#include "priv.h" #include "sccls.h" #include "mnstatic.h" #include "menuband.h" #include "itbar.h" #include "dpastuff.h" // COrderList_* #include "resource.h" #include "mnbase.h" #include "oleacc.h" #include "apithk.h" #include "menuisf.h" HMENU g_hmenuStopWatch = NULL; UINT g_idCmdStopWatch = 0; //*** IDTTOIDM -- convert idtCmd to idmMenu // NOTES // as an optimization, we make the toolbar idtCmd the same as the menu idm. // this macro (hopefully) makes things a bit clearer in the code by making // the type conversion explicit. #define IDTTOIDM(idtBtn) (idtBtn) BOOL TBHasImage(HWND hwnd, int iImageIndex); //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // CMenuStaticToolbar::CMenuStaticData class // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ CMenuStaticToolbar::CMenuStaticData::~CMenuStaticData() { ATOMICRELEASE(_punkSubMenu); } void CMenuStaticToolbar::CMenuStaticData::SetSubMenu(IUnknown* punk) { ATOMICRELEASE(_punkSubMenu); _punkSubMenu = punk; if (_punkSubMenu) _punkSubMenu->AddRef(); } HRESULT CMenuStaticToolbar::CMenuStaticData::GetSubMenu(const GUID* pguidService, REFIID riid, void** ppvObj) { if (_punkSubMenu) { if (pguidService) { return IUnknown_QueryService(_punkSubMenu, *pguidService, riid, ppvObj); } else return _punkSubMenu->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObj); } else return E_NOINTERFACE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // CMenuStaticToolbar // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ CMenuStaticToolbar::CMenuStaticToolbar(CMenuBand* pmb, HMENU hmenu, HWND hwnd, UINT idCmd, DWORD dwFlags) : CMenuToolbarBase(pmb, dwFlags) { _hmenu = hmenu; _hwndMenuOwner = hwnd; _idCmd = idCmd; _iDragOverButton = -1; _fDirty = TRUE; } CMenuStaticToolbar::~CMenuStaticToolbar() { if (!(_dwFlags & SMSET_DONTOWN)) { DestroyMenu(_hmenu); } } STDMETHODIMP CMenuStaticToolbar::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppvObj) { static const QITAB qit[] = { QITABENT(CMenuStaticToolbar, IDropTarget), { 0 }, }; // BUGBUG: If you QI MenuStatic for a drop target, you get a different // one than if you QI MenuShellFolder. This breaks COM identity rules. // Proper fix would be to implement a drop target that encapsulates both. HRESULT hres = QISearch(this, qit, riid, ppvObj); if (FAILED(hres)) hres = CMenuToolbarBase::QueryInterface(riid, ppvObj); return hres; } void CMenuStaticToolbar::_CheckSeparators() { if (_fHasTopSep) { if (_pcmb->_pmtbTop->DontShowEmpty() ) { if (!_fTopSepRemoved) { SendMessage(_hwndMB, TB_DELETEBUTTON, 0, 0); _fTopSepRemoved = TRUE; } } else { if (_fTopSepRemoved) { MENUITEMINFO mii = {0}; mii.cbSize = sizeof(mii); mii.fType = MFT_SEPARATOR; _Insert(0, &mii); _fTopSepRemoved = FALSE; } } } if (_fHasBottomSep) { if (_pcmb->_pmtbBottom->DontShowEmpty() ) { if (!