/*****************************************************************************\ * MODULE: ppprn.c * * This module contains the routines which control the printer during the * course of a single job. * * * Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Microsoft Corporation * Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Hewlett Packard * * History: * 09-Jun-1993 JonMarb Created * 07-Oct-1996 HWP-Guys Initiated port from win95 to winNT * \*****************************************************************************/ #include "precomp.h" #include "priv.h" /*****************************************************************************\ * _ppprn_free_hprinter (Local Routine) * * Free up the hPrinter handle. * \*****************************************************************************/ _inline VOID _ppprn_free_hprinter( HANDLE hPrinter) { LPINET_HPRINTER pPrt; if (pPrt = (LPINET_HPRINTER)hPrinter) { DeleteHandleFromList (pPrt); if (pPrt->lpszName) memFreeStr(pPrt->lpszName); if (pPrt->hUser) delete ( pPrt->hUser ); memFree(pPrt, sizeof(INET_HPRINTER)); } } /*****************************************************************************\ * _ppprn_inc_user_refcount (Local Routine) * * Increment the reference count for the Port on the current printer * \*****************************************************************************/ _inline DWORD __ppprn_inc_user_refcout( HANDLE hPrinter ) { LPINET_HPRINTER pPrt; DWORD dwRet = MAXDWORD; if (pPrt = (LPINET_HPRINTER)hPrinter) { dwRet = (PCINETMONPORT (pPrt->hPort))->IncUserRefCount(pPrt->hUser ); } else SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return dwRet; } /*****************************************************************************\ * _ppprn_make_hprinter (Local Routine) * * Returns a printer handle. * \*****************************************************************************/ HANDLE _ppprn_make_hprinter( HANDLE hPort, LPCTSTR lpszPrnName) { LPINET_HPRINTER pPrt; if (pPrt = (LPINET_HPRINTER)memAlloc(sizeof(INET_HPRINTER))) { pPrt->dwSignature = IPO_SIGNATURE; pPrt->lpszName = memAllocStr(lpszPrnName); pPrt->hPort = hPort; pPrt->dwStatus = 0; pPrt->pjmJob = NULL; pPrt->hUser = new CLogonUserData; if ( pPrt->lpszName && pPrt->hUser && pPrt->hUser->bValid () && AddHandleToList (pPrt) ) { return (HANDLE)pPrt; } else { if (pPrt->lpszName) memFreeStr (pPrt->lpszName); if (pPrt->hUser) { delete ( pPrt->hUser ); } memFree (pPrt, sizeof(INET_HPRINTER)); } } return NULL; } /*****************************************************************************\ * _ppprn_free_xcv_hprinter (Local Routine) * * Free a xcv printer handle. * \*****************************************************************************/ _inline VOID _ppprn_free_xcv_hprinter( HANDLE hPrinter) { LPINET_XCV_HPRINTER pPrt; if (pPrt = (LPINET_XCV_HPRINTER)hPrinter) { memFreeStr (pPrt->lpszName); memFree(pPrt, sizeof(INET_XCV_HPRINTER)); } } /*****************************************************************************\ * _ppprn_make_xcv_hprinter (Local Routine) * * Returns a xcv printer handle. * \*****************************************************************************/ HANDLE _ppprn_make_xcv_hprinter( PCINETMONPORT pIniPort) { LPINET_XCV_HPRINTER pPrt; if (pPrt = (LPINET_XCV_HPRINTER)memAlloc(sizeof(INET_XCV_HPRINTER))) { pPrt->dwSignature = IPO_XCV_SIGNATURE; pPrt->lpszName = memAllocStr(pIniPort->GetPortName()); } return pPrt; } /*****************************************************************************\ * ppprn_IppSetRsp (Local Callback Routine) * * Retrieves a SetPrinter response from the IPP server * \*****************************************************************************/ BOOL CALLBACK ppprn_IppSetRsp( CAnyConnection *pConnection, HINTERNET hReq, PCINETMONPORT pIniPort, LPARAM lParam) { HANDLE hIpp; DWORD dwRet; DWORD cbRd; LPBYTE lpDta; DWORD cbDta; LPIPPRET_PRN lpRsp; DWORD cbRsp; BYTE bBuf[MAX_IPP_BUFFER]; BOOL bRet = FALSE; if (hIpp = WebIppRcvOpen((WORD)(LPARAM)lParam)) { while (TRUE) { cbRd = 0; if (pIniPort->ReadFile (pConnection, hReq, (LPVOID)bBuf, sizeof(bBuf), &cbRd) && cbRd) { dwRet = WebIppRcvData(hIpp, bBuf, cbRd, (LPBYTE*)&lpRsp, &cbRsp, &lpDta, &cbDta); switch (dwRet) { case WEBIPP_OK: if ((bRet = lpRsp->bRet) == FALSE) SetLastError(lpRsp->dwLastError); WebIppFreeMem(lpRsp); goto EndSetRsp; case WEBIPP_MOREDATA: // Need to do another read to fullfill our header-response. // break; default: DBG_MSG(DBG_LEV_ERROR, (TEXT("ppprn_IppSetRsp - Err : Receive Data Error (dwRet=%d, LE=%d)"), dwRet, WebIppGetError(hIpp))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); goto EndSetRsp; } } else { goto EndSetRsp; } } EndSetRsp: WebIppRcvClose(hIpp); } else { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); } return bRet; } /*****************************************************************************\ * ppprn_Set (Local Routine) * * Sets a printer command. * \*****************************************************************************/ BOOL ppprn_Set( PCINETMONPORT pIniPort, DWORD dwCmd) { PIPPREQ_SETPRN psp; REQINFO ri; DWORD dwRet; LPBYTE lpIpp; DWORD cbIpp; WORD wReq; LPTSTR lpszUsrName; BOOL bRet = FALSE; // Create our ipp-reqest-structure. // if (lpszUsrName = GetUserName()) { psp = WebIppCreateSetPrnReq(dwCmd, lpszUsrName, pIniPort->GetPortName()); memFreeStr(lpszUsrName); if (psp) { switch (dwCmd) { case PRINTER_CONTROL_PAUSE: wReq = IPP_REQ_PAUSEPRN; break; case PRINTER_CONTROL_RESUME: wReq = IPP_REQ_RESUMEPRN; break; case PRINTER_CONTROL_PURGE: wReq = IPP_REQ_CANCELPRN; break; default: wReq = 0; break; } // Convert the reqest to IPP, and perform the // post. // ZeroMemory(&ri, sizeof(REQINFO)); ri.cpReq = CP_UTF8; ri.idReq = wReq; ri.fReq[0] = IPP_REQALL; ri.fReq[1] = IPP_REQALL; dwRet = WebIppSndData(wReq, &ri, (LPBYTE)psp, psp->cbSize, &lpIpp, &cbIpp); // The request-structure has been converted to IPP format, // so it is ready to go to the server. // if (dwRet == WEBIPP_OK) { bRet = pIniPort->SendReq(lpIpp, cbIpp, ppprn_IppSetRsp, (LPARAM)(wReq | IPP_RESPONSE), TRUE); WebIppFreeMem(lpIpp); } else { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); } WebIppFreeMem(psp); } else { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); } } return bRet; } VOID _ppprn_working_thread ( PENDDOCTHREADCONTEXT pThreadData) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; PJOBMAP pjm = pThreadData->pjmJob; PCINETMONPORT pIniPort = pThreadData->pIniPort; static DWORD cdwWaitTime = 15000; DBGMSGT (DBG_LEV_CALLTREE, ("Enter _ppprn_working_thread (%p)\n", pThreadData)); pThreadData->pSidToken->SetCurrentSid (); delete pThreadData->pSidToken; pThreadData->pSidToken = NULL; semEnterCrit(); pjmUpdateLocalJobStatus (pjm, JOB_STATUS_PRINTING); // // The document is cancelled // if (pjmChkState(pThreadData->pjmJob, PJM_CANCEL)) { bRet = TRUE; } else { // Refresh the notification handle // RefreshNotificationPort (pIniPort); bRet = pIniPort->EndDocPort(pjm); } // // Check this flags again, since we left CriticalSection during file transfer // if (pjmChkState(pThreadData->pjmJob, PJM_CANCEL)) { bRet = TRUE; } if (bRet) { // // Clear our spooling-state. This will free up any spool-job-resources. // pjmClrState(pjm, PJM_SPOOLING); // // Invalidate both job and printer caches // pIniPort->InvalidateGetPrinterCache (); pIniPort->InvalidateEnumJobsCache (); } else { pjmUpdateLocalJobStatus (pjm, JOB_STATUS_ERROR); } // Refresh the notification handle // RefreshNotificationPort (pIniPort); // // Clean the async thread flag // pjmClrState(pjm, PJM_ASYNCON); pIniPort->DecRef(); semLeaveCrit(); delete pThreadData; DBGMSGT (DBG_LEV_CALLTREE, ("Leave _ppprn_working_thread (ret = %d)\n", bRet)); } BOOL _ppprn_end_docprinter_async ( PCINETMONPORT pIniPort, PJOBMAP pjmJob) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; PENDDOCTHREADCONTEXT pThreadData = new ENDDOCTHREADCONTEXT; if (pThreadData) { pThreadData->pIniPort = pIniPort; pThreadData->pjmJob = pjmJob; pThreadData->pSidToken = new CSid; if (pThreadData->pSidToken && pThreadData->pSidToken->bValid ()) { HANDLE hThread; pjmSetState(pjmJob, PJM_ASYNCON); // // Increase the ref count of the port to make sure it is not deleted // pIniPort->IncRef(); if (pIniPort->CreateTerminateEvent() && (hThread = CreateThread (NULL, COMMITTED_STACK_SIZE, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)_ppprn_working_thread, (PVOID) pThreadData, 0, NULL))) { CloseHandle (hThread); bRet = TRUE; } else { // // Fail to create the thread // pIniPort->DecRef (); pjmClrState(pjmJob, PJM_ASYNCON); } } if (!bRet) { if (pThreadData->pSidToken) { delete (pThreadData->pSidToken); pThreadData->pSidToken = NULL; } delete (pThreadData); } } return bRet; } /*****************************************************************************\ * PP_OpenJobInfo * * Opens a job-information. This is called at StartDoc timeframe when we * need to start a spool-job. * \*****************************************************************************/ PJOBMAP PP_OpenJobInfo( HANDLE hPrinter, PCINETMONPORT pIniPort, LPTSTR pDocName) { PJOBMAP* pjmList; LPINET_HPRINTER lpPrt = (LPINET_HPRINTER)hPrinter; LPTSTR pUserName = GetUserName(); pjmList = pIniPort->GetPJMList(); if (lpPrt->pjmJob = pjmAdd(pjmList, pIniPort, pUserName, pDocName)) { // Set the state to spooling for our job-entry. This wil // create the spool-file object. // pjmSetState(lpPrt->pjmJob, PJM_SPOOLING); } memFreeStr (pUserName); return lpPrt->pjmJob; } /*****************************************************************************\ * PP_CloseJobInfo * * Close our spool-job and clear out the information regarding a printjob from * the printer. * \*****************************************************************************/ VOID PP_CloseJobInfo( HANDLE hPrinter) { PJOBMAP* pjmList; LPINET_HPRINTER lpPrt = (LPINET_HPRINTER)hPrinter; // Clear our spooling-state. This