/* * Utility program to munge a set of files, translating names from * one form to another. Usage: * * munge scriptFile files... * * where the first parameter is the name of a file that consists of * one or more lines of the following format: * * oldName newName * * and the remaining parameters are the names of the files to munge. * Each file is _read into memory, scanned once, where each occurence * of an oldName string is replaced by its corresponding newName. * If any changes are made to a file, the old version is RMed and * the new version written out under the same name. * */ #include "munge.h" BOOL SymbolsInserted; BOOL InitTokenMappingTable( void ); BOOL SaveTokenMapping( char *, char * ); char *FindTokenMapping( char * ); #define MAXFILESIZE 0x1000000L char *InputFileBuf; char *OutputFileBuf; int fClean; int fQuery; int fFileOnly; int fRecurse; int fUseAttrib; int fUseSLM; int fForceSLM; int fTrustMe; int fVerbose; int fSummary; int fRemoveDuplicateCR; int fRemoveImbeddedNulls; int fTruncateWithCtrlZ; int fInsideQuotes; int fInsideComments; int fNeuter; int fCaseSensitive; int fEntireLine; #define MAX_LITERAL_STRINGS 64 void DoFiles( char *p, struct findType *b, void *Args ); unsigned long NumberOfLiteralStrings; char *LiteralStrings[ MAX_LITERAL_STRINGS ]; unsigned long LiteralStringsLength[ MAX_LITERAL_STRINGS ]; char *NewLiteralStrings[ MAX_LITERAL_STRINGS ]; char LeadingLiteralChars[ MAX_LITERAL_STRINGS+1 ]; unsigned long NumberOfFileExtensions = 0; char *FileExtensions[ 64 ]; unsigned long NumberOfFileNames = 0; char *FileNames[ 64 ]; unsigned long NumberOfFileNameAndExts = 0; char *FileNameAndExts[ 64 ]; char *UndoScriptFileName; FILE *UndoScriptFile; int UndoCurDirCount; void DisplayFilePatterns( void ); char * PushCurrentDirectory( char *NewCurrentDirectory ); void PopCurrentDirectory( char *OldCurrentDirectory ); NTSTATUS CreateSymbolTable( IN ULONG NumberOfBuckets, IN ULONG MaxSymbolTableSize, OUT PVOID *SymbolTableHandle ); NTSTATUS AddSymbolToSymbolTable( IN PVOID SymbolTableHandle, IN PUNICODE_STRING SymbolName, IN ULONG_PTR *SymbolValue OPTIONAL ); NTSTATUS LookupSymbolInSymbolTable( IN PVOID SymbolTableHandle, IN PUNICODE_STRING SymbolName, OUT ULONG_PTR *SymbolValue OPTIONAL ); BOOL myread( int fh, unsigned long cb ) { HANDLE InputFileMapping; InputFileMapping = CreateFileMapping( (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle( fh ), NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, cb, NULL ); if (InputFileMapping == NULL) { if (cb != 0) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to map file (%d) - ", GetLastError() ); } return FALSE; } InputFileBuf = MapViewOfFile( InputFileMapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, cb ); CloseHandle( InputFileMapping ); if (InputFileBuf == NULL) { if (cb != 0) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to map view (%d) - ", GetLastError() ); } CloseHandle( InputFileMapping ); return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } unsigned long mywrite( int fh, char *s, unsigned long cb ) { unsigned long cbWritten; if (!WriteFile( (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle( fh ), s, cb, &cbWritten, NULL )) { printf( "(%d)", GetLastError() ); return 0L; } else { return cbWritten; } } static char lineBuf[ 1024 ]; ReadScriptFile( s ) char *s; { FILE *fh; int lineNum, result; char *pOldName, *pNewName, *pEnd; unsigned n; char LeadingChar, QuoteChar, SaveChar; NumberOfLiteralStrings = 0; n = 0; fprintf( stderr, "Reading script file - %s", s ); if ( !