/*++ BUILD Version: 0001 // Increment this if a change has global effects --*/ //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994 // // File: build.h // // Contents: Main Include file for build.exe // // History: 16-May-89 SteveWo Created // 26-Jul-94 LyleC Cleanup/Add Support for Pass0 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define INC_OLE2 #include #define UINT DWORD #define HDIR HANDLE VOID ClearLine(VOID); // // Types and Constant Definitions // #if DBG #define DEBUG_1 (fDebug & 1) #else #define DEBUG_1 FALSE #endif BOOL fDebug; #define DEBUG_2 (fDebug & 3) #define DEBUG_4 (fDebug & 4) // // Target specific dirs file name. // extern LPSTR pszTargetDirs; #define MAX_TARGET_MACHINES 4 typedef struct _TARGET_MACHINE_INFO { UCHAR SourceSubDirMask; // TMIDIR_I386 LPSTR Description; // "i386" LPSTR Switch; // "-386" LPSTR Switch2; // "-x86" LPSTR MakeVariable; // "386=1" LPSTR SourceVariable; // "i386_SOURCES" LPSTR ObjectVariable; // "386_OBJECTS" LPSTR AssociateDirectory; // "i386" LPSTR SourceDirectory; // "i386" LPSTR TargetDirs; // "i386dirs" LPSTR ObjectDirectory[2]; // "i386" -- initialize only first entry ULONG DirIncludeMask; // Platform/Group/etc. LPSTR ObjectMacro; // don't initialize } TARGET_MACHINE_INFO, *PTARGET_MACHINE_INFO; #define DIR_INCLUDE_NONE 0x00000000 #define DIR_INCLUDE_X86 0x00000001 // 0x00000002 #define DIR_INCLUDE_IA64 0x00000004 // 0x00000008 #define DIR_INCLUDE_WIN32 0x00000010 #define DIR_INCLUDE_WIN64 0x00000020 #define DIR_INCLUDE_RISC 0x00000040 #define DIR_INCLUDE_AMD64 0x00000080 #define DIR_INCLUDE_ARM 0x00000100 #define DIR_INCLUDE_ALL 0xffffffff // It's possible to have SOURCES= entries of the following forms: // entry SourceSubDirMask // ----- ---------------- // foo.c 0 // i386\foo.c 1 // amd64\foo.c 2 // ia64\foo.c 4 // arm\foo.c 8 // ..\foo.c 80 // ..\i386\foo.c 81 // ..\amd64\foo.c 82 // ..\ia64\foo.c 84 // ..\arm\foo.c 88 #define TMIDIR_I386 0x0001 #define TMIDIR_AMD64 0x0002 #define TMIDIR_IA64 0x0004 #define TMIDIR_ARM 0x0008 #define TMIDIR_PARENT 0x0080 // or'd in with above bits #define SIG_DIRREC 0x44644464 // "DdDd" #ifdef SIG_DIRREC #define SIG_FILEREC 0x46664666 // "FfFf" #define SIG_INCLUDEREC 0x49694969 // "IiIi" #define SIG_SOURCEREC 0x53735373 // "SsSs" #define SigCheck(s) s #else #define SigCheck(s) #endif #define AssertDir(pdr) \ SigCheck(assert((pdr) != NULL && (pdr)->Sig == SIG_DIRREC)) #define AssertOptionalDir(pdr) \ SigCheck(assert((pdr) == NULL || (pdr)->Sig == SIG_DIRREC)) #define AssertFile(pfr) \ SigCheck(assert((pfr) != NULL && (pfr)->Sig == SIG_FILEREC)) #define AssertOptionalFile(pfr) \ SigCheck(assert((pfr) == NULL || (pfr)->Sig == SIG_FILEREC)) #define AssertInclude(pir) \ SigCheck(assert((pir) != NULL && (pir)->Sig == SIG_INCLUDEREC)) #define AssertOptionalInclude(pir) \ SigCheck(assert((pir) == NULL || (pir)->Sig == SIG_INCLUDEREC)) #define AssertSource(psr) \ SigCheck(assert((psr) != NULL && (psr)->Sig == SIG_SOURCEREC)) #define AssertOptionalSource(psr) \ SigCheck(assert((psr) == NULL || (psr)->Sig == SIG_SOURCEREC)) // // Information about source directories is stored an in-memory database. // The information is saved on disk by writing the contents of the database // to "build.dat". It is reloaded from disk for subsequent invocations, // and re-written only when it has been updated. // typedef struct _INCLUDEREC { SigCheck(ULONG Sig;) struct _INCLUDEREC *Next; // static list describes original arcs struct _INCLUDEREC *NextTree; // dynamic list -- cycles are collapsed struct _FILEREC *pfrCycleRoot; struct _FILEREC *pfrInclude; USHORT Version; USHORT IncFlags; char Name[1]; } INCLUDEREC, *PINCLUDEREC; #define INCLUDEDB_LOCAL 0x0001 // include "foo.h" #define INCLUDEDB_POST_HDRSTOP 