/*++ Copyright (C) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: strings.c Abstract: String constants used by the functions in the PDH.DLL library --*/ #include #include "strings.h" LPCWSTR cszAppShortName = (LPCWSTR) L"PDH"; // registry path, key and value strings LPCWSTR cszNamesKey = (LPCWSTR) L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Perflib"; LPCWSTR cszDefaultLangId = (LPCWSTR) L"009"; LPCWSTR cszCounters = (LPCWSTR) L"Counters"; LPCWSTR cszHelp = (LPCWSTR) L"Help"; LPCWSTR cszLastHelp = (LPCWSTR) L"Last Help"; LPCWSTR cszLastCounter = (LPCWSTR) L"Last Counter"; LPCWSTR cszVersionName = (LPCWSTR) L"Version"; LPCWSTR cszCounterName = (LPCWSTR) L"Counter "; LPCWSTR cszHelpName = (LPCWSTR) L"Explain "; LPCWSTR cszGlobal = (LPCWSTR) L"Global"; LPCWSTR cszCostly = (LPCWSTR) L"Costly"; LPCWSTR cszLogQueries = (LPCWSTR) L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\PerfDataLog\\Log Queries"; LPCWSTR cszLogFileType = (LPCWSTR) L"Log File Type"; LPCWSTR cszAutoNameInterval = (LPCWSTR) L"Auto Name Interval"; LPCWSTR cszLogFileName = (LPCWSTR) L"Log Filename"; LPCWSTR cszLogDefaultDir = (LPCWSTR) L"Log Default Directory"; LPCWSTR cszBaseFileName = (LPCWSTR) L"Base Filename"; LPCWSTR cszLogFileAutoFormat = (LPCWSTR) L"Log File Auto Format"; LPCWSTR cszAutoRenameUnits = (LPCWSTR) L"Auto Rename Units"; LPCWSTR cszCommandFile = (LPCWSTR) L"Command File"; LPCWSTR cszCounterList = (LPCWSTR) L"Counter List"; LPCSTR caszCounterList = "Counter List"; LPCWSTR cszPerfDataLog = (LPCWSTR) L"PerfDataLog"; LPCWSTR cszDefault = (LPCWSTR) L"Default"; LPCSTR caszDefaultLogCaption = "User Data"; LPCWSTR cszPerfNamePathPrefix = (LPCWSTR) L"%systemroot%\\system32\\perf"; LPCWSTR cszDat = (LPCWSTR) L".dat"; LPCWSTR cszWBEM = (LPCWSTR) L"WBEM:"; LPCWSTR cszWMI = (LPCWSTR) L"WMI:"; LPCWSTR cszSQL = (LPCWSTR) L"SQL:"; LPCSTR caszWBEM = "WBEM:"; LPCSTR caszWMI = "WMI:"; LPCWSTR cszWbemDefaultPerfRoot = (LPCWSTR) L"\\root\\cimv2"; LPCWSTR cszSingletonInstance = (LPCWSTR) L"=@"; LPCWSTR cszNameParam = (LPCWSTR) L".Name=\""; LPCWSTR cszCountertype = (LPCWSTR) L"countertype"; LPCWSTR cszDisplayname = (LPCWSTR) L"displayname"; LPCWSTR cszExplainText = (LPCWSTR) L"Description"; LPCWSTR cszDefaultscale = (LPCWSTR) L"defaultscale"; LPCWSTR cszSingleton = (LPCWSTR) L"singleton"; LPCWSTR cszPerfdetail = (LPCWSTR) L"perfdetail"; LPCWSTR cszPerfdefault = (LPCWSTR) L"perfdefault"; LPCWSTR cszClass = (LPCWSTR) L"__CLASS"; LPCWSTR cszPerfRawData = (LPCWSTR) L"Win32_PerfRawData"; LPCWSTR cszNotFound = (LPCWSTR) L"Not Found"; LPCWSTR cszName = (LPCWSTR) L"Name"; LPCWSTR cszBaseSuffix = (LPCWSTR) L"_Base"; LPCWSTR cszTimestampPerfTime = (LPCWSTR) L"Timestamp_PerfTime"; LPCWSTR cszFrequencyPerfTime = (LPCWSTR) L"Frequency_PerfTime"; LPCWSTR cszTimestampSys100Ns = (LPCWSTR) L"Timestamp_Sys100NS"; LPCWSTR cszFrequencySys100Ns = (LPCWSTR) L"Frequency_Sys100NS"; LPCWSTR cszTimestampObject = (LPCWSTR) L"Timestamp_Object"; LPCWSTR cszFrequencyObject = (LPCWSTR) L"Frequency_Object"; LPCWSTR cszPerfmonLogSig = (LPCWSTR) L"Loges"; LPCWSTR cszRemoteMachineRetryTime = (LPCWSTR) L"Remote Reconnection Retry Time"; LPCWSTR cszEnableRemotePdhAccess = (LPCWSTR) L"Enable Remote PDH Access"; LPCWSTR cszPdhKey = (LPCWSTR) L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\PDH"; LPCWSTR cszDefaultNullDataSource = (LPCWSTR) L"DefaultNullDataSource"; LPCWSTR cszCollectTimeout = (LPCWSTR) L"CollectTimeout"; LPCWSTR cszLogSectionName = (LPCWSTR) L"SYSMON_LOG_READONLY_"; LPCWSTR cszCurrentVersionKey = (LPCWSTR) L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion"; LPCWSTR cszCurrentVersionValueName = (LPCWSTR) L"CurrentVersion"; LPCWSTR fmtDecimal = (LPCWSTR) L"%d"; LPCWSTR fmtSpaceDecimal = (LPCWSTR) L" %d"; LPCWSTR fmtLangId = (LPCWSTR) L"%3.3x"; // single character strings LPCWSTR cszEmptyString = (LPCWSTR) L""; LPCWSTR cszPoundSign = (LPCWSTR) L"#"; LPCWSTR cszSplat = (LPCWSTR) L"*"; LPCWSTR cszSlash = (LPCWSTR) L"/"; LPCWSTR cszBackSlash = (LPCWSTR) L"\\"; LPCWSTR cszLeftParen = (LPCWSTR) L"("; LPCWSTR cszRightParen = (LPCWSTR) L")"; LPCWSTR cszC = (LPCWSTR) L"C"; LPCWSTR cszH = (LPCWSTR) L"H"; LPCWSTR cszColon = (LPCWSTR) L":"; LPCWSTR cszDoubleQuote = (LPCWSTR) L"\""; LPCSTR caszPoundSign = "#"; LPCSTR caszSplat = "*"; LPCSTR caszSlash = "/"; LPCSTR caszBackSlash = "\\"; LPCSTR caszDoubleBackSlash = "\\\\"; LPCSTR caszLeftParen = "("; LPCSTR caszRightParen = ")"; LPCSTR caszSpace = " "; LPCWSTR cszDoubleBackSlash = (LPCWSTR) L"\\\\"; LPCWSTR cszDoubleBackSlashDot = (LPCWSTR) L"\\\\."; LPCWSTR cszRightParenBackSlash = (LPCWSTR) L")\\"; // other general strings LPCWSTR cszSpacer = (LPCWSTR) L" - "; LPCWSTR cszBlg = (LPCWSTR) L"blg"; // strings only used in DEBUG builds #ifdef _DEBUG LPCWSTR cszNameDontMatch = (LPCWSTR) L"Last Machine Name does not match the current selection"; LPCWSTR cszNotice = (LPCWSTR) L"Notice!"; #endif