_fBottomSepRemoved) { SendMessage(_hwndMB, TB_DELETEBUTTON, ToolBar_ButtonCount(_hwndMB) - 1, 0); _fBottomSepRemoved = TRUE; } } else { if (_fBottomSepRemoved) { MENUITEMINFO mii = {0}; mii.cbSize = sizeof(mii); mii.fType = SMIT_SEPARATOR; _Insert(-1, &mii); _fBottomSepRemoved = FALSE; } } } } void CMenuStaticToolbar::v_Show(BOOL fShow, BOOL fForceUpdate) { CMenuToolbarBase::v_Show(fShow, fForceUpdate); _fShowMB = fShow; if (fShow) { _fFirstTime = FALSE; _fClickHandled = FALSE; _FillToolbar(); _pcmb->SetTracked(NULL); ToolBar_SetHotItem(_hwndMB, -1); // Have the menubar think about changing its height IUnknown_QueryServiceExec(_pcmb->_punkSite, SID_SMenuPopup, &CGID_MENUDESKBAR, MBCID_SETEXPAND, (int)_pcmb->_fExpanded, NULL, NULL); if (fForceUpdate) v_UpdateButtons(FALSE); #if 0 // need top level frame available for D&D if possible. _hwndDD = GetParent(_hwndMB); IOleWindow *pOleWindow; HRESULT hr = IUnknown_QueryService(_pcmb->_punkSite, SID_STopLevelBrowser , IID_IOleWindow, (void **)&pOleWindow); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ASSERT(pOleWindow); pOleWindow->GetWindow(&_hwndDD); pOleWindow->Release(); } #endif CDelegateDropTarget::Init(); } else KillTimer(_hwndMB, MBTIMER_UEMTIMEOUT); // n.b. for !fShow, we don't kill the tracked site chain. we // count on this in startmnu.cpp!CStartMenuCallback::_OnExecItem, // where we walk up the chain to find all hit 'nodes'. if we need // to change this we could fire a 'pre-exec' event. } void CMenuStaticToolbar::_Insert(int iIndex, MENUITEMINFO* pmii) { CMenuStaticData* pmsd = new CMenuStaticData(); if (pmsd) { BYTE bTBStyle = TBSTYLE_BUTTON | TBSTYLE_DROPDOWN; SMINFO sminfo = {0}; sminfo.dwMask = SMIM_TYPE | SMIM_FLAGS | SMIM_ICON; // These are somethings that the callback does not fill in: if ( pmii->hSubMenu ) sminfo.dwFlags |= SMIF_SUBMENU; if ( pmii->fState & MFS_CHECKED) sminfo.dwFlags |= SMIF_CHECKED; if (pmii->fState & MFS_DISABLED || pmii->fState & MFS_GRAYED) sminfo.dwFlags |= SMIF_DISABLED; if ( pmii->fType & MFT_SEPARATOR) { sminfo.dwType = SMIT_SEPARATOR; bTBStyle &= ~TBSTYLE_BUTTON; bTBStyle |= TBSTYLE_SEP; } else sminfo.dwType = SMIT_STRING; if (!_fVerticalMB) bTBStyle |= TBSTYLE_AUTOSIZE; if (S_OK != CallCB(pmii->wID, SMC_GETINFO, 0, (LPARAM)&sminfo)) { sminfo.iIcon = -1; } pmsd->_dwFlags = sminfo.dwFlags; // Now add it to the toolbar TBBUTTON tbb = {0}; tbb.iBitmap = sminfo.iIcon; tbb.idCommand = pmii->wID; tbb.dwData = (DWORD_PTR)pmsd; tbb.fsState = (sminfo.dwFlags & SMIF_HIDDEN)?TBSTATE_HIDDEN : TBSTATE_ENABLED; tbb.fsStyle = bTBStyle; TCHAR szMenuString[MAX_PATH]; if (pmii->fType & MFT_OWNERDRAW) { // dwTypeData is user defined 32 bit value, not a string if MFT_OWNERDRAW is set // then the (unicode) string is the very first element in a structure dwItemData // points to LPWSTR pwsz = (LPWSTR)pmii->dwItemData; SHUnicodeToTChar(pwsz, szMenuString, ARRAYSIZE(szMenuString)); tbb.iString = (INT_PTR)(szMenuString); } else tbb.iString = (INT_PTR)(LPTSTR)pmii->dwTypeData; SendMessage(_hwndMB, TB_INSERTBUTTON, iIndex, (LPARAM)&tbb); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: GetMenu method */ HRESULT CMenuStaticToolbar::GetMenu(HMENU* phmenu, HWND* phwnd, DWORD* pdwFlags) { if (phmenu) *phmenu = _hmenu; if (phwnd) *phwnd = _hwndMenuOwner; if (pdwFlags) *pdwFlags = _dwFlags; return NOERROR; } HRESULT CMenuStaticToolbar::SetMenu(HMENU hmenu, HWND hwnd, DWORD dwFlags) { // When we are merging in a new menu, we need to destroy the old one if we own it. if (_hmenu && !