0x0002 // appears after #pragma hdrstop #define INCLUDEDB_MISSING 0x0400 // include file was once missing #define INCLUDEDB_GLOBAL 0x0800 // include file is in global directory #define INCLUDEDB_SNAPPED 0x1000 // include file snapped #define INCLUDEDB_CYCLEALLOC 0x2000 // allocated to flatten cycle #define INCLUDEDB_CYCLEROOT 0x4000 // moved to root file to flatten cycle #define INCLUDEDB_CYCLEORPHAN 0x8000 // orphaned to flatten cycle // Flags preserved when loading build.dat: #define INCLUDEDB_DBPRESERVE (INCLUDEDB_LOCAL | INCLUDEDB_POST_HDRSTOP) #define IsCleanTree(pir) \ ((pir)->NextTree == NULL && \ ((pir)->IncFlags & \ (INCLUDEDB_CYCLEALLOC | INCLUDEDB_CYCLEROOT | INCLUDEDB_CYCLEORPHAN)) == 0) #if DBG VOID AssertCleanTree(INCLUDEREC *pir, OPTIONAL struct _FILEREC *pfr); #else #define AssertCleanTree(pir, pfr) assert(IsCleanTree(pir)) #endif // // Make file description structure definition. // typedef struct _FILEDESC { LPSTR pszPattern; // pattern to match file name LPSTR pszCommentToEOL; // comment-to-eol string BOOL fNeedFileRec; // TRUE => file needs a file record ULONG FileFlags; // flags to be set in file record ULONG DirFlags; // flags to be set in directory record } FILEDESC; extern FILEDESC FileDesc[]; typedef struct _FILEREC { SigCheck(ULONG Sig;) struct _FILEREC *Next; struct _DIRREC *Dir; INCLUDEREC *IncludeFiles; // static list describes original arcs INCLUDEREC *IncludeFilesTree; // dynamic list -- cycles are collapsed struct _FILEREC *NewestDependency; LPSTR pszCommentToEOL; // comment-to-eol string in source ULONG DateTime; ULONG DateTimeTree; // Newest DateTime for included tree ULONG TotalSourceLines; // line count in all included files ULONG FileFlags; ULONG SourceLines; USHORT Attr; USHORT SubDirIndex; USHORT Version; USHORT GlobalSequence; // Sequence number for dynamic include tree USHORT LocalSequence; // Sequence number for dynamic include tree USHORT idScan; // id used for detecting multiple inclusion USHORT CheckSum; // Name checksum UCHAR fDependActive; // TRUE-> we're scanning at or below this file. char Name[1]; } FILEREC, *PFILEREC; #define FILEDB_SOURCE 0x00000001 #define FILEDB_DIR 0x00000002 #define FILEDB_HEADER 0x00000004 #define FILEDB_ASM 0x00000008 #define FILEDB_MASM 0x00000010 #define FILEDB_RC 0x00000020 #define FILEDB_C 0x00000040 #define FILEDB_MIDL 0x00000080 #define FILEDB_ASN 0x00000100 #define FILEDB_JAVA 0x00000200 #define FILEDB_MOF 0x00000400 #define FILEDB_CSHARP 0x00000800 #define FILEDB_SCANNED 0x00001000 #define FILEDB_OBJECTS_LIST 0x00002000 #define FILEDB_FILE_MISSING 0x00004000 #define FILEDB_MKTYPLIB 0x00008000 #define FILEDB_MULTIPLEPASS 0x00010000 #define FILEDB_PASS0 0x00020000 #define FILEDB_SOURCEREC_EXISTS 0x00040000 #define FILEDB_VBP 0x00080000 #define FILEDB_VB_NET 0x00100000 // Flags preserved when loading build.dat: #define FILEDB_DBPRESERVE (FILEDB_SOURCE | \ FILEDB_DIR | \ FILEDB_HEADER | \ FILEDB_ASM | \ FILEDB_MASM | \ FILEDB_RC | \ FILEDB_C | \ FILEDB_MIDL | \ FILEDB_ASN | \ FILEDB_JAVA | \ FILEDB_MOF | \ FILEDB_VBP | \ FILEDB_VB_NET | \ FILEDB_CSHARP | \ FILEDB_MKTYPLIB | \ FILEDB_MULTIPLEPASS | \ FILEDB_PASS0) typedef struct _SOURCEREC { SigCheck(ULONG Sig;) struct _SOURCEREC *psrNext; FILEREC *pfrSource; UCHAR SourceSubDirMask; UCHAR SrcFlags; } SOURCEREC; #define SOURCEDB_SOURCES_LIST 0x01 #define SOURCEDB_FILE_MISSING 0x02 #define SOURCEDB_PCH 0x04 #define SOURCEDB_OUT_OF_DATE 0x08 #define SOURCEDB_COMPILE_NEEDED 0x10 typedef struct _DIRSUP { LPSTR TestType; LPSTR LocalIncludePath; LPSTR UserIncludePath; LPSTR LastIncludePath; LPSTR NTIncludePath; LPSTR PchIncludeDir; LPSTR PchInclude; LPSTR PchTargetDir; LPSTR PchTarget; LPSTR PassZeroHdrDir; LPSTR PassZeroSrcDir1; LPSTR