/*++ Copyright (c) 1994-1999 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved. Module Name: common.cxx Abstract: common functions across all spooler components Author: Steve Kiraly (SteveKi) Revision History: Felix Maxa (AMaxa) 19 Apr 2001 Added StrCatSystemPath --*/ #include "spllibp.hxx" #pragma hdrstop #include "splcom.h" extern "C" DWORD WINAPIV StrCatAlloc( IN OUT LPCTSTR *ppszString, ... ) /*++ Description: This routine concatenates a set of null terminated strings and returns a pointer to the new string. It's the callers responsibility to release the returned string with a call to FreeSplMem(); The last argument must be a NULL to signify the end of the argument list. Arguments: ppszString - pointer where to return pointer to newly created string which is the concatenation of the passed in strings. ... - variable number of string to concatenate. Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS if new concatenated string is returned, or ERROR_XXX if an error occurred. Notes: The caller must pass valid strings as arguments to this routine, if an integer or other parameter is passed the routine will either crash or fail abnormally. Since this is an internal routine we are not in try except block for performance reasons. Usage --*/ { UINT uTotalLen = 0; DWORD dwRetval = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; LPTSTR pszString = NULL; LPCTSTR pszTemp = NULL; va_list pArgs; // // Validate the pointer where to return the buffer. // if (ppszString) { dwRetval = ERROR_SUCCESS; // // Keep the callers from getting random value on failure. // *ppszString = NULL; // // Get pointer to argument frame. // va_start(pArgs, ppszString); // // Tally up all the strings. // for ( ; ; ) { // // Get pointer to the next argument. // pszTemp = va_arg(pArgs, LPCTSTR); if (!pszTemp) { break; } // // Sum all the string lengths. // uTotalLen = uTotalLen + _tcslen(pszTemp); } // // Need space for the null terminator. // uTotalLen = uTotalLen + 1; // // Allocate the space for the sum of all the strings. // pszString = (LPTSTR)AllocSplMem(uTotalLen * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (pszString) { *pszString = L'\0'; // // Reset the pointer to the argument frame. // va_start(pArgs, ppszString); // // Concatenate all the strings. // for ( ; ; ) { pszTemp = va_arg(pArgs, LPCTSTR); if (!pszTemp) { break; } StringCchCat(pszString, uTotalLen, pszTemp); } // // Copy back the string pointer to the caller. // *ppszString = pszString; } else { dwRetval = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } va_end(pArgs); } // // Set the last error in case the caller forgets to. // if (dwRetval != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(dwRetval); } return dwRetval; } extern "C" DWORD WINAPIV StrNCatBuff( IN LPTSTR pszBuffer, IN UINT cchBuffer, ... ) /*++ Description: This routine concatenates a set of null terminated strings into the provided buffer. The last argument must be a NULL to signify the end of the argument list. Arguments: pszBuffer - pointer buffer where to place the concatenated string. cchBuffer - character count of the provided buffer including the null terminator. ... - variable number of string to concatenate. Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS if new concatenated string is returned, or ERROR_XXX if an error occurred. Notes: The caller must pass valid strings as arguments to this routine, if an integer or other parameter is passed the routine will either crash or fail abnormally. Since this is an internal routine we are not in try except block for performance reasons. --*/ { DWORD dwRetval = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; LPCTSTR pszTemp = NULL; LPTSTR pszDest = NULL; va_list pArgs; // // Validate the pointer where to return the buffer. // if (pszBuffer && cchBuffer) { // // Assume success. // dwRetval = ERROR_SUCCESS; // // Get pointer to argument frame. // va_start(pArgs, cchBuffer); // // Get temp destination pointer. // pszDest = pszBuffer; // // Insure we have space for the null terminator. // cchBuffer--; // // Collect all the arguments. // for ( ; ; ) { // // Get pointer to the next argument. // pszTemp = va_arg(pArgs, LPCTSTR); if (!pszTemp) { break; } // // Copy the data into the destination buffer. // for ( ; cchBuffer; cchBuffer-- ) { if (!