/*++ Copyright (c) 1990-2003 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: forms.c Abstract: This module contains all functions related to the spooler/drivers forms Author: 18-Nov-1993 Thu 12:52:50 created [Environment:] GDI Device Driver - Plotter. [Notes:] Revision History: --*/ #include "precomp.h" #pragma hdrstop #define DBG_PLOTFILENAME DbgForms #define DBG_ENUMFORMS 0x00000001 #define DBG_ENUMFORMS2 0x00000002 DEFINE_DBGVAR(0); #if DBG CHAR *pszFormMode[] = { " FORM_USER", "FORM_BUILTIN", "FORM_PRINTER" }; #endif BOOL PlotEnumForms( HANDLE hPrinter, ENUMFORMPROC EnumFormProc, PENUMFORMPARAM pEnumFormParam ) /*++ Routine Description: This function enum all the forms from the spooler and return the FORM_INFO_1 arrary or using callback function to enum, this function automatically filter out the form size which greater then the device can support, it also set the valid bits if the device can handle the form in the data base. Arguments: hPrinter - Handler to the printer EnumFormProc - callback function, if NULL then no callback is performed pEnumFormParam - Pointer to the ENUMFORMPARAM data structure, the count and pFI1Base will be set upon returned. Return Value: BOOLEAN - if FALSE then a memory allocation or EnumForms() call failed Author: 18-Nov-1993 Thu 12:57:17 created 15-Dec-1993 Wed 21:14:46 updated Make the form valid if it rotated and can fit into the device 12-Jul-1994 Tue 12:43:50 updated Move PaperTray checking into here, so it will not call out if the paper cannot hold by paper tray. Revision History: --*/ { PFORM_INFO_1 pFI1; DWORD Count; DWORD Index; DWORD cb; SIZEL DeviceSize; SIZEL MinSize; if (pEnumFormParam == NULL) { PLOTERR(("PlotEnumForms: invalid parameters")); return (FALSE); } pEnumFormParam->Count = 0; pEnumFormParam->ValidCount = 0; pEnumFormParam->pFI1Base = NULL; xEnumForms(hPrinter, 1, NULL, 0, &cb, &Count); if (xGetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { PLOTERR(("PlotEnumForms: 1st EnumForms failed")); return(FALSE); } if (!(pFI1 = (PFORM_INFO_1)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cb))) { PLOTERR(("PlotEnumForms: LocalAlloc(%lu) failed", cb)); return(FALSE); } if (!xEnumForms(hPrinter, 1, (LPBYTE)pFI1, cb, &cb, &Count)) { PLOTERR(("PlotEnumForms: 2nd EnumForms failed")); LocalFree((HLOCAL)pFI1); return(FALSE); } pEnumFormParam->Count = Count; pEnumFormParam->pFI1Base = pFI1; // // Firstable we will loop through the form to see if the form size is // smaller or equal to the the device size, if yes then set the // FI1F_VALID_SIZE bit // if (pEnumFormParam->pPlotGPC == NULL) { return (FALSE); } cb = 0; DeviceSize = pEnumFormParam->pPlotGPC->DeviceSize; MinSize.cx = pEnumFormParam->pPlotGPC->DeviceMargin.left + pEnumFormParam->pPlotGPC->DeviceMargin.right + MIN_PLOTGPC_FORM_CX; MinSize.cy = pEnumFormParam->pPlotGPC->DeviceMargin.top + pEnumFormParam->pPlotGPC->DeviceMargin.bottom + MIN_PLOTGPC_FORM_CY; PLOTASSERT(0, "Device Length too small (%ld)", DeviceSize.cy >= MIN_PLOTGPC_FORM_CY, DeviceSize.cy); PLOTDBG(DBG_ENUMFORMS2, ("\n---- PotEnumForm --Min=(%ld x %ld)-------------", MinSize.cx, MinSize.cy)); if (MinSize.cx < MinSize.cy) { MinSize.cx = MinSize.cy; } else if (MinSize.cy < MinSize.cx) { MinSize.cy = MinSize.cx; } for (Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) { // // The valid form means either straight or rotated form can be accepted // by the device. // pFI1->Flags &= ~FI1F_MASK; if ((pFI1->Size.cx >= MinSize.cx) && (pFI1->Size.cy >= MinSize.cy) && (((pFI1->Size.cx <= DeviceSize.cx) && (pFI1->Size.cy <= DeviceSize.cy)) || ((pFI1->Size.cy <= DeviceSize.cx) && (pFI1->Size.cx <= DeviceSize.cy)))) { BOOL ValidForm = TRUE; DWORD FormMode; FormMode = pFI1->Flags & (FORM_USER | FORM_BUILTIN | FORM_PRINTER); if ((FormMode == FORM_BUILTIN) && (((Index >= (DMPAPER_ENV_9 - DMPAPER_FIRST)) && (Index <= (DMPAPER_ENV_14 - DMPAPER_FIRST))) || ((Index >= (DMPAPER_ENV_DL - DMPAPER_FIRST)) && (Index <= (DMPAPER_ENV_PERSONAL - DMPAPER_FIRST))) || (Index == (DMPAPER_ENV_INVITE - DMPAPER_FIRST)))) { pFI1->Flags |= FI1F_ENVELOPE; } else if (FormMode == FORM_PRINTER) { PFORMSRC pFS; UINT i; CHAR bName[CCHFORMNAME]; // // Check if this form is added by this driver // // Make sure that pFI1->pName is no longer than CCHFORMNAME. // if (wcslen(pFI1->pName) > CCHFORMNAME - 1) { ValidForm = FALSE; } else { WStr2Str(bName, CCHOF(bName), pFI1->pName); pFS = (PFORMSRC)pEnumFormParam->pPlotGPC->Forms.pData; i = (UINT)pEnumFormParam->pPlotGPC->Forms.Count; ValidForm = FALSE; while ((i--) && (!ValidForm)) { if (!strcmp(bName, pFS->Name)) { ValidForm = TRUE; } pFS++; } } } if ((ValidForm) && (pEnumFormParam->pPlotGPC->Flags & PLOTF_PAPERTRAY) && (pFI1->Size.cx != DeviceSize.cx) && (pFI1->Size.cy != DeviceSize.cx)) { PLOTDBG(DBG_ENUMFORMS2, ("%s: %ld x %ld CANNOT hold by PAPER TRAY (%ld)", pFI1->pName, pFI1->Size.cx, pFI1->Size.cy, DeviceSize.cx)); ValidForm = FALSE; } if (ValidForm) { pFI1->Flags |= FI1F_VALID_SIZE; ++cb; } PLOTDBG(DBG_ENUMFORMS2, ("%hs [-%hs-]: <%ws> (%ld x %ld)", pszFormMode[FormMode], (ValidForm) ? "Ok" : "--", pFI1->pName, pFI1->Size.cx, pFI1->Size.cy)); } ++pFI1; } if (EnumFormProc) { // // In EnumFormProc it will increment ValidCount each time it called // if (pEnumFormParam->pCurForm) { DWORD cMaxOut; PLOTDBG(DBG_ENUMFORMS, ("PlotEnumForms: ValidCount=%ld, Count=%ld, cMaxOut=%ld", cb, Count, pEnumFormParam->cMaxOut)); cb = 0; cMaxOut = pEnumFormParam->cMaxOut; pFI1 = pEnumFormParam->pFI1Base; for (Index = 0; ((Index <= Count) && (cMaxOut > 0)); Index++, pFI1++, cMaxOut--) { if (Index == Count) { pFI1 = NULL; } if ((!pFI1) || (pFI1->Flags & FI1F_VALID_SIZE)) { ++cb; (*EnumFormProc)(pFI1, Index, pEnumFormParam); } } } else { // // Add a Custom Size Form // ++cb; } LocalFree((HLOCAL)pEnumFormParam->pFI1Base); pEnumFormParam->pFI1Base = NULL; } pEnumFormParam->ValidCount = cb; PLOTDBG(DBG_ENUMFORMS, ("PlotEnumForms: ValidCount = %ld / %ld", pEnumFormParam->ValidCount, pEnumFormParam->Count)); return(TRUE); }