PassZeroSrcDir2; LPSTR ConditionalIncludes; ULONG DateTimeSources; ULONG IdlType; ULONG fNoTarget; LPSTR SourcesVariables[MAX_TARGET_MACHINES + 2]; SOURCEREC *psrSourcesList[MAX_TARGET_MACHINES + 2]; } DIRSUP; typedef struct _DIRREC { SigCheck(ULONG Sig;) struct _DIRREC *Next; LIST_ENTRY Produces; LIST_ENTRY Consumes; DIRSUP *pds; // Used to preserve info from pass zero PFILEREC Files; LPSTR TargetPath; LPSTR TargetPathLib; LPSTR TargetName; LPSTR TargetExt; LPSTR KernelTest; LPSTR UserAppls; LPSTR UserTests; LPSTR NTTargetFile0; LPSTR Pch; LPSTR PchObj; LONG SourceLinesToCompile; LONG PassZeroLines; ULONG DirFlags; ULONG RecurseLevel; USHORT FindCount; USHORT CountSubDirs; SHORT CountOfFilesToCompile; SHORT CountOfPassZeroFiles; USHORT CheckSum; // Name checksum char Name[1]; } DIRREC, *PDIRREC; #define DIRDB_SOURCES 0x00000001 #define DIRDB_DIRS 0x00000002 #define DIRDB_MAKEFILE 0x00000004 #define DIRDB_MAKEFIL0 0x00000008 #define DIRDB_TARGETFILE0 0x00000010 #define DIRDB_TARGETFILES 0x00000020 #define DIRDB_RESOURCE 0x00000040 #define DIRDB_PASS0 0x00000080 #define DIRDB_SOURCES_SET 0x00000100 #define DIRDB_SYNC_PRODUCES 0x00000200 #define DIRDB_SYNC_CONSUMES 0x00000400 #define DIRDB_CHICAGO_INCLUDES 0x00000800 #define DIRDB_NEW 0x00001000 #define DIRDB_SCANNED 0x00002000 #define DIRDB_SHOWN 0x00004000 #define DIRDB_GLOBAL_INCLUDES 0x00008000 #define DIRDB_SYNCHRONIZE_BLOCK 0x00010000 #define DIRDB_SYNCHRONIZE_PASS2_BLOCK 0x00020000 #define DIRDB_SYNCHRONIZE_DRAIN 0x00040000 #define DIRDB_SYNCHRONIZE_PASS2_DRAIN 0x00080000 #define DIRDB_COMPILENEEDED 0x00100000 #define DIRDB_COMPILEERRORS 0x00200000 #define DIRDB_SOURCESREAD 0x00400000 #define DIRDB_DLLTARGET 0x00800000 #define DIRDB_LINKNEEDED 0x01000000 #define DIRDB_FORCELINK 0x02000000 #define DIRDB_PASS0NEEDED 0x04000000 #define DIRDB_MAKEFIL1 0x08000000 #define DIRDB_CHECKED_ALT_DIR 0x10000000 #define DIRDB_MANAGED_CODE 0x20000000 #define DIRDB_IDLTYPERPC 0x40000000 // Flags preserved when loading build.dat: #define DIRDB_DBPRESERVE 0 // // Dependency structure // typedef struct _DEPENDENCY { struct _DEPENDENCY *Next; // Links together all dependencies LIST_ENTRY DependencyList; // Links together all dependencies produced by this DIRREC LIST_ENTRY WaitList; // List of DIRRECs that consume this dependency PDIRREC Producer; // DIRREC that is going to produce this dependency HANDLE hEvent; // Signalled when dependency is produced BOOL Done; USHORT CheckSum; char Name[1]; } DEPENDENCY, *PDEPENDENCY; PDEPENDENCY AllDependencies; typedef struct _DEPENDENCY_WAIT { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; // Links together all dependencies consumed by this DIRREC PDEPENDENCY Dependency; // Dependency this wait block is waiting for PDIRREC Consumer; // DIRREC that is waiting on this dependency } DEPENDENCY_WAIT, *PDEPENDENCY_WAIT; typedef struct _TARGET { FILEREC *pfrCompiland; DIRREC *pdrBuild; LPSTR pszSourceDirectory; LPSTR ConditionalIncludes; ULONG DateTime; ULONG DirFlags; char Name[1]; } TARGET, *PTARGET; #define BUILD_VERSION 0x0422 #define DBMASTER_NAME "build.dat" #define DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH 512 // There's some sick people out there using 250 byte paths with 100 byte filenames #define MAKEPARAMETERS_MAX_LEN 512 // If you change or add any values to this enum, // also fix MemTab in buildutl.c: typedef enum _MemType { MT_TOTALS = 0, MT_UNKNOWN, MT_CHILDDATA, MT_CMDSTRING, MT_DIRDB, MT_DIRSUP, MT_DIRPATH, MT_DIRSTRING, MT_EVENTHANDLES, MT_FILEDB, MT_FILEREADBUF, MT_FRBSTRING, MT_INCLUDEDB, MT_IOBUFFER, MT_MACRO, MT_SOURCEDB, MT_TARGET, MT_THREADFILTER, MT_THREADHANDLES, MT_THREADSTATE, MT_DEPENDENCY, MT_DEPENDENCY_WAIT, MT_XMLTHREADSTATE, MT_PXMLTHREADSTATE, MT_INVALID = 