/*++ Copyright (c) 1990-1995 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: help.h Abstract: This module contains the prototype for the help.c Author: 28-Aug-1995 Mon 15:31:32 created -by- Daniel Chou (danielc) [Environment:] NT Windows - Common Printer Driver UI DLL. [Notes:] Revision History: --*/ #define IDH_STD_TVROOT 10000 #define IDH_DOCPROP_TVROOT 10010 #define IDH_ADVDOCPROP_TVROOT 10020 #define IDH_DEVPROP_TVROOT 10030 #define IDH_PAPEROUTPUT 10040 #define IDH_GRAPHIC 10050 #define IDH_OPTIONS 10060 #define IDH_ICMHDR 10070 #define IDH_ADVANCED_PUSH 10080 #define IDH_ORIENTATION 11000 #define IDH_SCALING 11010 #define IDH_NUM_OF_COPIES 11020 #define IDH_SOURCE 11030 #define IDH_RESOLUTION 11040 #define IDH_COLOR_APPERANCE 11050 #define IDH_DUPLEX 11060 #define IDH_TTOPTION 11070 #define IDH_FORMNAME 11080 #define IDH_ICMMETHOD 11090 #define IDH_ICMINTENT 11100 #define IDH_MEDIA 11110 #define IDH_DITHERING 11120 #define IDH_HT_SETUP 11130 #define IDH_HT_CLRADJ 11140 #define IDH_PAGEORDER 11150 #define IDH_NUP 11160 #define IDH_OUTPUTBIN 11170 #define IDH_QUALITY 11180 BOOL CommonPropSheetUIHelp( HWND hDlg, PTVWND pTVWnd, HWND hWndHelp, DWORD MousePos, POPTITEM pItem, UINT HelpCmd );