/***************************************************************************** * * (C) COPYRIGHT MICROSOFT CORPORATION, 2000 * * TITLE: tmplutil.cpp * * VERSION: 1.0 * * AUTHOR: LazarI * * DATE: 10-Mar-2000 * * DESCRIPTION: Smart pointers, utility templates, etc... * *****************************************************************************/ #include "precomp.h" #pragma hdrstop /***************************************************************************** IMPORTANT! all those headers should be included in the pch file before including tmplutil.h (in the same order!) in order to be able to compile this file. // some common headers #include // shell OM interfaces #include // shell common API #include // spooler #include // assert #include // common controls #include // Lan manager (netapi32.dll) #include // inet core - necessary for INTERNET_MAX_HOST_NAME_LENGTH // some private shell headers #include // private shell common API #include // private shell interfaces #include // private common controls *****************************************************************************/ #include "tmplutil.h" #define gszBackwardSlash TEXT('\\') #define gszLeadingSlashes TEXT("\\\\") /***************************************************************************** COMObjects_GetCount *****************************************************************************/ static LONG g_lCOMObjectsCount = 0; LONG COMObjects_GetCount() { return g_lCOMObjectsCount; } HRESULT PinCurrentDLL() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HINSTANCE hModuleSelf = NULL; // Let's get the handle of the current module - // the one this function belongs to. MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION mbi; if (VirtualQuery(reinterpret_cast(PinCurrentDLL), &mbi, sizeof(mbi))) { hModuleSelf = reinterpret_cast(mbi.AllocationBase); } else { // VirtualQuery failed. hr = CreateHRFromWin32(); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Get the module name and call LoadLibrary on it. TCHAR szModuleName[MAX_PATH]; hr = SafeGetModuleFileName(hModuleSelf, szModuleName, ARRAYSIZE(szModuleName)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (NULL == LoadLibrary(szModuleName)) { // LoadLibrary failed. hr = CreateHRFromWin32(); } } } return hr; } /***************************************************************************** PrinterSplitFullName Routine Description: splits a fully qualified printer connection name into server and printer name parts. Arguments: pszFullName - full qualifier printer name ('printer' or '\\server\printer') pszBuffer - scratch buffer used to store output strings. nMaxLength - the size of the scratch buffer in characters ppszServer - receives pointer to the server string. If it is a local printer, empty string is returned. ppszPrinter - receives a pointer to the printer string. OPTIONAL Return Value: returns S_OK on sucess or COM error otherwise *****************************************************************************/ HRESULT PrinterSplitFullName(LPCTSTR pszFullName, TCHAR szBuffer[], int nMaxLength, LPCTSTR *ppszServer,LPCTSTR *ppszPrinter) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; lstrcpyn(szBuffer, pszFullName, nMaxLength); LPTSTR pszPrinter = szBuffer; if (pszFullName[0] != TEXT('\\') || pszFullName[1] != TEXT('\\')) { pszPrinter = szBuffer; *ppszServer = TEXT(""); } else { *ppszServer = szBuffer; pszPrinter = _tcschr(*ppszServer + 2, TEXT('\\')); if (NULL == pszPrinter) { // // We've encountered a printer called "\\server" // (only two backslashes in the string). We'll treat // it as a local printer. We should never hit this, // but the spooler doesn't enforce this. We won't // format the string. Server is local, so set to szNULL. // pszPrinter = szBuffer; *ppszServer = TEXT(""); } else { // // We found the third backslash; null terminate our // copy and set bRemote TRUE to format the string. // *pszPrinter++ = 0; } } if (ppszPrinter) { *ppszPrinter = pszPrinter; } return hr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////// // // class COleComInitializer // // smart OLE2, COM initializer - just declare // an instance wherever need to use COM, OLE2 // COleComInitializer::COleComInitializer(BOOL bOleInit) : m_hr(E_FAIL), m_bOleInit(bOleInit) { if( m_bOleInit ) { m_hr = OleInitialize(NULL); } else { m_hr = CoInitialize(NULL); } } COleComInitializer::~COleComInitializer() { if( SUCCEEDED(m_hr) ) { if( m_bOleInit ) { OleUninitialize(); } else { CoUninitialize(); } } } COleComInitializer::operator BOOL () const { if( FAILED(m_hr) ) { return (RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE == m_hr); } else { return TRUE; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////// // // class CDllLoader // // smart DLL loader - calls LoadLibrary // FreeLibrary for you. // CDllLoader::CDllLoader(LPCTSTR pszDllName) : m_hLib(NULL) { m_hLib = LoadLibrary(pszDllName); } CDllLoader::~CDllLoader() { if( m_hLib ) { FreeLibrary( m_hLib ); m_hLib = NULL; } } CDllLoader::operator BOOL () const { return (NULL != m_hLib); } FARPROC CDllLoader::GetProcAddress( LPCSTR lpProcName ) { if( m_hLib ) { return ::GetProcAddress( m_hLib, lpProcName ); } return NULL; } FARPROC CDllLoader::GetProcAddress( WORD wProcOrd ) { if( m_hLib ) { return ::GetProcAddress( m_hLib, (LPCSTR)MAKEINTRESOURCE(wProcOrd) ); } return NULL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////// // class CCookiesHolder // // this a utility class which allows us to pass more // than one pointer through a single cookie. // CCookiesHolder::CCookiesHolder() : m_pCookies(NULL), m_uCount(0) { } CCookiesHolder::CCookiesHolder(UINT uCount) : m_pCookies(NULL), m_uCount(0) { SetCount(uCount); } CCookiesHolder::~CCookiesHolder() { SetCount(0); } BOOL CCookiesHolder::SetCount(UINT uCount) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; if( uCount ) { // reset first SetCount(0); // attempt to allocate memory for the cookies LPVOID *pCookies = new LPVOID[uCount]; if( pCookies ) { m_uCount = uCount; m_pCookies = pCookies; bReturn = TRUE; } } else { // zero means - reset if( m_pCookies ) { delete[] m_pCookies; m_pCookies = NULL; m_uCount = 0; } bReturn = TRUE; } return bReturn; } //////////////////////////////////////////////// // class CPrintersAutoCompleteSource // // printer's autocomplete source impl. // QITABLE_DECLARE(CPrintersAutoCompleteSource) class CPrintersAutoCompleteSource: public CUnknownMT, // MT impl. of IUnknown public IEnumString, // string enumerator public IACList // autocomplete list generator { public: CPrintersAutoCompleteSource(); ~CPrintersAutoCompleteSource(); ////////////////// // IUnknown // IMPLEMENT_IUNKNOWN() ////////////////// // IEnumString // STDMETHODIMP Next(ULONG celt, LPOLESTR *rgelt, ULONG *pceltFetched); STDMETHODIMP Skip(ULONG celt); STDMETHODIMP Reset(void); STDMETHODIMP Clone(IEnumString **ppenum) { return E_NOTIMPL; } ////////////////// // IACList // STDMETHODIMP Expand(LPCOLESTR pszExpand); private: CAutoPtrArray m_spBufferPrinters; CAutoPtrArray m_spBufferShares; PRINTER_INFO_5 *m_pPI5; SHARE_INFO_1 *m_pSI1; ULONG m_ulCount; ULONG m_ulPos; TCHAR m_szServer[PRINTER_MAX_PATH]; CRefPtrCOM m_spCustomMRUEnum; BOOL _IsServerName(LPCTSTR psz, BOOL *pbPartial); static BOOL _IsMasqPrinter(const PRINTER_INFO_5 &pi5); static HRESULT _CreateCustomMRU(REFIID riid, void **ppv); static HRESULT _AddCustomMRU(LPCTSTR psz); }; // QueryInterface table QITABLE_BEGIN(CPrintersAutoCompleteSource) QITABENT(CPrintersAutoCompleteSource, IEnumString), // IID_IEnumString