/*++ Copyright (c) 1996-1998 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: comoem.cpp Abstract: Necessary COM class definition to Unidrv OEM rendering module plug-in. Environment: Windows NT Unidrv driver Revision History: 98/4/24 takashim: Written the original sample so that it is more C++. --*/ // NTRAID#NTBUG9-588586-2002/03/28-v-sueyas-: Correct the return values for each COM I/F methods #define INITGUID // for GUID one-time initialization #include "pdev.h" #include "names.h" #include "strsafe.h" // Security-Code 2002.3.6 // Globals static HMODULE g_hModule = NULL ; // DLL module handle static long g_cComponents = 0 ; // Count of active components static long g_cServerLocks = 0 ; // Count of locks // // IOemCB Definition // class IOemCB : public IPrintOemUni { public: // // IUnknown methods // STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface( const IID& iid, void** ppv) { VERBOSE(("IOemCB: QueryInterface entry\n")); if (iid == IID_IUnknown) { *ppv = static_cast(this); VERBOSE(("IOemCB:Return pointer to IUnknown.\n")); } else if (iid == IID_IPrintOemUni) { *ppv = static_cast(this); VERBOSE(("IOemCB:Return pointer to IPrintOemUni.\n")); } else { *ppv = NULL ; VERBOSE(("IOemCB:Return NULL.\n")); return E_NOINTERFACE ; } reinterpret_cast(*ppv)->AddRef(); return S_OK ; } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef() { VERBOSE(("IOemCB::AddRef() entry.\n")); return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef); } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release() { VERBOSE(("IOemCB::Release() entry.\n")); if (InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef) == 0) { delete this ; return 0 ; } return m_cRef ; } // // IPrintOemCommon methods // // Function Name: GetInfo // Plug-in: Any // Driver: Any // Type: Mandatory // STDMETHODIMP GetInfo( DWORD dwMode, PVOID pBuffer, DWORD cbSize, PDWORD pcbNeeded) { VERBOSE(("IOemCB::GetInfo() entry.\n")); if (OEMGetInfo(dwMode, pBuffer, cbSize, pcbNeeded)) return S_OK; else return E_FAIL; } // // Function Name: DevMode // Plug-in: Rendering module // Driver: Any // Type: Optional // STDMETHODIMP DevMode( DWORD dwMode, POEMDMPARAM pOemDMParam) { VERBOSE(("IOemCB::DevMode() entry.\n")); if (OEMDevMode(dwMode, pOemDMParam)) { return S_OK; } else { return E_FAIL; } } // // IPrintOemEngine methods // // // Function Name: EnableDriver // Plug-in: Rendering module // Driver: Any // Type: Optional // STDMETHODIMP EnableDriver( DWORD dwDriverVersion, DWORD cbSize, PDRVENABLEDATA pded) { VERBOSE(("IOemCB::EnableDriver() entry.\n")); // Sep.17.98 -> // Need to return S_OK so that DisableDriver() will be called, which Releases // the reference to the Printer Driver's interface. return S_OK; // Sep.17.98 <- } // // Function Name: DisableDriver // Plug-in: Rendering module // Driver: Any // Type: Optional // STDMETHODIMP DisableDriver(VOID) { VERBOSE(("IOemCB::DisaleDriver() entry.\n")); // Sep.17.98 -> // Release reference to Printer Driver's interface. if (this->pOEMHelp) { this->pOEMHelp->Release(); this->pOEMHelp = NULL; } return S_OK; // Sep.17.98 <- } // // Function Name: EnablePDEV // Plug-in: Rendering module // Driver: Any // Type: Optional // STDMETHODIMP EnablePDEV( PDEVOBJ pdevobj, PWSTR pPrinterName, ULONG cPatterns, HSURF *phsurfPatterns, ULONG cjGdiInfo, GDIINFO *pGdiInfo, ULONG cjDevInfo, DEVINFO *pDevInfo, DRVENABLEDATA *pded, OUT PDEVOEM *pDevOem) { VERBOSE(("IOemCB::EnablePDEV() entry.