LocalMon: Sample Port Monitor Server DLL


A port monitor DLL is a user-mode DLL that is responsible for providing a communications path between the user-mode print spooler and the kernel-mode port drivers that access I/O port hardware. Please refer to the DDK documentation for further information about print monitors.

This sample runs on the x86 platform and the code is 64-bit compliant.


To build the sample, run build from this directory. Once built, the sample will produce the binary DDKLocalmon.dll.

The INF file monitor.inf is used for installing the port monitor. Both the port monitor DLL and the port monitor’s user interface DLL are installed using the monitor.inf file.


File Manifest

File           Description
Config.c       Handles spooler entry points for adding, deleting, and configuring localmon ports 
Lmon.h         Header that declares PORT_INFO_FF structure 
Irda.c         IRDA printing support in localmon
Irda.h         Header for IRDA
Local.h        Header that declares debug functions
Localmon.c     Source module that contains the DLL entry point 
Localmon.def   File that lists the exported functions 
Localmon.prf   Resource file for the dialogs 
Localmon.h     Header for global declarations and function prototypes 
Localmon.htm   Documentation for this sample (this file)
Localmon.rc    Resource file for the module 
Makefile       Generic file for building the code sample
Precomp.h      Generic header
Resource.rcv   Resource version file
Resource.h     Resource header file
Setlink.c      Utility to display or change the value of a symbolic link 
Sources        Generic file for building the code sample
Spltypes.h     Header for Winspool.c 
Util.c         Source module for support routines
Winspool.c     Implements the spooler supported APIs for printing
Xcv.c          Interface for calling  print spooler's XcvData (transceive data) functions. This is the means by which a port monitor UI DLL communicates with its associated port monitor server DLL. 

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