/******************************************************************************* * * (C) COPYRIGHT MICROSOFT CORPORATION, 1998 * * TITLE: WIADBGCL.CPP * * VERSION: 1.0 * * AUTHOR: ShaunIv * * DATE: 9/4/1999 * * DESCRIPTION: Debug client. Linked statically. * *******************************************************************************/ #include "precomp.h" #pragma hdrstop #include #include "simreg.h" #include "wiadebug.h" #include "tchar.h" #define DOESNT_MATTER_WHAT_THIS_IS ((UINT)7) #define BACK_SLASH TEXT("\\") // // Static class data members // CWiaDebugClient g_TheDebugClient; // // Sole constructor // CWiaDebugClient::CWiaDebugClient(void) : m_hDebugModule(NULL), m_hCurrentModuleInstance(NULL), m_pfnIncrementDebugIndentLevel(NULL), m_pfnDecrementDebugIndentLevel(NULL), m_pfnPrintDebugMessageW(NULL), m_pfnPrintDebugMessageA(NULL), m_pfnGetDebugMask(NULL), m_pfnSetDebugMask(NULL), m_pfnAllocateDebugColor(NULL), m_pfnGetStringFromGuidA(NULL), m_pfnGetStringFromGuidW(NULL), m_pfnDoRecordAllocation(NULL), m_pfnDoRecordFree(NULL), m_pfnDoReportLeaks(NULL), m_crForegroundColor(DEFAULT_DEBUG_COLOR), m_dwModuleDebugMask(0), m_bHaveModuleInformation(false), m_bDebugLibLoadAttempted(false), m_pfnGetStringFromMsgA(NULL), m_pfnGetStringFromMsgW(NULL) { CAutoCriticalSection cs(m_CriticalSection); m_szModuleNameW[0] = 0; m_szModuleNameA[0] = 0; if (LoadWiaDebugExports()) { InitializeModuleInfo(); } } template static T GetProc( HINSTANCE hModule, LPCSTR pszFunctionName ) { return reinterpret_cast(GetProcAddress( hModule, pszFunctionName )); } bool CWiaDebugClient::LoadWiaDebugExports() { CAutoCriticalSection cs(m_CriticalSection); // // No need to call this more than once, so return true if the // load was successful, false if it was not // if (m_bDebugLibLoadAttempted) { return (NULL != m_hDebugModule); } // // Prevent future loading attempts // m_bDebugLibLoadAttempted = true; // // Assume failure // bool bResult = false; // // Get the system directory path // TCHAR szDllName[MAX_PATH] = {0}; if (GetSystemDirectory( szDllName, ARRAYSIZE(szDllName))) { // // Make sure our string can hold the full path to the DLL // if ((lstrlen(szDllName) + lstrlen(DEBUG_DLL_NAME) + lstrlen(BACK_SLASH)) < ARRAYSIZE(szDllName)) { // // Construct the full path to the DLL // lstrcat( szDllName, BACK_SLASH ); lstrcat( szDllName, DEBUG_DLL_NAME ); // // Load the library // m_hDebugModule = LoadLibrary( DEBUG_DLL_NAME ); if (m_hDebugModule) { m_pfnIncrementDebugIndentLevel = GetProc( m_hDebugModule, INCREMENT_DEBUG_INDENT_LEVEL_NAME ); m_pfnDecrementDebugIndentLevel = GetProc( m_hDebugModule, DECREMENT_DEBUG_INDENT_LEVEL_NAME ); m_pfnPrintDebugMessageA = GetProc( m_hDebugModule, PRINT_DEBUG_MESSAGE_NAMEA ); m_pfnPrintDebugMessageW = GetProc( m_hDebugModule, PRINT_DEBUG_MESSAGE_NAMEW ); m_pfnGetDebugMask = GetProc( m_hDebugModule, GET_DEBUG_MASK_NAME ); m_pfnSetDebugMask = GetProc( m_hDebugModule, SET_DEBUG_MASK_NAME ); m_pfnAllocateDebugColor = GetProc( m_hDebugModule, ALLOCATE_DEBUG_COLOR_NAME ); m_pfnGetStringFromGuidA = GetProc( m_hDebugModule, GET_STRING_FROM_GUID_NAMEA ); m_pfnGetStringFromGuidW = GetProc( m_hDebugModule, GET_STRING_FROM_GUID_NAMEW ); m_pfnDoRecordAllocation = GetProc( m_hDebugModule, DO_RECORD_ALLOCATION ); m_pfnDoRecordFree = GetProc( m_hDebugModule, DO_RECORD_FREE ); m_pfnDoReportLeaks = GetProc( m_hDebugModule, DO_REPORT_LEAKS ); m_pfnGetStringFromMsgA = GetProc( m_hDebugModule, GET_STRING_FROM_MSGA ); m_pfnGetStringFromMsgW = GetProc( m_hDebugModule, GET_STRING_FROM_MSGW ); bResult = (m_pfnIncrementDebugIndentLevel && m_pfnDecrementDebugIndentLevel && m_pfnPrintDebugMessageA && m_pfnPrintDebugMessageW && m_pfnGetDebugMask && m_pfnSetDebugMask && m_pfnAllocateDebugColor && m_pfnGetStringFromGuidA && m_pfnGetStringFromGuidW && m_pfnDoRecordAllocation && m_pfnDoRecordFree && m_pfnDoReportLeaks && m_pfnGetStringFromMsgA && m_pfnGetStringFromMsgW); } } } return bResult; } bool CWiaDebugClient::IsInitialized() { bool bResult = false; CAutoCriticalSection cs(m_CriticalSection); if (LoadWiaDebugExports()) { bResult = InitializeModuleInfo(); } return bResult; } LPTSTR CWiaDebugClient::GetJustTheFileName( LPCTSTR pszPath, LPTSTR pszFileName, int nMaxLen ) { // // Make sure we have valid arguments // if (!pszPath || !pszFileName || !nMaxLen) { return NULL; } // // Initialize the return string // lstrcpy( pszFileName, TEXT("") ); // // Loop through the filename, looking for the last \ // LPCTSTR pszLastBackslash = NULL; for (LPCTSTR pszCurr=pszPath;pszCurr && *pszCurr;pszCurr = CharNext(pszCurr)) { if (TEXT('\\') == *pszCurr) { pszLastBackslash = pszCurr; } } // // If we found any \'s, point to the next character // if (pszLastBackslash) { pszLastBackslash = CharNext(pszLastBackslash); } // // Otherwise, we will copy the entire path // else { pszLastBackslash = pszPath; } // // If we have a valid starting point, copy the string to the target buffer and terminate it // if (pszLastBackslash) { lstrcpyn( pszFileName, pszLastBackslash, nMaxLen-1 ); pszFileName[nMaxLen-1] = TEXT('\0'); } return pszFileName; } bool CWiaDebugClient::InitializeModuleInfo() { CAutoCriticalSection cs(m_CriticalSection); // // If we've already been initialized, return true // if (m_bHaveModuleInformation) { return true; } // // If we haven't got a valid HINSTANCE, return false // if (!m_hCurrentModuleInstance) { return false; } // // Make sure we start out with empty module name strings // m_szModuleNameW[0] = 0; m_szModuleNameA[0] = 0; // // Get default debug setting // m_dwModuleDebugMask = CSimpleReg( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, DEBUG_REGISTRY_PATH, false, KEY_READ ).Query( DEBUG_REGISTRY_DEFAULT_FLAGS, 0 ); // // Initialize the module name, in case we can't determine it. It is OK // that wsprintfW will return ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED under win9x, since // we won't be using this variable at all on this OS // wsprintfW( m_szModuleNameW, L"0x%08X", GetCurrentProcessId() ); wsprintfA( m_szModuleNameA, "0x%08X", GetCurrentProcessId() ); // // Get the next available color // m_crForegroundColor = m_pfnAllocateDebugColor(); // // Get the module name // TCHAR szModulePathName[MAX_PATH] = TEXT(""); if (GetModuleFileName( m_hCurrentModuleInstance, szModulePathName, ARRAYSIZE(szModulePathName))) { // // Get rid of the path // TCHAR szFilename[MAX_PATH] = TEXT(""); GetJustTheFileName( szModulePathName, szFilename, ARRAYSIZE(szFilename) ); // // Make sure we have a valid filename // if (lstrlen(szFilename)) { m_dwModuleDebugMask = CSimpleReg( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, DEBUG_REGISTRY_PATH_FLAGS, false, KEY_READ ).Query( szFilename, 0 ); // // Save the ANSI and UNICODE versions of the module name // #ifdef UNICODE WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, szFilename, -1, m_szModuleNameA, ARRAYSIZE(m_szModuleNameA), NULL, NULL ); lstrcpynW( m_szModuleNameW, szFilename, ARRAYSIZE(m_szModuleNameW) ); #else MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, szFilename, -1, m_szModuleNameW, ARRAYSIZE(m_szModuleNameW) ); lstrcpynA( m_szModuleNameA, szFilename, ARRAYSIZE(m_szModuleNameA) ); #endif // // Success! // m_bHaveModuleInformation = true; // // Tell the debugger we're here. This way, the user can get the expected module name correct. // m_pfnPrintDebugMessageA( WiaDebugSeverityNormal, 0xFFFFFFFF, RGB(0xFF,0xFF,0xFF), RGB(0x00,0x00,0x00), m_szModuleNameA, "Created debug client" ); } } return m_bHaveModuleInformation; } void CWiaDebugClient::Destroy(void) { CAutoCriticalSection cs(m_CriticalSection); // // NULL out all of the function pointers // m_pfnIncrementDebugIndentLevel = NULL; m_pfnDecrementDebugIndentLevel = NULL; m_pfnPrintDebugMessageA = NULL; m_pfnPrintDebugMessageW = NULL; m_pfnGetDebugMask = NULL; m_pfnSetDebugMask = NULL; m_pfnAllocateDebugColor = NULL; m_pfnGetStringFromGuidW = NULL; m_pfnGetStringFromGuidA = NULL; m_pfnDoRecordAllocation = NULL; m_pfnDoRecordFree = NULL; m_pfnDoReportLeaks = NULL; m_pfnGetStringFromMsgA = NULL; m_pfnGetStringFromMsgW = NULL; // // Unload the DLL // if (m_hDebugModule) { FreeLibrary( m_hDebugModule ); m_hDebugModule = NULL; } m_bHaveModuleInformation = false; m_bDebugLibLoadAttempted = false; } CWiaDebugClient::~CWiaDebugClient(void) { CAutoCriticalSection cs(m_CriticalSection); Destroy(); } DWORD CWiaDebugClient::GetDebugMask(void) { CAutoCriticalSection cs(m_CriticalSection); if (IsInitialized()) { return m_pfnGetDebugMask(); } return 0; } DWORD CWiaDebugClient::SetDebugMask( DWORD dwNewMask ) { CAutoCriticalSection cs(m_CriticalSection); if (IsInitialized()) { return m_pfnSetDebugMask( dwNewMask ); } return 0; } int CWiaDebugClient::IncrementIndentLevel(void) { CAutoCriticalSection cs(m_CriticalSection); if (IsInitialized()) { return m_pfnIncrementDebugIndentLevel(); } return 0; } int CWiaDebugClient::DecrementIndentLevel(void) { CAutoCriticalSection cs(m_CriticalSection); if (IsInitialized()) { return m_pfnDecrementDebugIndentLevel(); } return 0; } void CWiaDebugClient::RecordAllocation( LPVOID pv, size_t Size ) { CAutoCriticalSection cs(m_CriticalSection); if (IsInitialized()) { m_pfnDoRecordAllocation( pv, Size ); } } void CWiaDebugClient::RecordFree( LPVOID pv ) { CAutoCriticalSection