/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Module Name: hubbusif.h Abstract: Services exported by the Port driver for use by the hub driver. All of these services are callable only at PASSIVE_LEVEL. Environment: Kernel mode Revision History: 6-20-99 : created --*/ #ifndef __HUBBUSIF_H__ #define __HUBBUSIF_H__ typedef PVOID PUSB_DEVICE_HANDLE; typedef struct _ROOTHUB_PDO_EXTENSION { ULONG Signature; } ROOTHUB_PDO_EXTENSION, *PROOTHUB_PDO_EXTENSION; #ifndef USB_BUSIFFN #define USB_BUSIFFN __stdcall #endif /**************************************************************************** Bus interfce for USB Hub *****************************************************************************/ /* NTSTATUS USBPORT_CreateUsbDevice( IN PVOID BusContext, IN OUT PUSB_DEVICE_HANDLE *DeviceHandle, IN PUSB_DEVICE_HANDLE *HubDeviceHandle, IN USHORT PortStatus, IN USHORT PortNumber ); Routine Description: Service exported for use by the hub driver Called for each new device on the USB bus, this function sets up the internal data structures we need to keep track of the device and assigns it an address. IRQL = PASSIVE_LEVEL Arguments: BusHandle - Handle to the bus we need to create the device on. This is returned to the hub driver when it requests the interface. DeviceHandle - ptr to return the handle to the new device structure created by this routine HubDeviceHandle - device handle for the hub creating the device PortStatus PortNumber */ typedef NTSTATUS (USB_BUSIFFN *PUSB_BUSIFFN_CREATE_USB_DEVICE) ( IN PVOID, IN OUT PUSB_DEVICE_HANDLE *, IN PUSB_DEVICE_HANDLE, IN USHORT, IN USHORT ); /* NTSTATUS USBPORT_InitializeUsbDevice( IN PVOID BusContext, IN OUT PUSB_DEVICE_HANDLE DeviceHandle ); Routine Description: Service exported for use by the hub driver Called for each new device on the USB bus. This function sets the device address. IRQL = PASSIVE_LEVEL Arguments: BusHandle - Handle to the bus we need to create the device on this is returned to the hub driver when it requests the interface. DeviceHandle - handle to the new device structure created by CreateUsbDevice */ typedef NTSTATUS (USB_BUSIFFN *PUSB_BUSIFFN_INITIALIZE_USB_DEVICE) ( IN PVOID, IN OUT PUSB_DEVICE_HANDLE ); /* NTSTATUS USBPORT_RemoveUsbDevice( IN PVOID BusContext, IN OUT PUSB_DEVICE_HANDLE DeviceHandle, IN ULONG Flags ); Routine Description: Service exported for use by the hub driver Called to 'remove' a USB device from the bus. IRQL = PASSIVE_LEVEL Arguments: BusHandle - Handle to the bus we need to create the device on this is returned to the hub driver when it requests the interface. DeviceHandle - handle to the device structure created by CreateUsbDevice */ /* flags passed to remove device */ #define USBD_KEEP_DEVICE_DATA 0x00000001 #define USBD_MARK_DEVICE_BUSY 0x00000002 typedef NTSTATUS (USB_BUSIFFN *PUSB_BUSIFFN_REMOVE_USB_DEVICE) ( IN PVOID, IN OUT PUSB_DEVICE_HANDLE, IN ULONG ); /* NTSTATUS USBPORT_GetUsbDescriptors( IN PVOID BusContext, IN OUT PUSB_DEVICE_HANDLE DeviceHandle, IN OUT PUCHAR DeviceDescriptorBuffer, IN OUT PULONG DeviceDescriptorBufferLength, IN OUT PUCHAR ConfigDescriptorBuffer, IN OUT PULONG ConfigDescriptorBufferLength, ); Routine Description: Service exported for use by the hub driver Retrieves config and device descriptors from a usb device given the device handle IRQL = PASSIVE_LEVEL Arguments: BusHandle - Handle to the bus we need to create the device on this is returned to the hub driver when it requests the interface. DeviceHandle - handle to the new device structure created by CreateUsbDevice */ typedef NTSTATUS (USB_BUSIFFN *PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_USB_DESCRIPTORS) ( IN PVOID, IN OUT PUSB_DEVICE_HANDLE, IN OUT PUCHAR, IN OUT PULONG, IN OUT PUCHAR, IN OUT PULONG ); /* NTSTATUS USBPORT_RestoreDevice( IN PVOID BusContext, IN OUT PUSB_DEVICE_HANDLE OldDeviceHandle, IN OUT PUSB_DEVICE_HANDLE NewDeviceHandle ); Routine Description: Service exported for use by the hub driver This service will re-create the device on the bus using the information supplied in the OldDeviceHandle IRQL = PASSIVE_LEVEL Arguments: BusHandle - OldDeviceHandle - NewDeviceHandle - */ typedef NTSTATUS (USB_BUSIFFN *PUSB_BUSIFFN_RESTORE_DEVICE) ( IN PVOID, IN OUT PUSB_DEVICE_HANDLE, IN OUT PUSB_DEVICE_HANDLE ); /* NTSTATUS USBPORT_GetUsbDeviceHackFlags( IN PVOID BusContext, IN PUSB_DEVICE_HANDLE DeviceHandle, IN OUT PULONG HackFlags ); Routine Description: Service exported for use by the hub driver Fetches device specific 'hack' flags from a global refistry key. These flags modify the behavior of the hub driver. IRQL = PASSIVE_LEVEL Arguments: BusHandle - Handle to the bus we need to create the device on this is returned to the hub driver when it requests the interface. DeviceHandle - handle to the new device structure created by CreateUsbDevice HackFlags - per device hack flags, modify the behavior of the hub driver. */ typedef NTSTATUS (USB_BUSIFFN *PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_DEVICEHACK_FLAGS) ( IN PVOID, IN PUSB_DEVICE_HANDLE, IN OUT PULONG ); /* NTSTATUS USBPORT_GetUsbPortHackFlags( IN PVOID BusContext, IN OUT PULONG HackFlags ); Routine Description: Service exported for use by the hub driver Fetches global port 'hack' flags from a global refistry key. These flags modify the behavior of the hub driver. IRQL = PASSIVE_LEVEL Arguments: BusHandle - Handle to the bus we need to create the device on this is returned to the hub driver when it requests the interface. DeviceHandle - handle to the new device structure created by CreateUsbDevice HackFlags - global hack flags, modify the behavior of the hub driver. */ typedef NTSTATUS (USB_BUSIFFN *PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_POTRTHACK_FLAGS) ( IN PVOID, IN OUT PULONG ); #define USBD_DEVHACK_SLOW_ENUMERATION 0x00000001 #define USBD_DEVHACK_DISABLE_SN 0x00000002 #define USBD_DEVHACK_SET_DIAG_ID 0x00000004 /* NTSTATUS USBPORT_GetDeviceInformation( IN PVOID BusContext, IN PUSB_DEVICE_HANDLE DeviceHandle, IN OUT PVOID DeviceInformationBuffer, IN ULONG DeviceInformationBufferLength, IN OUT PULONG LengthOfDataReturned, ); Routine Description: Service exported for use by the hub driver. This api returns various information about the USB devices attached to the system IRQL = PASSIVE_LEVEL Arguments: BusHandle - Handle to the bus we need to create the device on this is returned to the hub driver when it requests the interface. DeviceHandle - handle to the new device structure created by CreateUsbDevice DeviceInformationBuffer - buffer for returned data DeviceInformationBufferLength - length of callers buffer LengthOfDataReturned - length of buffer used */ typedef NTSTATUS (USB_BUSIFFN *PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_DEVICE_INFORMATION) ( IN PVOID, IN PUSB_DEVICE_HANDLE, IN OUT PVOID, IN ULONG, IN OUT PULONG ); /* NTSTATUS USBPORT_GetControllerInformation( IN PVOID BusContext, IN OUT PVOID ControllerInformationBuffer, IN ULONG ControllerInformationBufferLength, IN OUT PULONG LengthOfDataReturned ); Routine Description: Service exported for use by the hub driver. This api returns various information about