/*++ Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: regentry.cpp Abstract: Author: Vlad Sadovsky (vlads) 26-Jan-1997 Revision History: 26-Jan-1997 VladS created --*/ #include "cplusinc.h" #include "sticomm.h" RegEntry::RegEntry() { m_hkey = NULL; bhkeyValid = FALSE; } RegEntry::RegEntry(const TCHAR *pszSubKey, HKEY hkey) { m_hkey = NULL; bhkeyValid = FALSE; Open(pszSubKey, hkey); } RegEntry::~RegEntry() { Close(); } BOOL RegEntry::Open(const TCHAR *pszSubKey, HKEY hkey) { Close(); m_error = RegCreateKeyEx(hkey, pszSubKey, NULL, NULL, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &m_hkey, NULL); if(m_error == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { m_error = RegCreateKeyEx(hkey, pszSubKey, NULL, NULL, 0, KEY_READ, NULL, &m_hkey, NULL); } if (m_error) { bhkeyValid = FALSE; } else { bhkeyValid = TRUE; } return bhkeyValid; } BOOL RegEntry::Close() { if (bhkeyValid) { RegCloseKey(m_hkey); } m_hkey = NULL; bhkeyValid = FALSE; return TRUE; } long RegEntry::SetValue(const TCHAR *pszValue, const TCHAR *string) { if (bhkeyValid) { m_error = RegSetValueEx(m_hkey, pszValue, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)string, sizeof(TCHAR) * (lstrlen(string) + 1)); } return m_error; } long RegEntry::SetValue(const TCHAR *pszValue, const TCHAR *string, DWORD dwType) { DWORD cbData; cbData = sizeof(TCHAR) * (lstrlen(string) + 1); if (REG_MULTI_SZ == dwType) { // account for second null cbData+= sizeof(TCHAR); } if (bhkeyValid) { m_error = RegSetValueEx(m_hkey, pszValue, 0, dwType, (BYTE *)string, cbData); } return m_error; } long RegEntry::SetValue(const TCHAR *pszValue, unsigned long dwNumber) { if (bhkeyValid) { m_error = RegSetValueEx(m_hkey, pszValue, 0, REG_BINARY, (BYTE *)&dwNumber, sizeof(dwNumber)); } return m_error; } long RegEntry::SetValue(const TCHAR *pszValue, BYTE * pValue,unsigned long dwNumber) { if (bhkeyValid) { m_error = RegSetValueEx(m_hkey, pszValue, 0, REG_BINARY, pValue, dwNumber); } return m_error; } long RegEntry::DeleteValue(const TCHAR *pszValue) { if (bhkeyValid) { m_error = RegDeleteValue(m_hkey, (LPTSTR) pszValue); } return m_error; } TCHAR *RegEntry::GetString(const TCHAR *pszValue, TCHAR *string, unsigned long length) { DWORD dwType = REG_SZ; if (bhkeyValid) { DWORD le; m_error = RegQueryValueEx(m_hkey, (LPTSTR) pszValue, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)string, &length); le = ::GetLastError(); } if (!m_error) { // // Expand string if indicated // if (dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ) { DWORD dwReqSize = 0; LPTSTR pszExpanded = new TCHAR[length]; if (pszExpanded) { *pszExpanded = TEXT('\0'); dwReqSize = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(string,pszExpanded,length); if (dwReqSize && dwReqSize <= length) { lstrcpy(string,pszExpanded); } delete[] pszExpanded; } } } else { *string = '\0'; } return string; } long RegEntry::GetNumber(const TCHAR *pszValue, long dwDefault) { DWORD dwType = REG_BINARY; long dwNumber = 0L; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(dwNumber); if (bhkeyValid) { m_error = RegQueryValueEx(m_hkey, (LPTSTR) pszValue, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwNumber, &dwSize); } if (m_error) dwNumber = dwDefault; return dwNumber; } VOID RegEntry::GetValue(const TCHAR *pszValueName, BUFFER *pValue) { DWORD dwType = REG_SZ; DWORD length; m_error = NOERROR; if (bhkeyValid) { m_error = RegQueryValueEx( m_hkey, (LPTSTR) pszValueName, 0, &dwType, NULL, &length ); if (m_error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pValue->Resize(length); if (length > (UINT)pValue->QuerySize()) { m_error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } if (NOERROR == m_error ) { m_error = RegQueryValueEx( m_hkey, (LPTSTR) pszValueName, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE) pValue->QueryPtr(), &length ); } } if (m_error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { pValue->Resize(0); } } VOID