//Microsoft Developer Studio generated resource script. // #include "resource.h" #define APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource. // #include "afxres.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #undef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // English (U.S.) resources #if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU) #ifdef _WIN32 LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US #pragma code_page(1252) #endif //_WIN32 #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TEXTINCLUDE // 1 TEXTINCLUDE MOVEABLE PURE BEGIN "resource.h\0" END 2 TEXTINCLUDE MOVEABLE PURE BEGIN "#include ""afxres.h""\r\n" "\0" END 3 TEXTINCLUDE MOVEABLE PURE BEGIN "#define _AFX_NO_SPLITTER_RESOURCES\r\n" "#define _AFX_NO_OLE_RESOURCES\r\n" "#define _AFX_NO_TRACKER_RESOURCES\r\n" "#define _AFX_NO_PROPERTY_RESOURCES\r\n" "\r\n" "#if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU)\r\n" "#ifdef _WIN32\r\n" "LANGUAGE 9, 1\r\n" "#pragma code_page(1252)\r\n" "#endif\r\n" "#include ""res\\LrWizDLL.rc2"" // non-Microsoft Visual C++ edited resources\r\n" "#include ""afxres.rc"" // Standard components\r\n" "#endif\0" END #endif // APSTUDIO_INVOKED #ifndef _MAC ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Version // VS_VERSION_INFO VERSIONINFO FILEVERSION 1,0,0,0 PRODUCTVERSION 1,0,0,0 FILEFLAGSMASK 0x3fL #ifdef _DEBUG FILEFLAGS 0x9L #else FILEFLAGS 0x8L #endif FILEOS 0x4L FILETYPE 0x2L FILESUBTYPE 0x0L BEGIN BLOCK "StringFileInfo" BEGIN BLOCK "040904b0" BEGIN VALUE "Comments", "Terminal Server License Server Activation Wizard\0" VALUE "CompanyName", "Microsoft Corporation.\0" VALUE "FileDescription", "Terminal Server License Server Activation Wizard\0" VALUE "FileVersion", "1, 0, 0, 0\0" VALUE "InternalName", "LrWizDLL\0" VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright (C) 2002\0" VALUE "OriginalFilename", "LrWizDLL.DLL\0" VALUE "PrivateBuild", "7.0\0" VALUE "ProductName", "Terminal Server License Server Activation Wizard\0" VALUE "ProductVersion", "1, 0, 0, 0\0" END END BLOCK "VarFileInfo" BEGIN VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1200 END END #endif // !_MAC ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Bitmap // IDB_CLIENT_CONN_HDR BITMAP MOVEABLE PURE "reghd.BMP" IDB_CLIENT_CONN BITMAP MOVEABLE PURE "reg.BMP" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Dialog // IDD_LICENSETYPE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 206 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Terminal Server CAL Installation Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Every Terminal Server Client must be licensed with a valid Terminal Server Client Access License. Please select the licensing program through which you have purchased your Terminal Server Client Access Licenses.", IDC_LICENSE_EXPLANATION,21,3,275,32,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "&License Program:",IDC_LICPROG_LABEL,21,40,78,12, SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP COMBOBOX IDC_LICENSE_PROGRAM,104,40,169,81,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP LTEXT "Description:",IDC_DESCRIPTION_LABEL,21,60,75,10,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Static",IDC_PROGRAM_DESC,104,60,191,32,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Format and Location:",IDC_WHEN_LABEL,21,99,78,24,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Static",IDC_PROGRAM_REQ,104,99,191,48,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Sample:",IDC_SAMPLE_LABEL,21,153,38,14,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_PROGRAM_SAMPLE_SMALL_1,104,153,40,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_DISABLED EDITTEXT IDC_PROGRAM_SAMPLE_SMALL_2,145,153,40,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_DISABLED EDITTEXT IDC_PROGRAM_SAMPLE_SMALL_3,186,153,40,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_DISABLED EDITTEXT IDC_PROGRAM_SAMPLE_BIG_2,104,169,76,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_DISABLED EDITTEXT IDC_PROGRAM_SAMPLE_SMALL_4,228,153,40,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_DISABLED EDITTEXT IDC_PROGRAM_SAMPLE_SMALL_5,270,153,40,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_DISABLED EDITTEXT IDC_PROGRAM_SAMPLE_BIG_1,104,153,103,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_DISABLED EDITTEXT IDC_PROGRAM_SAMPLE_SINGLE,105,153,76,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_DISABLED CTEXT "Verify that your license information is similar to the sample before continuing.", IDC_VERIFY_LICENSE_LABEL,21,187,293,19 END IDD_CH_REGISTER_SELECT DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 143 STYLE WS_CHILD FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Complete the following program and client license information. ", IDC_STATIC,21,1,274,8,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "&Enrollment number:",IDC_STATIC,21,19,74,8,NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_ENROLLMENT_NUMBER,106,16,190,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL LTEXT "&Product type:",IDC_STATIC,21,36,74,8,NOT WS_GROUP COMBOBOX IDC_CMD_PRODUCT_TYPE,106,34,190,47,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_SORT | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP LTEXT "&Quantity:",IDC_STATIC,22,53,84,8,NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_QUANTITY,106,51,44,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_NUMBER CONTROL "Spin1",IDC_SPIN1,"msctls_updown32",UDS_WRAP | UDS_SETBUDDYINT | UDS_ALIGNRIGHT | UDS_AUTOBUDDY | UDS_ARROWKEYS | UDS_NOTHOUSANDS,148,53,11,14 END IDD_CH_REGISTER_MOLP DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 143 STYLE WS_CHILD FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Supply the following program and client license information.", IDC_STATIC,21,1,275,8,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "&Authorization number:",IDC_STATIC,21,19,79,8,NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_AUTH_NUMBER,110,16,185,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL LTEXT "&License number:",IDC_STATIC,21,37,79,8,NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_AGREEMENT_NUMBER,110,34,185,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL LTEXT "&Product type:",IDC_STATIC,21,54,79,8,NOT WS_GROUP COMBOBOX IDC_CMD_PRODUCT_TYPE,110,52,185,53,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_SORT | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP LTEXT "&Quantity:",IDC_STATIC,21,71,79,8,NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_QUANTITY,110,68,44,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_NUMBER CONTROL "Spin1",IDC_SPIN1,"msctls_updown32",UDS_WRAP | UDS_SETBUDDYINT | UDS_ALIGNRIGHT | UDS_AUTOBUDDY | UDS_ARROWKEYS | UDS_NOTHOUSANDS,147,69,11,14 END IDD_DLG_WWWLKP DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 143 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Terminal Server CAL Installation Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "To install Terminal Server licenses, you must obtain a client license key pack ID from the Terminal Server Licensing Web site listed below:", IDC_TXT_WWWINFO,21,1,269,17,NOT WS_GROUP CTEXT "",IDC_WWWINFO,21,22,275,16,SS_CENTERIMAGE | SS_SUNKEN | NOT WS_VISIBLE | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "To obtain this ID, you will need your license server ID and either a license code from retail product packaging or Select, Enterprise Agreement or Open license contract information. Your license server ID is:", IDC_STATIC,21,46,275,25,NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_MSID,21,77,275,14,ES_CENTER | ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_READONLY LTEXT "Enter the &license key pack ID in the boxes below. This ID is obtained from the Terminal Server Licensing Web site.", IDC_STATIC,21,101,275,20,NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO1,19,124,39,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO2,59,124,39,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO3,99,124,39,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO4,139,124,39,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO5,179,124,39,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO6,219,124,39,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO7,259,124,39,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL END IDD_PROGRESS DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 190 STYLE WS_CHILD FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "",IDC_BIGBOLDTITLE,115,8,190,24,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "",IDC_MESSAGE,115,40,190,15,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Status:",IDC_STATIC,115,59,190,8,NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_EDIT1,115,69,190,96,ES_MULTILINE | ES_READONLY | NOT WS_TABSTOP CONTROL "&Start Terminal Server Client Licensing Wizard now", IDC_NEXTACTION,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | BS_LEFT | BS_VCENTER | NOT WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP,122,172,183,11 END IDD_CONTACTINFO1 DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 204 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Terminal Server License Server Activation Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Enter your name, company name and country information below.\n\nThis information is required to proceed.", IDC_STATIC,10,6,296,28,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "&First name:",IDC_STATIC,10,40,64,14,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_FNAME,102,40,195,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL LTEXT "&Last name:",IDC_STATIC,10,57,61,14,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_LNAME,102,57,195,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL LTEXT "&Company:",IDC_STATIC,10,74,63,14,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_COMPANYNAME,102,74,195,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL LTEXT "Country or &Region:",IDC_LBL_COUNTRY_REGION,10,92,62,14, SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP COMBOBOX IDC_COUNTRY_REGION,102,92,195,129,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_SORT | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP LTEXT "Name and company information is used only by Microsoft support professionals to help you if you need assistance. Country is required to comply with United States export restrictions. For more information, please see Microsoft's privacy statement.", IDC_PRIVACY,10,115,287,32,NOT