(*pszDest = *pszTemp)) { break; } pszDest++, pszTemp++; } // // If were unable to write all the strings to the buffer, // set the error code and nuke the incomplete copied strings. // if (!cchBuffer && pszTemp && *pszTemp) { dwRetval = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; *pszBuffer = _T('\0'); break; } } // // Terminate the buffer always. // *pszDest = _T('\0'); va_end(pArgs); } // // Set the last error in case the caller forgets to. // if (dwRetval != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(dwRetval); } return dwRetval; } extern "C" LPTSTR WINAPI SubChar( IN LPCTSTR pszIn, IN TCHAR cIn, IN TCHAR cOut ) /*++ Routine Description: Replaces all instances of cIn in pszIn with cOut. Arguments: pszIn - input string cIn - character to replace with cOut cOut - character that replaces cIn Return Value: If successful, returns a pointer to an allocated buffer containing the output string. If the return value is NULL, SubChar has fails and GetLastError() will return the error. Notes: An output buffer is allocated (and contains NULL) even if pszOut is NULL. --*/ { LPTSTR pszReturn = NULL; LPTSTR pszOut = NULL; if (cIn && pszIn) { if ((pszOut = pszReturn = (LPTSTR) AllocSplMem((_tcslen(pszIn) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR)))) { for (; *pszIn ; ++pszIn, ++pszOut) { *pszOut = (*pszIn == cIn) ? cOut : *pszIn; } *pszOut = *pszIn; } } else { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } return pszReturn; } /*++ Routine Name: GetLastErrorAsHResult Routine Description: Returns the last error as an HRESULT assuming a failure. Arguments: None Return Value: An HRESULT. --*/ EXTERN_C HRESULT GetLastErrorAsHResult( VOID ) { return HResultFromWin32(GetLastError()); } /*++ Routine Name: GetFileNamePart Routine Description: Get the file name portion of a path. Arguments: pszFullPath - Full path to a file ppszFileName - File name Return Value: An HRESULT --*/ EXTERN_C HRESULT GetFileNamePart( IN PCWSTR pszFullPath, OUT PCWSTR *ppszFileName ) { HRESULT hRetval = E_FAIL; WCHAR szfname[_MAX_FNAME] = {0}; hRetval = pszFullPath && ppszFileName ? S_OK : E_INVALIDARG; if (SUCCEEDED(hRetval)) { _wsplitpath(pszFullPath, NULL, NULL, szfname, NULL); *ppszFileName = wcsstr(pszFullPath, szfname); } return hRetval; } /*++ Routine Name: GetLastErrorAsHResultAndFail Routine Description: This routine gets the last error as HRESULT, and if there was no last error, returns E_UNEXPECTED. Arguments: None Return Value: An HRESULT --*/ EXTERN_C HRESULT GetLastErrorAsHResultAndFail( void ) { HRESULT hRetval = E_FAIL; hRetval = GetLastErrorAsHResult(); if (S_OK == hRetval) { hRetval = E_UNEXPECTED; } return hRetval; } /*++ Routine Name: HResultFromWin32 Routine Description: Returns the last error as an HRESULT assuming a failure. Arguments: dwError - Win32 error code Return Value: An HRESULT --*/ EXTERN_C HRESULT HResultFromWin32( IN DWORD dwError ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError); } /*++ Description: This routine allocates a string which is the concatenation: Directory\pszFile. Directory is Windir, SystemRoot, CurrentDir, SystemWindowsDir, depending on the edir input argument. Arguments: pszFile - file name eDir - enumeration, tells the function what directory to concatenate ppszFullPath - pointer where to return pointer to newly created string Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS if new concatenated string is returned, or ERROR_XXX if an error occurred. Notes: The caller must use FreeSplMem to free the string returned by this function --*/ EXTERN_C DWORD WINAPI StrCatSystemPath( IN LPCTSTR pszFile, IN EStrCatDir eDir, OUT LPTSTR *ppszFullPath ) { DWORD Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; // // Validate arguments // if (pszFile && ppszFullPath) { DWORD cchNeeded; *ppszFullPath = NULL; // // Get the number of chars needed to hold the system directory. The returned // number accounts for the NULL terminator. GetCurrentDirectory is different than // the other function, because if takes the size of the buffer as the first // argument. // cchNeeded = eDir == kWindowsDir ? GetWindowsDirectory(NULL, 0) : eDir == kSystemWindowsDir ? GetSystemWindowsDirectory(NULL, 0) : eDir == kSystemDir ? GetSystemDirectory(NULL, 0) : GetCurrentDirectory(0, NULL); Error = cchNeeded ? ERROR_SUCCESS : GetLastError(); if (Error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // // Calculate the size of the buffer needed. Note that cchNeeded already // includes