/******************************************************************************* * * (C) COPYRIGHT MICROSOFT CORPORATION, 1998 * * TITLE: SIMREG.CPP * * VERSION: 1.0 * * AUTHOR: ShaunIv * * DATE: 5/12/1998 * * DESCRIPTION: Simple registry access class * *******************************************************************************/ #include "precomp.h" #pragma hdrstop #include CSimpleReg::CSimpleReg( HKEY hkRoot, const CSimpleString &strSubKey, bool bCreate, REGSAM samDesired, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpsa ) : m_strKeyName(strSubKey), m_hRootKey(hkRoot), m_hKey(NULL), m_bCreate(bCreate), m_lpsaSecurityAttributes(lpsa), m_samDesiredAccess(samDesired) { Open(); } CSimpleReg::CSimpleReg(void) : m_strKeyName(TEXT("")), m_hRootKey(NULL), m_hKey(NULL), m_bCreate(false), m_lpsaSecurityAttributes(NULL), m_samDesiredAccess(0) { } CSimpleReg::CSimpleReg(const CSimpleReg &other) : m_strKeyName(other.GetSubKeyName()), m_hRootKey(other.GetRootKey()), m_hKey(NULL), m_bCreate(other.GetCreate()), m_lpsaSecurityAttributes(other.GetSecurityAttributes()), m_samDesiredAccess(other.DesiredAccess()) { Open(); } CSimpleReg::~CSimpleReg(void) { Close(); m_hRootKey = NULL; m_lpsaSecurityAttributes = NULL; } CSimpleReg &CSimpleReg::operator=(const CSimpleReg &other ) { if (this != &other) { Close(); m_strKeyName = other.GetSubKeyName(); m_hRootKey = other.GetRootKey(); m_bCreate = other.GetCreate(); m_lpsaSecurityAttributes = other.GetSecurityAttributes(); m_samDesiredAccess = other.DesiredAccess(); Open(); } return *this; } bool CSimpleReg::Open(void) { HKEY hkKey = NULL; LONG nRet; DWORD bCreatedNewKey = 0; Close(); if (m_bCreate) { nRet = RegCreateKeyEx( m_hRootKey, m_strKeyName.String(), 0, TEXT(""), REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, m_samDesiredAccess?m_samDesiredAccess:KEY_ALL_ACCESS, m_lpsaSecurityAttributes, &hkKey, &bCreatedNewKey ); } else { nRet = RegOpenKeyEx( m_hRootKey, m_strKeyName.String(), 0, m_samDesiredAccess ? m_samDesiredAccess : KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkKey ); } if (nRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_hKey = hkKey; } return m_hKey != NULL; } bool CSimpleReg::Close(void) { // // In case the key was closed by someone else // __try { if (OK()) { RegCloseKey(m_hKey); } } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { #ifdef DBG OutputDebugString(TEXT("CSimpleReg::Close(): An exception occurred while closing the handle. Make sure the handle wasn't already freed.")); DebugBreak(); #endif } m_hKey = NULL; return true; } bool CSimpleReg::Flush(void) { if (!OK()) { return false; } return (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegFlushKey(m_hKey)); } bool CSimpleReg::IsStringValue( DWORD nType ) { if (nType != REG_SZ && nType != REG_EXPAND_SZ && nType != REG_MULTI_SZ && nType != REG_LINK && nType != REG_RESOURCE_LIST) { return false; } else return true; } // Query functions DWORD CSimpleReg::Size( const CSimpleString &strValueName ) const { if (!OK()) { return 0; } DWORD nType; DWORD nSize=0; LONG Ret = RegQueryValueEx( m_hKey, strValueName.String(), NULL, &nType, NULL, &nSize); if (Ret==ERROR_SUCCESS) { return nSize; } return 0; } DWORD CSimpleReg::Type( const CSimpleString &key ) const { if (!OK()) { return 0; } DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSize; LONG Ret = RegQueryValueEx( m_hKey, key.String(), NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwSize); if (Ret==ERROR_SUCCESS) { return dwType; } return 0; } CSimpleString CSimpleReg::Query( const CSimpleString &strValueName, const CSimpleString &strDef ) const { // If the key is not open, or if this value is not a string type, return the default if (!OK() || !IsStringValue(Type(strValueName))) { return strDef; } DWORD nSize = Size(strValueName) / sizeof(TCHAR); // // NOTE: There are some cases when components (e.g. usbscan.sys) write a string value to the registry, // and dont NULL terminate it correctly. Now nSize contains the number of characters, NOT // including the NULL terminator. To get around this, we actually allocate one more // character than needed. Then, after reading in up