//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1989 - 1994. // // File: buildmak.c // // Contents: This is the Make module for the NT Build Tool (BUILD.EXE) // // The Make module scans directories for file names and edits the // data base appropriately. // // Functions: // // History: 16-May-89 SteveWo Created // ... See SLM log // 26-Jul-94 LyleC Cleanup/Add Pass0 support // 05-Dec-00 sbonev See SD changelist 2317 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "build.h" #define SCANFLAGS_CHICAGO 0x00000002 #define SCANFLAGS_OS2 0x00000004 #define SCANFLAGS_POSIX 0x00000008 #define SCANFLAGS_CRT 0x00000010 ULONG ScanFlagsLast; ULONG ScanFlagsCurrent; USHORT GlobalSequence; USHORT LocalSequence; ULONG idFileToCompile = 1; BOOL fLineCleared = TRUE; char szRecurse[] = " . . . . . . . . ."; char szAsterisks[] = " ********************"; char *pszSdkLibDest; char *pszDdkLibDest; char *pszIncOak; char *pszIncDdk; char *pszIncWdm; char *pszIncSdk; char *pszIncCrt; char *pszIncMfc; char *pszIncOs2; char *pszIncPosix; char *pszIncChicago; char szCheckedAltDir[] = " CHECKED_ALT_DIR=1"; #ifndef ARRAY_SIZE #define ARRAY_SIZE(array, type) (sizeof(array)/sizeof(type)) #endif extern CHAR szObjDir[]; // // The following definitions are for the ObjectDirFlag entry in the TARGETDATA // struct. // // // TD_OBJECTDIR maps to ObjectDirectory[iObjectDir]\foobar.tar // TD_PASS0HDRDIR maps to $(PASS0_HEADERDIR)\foobar.tar // TD_PASS0DIR1 maps to $(PASS0_SOURCEDIR)\foobar.tar or $(PASS0_CLIENTDIR)\foobar.tar // TD_PASS0DIR2 maps to $(PASS0_UUIDDIR)\foobar.tar or $(PASS0_SERVERDIR)\foobar.tar // // where .tar is the given target extension, ObjectDirectory[iObjectDir] is the // appropriate object directory for that platform, and the macros are expanded // to the values given in the sources file. // #define TD_OBJECTDIR 1 #define TD_PASS0HDRDIR 2 #define TD_PASS0DIR1 3 #define TD_PASS0DIR2 4 #define TD_MCSOURCEDIR 5 typedef struct _tagTARGETDATA { UCHAR ObjectDirFlag; // Indicates what object dir should be used. LPSTR pszTargetExt; // Extension of target. (Including '.') } TARGETDATA, *LPTARGETDATA; typedef struct _tagOBJECTTARGETINFO { LPSTR pszSourceExt; // Extension of source file (including '.'). UCHAR NumData; // Number of entries in [Data]. LPTARGETDATA Data; // Pointer to array of TARGETDATAs. } OBJECTTARGETINFO, *LPOBJECTTARGETINFO; typedef struct _tagOBJECTTARGETARRAY { int cTargetInfo; OBJECTTARGETINFO **aTargetInfo; } OBJECTTARGETARRAY; typedef struct _waitConsumer { LIST_ENTRY List; PDIRREC DirDB; char MakeParameters[ MAKEPARAMETERS_MAX_LEN ]; }*PWAITING_CONSUMER , WAITING_CONSUMER ; LIST_ENTRY Head; BOOL IsHeadInitialized=FALSE; // // TARGETDATA information is used by both BuildCompileTarget() and // WriteObjectsDefinition() via the GetTargetData() function. Do not put // extensions in this table whose TARGETDATA consists entirely of // { TD_OBJECTDIR, ".obj" } because that is the default. Instead you must // modify the switch statement in WriteObjectsDefinition. // // The first target in each TARGETDATA array is considered the 'rule target' // because that is the target for which the inference rule in makefile.def is // written. The 'rule target' will always be deleted in addition to the // out-of-date target if *any* of the targets are out of date. // // // The following data defines the *PASS0* mappings of source extensions // to target files: // // .idl -> $(PASS0_HEADERDIR)\.h, // $(PASS0_SOURCEDIR)\_p.c, // $(PASS0_UUIDDIR)\_i.c // .asn -> $(PASS0_HEADERDIR)\.h, // $(PASS0_HEADERDIR)\.c // .mc -> $(PASS0_HEADERDIR)\.h, $(PASS0_SOURCEDIR)\.rc // .odl -> obj\*\.tlb // .tdl -> obj\*\.tlb // // .mc -> $(PASS0_HEADERDIR)\.h, $(PASS0_HEADERDIR)\.rc TARGETDATA MCData0[] = { { TD_PASS0HDRDIR, ".h"}, { TD_MCSOURCEDIR, ".rc"} }; OBJECTTARGETINFO MCInfo0 = { ".mc", ARRAY_SIZE(MCData0, TARGETDATA), MCData0}; // .asn -> $(PASS0_HEADERDIR)\.h, $(PASS0_SOURCEDIR)\.c TARGETDATA AsnData0[] = { { TD_PASS0HDRDIR, ".h"}, { TD_PASS0DIR1, ".c"}, }; OBJECTTARGETINFO AsnInfo0 = { ".asn", ARRAY_SIZE(AsnData0, TARGETDATA), AsnData0}; // .odl/.tdl -> obj\*\.tlb TARGETDATA TLBData0 = { TD_OBJECTDIR, ".tlb"}; OBJECTTARGETINFO TLBInfo0 = { ".tdl", ARRAY_SIZE(TLBData0, TARGETDATA), &TLBData0}; OBJECTTARGETINFO TLB2Info0 = { ".odl", ARRAY_SIZE(TLBData0, TARGETDATA), &TLBData0}; // .thk -> obj\*\.asm TARGETDATA THKData0 = { TD_OBJECTDIR, ".asm"}; OBJECTTARGETINFO THKInfo0 = { ".thk", ARRAY_SIZE(THKData0, TARGETDATA), &THKData0}; // .mof -> obj\*\.mof, obj\*\.bmf TARGETDATA MOFData0[] = { {TD_OBJECTDIR, ".mof"}, {TD_OBJECTDIR, ".bmf"} }; OBJECTTARGETINFO MOFInfo0 = { ".mof", ARRAY_SIZE(MOFData0, TARGETDATA), MOFData0}; // ------ LPOBJECTTARGETINFO aTargetInfo0[] = { &MCInfo0, &AsnInfo0, &TLBInfo0, &TLB2Info0, &THKInfo0, &MOFInfo0, }; #define CTARGETINFO0 ARRAY_SIZE(aTargetInfo0, LPOBJECTTARGETINFO) // // The following data defines the *PASS1* mappings of source extensions // to target files: // // .rc -> obj\*\.res // .asn -> obj\*\.obj // .thk -> obj\*\.asm, // .java -> obj\*\.class, // obj\*\.obj, // .vbp -> obj\*\.dll, // // .rc -> obj\*\.res TARGETDATA RCData1 = { TD_OBJECTDIR, ".res"}; OBJECTTARGETINFO RCInfo1 = { ".rc", ARRAY_SIZE(RCData1, TARGETDATA), &RCData1}; // .thk -> .asm -> .obj TARGETDATA THKData1[] = { {TD_OBJECTDIR, ".obj"} }; OBJECTTARGETINFO THKInfo1 = { ".thk", ARRAY_SIZE(THKData1, TARGETDATA), THKData1}; // .java -> .class TARGETDATA JAVAData1[] = { {TD_OBJECTDIR, ".class"} }; OBJECTTARGETINFO JAVAInfo1 = { ".java", ARRAY_SIZE(JAVAData1, TARGETDATA), JAVAData1}; // .vbp -> .dll TARGETDATA VBPData1[] = { {TD_OBJECTDIR, ".dll"} }; OBJECTTARGETINFO VBPInfo1 = { ".vbp", ARRAY_SIZE(VBPData1, TARGETDATA), VBPData1}; // ------ LPOBJECTTARGETINFO aTargetInfo1[] = { &RCInfo1, &THKInfo1, &JAVAInfo1, &VBPInfo1, }; #define CTARGETINFO1 ARRAY_SIZE(aTargetInfo1, LPOBJECTTARGETINFO) OBJECTTARGETARRAY aTargetArray[] = { { CTARGETINFO0, aTargetInfo0}, { CTARGETINFO1, aTargetInfo1}, }; // ------ // MIDL stuff -- IDL files have two potential sets of targets, depending // on if the IDL_TYPE flag was set to 'ole' in the sources file or not. // Note: only the .h file is guaranteed. The .c, _p.c, _i.c, .tlb, // _c.c, _s.c files are all conditional on the contents of the idl file... // // IDL_TYPE = ole // .idl -> $(PASS0_HEADERDIR)\.h, // $(PASS0_SOURCEDIR)\.c // $(PASS0_PROXYDIR)\_p.c, // $(PASS0_DLLDATADIR)\_d.c, // $(PASS0_TLBDIR)\.c, TARGETDATA IDLDataOle0[] = { { TD_PASS0HDRDIR, ".h"}, // Header File // { TD_PASS0DIR2, ".c" }, // UUID file // { TD_PASS0DIR1, "_p.c" }, // Proxy Stub File }; OBJECTTARGETINFO IDLInfoOle0 = { ".idl", ARRAY_SIZE(IDLDataOle0, TARGETDATA), IDLDataOle0}; // IDL_TYPE = rpc // .idl -> $(PASS0_HEADERDIR)\.h, // $(PASS0_CLIENTDIR)\_c.c, // $(PASS0_SERVERDIR)\_s.c, TARGETDATA IDLDataRpc0[] = { { TD_PASS0HDRDIR, ".h"}, // Header File // { TD_PASS0DIR1, "_c.c" }, // Client Stub File // { TD_PASS0DIR2, "_s.c" }, // Server Stub File }; OBJECTTARGETINFO IDLInfoRpc0 = { ".idl", ARRAY_SIZE(IDLDataRpc0, TARGETDATA), IDLDataRpc0}; // ------ LPOBJECTTARGETINFO aMidlTargetInfo0[] = { &IDLInfoOle0, &IDLInfoRpc0, }; UCHAR cMidlTargetInfo0 = ARRAY_SIZE(aMidlTargetInfo0, LPOBJECTTARGETINFO); // ------ // // Any extension not given in the above table is assumed to have a target in // the ObjectDirectory[iObjectDir] (obj\*) & have a target extension of .obj. // TARGETDATA DefaultData = { TD_OBJECTDIR, ".obj"}; //******* TARGET * BuildCompileTarget( FILEREC *pfr, LPSTR pszfile, USHORT TargetIndex, LPSTR pszConditionalIncludes, DIRREC *pdrBuild, DIRSUP *pdsBuild, LONG iPass, LPSTR *ppszObjectDir, LPSTR pszSourceDir); //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: ExpandObjAsterisk // // Synopsis: Expand an asterisk in a filename to a platform name // // Arguments: [pbuf] -- Output buffer for new filename // [pszpath] -- Input filename w/ asterisk // [ppszObjectDirectory] -- String[2] to replace asterisk with // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID ExpandObjAsterisk( LPSTR pbuf, LPSTR pszpath, LPSTR *ppszObjectDirectory) { SplitToken(pbuf, '*', &pszpath); if (*pszpath == '*') { assert(strncmp( pszObjDirSlash, ppszObjectDirectory[iObjectDir], strlen(pszObjDirSlash)) == 0); strcat(pbuf, ppszObjectDirectory[iObjectDir] + strlen(pszObjDirSlash)); strcat(pbuf, pszpath + 1); } } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CountSourceLines // // Synopsis: Counts the source lines in a given file, including headers if // the '-S' option was given. // // Arguments: [idScan] -- Used to catch multiple inclusions // [pfr] -- File to scan // // Returns: Number of lines // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LONG CountSourceLines(USHORT idScan, FILEREC *pfr) { INCLUDEREC *pir; AssertFile(pfr); // if we have already seen this file before, then assume // that #if guards prevent it's inclusion if (pfr->idScan == idScan) { return (0L); } pfr->idScan = idScan; // Start off with the file itself pfr->TotalSourceLines = pfr->SourceLines; if (fStatusTree) { // // If the user asked for include file line counts, then walk include // tree, accruing nested include file line counts . // for (pir = pfr->IncludeFilesTree; pir != NULL; pir = pir->NextTree) { AssertInclude(pir); if (pir->pfrInclude != NULL) { AssertFile(pir->pfrInclude); pfr->TotalSourceLines += CountSourceLines(idScan, pir->pfrInclude); } } } return (pfr->TotalSourceLines); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CleanNTTargetFile0 // // Synopsis: Parses pzFiles and deletes all files listed. // pzFile must have been allocated by MakeMacroString. // No asterisk expansion performed. // // This is used when fClean is TRUE and SOURCES_OPTIONS // includes -c0. See ReadSourcesFile. Note that // SOURCES_OPTIONS must be defined before NTTARGETFILE0. // This is a mechanism to delete target files not // included in _objects.mac. // // Arguments: [pzFiles] -- List of files // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID CleanNTTargetFile0 (char * pzFiles) { BOOL fRestoreSep; char * pzDelete; while (*pzFiles != '\0') { pzDelete = pzFiles; // Find end of the next file name and NULL terminate it (if needed) fRestoreSep = FALSE; while (*pzFiles != '\0') { if (*pzFiles == ' ') { fRestoreSep = TRUE; *pzFiles = '\0'; break; } else { pzFiles++; } } DeleteSingleFile (NULL, pzDelete, FALSE); if (fRestoreSep) { *pzFiles++ = ' '; } } } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: ProcessSourceDependencies // // Synopsis: Scan all source files in a given directory tree to determine // which files are out of date and need to be compiled and/or // linked. // // Arguments: [DirDB] -- Directory to process // [pds] -- Supplementary directory information // [DateTimeSources] -- Timestamp of 'sources' file // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID ProcessSourceDependencies(DIRREC *DirDB, DIRSUP *pds, ULONG DateTimeSources) { TARGET *Target; ULONG DateTimePch = 0; // Actual timestamp of pch preserved here. UINT i; SOURCEREC *apsr[3]; SOURCEREC **ppsr; char path[DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; static USHORT idScan = 0; AssertDir(DirDB); apsr[0] = pds->psrSourcesList[0]; apsr[1] = pds->psrSourcesList[1]; // // For a clean build, just delete all targets // if (fFirstScan && fClean && !fKeep) { DeleteMultipleFiles(szObjDir, "*.