QITABENT(CPrintersAutoCompleteSource, IACList), // IID_IACList QITABLE_END() #define SZ_REGKEY_PRNCONNECTMRU L"Printers\\Settings\\Wizard\\ConnectMRU" // comctrlp.h defines this as AddMRUStringW preventing us from using the IACLCustomMRU interface #undef AddMRUString HRESULT CPrintersACS_CreateInstance(IUnknown **ppUnk) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; if( ppUnk ) { hr = PinCurrentDLL(); if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { CPrintersAutoCompleteSource *pObj = new CPrintersAutoCompleteSource(); hr = pObj ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY; if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = pObj->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void**)ppUnk); pObj->Release(); } } } return hr; } CPrintersAutoCompleteSource::CPrintersAutoCompleteSource(): m_pPI5(NULL), m_ulCount(0), m_ulPos(0) { InterlockedIncrement(&g_lCOMObjectsCount); } CPrintersAutoCompleteSource::~CPrintersAutoCompleteSource() { InterlockedDecrement(&g_lCOMObjectsCount); } ////////////////// // IUnknown // STDMETHODIMP CPrintersAutoCompleteSource::Next(ULONG celt, LPOLESTR *rgelt, ULONG *pceltFetched) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; if( pceltFetched ) { *pceltFetched = 0; } if( m_ulCount && (m_pPI5 || m_pSI1) ) { ULONG cFetched = 0; if( m_pPI5 ) { // printers enumerated for( ; m_ulPos < m_ulCount && cFetched < celt; m_ulPos++ ) { // if this is a valid (non-masq) printer just return it if( m_pPI5[m_ulPos].pPrinterName[0] && SUCCEEDED(SHStrDup(m_pPI5[m_ulPos].pPrinterName, &rgelt[cFetched])) ) { cFetched++; } } } else { // shares enumerated TCHAR szBuffer[PRINTER_MAX_PATH]; for( ; m_ulPos < m_ulCount && cFetched < celt; m_ulPos++ ) { // if this is a valid printer share name, just return it if( m_pSI1[m_ulPos].shi1_netname[0] && -1 != wnsprintf(szBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(szBuffer), TEXT("%s\\%s"), m_szServer, m_pSI1[m_ulPos].shi1_netname) && SUCCEEDED(SHStrDup(szBuffer, &rgelt[cFetched])) ) { cFetched++; } } } if( pceltFetched ) { *pceltFetched = cFetched; } hr = cFetched == celt ? S_OK : S_FALSE; } else { // use our custom MRU if any... if( m_spCustomMRUEnum ) { hr = m_spCustomMRUEnum->Next(celt, rgelt, pceltFetched); } } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CPrintersAutoCompleteSource::Skip(ULONG celt) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; if( m_ulCount && (m_pPI5 || m_pSI1) ) { hr = ((m_ulPos + celt) <= m_ulCount) ? S_OK : S_FALSE; m_ulPos = min(m_ulPos + celt, m_ulCount); } else { // use our custom MRU if any... if( m_spCustomMRUEnum ) { hr = m_spCustomMRUEnum->Skip(celt); } } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CPrintersAutoCompleteSource::Reset(void) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if( m_ulCount && (m_pPI5 || m_pSI1) ) { m_ulPos = 0; } else { // use our custom MRU if any... if( m_spCustomMRUEnum ) { hr = m_spCustomMRUEnum->Reset(); } } return hr; } typedef bool PI5_less_type(const PRINTER_INFO_5 &i1, const PRINTER_INFO_5 &i2); static bool PI5_less(const PRINTER_INFO_5 &i1, const PRINTER_INFO_5 &i2) { return (lstrcmp(i1.pPrinterName, i2.pPrinterName) < 0); } typedef bool SI1_less_type(const SHARE_INFO_1 &i1, const SHARE_INFO_1 &i2); static bool SI1_less(const SHARE_INFO_1 &i1, const SHARE_INFO_1 &i2) { return (lstrcmp(i1.shi1_netname, i2.shi1_netname) < 0); } ////////////////// // IACList // STDMETHODIMP CPrintersAutoCompleteSource::Expand(LPCOLESTR pszExpand) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; DWORD cReturned = 0; BOOL bPartial = FALSE; // assume this is not a server name, so reset the list first m_pPI5 = NULL; m_pSI1 = NULL; m_spBufferPrinters = NULL; m_spBufferShares = NULL; m_ulCount = m_ulPos = 0; m_szServer[0] = 0; m_spCustomMRUEnum = NULL; if( _IsServerName(pszExpand, &bPartial) ) { // make a copy of the print buffer & cut off the last slash TCHAR szBuffer[PRINTER_MAX_PATH]; lstrcpyn(szBuffer, pszExpand, ARRAYSIZE(szBuffer)); szBuffer[lstrlen(szBuffer)-1] = 0; // enum the printers on that server if( SUCCEEDED(hr = ShellServices::EnumPrintersWrap(PRINTER_ENUM_NAME, 5, szBuffer, &m_spBufferPrinters, &cReturned)) && cReturned ) { m_ulPos = 0; m_ulCount = cReturned; m_pPI5 = m_spBufferPrinters.GetPtrAs(); lstrcpyn(m_szServer, szBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(m_szServer)); // successful expand - remember the MRU string _AddCustomMRU(szBuffer); // traverse to check for masq printers for( ULONG ulPos = 0; ulPos < m_ulCount; ulPos++ ) { if( _IsMasqPrinter(m_pPI5[ulPos]) ) { // we don't really care for masq printer's since they are // an obsolete concept and can't be truly shared/connected to m_pPI5[ulPos].pPrinterName = TEXT(""); } } // invoke STL to sort std::sort(m_pPI5, m_pPI5 + m_ulCount, PI5_less); } else { // enumeration of the printers failed, this could be because the remote spooler is down // or it is a downlevel print provider (win9x, novell, linux, sun...) in this case we // would like to try enumerating the shares as possible connection points. if( SUCCEEDED(hr = ShellServices::NetAPI_EnumShares(szBuffer, 1, &m_spBufferShares, &cReturned)) && cReturned ) { m_ulPos = 0; m_ulCount = cReturned; m_pSI1 = m_spBufferShares.GetPtrAs(); lstrcpyn(m_szServer, szBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(m_szServer)); // successful expand - remember the MRU string _AddCustomMRU(szBuffer); // traverse to remove the non-printer shares for( ULONG ulPos = 0; ulPos < m_ulCount; ulPos++ ) { if( STYPE_PRINTQ != m_pSI1[ulPos].shi1_type ) { // this is a non-printer share, remove m_pSI1[ulPos].shi1_netname[0] = 0; } } // invoke STL to sort std::sort(m_pSI1, m_pSI1 + m_ulCount, SI1_less); } } } else { if( bPartial ) { // use our custom MRU for autocomplete hr = _CreateCustomMRU(IID_IEnumString, m_spCustomMRUEnum.GetPPV()); } } return hr; } BOOL CPrintersAutoCompleteSource::_IsServerName(LPCTSTR psz, BOOL *pbPartial) { ASSERT(pbPartial); BOOL bRet = FALSE; int i, iSepCount = 0, iLen = lstrlen(psz); for( i=0; i spCustomMRU; if( ppv && SUCCEEDED(hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ACLCustomMRU, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IACLCustomMRU, spCustomMRU.GetPPV())) && SUCCEEDED(hr = spCustomMRU->Initialize(SZ_REGKEY_PRNCONNECTMRU, 26)) ) { // query the specified interface hr = spCustomMRU->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); } return hr; } HRESULT CPrintersAutoCompleteSource::_AddCustomMRU(LPCTSTR psz) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; CRefPtrCOM spCustomMRU; if( psz && SUCCEEDED(hr = _CreateCustomMRU(IID_IACLCustomMRU, spCustomMRU.GetPPV())) ) { // just remember the MRU string hr = spCustomMRU->AddMRUString(psz); } return hr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////// // shell related services namespace ShellServices { // creates a PIDL to a printer in the local printers folder by using ParseDisplayName // see the description of CreatePrinterPIDL below. HRESULT CreatePrinterPIDL_Parse(HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR pszPrinterName, IShellFolder **ppLocalPrnFolder, LPITEMIDLIST *ppidlPrinter) { HRESULT hr = E_UNEXPECTED; CRefPtrCOM spDesktopFolder; CRefPtrCOM spPrnFolder; CAutoPtrPIDL pidlPrinters; CAutoPtrPIDL pidlPrinter; // attempt to get the fully qualified name (for parsing) of the printers folder if( SUCCEEDED(hr = SHGetDesktopFolder(&spDesktopFolder)) && SUCCEEDED(hr = SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(NULL, CSIDL_PRINTERS, &pidlPrinters)) && SUCCEEDED(hr = spDesktopFolder->BindToObject(pidlPrinters, 