/*++ Copyright (C) 1997 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation --*/ #ifndef _PDEV_H #define _PDEV_H #include // // Debug text. // #define ERRORTEXT(s) __TEXT("ERROR ") DLLTEXT(s) #define TESTSTRING "Callback for Declasers." typedef struct tag_OEMUD_EXTRADATA { OEM_DMEXTRAHEADER dmExtraHdr; BYTE cbTestString[sizeof(TESTSTRING)]; } OEMUD_EXTRADATA, *POEMUD_EXTRADATA; // // OEM Signature and version. // #define OEM_SIGNATURE 'OKI9' // LG GDI x00 series dll #define DLLTEXT(s) __TEXT("OKI9RES: ") __TEXT(s) #define OEM_VERSION 0x00010000L // // Warning: the following enum order must match the order in OEMHookFuncs[]. // // // Memory allocation // #define MemAlloc(size) ((PVOID) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, (size))) #define MemAllocZ(size) ((PVOID) LocalAlloc(LPTR, (size))) #define MemFree(p) { if (p) LocalFree((HLOCAL) (p)); } #ifdef DBG #define DebugMsg #else #define DebugMsg #endif #endif