*"); // _objects.mac for (i = 0; i < CountTargetMachines; i++) { assert(strncmp( pszObjDirSlash, TargetMachines[i]->ObjectDirectory[iObjectDir], strlen(pszObjDirSlash)) == 0); DeleteMultipleFiles(TargetMachines[i]->ObjectDirectory[iObjectDir], "*.*"); apsr[2] = pds->psrSourcesList[TargetToPossibleTarget[i] + 2]; // // Delete the pch file if we have one. // if (pds->PchTarget != NULL) { char TargetDir[DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; ExpandObjAsterisk(TargetDir, pds->PchTargetDir, TargetMachines[i]->ObjectDirectory); // // Kind of a cludgy way to do this, but we must ensure that // we don't delete a pch file that was built earlier on during // this same build. We do this by comparing the timestamp of // the pch file against the time we started the build. // if ((*pDateTimeFile)(TargetDir, pds->PchTarget) <= BuildStartTime) { DeleteSingleFile(TargetDir, pds->PchTarget, FALSE); if (DirDB->PchObj != NULL) { ExpandObjAsterisk(path, DirDB->PchObj, TargetMachines[i]->ObjectDirectory); DeleteSingleFile(NULL, path, FALSE); } else { char *p; strcpy(path, pds->PchTarget); p = strrchr(path, '.'); if (p != NULL && strcmp(p, ".pch") == 0) { strcpy(p, ".obj"); DeleteSingleFile(TargetDir, path, FALSE); } } } } if (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_PASS0) { for (ppsr = apsr; ppsr < apsr + (sizeof(apsr)/sizeof(*apsr)); ppsr++) { SOURCEREC *psr; if (*ppsr == NULL) { continue; } for (psr = *ppsr; psr != NULL; psr = psr->psrNext) { FILEREC *pfr; AssertSource(psr); pfr = psr->pfrSource; // // Pass Zero files have different target directories. // if (pfr->FileFlags & FILEDB_PASS0) { USHORT j; // // If the file has multiple targets, (e.g. .mc, // .idl or .asn), then loop through all targets. // j = 0; while (Target = BuildCompileTarget( pfr, pfr->Name, j, pds->ConditionalIncludes, DirDB, pds, 0, // pass 0 TargetMachines[i]->ObjectDirectory, TargetMachines[i]->SourceDirectory)) { DeleteSingleFile(NULL, Target->Name, FALSE); FreeMem(&Target, MT_TARGET); j++; } } } } } if ((DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_TARGETFILE0) && (DirDB->NTTargetFile0 != NULL)) { CleanNTTargetFile0 (DirDB->NTTargetFile0); } } } if (fFirstScan && (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_TARGETFILE0)) { DirDB->DirFlags |= DIRDB_PASS0NEEDED; } if (!fQuickZero || !fFirstScan || !RecurseLevel) { GenerateObjectsDotMac(DirDB, pds, DateTimeSources); } else if (fFirstScan) { SOURCEREC *psr; USHORT j; USHORT k; BOOL fNeedCompile = FALSE; if ( !(DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_PASS0NEEDED)) { for (i = 0; i < CountTargetMachines; i++) { for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) { for (psr = pds->psrSourcesList[k]; psr != NULL; psr = psr->psrNext) { FILEREC *pfr; AssertSource(psr); pfr = psr->pfrSource; AssertFile(pfr); if (pfr->FileFlags & FILEDB_PASS0) { for (j = 0; Target = BuildCompileTarget( pfr, pfr->Name, j, pds->ConditionalIncludes, DirDB, pds, 0, TargetMachines[i]->ObjectDirectory, TargetMachines[i]->SourceDirectory); j++) { if ((psr->SrcFlags & SOURCEDB_FILE_MISSING) || (Target->DateTime == 0) || ((pfr->FileFlags & FILEDB_C) && Target->DateTime < DateTimePch)) { fNeedCompile = TRUE; } FreeMem(&Target, MT_TARGET); } if (fNeedCompile) { DirDB->DirFlags |= DIRDB_PASS0NEEDED; } } } } } } if (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_PASS0NEEDED) { GenerateObjectsDotMac(DirDB, pds, DateTimeSources); } } if ((DirDB->TargetExt != NULL) && (DirDB->TargetName != NULL) && (DirDB->TargetPath != NULL) && (fClean && !fKeep)) { // If we haven't already deleted the final target, do so now. if (_memicmp(DirDB->TargetPath, pszObjDirSlash, strlen(pszObjDirSlash) -1)) { for (i = 0; i < CountTargetMachines; i++) { FormatLinkTarget( path, TargetMachines[i]->ObjectDirectory, DirDB->TargetPath, DirDB->TargetName, DirDB->TargetExt); DeleteSingleFile(NULL, path, FALSE); FormatLinkTarget( path, TargetMachines[i]->ObjectDirectory, DirDB->TargetPath, DirDB->TargetName, ".pdb"); DeleteSingleFile(NULL, path, FALSE); } } } if (pds->fNoTarget) { if (apsr[0] || apsr[1] || !(DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_PASS0NEEDED) || fSemiQuicky) { // If there's sources to compile, mark as such then get out. DirDB->DirFlags |= DIRDB_COMPILENEEDED; } return; } if (fQuicky) { if (fSemiQuicky) DirDB->DirFlags |= DIRDB_COMPILENEEDED; else DirDB->DirFlags |= DIRDB_PASS0NEEDED; return; } // // For a DLL or LIB target, ensure that it will be rebuilt // if (DirDB->TargetPath != NULL && DirDB->TargetName != NULL && ((DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_DLLTARGET) || (DirDB->TargetExt != NULL && strcmp(DirDB->TargetExt, ".lib") == 0))) { for (i = 0; i < CountTargetMachines; i++) { FormatLinkTarget( path, TargetMachines[i]->ObjectDirectory, DirDB->TargetPath, DirDB->TargetName, ".lib"); if (ProbeFile(NULL, path) == -1) { DirDB->DirFlags |= DIRDB_COMPILENEEDED; } else if (fFirstScan && (fCleanLibs || (fClean && !fKeep))) { DeleteSingleFile(NULL, path, FALSE); DirDB->DirFlags |= DIRDB_COMPILENEEDED; } } } // // If the scan flags have changed (or haven't been set), then indicate // that we should look for the actual location of global included files // instead of assuming it's in the same location as we last knew. This is // because different directories my include the same file from different // places. // if (GlobalSequence == 0 || ScanFlagsLast == 0 || ScanFlagsLast != ScanFlagsCurrent) { GlobalSequence++; // don't reuse snapped global includes if (GlobalSequence == 0) { GlobalSequence++; } ScanFlagsLast = ScanFlagsCurrent; } // // Do the same as above for locally included files. // LocalSequence++; // don't reuse snapped local includes if (LocalSequence == 0) { LocalSequence++; } for (i = 0; i < CountTargetMachines; i++) { // // Ensure that precompiled headers are rebuilt as necessary. // if (!fPassZero && (pds->PchInclude != NULL || pds->PchTarget != NULL)) { LPSTR p; ExpandObjAsterisk( path, pds->PchTargetDir != NULL? pds->PchTargetDir : pszObjDirSlashStar, TargetMachines[i]->ObjectDirectory); if (!CanonicalizePathName(path, CANONICALIZE_DIR, path)) { DateTimePch = ULONG_MAX; // always out of date goto ProcessSourceList; } strcat(path, "\\"); // // If they gave a target directory for the pch file, then use it, // otherwise assume it's in the same directory as the .h file. // if (pds->PchTarget != NULL) { strcat(path, pds->PchTarget); } else { assert(pds->PchInclude != NULL); p = path + strlen(path); if ( DirDB->Pch ) { strcpy(p, DirDB->Pch); } else { strcpy(p, pds->PchInclude); if ((p = strrchr(p, '.')) != NULL) { *p = '\0'; } strcat(path, ".pch"); } } // // 'path' now contains the (possibly relative) path name of // the PCH target: "..\path\foobar.pch" // Target = BuildCompileTarget( NULL, path, 0, pds->ConditionalIncludes, DirDB, NULL, 1, // pass 1 TargetMachines[i]->ObjectDirectory, TargetMachines[i]->SourceDirectory); DateTimePch = Target->DateTime; if (DateTimePch == 0) { // Target doesn't exist DateTimePch = ULONG_MAX; // Always out of date } if (fClean && !fKeep && fFirstScan) { // Target will be deleted later if it exists. } else if (pds->PchInclude == NULL) { // // The SOURCES file didn't indicate where the source file // for the .pch is, so assume the .pch binary is up to date // with respect to the source includes and with respect to // the pch source file itself. // // char szFullPath[DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; // CanonicalizePathName(DirDB->Name, CANONICALIZE_DIR, szFullPath); //BuildMsg("SOURCES file in %s gives PRECOMPILED_TARGET but not " // "PRECOMPILED_INCLUDE.\r\n", szFullPath); Target->DateTime = 0; // Don't delete pch target } else { FILEREC *pfrPch = NULL; path[0] = '\0'; if (pds->PchIncludeDir != NULL) { strcpy(path, pds->PchIncludeDir); strcat(path, "\\"); } strcat(path, pds->PchInclude); if ((pds->PchIncludeDir != NULL) && (IsFullPath(pds->PchIncludeDir))) { DIRREC *DirDBPch; DirDBPch = FindSourceDirDB(pds->PchIncludeDir, pds->PchInclude, TRUE); if (DirDBPch) { pfrPch = FindSourceFileDB(DirDBPch, pds->PchInclude, NULL); } } else { pfrPch = FindSourceFileDB(DirDB, path, NULL); } if (pfrPch != NULL) { FILEREC *pfrRoot; SOURCEREC *psr = NULL; BOOL fCase1; BOOL fCase2; BOOL fCase3; BOOL fNeedCompile; BOOL fCheckDepends; // Remote directory PCH files can't be found here if (pfrPch->Dir == DirDB) { psr = FindSourceDB(pds->psrSourcesList[0], pfrPch); assert(psr != NULL); psr->SrcFlags |= SOURCEDB_PCH; } Target->pfrCompiland = pfrPch; assert((pfrRoot = NULL) == NULL); // assign NULL fNeedCompile = FALSE; fCheckDepends = FALSE; switch (0) { default: fCase1 = (fStatusTree && (fCheckDepends=TRUE) && CheckDependencies(Target, pfrPch, TRUE, &pfrRoot)); if ( fCase1 ) { fNeedCompile = TRUE; break; } fCase2 = (Target->DateTime == 0); if ( fCase2 ) { fNeedCompile = TRUE; break; } fCase3 = (!fStatusTree && (fCheckDepends=TRUE) && CheckDependencies(Target, pfrPch, TRUE, &pfrRoot)); if ( fCase3 ) { fNeedCompile = TRUE; break; } break; } if (( fCheckIncludePaths ) && ( ! fCheckDepends )) { CheckDependencies(Target, pfrPch, TRUE, &pfrRoot); } if (fNeedCompile) { if (psr != NULL) { if (fWhyBuild) { BuildMsgRaw("\r\n"); if (fCase1) { BuildMsgRaw("Compiling %s because (Case 1) *1\r\n", psr->pfrSource->Name); } else if (fCase2) { BuildMsgRaw("Compiling %s because Target date == 0 (Target->Compiland=%s) *1\r\n", psr->pfrSource->Name, Target->pfrCompiland->Name); } else if (fCase3) { BuildMsgRaw("Compiling %s because (Case 3) *1\r\n", psr->pfrSource->Name); } } psr->SrcFlags |= SOURCEDB_COMPILE_NEEDED; } else { if (fWhyBuild) { BuildMsgRaw("\r\n"); BuildMsgRaw("Compiling %s because Target date == 0 (Target->Compiland=%s) *1\r\n", Target->Name, Target->pfrCompiland->Name); } } pfrPch->Dir->DirFlags |= DIRDB_COMPILENEEDED; DateTimePch = ULONG_MAX; // always out of date if (fKeep) { Target->DateTime = 0; // don't delete pch target } } else { // else it exists and is up to date... Target->DateTime = 0; // don't delete pch target } // No cycle possible at the root of the tree. // 14-Jan-2000 Actually not true. See comments dated 22-Dec-1999 // by LeoN around line 2800. // assert(pfrRoot == NULL); } else if (DEBUG_1) { BuildError("Cannot locate precompiled header file: %s.