will free up any spool-job-resources. // pjmClrState(lpPrt->pjmJob, PJM_SPOOLING); // If we had cancelled our print-job, then we can remove the // entry. // if (pjmChkState(lpPrt->pjmJob, PJM_CANCEL)) { pjmList = ((PCINETMONPORT)(lpPrt->hPort))->GetPJMList(); pjmDel(pjmList, lpPrt->pjmJob); } // Clear out or spool-status. // lpPrt->pjmJob = NULL; } VOID PP_CloseJobInfo2( HANDLE hPrinter) { PJOBMAP* pjmList; LPINET_HPRINTER lpPrt = (LPINET_HPRINTER)hPrinter; // Clear out or spool-status. // lpPrt->pjmJob = NULL; } /*****************************************************************************\ * PPAbortPrinter * * Deletes a printer's spool file if the printer is configured for spooling. * Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE if an error occurs. * \*****************************************************************************/ BOOL PPAbortPrinter( HANDLE hPrinter) { PCINETMONPORT pIniPort; BOOL bRet = FALSE; DBG_MSG(DBG_LEV_CALLTREE, (TEXT("Call: PPAbortPrinter(%08lX)"), hPrinter)); semEnterCrit(); if (pIniPort = utlValidatePrinterHandle(hPrinter)) { if ( PP_ChkStatus(hPrinter, PP_STARTDOC) && !PP_ChkStatus(hPrinter, PP_ENDDOC)) { if (bRet = pIniPort->AbortPort(PP_GetJobInfo(hPrinter))) { // If this call was successful, the job-info // will have been freed. Therefore, it is OK // to set the printer-jobreq to NULL. // PP_SetStatus(hPrinter, PP_CANCELLED); PP_ClrStatus(hPrinter, PP_STARTDOC); PP_CloseJobInfo(hPrinter); } } else { if (PP_ChkStatus(hPrinter, PP_CANCELLED)) SetLastError(ERROR_PRINT_CANCELLED); else SetLastError(ERROR_SPL_NO_STARTDOC); bRet = TRUE; } } semLeaveCrit(); return bRet; } /*****************************************************************************\ * PPClosePrinter * * Closes a printer that was previously opened with PPOpenPrinter. Returns * TRUE if successful, FALSE if an error occurs. * \*****************************************************************************/ BOOL PPClosePrinter( HANDLE hPrinter) { PCINETMONPORT pIniPort; BOOL bRet = FALSE; BOOL bDeletePending = FALSE; DBG_MSG(DBG_LEV_CALLTREE, (TEXT("Call: PPClosePrinter: Printer(%08lX)"), hPrinter)); semEnterCrit(); if (pIniPort = utlValidatePrinterHandleForClose(hPrinter, &bDeletePending) ) { if (bDeletePending) { bRet = gpInetMon->InetmonReleasePort(pIniPort); _ppprn_free_hprinter(hPrinter); } else { if ( PP_ChkStatus(hPrinter, PP_STARTDOC) && !PP_ChkStatus(hPrinter, PP_ENDDOC)) { PP_SetStatus(hPrinter, PP_ENDDOC); pIniPort->EndDocPort(PP_GetJobInfo(hPrinter)); PP_ClrStatus(hPrinter, (PP_STARTDOC | PP_ENDDOC)); PP_CloseJobInfo(hPrinter); } // Our write-port does leave the crit-sect. If this // routine is called while we're still in an end-doc, then // we will set a zombie-flag and let the End-Doc clean up // the handle for us. // if (PP_ChkStatus(hPrinter, PP_ENDDOC)) { bRet = TRUE; PP_SetStatus(hPrinter, PP_ZOMBIE); } else { bRet = gpInetMon->InetmonClosePort(pIniPort, hPrinter ); _ppprn_free_hprinter(hPrinter); } } } else if (utlValidateXcvPrinterHandle(hPrinter) ) { // // We don't need to dec-ref on the http port for XCV handle // // // Free memory // _ppprn_free_xcv_hprinter(hPrinter); } semLeaveCrit(); return bRet; } /*****************************************************************************\ * PPEndDocPrinter * * Ends