; /* erStrikeOut db 0 ; Flag specifying if struck out. ;*/ BYTE erStrikeOut; /* erWeight dw 0 ; Weight of font. ;*/ short int erWeight; /* erCharSet db 0 ; Character set of font. ;*/ BYTE erCharSet; /* erPixWidth dw 0 ; Width field for the font. ;*/ short int erPixWidth; /* erPixHeight dw 0 ; Height field for the font. ;*/ short int erPixHeight; /* erPitchAndFamily db 0 ; Flag specifying pitch and family. ;*/ BYTE erPitchAndFamily; /* erAvgWidth dw 0 ; Average character width. ;*/ short int erAvgWidth; /* erMaxWidth dw 0 ; Maximum character width. ;*/ short int erMaxWidth; /* erFirstChar db 0 ; First character in the font. ;*/ BYTE erFirstChar; /* erLastChar db 0 ; Last character in the font. ;*/ BYTE erLastChar; /* erDefaultChar db 0 ; Default character for out of range. ;*/ BYTE erDefaultChar; /* erBreakChar db 0 ; Character to define wordbreaks. ;*/ BYTE erBreakChar; /* erWidthBytes dw 0 ; Number of bytes in each row. ;*/ short int erWidthBytes; /* erDevice dd 0 ; Offset to device name. ;*/ unsigned long int erDevice; /* erFace dd 0 ; Offset to face name. ;*/ unsigned long int erFace; /* erBitsPointer dd 0 ; Bits pointer. ;*/ unsigned long int erBitsPointer;/* erBitsOffset dd 0 ; Offset to the begining of the bitmap. ;*/ unsigned long int erBitsOffset;/* erFlags db 0 ; flags, and word align the stuff to come ;*/ BYTE erReservedByte; /* erUnderlinePos dw 0 ; underline position relative to cell origin ;*/ short int erUnderlinePos; /* erUnderlineThick dw 0 ; underline thickness ;*/ short int erUnderlineThick;/* erStrikeoutPos dw 0 ; Strikeout position relative to cell origin ;*/ short int erStrikeoutPos; /* erStrikeoutThick dw 0 ; strikeout thickness ;*/ short int erStrikeoutThick;/* SCALABLEFONTINFO ends ;*/ } SCALABLEFONTINFO; /* ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;-------------------------- 4.0 font structures ----------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; This font format has a simple font header. It contains a version field ; followed by a glyph format field, the total number of glyphs in the ; entire font, and the dword offset to the array of glyph offsets. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; The NF_LARGE flag indicates that the glyph offset table is ; array of DWORDs instead of WORD offsets AND that the glyphs ; have LARGExxxGLYPH headers instead of SMALLxxxGLYPH headers. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NF_BYTE_PACKED equ 0001h ; Byte aligned row format NF_BIT_PACKED equ 0002h ; Bit packed row format NF_FROM_BMP equ 0040h ; Derived from bitmap font NF_LARGE equ 0080h ; Large offsets and glyph headers NewFontSeg struct nfVersion dw 0 ; Font version (0x0400) nfFormat dw 0 ; Font format flags nfNumGlyphs dw 0 ; Number of glyphs in font nfGlyphOffset dd 0 ; Offset to glyph offset table