the NULL terminator. // length(directory) + whack + length(pszFile) // cchNeeded = cchNeeded + 1 + _tcslen(pszFile); *ppszFullPath = static_cast(AllocSplMem(cchNeeded * sizeof(TCHAR))); Error = *ppszFullPath ? ERROR_SUCCESS : GetLastError(); if (Error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD cchTemp; cchTemp = eDir == kWindowsDir ? GetWindowsDirectory(*ppszFullPath, cchNeeded) : eDir == kSystemWindowsDir ? GetSystemWindowsDirectory(*ppszFullPath, cchNeeded) : eDir == kSystemDir ? GetSystemDirectory(*ppszFullPath, cchNeeded) : GetCurrentDirectory(cchNeeded, *ppszFullPath); if (cchTemp) { StringCchCat(*ppszFullPath, cchNeeded, _T("\\")); StringCchCat(*ppszFullPath, cchNeeded, pszFile); } else { Error = GetLastError(); FreeSplMem(*ppszFullPath); *ppszFullPath = NULL; } } } } return Error; } /*++ Description: This routine converts a unicode string to an ansi string. The caller must free the ansi string using "delete [] pszAnsi". Arguments: pszUnicode - pointer to NULL terminated unicode string ppszAnsi - pointer where to return pointer to newly created string Returns: S_OK - operation was successful and *ppszAnsi can be used or any other HRESULT if an error occurred. --*/ EXTERN_C HRESULT UnicodeToAnsiWithAlloc( IN LPCWSTR pszUnicode, OUT LPSTR *ppszAnsi ) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; if (ppszAnsi) { *ppszAnsi = NULL; hr = S_OK; if (pszUnicode) { INT rc; rc = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_THREAD_ACP, 0, pszUnicode, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (rc) { *ppszAnsi = new CHAR[rc]; if (*ppszAnsi) { rc = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_THREAD_ACP, 0, pszUnicode, -1, *ppszAnsi, rc, NULL, NULL); if (!rc) { hr = GetLastErrorAsHResult(); delete [] *ppszAnsi; } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { hr = GetLastErrorAsHResult(); } } } return hr; } /*++ Description: This routine converts an ansi string to a unicode string. The caller must free the unicode string using "delete [] pszUnicode". Arguments: pszAnsi - pointer to NULL terminated ansi string ppszUnicode - pointer where to return pointer to newly created string Returns: S_OK - operation was successful and *ppszUnicode can be used or any other HRESULT if an error occurred. --*/ EXTERN_C HRESULT AnsiToUnicodeWithAlloc( IN LPCSTR pszAnsi, OUT LPWSTR *ppszUnicode ) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; if (ppszUnicode) { *ppszUnicode = NULL; hr = S_OK; if (pszAnsi) { INT rc; rc = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, pszAnsi, -1, NULL, 0); if (rc) { *ppszUnicode = new WCHAR[rc]; if (*ppszUnicode) { rc = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, pszAnsi, -1, *ppszUnicode, rc); if (!rc) { hr = GetLastErrorAsHResult(); delete [] *ppszUnicode; } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { hr = GetLastErrorAsHResult(); } } } return hr; } /*++ Routine Name: StatusFromHResult Description: This function returns a win32 error code from an HRESULT if possible and it failed, if it is not a win32 error code, it just returns the error code, otherwise it returns ERROR_SUCCESS. Arguments: hr - The HRESULT. Returns: The status equivalent of the hresult. --*/ EXTERN_C DWORD StatusFromHResult( IN HRESULT hr ) { DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (FAILED(hr)) { if (HRESULT_FACILITY(hr) == FACILITY_WIN32) { Status = HRESULT_CODE(hr); } else { // // Kind of wacky, should we have a table here for reasonably translatable HResults? // Status = hr; } } return Status; } /*++ Routine Name: BoolFromHResult Description: This function take an HRESULT input, if the HRESULT is a failure, it sets the last error and returns false, otherwise it returns TRUE. Arguments: hr - The HRESULT. Returns: A BOOLEAN, Sets the last error --*/ EXTERN_C BOOL BoolFromHResult( IN HRESULT hr ) { DWORD Status = StatusFromHResult(hr); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(Status); } return Status == ERROR_SUCCESS; } /*++ Routine Name: BoolFromStatus Description: This function sets the last error to the given win32 error code if it is not error success. It returns the corresponding error result. Arguments: Status - The Win32 error code. Returns: A BOOLEAN, Sets the last error --*/ EXTERN_C BOOL BoolFromStatus( IN DWORD Status ) { BOOL bRet = TRUE; if (ERROR_SUCCESS != Status) { SetLastError(Status); bRet = FALSE; } return bRet; }