a print job on the specified printer. Returns TRUE if successful, * FALSE otherwise. * \*****************************************************************************/ BOOL PPEndDocPrinter( HANDLE hPrinter) { PCINETMONPORT pIniPort; PJOBMAP pjmJob; DWORD dwLE; BOOL bRet = FALSE; DBG_MSG(DBG_LEV_CALLTREE, (TEXT("Call: PPEndDocPrinter: Printer(%08lX)"), hPrinter)); semEnterCrit(); if (pIniPort = utlValidatePrinterHandle(hPrinter)) { // Verify that we are in a StartDoc. // if ( PP_ChkStatus(hPrinter, PP_STARTDOC) && !PP_ChkStatus(hPrinter, PP_ENDDOC)) { PP_SetStatus(hPrinter, PP_ENDDOC); // Get the job we're dealing with. // pjmJob = PP_GetJobInfo(hPrinter); // End the job. This closes our spooling // and submits it to the server. If our job was // cancelled at anytime prior to EndDoc(), then we should // only remove the local-spool-job and not hit the server. // if (pjmChkState(pjmJob, PJM_CANCEL)) { bRet = TRUE; } else { if ((bRet = _ppprn_end_docprinter_async(pIniPort, pjmJob)) == FALSE) dwLE = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; } // Clear our flags so others can use the // printer. // PP_ClrStatus(hPrinter, (PP_STARTDOC | PP_ENDDOC)); PP_CloseJobInfo2(hPrinter); // Since the end-doc-port leaves the crit-sect, there's // the possibility that the printer-handle has been // closed. If so, check for zombie-status and delete // the printer-handle accordingly. // if (PP_ChkStatus(hPrinter, PP_ZOMBIE)) { gpInetMon->InetmonClosePort(pIniPort, hPrinter); _ppprn_free_hprinter(hPrinter); } } else { if (PP_ChkStatus(hPrinter, PP_CANCELLED)) dwLE = ERROR_PRINT_CANCELLED; else dwLE = ERROR_SPL_NO_STARTDOC; } } else { dwLE = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; } semLeaveCrit(); if (bRet == FALSE) SetLastError(dwLE); return bRet; } /*****************************************************************************\ * PPEndPagePrinter * * Informs the printer that the data sent with WritePrinter since the last * BeginPage functions, constitutes a page. Returns TRUE if successful. * Otherwise, it returns FALSE. * \*****************************************************************************/ BOOL PPEndPagePrinter( HANDLE hPrinter) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; DBG_MSG(DBG_LEV_CALLTREE, (TEXT("Call: PPEndPagePrinter: hPrinter(%08lX)"), hPrinter)); semEnterCrit(); if (utlValidatePrinterHandle(hPrinter) != NULL) { if (PP_ChkStatus(hPrinter, PP_CANCELLED)) SetLastError(ERROR_PRINT_CANCELLED); else bRet = TRUE; } semLeaveCrit(); return bRet; } /*****************************************************************************\ * PPOpenPrinter * * Obtains a handle for the specified printer (queue). * * NOTE: We're going to delay the validation of the printer-port-name until * later (StartDoc), as to handle cases where the server is down. If * this is not done, we appear to hang at the UI as we attempt to * send a request to the server. * * Return Value: * * We have to return the correct router code to the spooler * * ROUTER_* status code: * * ROUTER_SUCCESS, phPrinter holds return handle, name cached * ROUTER_UNKNOWN, printer not recognized, error updated * ROUTER_STOP_ROUTING, printer recognized, but failure, error updated * * \*****************************************************************************/ BOOL PPOpenPrinter( LPTSTR lpszPrnName, LPHANDLE phPrinter, LPPRINTER_DEFAULTS pDefaults) { PCINETMONPORT pIniPort; BOOL bRet = FALSE; DWORD dwRet = ROUTER_UNKNOWN; DWORD dwLE; BOOL bXcv = FALSE; DBG_MSG(DBG_LEV_CALLTREE, (TEXT("Call: PPOpenPrinter: Name(%s)"), lpszPrnName)); semEnterCrit(); // Open the port for the printer, and create the true // printer handle. // if (pIniPort = gpInetMon->InetmonOpenPort(lpszPrnName, &bXcv)) { if (!bXcv) { // Not an XcvOpen call if (*phPrinter = _ppprn_make_hprinter(pIniPort, lpszPrnName)) { if (__ppprn_inc_user_refcout( *phPrinter ) != MAXDWORD ) { dwRet = ROUTER_SUCCESS; } else { _ppprn_free_hprinter( *phPrinter ); // This will also free the hUser *phPrinter = NULL; // Make sure we don't return anything and the router stops. dwRet = ROUTER_STOP_ROUTING; } } else { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); gpInetMon->InetmonClosePort(pIniPort, NULL ); dwRet = ROUTER_STOP_ROUTING; } } else { // XcvOpen call if (*phPrinter = _ppprn_make_xcv_hprinter(pIniPort)) { dwRet = ROUTER_SUCCESS; } else { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); // // We don't need to dec-ref port since we never add-ref in XCV Open // dwRet = ROUTER_STOP_ROUTING; } } } semLeaveCrit(); DBG_MSG(DBG_LEV_CALLTREE, (TEXT("Call: PPOpenPrinter : Return Value(%d), LastError(%d)"), dwRet, GetLastError())); return dwRet; } /*****************************************************************************\ * PPStartDocPrinter * * Ends a print job on the specified printer. Returns a print job ID if * successful. Otherwise, it returns zero. * \*****************************************************************************/ DWORD PPStartDocPrinter( HANDLE hPrinter, DWORD dwLevel, LPBYTE pDocInfo) { PCINETMONPORT pIniPort = NULL; PJOBMAP pjmJob; DWORD idJob = 0; DBG_MSG(DBG_LEV_CALLTREE, (TEXT("Call: PPStartDocPrinter: Printer(%08lX) dwLevel(%d)"), hPrinter, dwLevel)); semEnterCrit(); if (pIniPort = utlValidatePrinterHandle(hPrinter)) { // Look at the support levels, then do the StartDocPrinter on // the port. // switch (dwLevel) { case PRINT_LEVEL_1: // Serialize access to the port. Don't allow startdoc on // the printer if one is already in progress. // if (PP_ChkStatus(hPrinter, PP_STARTDOC)) { SetLastError(ERROR_BUSY); } else { if (pjmJob = PP_OpenJobInfo(hPrinter, pIniPort, ((PDOC_INFO_1) pDocInfo)->pDocName)) { // Get the JobId for the start-doc, then set the info // into the printer-handle. // if (pIniPort->StartDocPort(dwLevel, pDocInfo, pjmJob)) { idJob = pjmJobId(pjmJob, PJM_LOCALID); PP_ClrStatus(hPrinter, PP_CANCELLED); PP_SetStatus(hPrinter, (PP_STARTDOC | PP_FIRSTWRITE)); } else { PP_CloseJobInfo(hPrinter); } } else { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); } } break; default: DBG_MSG(DBG_LEV_WARN, (TEXT("Warn: PPStartDocPrinter: Invalid Level (%d)"), dwLevel)); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL); break; } } semLeaveCrit(); return idJob; } /*****************************************************************************\ * PPStartPagePrinter * * Informs the spool subsystem that a page is about to be started on this * printer. Returns TRUE if successful. Otherwise, FALSE if an error occurs. * \*****************************************************************************/ BOOL PPStartPagePrinter( HANDLE hPrinter) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; DBG_MSG(DBG_LEV_CALLTREE, (TEXT("Call: PPStartPagePrinter: hPrinter(%08lX)"), hPrinter)); semEnterCrit(); if (utlValidatePrinterHandle(hPrinter) != NULL) { if (PP_ChkStatus(hPrinter, PP_CANCELLED)) SetLastError(ERROR_PRINT_CANCELLED); else bRet = TRUE; } semLeaveCrit(); return bRet; } /*****************************************************************************\ * PPWritePrinter * * Sends the data pointed to by pBuf to the specified printer. Returns TRUE * if successful. Otherwise, it returns FALSE. * \*****************************************************************************/ BOOL PPWritePrinter( HANDLE hPrinter, LPVOID lpvBuf, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbWr) { PCINETMONPORT pIniPort; PJOBMAP pjmJob; BOOL bRet = FALSE; DBG_MSG(DBG_LEV_CALLTREE, (TEXT("Call: PPWritePrinter: Printer(%08lX)"), hPrinter)); semEnterCrit(); *pcbWr = 0; if (pIniPort = utlValidatePrinterHandle(hPrinter)) { // If we're in a start-doc, and end-doc hasn't been // called, then we can still write to the port. // if ( PP_ChkStatus(hPrinter, PP_STARTDOC) && !PP_ChkStatus(hPrinter, PP_ENDDOC)) { pjmJob = PP_GetJobInfo(hPrinter); // If we received a SetJob(CANCEL), during the print-spooling // process, then we need to mark our job as done. // if (!pjmChkState(pjmJob, PJM_CANCEL)) { bRet = pIniPort->WritePort(pjmJob, (LPBYTE) lpvBuf, cbBuf, pcbWr); pjmAddJobSize (pjmJob, *pcbWr); // We do not need to update the cache since the job info is stored locally // RefreshNotificationPort (pIniPort); } else { bRet = TRUE; if (pIniPort->AbortPort(pjmJob)) { // If this call was successful, the job-info // will have been freed. Therefore, it is OK // to set the printer-jobreq to NULL. // PP_SetStatus(hPrinter, PP_CANCELLED); PP_ClrStatus(hPrinter, PP_STARTDOC); PP_CloseJobInfo(hPrinter); } } } else { if (PP_ChkStatus(hPrinter, PP_CANCELLED)) SetLastError(ERROR_PRINT_CANCELLED); else SetLastError(ERROR_SPL_NO_STARTDOC); } } semLeaveCrit(); return bRet; } /*****************************************************************************\ * PPSetPrinter * * Set printer command. * \*****************************************************************************/ BOOL PPSetPrinter( HANDLE hPrinter, DWORD dwLevel, LPBYTE pbPrinter, DWORD dwCmd) { PCINETMONPORT pIniPort; BOOL bRet = FALSE; DBG_MSG(DBG_LEV_CALLTREE, (TEXT("Call: PPSetPrinter: Printer(%08lX)"), hPrinter)); semEnterCrit(); if (pIniPort = utlValidatePrinterHandle(hPrinter)) { // Set printer parameters. // switch (dwLevel) { case PRINT_LEVEL_0: // Do not set parameters. (0) represents "no-command". // switch (dwCmd) { case PRINTER_CONTROL_PAUSE: case PRINTER_CONTROL_RESUME: case PRINTER_CONTROL_PURGE: bRet = ppprn_Set(pIniPort, dwCmd); if (bRet) { pIniPort->InvalidateGetPrinterCache (); if (dwCmd == PRINTER_CONTROL_PURGE) { // // Clean job cache if the command is to cancel all documents // pIniPort->InvalidateEnumJobsCache (); } RefreshNotification((LPINET_HPRINTER)hPrinter); } break; case 0: bRet = TRUE; break; } break; default: DBG_MSG(DBG_LEV_WARN, (TEXT("Warn: PPSetPrinter: Invalid Level (%d)"), dwLevel)); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL); break; } } semLeaveCrit(); return bRet; }