\r\n", path); } } // // Target->DateTime will be zero if the file is up to date (or we // don't want to delete it). If Target->DateTime is non-zero, // delete the .pch and corresponding .obj file so they will be // rebuilt. // if (Target->DateTime != 0) { DeleteSingleFile(NULL, Target->Name, FALSE); if (DirDB->PchObj != NULL) { ExpandObjAsterisk( path, DirDB->PchObj, TargetMachines[i]->ObjectDirectory); DeleteSingleFile(NULL, path, FALSE); } else { p = strrchr(Target->Name, '.'); if (p != NULL && strcmp(p, ".pch") == 0) { strcpy(p, ".obj"); DeleteSingleFile(NULL, Target->Name, FALSE); } } } FreeMem(&Target, MT_TARGET); } // // Check to see which files given in the SOURCES macro need to be // rebuilt, and delete their targets (.obj) if they're out of date. // ProcessSourceList: apsr[2] = pds->psrSourcesList[TargetToPossibleTarget[i] + 2]; for (ppsr = apsr; ppsr < apsr + (sizeof(apsr)/sizeof(*apsr)); ppsr++) { SOURCEREC *psr; if (*ppsr == NULL) { continue; } for (psr = *ppsr; psr != NULL; psr = psr->psrNext) { FILEREC *pfr, *pfrRoot; AssertSource(psr); pfr = psr->pfrSource; AssertFile(pfr); if ((psr->SrcFlags & SOURCEDB_PCH) == 0) { USHORT j; LONG iPass, iPassEnd; iPass = 1; iPassEnd = 0; if (pfr->FileFlags & FILEDB_PASS0) iPass = 0; if ((pfr->FileFlags & FILEDB_MULTIPLEPASS) || !(pfr->FileFlags & FILEDB_PASS0)) iPassEnd = 1; assert(iPass <= iPassEnd); // // If we're doing a pass zero scan and the file is // not a pass zero file, then continue because we // don't care about it right now. // if (fFirstScan && fPassZero && iPass == 1) { continue; } // // Don't check dependencies of pass zero files on the // second scan, because they're all supposed to be built // by now. // if (!fFirstScan && iPassEnd == 0) { continue; } // // If the file was created during pass zero, then make sure // we don't think it's still missing. // if (!fFirstScan && (psr->SrcFlags & SOURCEDB_FILE_MISSING) && !(pfr->FileFlags & FILEDB_FILE_MISSING)) { psr->SrcFlags &= ~SOURCEDB_FILE_MISSING; } // If the file is a multiple pass file (e.g. .asn), loop // through both passes. for ( ; iPass <= iPassEnd; iPass++) { // // If the file has multiple targets (e.g. .mc, .idl or // .asn), then loop through all the targets. // for (j = 0; Target = BuildCompileTarget( pfr, pfr->Name, j, pds->ConditionalIncludes, DirDB, pds, iPass, TargetMachines[i]->ObjectDirectory, TargetMachines[i]->SourceDirectory); j++) { BOOL fCase1; BOOL fCase2; BOOL fCase3; BOOL fCase4; BOOL fCase5; BOOL fNeedCompile; BOOL fCheckDepends; if (DEBUG_4) { BuildMsgRaw(szNewLine); } assert((pfrRoot = NULL) == NULL); // assign NULL // Decide whether the target needs to be compiled. // Forcibly examine dependencies to get line count. fNeedCompile = FALSE; fCheckDepends = FALSE; switch (0) { default: fCase1 = (psr->SrcFlags & SOURCEDB_FILE_MISSING); if ( fCase1 ) { fNeedCompile = TRUE; break; } fCase2 = (fStatusTree && (fCheckDepends=TRUE) && CheckDependencies(Target, pfr, TRUE, &pfrRoot)); if ( fCase2 ) { fNeedCompile = TRUE; break; } fCase3 = (Target->DateTime == 0); if ( fCase3 ) { fNeedCompile = TRUE; break; } fCase4 = ((pfr->FileFlags & FILEDB_C) && Target->DateTime < DateTimePch); if ( fCase4 ) { fNeedCompile = TRUE; break; } fCase5 = (!fStatusTree && (fCheckDepends=TRUE) && CheckDependencies(Target, pfr, TRUE, &pfrRoot)); if ( fCase5 ) { fNeedCompile = TRUE; break; } break; } if (( fCheckIncludePaths ) && ( ! fCheckDepends )) { CheckDependencies(Target, pfr, TRUE, &pfrRoot); } if ( fNeedCompile ) { if (fWhyBuild) { BuildMsgRaw("\r\n"); if (fCase1) { BuildMsgRaw("Compiling %s because filename is missing from build database *2\r\n", psr->pfrSource->Name); } else if (fCase2) { BuildMsgRaw("Compiling %s because (Case 2) *2\r\n", psr->pfrSource->Name); } else if (fCase3) { BuildMsgRaw("Compiling %s because Target date == 0 *2\r\n", psr->pfrSource->Name); } else if (fCase4) { BuildMsgRaw("Compiling %s because C file is later earlier than pch *2\r\n", psr->pfrSource->Name); } else if (fCase5) { BuildMsgRaw("Compiling %s because (Case 5) *2\r\n", psr->pfrSource->Name); } } psr->SrcFlags |= SOURCEDB_COMPILE_NEEDED; if (pfr->FileFlags & FILEDB_PASS0) { DirDB->DirFlags |= DIRDB_PASS0NEEDED; } else DirDB->DirFlags |= DIRDB_COMPILENEEDED; if (Target->DateTime != 0 && !fKeep) { DeleteSingleFile(NULL, Target->Name, FALSE); } FreeMem(&Target, MT_TARGET); if (j != 0) { // // Delete the 'rule target' so nmake // doesn't complain about "don't know how // to make ..." // Target = BuildCompileTarget( pfr, pfr->Name, 0, pds->ConditionalIncludes, DirDB, pds, iPass, TargetMachines[i]->ObjectDirectory, TargetMachines[i]->SourceDirectory); if (Target) { DeleteSingleFile( NULL, Target->Name, FALSE); FreeMem(&Target, MT_TARGET); } } // No need to check other targets, // we know they all will be rebuilt. break; } // No cycle possible at the root of the tree. // 14-Jan-2000 Actually not true. See comments dated 22-Dec-1999 // by LeoN around line 2800. // assert(pfrRoot == NULL); FreeMem(&Target, MT_TARGET); } } } if (fClean || (psr->SrcFlags & SOURCEDB_COMPILE_NEEDED)) { ULONG cline; if (++idScan == 0) { ++idScan; // skip zero } if (fFirstScan && (pfr->FileFlags & FILEDB_PASS0)) { cline = CountSourceLines(idScan, pfr); DirDB->PassZeroLines += cline; DirDB->CountOfPassZeroFiles++; } // For a multiple pass file, we really need to count the // lines in the file compiled duing pass1 (and generated // during pass 0). Instead, we just count the pass 0 // source file all over again. It's cheap, but the line // count is inaccurate. if (!fPassZero && ((pfr->FileFlags & FILEDB_MULTIPLEPASS) || !(pfr->FileFlags & FILEDB_PASS0))) { cline = CountSourceLines(idScan, pfr); DirDB->SourceLinesToCompile += cline; DirDB->CountOfFilesToCompile++; } } } } } } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: ScanSourceDirectories // // Synopsis: Scan a source directory to determine what files it // contains, whether it should be compiled or linked, and // whether it has subdirectories that we should process. // // Arguments: [DirName] -- Directory to scan // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID ScanSourceDirectories(LPSTR DirName) { char path[DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; PDIRREC DirDB; DIRSUP *pds = NULL; LPSTR SavedCurrentDirectory; BOOL DirsPresent; ULONG DateTimeSources = 0; UINT i; if (DEBUG_4) { BuildMsgRaw( "ScanSourceDirectories(%s) level = %d\r\n", DirName, RecurseLevel); } // Change to the given directory SavedCurrentDirectory = PushCurrentDirectory(DirName); // Process all the files in this directory DirDB = ScanDirectory(DirName); AssertOptionalDir(DirDB); if (fCleanRestart && DirDB != NULL && !strcmp(DirDB->Name, RestartDir)) { fCleanRestart = FALSE; fClean = fRestartClean; fCleanLibs = fRestartCleanLibs; } if (!DirDB || !(DirDB->DirFlags & (DIRDB_DIRS | DIRDB_SOURCES))) { PopCurrentDirectory(SavedCurrentDirectory); return; } if (fShowTree && !(DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_SHOWN)) { AddShowDir(DirDB); } if (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_SOURCES) { BOOL fSourcesRead = TRUE; SetObjDir((DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_CHECKED_ALT_DIR) != 0); // // This directory contains a SOURCES file // if (fFirstScan) { AllocMem(sizeof(DIRSUP), &pds, MT_DIRSUP); memset(pds, 0, sizeof(*pds)); fSourcesRead = ReadSourcesFile(DirDB, pds, &DateTimeSources); DirDB->pds = pds; } else { pds = DirDB->pds; assert(pds); DateTimeSources = pds->DateTimeSources; // // We need to rebuild the sources list because // the previous scan was probably not complete. // if (pds) PostProcessSources(DirDB, pds); } assert(pds); if (DEBUG_4) { BuildMsgRaw("ScanSourceDirectories(%s) SOURCES\r\n", DirName); } ScanFlagsCurrent = 0; CountIncludeDirs = CountSystemIncludeDirs; // Scan the include environments in the order that MAKEFILE.DEF // processes them. This order is: // // 1) Sources variable INCLUDE // 2) Cairo/Chicago directories // 3) System includes // 4) UMTYPE-derived includes // // The subtlety is that we must do this in the reverse order // since each of the processing routines pushes search directories // onto the HEAD of the include search list. // // Note: we come in here with the system includes already set. // There's no way to stick the UMTYPE-derived ones ahead of the // system includes // 4) UMTYPE-derived includes if (pds->TestType != NULL && !strcmp(pds->TestType, "os2")) { ScanGlobalIncludeDirectory(pszIncCrt); ScanGlobalIncludeDirectory(pszIncOs2); ScanFlagsCurrent |= SCANFLAGS_OS2; } else if (pds->TestType != NULL && !strcmp(pds->TestType, "posix")) { ScanGlobalIncludeDirectory(pszIncPosix); ScanFlagsCurrent |= SCANFLAGS_POSIX; } else { ScanGlobalIncludeDirectory(pszIncCrt); ScanFlagsCurrent |= SCANFLAGS_CRT; } if (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_CHICAGO_INCLUDES) { ScanGlobalIncludeDirectory(pszIncChicago); ScanFlagsCurrent |= SCANFLAGS_CHICAGO; } // Sources variable INCLUDES if (pds->LocalIncludePath) ScanIncludeEnv(pds->LocalIncludePath); // Sources variable USER_INCLUDES if (pds->UserIncludePath) ScanIncludeEnv(pds->UserIncludePath); // Sources variable LAST_INCLUDES if (pds->LastIncludePath) ScanIncludeEnv(pds->LastIncludePath); // Sources variable NTINCLUDES if (pds->NTIncludePath) ScanIncludeEnv(pds->NTIncludePath); DirsPresent = FALSE; } else if (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_DIRS) { // // This directory contains a DIRS or MYDIRS file // DirsPresent = ReadDirsFile(DirDB); if (DEBUG_4) { BuildMsgRaw("ScanSourceDirectories(%s) DIRS\r\n", DirName); } } if (!fQuicky || (fQuickZero && fFirstScan)) { if (!RecurseLevel) { BuildError( "Examining %s directory%s for %s.%s\r\n", DirDB->Name, DirsPresent? " tree" : "", fLinkOnly? "targets to link" : "files to compile", fFirstScan ? "" : " (2nd Pass)" ); } ClearLine(); BuildMsgRaw(" %s ", DirDB->Name); fLineCleared = FALSE; if (fDebug || !