(_dwFlags & SMSET_DONTOWN)) { DestroyMenu(_hmenu); } _hmenu = hmenu; // If we're processing a change notify, we cannot do anything that will modify state. if (_pcmb->_pmbState && _pcmb->_pmbState->IsProcessingChangeNotify()) { _fDirty = TRUE; } else { EmptyToolbar(); _pcmb->_fInSubMenu = FALSE; IUnknown_SetSite(_pcmb->_pmpSubMenu, NULL); ATOMICRELEASE(_pcmb->_pmpSubMenu); if (_fShowMB) _FillToolbar(); BOOL fSmooth = FALSE; #ifdef CLEARTYPE // Don't use SPI_CLEARTYPE because it's defined because of APIThk, but not in NT. SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETCLEARTYPE, 0, &fSmooth, 0); #endif // This causes a paint to occur right away instead of waiting until the // next message dispatch which could take a noticably long time. RedrawWindow(_hwndMB, NULL, NULL, (fSmooth? RDW_ERASE: 0) | RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_UPDATENOW); } return NOERROR; } CMenuStaticToolbar::CMenuStaticData* CMenuStaticToolbar::_IDToData(int idCmd) { CMenuStaticData* pmsd= NULL; // Initialize to NULL in case the GetButtonInfo Fails. We won't fault because // the lParam is just stack garbage. TBBUTTONINFO tbbi = {0}; int iPos; tbbi.cbSize = SIZEOF(tbbi); tbbi.dwMask = TBIF_LPARAM; iPos = ToolBar_GetButtonInfo(_hwndMB, idCmd, &tbbi); if (iPos >= 0) pmsd = (CMenuStaticData*)tbbi.lParam; return pmsd; } HRESULT CMenuStaticToolbar::v_CreateTrackPopup(int idCmd, REFIID riid, void** ppvObj) { HRESULT hres = E_OUTOFMEMORY; int iPos = (int)SendMessage(_hwndMB, TB_COMMANDTOINDEX, idCmd, 0); if (iPos >= 0) { CTrackPopupBar* ptpb = new CTrackPopupBar(_pcmb->_pmbState->GetContext(), iPos, _hmenu, _hwndMenuOwner); if (ptpb) { hres = ptpb->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObj); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) IUnknown_SetSite(SAFECAST(ptpb, IMenuPopup*), SAFECAST(_pcmb, IMenuPopup*)); PostMessage(_pcmb->_pmbState->GetSubclassedHWND(), g_nMBAutomation, (WPARAM)_hmenu, (LPARAM)iPos); ptpb->Release(); } } return hres; } HRESULT CMenuStaticToolbar::v_GetSubMenu(int idCmd, const GUID* pguidService, REFIID riid, void** ppvObj) { HRESULT hres = E_FAIL; CMenuStaticData* pmsd = _IDToData(idCmd); ASSERT(IS_VALID_WRITE_PTR(ppvObj, void*)); *ppvObj = NULL; if (pmsd) { // Get the cached submenu hres = pmsd->GetSubMenu(pguidService, riid, ppvObj); // Did that fail? if (FAILED(hres) && (pmsd->_dwFlags & SMIF_SUBMENU) && IsEqualGUID(riid, IID_IShellMenu)) { // Yes; ask the callback for it hres = CallCB(idCmd, SMC_GETOBJECT, (WPARAM)&riid, (LPARAM)ppvObj); if (S_OK != hres) { hres = E_OUTOFMEMORY; // Set to error case incase something happens // Callback didn't handle it, try and see if we can get it MENUITEMINFO mii; mii.cbSize = sizeof(MENUITEMINFO); mii.fMask = MIIM_SUBMENU | MIIM_ID; if (GetMenuItemInfoWrap(_hmenu, idCmd, MF_BYCOMMAND, &mii) && mii.hSubMenu) { IShellMenu* psm = (IShellMenu*)new CMenuBand(); if (psm) { UINT uIdAncestor = _pcmb->_uIdAncestor; if (uIdAncestor == ANCESTORDEFAULT) uIdAncestor = idCmd; psm->Initialize(_pcmb->_psmcb, idCmd, uIdAncestor, SMINIT_VERTICAL); psm->SetMenu(mii.hSubMenu, _hwndMenuOwner, SMSET_TOP | SMSET_DONTOWN); hres = psm->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObj); psm->Release(); } } } if (*ppvObj) { // Cache it now pmsd->SetSubMenu((IUnknown*)*ppvObj); // Initialize the fonts VARIANT Var; Var.vt = VT_UNKNOWN; Var.byref = SAFECAST(_pcmb->_pmbm, IUnknown*); IUnknown_Exec((IUnknown*)*ppvObj, &CGID_MenuBand, MBANDCID_SETFONTS, 0, &Var, NULL); // Set the CMenuBandState into the new menuband Var.vt = VT_INT_PTR; Var.byref = _pcmb->_pmbState; IUnknown_Exec((IUnknown*)*ppvObj, &CGID_MenuBand, MBANDCID_SETSTATEOBJECT, 0, &Var, NULL); } } } return hres; } HRESULT CMenuStaticToolbar::v_GetInfoTip(int idCmd, LPTSTR psz, UINT cch) { return CallCB(idCmd, SMC_GETINFOTIP, (WPARAM)psz, (LPARAM)cch); } HRESULT CMenuStaticToolbar::v_ExecItem(int idCmd) { HRESULT hres = CallCB(idCmd, SMC_EXEC, 0, 0); if (S_OK != hres && _hwndMenuOwner) { PostMessage(_hwndMenuOwner, WM_COMMAND, idCmd, 0); hres = NOERROR; } return hres; } DWORD CMenuStaticToolbar::v_GetFlags(int idCmd) { CMenuStaticData* pmsd = _IDToData(idCmd); // Toolbar is allowed to pass a bad command in the case of erasing the background if (pmsd) { return pmsd->_dwFlags; } else return 0; } void CMenuStaticToolbar::v_SendMenuNotification(UINT idCmd, BOOL fClear) { if (S_FALSE == CallCB(idCmd, SMC_SELECTITEM, (WPARAM)fClear, 0)) { UINT uFlags = (UINT)-1; if (v_GetFlags(idCmd) & SMIF_SUBMENU) uFlags = MF_POPUP; if (!fClear) uFlags = MF_HILITE; PostMessage(_pcmb->_pmbState->GetSubclassedHWND(), WM_MENUSELECT, MAKEWPARAM(idCmd, uFlags), fClear? NULL : (LPARAM)_hmenu); } } BOOL CMenuStaticToolbar::v_TrackingSubContextMenu() { return (_pcm != NULL); } void CMenuStaticToolbar::CreateToolbar(HWND hwndParent) { if (!_hwndMB) { _hwndMB = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, TOOLBARCLASSNAME, TEXT("Menu"), WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD | TBSTYLE_FLAT | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | CCS_NODIVIDER | CCS_NOPARENTALIGN | CCS_NORESIZE | TBSTYLE_REGISTERDROP, 0, 0, 0, 0, hwndParent, (HMENU) 0, HINST_THISDLL, NULL); if (!_hwndMB) { TraceMsg(TF_MENUBAND, "CMenuStaticToolbar::CreateToolbar: Failed to Create Toolbar"); return; } SendMessage(_hwndMB, TB_BUTTONSTRUCTSIZE, SIZEOF(TBBUTTON), 0); SendMessage(_hwndMB, CCM_SETVERSION, COMCTL32_VERSION, 0); // Set the format to ANSI or UNICODE as appropriate. ToolBar_SetUnicodeFormat(_hwndMB, DLL_IS_UNICODE); _SubclassWindow(_hwndMB); _RegisterWindow(_hwndMB, NULL, SHCNE_UPDATEIMAGE); SIZE size; RECT rc; SystemParametersInfoA(SPI_GETWORKAREA, SIZEOF(RECT), &rc, FALSE); //HACKHACK: THIS WILL FORCE NO WRAP TO HAPPEN FOR PROPER WIDTH CALC WHEN PAGER IS PRESENT. size.cx = RECTWIDTH(rc); size.cy = 32000; ToolBar_SetBoundingSize(_hwndMB, &size); CMenuToolbarBase::CreateToolbar(hwndParent); } else if (GetParent(_hwndMB) != hwndParent) { ::SetParent(_hwndMB, hwndParent); } } STDMETHODIMP CMenuStaticToolbar::OnChange(LONG lEvent, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl1, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl2) { if (SHCNE_UPDATEIMAGE == lEvent) // global { if (pidl1) { int iImage = *(int UNALIGNED *)((BYTE *)pidl1 + 2); IEInvalidateImageList(); // We may need to use different icons. if ( pidl2 ) { iImage = SHHandleUpdateImage( pidl2 ); if ( iImage == -1 ) { return E_FAIL; } } if (iImage == -1 || TBHasImage(_hwndMB, iImage)) { v_Refresh(); } } else { v_Refresh(); } return S_OK; } return E_FAIL; } LRESULT