0, IID_IShellFolder, spPrnFolder.GetPPV())) ) { ULONG uEaten = 0; ULONG uAttributes = SFGAO_DROPTARGET; // attempt parse the printer name into PIDL hr = spPrnFolder->ParseDisplayName(hwnd, 0, (LPOLESTR )pszPrinterName, &uEaten, &pidlPrinter, &uAttributes); if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { if( ppLocalPrnFolder ) { // return the local printers folder *ppLocalPrnFolder = spPrnFolder.Detach(); } if( ppidlPrinter ) { // return the printer PIDL *ppidlPrinter = pidlPrinter.Detach(); } } } return hr; } // creates a PIDL to a printer in the local printers folder by enumerating the printers // see the description of CreatePrinterPIDL below. HRESULT CreatePrinterPIDL_Enum(HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR pszPrinterName, IShellFolder **ppLocalPrnFolder, LPITEMIDLIST *ppidlPrinter) { HRESULT hr = E_UNEXPECTED; CRefPtrCOM spDesktopFolder; CRefPtrCOM spPrnFolder; CRefPtrCOM spPrnEnum; CAutoPtrPIDL pidlPrinters; STRRET str = {0}; // attempt to get the fully qualified name (for parsing) of the printers folder if( SUCCEEDED(hr = SHGetDesktopFolder(&spDesktopFolder)) && SUCCEEDED(hr = SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(NULL, CSIDL_PRINTERS, &pidlPrinters)) && SUCCEEDED(hr = spDesktopFolder->BindToObject(pidlPrinters, 0, IID_IShellFolder, spPrnFolder.GetPPV())) && SUCCEEDED(hr = spPrnFolder->EnumObjects(hwnd, SHCONTF_NONFOLDERS, &spPrnEnum)) ) { TCHAR szBuffer[PRINTER_MAX_PATH]; CAutoPtrPIDL pidlPrinter; ULONG uFetched = 0; for( ;; ) { // get next printer hr = spPrnEnum->Next(1, &pidlPrinter, &uFetched); if( S_OK != hr ) { // no more printers, or error break; } if( SUCCEEDED(hr = spPrnFolder->GetDisplayNameOf(pidlPrinter, SHGDN_FORPARSING, &str)) && SUCCEEDED(hr = StrRetToBuf(&str, pidlPrinter, szBuffer, COUNTOF(szBuffer))) && !lstrcmp(szBuffer, pszPrinterName) ) { // found! if( ppLocalPrnFolder ) { // return the local printers folder *ppLocalPrnFolder = spPrnFolder.Detach(); } if( ppidlPrinter ) { // return the printer PIDL *ppidlPrinter = pidlPrinter.Detach(); } break; } // release the PIDL pidlPrinter = NULL; } if( hr == S_FALSE ) { // printer name not found. setup the correct HRESULT. hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_PRINTER_NAME); } } return hr; } // creates a PIDL to a printer in the local printers folder. // args: // [in] hwnd - window handle (in case we need to show UI - message box) // [in] pszPrinterName - full printer name. // [out] ppLocalPrnFolder - the printers folder (optional - may be NULL) // [out] ppidlPrinter - the PIDL of the printer pointed by pszPrinterName (optional - may be NULL) // // remarks: // pszPrinterName should be fully qualified printer name, i.e. if printer connection it should be // like "\\server\printer", if local printer just the printer name. // // returns: // S_OK on success, or OLE2 error otherwise HRESULT CreatePrinterPIDL(HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR pszPrinterName, IShellFolder **ppLocalPrnFolder, LPITEMIDLIST *ppidlPrinter) { // attempt to obtain the printer PIDL by parsing first - it's much quicker. HRESULT hr = CreatePrinterPIDL_Parse(hwnd, pszPrinterName, ppLocalPrnFolder, ppidlPrinter); if( E_NOTIMPL == hr ) { // if parsing is not implemented then go ahead and enum the printers - slower. hr = CreatePrinterPIDL_Enum(hwnd, pszPrinterName, ppLocalPrnFolder, ppidlPrinter); } return hr; } // loads a popup menu HMENU LoadPopupMenu(HINSTANCE hInstance, UINT id, UINT uSubOffset) { HMENU hMenuPopup = NULL; CAutoHandleMenu shMenuParent = LoadMenu(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(id)); if( shMenuParent && (hMenuPopup = GetSubMenu(shMenuParent, uSubOffset)) ) { // tear off our submenu before destroying the parent