to a maximum of nSize characters, we // set the extra character to TEXT('\0), ensuring that our string is always NULL terminated // correctly, without losing the last character (which would happen if we simply allocated // nSize and set lpszTmp[nSize-1] to TEXT('\0')). // LPTSTR lpszTmp = nSize ? new TCHAR[nSize + 1] : NULL; CSimpleString strTmp; if (lpszTmp) { Query( strValueName, strDef, lpszTmp, nSize ); // // Ensure that we are correctly NULL terminated. Note that we null out the extra character // allocated for us - not any of the actual data. // lpszTmp[nSize] = TEXT('\0'); strTmp = lpszTmp; delete[] lpszTmp; } return strTmp; } LPTSTR CSimpleReg::Query( const CSimpleString &strValueName, const CSimpleString &strDef, LPTSTR pszBuffer, DWORD nLen ) const { // // If the programmer passes 0 for some reason, return NULL // if (!nLen) { return NULL; } // // Initialize the result // *pszBuffer = 0; // // If the key is not open, or if this value is not a string type, return the default // if (!OK() || !IsStringValue(Type(strValueName))) { // // Make sure we have a valid default string // if (strDef.String()) { lstrcpyn( pszBuffer, strDef.String(), nLen ); } // // Early return // return pszBuffer; } DWORD nSize = (DWORD)(nLen * sizeof(pszBuffer[0])); DWORD nType; LONG nRet = RegQueryValueEx( m_hKey, strValueName.String(), NULL, &nType, (PBYTE)pszBuffer, &nSize ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != nRet) { lstrcpyn( pszBuffer, strDef.String(), nLen ); pszBuffer[nLen-1] = TEXT('\0'); } return pszBuffer; } DWORD CSimpleReg::Query( const CSimpleString &strValueName, DWORD nDef ) const { if (!OK() || (REG_DWORD != Type(strValueName)) || (sizeof(DWORD) != Size(strValueName))) { return nDef; } DWORD nValue; DWORD nType; DWORD nSize = sizeof(DWORD); LONG nRet; nRet = RegQueryValueEx( m_hKey, strValueName.String(), NULL, &nType, (PBYTE)&nValue, &nSize); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == nRet) { return nValue; } else { return nDef; } } bool CSimpleReg::Set( const CSimpleString &strValueName, const CSimpleString &strValue, DWORD nType ) const { // Set a REG_SZ value for the specified key. if (!OK()) { return false; } LONG nRet; nRet = RegSetValueEx( m_hKey, strValueName.String(), 0, nType, (PBYTE)strValue.String(), sizeof(strValue[0])*(strValue.Length()+1) ); return (ERROR_SUCCESS==nRet); } bool CSimpleReg::Set( const CSimpleString &strValueName, DWORD nValue ) const { // Set a REG_SZ value for the specified key. if (!OK()) return false; LONG nRet; nRet = RegSetValueEx( m_hKey, strValueName.String(), 0, REG_DWORD, (PBYTE)&nValue, sizeof(DWORD) ); return (ERROR_SUCCESS==nRet); } DWORD CSimpleReg::QueryBin( const CSimpleString &strValueName, PBYTE pData, DWORD nMaxLen ) const { if (!OK()) { return 0; } if (nMaxLen <= 0) { return Size(strValueName.String()); } DWORD nType; DWORD nSize = nMaxLen; LONG nRet = RegQueryValueEx( m_hKey, strValueName.String(), NULL, &nType, pData, &nSize ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS!=nRet) { return 0; } return nSize; } bool CSimpleReg::SetBin( const CSimpleString &strValueName, const PBYTE pValue, DWORD nLen, DWORD dwType ) const { if (!OK()) return false; LONG nRet = RegSetValueEx( m_hKey, strValueName.String(), 0, dwType, (PBYTE)pValue, nLen ); return (ERROR_SUCCESS==nRet); } DWORD CSimpleReg::SubKeyCount(void) const { TCHAR szClass[256]=TEXT(""); DWORD nClassSize = sizeof(szClass)/sizeof(szClass[0]); DWORD nSubKeyCount=0; RegQueryInfoKey(m_hKey,szClass,&nClassSize,NULL,&nSubKeyCount,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); return nSubKeyCount; } HKEY CSimpleReg::GetHkeyFromName( const CSimpleString &strName ) { static const struct { LPCTSTR pszName; HKEY