\n")); *pDevOem = OEMEnablePDEV(pdevobj, pPrinterName, cPatterns, phsurfPatterns, cjGdiInfo, pGdiInfo, cjDevInfo, pDevInfo, pded); if (*pDevOem) return S_OK; else return E_FAIL; } // // Function Name: DisablePDEV // Plug-in: Rendering module // Driver: Any // Type: Optional // STDMETHODIMP DisablePDEV( PDEVOBJ pdevobj) { LONG lI; VERBOSE(("IOemCB::DisablePDEV() entry.\n")); OEMDisablePDEV(pdevobj); return S_OK; } // // Function Name: ResetPDEV // Plug-in: Rendering module // Driver: Any // Type: Optional // STDMETHODIMP ResetPDEV( PDEVOBJ pdevobjOld, PDEVOBJ pdevobjNew) { // VERBOSE(("IOemCB::ResetPDEV() entry.\n")); if (OEMResetPDEV(pdevobjOld, pdevobjNew)) return S_OK; else return E_FAIL; } // // IPrintOemUni methods // // // Function Name: PublishDriverInterface // Plug-in: Rendering module // Driver: Any // Type: Mandatory // STDMETHODIMP PublishDriverInterface( IUnknown *pIUnknown) { VERBOSE(("IOemCB::PublishDriverInterface() entry.\n")); // Sep.8.98 -> // Need to store pointer to Driver Helper functions, if we already haven't. if (this->pOEMHelp == NULL) { HRESULT hResult; // Get Interface to Helper Functions. hResult = pIUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IPrintOemDriverUni, (void** )&(this->pOEMHelp)); if(!SUCCEEDED(hResult)) { // Make sure that interface pointer reflects interface query failure. this->pOEMHelp = NULL; return E_FAIL; } } // Sep.8.98 <- return S_OK; } // // Function Name: GetImplementationMethod // Plug-in: Rendering module // Driver: Any // Type: Mandatory // // // Needed to be static so that it can be passed // to the bsearch() as a pointer to a functin. // static int __cdecl iCompNames( const void *p1, const void *p2) { return strcmp( *((char **)p1), *((char **)p2)); } STDMETHODIMP GetImplementedMethod( PSTR pMethodName) { LONG lRet = E_NOTIMPL; PSTR pTemp; VERBOSE(("IOemCB::GetImplementedMethod() entry.\n")); if (NULL != pMethodName) { pTemp = (PSTR)bsearch( &pMethodName, gMethodsSupported, (sizeof (gMethodsSupported) / sizeof (PSTR)), sizeof (PSTR), iCompNames); if (NULL != pTemp) lRet = S_OK; } VERBOSE(("pMethodName = %s, lRet = %d\n", pMethodName, lRet)); return lRet; } // // Function Name: CommandCallback // Plug-in: Rendering module // Driver: Unidrv // Type: Optional // STDMETHODIMP CommandCallback( PDEVOBJ pdevobj, DWORD dwCallbackID, DWORD dwCount, PDWORD pdwParams, OUT INT *piResult) { VERBOSE(("IOemCB::CommandCallback() entry.\n")); *piResult = OEMCommandCallback(pdevobj, dwCallbackID, dwCount, pdwParams); return S_OK; } // // Function Name: ImageProcessing // Plug-in: Rendering module // Driver: Unidrv // Type: Optional // STDMETHODIMP ImageProcessing( PDEVOBJ pdevobj, PBYTE pSrcBitmap, PBITMAPINFOHEADER pBitmapInfoHeader, PBYTE pColorTable, DWORD dwCallbackID, PIPPARAMS pIPParams, OUT PBYTE *ppbResult) { VERBOSE(("IOemCB::ImageProcessing() entry.\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; } // // Function Name: FilterGraphics // Plug-in: Rendering module // Driver: Unidrv // Type: Optional // STDMETHODIMP FilterGraphics( PDEVOBJ pdevobj, PBYTE pBuf, DWORD dwLen) { VERBOSE(("IOemCB::FilterGraphis() entry.