CMenuStaticToolbar::_DefWindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LRESULT lres = 0; switch(uMessage) { case WM_TIMER: if (_OnTimer(wParam)) return 1; break; case WM_GETOBJECT: // Yet another poor design choice on the part of the accessibility team. // Typically, if you do not answer a WM_* you return 0. They choose 0 as their success // code. return _DefWindowProcMB(hwnd, uMessage, wParam, lParam); break; } return CNotifySubclassWndProc::_DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMessage, wParam, lParam); } //*** // NOTES // idtCmd is currently always -1. we'll need other values when we're // called from CallCB. however we can't do that until we fix mnfolder.cpp. HRESULT CMenuStaticToolbar::v_GetState(int idtCmd, LPSMDATA psmd) { psmd->dwMask = SMDM_HMENU; psmd->hmenu = _hmenu; psmd->hwnd = _hwndMenuOwner; psmd->uIdParent = _idCmd; if (idtCmd == -1) idtCmd = GetButtonCmd(_hwndMB, ToolBar_GetHotItem(_hwndMB)); psmd->uId = IDTTOIDM(idtCmd); psmd->punk = SAFECAST(_pcmb, IShellMenu*); psmd->punk->AddRef(); return S_OK; } HRESULT CMenuStaticToolbar::CallCB(UINT idCmd, DWORD dwMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (!_pcmb->_psmcb) return S_FALSE; SMDATA smd; HRESULT hres = S_FALSE; // todo: call v_GetState (but see comment in mnfolder.cpp) smd.dwMask = SMDM_HMENU; smd.hmenu = _hmenu; smd.hwnd = _hwndMenuOwner; smd.uIdParent = _idCmd; smd.uIdAncestor = _pcmb->_uIdAncestor; smd.uId = idCmd; smd.punk = SAFECAST(_pcmb, IShellMenu*); smd.pvUserData = _pcmb->_pvUserData; hres = _pcmb->_psmcb->CallbackSM(&smd, dwMsg, wParam, lParam); return hres; } HRESULT CMenuStaticToolbar::v_CallCBItem(int idtCmd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { int idm; idm = IDTTOIDM(idtCmd); return CallCB(idm, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } void CMenuStaticToolbar::v_UpdateButtons(BOOL fNegotiateSize) { if (_hwndMB) { _SetToolbarState(); int cxMin, cxMax; v_CalcWidth(&cxMin, &cxMax); SendMessage(_hwndMB, TB_SETBUTTONWIDTH, 0, MAKELONG(cxMin, cxMax)); SendMessage(_hwndMB, TB_AUTOSIZE, 0, 0); // Should we renegotiate size? AND are we vertical, // because we cannot renegoitate when horizontal. if (fNegotiateSize && _fVerticalMB) NegotiateSize(); } } BOOL CMenuStaticToolbar::v_UpdateIconSize(UINT uIconSize, BOOL fUpdateButtons) { if (-1 == uIconSize) uIconSize = _uIconSizeMB; BOOL fChanged = (_uIconSizeMB != uIconSize); _uIconSizeMB = uIconSize; if (_hwndMB) { HIMAGELIST himl = NULL; if (_fVerticalMB) { HIMAGELIST himlLarge, himlSmall; // set the imagelist size Shell_GetImageLists(&himlLarge, &himlSmall); himl = (_uIconSizeMB == ISFBVIEWMODE_LARGEICONS ) ? himlLarge : himlSmall; } // sending a null himl is significant.. it means no image list SendMessage(_hwndMB, TB_SETIMAGELIST, 0, (LPARAM)himl); if (fUpdateButtons) v_UpdateButtons(TRUE); } return fChanged; } void CMenuStaticToolbar::_OnGetDispInfo(LPNMHDR pnm, BOOL fUnicode) { LPNMTBDISPINFO pdi = (LPNMTBDISPINFO)pnm; CMenuStaticData* pdata = (CMenuStaticData*)pdi->lParam; if(pdi->dwMask & TBNF_IMAGE) { if (_fVerticalMB) { SMINFO smi; smi.dwMask = SMIM_ICON; if (CallCB(pdi->idCommand, SMC_GETINFO, 0, (LPARAM)&smi) == S_OK) pdi->iImage = smi.iIcon; else pdi->iImage = -1; } else pdi->iImage = -1; } if(pdi->dwMask & TBNF_TEXT) { if(pdi->pszText) { if(fUnicode) { pdi->pszText[0] = TEXT('\0'); } else { pdi->pszText[0] = 0; } } } pdi->dwMask |= TBNF_DI_SETITEM; return; } LRESULT CMenuStaticToolbar::_OnGetObject(NMOBJECTNOTIFY* pon) { pon->hResult = QueryInterface(*pon->piid, &pon->pObject); return 1; } LRESULT CMenuStaticToolbar::_OnNotify(LPNMHDR pnm) { LRESULT lres = 0; switch (pnm->code) { case TBN_DRAGOUT: lres = 0; break; case TBN_DELETINGBUTTON: { if (!