the USB devices attached to the system IRQL = PASSIVE_LEVEL Arguments: BusHandle - Handle to the bus we need to create the device on this is returned to the hub driver when it requests the interface. ControllerInformationBuffer - buffer for returned data ControllerInformationBufferLength - length of client buffer LengthOfDataReturned - length of buffer used */ typedef NTSTATUS (USB_BUSIFFN *PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_CONTROLLER_INFORMATION) ( IN PVOID, IN OUT PVOID, IN ULONG, IN OUT PULONG ); /* NTSTATUS USBPORT_ControllerSelectiveSuspend( IN PVOID BusContext, IN BOOLEAN Enable ); Routine Description: Service exported for use by the hub driver. This api enables or disables a selective suspend for the controller IRQL = PASSIVE_LEVEL Arguments: BusHandle - Handle to the bus we need to create the device on this is returned to the hub driver when it requests the interface. Enable - TRUE enables selective suspend, false disables it. */ typedef NTSTATUS (USB_BUSIFFN *PUSB_BUSIFFN_CONTROLLER_SELECTIVE_SUSPEND) ( IN PVOID, IN BOOLEAN ); /* NTSTATUS USBPORT_GetExtendedHubInformation( IN PVOID BusContext, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT HubPhysicalDeviceObject, IN OUT PVOID HubInformationBuffer, IN ULONG HubInformationBufferLength, IN OUT PULONG LengthOfDataReturned ); Routine Description: Service exported for use by the hub driver. This api returns extebded hub information stored in ACPI controller methods IRQL = PASSIVE_LEVEL Arguments: BusHandle - Handle to the bus we need to create the device on this is returned to the hub driver when it requests the interface. HubInformationBuffer - buffer for returned data HubPhysicalDeviceObject - Hubs To of PDO stack HubInformationBufferLength - length of client buffer LengthOfDataReturned - length of buffer used */ typedef NTSTATUS (USB_BUSIFFN *PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_EXTENDED_HUB_INFO) ( IN PVOID, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT, IN OUT PVOID, IN ULONG, IN OUT PULONG ); /* NTSTATUS USBPORT_GetRootHubSymName( IN PVOID BusContext, IN OUT PVOID HubInformationBuffer, IN ULONG HubInformationBufferLength, OUT PULONG HubNameActualLength ); Routine Description: returns the symbolic name created for the root hub Pdo IRQL = PASSIVE_LEVEL Arguments: BusHandle - Handle to the bus we need to create the device on this is returned to the hub driver when it requests the interface. HubNameBuffer - buffer for returned data HubNameBufferLength - length of client buffer LengthOfDataReturned - length of buffer used returns STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL if too small */ typedef NTSTATUS (USB_BUSIFFN *PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_ROOTHUB_SYM_NAME) ( IN PVOID, IN OUT PVOID, IN ULONG, IN OUT PULONG ); /* PVOID USBPORT_GetDeviceBusContext( IN PVOID HubBusContext, IN PVOID DeviceHandle ); Routine Description: returns the busContext relative to a given device IRQL = PASSIVE_LEVEL Arguments: */ typedef PVOID (USB_BUSIFFN *PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_DEVICE_BUSCONTEXT) ( IN PVOID, IN PVOID ); /* NTSTATUS USBPORT_Initialize20Hub( IN PVOID HubBusContext, IN PUSB_DEVICE_HANDLE HubDeviceHandle, IN ULONG TtCount ); Routine Description: Initailize internal structures for a USB 2.0 hub, called suring the hub start device process IRQL = PASSIVE_LEVEL Arguments: HubBusContext - Bus Context HubDeviceHandle - DeviceHandle associated with this hub TtCount - count of TTs on the hub */ typedef NTSTATUS (USB_BUSIFFN *PUSB_BUSIFFN_INITIALIZE_20HUB) ( IN