255, } MemType; struct _THREADSTATE; typedef BOOL (*FILTERPROC)(struct _THREADSTATE *ThreadState, LPSTR p); typedef struct _BUILDMETRICS { UINT NumberCompileWarnings; UINT NumberCompileErrors; UINT NumberCompiles; UINT NumberLibraries; UINT NumberLibraryWarnings; UINT NumberLibraryErrors; UINT NumberLinks; UINT NumberLinkWarnings; UINT NumberLinkErrors; UINT NumberBSCMakes; UINT NumberBSCWarnings; UINT NumberBSCErrors; UINT NumberVSToolErrors; UINT NumberVSToolWarnings; UINT NumberBinplaces; UINT NumberBinplaceWarnings; UINT NumberBinplaceErrors; // XML support and fragments UINT NumberDirActions; UINT NumberActWarnings; UINT NumberActErrors; } BUILDMETRICS, *PBUILDMETRICS; typedef struct _THREADSTATE { USHORT cRowTotal; USHORT cColTotal; BOOL IsStdErrTty; FILE *ChildOutput; UINT ChildState; UINT ChildFlags; LPSTR ChildTarget; UINT LinesToIgnore; FILTERPROC FilterProc; ULONG ThreadIndex; ULONG XMLThreadIndex; CHAR UndefinedId[ DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH ]; CHAR ChildCurrentDirectory[ DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH ]; CHAR ChildCurrentFile[ DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH ]; DIRREC *CompileDirDB; BUILDMETRICS BuildMetrics; } THREADSTATE, *PTHREADSTATE; // // Global Data (uninit will always be FALSE) // BOOL fUsage; // Set when usage message is to be displayed BOOL fStatus; // Set by -s and -S options BOOL fStatusTree; // Set by -S option BOOL fShowTree; // Set by -t and -T options BOOL fShowTreeIncludes; // Set by -T option BOOL fClean; // Set by -c option BOOL fCleanLibs; // Set by -C option BOOL fCleanRestart; // Set by -r option BOOL fRestartClean; // Set if -c and -r were both given BOOL fRestartCleanLibs; // Set if -C and -r were both given BOOL fPause; // Set by -p option BOOL fParallel; // Set on a multiprocessor machine or by -M BOOL fPrintElapsed; // Set by -P option BOOL fQuery; // Set by -q option BOOL fStopAfterPassZero; // Set by -0 option BOOL fQuicky; // Set by -z and -Z options BOOL fQuickZero; // Set by -3 BOOL fSemiQuicky; // Set by -Z option BOOL fShowOutOfDateFiles; // Set by -o option BOOL fSyncLink; // Set by -a option BOOL fForce; // Set by -f option BOOL fEnableVersionCheck; // Set by -v option BOOL fSilentDependencies; // Set by -i option BOOL fKeep; // Set by -k option BOOL fCompileOnly; // Set by -L option BOOL fLinkOnly; // Set by -l option BOOL fErrorLog; // Set by -e option BOOL fGenerateObjectsDotMacOnly; // Set by -O option BOOL fShowWarningsOnScreen; // Set by -w option BOOL fNoisyScan; // Set by -y option BOOL fFullErrors; // Set by -b option BOOL fWhyBuild; // Set by -why option BOOL fChicagoProduct; // Set if CHICAGO_PRODUCT is set in environment BOOL fLineCleared; // Current line on screen clear? BOOL fPassZero; // Indicates we've found pass zero dirs BOOL fFirstScan; // Indicates this is the first scan BOOL fAlwaysPrintFullPath; // Set by -F option BOOL fTargetDirs; // Set by -g option BOOL fAlwaysKeepLogfile; // Set by -E option BOOL fShowUnusedDirs; // Set by -u option BOOL fColorConsole; // set by -g option BOOL fCheckIncludePaths; // Set by -# option BOOL fErrorBaseline; // Set by -B option BOOL fXMLOutput; // Set by -X option BOOL fXMLVerboseOutput; // Set by -Xv option BOOL fXMLFragment; // Set bu -Xf option BOOL fNoThreadIndex; // Set by -I option BOOL fIgnoreSync; // Set by -I option BOOL fMTScriptSync; // Set when communicating with the MTScript engine BOOL fBuildAltDirSet; // set when BUILD_ALT_DIR is defined. BOOL fSuppressOutput; // Set by -h options #define MAX_INCLUDE_PATTERNS 32 LPSTR AcceptableIncludePatternList[ MAX_INCLUDE_PATTERNS + 1 ]; LPSTR UnacceptableIncludePatternList[ MAX_INCLUDE_PATTERNS + 1 ]; LPSTR MakeProgram; char MakeParameters[ MAKEPARAMETERS_MAX_LEN ]; LPSTR MakeParametersTail; char MakeTargets[ 256 ]; char RestartDir[ 256 ]; char NtRoot[ 256 ]; char DbMasterName[ 256 ]; extern const char szNewLine[]; char BaselinePathName[DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; // The file name for -B BOOL bBaselineFailure; // Indicates if there is a build failure that is not in the baseline file VOID* pvBaselineContent; // The content of the baseline file DWORD cbBaselineContentSize; // The size of the baseline file char XMLFragmentDirectory[DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; // The path for -Xf char *pszSdkLibDest; char *pszDdkLibDest; char *pszPublicInternalPath; char *pszIncOak; char *pszIncDdk; char *pszIncWdm; char *pszIncSdk; char *pszIncMfc; char *pszIncCrt; char *pszIncPri; char *pszIncOs2; char *pszIncPosix; char *pszIncChicago; char *szBuildTag; char *pszObjDir; char *pszObjDirSlash; char *pszObjDirSlashStar; BOOL fCheckedBuild; ULONG iObjectDir; extern ULONG NumberProcesses; CRITICAL_SECTION TTYCriticalSection; CRITICAL_SECTION XMLCriticalSection; CHAR const *cmdexe; LONG TotalFilesToCompile; LONG TotalFilesCompiled; LONG TotalLinesToCompile; LONG TotalLinesCompiled; ULONG ElapsedCompileTime; DIRREC *CurrentCompileDirDB; // Fixed length arrays... UINT CountTargetMachines; TARGET_MACHINE_INFO *TargetMachines[MAX_TARGET_MACHINES]; TARGET_MACHINE_INFO *PossibleTargetMachines[MAX_TARGET_MACHINES]; TARGET_MACHINE_INFO i386TargetMachine; TARGET_MACHINE_INFO ia64TargetMachine; TARGET_MACHINE_INFO Amd64TargetMachine; TARGET_MACHINE_INFO ARMTargetMachine; UINT TargetToPossibleTarget[MAX_TARGET_MACHINES]; #define MAX_OPTIONAL_DIRECTORIES 256 UINT CountOptionalDirs; LPSTR OptionalDirs[MAX_OPTIONAL_DIRECTORIES]; BOOLEAN OptionalDirsUsed[MAX_OPTIONAL_DIRECTORIES]; BOOL BuildAllOptionalDirs; #define MAX_EXCLUDE_DIRECTORIES MAX_OPTIONAL_DIRECTORIES UINT CountExcludeDirs; LPSTR ExcludeDirs[MAX_EXCLUDE_DIRECTORIES]; BOOLEAN ExcludeDirsUsed[MAX_OPTIONAL_DIRECTORIES]; #define MAX_EXCLUDE_INCS 128 UINT CountExcludeIncs; LPSTR ExcludeIncs[MAX_EXCLUDE_INCS]; #define MAX_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES 256 UINT CountIncludeDirs; UINT CountSystemIncludeDirs; DIRREC *IncludeDirs[MAX_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES]; #define MAX_BUILD_DIRECTORIES 8192 UINT CountPassZeroDirs; DIRREC *PassZeroDirs[MAX_BUILD_DIRECTORIES]; UINT CountCompileDirs; DIRREC *CompileDirs[MAX_BUILD_DIRECTORIES]; UINT CountLinkDirs; DIRREC *LinkDirs[MAX_BUILD_DIRECTORIES]; UINT CountShowDirs; DIRREC *ShowDirs[MAX_BUILD_DIRECTORIES]; DIRREC *AllDirs; CHAR CurrentDirectory[DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; BOOL AllDirsInitialized; BOOL AllDirsModified; USHORT GlobalSequence; USHORT LocalSequence; BOOLEAN fConsoleInitialized; DWORD NewConsoleMode; LPSTR BuildDefault; LPSTR BuildParameters; LPSTR SystemIncludeEnv; LPSTR LocalIncludeEnv; LPSTR BigBuf; UINT BigBufSize; UINT RecurseLevel; FILE *LogFile; FILE *WrnFile; FILE *ErrFile; FILE *IPGScriptFile; FILE *IncFile; FILE *XMLFile; BUILDMETRICS PassMetrics; BUILDMETRICS BuildMetrics; BUILDMETRICS RunningTotals; char szAsterisks[]; ULONG BuildStartTime; WORD DefaultConsoleAttributes; // // Global message color settings. MsgColorSettings array defined in build.c. // typedef enum _MsgColor { MSG_COLOR_STATUS = 0, MSG_COLOR_SUMMARY, MSG_COLOR_WARNING, MSG_COLOR_ERROR, MSG_COLOR_COUNT // keep this at the end } MsgColor; typedef struct _MSG_COLOR_SETTINGS { LPCSTR EnvVarName; WORD Color; } MSG_COLOR_SETTINGS; extern MSG_COLOR_SETTINGS MsgColorSettings[MSG_COLOR_COUNT]; #define MAKE_MSG_COLOR(index) \ (MsgColorSettings[index].Color | (DefaultConsoleAttributes & (0x00f0))) #define COLOR_STATUS