hkKey; } KeyNames[] = { { TEXT("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"), HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT}, { TEXT("HKEY_CURRENT_USER"), HKEY_CURRENT_USER}, { TEXT("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"), HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE}, { TEXT("HKEY_USERS"), HKEY_USERS}, { TEXT("HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG"), HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG}, { TEXT("HKEY_DYN_DATA"), HKEY_DYN_DATA}, { TEXT("HKCR"), HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT}, { TEXT("HKCU"), HKEY_CURRENT_USER}, { TEXT("HKLM"), HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE}, { TEXT("HKU"), HKEY_USERS}, { TEXT("HKCC"), HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG}, { TEXT("HKDD"), HKEY_DYN_DATA}, { NULL, NULL} }; for (int i=0;KeyNames[i].pszName;i++) { if (!lstrcmpi(strName.String(),KeyNames[i].pszName)) { return KeyNames[i].hkKey; } } return NULL; } bool CSimpleReg::Delete( HKEY hkRoot, const CSimpleString &strKeyName ) { return (RegDeleteKey(hkRoot, strKeyName.String()) == ERROR_SUCCESS); } bool CSimpleReg::Delete( const CSimpleString &strValue ) { if (!OK()) { return false; } return (RegDeleteValue( m_hKey, strValue.String() ) == ERROR_SUCCESS); } bool CSimpleReg::DeleteRecursively( HKEY hkRoot, const CSimpleString &strKeyName ) { if (CSimpleReg( hkRoot, strKeyName ).RecurseKeys( DeleteEnumKeyProc, NULL, CSimpleReg::PostOrder )) { return CSimpleReg::Delete( hkRoot, strKeyName ); } return false; } bool CSimpleReg::EnumValues( SimRegValueEnumProc enumProc, LPARAM lParam ) { TCHAR szName[256]; DWORD nSize; DWORD nType; bool bResult = true; for (int i=0;;i++) { nSize = sizeof(szName) / sizeof(szName[0]); if (RegEnumValue(m_hKey,i,szName,&nSize,NULL,&nType,NULL,NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; CValueEnumInfo info(*this,szName,nType,nSize,lParam); if (enumProc) { if (!enumProc(info)) { bResult = false; break; } } } return bResult; } bool CSimpleReg::RecurseKeys( SimRegKeyEnumProc enumProc, LPARAM lParam, int recurseOrder, bool bFailOnOpenError ) const { return DoRecurseKeys(m_hKey, TEXT(""), enumProc, lParam, 0, recurseOrder, bFailOnOpenError ); } bool CSimpleReg::EnumKeys( SimRegKeyEnumProc enumProc, LPARAM lParam, bool bFailOnOpenError ) const { return DoEnumKeys(m_hKey, TEXT(""), enumProc, lParam, bFailOnOpenError ); } bool CSimpleReg::DoRecurseKeys( HKEY hkKey, const CSimpleString &root, SimRegKeyEnumProc enumProc, LPARAM lParam, int nLevel, int recurseOrder, bool bFailOnOpenError ) { TCHAR szName[256]=TEXT(""); DWORD nNameSize; TCHAR szClass[256]=TEXT(""); DWORD nClassSize; FILETIME ftFileTime; CSimpleReg reg(hkKey,root); if (!reg.OK()) { return (bFailOnOpenError ? false : true); } DWORD nSubKeyCount = reg.SubKeyCount(); for (DWORD i=nSubKeyCount;i>0;i--) { nNameSize = sizeof(szName)/sizeof(szName[0]); nClassSize = sizeof(szClass)/sizeof(szClass[0]); LONG lRes = RegEnumKeyEx(reg.GetKey(),i-1,szName,&nNameSize,NULL,szClass,&nClassSize,&ftFileTime); if (lRes != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; } CKeyEnumInfo EnumInfo; EnumInfo.strName = szName; EnumInfo.hkRoot = reg.GetKey(); EnumInfo.nLevel = nLevel; EnumInfo.lParam = lParam; if (enumProc && recurseOrder==PreOrder) { if (!enumProc(EnumInfo)) { return false; } } if (!DoRecurseKeys(reg.GetKey(),szName,enumProc,lParam,nLevel+1,recurseOrder, bFailOnOpenError)) { return false; } if (enumProc && recurseOrder==PostOrder) { if (!enumProc(EnumInfo)) { return false; } } } return true; } bool CSimpleReg::DoEnumKeys( HKEY hkKey, const CSimpleString &root, SimRegKeyEnumProc enumProc, LPARAM lParam, bool bFailOnOpenError ) { TCHAR szName[256]=TEXT(""); DWORD szNameSize; TCHAR szClass[256]=TEXT(""); DWORD szClassSize; FILETIME ftFileTime; CSimpleReg reg(hkKey,root); LONG lRes; if (!reg.OK()) { return (bFailOnOpenError ? false : true); } DWORD nSubKeyCount = reg.SubKeyCount(); for (DWORD i=nSubKeyCount;i>0;i--) { szNameSize = sizeof(szName)/sizeof(szName[0]); szClassSize = sizeof(szClass)/sizeof(szClass[0]); if ((lRes=RegEnumKeyEx(reg.GetKey(),i-1,szName,&szNameSize,NULL,szClass,&szClassSize,&ftFileTime)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; } CKeyEnumInfo EnumInfo; EnumInfo.strName = szName; EnumInfo.hkRoot = reg.GetKey(); EnumInfo.nLevel = 0; EnumInfo.lParam = lParam; if (!enumProc(EnumInfo)) { return false; } } return true; } bool CSimpleReg::DeleteEnumKeyProc( CSimpleReg::CKeyEnumInfo &enumInfo ) { return CSimpleReg::Delete( enumInfo.hkRoot, enumInfo.strName ); }