RegEntry::MoveToSubKey(const TCHAR *pszSubKeyName) { HKEY _hNewKey; if (bhkeyValid) { m_error = RegOpenKey ( m_hkey, pszSubKeyName, &_hNewKey ); if (m_error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(m_hkey); m_hkey = _hNewKey; } } } long RegEntry::FlushKey() { if (bhkeyValid) { m_error = RegFlushKey(m_hkey); } return m_error; } BOOL RegEntry::GetSubKeyInfo(DWORD *pNumberOfSubKeys, DWORD *pMaxSubKeyLength) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; if (bhkeyValid) { m_error = RegQueryInfoKey ( m_hkey, // Key NULL, // Buffer for class string NULL, // Size of class string buffer NULL, // Reserved pNumberOfSubKeys, // Number of subkeys pMaxSubKeyLength, // Longest subkey name NULL, // Longest class string NULL, // Number of value entries NULL, // Longest value name NULL, // Longest value data NULL, // Security descriptor NULL ); // Last write time if (m_error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { fResult = TRUE; } } return fResult; } BOOL RegEntry::EnumSubKey(DWORD index, StiCString *pstrString) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; m_error = NOERROR; if (!bhkeyValid) { return fResult; } m_error = RegEnumKey( m_hkey, index, (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)*pstrString, pstrString->GetAllocLength() ); if (m_error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { fResult = TRUE; } return fResult; } RegEnumValues::RegEnumValues(RegEntry *pReqRegEntry) : pRegEntry(pReqRegEntry), iEnum(0), pchName(NULL), pbValue(NULL) { m_error = pRegEntry->GetError(); if (m_error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_error = RegQueryInfoKey ( pRegEntry->GetKey(), // Key NULL, // Buffer for class string NULL, // Size of class string buffer NULL, // Reserved NULL, // Number of subkeys NULL, // Longest subkey name NULL, // Longest class string &cEntries, // Number of value entries &cMaxValueName, // Longest value name &cMaxData, // Longest value data NULL, // Security descriptor NULL ); // Last write time } if (m_error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (cEntries != 0) { cMaxValueName = cMaxValueName + 1; // REG_SZ needs one more for null cMaxData = cMaxData + 1; // REG_SZ needs one more for null pchName = new TCHAR[cMaxValueName]; if (!pchName) { m_error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else { if (cMaxData) { pbValue = new BYTE[cMaxData]; if (!pbValue) { m_error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } } } } } RegEnumValues::~RegEnumValues() { delete[] pchName; delete[] pbValue; } long RegEnumValues::Next() { if (m_error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return m_error; } if (cEntries == iEnum) { return ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; } DWORD cchName = cMaxValueName; dwDataLength = cMaxData; m_error = RegEnumValue ( pRegEntry->GetKey(), // Key iEnum, // Index of value pchName, // Address of buffer for value name &cchName, // Address for size of buffer NULL, // Reserved &dwType, // Data type pbValue, // Address of buffer for value data &dwDataLength ); // Address for size of data iEnum++; return m_error; } // // Temporarily here // VOID TokenizeIntoStringArray( STRArray& array, LPCTSTR lpstrIn, TCHAR tcSplitter ) { // array.RemoveAll(); if (IS_EMPTY_STRING(lpstrIn)) { return; } while (*lpstrIn) { // First, strip off any leading blanks while (*lpstrIn && *lpstrIn == _TEXT(' ')) lpstrIn++; for (LPCTSTR lpstrMoi = lpstrIn; *lpstrMoi && *lpstrMoi != tcSplitter; lpstrMoi++) ; // If we hit the end, just add the whole thing to the array if (!*lpstrMoi) { if (*lpstrIn) array.Add(lpstrIn); return; } // // Otherwise, just add the string up to the splitter // TCHAR szNew[MAX_PATH]; SIZE_T uiLen = (SIZE_T)(lpstrMoi - lpstrIn) + 1; if (uiLen < (sizeof(szNew) / sizeof(szNew[0])) - 1) { lstrcpyn(szNew,lpstrIn,(UINT)uiLen); szNew[uiLen] = TCHAR('\0'); array.Add((LPCTSTR) szNew); } lpstrIn = lpstrMoi + 1; } }