PVOID, IN PUSB_DEVICE_HANDLE, IN ULONG ); /* NTSTATUS USBPORT_RootHubInitNotification( IN PVOID HubBusContext, IN PVOID CallbackContext, IN PRH_INIT_CALLBACK CallbackFunction ); Routine Description: Notification request issued by root hub to be notified as to when it is OK to enumerate devices. Arguments: */ typedef VOID (__stdcall *PRH_INIT_CALLBACK) ( IN PVOID ); typedef NTSTATUS (USB_BUSIFFN *PUSB_BUSIFFN_ROOTHUB_INIT_NOTIFY) ( IN PVOID, IN PVOID, IN PRH_INIT_CALLBACK ); /* VOID USBPORT_FlushTransfers( PVOID BusContext, PVOID DeviceHandle ); Routine Description: IRQL = ANY Flushes outstanding tranfers on the bad request list Arguments: */ typedef VOID (USB_BUSIFFN *PUSB_BUSIFFN_FLUSH_TRANSFERS) ( IN PVOID, IN PVOID ); /* VOID USBPORTBUSIF_SetDeviceHandleData( PVOID BusContext, PVOID DeviceHandle, PDEVICE_OBJECT UsbDevicePdo ) Routine Description: Assocaites a particular PDO with a device handle for use in post mortem debugging situaltions This routine must be called at passive level. Arguments: Return Value: none */ typedef VOID (USB_BUSIFFN *PUSB_BUSIFFN_SET_DEVHANDLE_DATA) ( IN PVOID, IN PVOID, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT ); #define USB_BUSIF_HUB_VERSION_0 0x0000 #define USB_BUSIF_HUB_VERSION_1 0x0001 #define USB_BUSIF_HUB_VERSION_2 0x0002 #define USB_BUSIF_HUB_VERSION_3 0x0003 #define USB_BUSIF_HUB_VERSION_4 0x0004 #define USB_BUSIF_HUB_VERSION_5 0x0005 /* {B2BB8C0A-5AB4-11d3-A8CD-00C04F68747A}*/ DEFINE_GUID(USB_BUS_INTERFACE_HUB_GUID, 0xb2bb8c0a, 0x5ab4, 0x11d3, 0xa8, 0xcd, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0x68, 0x74, 0x7a); typedef struct _USB_BUS_INTERFACE_HUB_V0 { USHORT Size; USHORT Version; // returns PVOID BusContext; PINTERFACE_REFERENCE InterfaceReference; PINTERFACE_DEREFERENCE InterfaceDereference; // interface specific entries go here } USB_BUS_INTERFACE_HUB_V0, *PUSB_BUS_INTERFACE_HUB_V0; typedef struct _USB_BUS_INTERFACE_HUB_V1 { USHORT Size; USHORT Version; // returns PVOID BusContext; PINTERFACE_REFERENCE InterfaceReference; PINTERFACE_DEREFERENCE InterfaceDereference; // interface specific entries go here // // fuctions for the hub driver // PUSB_BUSIFFN_CREATE_USB_DEVICE CreateUsbDevice; PUSB_BUSIFFN_INITIALIZE_USB_DEVICE InitializeUsbDevice; PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_USB_DESCRIPTORS GetUsbDescriptors; PUSB_BUSIFFN_REMOVE_USB_DEVICE RemoveUsbDevice; PUSB_BUSIFFN_RESTORE_DEVICE RestoreUsbDevice; PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_POTRTHACK_FLAGS GetPortHackFlags; PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_DEVICE_INFORMATION QueryDeviceInformation; } USB_BUS_INTERFACE_HUB_V1, *PUSB_BUS_INTERFACE_HUB_V1; /* */ typedef struct _USB_BUS_INTERFACE_HUB_V2 { USHORT Size; USHORT Version; // returns PVOID BusContext; PINTERFACE_REFERENCE InterfaceReference; PINTERFACE_DEREFERENCE InterfaceDereference; // interface specific entries go here // // fuctions for the hub driver // PUSB_BUSIFFN_CREATE_USB_DEVICE CreateUsbDevice; PUSB_BUSIFFN_INITIALIZE_USB_DEVICE InitializeUsbDevice; PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_USB_DESCRIPTORS GetUsbDescriptors; PUSB_BUSIFFN_REMOVE_USB_DEVICE RemoveUsbDevice; PUSB_BUSIFFN_RESTORE_DEVICE RestoreUsbDevice; PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_POTRTHACK_FLAGS GetPortHackFlags; PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_DEVICE_INFORMATION QueryDeviceInformation; // // new functions for version 2 // PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_CONTROLLER_INFORMATION