Trace Event Consumption Interface

The TraceView command-line interface uses the following command-line syntax:

            traceview [action] [options] | [-h | -help | -?]

The possible actions for the TraceView command-line interface are broken down into three categories:

The Consumption actions are used to control the receipt, formatting, and display of trace events from an active trace event provider or providers.  The following table describes the trace event consumption interface options:



Consumption Actions:



Consume trace events



Consumption Options:


-o <file>

Output filename for listing file


Display output


Display output. Don't write to file


Don't create the summary file


Suppress any defined TRACE_FORMAT_PREFIX


Display output using OutputDebugString


Don't create the listing file

-tmf <file>

Extract trace format information from specified TMF file

-pdb <file>

Extract trace format information from specified PDB file

-p <path>

TMF file search path


Verbose Display





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