(BOOL) _isatty(_fileno(stderr))) { BuildMsgRaw(szNewLine); fLineCleared = TRUE; } } if (!fLinkOnly) { if (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_SOURCESREAD) { // // Determine what files need to be compiled // ProcessSourceDependencies(DirDB, pds, DateTimeSources); } else if (fFirstScan && DirsPresent && (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_MAKEFIL0)) { DirDB->DirFlags |= ((fSemiQuicky && (!fQuickZero || !fFirstScan)) ? DIRDB_COMPILENEEDED : DIRDB_PASS0NEEDED); } else if (DirsPresent && (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_MAKEFIL1)) { DirDB->DirFlags |= DIRDB_COMPILENEEDED; } if (fFirstScan && (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_PASS0NEEDED)) { if (CountPassZeroDirs >= MAX_BUILD_DIRECTORIES) { BuildError( "%s: Ignoring PassZero Directory table overflow, %u " "entries allowed\r\n", DirDB->Name, MAX_BUILD_DIRECTORIES); } else { // // This directory needs to be compiled in pass zero. Add it // to the list. // PassZeroDirs[CountPassZeroDirs++] = DirDB; } if (fQuicky && !fQuickZero) { if (!(fSemiQuicky && (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_COMPILENEEDED))) { // For -Z with compile needed anyway, CompileSourceDirectories do it. CompilePassZeroDirectories(); } CountPassZeroDirs = 0; } else { if (fFirstScan) { fPassZero = TRUE; // Limits scanning during pass zero. } if (DirDB->CountOfPassZeroFiles) { if (fLineCleared) { BuildMsgRaw(" %s ", DirDB->Name); } BuildMsgRaw( "- %d Pass Zero files (%s lines)\r\n", DirDB->CountOfPassZeroFiles, FormatNumber(DirDB->PassZeroLines)); } } } if ((DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_COMPILENEEDED) && (!fFirstScan || !fPassZero)) { if (CountCompileDirs >= MAX_BUILD_DIRECTORIES) { BuildError( "%s: Ignoring Compile Directory table overflow, %u " "entries allowed\r\n", DirDB->Name, MAX_BUILD_DIRECTORIES); } else { // // This directory needs to be compiled. Add it to the list. // CompileDirs[CountCompileDirs++] = DirDB; } if (fQuicky && (!fQuickZero || !fFirstScan)) { CompileSourceDirectories(); CountCompileDirs = 0; } else if (DirDB->CountOfFilesToCompile) { if (fLineCleared) { BuildMsgRaw(" %s ", DirDB->Name); } BuildMsgRaw( "- %d source files (%s lines)\r\n", DirDB->CountOfFilesToCompile, FormatNumber(DirDB->SourceLinesToCompile)); } } } if (DirsPresent && (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_MAKEFILE)) { DirDB->DirFlags |= DIRDB_LINKNEEDED | DIRDB_FORCELINK; } else if (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_TARGETFILES) { DirDB->DirFlags |= DIRDB_LINKNEEDED | DIRDB_FORCELINK; } if ((DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_LINKNEEDED) && (!fQuicky || fSemiQuicky)) { if (CountLinkDirs >= MAX_BUILD_DIRECTORIES) { BuildError( "%s: Ignoring Link Directory table overflow, %u entries allowed\r\n", DirDB->Name, MAX_BUILD_DIRECTORIES); } else { LinkDirs[CountLinkDirs++] = DirDB; } } if ((DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_SOURCESREAD) && !fFirstScan) { FreeDirSupData(pds); // free data that are no longer needed FreeMem(&pds, MT_DIRSUP); DirDB->pds = NULL; } // // Recurse into subdirectories // if (DirsPresent && !bBaselineFailure) { for (i = 1; i <= DirDB->CountSubDirs; i++) { FILEREC *FileDB, **FileDBNext; FileDBNext = &DirDB->Files; while (FileDB = *FileDBNext) { if (FileDB->SubDirIndex == (USHORT) i) { GetCurrentDirectory(DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH, path); strcat(path, "\\"); strcat(path, FileDB->Name); DirDB->RecurseLevel = (USHORT) ++RecurseLevel; ScanSourceDirectories(path); RecurseLevel--; break; } FileDBNext = &FileDB->Next; } } } if (((fQuickZero && fFirstScan) || (!fQuicky)) && !RecurseLevel) { ClearLine(); } PopCurrentDirectory(SavedCurrentDirectory); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CompilePassZeroDirectories // // Synopsis: Spawns the compiler on the directories in the PassZeroDirs // array. // // Arguments: (none) // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID CompilePassZeroDirectories( VOID ) { PDIRREC DirDB; LPSTR SavedCurrentDirectory; UINT i; PCHAR s; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE), &csbi); StartElapsedTime(); for (i = 0; i < CountPassZeroDirs; i++) { DirDB = PassZeroDirs[ i ]; AssertDir(DirDB); if (fQuicky && !fSemiQuicky) s = "Compiling and linking"; else s = "Building generated files in"; BuildColorMsg(COLOR_STATUS, "%s %s directory\r\n", s, DirDB->Name); LogMsg("%s %s%s\r\n", s, DirDB->Name, szAsterisks); if ((fQuickZero && fFirstScan) || !fQuicky) { SavedCurrentDirectory = PushCurrentDirectory( DirDB->Name ); } if (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_DIRS) { if (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_MAKEFIL0) { strcpy( MakeParametersTail, " -f makefil0." ); strcat( MakeParametersTail, " NOLINK=1" ); if (fClean) { strcat( MakeParametersTail, " clean" ); } if (fQuery) { BuildErrorRaw("'%s %s'\r\n", MakeProgram, MakeParameters); } else { if (DEBUG_1) { BuildMsg( "Executing: %s %s\r\n", MakeProgram, MakeParameters); } CurrentCompileDirDB = NULL; RecurseLevel = DirDB->RecurseLevel; ExecuteProgram(MakeProgram, MakeParameters, MakeTargets, TRUE, DirDB->Name, s); } } } else { strcpy(MakeParametersTail, " NTTEST="); if (DirDB->KernelTest) { strcat(MakeParametersTail, DirDB->KernelTest); } strcat(MakeParametersTail, " UMTEST="); if (DirDB->UserTests) { strcat(MakeParametersTail, DirDB->UserTests); } if (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_CHECKED_ALT_DIR) { strcat(MakeParametersTail, szCheckedAltDir); } if (fQuicky && !fSemiQuicky) { if (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_DLLTARGET) { strcat(MakeParametersTail, " MAKEDLL=1"); } ProcessLinkTargets(DirDB, NULL); } else { strcat( MakeParametersTail, " NOLINK=1 PASS0ONLY=1"); } if (fQuery) { BuildErrorRaw( "'%s %s%s'\r\n", MakeProgram, MakeParameters, MakeTargets); } else { if ((DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_SYNCHRONIZE_DRAIN) && (fParallel)) { // // Wait for all threads to complete before // trying to compile this directory. // WaitForParallelThreads(DirDB); } if (DEBUG_1) { BuildMsg("Executing: %s %s%s\r\n", MakeProgram, MakeParameters, MakeTargets); } CurrentCompileDirDB = DirDB; RecurseLevel = DirDB->RecurseLevel; ExecuteProgram( MakeProgram, MakeParameters, MakeTargets, (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_SYNCHRONIZE_BLOCK) != 0, DirDB->Name, s); } } PrintElapsedTime(); if ((fQuickZero && fFirstScan) || !fQuicky) { PopCurrentDirectory(SavedCurrentDirectory); } DirDB->DirFlags &= ~DIRDB_PASS0NEEDED; DirDB->CountOfPassZeroFiles = 0; DirDB->PassZeroLines = 0; if (bBaselineFailure) { break; } } } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CompileSourceDirectories // // Synopsis: Spawns the compiler on the directories in the CompileDirs // array. // // Arguments: (none) // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID CompileSourceDirectories( VOID ) { PDIRREC DirDB; LPSTR SavedCurrentDirectory; UINT i,j; PCHAR s; PWAITING_CONSUMER waitConsumer; char path[DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE), &csbi); StartElapsedTime(); for (i = 0; i < CountCompileDirs; i++) { DirDB = CompileDirs[ i ]; AssertDir(DirDB); if (fQuicky && !fSemiQuicky) { s = "Compiling and linking"; } else { s = "Compiling"; } BuildColorMsg(COLOR_STATUS, "%s %s directory\r\n", s, DirDB->Name); LogMsg("%s %s directory%s\r\n", s, DirDB->Name, szAsterisks); if (!fQuicky || (fQuickZero && (!fFirstScan || !RecurseLevel))) { SavedCurrentDirectory = PushCurrentDirectory( DirDB->Name ); if (fQuickZero && !RecurseLevel && fFirstScan) { GenerateObjectsDotMac(DirDB, DirDB->pds, DirDB->pds->DateTimeSources); } } //In case a directory is both a consumer and block then the main thread waits //for all the events this directory is waiting for. if ((DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_SYNC_CONSUMES) && (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_SYNCHRONIZE_BLOCK)) { PDEPENDENCY_WAIT Wait; PLIST_ENTRY List; List = DirDB->Consumes.Flink; while (List != &DirDB->Consumes) { Wait = CONTAINING_RECORD(List, DEPENDENCY_WAIT, ListEntry); while (!Wait->Dependency->Done) { //Keep looping till the time the event is signalled. CheckAllConsumer(FALSE); //Not sure if 5000 is optimum WaitForSingleObject(Wait->Dependency->hEvent, 5000); } List = List->Flink; } } if (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_DIRS) { if ((DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_SYNCHRONIZE_DRAIN) && (fParallel)) { // // Wait for all threads to complete before // trying to compile this directory. // WaitForParallelThreads(DirDB); } if (fSemiQuicky && (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_MAKEFIL0)) { strcpy( MakeParametersTail, " -f makefil0." ); strcat( MakeParametersTail, " NOLINK=1" ); if (fClean) { strcat( MakeParametersTail, " clean" ); } if (fQuery) { BuildErrorRaw("'%s %s'\r\n", MakeProgram, MakeParameters); } else { if (DEBUG_1) { BuildMsg( "Executing: %s %s\r\n", MakeProgram, MakeParameters); } CurrentCompileDirDB = NULL; RecurseLevel = DirDB->RecurseLevel; ExecuteProgram(MakeProgram, MakeParameters, MakeTargets, TRUE, DirDB->Name, s); } } if (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_MAKEFIL1) { strcpy( MakeParametersTail, " -f makefil1." ); strcat( MakeParametersTail, " NOLINK=1 NOPASS0=1" ); if (fClean) { strcat( MakeParametersTail, " clean" ); } if (fQuery) { BuildErrorRaw("'%s %s'\r\n", MakeProgram, MakeParameters); } else { if (DEBUG_1) { BuildMsg( "Executing: %s %s\r\n", MakeProgram, MakeParameters); } CurrentCompileDirDB = NULL; RecurseLevel = DirDB->RecurseLevel; ExecuteProgram(MakeProgram, MakeParameters, MakeTargets, TRUE, DirDB->Name, s); } } } else { strcpy(MakeParametersTail, " NTTEST="); if (DirDB->KernelTest) { strcat(MakeParametersTail, DirDB->KernelTest); } strcat(MakeParametersTail, " UMTEST="); if (DirDB->UserTests) { strcat(MakeParametersTail, DirDB->UserTests); } if (fQuicky && DirDB->PchObj) { for (j = 0; j < CountTargetMachines; j++) { FormatLinkTarget( path, TargetMachines[j]->ObjectDirectory, DirDB->TargetPath, DirDB->PchObj, ""); if (ProbeFile( NULL, path ) != -1) { // // the pch.obj file is present so we therefore // must do this incremental build without pch // strcat( MakeParametersTail, " NTNOPCH=yes" ); break; } } } if (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_CHECKED_ALT_DIR) { strcat(MakeParametersTail, szCheckedAltDir); } if (fQuicky && !fSemiQuicky) { if (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_DLLTARGET) { strcat(MakeParametersTail, " MAKEDLL=1"); } ProcessLinkTargets(DirDB, NULL); } else if (fQuicky && fSemiQuicky) { strcat(MakeParametersTail, " NOLINK=1"); } else { strcat(MakeParametersTail, " NOLINK=1 NOPASS0=1"); } if (fQuery) { BuildErrorRaw( "'%s %s%s'\r\n", MakeProgram, MakeParameters, MakeTargets); } else { if ((DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_SYNCHRONIZE_DRAIN) && (fParallel)) { // // Wait for all threads to complete before // trying to compile this directory. // WaitForParallelThreads(DirDB); } if (DEBUG_1) { BuildMsg("Executing: %s %s%s\r\n", MakeProgram, MakeParameters, MakeTargets); } CurrentCompileDirDB = DirDB; RecurseLevel = DirDB->RecurseLevel; if (!(DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_SYNC_CONSUMES) || ((DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_SYNC_CONSUMES) && (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_SYNCHRONIZE_BLOCK ))) { ExecuteProgram( MakeProgram, MakeParameters, MakeTargets, (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_SYNCHRONIZE_BLOCK) != 0, DirDB->Name, s); } else { if ( !IsHeadInitialized ) { IsHeadInitialized=TRUE; InitializeListHead(&Head); } //add the dir to waiting list waitConsumer=(PWAITING_CONSUMER) malloc( sizeof(WAITING_CONSUMER)); InitializeListHead(&waitConsumer->List); waitConsumer->DirDB = DirDB; memcpy(waitConsumer->MakeParameters , MakeParameters,MAKEPARAMETERS_MAX_LEN); InsertTailList(&Head,&waitConsumer->List); } } } PrintElapsedTime(); if (!fQuicky || (fQuickZero && (!fFirstScan || !RecurseLevel))) { PopCurrentDirectory(SavedCurrentDirectory); } if (bBaselineFailure) { break; } CheckAllConsumer(FALSE); } } VOID CheckAllConsumer ( BOOL finalCall) { PLIST_ENTRY consumerListPtr,List; BOOL CanBeFired,checkAgain=TRUE,sync; PWAITING_CONSUMER waitingConsumer; PDEPENDENCY_WAIT Wait; LPSTR SavedCurrentDirectory; if ( IsHeadInitialized && !IsListEmpty(&Head)) { while (checkAgain) { //to check the waiting consumer list from the start in case even one of the consumer Directory fire checkAgain=FALSE; consumerListPtr = (&Head)->Flink; while (consumerListPtr != &Head ) { CanBeFired=TRUE; waitingConsumer = CONTAINING_RECORD(consumerListPtr, WAITING_CONSUMER, List); List = waitingConsumer->DirDB->Consumes.Flink; while (List != &waitingConsumer->DirDB->Consumes) { Wait = CONTAINING_RECORD(List, DEPENDENCY_WAIT, ListEntry); if (!Wait->Dependency->Done) { if (finalCall) { // In case this function is called from waitForParallel thread // we got to make sure that all the waiting consumers gets executed. For this the main thread //will wait indefinately for the Producer event to get signalled if ( WaitForSingleObject(Wait->Dependency->hEvent, -1) != WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { BuildError("Fatal Error: waiting on %s failed",Wait->Dependency->Name); exit(1); }; } else { CanBeFired=FALSE; break; } } List=List->Flink; } if (CanBeFired) { SavedCurrentDirectory = PushCurrentDirectory( waitingConsumer->DirDB->Name ); CurrentCompileDirDB = waitingConsumer->DirDB; ExecuteProgram(MakeProgram, waitingConsumer->MakeParameters, MakeTargets, FALSE, CurrentCompileDirDB->Name, "Building Consumer"); PopCurrentDirectory(SavedCurrentDirectory); RemoveEntryList(consumerListPtr); free(waitingConsumer); checkAgain=TRUE; break; } consumerListPtr = consumerListPtr->Flink; } } } } static CountLinkTargets; //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: LinkSourceDirectories // // Synopsis: Link the directories given in the LinkDirs array. This is // done by passing LINKONLY=1 to nmake. // // Arguments: (none) // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID LinkSourceDirectories(VOID) { PDIRREC DirDB; LPSTR SavedCurrentDirectory; UINT i; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE), &csbi); CountLinkTargets = 0; StartElapsedTime(); for (i = 0; i < CountLinkDirs; i++) { DirDB = LinkDirs[ i ]; AssertDir(DirDB); SavedCurrentDirectory = PushCurrentDirectory(DirDB->Name); // // Deletes link targets as necessary // ProcessLinkTargets(DirDB, SavedCurrentDirectory); PopCurrentDirectory(SavedCurrentDirectory); } if (fPause && !fMTScriptSync) { BuildMsg("Press enter to continue with linking (or 'q' to quit)..."); if (getchar() == 'q') { return; } } for (i = 0; i < CountLinkDirs; i++) { DirDB = LinkDirs[i]; if (!fMTScriptSync && (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_COMPILEERRORS) && (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_FORCELINK) == 0) { BuildColorMsg(COLOR_ERROR, "Compile errors: not linking %s directory\r\n", DirDB->Name); LogMsg( "Compile errors: not linking %s directory%s\r\n", DirDB->Name, szAsterisks); PrintElapsedTime(); continue; } BuildColorMsg(COLOR_STATUS, "Linking %s directory\r\n", DirDB->Name); LogMsg("Linking %s directory%s\r\n", DirDB->Name, szAsterisks); SavedCurrentDirectory = PushCurrentDirectory(DirDB->Name); strcpy(MakeParametersTail, " LINKONLY=1 NOPASS0=1"); strcat(MakeParametersTail, " NTTEST="); if (DirDB->KernelTest) { strcat(MakeParametersTail, DirDB->KernelTest); } strcat(MakeParametersTail, " UMTEST="); if (DirDB->UserTests) { strcat(MakeParametersTail, DirDB->UserTests); } if (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_CHECKED_ALT_DIR) { strcat(MakeParametersTail, szCheckedAltDir); } if (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_DLLTARGET) { strcat(MakeParametersTail, " MAKEDLL=1"); } if ((DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_DIRS) && (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_MAKEFILE) && fClean) { strcat(MakeParametersTail, " clean"); } if (fQuery) { BuildErrorRaw( "'%s %s%s'\r\n", MakeProgram, MakeParameters, MakeTargets); } else { if ((fParallel) && (((DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_SYNCHRONIZE_DRAIN) && (fSyncLink)) || (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_SYNCHRONIZE_PASS2_DRAIN))) { // // Wait for all threads to complete before // trying to compile this directory. // WaitForParallelThreads(DirDB); } if (DEBUG_1) { BuildMsg("Executing: %s %s%s\r\n", MakeProgram, MakeParameters, MakeTargets); } CurrentCompileDirDB = NULL; RecurseLevel = DirDB->RecurseLevel; ExecuteProgram(MakeProgram, MakeParameters, MakeTargets, ((fSyncLink) && (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_SYNCHRONIZE_BLOCK)) || (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_SYNCHRONIZE_PASS2_BLOCK), DirDB->Name, "Linking"); } PopCurrentDirectory(SavedCurrentDirectory); PrintElapsedTime(); if (bBaselineFailure) { break; } } } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: GetTargetData // // Synopsis: Searches aTargetInfo for an entry corresponding to the given // extension. // // Arguments: [ext] -- Extension to look up (including '.'). // [iPass] -- 0 for pass zero; 1 for pass 1 // [index] -- Index used to differentiate multiple targets // [usMidlFlag] -- Indicates which set of MIDL targets should // be used for MIDL source files. // // Returns: A TARGETDATA for the given extension and index. NULL if // Index is invalid. // // History: 29-Jul-94 LyleC Created // // Notes: If ext is not found in the aTargetInfo array, then a default // TARGETINFO is used which maps the extension to obj\*\.obj. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LPTARGETDATA GetTargetData(LPSTR ext, LONG iPass, USHORT index, ULONG usMidlIndex) { int i; OBJECTTARGETINFO **aTargetInfo; int cTargetInfo; if (!ext || (ext[0] == '\0') || (ext[1] == '\0')) return &DefaultData; if ((ext[1] == aMidlTargetInfo0[usMidlIndex]->pszSourceExt[1]) && (strcmp(ext, aMidlTargetInfo0[usMidlIndex]->pszSourceExt) == 0)) { if (index >= aMidlTargetInfo0[usMidlIndex]->NumData) return NULL; return &(aMidlTargetInfo0[usMidlIndex]->Data[index]); } assert(iPass == 0 || iPass == 1); cTargetInfo = aTargetArray[iPass].cTargetInfo; aTargetInfo = aTargetArray[iPass].aTargetInfo; for (i = 0; i < cTargetInfo; i++) { if ((ext[1] == aTargetInfo[i]->pszSourceExt[1]) && (strcmp(ext, aTargetInfo[i]->pszSourceExt) == 0)) { if (index >= aTargetInfo[i]->NumData) return NULL; return (&aTargetInfo[i]->Data[index]); } } if (index) return NULL; return &DefaultData; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: BuildCompileTarget // // Synopsis: Fills a TARGET struct with data about the target of a given // source file. // // Arguments: [pfr] -- FileRec of source file // [pszfile] -- Path of source file (compiland) // [TargetIndex] -- Which target for a source file // with multiple targets. // [pszConditionalIncludes] -- List of conditional includes // [pdrBuild] -- Build directory (with source file) // [iPass] -- 0 for pass zero; 1 for pass 1 // [ppszObjectDir] -- Names of target object directories // [pszSourceDir] -- Name of machine specific source dir // // Returns: A filled TARGET struct. NULL if TargetIndex is an invalid // value for the given file type. // // Notes: If [pfr] is NULL, then [pszfile] is not modified and is // used as the full pathname of the target file. // [pszObjectDir] is ignored in this case. if [pfr] is not // NULL, the filename component of [pszfile] is taken, its // extension is modified, and it is appended to [pszObjectDir] // to obtain the pathname of the target. The other data is // used to fill in the rest of the TARGET struct in all cases. // // For source files with multiple targets, use the TargetIndex // parameter to indicate which target you want the path of. For // instance, .idl files have two targets, so a TargetIndex of 0 // will return the .h target and TargetIndex=1 will return the // .c target. A TargetIndex of 2 or above in this case will // return NULL. TargetIndex is ignored if [pfr] is NULL. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET * BuildCompileTarget( FILEREC *pfr, LPSTR pszfile, USHORT TargetIndex, LPSTR pszConditionalIncludes, DIRREC *pdrBuild, DIRSUP *pdsBuild, LONG iPass, LPSTR *ppszObjectDir, LPSTR pszSourceDir) { LPSTR p, p1; PTARGET Target; char path[DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; LPTARGETDATA pData; p = pszfile; if (pfr != NULL) { p1 = p; while (*p) { if (*p++ == '\\') { p1 = p; // point to last component of pathname } } path[0] = '\0'; strncat(path, p1, DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH-1); p = strrchr(path, '.'); pData = GetTargetData(p, iPass, TargetIndex, pdsBuild->IdlType); if (!pData) { if (DEBUG_1) { BuildMsg( "BuildCompileTarget(\"%s\"[%u][%u], \"%s\") -> NULL\r\n", pszfile, iPass, TargetIndex, ppszObjectDir[iObjectDir]); } return NULL; } assert(pdsBuild); switch (pData->ObjectDirFlag) { case TD_OBJECTDIR: p = ppszObjectDir[iObjectDir]; break; case TD_PASS0HDRDIR: p = pdsBuild->PassZeroHdrDir; break; p = pdsBuild->PassZeroSrcDir1; break; case TD_MCSOURCEDIR: case TD_PASS0DIR1: p = pdsBuild->PassZeroSrcDir1; break; case TD_PASS0DIR2: p = pdsBuild->PassZeroSrcDir2; break; default: assert(0 && "Invalid ObjectDirFlag"); break; } if (!p) { // Make sure path ends in a period sprintf(path, "%s.", p1); } else if (p[0] == '.' && p[1] == '\0') { strcpy(path, p1); } else { sprintf(path, "%s\\%s", p, p1); } p = strrchr(path, '.'); if (p == NULL) { BuildError("%s NoExtension specified.\r\n", pszfile); return NULL; } if (p) { strcpy(p, pData->pszTargetExt); } p = path; } AllocMem(sizeof(TARGET) + strlen(p), &Target, MT_TARGET); strcpy(Target->Name, p); Target->pdrBuild = pdrBuild; Target->DateTime = (*pDateTimeFile)(NULL, p); Target->pfrCompiland = pfr; Target->pszSourceDirectory = pszSourceDir; Target->ConditionalIncludes = pszConditionalIncludes; Target->DirFlags = pdrBuild->DirFlags; if (DEBUG_1) { BuildMsg( "BuildCompileTarget(\"%s\"[%u][%u], \"%s\") -> \"%s\"\r\n", pszfile, iPass, TargetIndex, ppszObjectDir[iObjectDir], Target->Name); } if (Target->DateTime == 0) { if (fShowOutOfDateFiles) { BuildError("%s target is missing.\r\n", Target->Name); } } return (Target); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: FormatLinkTarget // // Synopsis: Builds a link target path name. // // Arguments: [path] -- Place to put constructed name // [ObjectDirectory] -- e.g. "obj\i386" // [TargetPath] -- Path (w/o platfrom spec. name) for target // [TargetName] -- Base name of target // [TargetExt] -- Extension of target // // Notes: Sample input: (path, "obj\i386", "..\obj", "foobar", ".dll") // // output: path = "..\obj\i386\foobar.dll" // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID FormatLinkTarget( LPSTR path, LPSTR *ObjectDirectory, LPSTR TargetPath, LPSTR TargetName, LPSTR TargetExt) { LPSTR p, p1; p = ObjectDirectory[iObjectDir]; assert(strncmp(pszObjDirSlash, p, strlen(pszObjDirSlash)) == 0); p1 = p + strlen(p); while (p1 > p) { if (*--p1 == '\\') { p1++; break; } } sprintf(path, "%s\\%s\\%s%s", TargetPath, p1, TargetName, TargetExt); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: ProcessLinkTargets // // Synopsis: Deletes link targets for the given directory (.lib & .dll) // // Arguments: [DirDB] -- Directory to process // [CurrentDirectory] -- Current directory // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID ProcessLinkTargets(PDIRREC DirDB, LPSTR CurrentDirectory) { UINT i; char path[DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; AssertDir(DirDB); for (i = 0; i < CountTargetMachines; i++) { // // Delete 'special' link targets // if (DirDB->KernelTest) { FormatLinkTarget( path, TargetMachines[i]->ObjectDirectory, pszObjDir, DirDB->KernelTest, ".exe"); if (fClean && !fKeep && fFirstScan) { DeleteSingleFile(NULL, path, FALSE); } } else { UINT j; for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { LPSTR pNextName; pNextName = j == 0? DirDB->UserAppls : DirDB->UserTests; if (pNextName != NULL) { char name[256]; while (SplitToken(name, '*', &pNextName)) { FormatLinkTarget( path, TargetMachines[i]->ObjectDirectory, pszObjDir, name, ".exe"); if (fClean && !fKeep && fFirstScan) { DeleteSingleFile(NULL, path, FALSE); } } } } } if (DirDB->TargetPath != NULL && DirDB->TargetName != NULL && DirDB->TargetExt != NULL && strcmp(DirDB->TargetExt, ".lib")) { FormatLinkTarget( path, TargetMachines[i]->ObjectDirectory, DirDB->TargetPath, DirDB->TargetName, DirDB->TargetExt); if (fClean && !fKeep && fFirstScan) { DeleteSingleFile(NULL, path, FALSE); } } if (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_DIRS) { if (fDebug && (DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_MAKEFILE)) { BuildError( "%s\\makefile. unexpected in directory with DIRS file\r\n", DirDB->Name); } if ((DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_SOURCES)) { BuildError( "%s\\sources. unexpected in directory with DIRS file\r\n", DirDB->Name); BuildError("Ignoring %s\\sources.\r\n", DirDB->Name); DirDB->DirFlags &= ~DIRDB_SOURCES; } } } } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: IncludeError // // Synopsis: Print out the name of an include file and an error message // to the screen. // // Arguments: [pt] -- Target of the file which includes the include // file or [pfr]. // [pfr] -- File which includes the include file // [pir] -- Include file at issue // [pszError] -- Error string // // Notes: If [pt]->pfrCompiland and [pfr] are different, then the names // of both are printed. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID IncludeError(TARGET *pt, FILEREC *pfr, INCLUDEREC *pir, LPSTR pszError) { char c1, c2; AssertFile(pfr); AssertInclude(pir); if (pir->IncFlags & INCLUDEDB_LOCAL) { c1 = c2 = '"'; } else { c1 = '<'; c2 = '>'; } BuildError("%s\\%s: ", pt->pfrCompiland->Dir->Name, pt->pfrCompiland->Name); if (pt->pfrCompiland != pfr) { if (pt->pfrCompiland->Dir != pfr->Dir) { BuildErrorRaw("%s\\", pfr->Dir->Name); } BuildErrorRaw("%s: ", pfr->Name); } BuildErrorRaw("%s %c%s%c\r\n", pszError, c1, pir->Name, c2); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: IsConditionalInc // // Synopsis: Returns TRUE if the given filename is a conditional include // for this directory. (As given by the CONDITIONAL_INCLUDES // macro). // // Arguments: [pszFile] -- Name of file to check // [pt] -- Target struct giving list of conditional includes // // Returns: TRUE if it's a conditional include // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL IsConditionalInc(LPSTR pszFile, TARGET *pt) { AssertPathString(pszFile); if (pt->ConditionalIncludes != NULL) { LPSTR p; char name[DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; p = pt->ConditionalIncludes; while (SplitToken(name, ' ', &p)) { if (strcmp(name, pszFile) == 0) { return (TRUE); } } } return (FALSE); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: IsExcludedInc // // Synopsis: Returns TRUE if the given file is listed in the ExcludeIncs // array. // // Arguments: [pszFile] -- File to check // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL IsExcludedInc(LPSTR pszFile) { ULONG i; AssertPathString(pszFile); for (i = 0; i < CountExcludeIncs; i++) { if (!strcmp(pszFile, ExcludeIncs[i])) { return (TRUE); } } return (FALSE); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CheckDependencies // // Synopsis: Process dependencies to see if a target is out of date // // Arguments: [Target] -- Target to check date on (i.e. foo.obj) // [FileDB] -- File which makes [Target] (i.e. foo.cpp, or bar.h) // [CheckDate] -- If FALSE, then the date check is bypassed. // [ppfrRoot] -- Returns a cycle root if a cycle is encountered. // Used only during recursion. // // Returns: TRUE if [Target] is out of date w/r/t [FileDB] // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CheckDependencies( PTARGET Target, FILEREC *FileDB, BOOL CheckDate, FILEREC **ppfrRoot) { BOOL fOutOfDate; BOOL CheckVersion; static ULONG ChkRecursLevel = 0; *ppfrRoot = NULL; ChkRecursLevel++; assert(FileDB != NULL); // NULL FileDB should never happen. AssertFile(FileDB); if (FileDB->fDependActive) { // We have detected a loop in the graph of included files. // Just return, to terminate the recursion. if (DEBUG_1) { BuildMsgRaw( "ChkDepend-1(%s, %s, %u) %s\r\n", Target->Name, FileDB->Name, CheckDate, "Target Match, *** ASSUME UP TO DATE ***"); } if (DEBUG_4) { BuildMsgRaw( "%lu-%hu/%hu: ChkDepend-2(%s %x, %4s%.*s%s, %u) %x %s\r\n", ChkRecursLevel, LocalSequence, GlobalSequence, Target->Name, Target->DateTime, "", ChkRecursLevel, szRecurse, FileDB->Name, CheckDate, FileDB->DateTime, "Target Match (recursive) Assume up to date"); } // return the node at which the recursion begins *ppfrRoot = FileDB; ChkRecursLevel--; // we're "up to date" here, because another instance of the // file exists in our graph and dependancy will be checked there. return (FALSE); } if (DEBUG_4) { BuildMsgRaw( "%lu-%hu/%hu: ChkDepend-3(%s %x, %4s%.*s%s, %u) %x\r\n", ChkRecursLevel, LocalSequence, GlobalSequence, Target->Name, Target->DateTime, "++", ChkRecursLevel, szRecurse, FileDB->Name, CheckDate, FileDB->DateTime); } // We've decided to process this file. Mark it as being scanned. FileDB->fDependActive = TRUE; CheckVersion = fEnableVersionCheck; fOutOfDate = FALSE; if (FileDB->GlobalSequence != GlobalSequence || FileDB->LocalSequence != LocalSequence) { if (FileDB->GlobalSequence != 0 || FileDB->LocalSequence != 0) { if (DEBUG_1) { BuildError( "Include Sequence %hu/%hu -> %hu/%hu\r\n", FileDB->LocalSequence, FileDB->GlobalSequence, LocalSequence, GlobalSequence); } if (fDebug & 16) { PrintFileDB(stderr, FileDB, 0); } UnsnapIncludeFiles( FileDB, (FileDB->Dir->DirFlags & DIRDB_GLOBAL_INCLUDES) == 0 || FileDB->GlobalSequence != GlobalSequence); } FileDB->GlobalSequence = GlobalSequence; FileDB->LocalSequence = LocalSequence; FileDB->DateTimeTree = 0; } if (DEBUG_1) { BuildMsgRaw( "ChkDepend-4(%s, %s, %u)\r\n", Target->Name, FileDB->Name, CheckDate); } if (CheckDate && (FileDB->FileFlags & FILEDB_HEADER) && FileDB->DateTimeTree == 0 && IsExcludedInc(FileDB->Name)) { if (DEBUG_1) { BuildMsg("Skipping date check for %s\r\n", FileDB->Name); } CheckVersion = FALSE; FileDB->DateTimeTree = 1; // never out of date } if (FileDB->IncludeFiles == NULL && FileDB->DateTimeTree == 0) { FileDB->DateTimeTree = FileDB->DateTime; if (DEBUG_4) { BuildMsgRaw( "%lu-%hu/%hu: ChkDepend-5(%s %x, %4s%.*s%s, %u) %x\r\n", ChkRecursLevel, LocalSequence, GlobalSequence, Target->Name, Target->DateTime, "t<-f", ChkRecursLevel, szRecurse, FileDB->Name, CheckDate, FileDB->DateTime); } } if (CheckDate && (Target->DateTime < FileDB->DateTime || Target->DateTime < FileDB->DateTimeTree)) { if (Target->DateTime != 0) { if (DEBUG_1 || fShowOutOfDateFiles) { BuildMsg("%s is out of date with respect to %s\\%s.