GetControllerInformation; PUSB_BUSIFFN_CONTROLLER_SELECTIVE_SUSPEND ControllerSelectiveSuspend; PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_EXTENDED_HUB_INFO GetExtendedHubInformation; PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_ROOTHUB_SYM_NAME GetRootHubSymbolicName; PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_DEVICE_BUSCONTEXT GetDeviceBusContext; PUSB_BUSIFFN_INITIALIZE_20HUB Initialize20Hub; } USB_BUS_INTERFACE_HUB_V2, *PUSB_BUS_INTERFACE_HUB_V2; typedef struct _USB_BUS_INTERFACE_HUB_V3 { USHORT Size; USHORT Version; // returns PVOID BusContext; PINTERFACE_REFERENCE InterfaceReference; PINTERFACE_DEREFERENCE InterfaceDereference; // interface specific entries go here // // fuctions for the hub driver // PUSB_BUSIFFN_CREATE_USB_DEVICE CreateUsbDevice; PUSB_BUSIFFN_INITIALIZE_USB_DEVICE InitializeUsbDevice; PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_USB_DESCRIPTORS GetUsbDescriptors; PUSB_BUSIFFN_REMOVE_USB_DEVICE RemoveUsbDevice; PUSB_BUSIFFN_RESTORE_DEVICE RestoreUsbDevice; PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_POTRTHACK_FLAGS GetPortHackFlags; PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_DEVICE_INFORMATION QueryDeviceInformation; // // new functions for version 2 // PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_CONTROLLER_INFORMATION GetControllerInformation; PUSB_BUSIFFN_CONTROLLER_SELECTIVE_SUSPEND ControllerSelectiveSuspend; PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_EXTENDED_HUB_INFO GetExtendedHubInformation; PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_ROOTHUB_SYM_NAME GetRootHubSymbolicName; PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_DEVICE_BUSCONTEXT GetDeviceBusContext; PUSB_BUSIFFN_INITIALIZE_20HUB Initialize20Hub; // // new for version 3 // PUSB_BUSIFFN_ROOTHUB_INIT_NOTIFY RootHubInitNotification; } USB_BUS_INTERFACE_HUB_V3, *PUSB_BUS_INTERFACE_HUB_V3; typedef struct _USB_BUS_INTERFACE_HUB_V4 { USHORT Size; USHORT Version; // returns PVOID BusContext; PINTERFACE_REFERENCE InterfaceReference; PINTERFACE_DEREFERENCE InterfaceDereference; // interface specific entries go here // // fuctions for the hub driver // PUSB_BUSIFFN_CREATE_USB_DEVICE CreateUsbDevice; PUSB_BUSIFFN_INITIALIZE_USB_DEVICE InitializeUsbDevice; PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_USB_DESCRIPTORS GetUsbDescriptors; PUSB_BUSIFFN_REMOVE_USB_DEVICE RemoveUsbDevice; PUSB_BUSIFFN_RESTORE_DEVICE RestoreUsbDevice; PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_POTRTHACK_FLAGS GetPortHackFlags; PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_DEVICE_INFORMATION QueryDeviceInformation; // // new functions for version 2 // PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_CONTROLLER_INFORMATION GetControllerInformation; PUSB_BUSIFFN_CONTROLLER_SELECTIVE_SUSPEND ControllerSelectiveSuspend; PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_EXTENDED_HUB_INFO GetExtendedHubInformation; PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_ROOTHUB_SYM_NAME GetRootHubSymbolicName; PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_DEVICE_BUSCONTEXT GetDeviceBusContext; PUSB_BUSIFFN_INITIALIZE_20HUB Initialize20Hub; // // new for version 3 // PUSB_BUSIFFN_ROOTHUB_INIT_NOTIFY RootHubInitNotification; // // new for version 4 // PUSB_BUSIFFN_FLUSH_TRANSFERS FlushTransfers; } USB_BUS_INTERFACE_HUB_V4, *PUSB_BUS_INTERFACE_HUB_V4; typedef struct _USB_BUS_INTERFACE_HUB_V5 { USHORT Size; USHORT Version; // returns PVOID BusContext; PINTERFACE_REFERENCE InterfaceReference; PINTERFACE_DEREFERENCE