nfAWTable dd 0 ; Offset to advance width table nfHeight dw 0 ; Height of font in pixels nfAscent dw 0 ; Distance from baseline to top nfUniqueID dd 0 ; Unique identifier for this PFont NewFontSeg ends ;---------------------- Byte-packed glyph structures ------------------------ ; ; This structure is the header for a glyph stored in byte-packed ; row-oriented format. The glyph bitmap is stored immediately after ; the ROWGLYPH structure. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SMALLROWGLYPH struc srgOrgX db 0 ; Vector to glyph origin in bitmap srgOrgY db 0 ; from upper left corner srgWidth db 0 ; Width and height of glyph bmp in srgHeight db 0 ; pixels SMALLROWGLYPH ends LARGEROWGLYPH struc lrgOrgX dw 0 ; Vector to glyph origin in bitmap lrgOrgY dw 0 ; from upper left corner lrgWidth dw 0 ; Width and height of glyph bmp in lrgHeight dw 0 ; pixels LARGEROWGLYPH ends ;---------------------- Bit-packed glyph structures ------------------------- ; ; This structure is the header for a glyph stored in bit-packed row-oriented ; format. The glyph bitmap is stored immediately after the BITGLYPH structure. ; ; Bit-packed format means that the glyph rows are packed together end-to-end. ; There is no padding out to byte boundaries at the end of a row. This ; format results in the highest performance on some accelerated cards and ; the smallest memory footprint. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SMALLBITGLYPH struc sbgOrgX db 0 ; Vector to glyph origin in bitmap sbgOrgY db 0 ; from upper left corner sbgWidth db 0 ; Width and height of glyph bmp in sbgHeight db 0 ; pixels sbgPixels dw 0 ; Total # of pixels in the glyph SMALLBITGLYPH ends LARGEBITGLYPH struc lbgOrgX dw 0 ; Vector to glyph origin in bitmap lbgOrgY dw 0 ; from upper left corner lbgWidth dw 0 ; Width and height of glyph bmp in lbgHeight dw 0 ; pixels lbgPixels dd 0 ; Total # of pixels in the glyph LARGEBITGLYPH ends TEXTXFORM struc ;*/ typedef struct { /* ftHeight dw 0 ;*/ short int ftHeight; /* ftWidth dw 0 ;*/ short int ftWidth; /* ftEscapement dw 0 ;*/ short int ftEscapement; /* ftOrientation dw 0 ;*/ short int ftOrientation; /* ftWeight dw 0 ;*/ short int ftWeight; /* ftItalic db 0 ;*/ BYTE ftItalic; /* ftUnderline db 0 ;*/ BYTE ftUnderline; /* ftStrikeOut db 0 ;*/ BYTE ftStrikeOut; /* ftOutPrecision db 0 ;*/ BYTE ftOutPrecision; /* ftClipPrecision db 0 ;*/ BYTE ftClipPrecision; /* ftAccelerator dw 0 ;*/ unsigned short int /* ;*/ ftAccelerator; /* ftOverhang dw 0 ;*/ short int ftOverhang; /* TEXTXFORM ends ;*/ } TEXTXFORM; /* TEXTMETRIC struc ;*/ typedef struct { /* tmHeight dw 0 ; Ascent+Descent ;*/ short int tmHeight; /* tmAscent dw 0 ; Pixels above the baseline ;*/ short int tmAscent; /* tmDescent dw 0 ; Pixels below the baseline ;*/ short int tmDescent; /* tmInternalLeading dw 