_fEmptyingToolbar) { TBNOTIFY *ptbn = (TBNOTIFY*)pnm; CMenuStaticData* pmsd = (CMenuStaticData*)ptbn->tbButton.dwData; if (pmsd) delete pmsd; } break; } case NM_TOOLTIPSCREATED: SHSetWindowBits(((NMTOOLTIPSCREATED*)pnm)->hwndToolTips, GWL_STYLE, TTS_ALWAYSTIP | TTS_TOPMOST, TTS_ALWAYSTIP | TTS_TOPMOST); SendMessage(((NMTOOLTIPSCREATED*)pnm)->hwndToolTips, TTM_SETDELAYTIME, TTDT_AUTOPOP, (LPARAM)MAXSHORT); break; case NM_RCLICK: lres = _OnContextMenu(NULL, GetMessagePos()); break; case NM_CUSTOMDRAW: lres = _OnCustomDraw((NMCUSTOMDRAW*)pnm); g_hmenuStopWatch = _hmenu; g_idCmdStopWatch = _idCmd; break; case TBN_GETDISPINFOA: _OnGetDispInfo(pnm, FALSE); break; case TBN_GETDISPINFOW: _OnGetDispInfo(pnm, TRUE); break; case TBN_GETOBJECT: lres = _OnGetObject((NMOBJECTNOTIFY*)pnm); break; case TBN_MAPACCELERATOR: lres = _OnAccelerator((NMCHAR*)pnm); break; default: lres = CMenuToolbarBase::_OnNotify(pnm); } return(lres); } void CMenuStaticToolbar::_FillToolbar() { if (_fDirty && _hmenu && _hwndMB && !_pcmb->_fClosing) { EmptyToolbar(); BOOL_PTR fRedraw = SendMessage(_hwndMB, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0); TCHAR szName[MAX_PATH]; MENUITEMINFO mii; mii.cbSize = sizeof(mii); mii.fMask = MIIM_ID | MIIM_SUBMENU | MIIM_TYPE | MIIM_STATE | MIIM_DATA; int iCount = GetMenuItemCount(_hmenu); for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { mii.dwTypeData = szName; mii.cch = ARRAYSIZE(szName); if (GetMenuItemInfoWrap(_hmenu, i, MF_BYPOSITION, &mii)) { if (mii.fType & MFT_SEPARATOR) { if (i == 0) _fHasTopSep = TRUE; else if (i == iCount - 1) _fHasBottomSep = TRUE; } _Insert(i, &mii); } } if (iCount == 0) _fEmpty = TRUE; SendMessage(_hwndMB, WM_SETREDRAW, fRedraw, 0); _fDirty = FALSE; v_UpdateButtons(FALSE); _pcmb->ResizeMenuBar(); } } void CMenuStaticToolbar::v_OnDeleteButton(LPVOID pData) { CMenuStaticData* pmsd = (CMenuStaticData*)pData; if (pmsd) delete pmsd; } void CMenuStaticToolbar::v_OnEmptyToolbar() { CMenuToolbarBase::v_OnEmptyToolbar(); _fDirty = TRUE; _fHasTopSep = FALSE; _fHasBottomSep = FALSE; _fTopSepRemoved = FALSE; _fBottomSepRemoved = FALSE; } void CMenuStaticToolbar::v_Close() { if (_hwndMB) { _UnregisterWindow(_hwndMB); _UnsubclassWindow(_hwndMB); } CMenuToolbarBase::v_Close(); } void CMenuStaticToolbar::v_Refresh() { EmptyToolbar(); _FillToolbar(); } /*---------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: IWinEventHandler::IsWindowOwner method Processes messages passed on from the menuband. */ STDMETHODIMP CMenuStaticToolbar::IsWindowOwner(HWND hwnd) { if ( hwnd == _hwndMB || hwnd == HWND_BROADCAST) { return S_OK; } else { return S_FALSE; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: CDelegateDropTarget::GetWindowsDDT */ HRESULT