( fh = fopen( s, "r" ) ) ) { fprintf( stderr, " *** unable to open\n" ); return FALSE; } result = TRUE; lineNum = -1; while ( pOldName = fgets( lineBuf, sizeof( lineBuf ), fh ) ) { lineNum++; while ( *pOldName == ' ' ) pOldName++; if (*pOldName == '-' && (pOldName[1] == 'f' || pOldName[1] == 'F')) { pOldName += 2; while (*pOldName) { while (*pOldName == ' ') { pOldName++; } pEnd = pOldName; while (*pEnd > ' ') { pEnd++; } SaveChar = *pEnd; *pEnd = '\0'; if (*pOldName == '.') { pNewName = MakeStr( ++pOldName ); if (pNewName) _strlwr(pNewName); FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = pNewName; } else if (pEnd > pOldName && pEnd[ -1 ] == '.') { pEnd[ - 1 ] = '\0'; pNewName = MakeStr(pOldName); if (pNewName) _strlwr(pNewName); FileNames[ NumberOfFileNames++ ] = pNewName; } else { pNewName = MakeStr(pOldName); if (pNewName) _strlwr(pNewName); FileNameAndExts[ NumberOfFileNameAndExts++ ] = pNewName; } *pEnd = SaveChar; pOldName = pEnd; } } else if (*pOldName == '"' || *pOldName == '\'') { if (NumberOfLiteralStrings >= MAX_LITERAL_STRINGS) { fprintf( stderr, " *** too many literal strings\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "%s(%d) - %s\n", s, lineNum, &lineBuf[ 0 ] ); result = FALSE; break; } QuoteChar = *pOldName; LeadingChar = *++pOldName; pNewName = pOldName; while (*pNewName >= ' ' && *pNewName != QuoteChar) { pNewName++; } if (*pNewName != QuoteChar) { fprintf( stderr, " *** invalid literal string\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "%s(%d) - %s\n", s, lineNum, &lineBuf[ 0 ] ); result = FALSE; continue; } *pNewName++ = '\0'; while ( *pNewName == ' ' ) pNewName++; if (*pNewName != QuoteChar) { if (!fQuery) { fprintf( stderr, " *** invalid literal string\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "%s(%d) - %s\n", s, lineNum, &lineBuf[ 0 ] ); result = FALSE; continue; } } else { PUCHAR pDest, pSrc; BOOL fEscaped = FALSE; pEnd = ++pNewName; pDest = pSrc = pEnd; while ((*pSrc >= ' ') && ((*pSrc != QuoteChar) || fEscaped)) { if (fEscaped) { switch(pSrc[0]) { case 'n': *pDest++ = '\r'; *pDest++ = '\n'; break; default: *pDest++ = *pSrc; break; } fEscaped = FALSE; } else { if (pSrc[0] == '\\') { fEscaped = TRUE; } else { *pDest++ = *pSrc; } } pSrc++; } pEnd = pSrc; if (*pEnd != QuoteChar) { fprintf( stderr, " *** invalid literal string\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "%s(%d) - %s\n", s, lineNum, &lineBuf[ 0 ] ); result = FALSE; continue; } *pDest = '\0'; } LiteralStrings[ NumberOfLiteralStrings ] = MakeStr( ++pOldName ); LiteralStringsLength[ NumberOfLiteralStrings ] = strlen( pOldName ); NewLiteralStrings[ NumberOfLiteralStrings ] = MakeStr( pNewName ); LeadingLiteralChars[ NumberOfLiteralStrings ] = LeadingChar; NumberOfLiteralStrings += 1; } else { pNewName = pOldName; while ( *pNewName != '\0' && *pNewName != ' ' ) { pNewName += 1; } if (*pNewName == '\0') { if (!fQuery) { if (result) fprintf( stderr, " *** invalid script file\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "%s(%d) - %s\n", s, lineNum, &lineBuf[ 0 ] ); result = FALSE; continue; } while (pNewName > pOldName && pNewName[ -1 ] < ' ') { *--pNewName = '\0'; } pNewName = MakeStr( pOldName ); } else { *pNewName++ = 0; while ( *pNewName == ' ' ) pNewName++; pEnd = pNewName; while ( *pEnd > ' ' ) pEnd++; *pEnd = 0; pNewName = MakeStr( pNewName ); } if (!pNewName || !SaveTokenMapping( pOldName, pNewName )) { if (result) fprintf( stderr, " *** out of memory\n" ); if (pNewName) { free(pNewName); } fprintf( stderr, "%s(%d) - can't add symbol '%s'\n", s, lineNum, pOldName ); result = FALSE; } else { SymbolsInserted = TRUE; n++; } } } fclose( fh ); if (result) { fprintf( stderr, " %d tokens", n ); if (NumberOfLiteralStrings) { fprintf( stderr, " and %d literal strings\n", NumberOfLiteralStrings ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); } if (!NumberOfFileExtensions && !NumberOfFileNames && !NumberOfFileNameAndExts) { FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = "asm"; FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = "bat"; FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = "c"; FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = "cli"; FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = "cpp"; FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = "cxx"; FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = "def"; FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = "dlg"; FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = "h"; FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = "htm"; FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = "hpj"; FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = "hxx"; FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = "idl"; FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = "inc"; FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = "inf"; FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = "lic"; FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = "mak"; FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = "mc"; FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = "odl"; FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = "rc"; FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = "rcv"; FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = "reg"; FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = "s"; FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = "src"; FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = "srv"; FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = "tk"; FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = "w"; FileExtensions[ NumberOfFileExtensions++ ] = "x"; FileNameAndExts[ NumberOfFileNameAndExts++ ] = "makefil0"; FileNameAndExts[ NumberOfFileNameAndExts++ ] = "makefile"; FileNameAndExts[ NumberOfFileNameAndExts++ ] = "sources"; } } return result; } int MungeFile( int fRepeatMunge, char *FileName, char *OldBuf, unsigned long OldSize, char *NewBuf, unsigned long MaxNewSize, unsigned long *FinalNewSize ) { unsigned long NewSize = MaxNewSize; unsigned Changes = 0; unsigned LineNumber; char c, *Identifier, *BegLine, *EndLine, *OrigOldBuf; char IdentifierBuffer[ 256 ]; char *p, *p1; int i, j, k; BOOL TruncatedByCtrlZ; BOOL ImbeddedNullsStripped; BOOL DuplicateCRStripped; BOOL InSingleQuotes; BOOL InDoubleQuotes; BOOL Escape = FALSE; BOOL Star = FALSE; BOOL Backslash = FALSE; BOOL Pound = FALSE; BOOL Semi = FALSE; BOOL LastEscape; BOOL LastStar; BOOL LastBackslash; BOOL LastPound; BOOL LastSemi; BOOL SkipChar; BOOL InLineComment; BOOL InComment; *FinalNewSize = 0; LineNumber = 1; TruncatedByCtrlZ = FALSE; ImbeddedNullsStripped = FALSE; DuplicateCRStripped = FALSE; InSingleQuotes = FALSE; InDoubleQuotes = FALSE; InLineComment = FALSE; InComment = FALSE; LastEscape = FALSE; LastStar = FALSE; LastBackslash = FALSE; OrigOldBuf = OldBuf; while (OldSize) { OldSize--; c = *OldBuf++; if (c == '\r') { while (OldSize && *OldBuf == '\r') { DuplicateCRStripped = TRUE; OldSize--; c = *OldBuf++; } } if (c == 0x1A) { TruncatedByCtrlZ = TRUE; break; } SkipChar = FALSE; if ( !fInsideQuotes || !fInsideComments ) { LastEscape = Escape; LastStar = Star; LastBackslash = Backslash; LastPound = Pound; LastSemi = Semi; Escape = (c == '\\'); Star = (c == '*' ); Backslash = (c == '/' ); Pound = (c == '#' ); Semi = (c == ';' ); if ( Escape && LastEscape ) { // two in a row don't mean escape Escape = FALSE; } if ( c == '\r' || c == '\n' ) { InLineComment = FALSE; } // Don't process Include or Pragma directives if ( LastPound && OldSize > 6 ) { if ( !strncmp(OldBuf-1,"include",7) || !strncmp(OldBuf-1,"pragma",6) ) { InLineComment = TRUE; } } if (c == '"' && !InSingleQuotes && !LastEscape && !InLineComment && !InComment ) { InDoubleQuotes = !InDoubleQuotes; if ( fNeuter ) { if ( InDoubleQuotes ) { if ( NewSize < 5 ) { return( -1 ); } strcpy(NewBuf,"TEXT("); NewBuf+=5; NewSize -= 5; } else { if ( NewSize < 1 ) { return( -1 ); } *NewBuf++ = '"'; NewSize--; c = ')'; } } } if (c == '\'' && !InDoubleQuotes && !LastEscape && !InLineComment && !InComment ) { InSingleQuotes = !InSingleQuotes; if ( fNeuter ) { if ( InSingleQuotes ) { if ( NewSize < 5 ) { return( -1 ); } strcpy(NewBuf,"TEXT("); NewBuf+=5; NewSize -= 5; } else { if ( NewSize < 1 ) { return( -1 ); } *NewBuf++ = '\''; NewSize--; c = ')'; } } } if ( !InDoubleQuotes && !InSingleQuotes && !InLineComment && !InComment ) { if ( LastBackslash ) { switch (c) { case '*': InComment = TRUE; break; case '/': InLineComment = TRUE; break; } } } if ( InComment && LastStar && Backslash ) { InComment = FALSE; } if ( !fInsideQuotes && ( InSingleQuotes || InDoubleQuotes ) ) { SkipChar = TRUE; } else if ( !fInsideComments && ( InLineComment || InComment ) ) { SkipChar = TRUE; } } if (c != 0 && NumberOfLiteralStrings != 0 && !SkipChar ) { p = LeadingLiteralChars; while (p = strchr( p, c )) { i = (int)(p - LeadingLiteralChars); p++; if (OldSize >= LiteralStringsLength[ i ]) { p1 = IdentifierBuffer; Identifier = OldBuf; j = LiteralStringsLength[ i ]; while (j--) { *p1++ = *Identifier++; } *p1 = '\0'; if (!strcmp( LiteralStrings[ i ], IdentifierBuffer )) { BegLine = OldBuf - 1; OldSize -= LiteralStringsLength[ i ]; OldBuf = Identifier; p1 = NewLiteralStrings[ i ]; if (!fRepeatMunge && !fSummary) { if (fFileOnly) { if (Changes == 0) { // Display just file name on first match printf( "%s\n", FileName ); } } else { printf( "%s(%d) : ", FileName, LineNumber ); if (fQuery) { EndLine = BegLine; while (*EndLine != '\0' && *EndLine != '\n') { EndLine += 1; } if (fEntireLine) { while (BegLine > OrigOldBuf && *BegLine != '\n') { BegLine -= 1; } if (*BegLine == '\n') { BegLine += 1; } } printf( "%.*s\n", EndLine - BegLine, BegLine ); } else { printf( "Matched \"%c%s\", replace with \"%s\"\n", c, LiteralStrings[ i ], p1 ); } } fflush( stdout ); } Changes++; while (*p1) { if (NewSize--) { *NewBuf++ = *p1++; } else { return( -1 ); } } c = '\0'; break; } } } } else { p = NULL; } if (SymbolsInserted && (p == NULL) && iscsymf( c )) { BegLine = OldBuf - 1; Identifier = IdentifierBuffer; k = sizeof( IdentifierBuffer ) - 1; while (iscsym( c )) { if (k) { *Identifier++ = c; k--; } else { break; } if (OldSize--) { c = *OldBuf++; } else { // OldSize will get updated below... c = '\0'; } } c = '\0'; // No character to add to output stream --OldBuf; // Went a little too far OldSize++; *Identifier++ = 0; if (k == 0 || (Identifier = FindTokenMapping( IdentifierBuffer )) == NULL || SkipChar ) { Identifier = IdentifierBuffer; } else { if (!fRepeatMunge && !fSummary) { if (fFileOnly) { if (Changes == 0) { // Display just file name on first match printf( "%s\n", FileName ); } } else { printf( "%s(%d) : ", FileName, LineNumber ); if (fQuery) { EndLine = BegLine; while (*EndLine != '\0' && *EndLine != '\r' && *EndLine != '\n') { EndLine += 1; } if (*EndLine == '\0') { EndLine -= 1; } if (*EndLine == '\n') { EndLine -= 1; } if (*EndLine == '\r') { EndLine -= 1; } if (fEntireLine) { while (BegLine > OrigOldBuf && *BegLine != '\n') { BegLine -= 1; } if (*BegLine == '\n') { BegLine += 1; } } printf( "%.