WS_VISIBLE | NOT WS_GROUP END IDD_CONTACTINFO2 DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 203 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Terminal Server License Server Activation Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "&E-mail:",IDC_LBL_EMAIL,12,11,71,14,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_EMAIL,102,11,194,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL LTEXT "&Organizational unit:",-1,12,28,85,14,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_COMPANY_DIV,102,28,195,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL LTEXT "Company &address:",-1,12,48,85,8,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_ADDRESS1,102,46,195,38,ES_MULTILINE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_WANTRETURN LTEXT "&City:",-1,12,88,85,14,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_CITY,102,88,195,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL LTEXT "&State/province:",-1,12,106,85,14,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_STATE,102,106,195,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL LTEXT "&Postal code:",-1,12,124,85,14,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_ZIP,102,124,195,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL LTEXT "If provided, the optional information entered on this page will only be used by Microsoft support professionals to help you if you need assistance. For more information, please see Microsoft's privacy statement.", IDC_PRIVACY,12,146,285,32,NOT WS_VISIBLE | NOT WS_GROUP END IDD_CONFIRM_EMAIL DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 252, 90 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | DS_3DLOOK | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Terminal Server License Server Activation Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "The e-mail address is used to return the activation information to the contact person. To confirm the e-mail address, please retype it.", IDC_STATIC,7,7,238,21,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "&E-mail address:",IDC_STATIC,7,30,48,8,NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_CONF_EMAIL,7,40,238,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK",IDOK,101,69,50,14 END IDD_DLG_PIN DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 143 STYLE WS_CHILD FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Copy the PIN you received in e-mail, and then paste it into the following space.", IDC_STATIC,21,1,275,8,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "&PIN:",IDC_STATIC,21,16,240,8,NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_PIN,21,26,244,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL LTEXT "Your license server Product ID is:",IDC_STATIC,21,45, 150,8,NOT WS_GROUP CTEXT "",IDC_MSID,21,55,151,15,SS_CENTERIMAGE | SS_SUNKEN | NOT WS_GROUP END IDD_DLG_GETREGMODE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 204 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Terminal Server License Server Activation Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "The activation method selected for license server activation will also be used to contact the Clearinghouse when client access licenses (CALs) are installed.", IDC_STATIC,21,2,285,23,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "&Activation method:",IDC_STATIC,21,51,285,10,NOT WS_GROUP COMBOBOX IDC_MODEOFREG,21,61,285,81,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP LTEXT "Description:",IDC_WHEN_LABEL,21,80,75,10,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Static",IDC_CONNECTION_DESC,115,80,191,40,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Requirements:",IDC_DESCRIPTION_LABEL,21,125,75,12,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Static",IDC_CONNECTION_REQ,115,125,191,43,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "To change this setting after activation, select license server, click View and then click Properties.", IDC_STATIC,21,25,285,23,NOT WS_GROUP END IDD_DLG_TELREG DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 143 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Terminal Server License Server Activation Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "To activate your license server, please call Microsoft at the number listed below:", IDC_STATIC,21,1,275,10,NOT WS_GROUP CTEXT "",IDC_CSRINFO,21,11,287,22,SS_CENTERIMAGE | SS_SUNKEN | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "You need the Product ID to complete this operation. Your Product ID is:", IDC_STATIC,21,43,275,8,NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_LICENSESERVER_ID,21,53,275,14,ES_CENTER | ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_READONLY LTEXT "Type the &license server ID in the following boxes. The Microsoft Customer Support Representative will provide this ID.", IDC_STATIC,21,77,275,17,NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO1,21,103,40,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO2,61,103,40,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO3,101,103,40,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO4,141,103,40,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO5,181,103,40,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO6,221,103,40,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO7,261,103,40,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL END IDD_DLG_RETAILSPK DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 318, 204 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Terminal Server CAL Installation Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Type in the license code for each license you have purchased, and press the Add button after entering each license code. The format for the License code is 5 sets of 5 alphanumeric digits.", IDC_STATIC,21,1,275,24,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Enter &License code:",IDC_STATIC,21,34,114,8,NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_RETAILSPK1,21,47,40,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_RETAILSPK2,65,47,40,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_RETAILSPK3,109,47,40,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_RETAILSPK4,153,47,40,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_RETAILSPK5,197,47,40,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL PUSHBUTTON "&Add",IDC_ADDBUTTON,249,47,50,14,BS_CENTER | BS_VCENTER | BS_NOTIFY LTEXT "Li&cense codes entered:",IDC_STATIC,21,74,218,8,NOT WS_GROUP CONTROL "List1",IDC_RETAILSPKLIST,"SysListView32",LVS_REPORT | LVS_SINGLESEL | LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS | LVS_NOSORTHEADER | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,21,86,278,95 PUSHBUTTON "&Edit",IDC_EDITBUTTON,195,184,50,14 PUSHBUTTON "&Delete",IDC_DELETEBUTTON,249,184,50,14,BS_CENTER | BS_VCENTER | BS_NOTIFY END IDD_DLG_CERTLOG_INFO DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 127 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Terminal Server License Server Reactivation Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN RTEXT "&First name:",IDC_STATIC,0,19,76,8,NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_FNAME,81,16,194,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL RTEXT "&Last name:",IDC_STATIC,0,37,76,8,NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_LNAME,81,34,194,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL RTEXT "&E-mail:",IDC_LBL_EMAIL,0,55,76,8,NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_EMAIL,81,52,194,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL RTEXT "&Reason:",IDC_LBL_REASON,0,72,76,8,NOT WS_VISIBLE | NOT WS_GROUP COMBOBOX IDC_COMBO_REASONS,81,70,194,59,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_SORT | NOT WS_VISIBLE | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP END IDD_DLG_CONFREVOKE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 143 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Terminal Server License Server Deactivation Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "To deactivate your license server, please call Microsoft at the number below:", IDC_STATIC,21,1,281,8,NOT WS_GROUP CTEXT "",IDC_CSRINFO,21,11,287,22,SS_CENTERIMAGE | SS_SUNKEN | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "You need your existing license server ID to complete this operation. Your license server ID is:", IDC_STATIC,21,43,281,16,NOT WS_GROUP CTEXT "",IDC_MSID2,21,61,281,14,SS_CENTERIMAGE | SS_SUNKEN | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Type the confirmation code in the box below. The Microsoft Customer Support Representative will provide this code.", IDC_STATIC,21,85,281,17,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "&Confirmation code:",IDC_STATIC,21,111,73,8,NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_REVOKE_CONFIRMATION_NUMBER,101,108,60,14, ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL END IDD_DLG_TELREG_REISSUE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 159 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Terminal Server License Server Reactivation Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "To reactivate your license server, please call Microsoft at the number listed below:", IDC_STATIC,21,1,275,8,NOT WS_GROUP CTEXT "",IDC_CSRINFO,21,11,287,22,SS_CENTERIMAGE | SS_SUNKEN | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "You need your existing license server ID and Product ID to complete this operation. Your existing license server ID is:", IDC_STATIC,21,43,275,17,NOT WS_GROUP CTEXT "",IDC_MSID,21,61,275,14,SS_CENTERIMAGE | SS_SUNKEN | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Your Product ID is:",IDC_STATIC,21,85,275,8,NOT WS_GROUP CTEXT "",IDC_PRODUCT_ID,21,97,275,14,SS_CENTERIMAGE | SS_SUNKEN | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Type your new &license server ID in the boxes below.", IDC_STATIC,21,122,275,8,NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO1,21,140,39,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO2,61,140,39,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO3,101,140,39,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO4,141,140,39,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO5,181,140,39,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO6,221,140,39,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO7,261,140,39,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL END IDD_DLG_COUNTRYREGION DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 