#ifndef _IDS_H_ #define _IDS_H_ #define IDS_FONTFACE0 1 #define IDS_FONTFACE1 2 #define IDS_FONTFACE2 3 #define IDS_CLOSE 4 #define IDS_CHANGEORREMOVEP 5 #define IDS_ADDPROGRAMS 6 #define IDS_ADDREMOVEWINDOWS 7 #define IDS_CURRENTINSTALLED 8 #define IDS_ADDFROMCD 9 #define IDS_CDHELP 10 #define IDS_CDORFLOPPY 11 #define IDS_ADDFROMMS 12 #define IDS_ADDWUPDATEHELP 13 #define IDS_WINDOWSUPDATE 14 #define IDS_LOADING 15 #define IDS_SUPPORT 16 #define IDS_CHANGE 17 #define IDS_REMOVE 18 #define IDS_CHANGEORREMOVE 19 #define IDS_ADD 20 #define IDS_SIZE 21 #define IDS_SIZEHELP 22 #define IDS_FREQUENCY 23 #define IDS_FREQUENCYHELP 24 #define IDS_FREQUENCYHELP1 25 #define IDS_FREQUENCYHELP2 26 #define IDS_TECHSUPPORT 27 #define IDS_PUBLISHER 28 #define IDS_VERSION 29 #define IDS_CONTACT 30 #define IDS_SUPPORTINFO 31 #define IDS_README 32 #define IDS_UPDATE 33 #define IDS_PRODUCTID 34 #define IDS_REGCOMPANY 35 #define IDS_REGOWNER 36 #define IDS_COMMENTS 37 #define IDS_REPAIRDESC 38 #define IDS_REPAIR 39 #define IDS_SORTBY 40 #define IDS_GATEGORY 41 #define IDS_ADDFROMNETWORK 42 #define IDS_APPNAME 43 #define IDS_DATELASTUSED 44 #define IDS_ALLCATEGORIES 45 #define IDS_HELPCHANGEORREMOVE 46 #define IDS_HELPCHANGEREMOVE 47 #define IDS_SIZEUNIT 48 #define IDS_TERMSERVFEEDBACK 49 #define IDS_USEDREARELY 50 #define IDS_USEDOCCASIONALLY 51 #define IDS_USEDFREQUENTLY 52 #define IDS_ADDHELP 54 #define IDS_APPINSTALLED 55 #define IDS_ARPTITLE 56 #define IDS_WAITFEEDBACK 57 #define IDS_EMPTYFEEDBACK 58 #define IDS_DEFINITION 59 #define IDS_SIZELABEL 60 #define IDS_FREQUENCYLABEL 61 #define IDS_LASTUSEDLABEL 62 #define IDS_SIZETITLE 63 #define IDS_FREQUENCYTITLE 64 #define IDS_SUPPORTTITLE 65 #define IDS_CONFIGURE 66 #define IDS_OCSETUPHELP 67 #define IDS_OCSETUPWARNING 68 #define IDS_ADDREMOVEWIN 69 #define IDS_WINHELP 70 #define IDS_COMPONENTS 71 #define IDS_SERVICELABEL 72 #define IDS_FONTSIZEFRAME 73 #define IDS_FONTSIZEHELP 74 #define IDS_FONTSIZEHELPTITLE 75 #define IDS_SHORTCUTCLOSE 76 #define IDS_SHORTCUTSORT 77 #define IDS_SHORTCUTCDORFLOPPY 78 #define IDS_SHORTCUTWINUPDATE 79 #define IDS_SHORTCUTCATEGORY 80 #define IDS_FONTWEIGHTSEL 82 #define IDS_FONTWEIGHTHELPTITLE 83 #define IDS_SHORTCUTCHANE 84 #define IDS_SHORTCUTADD 85 #define IDS_SHORTCUTWINDOWS 86 #define IDS_HELPCHANGE 87 #define IDS_HELPREMOVE 88 #define IDS_PLEASEWAIT 89 #define IDS_SORTBY_WIDTH 90 #define IDS_TELEPHONE 92 #define IDS_PICKAPPS 93 #define IDS_SHORTCUTPICKAPPS 94 #define IDS_PICKINTRO 95 #define IDS_PICKOK 96 #define IDS_PICKCANCEL 97 #define IDS_APPLYINGCLIENT 98 #define IDS_SHOWINGICONS 99 #define IDS_HIDINGICONS 100 #define IDS_SETTINGDEFAULT 101 #define IDS_GROUPOEM 102 #define IDS_GROUPOEMBLURB 103 #define IDS_GROUPMS 104 #define IDS_GROUPMSBLURB 105 #define IDS_GROUPNONMS 106 #define IDS_GROUPNONMSBLURB 107 #define IDS_GROUPCUSTOM 108 #define IDS_GROUPCUSTOMBLURB 109 #define IDS_CLIENTWEB 110 #define IDS_KEEPWEB 111 #define IDS_PICKWEB 112 #define IDS_CLIENTMAIL 113 #define IDS_KEEPMAIL 114 #define IDS_PICKMAIL 115 #define IDS_CLIENTMEDIA 116 #define IDS_KEEPMEDIA 117 #define IDS_PICKMEDIA 118 #define IDS_CLIENTIM 119 #define IDS_KEEPIM 120 #define IDS_PICKIM 121 #define IDS_CLIENTJAVAVM 122 #define IDS_KEEPJAVAVM 123 #define IDS_PICKJAVAVM 124 #define IDS_SHOWAPP 125 #define IDS_ALSOSHOW 126 #define IDS_HIDE 127 #define IDS_ADDITIONALCLIENTFORMAT 128 #define IDS_NOTADMIN 129 #define IDS_CONFIGUREPROGRAMS 