/*++ Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1998 All rights reserved. Module Name: printer.hxx Abstract: The printer object handles all information regarding a print queue (and eventually server object). The printer is not concerned with UI or listviews; it takes a printer name and returns via callbacks any changes of the printer state. The remote server notifies the local printer of changes through either a single DWORD (downlevel connections), or full change information (uplevel 3.51+ connections). The TData object abstracts the changes for us. Author: Albert Ting (AlbertT) 10-June-1995 Revision History: --*/ #ifndef _PRINTER_HXX #define _PRINTER_HXX class TPrinter; /******************************************************************** MPrinterClient ********************************************************************/ class MPrinterClient : public VInfoClient, public MRefCom { SIGNATURE( 'prc' ) public: MPrinterClient( VOID ) : _pPrinter( NULL ) { } VAR( TPrinter*, pPrinter ); /******************************************************************** Retrieve selected items. Used when processing commands against items or saving and restoring the selection during a refresh. ********************************************************************/ virtual COUNT cSelected( VOID ) const; virtual HITEM GetFirstSelItem( VOID ) const; virtual HITEM GetNextSelItem( HITEM hItem ) const; virtual IDENT GetId( HITEM hItem ) const; // // kContainerReloadItems: pPrinter has just refreshed and so the // client must invalidate the old pointers and use re-enumerate // new items. // // kContainerClearItems: pPrinter has just zeroed its list of items, // so the client must invalidate all old pointers. // virtual VOID vContainerChanged( CONTAINER_CHANGE ContainerChange, INFO Info ) = 0; virtual VOID vItemChanged( ITEM_CHANGE ItemChange, HITEM hItem, INFO Info, INFO InfoNew ) = 0; /******************************************************************** VInfoClient virtual defaults. ********************************************************************/ virtual VOID vSaveSelections( VOID ); virtual VOID vRestoreSelections( VOID ); virtual BOOL bGetPrintLib( TRefLock &refLock ) const = 0; }; /******************************************************************** Class definitions. ********************************************************************/ class TPrinter : public MExecWork, public MDataClient { SIGNATURE( 'prnt' ) SAFE_NEW public: /******************************************************************** Public constants. ********************************************************************/ enum _CONSTANTS { kOneSecond = 1000, kSleepRetry = 30 * kOneSecond, // 30 sec. timeout }; enum _EXEC { #ifdef SLEEP_ON_MINIMIZE kExecSleep = 0x0000001, kExecAwake = 0x0000002, #endif kExecError = 0x0000004, // Error: don't try re-opening. kExecReopen = 0x0000008, kExecDelay = 0x0000010, // GetLastError set to error. kExecClose = 0x0000020, kExecRequestExit = 0x0000040, kExecNotifyStart = 0x0000100, kExecRegister = 0x0000200, kExecNotifyEnd = 0x0000400, kExecRefresh = 0x0001000, kExecRefreshContainer = 0x0002000, kExecRefreshItem = 0x0004000, kExecRefreshAll = 0x0007000, kExecCommand = 0x0010000, }; enum EJobStatusString { kMultipleJobStatusString, // Prepend job status string information kSingleJobStatusString, // Don't prepend job status string information }; public: // // The sub-object that abstracts the type of remote printer from us. // (May have the polling notifications, single DWORD notifications, // or full information notifications.) // VAR( VData*, pData ); VAR( TRefLock, pPrintLib ); // // Initialized once, then read only; no guarding needed. // OR called by UI thread. // VAR( DWORD, dwAccess ); VAR( EJobStatusString, eJobStatusStringType ); BOOL bValid( VOID ) const { return VALID_OBJ( PrinterGuard._strPrinter ); } /******************************************************************** Don't use the standard ctr and dtr to create and destroy these objects; instead, use these member functions. pNew - Returns a new printer object. vDelete - Request that the printer destroy itself when all pending commands (pausing printer, jobs, etc.) have completed. ********************************************************************/ static TPrinter* pNew( MPrinterClient* pPrinterClient, LPCTSTR pszPrinter, DWORD dwAccess ); VOID vDelete( VOID ); const TString& strPrinter( VOID ) const { return PrinterGuard._strPrinter; } BOOL bSyncRefresh( VOID ); /******************************************************************** UI interface