\r\n", Target->Name, FileDB->NewestDependency->Dir->Name, FileDB->NewestDependency->Name); } } fOutOfDate = TRUE; } // // If FileDB->DateTimeTree is non-zero, then the field is equal to the // newest DateTime of this file or any of its dependants, so we don't // need to go through the dependency tree again. // if (FileDB->DateTimeTree == 0) { INCLUDEREC *IncludeDB, **IncludeDBNext, **ppirTree; // // Find the file records for all include files so that after cycles are // collapsed, we won't attempt to lookup an include file relative to // the wrong directory. // ppirTree = &FileDB->IncludeFilesTree; for (IncludeDBNext = &FileDB->IncludeFiles; (IncludeDB = *IncludeDBNext) != NULL; IncludeDBNext = &IncludeDB->Next) { AssertInclude(IncludeDB); AssertCleanTree(IncludeDB, FileDB); IncludeDB->IncFlags |= INCLUDEDB_SNAPPED; if (IncludeDB->pfrInclude == NULL) { IncludeDB->pfrInclude = FindIncludeFileDB( FileDB, Target->pfrCompiland, Target->pdrBuild, Target->pszSourceDirectory, IncludeDB); AssertOptionalFile(IncludeDB->pfrInclude); if (IncludeDB->pfrInclude != NULL && (IncludeDB->pfrInclude->Dir->DirFlags & DIRDB_GLOBAL_INCLUDES)) { IncludeDB->IncFlags |= INCLUDEDB_GLOBAL; } } if (IncludeDB->pfrInclude == NULL) { if (!IsConditionalInc(IncludeDB->Name, Target)) { if (DEBUG_1 || !(IncludeDB->IncFlags & INCLUDEDB_MISSING)) { if (!fSilentDependencies) { IncludeError( Target, FileDB, IncludeDB, "cannot find include file"); } IncludeDB->IncFlags |= INCLUDEDB_MISSING; } } else if (DEBUG_1) { if (!fSilentDependencies) { IncludeError( Target, FileDB, IncludeDB, "Skipping missing conditional include file"); } } continue; } *ppirTree = IncludeDB; ppirTree = &IncludeDB->NextTree; } *ppirTree = NULL; // truncate any links from previous sequence FileDB->DateTimeTree = FileDB->DateTime; // // Walk through the dynamic list. // rescan: for (IncludeDBNext = &FileDB->IncludeFilesTree; (IncludeDB = *IncludeDBNext) != NULL; IncludeDBNext = &IncludeDB->NextTree) { AssertInclude(IncludeDB); if (DEBUG_2) { BuildMsgRaw( "%lu-%hu/%hu %s %*s%-10s %*s%s\r\n", ChkRecursLevel, LocalSequence, GlobalSequence, Target->pfrCompiland->Name, (ChkRecursLevel - 1) * 2, "", IncludeDB->Name, max(0, 12 - ((int)ChkRecursLevel - 1) * 2), "", IncludeDB->pfrInclude != NULL? IncludeDB->pfrInclude->Dir->Name : "not found"); } // // tommcg 5/21/98 // // If included file is not in "sanctioned" path, warn about it. // Sanctioned paths are set in an environment variable named // BUILD_ACCEPTABLE_INCLUDES which can contain wildcards and look // something like this: // // *\nt\public\*;*\nt\private\inc\*;*\..\inc\*;*\..\include\* // if (( fCheckIncludePaths ) && ( IncludeDB->pfrInclude != NULL )) { CheckIncludeForWarning( Target->pfrCompiland->Dir->Name, Target->pfrCompiland->Name, FileDB->Dir->Name, FileDB->Name, IncludeDB->pfrInclude->Dir->Name, IncludeDB->pfrInclude->Name ); } assert(IncludeDB->IncFlags & INCLUDEDB_SNAPPED); if (IncludeDB->pfrInclude != NULL) { if (fEnableVersionCheck) { CheckDate = (IncludeDB->pfrInclude->Version == 0); } if (IncludeDB->Version != IncludeDB->pfrInclude->Version) { if (CheckVersion) { if (DEBUG_1 || fShowOutOfDateFiles) { BuildError( "%s (v%d) is out of date with " "respect to %s\\%s (v%d).\r\n", FileDB->Name, IncludeDB->Version, IncludeDB->pfrInclude->Dir->Name, IncludeDB->pfrInclude->Name, IncludeDB->pfrInclude->Version); } FileDB->DateTimeTree = ULONG_MAX; // always out of date fOutOfDate = TRUE; } else if (!fClean && fEnableVersionCheck) { BuildError( "%s - #include %s (v%d updated to v%d)\r\n", FileDB->Name, IncludeDB->pfrInclude->Name, IncludeDB->Version, IncludeDB->pfrInclude->Version); } IncludeDB->Version = IncludeDB->pfrInclude->Version; AllDirsModified = TRUE; } if (CheckDependencies(Target, IncludeDB->pfrInclude, CheckDate, ppfrRoot)) { fOutOfDate = TRUE; // No cycle possible if recursive call returned TRUE. // 29-Dec-1999 LeoN: commented out. See 22-Dec-1999 // comment below. // assert(*ppfrRoot == NULL); } // if the include file is involved in a cycle, unwind the // recursion up to the root of the cycle while collpasing // the cycle, then process the tree again from cycle root. else if (*ppfrRoot != NULL) { AssertFile(*ppfrRoot); // Don't say the file is out of date, yet. // 22-Dec-1999 LeoN: Why not? If the file we are // processing is out of date with respect to it's parent, // that gets lost here. The sebsequent rescan begins at // this file and below, and the relationship to the parent // is never checked again. Fact is, if a file has been // detected as out of date, it's out of date. I'm only // commenting out this reset of the flag. It's possible // that one could avoid the rest of the include file scan // and rescan, but I'm really concerned that there are // important side effects that would miss. // fOutOfDate = FALSE; // Remove the current include file record from the list, // because it participates in the cycle. *IncludeDBNext = IncludeDB->NextTree; if (IncludeDB->IncFlags & INCLUDEDB_CYCLEROOT) { RemoveFromCycleRoot(IncludeDB, FileDB); } IncludeDB->NextTree = NULL; IncludeDB->IncFlags |= INCLUDEDB_CYCLEORPHAN; // If the included file is not the cycle root, add the // cycle root to the included file's include file list. if (*ppfrRoot != IncludeDB->pfrInclude) { LinkToCycleRoot(IncludeDB, *ppfrRoot); } if (*ppfrRoot == FileDB) { // We're at the cycle root; clear the root pointer. // Then go rescan the list. *ppfrRoot = NULL; if (DEBUG_4) { BuildMsgRaw( "%lu-%hu/%hu: ChkDepend-6(%s %x, %4s%.*s%s, %u) %x %s\r\n", ChkRecursLevel, LocalSequence, GlobalSequence, Target->Name, Target->DateTime, "^^", ChkRecursLevel, szRecurse, FileDB->Name, CheckDate, FileDB->DateTime, "ReScan"); BuildMsgRaw("^^\r\n"); } goto rescan; } // Merge the list for the file involved in the // cycle into the root file's include list. MergeIncludeFiles( *ppfrRoot, FileDB->IncludeFilesTree, FileDB); FileDB->IncludeFilesTree = NULL; // Return immediately and reprocess the flattened // tree, which now excludes the include files // directly involved in the cycle. First, make // sure the files removed from the cycle have their file // (not tree) time stamps reflected in the cycle root. if ((*ppfrRoot)->DateTimeTree < FileDB->DateTime) { (*ppfrRoot)->DateTimeTree = FileDB->DateTime; (*ppfrRoot)->NewestDependency = FileDB; if (DEBUG_4) { BuildMsgRaw( "%lu-%hu/%hu: ChkDepend-7(%s %x, %4s%.*s%s, %u) %x\r\n", ChkRecursLevel, LocalSequence, GlobalSequence, Target->Name, Target->DateTime, "t<-c", ChkRecursLevel, szRecurse, (*ppfrRoot)->Name, CheckDate, (*ppfrRoot)->DateTimeTree); } } break; } // // Propagate newest time up through the dependency tree. // This way, each parent will have the date of its newest // dependent, so we don't have to check through the whole // dependency tree for each file more than once. // // Note that similar behavior has not been enabled for // version checking. // if (FileDB->DateTimeTree < IncludeDB->pfrInclude->DateTimeTree) { FileDB->DateTimeTree = IncludeDB->pfrInclude->DateTimeTree; FileDB->NewestDependency = IncludeDB->pfrInclude->NewestDependency; if (DEBUG_4) { BuildMsgRaw( "%lu-%hu/%hu: ChkDepend-8(%s %x, %4s%.*s%s, %u) %x\r\n", ChkRecursLevel, LocalSequence, GlobalSequence, Target->Name, Target->DateTime, "t<-s", ChkRecursLevel, szRecurse, FileDB->Name, CheckDate, FileDB->DateTimeTree); } } } else { // // Couldn't find the FILEDB for the include file, but this // could be because the file is 'rcinclude'd, or 'importlib'd // and isn't considered a source file. In this case, just get // the timestamp on the file if possible. // // Time will be zero if the file is not found. // ULONG Time = (*pDateTimeFile)(NULL, IncludeDB->Name); if (FileDB->DateTimeTree < Time) { FileDB->DateTimeTree = Time; // // Since we don't have a FILEDB for this dependency, just // set the pointer to itself and print a message. // FileDB->NewestDependency = FileDB; if (DEBUG_1 || fShowOutOfDateFiles) { BuildError( "%s (v%d) is out of date with respect to %s.\r\n", FileDB->Name, IncludeDB->Version, IncludeDB->Name); } if (DEBUG_4) { BuildMsgRaw( "%lu-%hu/%hu: ChkDepend-9(%s %x, %4s%.*s%s, %u) %x\r\n", ChkRecursLevel, LocalSequence, GlobalSequence, Target->Name, Target->DateTime, "t<-s", ChkRecursLevel, szRecurse, FileDB->Name, CheckDate, FileDB->DateTimeTree); } } } } } if (DEBUG_4) { BuildMsgRaw( "%lu-%hu/%hu: ChkDepend-A(%s %x, %4s%.*s%s, %u) %x %s\r\n", ChkRecursLevel, LocalSequence, GlobalSequence, Target->Name, Target->DateTime, "--", ChkRecursLevel, szRecurse, FileDB->Name, CheckDate, FileDB->DateTimeTree, *ppfrRoot != NULL? "Collapse Cycle" : fOutOfDate? "OUT OF DATE" : "up-to-date"); } assert(FileDB->fDependActive); FileDB->fDependActive = FALSE; ChkRecursLevel--; return (fOutOfDate); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: PickFirst // // Synopsis: When called iteratively, the set of returned values is // effectively a merge sort of the two source lists. // // Effects: The pointers given in [ppsr1] and [ppsr2] are modified to point // to the next appropriate item in the list. // // Arguments: [ppsr1] -- First SOURCEREC list // [ppsr2] -- Second SOURCEREC list // // Returns: The appropriate next item from either [ppsr1] or [ppsr2] // // Notes: [ppsr1] and [ppsr2] should each be appropriately sorted. // // InsertSourceDB maintains a sort order for PickFirst() based first on the // filename extension, then on the subdirectory mask. Two exceptions to the // alphabetic sort are: // - No extension sorts last. // - .rc extension sorts first. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define PF_FIRST -1 #define PF_SECOND 1 SOURCEREC * PickFirst(SOURCEREC **ppsr1, SOURCEREC **ppsr2) { SOURCEREC **ppsr; SOURCEREC *psr; int r = 0; AssertOptionalSource(*ppsr1); AssertOptionalSource(*ppsr2); if (*ppsr1 == NULL) { if (*ppsr2 == NULL) { return (NULL); // both lists NULL -- no more } r = PF_SECOND; // 1st is NULL -- return 2nd } else if (*ppsr2 == NULL) { r = PF_FIRST; // 2nd is NULL -- return 1st } else { LPSTR pszext1, pszext2; pszext1 = strrchr((*ppsr1)->pfrSource->Name, '.'); pszext2 = strrchr((*ppsr2)->pfrSource->Name, '.'); if (pszext1 == NULL) { r = PF_SECOND; // 1st has no extension -- return 2nd } else if (pszext2 == NULL) { r = PF_FIRST; // 2nd has no extension -- return 1st } else if (strcmp(pszext1, ".rc") == 0) { r = PF_FIRST; // 1st is .rc -- return 1st } else if (strcmp(pszext2, ".rc") == 0) { r = PF_SECOND; // 2nd is .rc -- return 2nd } else { r = strcmp(pszext1, pszext2); if (r == 0 && (*ppsr1)->SourceSubDirMask != (*ppsr2)->SourceSubDirMask) { if ((*ppsr1)->SourceSubDirMask > (*ppsr2)->SourceSubDirMask) { r = PF_FIRST; // 2nd subdir after 1st -- return 1st } else { r = PF_SECOND; // 1st subdir after 2nd -- return 2nd } } } } if (r <= 0) { ppsr = ppsr1; } else { ppsr = ppsr2; } psr = *ppsr; *ppsr = psr->psrNext; return (psr); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: WriteObjectsDefinition // // Synopsis: Writes out a single platform-specific section of the // _objects.mac file. // // Arguments: [OutFileHandle] -- File handle to write to // [psrCommon] -- List of common source files // [psrMachine] -- List of machine-specific source files // [DirDB] -- directory record // [ObjectVariable] -- e.g. 386_SOURCES // [ObjectDirectory] -- name of machine obj dir (e.g. obj\i386) // // Returns: // // History: 26-Jul-94 LyleC Created // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID WriteObjectsDefinition( FILE *OutFileHandle, SOURCEREC *psrMachine, DIRSUP *pds, LPSTR ObjectVariable, LPSTR ObjectDirectory, DIRREC *DirDB ) { LPSTR pbuf; LPSTR pszextsrc; LPSTR pszextdir; LPTARGETDATA pData; SOURCEREC *psrComCopy; SOURCEREC *psrMachCopy; SOURCEREC *psrCommon = pds->psrSourcesList[0]; LPSTR DirName = DirDB->Name; SOURCEREC *psr; USHORT i; LONG iPass; // // We loop twice - the first time writing out the non-pass-zero files // to the ObjectVariable, the second time writing out pass zero // files to the PASS0_ObjectVariable. // for (iPass = 1; iPass >= 0; iPass--) { pbuf = BigBuf; pbuf[0] = '\0'; if (iPass == 0) { strcpy(pbuf, "PASS0_"); } strcat(pbuf, ObjectVariable); strcat(pbuf, "="); pbuf += strlen(pbuf); psrComCopy = psrCommon; psrMachCopy = psrMachine; while ((psr = PickFirst(&psrComCopy, &psrMachCopy)) != NULL) { AssertSource(psr); if ((psr->SrcFlags & SOURCEDB_SOURCES_LIST) == 0) { continue; } // if pass 0 macro and not a pass 0 file, skip it. if (iPass == 0 && !(psr->pfrSource->FileFlags & FILEDB_PASS0)) continue; // if pass 1 macro and not a pass 1 file, skip it. if (iPass == 1 && (psr->pfrSource->FileFlags & FILEDB_PASS0) && !(psr->pfrSource->FileFlags & FILEDB_MULTIPLEPASS)) continue; pszextsrc = strrchr(psr->pfrSource->Name, '.'); if (!pszextsrc) { BuildError("Bad sources extension: %s\r\n", psr->pfrSource->Name); continue; } i = 0; while (pData = GetTargetData(pszextsrc, iPass, i, pds->IdlType)) { if (pData == &DefaultData) { // // Check for implicitly 'known' extensions... // if (pszextsrc == NULL) { BuildError( "%s: Interesting sources extension: %s\r\n", DirName, psr->pfrSource->Name); } else { switch (pszextsrc[1]) { case 'f': // Fortran case 'h': // Header file ? case 'p': // Pascal BuildError( "%s: Interesting sources extension: %s\r\n", DirName, psr->pfrSource->Name); // FALL THROUGH case 'a': // Assembly file (.asm) case 'c': // C file (.c, .cxx, or .cs) case 'v': // VB.NET case 's': // Assembly file (.s) break; default: BuildError("Bad sources extension: %s\r\n", psr->pfrSource->Name); } } } switch (pData->ObjectDirFlag) { case TD_OBJECTDIR: pszextdir = ObjectDirectory; break; case TD_PASS0HDRDIR: pszextdir = "$(PASS0_HEADERDIR)"; break; case TD_MCSOURCEDIR: pszextdir = "$(MC_SOURCEDIR)"; break; case TD_PASS0DIR1: pszextdir = pds->IdlType ? "$(PASS0_CLIENTDIR)" : "$(PASS0_SOURCEDIR)"; break; case TD_PASS0DIR2: pszextdir = pds->IdlType ? "$(PASS0_SERVERDIR)" : "$(PASS0_UUIDDIR)"; break; default: assert(0 && "Invalid ObjectDirFlag"); break; } assert(pszextdir); assert(pData->pszTargetExt); sprintf( pbuf, " \\\r\n %s\\%.*s%s", pszextdir, pszextsrc - psr->pfrSource->Name, psr->pfrSource->Name, pData->pszTargetExt); pbuf += strlen(pbuf); i++; } } strcpy(pbuf, "\r\n\r\n"); pbuf += 4; fwrite(BigBuf, 1, (UINT) (pbuf - BigBuf), OutFileHandle); } } DWORD CreateDirectoriesOnPath( LPTSTR pszPath, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES psa) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (pszPath && *pszPath) { LPTSTR pch = pszPath; // If the path is a UNC path, we need to skip the \\server\share // portion. // if ((TEXT('\\') == *pch) && (TEXT('\\') == *(pch+1))) { // pch now pointing at the server name. Skip to the backslash // before the share name. // pch += 2; while (*pch && (TEXT('\\') != *pch)) { pch++; } if (!*pch) { // Just the \\server was specified. This is bogus. // return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // pch now pointing at the backslash before the share name. // Skip to the backslash that should come after the share name. // pch++; while (*pch && (TEXT('\\') != *pch)) { pch++; } if (!*pch) { // Just the \\server\share was specified. No subdirectories // to create. // return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } // Loop through the path. // for (; *pch; pch++) { // Stop at each backslash and make sure the path // is created to that point. Do this by changing the // backslash to a null-terminator, calling CreateDirecotry, // and changing it back. // if (TEXT('\\') == *pch) { BOOL fOk; *pch = 0; fOk = CreateDirectory (pszPath, psa); *pch = TEXT('\\'); // Any errors other than path alredy exists and we should // bail out. We also get access denied when trying to // create a root drive (i.e. c:) so check for this too. // if (!fOk) { dwErr = GetLastError (); if (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS == dwErr) { dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else if ((ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED == dwErr) && (pch - 1 > pszPath) && (TEXT(':') == *(pch - 1))) { dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { break; } } } } if (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS == dwErr) { dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; } if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr) { // All dirs up to the last are created. Make the last one also. if (CreateDirectory(pszPath, psa)) { dwErr = GetLastError (); if (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS == dwErr) { dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } } } return dwErr; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CreateBuildDirectory // // Synopsis: Creates a directory to hold generate object files. SET the // FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE bit for the directory, since there is nothing // to backup. We use SET since the default setting for a new directory // is clear. Go figure. DOS was such a well planned product. // // Arguments: [Name] -- Directory to create // // Returns: TRUE if directory already exists or was created successfully. // FALSE otherwise. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CreateBuildDirectory(LPSTR Name) { DWORD Attributes; Attributes = GetFileAttributes(Name); if (Attributes == -1) { CreateDirectoriesOnPath(Name, NULL); Attributes = GetFileAttributes(Name); } if (Attributes != -1 && ((Attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE) == 0)) { SetFileAttributes(Name, Attributes | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE); } return ((BOOL)(Attributes != -1)); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CreatedBuildFile // // Synopsis: Called whenever BUILD creates a file. Clears the FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE // bit for the file, since there is nothing to backup with a generated file. // // Arguments: [DirName] -- DIRDB for directory // [FileName] -- file name path relative to DirName // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID CreatedBuildFile(LPSTR DirName, LPSTR FileName) { char Name[ DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH * 2 + 1] = {0}; // ensure we have enough space for "DirName" + "\\" + "FileName" DWORD Attributes; if (DirName == NULL || DirName[0] == '\0') { strncpy( Name, FileName, sizeof(Name) - 1 ); } else { _snprintf( Name, sizeof(Name)-1, "%s\\%s", DirName, FileName ); } Attributes = GetFileAttributes(Name); if (Attributes != -1 && (Attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE)) { SetFileAttributes(Name, Attributes & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE); } return; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: GenerateObjectsDotMac // // Synopsis: Creates the _objects.mac file containing info for all platforms // // Arguments: [DirDB] -- Directory to create file for // [pds] -- Supplementary information on [DirDB] // [DateTimeSources] -- Timestamp of the SOURCES file // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID GenerateObjectsDotMac(DIRREC *DirDB, DIRSUP *pds, ULONG DateTimeSources) { FILE *OutFileHandle; UINT i; ULONG ObjectsDateTime; char szObjectsMac[_MAX_PATH]; strcpy(szObjectsMac, pszObjDir); strcat(szObjectsMac, "\\_objects.mac"); CreateBuildDirectory(pszObjDir); for (i = 0; i < CountTargetMachines; i++) { assert(strncmp( pszObjDirSlash, TargetMachines[i]->ObjectDirectory[iObjectDir], strlen(pszObjDirSlash)) == 0); CreateBuildDirectory(TargetMachines[i]->ObjectDirectory[iObjectDir]); } if (ObjectsDateTime = (*pDateTimeFile)(DirDB->Name, szObjectsMac)) { if (DateTimeSources == 0) { BuildError("%s: no sources timestamp\r\n", DirDB->Name); } if (ObjectsDateTime >= DateTimeSources) { if (!fForce) { return; } } } if (!MyOpenFile(DirDB->Name, szObjectsMac, "wb", &OutFileHandle, TRUE)) { return; } if ((DirDB->DirFlags & DIRDB_SOURCES_SET) == 0) { BuildError("Missing SOURCES= definition in %s\r\n", DirDB->Name); } else { for (i = 0; i < MAX_TARGET_MACHINES; i++) { WriteObjectsDefinition( OutFileHandle, pds->psrSourcesList[i + 2], pds, PossibleTargetMachines[i]->ObjectVariable, PossibleTargetMachines[i]->ObjectMacro, DirDB); } } fclose(OutFileHandle); CreatedBuildFile(DirDB->Name, szObjectsMac); // // If the _objects.mac file was generated during the first pass, then we // want to regenerate it during the second scan because the first scan // wasn't complete and _objects.mac may not be correct for non-pass-zero // files. We do this by setting the timestamp back to the old time. // if (fFirstScan && fPassZero) { HANDLE hf; FILETIME ft; hf = CreateFile(szObjectsMac, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING, (HANDLE)NULL); if (hf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ULONG time; if (ObjectsDateTime) { time = ObjectsDateTime; } else if (DateTimeSources) { // // All we care about is that time time stamp on _objects.mac // is less than that of the sources file so it will get // regenerated during the second scan. // time = DateTimeSources; if (LOWORD(time) != 0) time &= 0xFFFF0000; // 00:00:00 on the same date else time = 0x1421A000; // 12:00:00 1/1/1990 } else { time = 0x1421A000; // 12:00:00 1/1/1990 } DosDateTimeToFileTime(HIWORD(time), LOWORD(time), &ft); SetFileTime(hf, (LPFILETIME)NULL, (LPFILETIME)NULL, &ft); CloseHandle(hf); } } }