PJLMon: Sample Language Monitor


A language monitor provides full duplex communication between the print spooler and bidirectional printers that are capable of providing software-accessible status information. The language monitor adds printer control information, such as commands defined by a printer job language, to the data stream.

PJLMon.dll supports Printer Job Language (PJL) and provides bidirectional communication for PJL printers.

Please refer to the DDK documentation for more information about print monitors.

This sample runs on the x86 platform and is 64-bit compliant.


To build the sample, run build from this directory. Once built, the sample will produce the binary pjlmon.dll.

To install a language monitor, its file name must be listed in an .inf file by using a LanguageMonitor entry. This entry must be included for every printer driver that controls a printer requiring the use of the language monitor. All files required by the language monitor must be listed in the CopyFiles entry for each driver. The file Pjlmon.inf shows how to use the LanguageMonitor entry.


File Manifest

File           Description
Local.h        Header for global declarations and function prototypes
Makefile       Generic file for building the code sample
Parsepjl.c     Source module that handles parsing of PJL printer response streams
Parsepjl.h     Header for PARSEPJL.C 
Pjlmon.c       Source module that contains the exported functions
Pjlmon.def     File that list the exported functions
Pjlmon.inf     Inf file that shows how to use the LanguageMonitor entry
Pjlmon.rc      Resource file for the module
Precomp.h      Header that includes the headers to pre-compile
Pjlmon.htm     Documentation for this sample (this file)
Sources        Generic file for building the code sample
Spltypes.h     Header for PJLMON.C 
Util.c         The source module for utility routines

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