*s", EndLine - BegLine + 1, BegLine ); } else { printf( "Matched %s replace with %s", IdentifierBuffer, Identifier ); } printf( "\n" ); } fflush( stdout ); } Changes++; } while (*Identifier) { if (NewSize--) { *NewBuf++ = *Identifier++; } else { return( -1 ); } } } if (c == '\n') { LineNumber++; } if (c != '\0') { if (NewSize--) { *NewBuf++ = c; } else { return( -1 ); } } else { ImbeddedNullsStripped = TRUE; } } if (!Changes && fClean) { if (fTruncateWithCtrlZ && TruncatedByCtrlZ) { if (!fRepeatMunge && !fSummary) { printf( "%s(%d) : File truncated by Ctrl-Z\n", FileName, LineNumber ); fflush( stdout ); } Changes++; } if (fRemoveImbeddedNulls && ImbeddedNullsStripped) { if (!fRepeatMunge && !fSummary) { printf( "%s(%d) : Imbedded null characters removed.\n", FileName, LineNumber ); fflush( stdout ); } Changes++; } if (fRemoveDuplicateCR && DuplicateCRStripped) { if (!fRepeatMunge && !fSummary) { printf( "%s(%d) : Duplicate Carriage returns removed.\n", FileName, LineNumber ); fflush( stdout ); } Changes++; } } *FinalNewSize = MaxNewSize - NewSize; return( Changes ); } typedef struct _MUNGED_LIST_ELEMENT { struct _MUNGED_LIST_ELEMENT *Next; char *FileName; int NumberOfChanges; } MUNGED_LIST_ELEMENT, *PMUNGED_LIST_ELEMENT; PMUNGED_LIST_ELEMENT MungedListHead; BOOL RememberMunge( char *FileName, int NumberOfChanges ); BOOL CheckIfMungedAlready( char *FileName ); void DumpMungedList( void ); BOOL RememberMunge( char *FileName, int NumberOfChanges ) { PMUNGED_LIST_ELEMENT p; p = (PMUNGED_LIST_ELEMENT)malloc( sizeof( *p ) + strlen( FileName ) + 4 ); if (p == NULL) { return FALSE; } p->FileName = (char *)(p + 1); strcpy( p->FileName, FileName ); p->NumberOfChanges = NumberOfChanges; p->Next = MungedListHead; MungedListHead = p; return TRUE; } BOOL CheckIfMungedAlready( char *FileName ) { PMUNGED_LIST_ELEMENT p; p = MungedListHead; while (p) { if (!strcmp( FileName, p->FileName )) { return TRUE; } p = p->Next; } return FALSE; } void DumpMungedList( void ) { PMUNGED_LIST_ELEMENT p, p1; if (!fSummary) { return; } p = MungedListHead; while (p) { p1 = p; printf( "%u changes made to the file %s(1).\n", p->NumberOfChanges, p->FileName ); p = p->Next; free( (char *)p1 ); } } void DoFile( p ) char *p; { int fh, n; unsigned long oldSize; unsigned long newSize; int count, rc; char newName[ 128 ]; char bakName[ 128 ]; char CommandLine[ 192 ]; char *s, *CurrentDirectory; DWORD dwFileAttributes; int fRepeatMunge; if (CheckIfMungedAlready( p )) { return; } if (fVerbose) fprintf( stderr, "Scanning %s\n", p ); strcpy( &newName[ 0 ], p ); strcpy( &bakName[ 0 ], p ); for (n = strlen( &newName[ 0 ] )-1; n > 0; n--) { if (newName[ n ] == '.') { break; } else if (newName[ n ] == '\\') { n = 0; break; } } if (n == 0) { n = strlen( &newName[ 0 ] ); } strcpy( &newName[ n ], ".mge" ); strcpy( &bakName[ n ], ".bak" ); fRepeatMunge = FALSE; RepeatMunge: if ( (fh = _open( p, O_BINARY )) == -1) { fprintf( stderr, "%s - unable to open\n", p ); return; } oldSize = _lseek( fh, 0L, 2 ); if (_lseek( fh, 0L, 0 ) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s - unable to seek to start of