0 ; Internal leading included in font ;*/ short int tmInternalLeading; /* tmExternalLeading dw 0 ; Prefered extra space between lines ;*/ short int tmExternalLeading; /* tmAveCharWidth dw 0 ; Of the letter 'X' ;*/ short int tmAveCharWidth; /* tmMaxCharWidth dw 0 ;*/ short int tmMaxCharWidth; /* tmWeight dw 0 ;*/ short int tmWeight; /* tmItalic db 0 ;*/ BYTE tmItalic; /* tmUnderlined db 0 ;*/ BYTE tmUnderlined; /* tmStruckOut db 0 ;*/ BYTE tmStruckOut; /* tmFirstChar db 0 ;*/ BYTE tmFirstChar; /* tmLastChar db 0 ;*/ BYTE tmLastChar; /* tmDefaultChar db 0 ; dfDefaultChar+dfFirstChar ;*/ BYTE tmDefaultChar; /* tmBreakChar db 0 ; dfBreakChar+dfFirstChar ;*/ BYTE tmBreakChar; /* tmPitchAndFamily db 0 ; Low bit zero if fixed pitch, one if ;*/ BYTE tmPitchAndFamily; /* ; variable. Family in high nibble. tmCharSet db 0 ;*/ BYTE tmCharSet; /* tmOverhang dw 0 ;*/ short int tmOverhang; /* tmDigitizedAspectX dw 0 ; Digitization aspect ratio ;*/ short int tmDigitizedAspectX; /* tmDigitizedAspectY dw 0 ; in X and Y. ;*/ short int tmDigitizedAspectY; /* TEXTMETRIC ends ;*/ } TEXTMETRIC; /* endif endif page ; Drawing mode definitions - incDrawMode ifdef incDrawMode if incDrawMode DRAWMODE struc ;*/ typedef struct { /* Rop2 dw 0 ;The 16-bit encoded Logical op ;*/ short int Rop2; /* bkMode dw 0 ;Background Mode (for text only) ;*/ short int bkMode; /* bkColor dd 0 ;Physical background Color ;*/ unsigned long int bkColor; /* TextColor dd 0 ;Physical text (forground) color ;*/ unsigned long int TextColor; /* TBreakExtra dw 0 ; total pixles to stuff into a line ;*/ short int TBreakExtra;/* BreakExtra dw 0 ; div(TBreakExtra, BreakCount) ;*/ short int BreakExtra; /* BreakErr dw 0 ; running error term ;*/ short int BreakErr; /* BreakRem dw 0 ; mod(TBreakExtra, BreakCount) ;*/ short int BreakRem; /* BreakCount dw 0 ; count of breaks in the line ;*/ short int BreakCount; /* CharExtra dw 0 ; extra pixles to stuff after each char ;*/ short int CharExtra; /* ; (used to space out a font) LbkColor dd 0 ;Logical background color ;*/ unsigned long int LbkColor; /* LTextColor dd 0 ;Logical Text (forground) color ;*/ unsigned long int LTextColor; /* ICMCXform dd 0 ;Transform for DIC image color matcher ;*/ DWORD ICMCXform; /* StretchBltMode dw 0 ;Stretch Blt mode ;*/ short StretchBltMode; /* eMiterLimit dd 0 ;Miter Limit (single precision IEEE float) ;*/ DWORD eMiterLimit;/* DRAWMODE ends ;*/ } DRAWMODE; /* ; Background Mode definitions TRANSPARENT equ 1 OPAQUE equ 2 BKMODE_TRANSPARENT equ 1 BKMODE_OPAQUE equ 2 BKMODE_LEVEL1 equ 3 BKMODE_LEVEL2 equ 4 BKMODE_LEVEL3 equ 5 BKMODE_TRANSLATE equ 6 ; StretchBlt Mode definitions STRETCH_ANDSCANS equ 1 STRETCH_ORSCANS equ 2 STRETCH_DELETESCANS equ 3 STRETCH_HALFTONE equ 4 SBM_BLACKONWHITE equ STRETCH_ANDSCANS SBM_WHITEONBLACK equ STRETCH_ORSCANS SBM_COLORONCOLOR