InterfaceDereference; // interface specific entries go here // // fuctions for the hub driver // PUSB_BUSIFFN_CREATE_USB_DEVICE CreateUsbDevice; PUSB_BUSIFFN_INITIALIZE_USB_DEVICE InitializeUsbDevice; PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_USB_DESCRIPTORS GetUsbDescriptors; PUSB_BUSIFFN_REMOVE_USB_DEVICE RemoveUsbDevice; PUSB_BUSIFFN_RESTORE_DEVICE RestoreUsbDevice; PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_POTRTHACK_FLAGS GetPortHackFlags; PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_DEVICE_INFORMATION QueryDeviceInformation; // // new functions for version 2 // PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_CONTROLLER_INFORMATION GetControllerInformation; PUSB_BUSIFFN_CONTROLLER_SELECTIVE_SUSPEND ControllerSelectiveSuspend; PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_EXTENDED_HUB_INFO GetExtendedHubInformation; PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_ROOTHUB_SYM_NAME GetRootHubSymbolicName; PUSB_BUSIFFN_GET_DEVICE_BUSCONTEXT GetDeviceBusContext; PUSB_BUSIFFN_INITIALIZE_20HUB Initialize20Hub; // // new for version 3 // PUSB_BUSIFFN_ROOTHUB_INIT_NOTIFY RootHubInitNotification; // // new for version 4 // PUSB_BUSIFFN_FLUSH_TRANSFERS FlushTransfers; // version 5 PUSB_BUSIFFN_SET_DEVHANDLE_DATA SetDeviceHandleData; } USB_BUS_INTERFACE_HUB_V5, *PUSB_BUS_INTERFACE_HUB_V5; /* The following structures are used by the GetDeviceInformation APIs */ #include typedef struct _USB_PIPE_INFORMATION_0 { /* pad descriptors to maintain DWORD alignment */ USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR EndpointDescriptor; UCHAR ED_Pad[1]; ULONG ScheduleOffset; } USB_PIPE_INFORMATION_0, *PUSB_PIPE_INFORMATION_0; typedef struct _USB_LEVEL_INFORMATION { /* inputs: information level requested */ ULONG InformationLevel; /* outputs: */ ULONG ActualLength; } USB_LEVEL_INFORMATION, *PUSB_LEVEL_INFORMATION; typedef struct _USB_DEVICE_INFORMATION_0 { /* inputs: information level requested */ ULONG InformationLevel; /* outputs: */ ULONG ActualLength; /* begin level_0 information */ ULONG PortNumber; /* pad descriptors to maintain DWORD alignment */ USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR DeviceDescriptor; UCHAR DD_pad[2]; UCHAR CurrentConfigurationValue; UCHAR ReservedMBZ; USHORT DeviceAddress; ULONG HubAddress; USB_DEVICE_SPEED DeviceSpeed; USB_DEVICE_TYPE DeviceType; ULONG NumberOfOpenPipes; USB_PIPE_INFORMATION_0 PipeList[1]; } USB_DEVICE_INFORMATION_0, *PUSB_DEVICE_INFORMATION_0; typedef struct _USB_CONTROLLER_INFORMATION_0 { /* inputs: information level requested */ ULONG InformationLevel; /* outputs: */ ULONG ActualLength; /* begin level_0 information */ BOOLEAN SelectiveSuspendEnabled; BOOLEAN IsHighSpeedController; } USB_CONTROLLER_INFORMATION_0, *PUSB_CONTROLLER_INFORMATION_0; /* Structures that define extended hub port charateristics */ typedef struct _USB_EXTPORT_INFORMATION_0 { /* physical port ie number passed in control commands 1, 2, 3..255 */ ULONG PhysicalPortNumber; /* label on port may not natch the physical number */ ULONG PortLabelNumber; USHORT VidOverride; USHORT PidOverride; /* extended port attributes as defined in usb.h */ ULONG PortAttributes; } USB_EXTPORT_INFORMATION_0, *PUSB_EXTPORT_INFORMATION; typedef struct _USB_EXTHUB_INFORMATION_0 { /* inputs: information level requested */ ULONG InformationLevel; /* begin level_0 information */ ULONG NumberOfPorts; /* hubs don't have > 255 ports */ USB_EXTPORT_INFORMATION_0 Port[255]; } USB_EXTHUB_INFORMATION_0, *PUSB_EXTHUB_INFORMATION_0; #include #endif /* __HUBBUSIF_H */