\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; } // // Function Name: Compression // Plug-in: Rendering module // Driver: Unidrv // Type: Optional // STDMETHODIMP Compression( PDEVOBJ pdevobj, PBYTE pInBuf, PBYTE pOutBuf, DWORD dwInLen, DWORD dwOutLen, OUT INT *piResult) { VERBOSE(("IOemCB::Compression() entry.\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; } // // Function Name: HalftonePattern // Plug-in: Rendering module // Driver: Unidrv // Type: Optional // STDMETHODIMP HalftonePattern( PDEVOBJ pdevobj, PBYTE pHTPattern, DWORD dwHTPatternX, DWORD dwHTPatternY, DWORD dwHTNumPatterns, DWORD dwCallbackID, PBYTE pResource, DWORD dwResourceSize) { VERBOSE(("IOemCB::HalftonePattern() entry.\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; } // // Function Name: MemoryUsge // Plug-in: Rendering module // Driver: Unidrv // Type: Optional // STDMETHODIMP MemoryUsage( PDEVOBJ pdevobj, POEMMEMORYUSAGE pMemoryUsage) { VERBOSE(("IOemCB::MemoryUsage() entry.\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; } // // Function Name: DownloadFontHeader // Plug-in: Rendering module // Driver: Unidrv // Type: Optional // STDMETHODIMP DownloadFontHeader( PDEVOBJ pdevobj, PUNIFONTOBJ pUFObj, OUT DWORD *pdwResult) { VERBOSE(("IOemCB::DownloadFontHeader() entry.\n")); #if DOWNLOADFONT if (0 < (*pdwResult = OEMDownloadFontHeader(pdevobj, pUFObj))) { return S_OK; } else { return E_FAIL; } #else // DOWNLOADFONT return E_NOTIMPL; #endif // DOWNLOADFONT } // // Function Name: DownloadCharGlyph // Plug-in: Rendering module // Driver: Unidrv // Type: Optional // STDMETHODIMP DownloadCharGlyph( PDEVOBJ pdevobj, PUNIFONTOBJ pUFObj, HGLYPH hGlyph, PDWORD pdwWidth, OUT DWORD *pdwResult) { VERBOSE(("IOemCB::DownloadCharGlyph() entry.\n")); #if DOWNLOADFONT if (0 < (*pdwResult = OEMDownloadCharGlyph(pdevobj, pUFObj, hGlyph, pdwWidth))) { return S_OK; } else { return E_FAIL; } #else // DOWNLOADFONT return E_NOTIMPL; #endif // DOWNLOADFONT } // // Function Name: TTDonwloadMethod // Plug-in: Rendering module // Driver: Unidrv // Type: Optional // STDMETHODIMP TTDownloadMethod( PDEVOBJ pdevobj, PUNIFONTOBJ pUFObj, OUT DWORD *pdwResult) { VERBOSE(("IOemCB::TTDownloadMethod() entry.\n")); #if DOWNLOADFONT *pdwResult = OEMTTDownloadMethod(pdevobj, pUFObj); return S_OK; #else // DOWNLOADFONT return E_NOTIMPL; #endif // DOWNLOADFONT } // // Function Name: OutputCharStr // Plug-in: Rendering module // Driver: Unidrv // Type: Optional // STDMETHODIMP OutputCharStr( PDEVOBJ pdevobj, PUNIFONTOBJ pUFObj, DWORD dwType, DWORD dwCount, PVOID pGlyph) { VERBOSE(("IOemCB::OutputCharStr() entry.\n")); OEMOutputCharStr(pdevobj, pUFObj, dwType, dwCount, pGlyph); return S_OK; } // // Function Name: SendFontCmd // Plug-in: Rendering module // Driver: Unidrv // Type: Optional // STDMETHODIMP SendFontCmd( PDEVOBJ pdevobj, PUNIFONTOBJ pUFObj, PFINVOCATION pFInv) { VERBOSE(("IOemCB::SendFontCmd() entry.\n")); OEMSendFontCmd(pdevobj, pUFObj, pFInv); return S_OK; } // // Function Name: DriverDMS // Plug-in: Rendering module // Driver: Unidrv // Type: Optional // STDMETHODIMP DriverDMS( PVOID pDevObj, PVOID pBuffer, DWORD cbSize, PDWORD pcbNeeded) { VERBOSE(("IOemCB::DriverDMS() entry.