RemoveMenu(shMenuParent, uSubOffset, MF_BYPOSITION); } return hMenuPopup; } // initializes enum printer's autocomplete HRESULT InitPrintersAutoComplete(HWND hwndEdit) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; if( hwndEdit ) { // create an autocomplete object CRefPtrCOM spAC; // auto complete interface CRefPtrCOM spAC2; // auto complete 2 interface CRefPtrCOM spACS; // auto complete source (IEnumString & IACList) // initialize all the objects & hook them up if( SUCCEEDED(hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_AutoComplete, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IAutoComplete, (void**)&spAC)) && SUCCEEDED(hr = CPrintersACS_CreateInstance(&spACS)) && SUCCEEDED(hr = spAC->Init(hwndEdit, spACS, NULL, NULL)) && SUCCEEDED(hr = spAC->QueryInterface(IID_IAutoComplete2, (void **)&spAC2)) && SUCCEEDED(hr = spAC2->SetOptions(ACO_AUTOSUGGEST)) ) { hr = S_OK; } } return hr; } // helpers for the Enum* idioms HRESULT EnumPrintersWrap(DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwLevel, LPCTSTR pszName, BYTE **ppBuffer, DWORD *pcReturned) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; if( ppBuffer && pcReturned ) { int iTry = -1; DWORD cbNeeded = 0; DWORD cReturned = 0; CAutoPtrArray pData; BOOL bStatus = FALSE; for( ;; ) { if( iTry++ >= ENUM_MAX_RETRY ) { // max retry count reached. this is also // considered out of memory case pData = NULL; break; } // call EnumPrinters... bStatus = EnumPrinters(dwFlags, const_cast(pszName), dwLevel, pData, cbNeeded, &cbNeeded, &cReturned); if( !bStatus && ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == GetLastError() && cbNeeded ) { // buffer too small case pData = new BYTE[cbNeeded]; continue; } break; } // setup the error code properly hr = bStatus ? S_OK : GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS ? HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()) : !pData ? E_OUTOFMEMORY : E_FAIL; // setup the out parameters if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { *ppBuffer = pData.Detach(); *pcReturned = cReturned; } else { *ppBuffer = NULL; *pcReturned = 0; } } return hr; } // helpers for the GetJob API - see the SDK for mor information. HRESULT GetJobWrap(HANDLE hPrinter, DWORD JobId, DWORD dwLevel, BYTE **ppBuffer, DWORD *pcReturned) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; if( ppBuffer && pcReturned ) { int iTry = -1; DWORD cbNeeded = 0; CAutoPtrArray pData; BOOL bStatus = FALSE; for( ;; ) { if( iTry++ >= ENUM_MAX_RETRY ) { // max retry count reached. this is also // considered out of memory case pData = NULL; break; } // call GetJob... bStatus = GetJob(hPrinter, JobId, dwLevel, pData, cbNeeded, &cbNeeded); if( !bStatus && ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == GetLastError() && cbNeeded ) { // buffer too small case pData = new BYTE[cbNeeded]; continue; } break; } // setup the error code properly hr = bStatus ? S_OK : GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS ? HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()) : !pData ? E_OUTOFMEMORY : E_FAIL; // setup the out parameters if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { *ppBuffer = pData.Detach(); *pcReturned = cbNeeded; } else { *ppBuffer = NULL; *pcReturned = 0; } } return hr; } typedef NET_API_STATUS type_NetAPI_NetShareEnum( LPWSTR servername, DWORD level, LPBYTE *bufptr, DWORD prefmaxlen, LPDWORD entriesread, LPDWORD totalentries, LPDWORD resume_handle ); typedef NET_API_STATUS type_NetAPI_NetApiBufferFree( LPVOID Buffer ); typedef NET_API_STATUS type_NetAPI_NetApiBufferSize( LPVOID Buffer, LPDWORD ByteCount ); // enumerates the shared resources on a server, for more info see SDK for NetShareEnum API. HRESULT NetAPI_EnumShares(LPCTSTR pszServer, DWORD dwLevel, BYTE **ppBuffer, DWORD *pcReturned) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; if( ppBuffer && pcReturned ) { hr = E_FAIL; *pcReturned = 0; *ppBuffer = NULL; LPBYTE pNetBuf = NULL; DWORD dwRead, dwTemp; CDllLoader dll(TEXT("netapi32.dll")); if( dll ) { // netapi32.dll loaded here... type_NetAPI_NetShareEnum *pfnNetShareEnum = (type_NetAPI_NetShareEnum *)dll.GetProcAddress("NetShareEnum"); type_NetAPI_NetApiBufferSize *pfnNetApiBufferSize = (type_NetAPI_NetApiBufferSize *)dll.GetProcAddress("NetApiBufferSize"); type_NetAPI_NetApiBufferFree *pfnNetApiBufferFree = (type_NetAPI_NetApiBufferFree *)dll.GetProcAddress("NetApiBufferFree"); if( pfnNetShareEnum && pfnNetApiBufferSize && pfnNetApiBufferFree && NERR_Success == pfnNetShareEnum(const_cast(pszServer), dwLevel, &pNetBuf, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, &dwRead, &dwTemp, NULL) && dwRead && pNetBuf && NERR_Success == pfnNetApiBufferSize(pNetBuf, &dwTemp) ) { *ppBuffer = new BYTE[dwTemp]; if( *ppBuffer ) { // copy the bits first memcpy(*ppBuffer, pNetBuf, dwTemp); // adjust the pointers here - a little bit ugly, but works for( DWORD dw = 0; dw < dwRead; dw++ ) { // adjust shi1_netname reinterpret_cast(*ppBuffer)[dw].shi1_netname = reinterpret_cast( (*ppBuffer) + (reinterpret_cast( reinterpret_cast(pNetBuf)[dw].shi1_netname) - pNetBuf)); // adjust shi1_remark reinterpret_cast(*ppBuffer)[dw].shi1_remark = reinterpret_cast( (*ppBuffer) + (reinterpret_cast( reinterpret_cast(pNetBuf)[dw].shi1_remark) - pNetBuf)); } // number of structures returned *pcReturned = dwRead; } hr = ((*ppBuffer) ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY); CHECK(NERR_Success == pfnNetApiBufferFree(pNetBuf)); } } } if( E_FAIL == hr && ERROR_SUCCESS != GetLastError() ) { // if failed, let's be more spcific about what the error is... hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } return hr; } } // namespace ShellServices // utility functions HRESULT LoadXMLDOMDoc(LPCTSTR pszURL, IXMLDOMDocument **ppXMLDoc) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; CRefPtrCOM spXMLDoc; if( pszURL && ppXMLDoc ) { *ppXMLDoc = NULL; // create an instance of XMLDOM hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DOMDocument, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IXMLDOMDocument, (void **)&spXMLDoc); if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { CComVariant xmlSource(pszURL); if( VT_BSTR == xmlSource.vt ) { // just load the XML document here VARIANT_BOOL fIsSuccessful = VARIANT_TRUE; hr = spXMLDoc->load(xmlSource, &fIsSuccessful); if( S_FALSE == hr || VARIANT_FALSE == fIsSuccessful ) { // this isn't a valid XML file. hr = E_FAIL; } else { // everything looks successful here - just return the XML document *ppXMLDoc = spXMLDoc.Detach(); } } else { // xmlSource failed to allocate the string hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } } return hr; } HRESULT CreateStreamFromURL(LPCTSTR pszURL, IStream **pps) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; if( pszURL && pps ) { *pps = NULL; TCHAR szBuf[INTERNET_MAX_SCHEME_LENGTH]; DWORD cch = ARRAYSIZE(szBuf); if( SUCCEEDED(hr = CoInternetParseUrl(pszURL, PARSE_SCHEMA, 0, szBuf, cch, &cch, 0)) && 0 == lstrcmp(szBuf, TEXT("res")) ) { // check if this is a res:// URL to handle explicitly since // this protocol doesn't report filename and therefore can't // be used in conditions where caching is required - we can't // call URLOpenBlockingStream - use alternatives. // not impl. yet... ASSERT(FALSE); } hr = URLOpenBlockingStream(NULL, pszURL, pps, 0, NULL); } return hr; } HRESULT CreateStreamFromResource(LPCTSTR pszModule, LPCTSTR pszResType, LPCTSTR pszResName, IStream **pps) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; if( pszResType && pszResName ) { hr = E_FAIL; *pps = NULL; HINSTANCE