equ STRETCH_DELETESCANS SBM_HALFTONE equ STRETCH_HALFTONE if 0 */ /* Background Mode definitions used by GDI support routines written in C */ #define TRANSPARENT 1 #define OPAQUE 2 #define BKMODE_TRANSPARENT 1 #define BKMODE_OPAQUE 2 #define BKMODE_LEVEL1 3 #define BKMODE_LEVEL2 4 #define BKMODE_LEVEL3 5 #define BKMODE_TRANSLATE 6 /* StretchBlt Mode definitions used by GDI support routines written in C */ #define STRETCH_ANDSCANS 1 #define STRETCH_ORSCANS 2 #define STRETCH_DELETESCANS 3 #define STRETCH_HALFTONE 4 #define SBM_BLACKONWHITE STRETCH_ANDSCANS #define SBM_WHITEONBLACK STRETCH_ORSCANS #define SBM_COLORONCOLOR STRETCH_DELETESCANS #define SBM_HALFTONE STRETCH_HALFTONE /* endif endif endif page ; The SCAN structure used by OS_POLYSCANLINE and DRAWESCAPE. ; The DRAWESCAPE structure is used by the DrawEcape DDI. ifdef incPolyScanline if incPolyScanline SCAN struc ;*/ typedef struct { /* scnPntCnt dw ? ;Count of X coords (not pairs) ;*/ short int scnPntCnt; /* scnPntTop dw ? ;Top of scan (inclusive) ;*/ short int scnPntTop; /* scnPntBottom dw ? ;Bottom of scan (exclusive) ;*/ short int scnPntBottom; /* scnPntX dw 2 dup (?) ;Var. length array of X pairs ;*/ short int scnPntX[2]; /* scnPntCntToo dw ? ;=scnPntCnt ;*/ short int scnPntCntToo; /* SCAN ends ;*/ } SCAN, FAR* LPSCAN; /* DRAWESCAPE struc ;*/ typedef struct { /* de_cbSize dd ? ;sizeof(DRAWESCAPE) ;*/ DWORD cbSize; /* de_lpDestDev dd ? ;PDEVICE or PBITMAP ;*/ LPVOID lpDestDev; /* de_nEscape dd ? ;API parameter ;*/ DWORD nEscape; /* de_cbInput dd ? ;API parameter ;*/ DWORD cbInput; /* de_lpszInput dd ? ;API parameter ;*/ LPVOID lpInput; /* de_ptOrigin dd ? ;origin of window ;*/ POINT ptOrigin; /* de_dwUniq dd ? ;region uniqueness value ;*/ DWORD dwUniq; /* de_rcBBox dw 4 dup (?) ;bounding box of region ;*/ RECT rcBBox; /* de_cScans dd ? ;count of scans in region ;*/ DWORD cScans; /* de_lpScan dd ? ;ptr to first scan in region ;*/ LPSCAN lpScan; /* DRAWESCAPE ends ;*/ } DRAWESCAPE, FAR* LPDRAWESCAPE; /* REGION struc ;*/ typedef struct { /* rgn_id dw ? ;if LPREGION 0x8000 else LPRECT ;*/ WORD id; /* rgn_cbSize dw ? ;sizeof(REGION) ;*/ WORD cbSize; /* rgn_lprcClip dd ? ;NULL or region walking opt. ;*/ LPRECT lprcClip; /* rgn_dwUniq dd ? ;region uniqueness value ;*/ DWORD dwUniq; /* rgn_rcBBox dw 4 dup (?) ;bounding box of region ;*/ RECT rcBBox; /* rgn_cScans dd ? ;count of scans in region ;*/ DWORD cScans; /* rgn_lpScan dd ? ;ptr to first scan in region ;*/ LPSCAN lpScan; /* REGION ends ;*/ } REGION, FAR* LPREGION; /* endif ;incPolyScanline endif ;incPolyScanline ; Output Definitions - incOutput ifdef incOutput if incOutput ; Output Style definitions used by GDI OS_POLYBEZIER equ 1 OS_ARC equ 3 OS_SCANLINES equ 4 OS_POLYSCANLINE equ 5 OS_RECTANGLE equ 6 OS_ELLIPSE equ 7 OS_MARKER equ 8 OS_POLYLINE