cs(m_CriticalSection); if (IsInitialized()) { m_pfnDoRecordFree( pv ); } } void CWiaDebugClient::ReportLeaks( VOID ) { CAutoCriticalSection cs(m_CriticalSection); if (IsInitialized()) { #ifdef UNICODE m_pfnDoReportLeaks(m_szModuleNameW); #else m_pfnDoReportLeaks(m_szModuleNameA); #endif } } CPushTraceMask::CPushTraceMask( DWORD dwTraceMask ) : m_dwOldMask(0) { CAutoCriticalSection cs( g_TheDebugClient.m_CriticalSection ); g_TheDebugClient.SetDebugMask( dwTraceMask ); } CPushTraceMask::~CPushTraceMask(void) { CAutoCriticalSection cs( g_TheDebugClient.m_CriticalSection ); g_TheDebugClient.SetDebugMask( m_dwOldMask ); } CPushIndentLevel::CPushIndentLevel( LPCTSTR pszFmt, ... ) : m_nIndentLevel(0) { CAutoCriticalSection cs( g_TheDebugClient.m_CriticalSection ); m_nIndentLevel = g_TheDebugClient.IncrementIndentLevel(); TCHAR szMsg[1024] = {0}; va_list arglist; va_start( arglist, pszFmt ); _vsntprintf( szMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg)-1, pszFmt, arglist ); va_end( arglist ); g_TheDebugClient.PrintTraceMessage( TEXT("Entering function %s [Level %d]"), szMsg, m_nIndentLevel ); } CPushIndentLevel::~CPushIndentLevel(void) { CAutoCriticalSection cs( g_TheDebugClient.m_CriticalSection ); if (m_nIndentLevel) { g_TheDebugClient.DecrementIndentLevel(); g_TheDebugClient.PrintTraceMessage( TEXT("") ); } } CPushTraceMaskAndIndentLevel::CPushTraceMaskAndIndentLevel( DWORD dwTraceMask, LPCTSTR pszFmt, ... ) : m_dwOldMask(0), m_nIndentLevel(0) { CAutoCriticalSection cs( g_TheDebugClient.m_CriticalSection ); m_dwOldMask = g_TheDebugClient.SetDebugMask( dwTraceMask ); m_nIndentLevel = g_TheDebugClient.IncrementIndentLevel(); TCHAR szMsg[1024] = {0}; va_list arglist; va_start( arglist, pszFmt ); _vsntprintf( szMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg)-1, pszFmt, arglist ); va_end( arglist ); g_TheDebugClient.PrintTraceMessage( TEXT("Entering function %s [Level %d]"), szMsg, m_nIndentLevel ); } CPushTraceMaskAndIndentLevel::~CPushTraceMaskAndIndentLevel(void) { CAutoCriticalSection cs( g_TheDebugClient.m_CriticalSection ); if (m_nIndentLevel) { g_TheDebugClient.DecrementIndentLevel(); g_TheDebugClient.PrintTraceMessage( TEXT("") ); g_TheDebugClient.SetDebugMask( m_dwOldMask ); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UNICODE Versions of the output functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CWiaDebugClient::PrintWarningMessage( LPCWSTR pszFmt, ... ) { CAutoCriticalSection cs(m_CriticalSection); if (IsInitialized()) { WCHAR szMsg[1024] = {0}; va_list arglist; va_start( arglist, pszFmt ); _vsnwprintf( szMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg)-1, pszFmt, arglist ); va_end( arglist ); m_pfnPrintDebugMessageW( WiaDebugSeverityWarning, m_dwModuleDebugMask, WARNING_FOREGROUND_COLOR, WARNING_BACKGROUND_COLOR, m_szModuleNameW, szMsg ); } } void CWiaDebugClient::PrintErrorMessage( LPCWSTR pszFmt, ... ) { CAutoCriticalSection cs(m_CriticalSection); if (IsInitialized()) { WCHAR szMsg[1024] = {0}; va_list arglist; va_start( arglist, pszFmt ); _vsnwprintf( szMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg)-1, pszFmt, arglist ); va_end( arglist ); m_pfnPrintDebugMessageW( WiaDebugSeverityError, m_dwModuleDebugMask, ERROR_FOREGROUND_COLOR, ERROR_BACKGROUND_COLOR, m_szModuleNameW, szMsg ); } } void CWiaDebugClient::PrintTraceMessage( LPCWSTR pszFmt, ... ) { CAutoCriticalSection cs(m_CriticalSection); if (IsInitialized()) { WCHAR szMsg[1024] = {0}; va_list arglist; va_start( arglist, pszFmt ); _vsnwprintf( szMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg)-1, pszFmt, arglist ); va_end( arglist ); m_pfnPrintDebugMessageW( WiaDebugSeverityNormal, m_dwModuleDebugMask, m_crForegroundColor, DEFAULT_DEBUG_COLOR, m_szModuleNameW, szMsg ); } } void CWiaDebugClient::PrintMessage( DWORD dwSeverity, COLORREF crForegroundColor, COLORREF crBackgroundColor, LPCWSTR pszFmt, ... ) { CAutoCriticalSection cs(m_CriticalSection); if (IsInitialized()) { WCHAR szMsg[1024] = {0}; va_list arglist; va_start( arglist, pszFmt ); _vsnwprintf( szMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg)-1, pszFmt, arglist ); va_end( arglist ); m_pfnPrintDebugMessageW( dwSeverity, m_dwModuleDebugMask, crForegroundColor, crBackgroundColor, m_szModuleNameW, szMsg ); } } void CWiaDebugClient::PrintHResult( HRESULT hr, LPCWSTR pszFmt, ... ) { CAutoCriticalSection cs(m_CriticalSection); if (IsInitialized()) { WCHAR szMsg[1024] = {0}; va_list arglist; va_start( arglist, pszFmt ); _vsnwprintf( szMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg)-1, pszFmt, arglist ); va_end( arglist ); DWORD dwLen = 0; LPTSTR pMsgBuf = NULL; dwLen = ::FormatMessageW(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, hr, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPWSTR)&pMsgBuf, 0, NULL); COLORREF crForegroundColor; COLORREF crBackgroundColor; DWORD dwSeverity; if (FAILED(hr)) { crForegroundColor = ERROR_FOREGROUND_COLOR; crBackgroundColor = ERROR_BACKGROUND_COLOR; dwSeverity = WiaDebugSeverityError; } else if (S_OK == hr) { crForegroundColor = m_crForegroundColor; crBackgroundColor = DEFAULT_DEBUG_COLOR; dwSeverity = WiaDebugSeverityNormal; } else { crForegroundColor = WARNING_FOREGROUND_COLOR; crBackgroundColor = WARNING_BACKGROUND_COLOR; dwSeverity = WiaDebugSeverityWarning; } if (dwLen) { PrintMessage( dwSeverity, crForegroundColor, crBackgroundColor, TEXT("%ws: [0x%08X] %ws"), szMsg, hr, pMsgBuf ); LocalFree(pMsgBuf); } else { PrintMessage( dwSeverity, crForegroundColor, crBackgroundColor, TEXT("%ws: Unable to format message [0x%08X]"), szMsg, hr ); } } } void CWiaDebugClient::PrintGuid( const IID &iid, LPCWSTR pszFmt, ... ) { CAutoCriticalSection cs(m_CriticalSection); if (IsInitialized()) { WCHAR szMsg[1024]=L""; va_list arglist; va_start( arglist, pszFmt ); ::wvsprintfW( szMsg, pszFmt, arglist ); va_end( arglist ); WCHAR szGuid[MAX_PATH]=L""; if (m_pfnGetStringFromGuidW( &iid, szGuid, sizeof(szGuid)/sizeof(szGuid[0]) ) ) { PrintMessage( 0, m_crForegroundColor, DEFAULT_DEBUG_COLOR, TEXT("%ws: %ws"), szMsg, szGuid ); } } } void CWiaDebugClient::PrintWindowMessage( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LPCWSTR szMessage ) { CAutoCriticalSection cs(m_CriticalSection); if (IsInitialized()) { WCHAR szWindowMessage[MAX_PATH]=L""; if (m_pfnGetStringFromMsgW( uMsg, szWindowMessage, sizeof(szWindowMessage)/sizeof(szWindowMessage[0]) ) ) { PrintMessage( 0, m_crForegroundColor, DEFAULT_DEBUG_COLOR, TEXT("0x%p, %-30ws, 0x%p, 0x%p%ws%ws"), hWnd, szWindowMessage, wParam, lParam, (szMessage && lstrlenW(szMessage)) ? L" : " : L"", (szMessage && lstrlenW(szMessage)) ? szMessage : L"" ); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ANSI Versions of the output functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CWiaDebugClient::PrintWarningMessage( LPCSTR pszFmt, ... ) { CAutoCriticalSection cs(m_CriticalSection); if (IsInitialized()) { CHAR szMsg[1024] = {0}; va_list arglist; va_start( arglist, pszFmt ); _vsnprintf( szMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg)-1, pszFmt, arglist ); va_end( arglist ); m_pfnPrintDebugMessageA( WiaDebugSeverityWarning, m_dwModuleDebugMask, WARNING_FOREGROUND_COLOR, WARNING_BACKGROUND_COLOR, m_szModuleNameA, szMsg ); } } void CWiaDebugClient::PrintErrorMessage( LPCSTR pszFmt, ... ) { CAutoCriticalSection cs(m_CriticalSection); if (IsInitialized()) { CHAR szMsg[1024] = {0}; va_list arglist; va_start( arglist, pszFmt ); _vsnprintf( szMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg)-1, pszFmt, arglist ); va_end( arglist ); m_pfnPrintDebugMessageA( WiaDebugSeverityError, m_dwModuleDebugMask, ERROR_FOREGROUND_COLOR, ERROR_BACKGROUND_COLOR, m_szModuleNameA, szMsg ); } } void CWiaDebugClient::PrintTraceMessage( LPCSTR pszFmt, ... ) { CAutoCriticalSection cs(m_CriticalSection); if (IsInitialized()) { CHAR szMsg[1024] = {0}; va_list arglist; va_start( arglist, pszFmt ); _vsnprintf( szMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg)-1, pszFmt, arglist ); va_end( arglist ); m_pfnPrintDebugMessageA( WiaDebugSeverityNormal, m_dwModuleDebugMask, m_crForegroundColor, DEFAULT_DEBUG_COLOR, m_szModuleNameA, szMsg ); } } void CWiaDebugClient::PrintMessage( DWORD dwSeverity, COLORREF crForegroundColor, COLORREF crBackgroundColor, LPCSTR pszFmt, ... ) { CAutoCriticalSection cs(m_CriticalSection); if (IsInitialized()) { CHAR szMsg[1024] = {0}; va_list arglist; va_start( arglist, pszFmt ); _vsnprintf( szMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg)-1, pszFmt, arglist ); va_end( arglist ); m_pfnPrintDebugMessageA( dwSeverity, m_dwModuleDebugMask, crForegroundColor, crBackgroundColor, m_szModuleNameA, szMsg ); } } void CWiaDebugClient::PrintHResult( HRESULT hr, LPCSTR pszFmt, ... ) { CAutoCriticalSection cs(m_CriticalSection); if (IsInitialized()) { CHAR szMsg[1024] = {0}; va_list arglist; va_start( arglist, pszFmt ); _vsnprintf( szMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg)-1, pszFmt, arglist ); va_end( arglist ); DWORD dwLen = 0; LPTSTR pMsgBuf = NULL; dwLen = ::FormatMessageA(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, hr, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPSTR)&pMsgBuf, 0, NULL); COLORREF crForegroundColor; COLORREF crBackgroundColor; DWORD dwSeverity; if (FAILED(hr)) { crForegroundColor = ERROR_FOREGROUND_COLOR; crBackgroundColor = ERROR_BACKGROUND_COLOR; dwSeverity = WiaDebugSeverityError; } else if (S_OK == hr) { crForegroundColor = m_crForegroundColor; crBackgroundColor = DEFAULT_DEBUG_COLOR; dwSeverity = WiaDebugSeverityNormal; } else { crForegroundColor = WARNING_FOREGROUND_COLOR; crBackgroundColor = WARNING_BACKGROUND_COLOR; dwSeverity = WiaDebugSeverityWarning; } if (dwLen) { PrintMessage( dwSeverity, crForegroundColor, crBackgroundColor, TEXT("%hs: [0x%08X] %hs"), szMsg, hr, pMsgBuf ); LocalFree(pMsgBuf); } else { PrintMessage( dwSeverity, crForegroundColor, crBackgroundColor, TEXT("%hs: Unable to format message [0x%08X]"), szMsg, hr ); } } } void CWiaDebugClient::PrintGuid( const IID &iid, LPCSTR pszFmt, ... ) { CAutoCriticalSection cs(m_CriticalSection); if (IsInitialized()) { CHAR szMsg[1024] = {0}; va_list arglist; va_start( arglist, pszFmt ); _vsnprintf( szMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg)-1, pszFmt, arglist ); va_end( arglist ); CHAR szGuid[MAX_PATH]=""; if (m_pfnGetStringFromGuidA( &iid, szGuid, sizeof(szGuid)/sizeof(szGuid[0]) ) ) { PrintMessage( 0, m_crForegroundColor, DEFAULT_DEBUG_COLOR, TEXT("%hs: %hs"), szMsg, szGuid ); } } } void CWiaDebugClient::PrintWindowMessage( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LPCSTR szMessage ) { CAutoCriticalSection cs(m_CriticalSection); if (IsInitialized()) { CHAR szWindowMessage[MAX_PATH]=""; if (m_pfnGetStringFromMsgA( uMsg, szWindowMessage, sizeof(szWindowMessage)/sizeof(szWindowMessage[0]) ) ) { PrintMessage( 0, m_crForegroundColor, DEFAULT_DEBUG_COLOR, TEXT("0x%p, %-30hs, 0x%p, 0x%p%hs%hs"), hWnd, szWindowMessage, wParam, lParam, (szMessage && lstrlenA(szMessage)) ? " : " : "", (szMessage && lstrlenA(szMessage)) ? szMessage : "" ); } } } void CWiaDebugClient::SetInstance( HINSTANCE hInstance ) { m_hCurrentModuleInstance = hInstance; } static CSimpleString ForceFailureProgramKey( LPCTSTR pszProgramName ) { CSimpleString strAppKey( REGSTR_FORCEERR_KEY ); strAppKey += TEXT("\\"); strAppKey += pszProgramName; return strAppKey; } DWORD CWiaDebugClient::GetForceFailurePoint( LPCTSTR pszProgramName ) { return CSimpleReg( HKEY_FORCEERROR, ForceFailureProgramKey(pszProgramName) ).Query( REGSTR_ERROR_POINT, 0 ); } HRESULT CWiaDebugClient::GetForceFailureValue( LPCTSTR pszProgramName, bool bPrintWarning ) { HRESULT hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(CSimpleReg( HKEY_FORCEERROR, ForceFailureProgramKey(pszProgramName) ).Query( REGSTR_ERROR_VALUE, 0 )); if (bPrintWarning) { g_TheDebugClient.PrintHResult( hr, TEXT("FORCEERR: Forcing error return for program %s"), pszProgramName ); } return hr; } void CWiaDebugClient::SetForceFailurePoint( LPCTSTR pszProgramName, DWORD dwErrorPoint ) { CSimpleReg( HKEY_FORCEERROR, ForceFailureProgramKey(pszProgramName), true ).Set( REGSTR_ERROR_POINT, dwErrorPoint ); } void CWiaDebugClient::SetForceFailureValue( LPCTSTR pszProgramName, HRESULT hr ) { CSimpleReg( HKEY_FORCEERROR, ForceFailureProgramKey(pszProgramName), true ).Set( REGSTR_ERROR_VALUE, hr ); }