hModule = NULL; if( (NULL == pszModule) || (hModule = LoadLibrary(pszModule)) ) { HRSRC hHint = NULL; ULONG uSize = 0; if( (hHint = FindResource(hModule, pszResName, pszResType)) && (uSize = SizeofResource(hModule, hHint)) ) { HGLOBAL hResData = LoadResource(hModule, hHint); if( hResData ) { LPVOID lpResData = LockResource(hResData); if( lpResData ) { if( (*pps = SHCreateMemStream(reinterpret_cast(lpResData), uSize)) ) { hr = S_OK; } UnlockResource(lpResData); } FreeResource(hResData); } } } if( hModule ) { FreeLibrary(hModule); } } return hr; } HRESULT Gdiplus2HRESULT(Gdiplus::Status status) { // can't think of a better way to do this now HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; switch( status ) { case Gdiplus::Ok: hr = S_OK; break; case Gdiplus::InvalidParameter: hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; case Gdiplus::OutOfMemory: hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; case Gdiplus::InsufficientBuffer: hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); break; case Gdiplus::Aborted: hr = E_ABORT; break; case Gdiplus::ObjectBusy: hr = E_PENDING; break; case Gdiplus::FileNotFound: hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); break; case Gdiplus::AccessDenied: hr = E_ACCESSDENIED; break; case Gdiplus::UnknownImageFormat: hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_PIXEL_FORMAT); break; case Gdiplus::NotImplemented: hr = E_NOTIMPL; break; case Gdiplus::Win32Error: hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); break; case Gdiplus::ValueOverflow: case Gdiplus::FontFamilyNotFound: case Gdiplus::FontStyleNotFound: case Gdiplus::NotTrueTypeFont: case Gdiplus::UnsupportedGdiplusVersion: case Gdiplus::GdiplusNotInitialized: case Gdiplus::WrongState: break; } return hr; } HRESULT LoadAndScaleBmp(LPCTSTR pszURL, UINT nWidth, UINT nHeight, Gdiplus::Bitmap **ppBmp) { CRefPtrCOM spStream; HRESULT hr = CreateStreamFromURL(pszURL, &spStream); if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = LoadAndScaleBmp(spStream, nWidth, nHeight, ppBmp); } return hr; } HRESULT LoadAndScaleBmp(IStream *pStream, UINT nWidth, UINT nHeight, Gdiplus::Bitmap **ppBmp) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; if( pStream && nWidth && nHeight && ppBmp ) { hr = E_FAIL; *ppBmp = NULL; Gdiplus::Bitmap bmp(pStream); if( SUCCEEDED(hr = Gdiplus2HRESULT(bmp.GetLastStatus())) ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CAutoPtr spBmpNew = new Gdiplus::Bitmap(nWidth, nHeight); if( spBmpNew && SUCCEEDED(hr = Gdiplus2HRESULT(spBmpNew->GetLastStatus())) ) { Gdiplus::Graphics g(spBmpNew); if( SUCCEEDED(hr = Gdiplus2HRESULT(g.GetLastStatus())) ) { if( SUCCEEDED(hr = g.DrawImage(&bmp, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight)) ) { *ppBmp = spBmpNew.Detach(); hr = S_OK; } } } } } return hr; } // // This function is trying to get the last active popup of the top // level owner of the current thread active window. // HRESULT GetCurrentThreadLastPopup(HWND *phwnd) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; if( phwnd ) { hr = E_FAIL; if( NULL == *phwnd ) { // if *phwnd is NULL then get the current thread active window GUITHREADINFO ti = {0}; ti.cbSize = sizeof(ti); if( GetGUIThreadInfo(0, &ti) && ti.hwndActive ) { *phwnd = ti.hwndActive; } } if( *phwnd ) { HWND hwndOwner, hwndParent; // climb up to the top parent in case it's a child window... while( hwndParent = GetParent(*phwnd) ) { *phwnd = hwndParent; } // get the owner in case the top parent is owned hwndOwner = GetWindow(*phwnd, GW_OWNER); if( hwndOwner ) { *phwnd = hwndOwner; } // get the last popup of the owner of the top level parent window *phwnd = GetLastActivePopup(*phwnd); hr = (*phwnd) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; } } return hr; }