equ 18 OS_WINDPOLYGON equ 20 OS_TRAPEZOID equ 20 ; replaced with WINDPOLYGON OS_ALTPOLYGON equ 22 OS_POLYGON equ 22 ; replaced with ALTPOLYGON OS_PIE equ 23 OS_POLYMARKER equ 24 OS_CHORD equ 39 OS_CIRCLE equ 55 OS_POLYPOLYGON equ 4000h ; this bit is ORd with OS_WIND/ALTPOLYGON OS_BEGINNSCAN equ 80 OS_ENDNSCAN equ 81 if 0 */ /* Output Style definitions used by GDI support routines written in C */ #define OS_POLYBEZIER 1 #define OS_ARC 3 #define OS_SCANLINES 4 #define OS_POLYSCANLINE 5 #define OS_RECTANGLE 6 #define OS_ELLIPSE 7 #define OS_MARKER 8 #define OS_POLYLINE 18 #define OS_TRAPEZOID 20 /* should really be WINDPOLYGON */ #define OS_WINDPOLYGON OS_TRAPEZOID #define OS_POLYGON 22 /* should really be ALTPOLYGON */ #define OS_ALTPOLYGON OS_POLYGON #define OS_PIE 23 #define OS_POLYMARKER 24 #define OS_CHORD 39 #define OS_CIRCLE 55 #define OS_POLYPOLYGON 0x4000 /* this bit is ORd with OS_WIND/ALTPOLYGON */ #define OS_BEGINNSCAN 80 #define OS_ENDNSCAN 81 /* endif endif endif ifdef incControl if incControl OEM_FAILED equ 8000000 ; GDI escape constants NEWFRAME equ 1 ABORTDOC equ 2 NEXTBAND equ 3 SETCOLORTABLE equ 4 GETCOLORTABLE equ 5 FLUSHOUTPUT equ 6 DRAFTMODE equ 7 QUERYESCSUPPORT equ 8 SETPRINTERDC equ 9 SETABORTPROC equ 9 STARTDOC equ 10 ENDDOC equ 11 GETPHYSPAGESIZE equ 12 GETPRINTINGOFFSET equ 13 GETSCALINGFACTOR equ 14 MFCOMMENT equ 15 GETPENWIDTH equ 16 SETCOPYCOUNT equ 17 SELECTPAPERSOURCE equ 18 DEVICEDATA equ 19 PASSTHROUGH equ 19 GETTECHNOLGY equ 20 GETTECHNOLOGY equ 20 SETLINECAP equ 21 SETLINEJOIN equ 22 SETMITERLIMIT equ 23 BANDINFO equ 24 DRAWPATTERNRECT equ 25 GETVECTORPENSIZE equ 26 GETVECTORBRUSHSIZE equ 27 ENABLEDUPLEX equ 28 GETSETPAPERBINS equ 29 GETSETPRINTORIENT equ 30 ENUMPAPERBINS equ 31 SETDIBSCALING equ 32 EPSPRINTING equ 33 ENUMPAPERMETRICS equ 34 GETSETPAPERMETRICS equ 35 GETVERSION equ 36 POSTSCRIPT_DATA equ 37 POSTSCRIPT_IGNORE equ 38 MOUSETRAILS equ 39 QUERYROPSUPPORT equ 40 GETDEVICEUNITS equ 42 RESETDEVICE equ 128 GETEXTENDEDTEXTMETRICS equ 256 GETEXTENTTABLE equ 257 GETPAIRKERNTABLE equ 258 GETTRACKKERNTABLE equ 259 EXTTEXTOUT equ 512 GETFACENAME equ 513 DOWNLOADFACE equ 514 ENABLERELATIVEWIDTHS equ 768 ENABLEPAIRKERNING equ 769 SETKERNTRACK equ 770 SETALLJUSTVALUES equ 771 SETCHARSET equ 772 STRETCHBLT equ 2048 QUERYDIBSUPPORT equ 3073 QDI_SETDIBITS equ 1h QDI_GETDIBITS equ 2h QDI_DIBTOSCREEN equ 4h QDI_STRETCHDIB equ 8h DCICOMMAND equ 3075 BEGIN_PATH equ 4096 CLIP_TO_PATH equ 4097 END_PATH equ 4098 EXT_DEVICE_CAPS equ 4099 RESTORE_CTM equ 4100 SAVE_CTM equ 4101 SET_ARC_DIRECTION equ 4102 SET_BACKGROUND_COLOR equ 4103 SET_POLY_MODE equ 4104 SET_SCREEN_ANGLE equ 4105 SET_SPREAD equ 4106 TRANSFORM_CTM equ 4107 SET_CLIP_BOX equ 4108 SET_BOUNDS equ 4109 OPENCHANNEL equ 4110 DOWNLOADHEADER equ 4111 CLOSECHANNEL equ 4112 SETGDIXFORM