\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; } // // Function Name: TextOutputAsBitmap // Plug-in: Rendering module // Driver: Unidrv // Type: Optional // STDMETHODIMP TextOutAsBitmap( SURFOBJ *pso, STROBJ *pstro, FONTOBJ *pfo, CLIPOBJ *pco, RECTL *prclExtra, RECTL *prclOpaque, BRUSHOBJ *pboFore, BRUSHOBJ *pboOpaque, POINTL *pptlOrg, MIX mix) { VERBOSE(("IOemCB::TextOutAsBitmap() entry.\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; } // // Function Name: TTYGetInfo // Plug-in: Rendering module // Driver: Unidrv // Type: Optional // STDMETHODIMP TTYGetInfo( PDEVOBJ pdevobj, DWORD dwInfoIndex, PVOID pOutputBuf, DWORD dwSize, DWORD *pcbcNeeded) { VERBOSE(("IOemCB::TTYGetInfo() entry.\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; } // // Constructors // IOemCB() { m_cRef = 1; pOEMHelp = NULL; }; ~IOemCB() { }; protected: IPrintOemDriverUni* pOEMHelp; LONG m_cRef; }; // // Class factory definition // class IOemCF : public IClassFactory { public: // // IUnknown methods // STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(const IID& iid, void** ppv) { if ((iid == IID_IUnknown) || (iid == IID_IClassFactory)) { *ppv = static_cast(this); } else { *ppv = NULL ; return E_NOINTERFACE ; } reinterpret_cast(*ppv)->AddRef(); return S_OK ; } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef); } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release() { if (InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef) == 0) { delete this ; return 0 ; } return m_cRef ; } // // IClassFactory methods // STDMETHODIMP CreateInstance( IUnknown *pUnknownOuter, const IID &iid, void **ppv) { //VERBOSE(("IOemCF::CreateInstance() called\n.")); // Cannot aggregate. if (NULL != pUnknownOuter) { return CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION; } // Create component. IOemCB* pOemCB = new IOemCB; if (NULL == pOemCB) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } // Get the requested interface. HRESULT hr = pOemCB->QueryInterface(iid, ppv); // Release the IUnknown pointer. // (If QueryInterface failed, component will delete itself.) pOemCB->Release(); return hr ; } // LockServer STDMETHODIMP LockServer(BOOL bLock) { if (bLock) { InterlockedIncrement(&g_cServerLocks); } else { InterlockedDecrement(&g_cServerLocks); } return S_OK ; } // // Constructor // IOemCF(): m_cRef(1) { }; ~IOemCF() { }; protected: LONG m_cRef; }; // // Export functions // // // Get class factory // STDAPI DllGetClassObject( const CLSID &clsid, const IID &iid, void **ppv) { //VERBOSE(("DllGetClassObject:\tCreate class factory.")); // Can we create this component? if (clsid != CLSID_OEMRENDER) { return CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE ; } // Create class factory. IOemCF* pFontCF = new IOemCF ; // Reference count set to 1 // in constructor if (pFontCF == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY ; } // Get requested interface. HRESULT hr = pFontCF->QueryInterface(iid, ppv); pFontCF->Release(); return hr ; } // // // Can DLL unload now? // STDAPI DllCanUnloadNow() { if ((g_cComponents == 0) && (g_cServerLocks == 0)) { return S_OK; } else { return S_FALSE; } }