file\n", p); _close(fh); return; } count = 0; if (oldSize > MAXFILESIZE) fprintf( stderr, "%s - file too large (%ld)\n", p, oldSize ); else if (!myread( fh, oldSize )) { if (oldSize != 0) { fprintf( stderr, "%s - error while reading\n", p ); } } else { count = MungeFile( fRepeatMunge, p, InputFileBuf, oldSize, OutputFileBuf, MAXFILESIZE, (unsigned long *)&newSize ); if (count == -1) fprintf( stderr, "%s - output buffer overflow", p ); UnmapViewOfFile( InputFileBuf ); } _close( fh ); if (count > 0) { if (fRepeatMunge) { fprintf( stderr, " - munge again" ); } else { dwFileAttributes = GetFileAttributes( p ); fprintf( stderr, "%s", p ); } if (!fQuery && _access( p, 2 ) == -1) { if (!(fUseSLM || fUseAttrib)) { fprintf( stderr, "%s - write protected, unable to apply changes\n", p ); return; } if (fRepeatMunge) { fprintf( stderr, " - %s failed, %s still write-protected\n", fUseSLM ? "OUT" : "ATTRIB", p ); printf( "%s(1) : UNABLE TO RUN %s command.\n", p, fUseSLM ? "OUT" : "ATTRIB" ); fflush( stdout ); return; } s = p + strlen( p ); while (s > p) { if (*--s == '\\') { *s++ = '\0'; break; } } if (s != p) { CurrentDirectory = PushCurrentDirectory( p ); } else { CurrentDirectory = NULL; } if (fUseAttrib) { fprintf( stderr, " - ATTRIB -r" ); if (SetFileAttributes( s, dwFileAttributes & ~(FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM ) ) ) { } else { if (CurrentDirectory) { s[-1] = '\\'; } fprintf( stderr, " - failed (rc == %d), %s still write-protected\n", GetLastError(), p ); printf( "%s(1) : UNABLE TO MAKE WRITABLE\n", p ); fflush( stdout ); return; } } else { sprintf( CommandLine, "out %s%s", fForceSLM ? "-z " : "", s ); fprintf( stderr, " - check out" ); fflush( stdout ); fflush( stderr ); rc = system( CommandLine ); if (rc == -1) { if (CurrentDirectory) { s[-1] = '\\'; } fprintf( stderr, " - OUT failed (rc == %d), %s still write-protected\n", errno, p ); printf( "%s(1) : UNABLE TO CHECK OUT\n", p ); fflush( stdout ); return; } } GetCurrentDirectory( sizeof( CommandLine ), CommandLine ); if (CurrentDirectory) { PopCurrentDirectory( CurrentDirectory ); s[-1] = '\\'; } if (fUseSLM && UndoScriptFile != NULL) { if (!(UndoCurDirCount++ % 8)) { if (UndoCurDirCount == 1) { fprintf( UndoScriptFile, "\ncd %s", CommandLine ); } fprintf( UndoScriptFile, "\nin -vi" ); } fprintf( UndoScriptFile, " %s", s ); fflush( UndoScriptFile ); } fRepeatMunge = TRUE; goto RepeatMunge; } else if (!fQuery && _access( p, 2 ) != -1 && fUseSLM && !fRepeatMunge) { if (!fSummary) { printf( "%s(1) : FILE ALREADY CHECKED OUT\n", p ); fflush( stdout ); } } RememberMunge( p, count ); if (fQuery) { fprintf( stderr, " [%d potential changes]\n", count ); } else { if ( (fh = _creat( newName, S_IWRITE | S_IREAD )) == -1 ) fprintf( stderr, " - unable to create new version (%s)\n", newName ); else if (mywrite( fh, OutputFileBuf, newSize ) != newSize) { fprintf( stderr, " - error while writing\n" ); _close( fh ); _unlink( newName ); } else { _close( fh ); if (fTrustMe) { _unlink( p ); } else { if (_access( bakName, 0 ) == 0) { _unlink( bakName ); } if (rename( p, bakName )) { fprintf( stderr, "MUNGE: rename %s to %s failed\n", p, bakName ); return; } } if (rename( newName, p )) { fprintf( stderr, "MUNGE: rename %s to %s failed\n", newName, p ); } else { if (fRepeatMunge && fUseAttrib) { SetFileAttributes( p, dwFileAttributes ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); } RememberMunge( p, count ); } } } } } void DoFiles( char *p, struct findType *b, void *Args ) { int SaveCurDirCount; char *s; unsigned long i; int FileProcessed; if (strcmp ((const char *)b->fbuf.cFileName, ".") && strcmp ((const char *)b->fbuf.cFileName, "..") && strcmp ((const char *)b->fbuf.cFileName, "slm.dif") ) { if (HASATTR(b->fbuf.dwFileAttributes,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { switch (p[strlen(p)-1]) { case '/': case '\\': strcat (p, "*.