equ 4113 RESETPAGE equ 4114 POSTSCRIPT_PASSTHROUGH equ 4115 ENCAPSULATED_POSTSCRIPT equ 4116 if 0 */ #define OEM_FAILED 0x80000000L #define NEWFRAME 1 #define ABORTDOC 2 #define NEXTBAND 3 #define SETCOLORTABLE 4 #define GETCOLORTABLE 5 #define FLUSHOUTPUT 6 #define DRAFTMODE 7 #define QUERYESCSUPPORT 8 #define SETPRINTERDC 9 // DDK - between GDI and Driver #define SETABORTPROC 9 // SDK - between APP and GDI #define STARTDOC 10 #define ENDDOC 11 #define GETPHYSPAGESIZE 12 #define GETPRINTINGOFFSET 13 #define GETSCALINGFACTOR 14 #define MFCOMMENT 15 #define GETPENWIDTH 16 #define SETCOPYCOUNT 17 #define SELECTPAPERSOURCE 18 #define DEVICEDATA 19 #define PASSTHROUGH 19 #define GETTECHNOLGY 20 #define GETTECHNOLOGY 20 #define SETLINECAP 21 #define SETLINEJOIN 22 #define SETMITERLIMIT 23 #define BANDINFO 24 #define DRAWPATTERNRECT 25 #define GETVECTORPENSIZE 26 #define GETVECTORBRUSHSIZE 27 #define ENABLEDUPLEX 28 #define GETSETPAPERBINS 29 #define GETSETPRINTORIENT 30 #define ENUMPAPERBINS 31 #define SETDIBSCALING 32 #define EPSPRINTING 33 #define ENUMPAPERMETRICS 34 #define GETSETPAPERMETRICS 35 #define GETVERSION 36 /* ADOBE_11_1_88 */ #define POSTSCRIPT_DATA 37 #define POSTSCRIPT_IGNORE 38 #define QUERYROPSUPPORT 40 #define GETDEVICEUNITS 42 #define RESETDEVICE 128 #define GETEXTENDEDTEXTMETRICS 256 #define GETEXTENTTABLE 257 #define GETPAIRKERNTABLE 258 #define GETTRACKKERNTABLE 259 #define EXTTEXTOUT 512 #define GETFACENAME 513 #define DOWNLOADFACE 514 /* ADOBE_11_1_88 */ #define ENABLERELATIVEWIDTHS 768 #define ENABLEPAIRKERNING 769 #define SETKERNTRACK 770 #define SETALLJUSTVALUES 771 #define SETCHARSET 772 #define STRETCHBLT 2048 #define QUERYDIBSUPPORT 3073 #define QDI_SETDIBITS 0x0001 #define QDI_GETDIBITS 0x0002 #define QDI_DIBTOSCREEN 0x0004 #define QDI_STRETCHDIB 0x0008 #define DCICOMMAND 3075 #define BEGIN_PATH 4096 #define CLIP_TO_PATH 4097 #define END_PATH 4098 #define EXT_DEVICE_CAPS 4099 #define RESTORE_CTM 4100 #define SAVE_CTM 4101 #define SET_ARC_DIRECTION 4102 #define SET_BACKGROUND_COLOR 4103 #define SET_POLY_MODE 4104 #define SET_SCREEN_ANGLE 4105 #define SET_SPREAD 4106 #define TRANSFORM_CTM 4107 #define SET_CLIP_BOX 4108 #define SET_BOUNDS 4109 #define OPENCHANNEL 4110 #define DOWNLOADHEADER 4111 #define CLOSECHANNEL 4112 #define SETGDIXFORM 4113 #define RESETPAGE 4114 #define POSTSCRIPT_PASSTHROUGH 4115 #define ENCAPSULATED_POSTSCRIPT 4116 typedef FONTINFO FAR *LPFONTINFO; typedef DRAWMODE FAR *LPDRAWMODE; typedef TEXTXFORM FAR *LPTEXTXFORM; typedef TEXTMETRIC FAR *LPTEXTMETRIC; typedef LOGFONT FAR *LPLOGFONT; typedef LOGPEN FAR *LPLOGPEN; typedef LOGBRUSH FAR *LPLOGBRUSH; typedef BITMAP FAR *LPBITMAP; typedef FARPROC FAR *LPFARPROC; typedef GDIINFO FAR *LPGDIINFO; typedef SCALABLEFONTINFO FAR * LPSCALABLEFONTINFO; /* endif endif endif ;*/