MAKE_MSG_COLOR(MSG_COLOR_STATUS) #define COLOR_SUMMARY MAKE_MSG_COLOR(MSG_COLOR_SUMMARY) #define COLOR_WARNING MAKE_MSG_COLOR(MSG_COLOR_WARNING) #define COLOR_ERROR MAKE_MSG_COLOR(MSG_COLOR_ERROR) VOID ReportDirsUsage(VOID); VOID SetObjDir(BOOL fAlternate); // // Stuff defined in buildscr.cpp // typedef enum _PROC_EVENTS { PE_PASS0_COMPLETE = WM_USER, PE_PASS1_COMPLETE, PE_PASS2_COMPLETE, PE_EXIT } PROC_EVENTS; EXTERN_C HANDLE g_hMTThread; EXTERN_C HANDLE g_hMTEvent; EXTERN_C DWORD g_dwMTThreadId; EXTERN_C DWORD WINAPI MTScriptThread(LPVOID pv); EXTERN_C void WaitForResume(BOOL fPause, PROC_EVENTS pe); EXTERN_C void ExitMTScriptThread(); // // Data Base functions defined in builddb.c // PDIRREC LoadDirDB(LPSTR DirName); #if DBG VOID PrintAllDirs(VOID); #endif VOID PrintSourceDBList(SOURCEREC *psr, int i); VOID PrintFileDB(FILE *pf, FILEREC *pfr, int DetailLevel); VOID PrintDirDB(DIRREC *pdr, int DetailLevel); FILEREC * FindSourceFileDB(DIRREC *pdr, LPSTR pszRelPath, DIRREC **ppdr); DIRREC * FindSourceDirDB( LPSTR pszDir, // directory LPSTR pszRelPath, // relative path BOOL fTruncateFileName); // TRUE: drop last component of path SOURCEREC * FindSourceDB( SOURCEREC *psr, FILEREC *pfr); SOURCEREC * InsertSourceDB( SOURCEREC **ppsrNext, FILEREC *pfr, UCHAR SubDirMask, UCHAR SrcFlags); VOID FreeSourceDB(SOURCEREC **ppsr); VOID UnsnapIncludeFiles(FILEREC *pfr, BOOL fUnsnapGlobal); VOID UnsnapAllDirectories(VOID); VOID FreeAllDirs(VOID); PFILEREC LookupFileDB( PDIRREC DirDB, LPSTR FileName); PFILEREC InsertFileDB( PDIRREC DirDB, LPSTR FileName, ULONG DateTime, USHORT Attr, ULONG FileFlags); VOID DeleteUnscannedFiles(PDIRREC DirDB); PINCLUDEREC InsertIncludeDB( PFILEREC FileDB, LPSTR IncludeFileName, USHORT IncFlags); VOID LinkToCycleRoot(INCLUDEREC *pir, FILEREC *pfrRoot); VOID RemoveFromCycleRoot(INCLUDEREC *pir, FILEREC *pfrRoot); VOID MergeIncludeFiles(FILEREC *pfr, INCLUDEREC *pirList, FILEREC *pfrRoot); VOID MarkIncludeFileRecords(PFILEREC FileDB); VOID DeleteIncludeFileRecords(PFILEREC FileDB); PFILEREC FindIncludeFileDB( FILEREC *pfrSource, FILEREC *pfrCompiland, DIRREC *pdrBuild, LPSTR pszSourceDirectory, INCLUDEREC *IncludeDB); BOOL SaveMasterDB(VOID); void LoadMasterDB(VOID); PDIRREC LoadMasterDirDB(LPSTR s); PFILEREC LoadMasterFileDB(LPSTR s); PINCLUDEREC LoadMasterIncludeDB(LPSTR s); USHORT CheckSum(LPSTR psz); // // Scanning functions defined in buildscn.c // VOID AddIncludeDir(DIRREC *pdr, UINT *pui); VOID AddShowDir(DIRREC *pdr); VOID ScanGlobalIncludeDirectory(LPSTR path); VOID ScanIncludeEnv(LPSTR IncludeEnv); PDIRREC ScanDirectory(LPSTR DirName); BOOL ScanFile(PFILEREC FileDB); // // Functions defined in buildmak.c // VOID ScanSourceDirectories(LPSTR DirName); VOID CompilePassZeroDirectories(VOID); VOID CompileSourceDirectories(VOID); VOID LinkSourceDirectories(VOID); VOID FreeDirSupData(DIRSUP *pds); VOID FreeDirData(DIRREC *pdr); BOOL CheckDependencies( PTARGET Target, FILEREC *FileDB, BOOL CheckDate, FILEREC **ppFileDBRoot); BOOL CreateBuildDirectory(LPSTR Name); VOID CreatedBuildFile(LPSTR DirName, LPSTR FileName); VOID GenerateObjectsDotMac(DIRREC *DirDB, DIRSUP *pds, ULONG DateTimeSources); VOID ExpandObjAsterisk( LPSTR pbuf, LPSTR pszpath, LPSTR *ppszObjectDirectory); // // Build -# functions defined in buildinc.c // LPCTSTR FindCountedSequenceInString( IN LPCTSTR String, IN LPCTSTR Sequence, IN DWORD Length); BOOL DoesInstanceMatchPattern( IN LPCTSTR Instance, IN LPCTSTR Pattern); LPSTR CombinePaths( IN LPCSTR ParentPath, IN LPCSTR ChildPath, OUT LPSTR TargetPath); VOID CreateRelativePath( IN LPCSTR SourceAbsName, IN LPCSTR TargetAbsName, OUT LPSTR RelativePath); BOOL ShouldWarnInclude( IN LPCSTR CompilandFullName, IN LPCSTR IncludeeFullName); VOID CheckIncludeForWarning( IN