CMenuStaticToolbar::GetWindowsDDT (HWND * phwndLock, HWND * phwndScroll) { *phwndLock = _hwndMB; *phwndScroll = _hwndMB; return S_OK; } /*---------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: CDelegateDropTarget::HitTestDDT */ HRESULT CMenuStaticToolbar::HitTestDDT (UINT nEvent, LPPOINT ppt, DWORD_PTR * pdwId, DWORD *pdwEffect) { switch (nEvent) { case HTDDT_ENTER: // OLE is in its modal drag/drop loop, and it has the capture. // We shouldn't take the capture back during this time. if (!(_pcmb->_dwFlags & SMINIT_RESTRICT_DRAGDROP)) { _pcmb->_pmbState->HasDrag(TRUE); GetMessageFilter()->PreventCapture(TRUE); if (_pcmb->_pmtbShellFolder && _pcmb->_pmtbShellFolder->DontShowEmpty()) { DAD_ShowDragImage(FALSE); _pcmb->_pmtbShellFolder->DontShowEmpty(FALSE); _pcmb->ResizeMenuBar(); UpdateWindow(_hwndMB); DAD_ShowDragImage(TRUE); } return S_OK; } else return S_FALSE; case HTDDT_OVER: { TBINSERTMARK tbim; *pdwEffect = DROPEFFECT_NONE; POINT pt = *ppt; if (!ToolBar_InsertMarkHitTest(_hwndMB, &pt, &tbim)) { int idCmd = GetButtonCmd(_hwndMB, tbim.iButton); if (v_GetFlags(idCmd) & SMIF_DROPCASCADE && tbim.iButton != _iDragOverButton) { DAD_ShowDragImage(FALSE); _pcmb->SetTracked(this); _iDragOverButton = tbim.iButton; SetTimer(_hwndMB, MBTIMER_DRAGOVER, MBTIMER_TIMEOUT, NULL); _pcmb->_SiteOnSelect(MPOS_CHILDTRACKING); BOOL_PTR fOldAnchor = ToolBar_SetAnchorHighlight(_hwndMB, FALSE); ToolBar_SetHotItem(_hwndMB, _iDragOverButton); ToolBar_SetAnchorHighlight(_hwndMB, fOldAnchor); UpdateWindow(_hwndMB); DAD_ShowDragImage(TRUE); } } } break; case HTDDT_LEAVE: // We can take the capture back anytime now _pcmb->_pmbState->HasDrag(FALSE); _SetTimer(MBTIMER_DRAGPOPDOWN); GetMessageFilter()->PreventCapture(FALSE); _iDragOverButton = -1; #if 0 DAD_ShowDragImage(FALSE); ToolBar_SetHotItem(_hwndMB, -1); DAD_ShowDragImage(TRUE); #endif break; } return S_OK; } /*---------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: CDelegateDropTarget::GetObjectDDT */ HRESULT CMenuStaticToolbar::GetObjectDDT (DWORD_PTR dwId, REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) { return E_NOTIMPL; } /*---------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: CDelegateDropTarget::OnDropDDT */ HRESULT CMenuStaticToolbar::OnDropDDT (IDropTarget *pdt, IDataObject *pdtobj, DWORD * pgrfKeyState, POINTL pt, DWORD *pdwEffect) { return E_NOTIMPL; } HRESULT CMenuStaticToolbar::v_InvalidateItem(LPSMDATA psmd, DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hres = S_FALSE; if (NULL == psmd) { if (dwFlags & SMINV_REFRESH) { // Refresh the whole thing v_Refresh(); hres = TRUE; } } // Are we dealing with an Hmenu? // Have we filled it yet? (If not, then we can skip the invalidate // here, because we'll catch it when we fill it.) else if ((psmd->dwMask & SMDM_HMENU) && !