routines: the UI client calls through these functions for services. vCommandQueue - Allocate a command object and put it into the command queue (commands execute serially in a separate thread). vCommandRequested - Call when a new command has been added that requires a sleeping printer to re-awake. This allows a refresh to take place even if the printer is sleeping in poll mode. vProcessData - Call when synchronous data must be processed. ********************************************************************/ VOID vCommandQueue( TSelection* pSelection ); VOID vCommandRequested( VOID ); VOID vProcessData( DWORD dwParam, HBLOCK hBlock ); LPTSTR pszPrinterName( size_t cchBuffer, LPTSTR pszPrinterBuffer ) const; LPTSTR pszServerName( size_t cchBuffer, LPTSTR pszServerBuffer ) const; /******************************************************************** Generic exported services. ********************************************************************/ static STATUS sOpenPrinter( LPCTSTR pszPrinter, PDWORD pdwAccess, PHANDLE phPrinter ); private: class TPrinterClientRef { public: TPrinterClientRef( const TPrinter* pPrinter ); ~TPrinterClientRef( VOID ); BOOL bValid( VOID ) const { return _pPrinterClient != NULL; } MPrinterClient* ptr( VOID ) { return _pPrinterClient; } private: MPrinterClient* _pPrinterClient; }; // // Guarded by TExec: one thread processing TPrinter at a time, // and/or guarded by state machine. // struct _EXEC_GUARD { VAR( HANDLE, hPrinter ); } ExecGuard; // // All field in this structure guarded by gpCritSec. // struct PRINTER_GUARD { // // Written by Exec threads only; guarding not needed from // reading from ExecGuard places. // VAR( TString, strPrinter ); VAR( TString, strServer ); VAR( HANDLE, hEventCommand ); VAR( DWORD, dwError ); // // Only changed in UIThread. // VAR( MPrinterClient*, pPrinterClient ); // // Linked list of commands to execute. // DLINK_BASE( TSelection, Selection, Selection ); } PrinterGuard; /******************************************************************** Ctr, dtr declared private so that clients are forced to use pNew, vDelete. ********************************************************************/ TPrinter( MPrinterClient* pPrinterClient, LPCTSTR pszPrinter, DWORD dwAccess ); ~TPrinter( VOID ); /******************************************************************** Status reporting. ********************************************************************/ VOID vErrorStatusChanged( DWORD dwStatus ); VOID vConnectStatusChanged( CONNECT_STATUS ConnectStatus ); /******************************************************************** Define virtual funcs for MExecWork: svExecute - A job is ready to execute and should run now in the current thread. vExecFailedAddJob - This printer object tried to add a job, but the add failed and we need to put up a suitable error message. vExecExitComplete - We requested an EXIT job and we are finally processing it now (the exit will wait until the currently pending job has completed). This routine will delete the object. ********************************************************************/ STATEVAR svExecute( STATEVAR StateVar ); VOID vExecFailedAddJob( VOID ); VOID vExecExitComplete( VOID ); /******************************************************************** Called by worker threads only; these operations may hit the network and therefore take a long time to complete. ********************************************************************/ #ifdef SLEEP_ON_MINIMIZE STATEVAR svAwake( STATEVAR StateVar ); #endif STATEVAR svSleep( STATEVAR StateVar ); STATEVAR svRefresh( STATEVAR StateVar ); STATEVAR svReopen( STATEVAR StateVar ); STATEVAR svDelay( STATEVAR StateVar ); STATEVAR svClose( STATEVAR StateVar ); STATEVAR svRequestExit( STATEVAR StateVar ); STATEVAR svNotifyStart( STATEVAR StateVar ); STATEVAR svNotifyEnd( STATEVAR StateVar ); STATEVAR svCommand( STATEVAR StateVar ); /******************************************************************** MDataClient virtual definitions. ********************************************************************/ VOID vContainerChanged( CONTAINER_CHANGE ContainerChange, INFO Info ); VOID vItemChanged( ITEM_CHANGE ItemChange, HITEM hItem, INFO Info, INFO InfoNew ); VOID vSaveSelections( VOID ); VOID vRestoreSelections( VOID ); BOOL bGetPrintLib( TRefLock &refLock ) const; VDataNotify* pNewNotify( MDataClient* pDataClient ) const; VDataRefresh* pNewRefresh( MDataClient* pDataClient ) const; HANDLE hPrinter( VOID ) const; HANDLE hPrinterNew( VOID ) const; friend TPrinterClientRef; }; #endif // ifndef _PRINTER_HXX