*"); break; default: strcat (p, "\\*.*"); } if (fRecurse) { fprintf( stderr, "Scanning %s\n", p ); SaveCurDirCount = UndoCurDirCount; UndoCurDirCount = 0; forfile( p, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN , DoFiles, NULL ); if (UndoScriptFile != NULL) { if (UndoCurDirCount != 0) { fprintf( UndoScriptFile, "\n" ); fflush( UndoScriptFile ); UndoCurDirCount = 0; } else { UndoCurDirCount = SaveCurDirCount; } } } } else { s = _strlwr( (char *)b->fbuf.cFileName ); while (*s != '.') { if (*s == '\0') { break; } else { s++; } } FileProcessed = FALSE; if (*s) { if (!strcmp( s, "mge" ) || !strcmp( s, "bak" )) { FileProcessed = TRUE; } else { for (i=0; ifbuf.cFileName )) { FileProcessed = TRUE; DoFile( p ); break; } } *s = '.'; } } else { for (i=0; ifbuf.cFileName )) { FileProcessed = TRUE; DoFile( p ); break; } } } if (!FileProcessed) { for (i=0; ifbuf.cFileName )) { FileProcessed = TRUE; DoFile( p ); break; } } } } } Args; } void Usage( char *MsgFmt, int MsgArg ) { fputs("usage: munge scriptFile [-q [-e] [-o]] [-v] [-i] [-k] [-r] [-c [-m] [-z] [-@]]\n" " [-n] [-l | -L] [-a | -s [-f]] [-u undoFileName]\n" " filesToMunge...\n" "Where...\n" " -q\tQuery only - don't actually make changes.\n" " -e\tQuery only - display entire line for each match\n" " -o\tQuery only - just display filename once on first match\n" " -v\tVerbose - show files being scanned\n" " -i\tJust output summary of files changed at end\n" " -k\tCase - Case sensitive scriptFile\n" " -r\tRecurse.\n" " -c\tIf no munge of file, then check for cleanlyness\n" " -m\tCollapse multiple carriage returns into one\n" " -z\tCtrl-Z will truncate file\n" " -@\tRemove null characters\n" " -n\tNeuter - Surround all strings with TEXT()\n" " -l\tLiterals - process any quoted text (includes comments too)\n" " -L\tLiterals - process any quoted text (excludes comments)\n" " -s\tUse OUT command command for files that are readonly\n" " -a\tUse ATTRIB -r command for files that are readonly\n" " -f\tUse -z flag for SLM OUT command\n" " -t\tTrust me and dont create .bak files\n" " -u\tGenerate an undo script file for any SLM OUT commands invoked.\n" " -?\tGets you this message\n\n" "and scriptFile lines take any of the following forms:\n\n" " oldName newName\n" " \"oldString\" \"newString\"\n" " -F .Ext Name. Name.Ext\n\n" "Where...\n" " oldName and newName following C Identifier rules\n" " oldString and newString are arbitrary text strings\n" " -F limits the munge to files that match:\n" " a particular extension (.Ext)\n" " a particular name (Name.)\n" " a particular name and extension (Name.Ext)\n" " If no -F line is seen in the scriptFile, then\n" " the following is the default:\n" " -F .asm .bat .c .cli .cpp .cxx .def .dlg .h .htm .hpj .hxx .idl .inc\n" " -F .inf .lic .mak .mc .odl .rc .rcv .reg .s .src .srv .tk .w .x\n" " -F makefil0 makefile sources\n", stderr); if (MsgFmt != NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf( stderr, MsgFmt, MsgArg ); fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); } exit( 1 ); } int __cdecl main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int i; char *s, pathBuf[ 64 ]; int FileArgsSeen = 0; ConvertAppToOem( argc, argv ); if (argc < 3) { Usage( NULL, 0 ); } if ( !InitTokenMappingTable()) { fprintf( stderr, "MUNGE: Unable to create symbol table\n" ); exit( 1 ); } OutputFileBuf = (char *)VirtualAlloc( NULL, MAXFILESIZE, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE ); if ( OutputFileBuf == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "not enough memory\n" ); exit( 1 ); } fClean = FALSE; fRemoveDuplicateCR = FALSE; fRemoveImbeddedNulls = FALSE; fTruncateWithCtrlZ = FALSE; fQuery = FALSE; fFileOnly = FALSE; fRecurse = FALSE; fUseAttrib = FALSE; fUseSLM = FALSE; fForceSLM = FALSE; fTrustMe = FALSE; fVerbose = FALSE; UndoScriptFileName = NULL; UndoScriptFile = NULL; fSummary = FALSE; fInsideQuotes = FALSE; fInsideComments = FALSE; fNeuter = FALSE; fEntireLine = FALSE; for (i=2; iNumberOfBuckets = NumberOfBuckets; *SymbolTableHandle = p; } } RtlUnlockHeap( GetProcessHeap() ); return( Status ); } PSYMBOL_TABLE_ENTRY BasepHashStringToSymbol( IN PSYMBOL_TABLE p, IN PUNICODE_STRING Name, OUT PSYMBOL_TABLE_ENTRY **PreviousSymbol ) { ULONG n, Hash; WCHAR c; PWCH s; PSYMBOL_TABLE_ENTRY *pps, ps; n = Name->Length / sizeof( c ); s = Name->Buffer; if ( fCaseSensitive ) { Hash = 0; while (n--) { c = *s++; Hash = Hash + (c << 1) + (c >> 1) + c; } } else { Hash = 0; while (n--) { c = RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar( *s++ ); Hash = Hash + (c << 1) + (c >> 1) + c; } } pps = &p->Buckets[ Hash % p->NumberOfBuckets ]; while (ps = *pps) { if (RtlEqualUnicodeString( &ps->Name, Name, (BOOLEAN)!fCaseSensitive )) { break; } else { pps = &ps->HashLink; } } *PreviousSymbol = pps; return( ps ); } NTSTATUS AddSymbolToSymbolTable( IN PVOID SymbolTableHandle, IN PUNICODE_STRING SymbolName, IN ULONG_PTR * SymbolValue OPTIONAL ) { NTSTATUS Status; PSYMBOL_TABLE p = (PSYMBOL_TABLE)SymbolTableHandle; PSYMBOL_TABLE_ENTRY ps, *pps; ULONG_PTR Value; if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT( SymbolValue )) { Value = *SymbolValue; } else { Value = 0; } Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; RtlLockHeap( GetProcessHeap() ); try { ps = BasepHashStringToSymbol( p, SymbolName, &pps ); if (ps == NULL) { ps = RtlAllocateHeap( GetProcessHeap(), 0, (sizeof( *ps ) + SymbolName->Length) ); if (ps != NULL) { ps->HashLink = NULL; ps->Value = Value; ps->Name.Buffer = (PWSTR)(ps + 1); ps->Name.Length = SymbolName->Length; ps->Name.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(SymbolName->Length + sizeof( UNICODE_NULL )); RtlMoveMemory( ps->Name.Buffer, SymbolName->Buffer, SymbolName->Length ); *pps = ps; } else { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } } else { Status = STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_EXISTS; } } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = GetExceptionCode(); } RtlUnlockHeap( GetProcessHeap() ); return( Status ); } NTSTATUS LookupSymbolInSymbolTable( IN PVOID SymbolTableHandle, IN PUNICODE_STRING SymbolName, OUT ULONG_PTR *SymbolValue OPTIONAL ) { NTSTATUS Status; PSYMBOL_TABLE p = (PSYMBOL_TABLE)SymbolTableHandle; PSYMBOL_TABLE_ENTRY ps, *pps; ULONG_PTR Value; RtlLockHeap( GetProcessHeap() ); try { ps = BasepHashStringToSymbol( p, SymbolName, &pps ); if (ps == NULL) { Status = STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND; Value = 0; } else { Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; Value = ps->Value; } } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = GetExceptionCode(); } RtlUnlockHeap( GetProcessHeap() ); if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT( SymbolValue )) { *SymbolValue = Value; } } return( Status ); }