_fDirty) { // Yes; What are they asking for? int iPos = -1; // Assume this is a position int idCmd = -1; // Did they pass an ID instead of a position? if (dwFlags & SMINV_ID) { // Yes; Crack out the position. iPos = GetMenuPosFromID(_hmenu, psmd->uId); idCmd = psmd->uId; } if (dwFlags & SMINV_POSITION) { iPos = psmd->uId; idCmd = GetMenuItemID(_hmenu, iPos); } if (dwFlags & SMINV_REFRESH) { // Do they want to refresh a sepcific button? if (idCmd >= 0) { // Yes; // First delete the old one if it exists. int iTBPos = ToolBar_CommandToIndex(_hwndMB, idCmd); if (iTBPos >= 0) SendMessage(_hwndMB, TB_DELETEBUTTON, iTBPos, 0); // Now Insert a new one MENUITEMINFO mii; TCHAR szName[MAX_PATH]; mii.cbSize = sizeof(mii); mii.cch = ARRAYSIZE(szName); mii.dwTypeData = szName; mii.fMask = MIIM_ID | MIIM_SUBMENU | MIIM_TYPE | MIIM_STATE | MIIM_DATA; // This can fail... if (GetMenuItemInfoWrap(_hmenu, iPos, MF_BYPOSITION, &mii)) { _Insert(iPos, &mii); hres = S_OK; } } else { // No; Refresh the whole thing v_Refresh(); } if (!_fShowMB) _pcmb->_fForceButtonUpdate = TRUE; _pcmb->ResizeMenuBar(); } } return hres; } void CMenuStaticToolbar::GetSize(SIZE* psize) { _CheckSeparators(); CMenuToolbarBase::GetSize(psize); } LRESULT CMenuStaticToolbar::_OnAccelerator(NMCHAR* pnmChar) { SMDATA smdOut = {0}; SMDATA smd = {0}; smd.punk = SAFECAST(_pcmb, IShellMenu*); smd.uIdParent = _pcmb->_uId; if (_pcmb->_psmcb && S_FALSE != _pcmb->_psmcb->CallbackSM(&smd, SMC_MAPACCELERATOR, (WPARAM)pnmChar->ch, (LPARAM)&smdOut)) { pnmChar->dwItemNext = ToolBar_CommandToIndex(_hwndMB, smdOut.uId);; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } LRESULT CMenuStaticToolbar::_OnContextMenu(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LRESULT lres = 0; MyLockSetForegroundWindow(FALSE); if (!(_pcmb->_dwFlags & SMINIT_RESTRICT_CONTEXTMENU)) { RECT rc; LPRECT prcExclude = NULL; POINT pt; int i; if (lParam != (LPARAM)-1) { pt.x = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); pt.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); POINT pt2 = pt; MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, _hwndMB, &pt2, 1); i = ToolBar_HitTest(_hwndMB, &pt2); } else { // keyboard context menu. i = (int)SendMessage(_hwndMB, TB_GETHOTITEM, 0, 0); if (i >= 0) { SendMessage(_hwndMB, TB_GETITEMRECT, i, (LPARAM)&rc); MapWindowPoints(_hwndMB, HWND_DESKTOP, (LPPOINT)&rc, 2); pt.x = rc.left; pt.y = rc.bottom; prcExclude = &rc; } } if (i >= 0) { UINT idCmd = GetButtonCmd(_hwndMB, i); if (S_OK == CallCB(idCmd, SMC_GETOBJECT, (WPARAM)(GUID*)&IID_IContextMenu, (LPARAM)(VOID**)(&_pcm))) { TPMPARAMS tpm; TPMPARAMS * ptpm = NULL; if (prcExclude) { tpm.cbSize = SIZEOF(tpm); tpm.rcExclude = *((LPRECT)prcExclude); ptpm = &tpm; } HMENU hmenu = CreatePopupMenu(); if (hmenu) { KillTimer(_hwndMB, MBTIMER_INFOTIP); _pcmb->_pmbState->HideTooltip(FALSE); _pcm->QueryContextMenu(hmenu, 0, 0, -1, 0); idCmd = TrackPopupMenuEx(hmenu, TPM_RETURNCMD | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON | TPM_LEFTALIGN, pt.x, pt.y, _hwndMB, ptpm); CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO ici = { SIZEOF(CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO), 0, _hwndMB, MAKEINTRESOURCEA(idCmd), NULL, NULL, SW_NORMAL, }; _pcm->InvokeCommand(&ici); DestroyMenu(hmenu); } ATOMICRELEASE(_pcm); } } GetMessageFilter()->RetakeCapture(); } return lres; } STDMETHODIMP CMenuStaticToolbar::OnWinEvent(HWND hwnd, UINT dwMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *plres) { if (WM_CONTEXTMENU == dwMsg) { *plres = _OnContextMenu(wParam, lParam); } else return CMenuToolbarBase::OnWinEvent(hwnd, dwMsg, wParam, lParam, plres); return S_OK; }