LPCSTR CompilandDir, IN LPCSTR CompilandName, IN LPCSTR IncluderDir, IN LPCSTR IncluderName, IN LPCSTR IncludeeDir, IN LPCSTR IncludeeName); // // Utility functions defined in buildutl.c // VOID AllocMem(size_t cb, VOID **ppv, MemType mt); VOID FreeMem(VOID **ppv, MemType mt); VOID ReportMemoryUsage(VOID); BOOL MyOpenFile( LPSTR DirName, LPSTR FileName, LPSTR Access, FILE **Stream, BOOL fBufferedIO); BOOL OpenFilePush( LPSTR pszdir, LPSTR pszfile, LPSTR pszCommentToEOL, FILE **ppf ); BOOL SetupReadFile(LPSTR pszdir, LPSTR pszfile, LPSTR pszCommentToEOL, FILE **ppf); ULONG CloseReadFile(UINT *pcline); LPSTR ReadLine(FILE *pf); UINT ProbeFile( LPSTR DirName, LPSTR FileName); BOOL EnsureDirectoriesExist( LPSTR DirName); ULONG DateTimeFile( LPSTR DirName, LPSTR FileName); ULONG DateTimeFile2( LPSTR DirName, LPSTR FileName); ULONG (*pDateTimeFile)(LPSTR, LPSTR); BOOL (WINAPI * pGetFileAttributesExA)(LPCSTR, GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS, LPVOID); BOOL DeleteSingleFile( LPSTR DirName, LPSTR FileName, BOOL QuietFlag); BOOL DeleteMultipleFiles( LPSTR DirName, LPSTR FilePattern); BOOL CloseOrDeleteFile( FILE **Stream, LPSTR DirName, LPSTR FileName, ULONG SizeThreshold); LPSTR PushCurrentDirectory(LPSTR NewCurrentDirectory); VOID PopCurrentDirectory(LPSTR OldCurrentDirectory); UINT ExecuteProgram( LPSTR ProgramName, LPSTR CommandLine, LPSTR MoreCommandLine, BOOL MustBeSynchronous, LPCSTR XMLDir, LPCSTR XMLAction); VOID WaitForParallelThreads(PDIRREC Dir); VOID CheckAllConsumer(BOOL); BOOL CanonicalizePathName( LPSTR SourcePath, UINT Action, LPSTR FullPath); #define CANONICALIZE_ONLY 0 #define CANONICALIZE_FILE 1 #define CANONICALIZE_DIR 2 LPSTR FormatPathName( LPSTR DirName, LPSTR FileName); #if DBG VOID AssertPathString(LPSTR pszPath); #else #define AssertPathString(p) #endif LPSTR AppendString( LPSTR Destination, LPSTR Source, BOOL PrefixWithSpace); LPSTR CopyString(LPSTR Destination, LPSTR Source, BOOL fPath); VOID MakeString(LPSTR *Destination, LPSTR Source, BOOL fPath, MemType mt); VOID MakeExpandedString(LPSTR *Destination, LPSTR Source); VOID FreeString(LPSTR *Source, MemType mt); LPSTR FormatNumber(ULONG Number); LPSTR FormatTime(ULONG Seconds); BOOL AToX(LPSTR *pp, ULONG *pul); BOOL AToD(LPSTR *pp, ULONG *pul); EXTERN_C VOID __cdecl LogMsg(const char *pszfmt, ...); EXTERN_C VOID __cdecl BuildMsg(const char *pszfmt, ...); EXTERN_C VOID __cdecl BuildMsgRaw(const char *pszfmt, ...); EXTERN_C VOID __cdecl BuildError(const char *pszfmt, ...); EXTERN_C VOID __cdecl BuildErrorRaw(const char *pszfmt, ...); EXTERN_C VOID __cdecl BuildColorMsg(WORD, const char *pszfmt, ...); EXTERN_C VOID __cdecl BuildColorMsgRaw(WORD, const char *pszfmt, ...); EXTERN_C VOID __cdecl BuildColorError(WORD, const char *pszfmt, ...); EXTERN_C VOID __cdecl BuildColorErrorRaw(WORD, const char *pszfmt, ...); VOID* memfind(VOID* pvWhere, DWORD cbWhere, VOID* pvWhat, DWORD cbWhat); // // XML logging // UINT NumberPasses; DWORD XMLStartTicks; #define XML_THREAD_BUFFER_SIZE (2*1024*1024) #define XML_LOCAL_BUFFER_SIZE 4096 #define XML_SCHEMA "buildschema.xml" // general purpose buffer // initially used to hold the command line char szXMLBuffer[XML_LOCAL_BUFFER_SIZE]; typedef struct _XMLTHREADSTATE { BYTE XMLBuffer[XML_THREAD_BUFFER_SIZE]; SIZE_T iXMLBufferPos; SIZE_T iXMLBufferLen; SIZE_T iXMLFileStart; BOOL fXMLInAction; // indicates if the thread has opened action tag } XMLTHREADSTATE, *PXMLTHREADSTATE; PXMLTHREADSTATE* PXMLThreadStates; PXMLTHREADSTATE PXMLGlobalState; BOOL fXMLInitialized; // Initializes the XML structures BOOL XMLInit(VOID); // Frees the allocated memory VOID XMLUnInit(VOID); // Prepares XML buffer fot the thread VOID XMLThreadInitBuffer(PTHREADSTATE