#ifndef __MIGRATE_H #define __MIGRATE_H /*++ migrate.h Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation This file contains prototypes & definitions for the Win95->XP Fax migration DLL. Author: Brian Dewey (t-briand) 1997-7-14 --*/ // // Vendor Info Stucture // typedef struct { CHAR CompanyName[256]; CHAR SupportNumber[256]; CHAR SupportUrl[256]; CHAR InstructionsToUser[1024]; } VENDORINFO, *PVENDORINFO; // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Prototypes // All of these functions are required in a migration DLL. LONG CALLBACK QueryVersion ( OUT LPCSTR *ProductID, // Unique identifier string. OUT LPUINT DllVersion, // Version number. Cannot be zero. OUT LPINT *CodePageArray, // OPTIONAL. Language dependencies. OUT LPCSTR *ExeNamesBuf, // OPTIONAL. Executables to look for. PVENDORINFO *VendorInfo // Vendor Info ); LONG CALLBACK Initialize9x( IN LPCSTR WorkingDirectory, // Place to store files. IN LPCSTR SourceDirectories, // Location of the Windows XP source. MULTI-SZ. IN LPCSTR MediaDirectory // Path to the original media directory ); LONG CALLBACK MigrateUser9x( IN HWND ParentWnd, // Parent (if need a UI) IN LPCSTR UnattendFile, // Name of unattend file IN HKEY UserRegKey, // Key to this user's registry settings. IN LPCSTR UserName, // Account name of user. LPVOID Reserved ); LONG CALLBACK MigrateSystem9x( IN HWND ParentWnd, // Parent for UI. IN LPCSTR UnattendFile, // Name of unattend file LPVOID Reserved ); LONG CALLBACK InitializeNT( IN LPCWSTR WorkingDirectory, // Working directory for temporary files. IN LPCWSTR SourceDirectory, // Directory of winNT source. LPVOID Reserved // It's reserved. ); LONG CALLBACK MigrateUserNT( IN HINF UnattendInfHandle, // Access to the unattend.txt file. IN HKEY UserRegHandle, // Handle to registry settings for user. IN LPCWSTR UserName, // Name of the user. LPVOID Reserved ); LONG CALLBACK MigrateSystemNT( IN HINF UnattendInfHandle, // Access to the unattend.txt file. LPVOID Reserved ); // ------------------------------------------------------------ // defines #define FAX_MIGRATION_VERSION (1) // ------------------------------------------------------------ // global data extern LPCTSTR lpLogonUser; // Holds the logon user name for faxuser.ini extern TCHAR szInfFileName[MAX_PATH]; // Name of the generated INF file. extern HINSTANCE hinstMigDll; // Handle to the migration DLL instance. #define INF_RULE_LOCAL_ID _T("LocalID") #define INF_RULE_NUM_RINGS _T("NumRings") #define INF_RULE_ANSWER_MODE _T("AnswerMode") #endif // __MIGRATE_H