130 // used by syssetup.inx #define IDS_CONFIGUREPROGRAMSTIP 131 // used by syssetup.inx #define IDS_CUSTOMWEB 132 #define IDS_CUSTOMMAIL 133 #define IDS_CUSTOMMEDIA 134 #define IDS_CUSTOMIM 135 #define IDS_CUSTOMJAVAVM 136 #define IDS_KEEPMSMAIL 137 #define IDB_PROGRESS 100 #define IDB_ARP0 101 #define IDB_ARP1 102 #define IDB_ARP2 103 #define IDB_ARP3 104 // -- not used - recycle me -- #define IDB_ARPX 106 #define IDB_ARPX1 107 #define IDR_ARP 300 #define IDR_ARPSTYLESTD 301 #define IDR_ARPSTYLETHEME 302 // hTheme identification from within the resource #define THISDLLHINSTANCE 0 #define XPSP1HINSTANCE 1 #define SHELLSTYLEHINSTANCE 2 #define FIRSTHTHEME 3 #define BUTTONHTHEME 3 #define SCROLLBARHTHEME 4 #define TOOLBARHTHEME 5 #define LASTHTHEME 5 #define IDS_BYTES 0x3000 #define IDS_ORDERKB 0x3001 #define IDS_ORDERMB 0x3002 #define IDS_ORDERGB 0x3003 #define IDS_ORDERTB 0x3004 #define IDS_ORDERPB 0x3005 #define IDS_ORDEREB 0x3006 #define IDS_UNKNOWN 0x3010 #define IDS_NOTUSED 0x3011 #define IDS_LABEL_SIZE 0x3012 #define IDS_LABEL_INSTALLEDON 0x3013 #define IDS_LABEL_TIMESUSED 0x3014 #define IDS_LABEL_LASTUSED 0x3015 #define IDS_RARELY 0x3016 #define IDS_SOMETIMES 0x3017 #define IDS_OFTEN 0x3018 #define IDS_RESTRICTION 0x3019 #define IDS_EXPIRED 0x3020 #define IDS_PASSASSIGNED 0x3021 #define IDS_PASSEXPIRED 0x3022 #define IDS_ADDLATER 0x3023 #define IDS_INSTALLED 0x3024 #define IDS_CONFIRM_REMOVE 0x3025 #define IDS_WINUPD_URL 0x3026 #define IDC_PICKER 0x3050 #define IDC_ADDLATER 0x3051 #define IDC_UNSCHEDULE 0x3052 #define DLG_ADDLATER 0x3100 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Macros for the *.ui files. // // Alignments for rowlayout (second and third parameters) // These are dups of the values in duilayout.h but we need to repeat // them so the resource compiler can see them. #define ALIGN_LEFT 0 #define ALIGN_TOP 0 #define ALIGN_RIGHT 1 #define ALIGN_BOTTOM 1 #define ALIGN_CENTER 2 #define ALIGN_JUSTIFY 3 // Rowlayout numbers (arbitrary but must be distinct) // with optional horizontal and vertical alignment #define RL_INSTITEM 22 // ARP installed item #define RL_CUSTOMCLIENT 23 // custom clients table #define RL_CLIENTBLOCK 24,ALIGN_JUSTIFY,ALIGN_JUSTIFY// ms and non-ms table // Object roles. These are dups of the values in oleacc.h but we need // to repeat them so the resource compiler can see them. What's more, // we need to declare them as plain integers because the DUI parser // will barf on parenthesized hex. #define DUIROLE_STATICTEXT 41 #define DUIROLE_PUSHBUTTON 43 #define DUIROLE_CHECKBUTTON 44 #define DUIROLE_RADIOBUTTON 45 #define DUIROLE_COMBOBOX 46 #define DUIROLE_OUTLINEBUTTON 64 // // Common attribute text for static text elements. // #define ATTR_STATICTEXT(ids) \ accessible=true accRole=DUIROLE_STATICTEXT \ accName=rcstr(ids) content=rcstr(ids) #define ATTR_STATICTEXTSP1(ids) \ accessible=true accRole=DUIROLE_STATICTEXT \ accName=rcstr(ids) content=rcstrsp1(ids) // Stolen from shellstyle\common.h #define IDB_UP 100 #define IDB_UPHOT 101 #define IDB_DOWN 102 #define IDB_DOWNHOT 103 #define IDB_UPMAIN 104 #define IDB_UPHOTMAIN 105 #define IDB_DOWNMAIN 106 #define IDB_DOWNHOTMAIN 107 // // Common attribute text for big static text elements. // DUI cannot load text strings bigger than MAX_PATH, so we must do it // manually. // #define ATTR_BIGSTATICTEXT(ids) \ accessible=true accRole=DUIROLE_STATICTEXT \ stringresid=ids #endif // _IDS_H_