ThreadState); // writes into the thread's block and then all other threads' blocks VOID _cdecl XMLThreadWrite(PTHREADSTATE ThreadState, LPCSTR pszFmt, ...); // opens tag in the thread's block VOID _cdecl XMLThreadOpenTag(PTHREADSTATE ThreadState, LPCSTR pszTag, LPCSTR pszFmt, ...); // closes the last open tag; the argument is for verification only VOID XMLThreadCloseTag(PTHREADSTATE ThreadState, LPCSTR pszTag); // writes out completely the thread's block and releases it VOID XMLThreadReleaseBuffer(PTHREADSTATE ThreadState); // writes into the global block. It is restricted to not have any threads open VOID _cdecl XMLGlobalWrite(LPCSTR pszFmt, ...); // opens tag in the global block VOID _cdecl XMLGlobalOpenTag(LPCSTR pszTag, LPCSTR pszFmt, ...); // closes the last open tag VOID XMLGlobalCloseTag(); VOID XMLUpdateEndTag(BOOL fCompleted); LPSTR XMLEncodeBuiltInEntities(LPSTR pszString, DWORD cbStringSize); LPSTR XMLEncodeBuiltInEntitiesCopy(LPSTR pszString, LPSTR pszTarget); BOOL XMLScanBackTag(LPSTR pszEnd, LPSTR pszSentinel, LPSTR* ppszStart); LPSTR XMLBuildMetricsString(PBUILDMETRICS Metrics); // XML fragment VOID _cdecl XMLWriteFragmentFile(LPCSTR pszBaseFileName, LPCSTR pszFmt, ...); VOID _cdecl XMLWriteDirFragmentFile(LPCSTR pszRelPath, PVOID pvBlock, SIZE_T cbCount); VOID AddBuildMetrics(PBUILDMETRICS TargetMetrics, PBUILDMETRICS SourceMetrics); VOID XMLEnterCriticalSection(); VOID XMLLeaveCriticalSection(); // // Functions in buildsrc.c // extern DWORD StartTime; VOID StartElapsedTime(VOID); VOID PrintElapsedTime(VOID); LPSTR FormatElapsedTime(DWORD dwStartTime); LPSTR FormatCurrentDateTime(); BOOL ReadDirsFile(DIRREC *DirDB); VOID ProcessLinkTargets(PDIRREC DirDB, LPSTR CurrentDirectory); BOOL SplitToken(LPSTR pbuf, char chsep, LPSTR *ppstr); BOOL MakeMacroString(LPSTR *pp, LPSTR p); VOID SaveMacro(LPSTR pszName, LPSTR pszValue); VOID FormatLinkTarget( LPSTR path, LPSTR *ObjectDirectory, LPSTR TargetPath, LPSTR TargetName, LPSTR TargetExt); BOOL ReadSourcesFile(DIRREC *DirDB, DIRSUP *pds, ULONG *pDateTimeSources); VOID PostProcessSources(DIRREC *pdr, DIRSUP *pds); VOID PrintDirSupData(DIRSUP *pds); //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: IsFullPath // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- __inline BOOL IsFullPath(char *pszfile) { return(pszfile[0] == '\\' || (isalpha(pszfile[0]) && pszfile[1] == ':')); } // // List macros stolen from ntrtl.h // VOID FORCEINLINE InitializeListHead( IN PLIST_ENTRY ListHead ) { ListHead->Flink = ListHead->Blink = ListHead; } // // BOOLEAN // IsListEmpty( // PLIST_ENTRY ListHead // ); // #define IsListEmpty(ListHead) \ ((ListHead)->Flink == (ListHead)) VOID FORCEINLINE RemoveEntryList( IN PLIST_ENTRY Entry ) { PLIST_ENTRY Blink; PLIST_ENTRY Flink; Flink = Entry->Flink; Blink = Entry->Blink; Blink->Flink = Flink; Flink->Blink = Blink; } PLIST_ENTRY FORCEINLINE RemoveHeadList( IN PLIST_ENTRY ListHead ) { PLIST_ENTRY Flink; PLIST_ENTRY Entry; Entry = ListHead->Flink; Flink = Entry->Flink; ListHead->Flink = Flink; Flink->Blink = ListHead; return Entry; } PLIST_ENTRY FORCEINLINE RemoveTailList( IN PLIST_ENTRY ListHead ) { PLIST_ENTRY Blink; PLIST_ENTRY Entry; Entry = ListHead->Blink; Blink = Entry->Blink; ListHead->Blink = Blink; Blink->Flink = ListHead; return Entry; } VOID FORCEINLINE InsertTailList( IN PLIST_ENTRY ListHead, IN PLIST_ENTRY Entry ) { PLIST_ENTRY Blink; Blink = ListHead->Blink; Entry->Flink = ListHead; Entry->Blink = Blink; Blink->Flink = Entry; ListHead->Blink = Entry; } VOID FORCEINLINE InsertHeadList( IN PLIST_ENTRY ListHead, IN PLIST_ENTRY Entry ) { PLIST_ENTRY Flink; Flink = ListHead->Flink; Entry->Flink = Flink; Entry->Blink = ListHead; Flink->Blink = Entry; ListHead->Flink = Entry; }