143 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Terminal Server License Server Activation Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Country or &Region:",IDC_STATIC,51,1,216,8,NOT WS_GROUP CONTROL "List1",IDC_PHONE_COUNTRYREGION,"SysListView32",LVS_LIST | LVS_SINGLESEL | LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS | LVS_SORTASCENDING | LVS_NOCOLUMNHEADER | LVS_NOSORTHEADER | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,52,13,215,116 END IDD_EDIT_RETAILSPK DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 252, 90 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | DS_3DLOOK | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Terminal Server License Server Activation Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Edit the &license code below. The license code is located in your product packaging.", -1,7,7,238,17,NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_RETAILSPK1,7,34,40,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_RETAILSPK2,47,34,40,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_RETAILSPK3,87,34,40,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_RETAILSPK4,127,34,40,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_RETAILSPK5,167,34,40,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK",IDOK,141,69,50,14 PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,195,69,50,14 END IDD_DLG_WWWREG DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 133 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Terminal Server License Server Activation Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "To activate your license server, go to the Terminal Server Activation and Licensing Web site listed below.", IDC_STATIC,21,1,275,16,NOT WS_GROUP CTEXT "",IDC_WWWINFO,21,19,275,22,SS_CENTERIMAGE | SS_SUNKEN | NOT WS_VISIBLE | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "You will need your Product ID to complete this operation. Your Product ID is:", IDC_STATIC,21,49,275,8,NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_PRODUCT_ID,21,63,275,14,ES_CENTER | ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_READONLY LTEXT "After you complete the transaction on the Terminal Server Licensing Web site, type the &license server ID in the following boxes.", IDC_STATIC,21,84,275,18,NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO1,21,111,40,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO2,61,111,40,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO3,101,111,40,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO4,141,111,40,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO5,181,111,40,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO6,221,111,40,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO7,261,111,40,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL END IDD_DLG_TELLKP DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 159 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Terminal Server CAL Installation Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "To obtain additional Terminal Server licenses, contact Microsoft at the following number:", IDC_STATIC,21,1,275,16,NOT WS_GROUP CTEXT "",IDC_CSRINFO,21,20,275,22,SS_CENTERIMAGE | SS_SUNKEN | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "To obtain Client Access Licenses, you need your existing license server ID. Your license server ID is:", IDC_STATIC,21,52,275,18,NOT WS_GROUP CTEXT "",IDC_MSID,21,72,275,14,SS_CENTERIMAGE | SS_SUNKEN | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Type the client license &key pack ID in the boxes below.", IDC_STATIC,21,122,277,9,NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO1,21,135,39,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO2,61,135,39,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO3,101,135,39,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO4,141,135,39,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO5,181,135,39,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO6,221,135,39,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_TELEINFO7,261,135,39,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL END IDD_WELCOME DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 318, 205 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Terminal Server Licensing Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "",IDC_BIGBOLDTITLE,115,8,189,24,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "The information entered in this wizard is used only by a support professional to help you if you need assistance. For more information, please see Microsoft's privacy statement.", IDC_PRIVACY,115,55,190,40,NOT WS_VISIBLE | NOT WS_GROUP GROUPBOX "License server settings",IDC_STATIC,115,100,195,67 LTEXT "Activated for:",IDC_STATIC,125,112,69,9,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Connection method:",IDC_STATIC,125,125,69,9, SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Licensing Program:",IDC_STATIC,125,138,69,9, SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Product ID:",IDC_STATIC,125,151,69,9,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "",IDC_COMPANYNAME,194,112,103,9,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "",IDC_ACTIVATIONMETHOD,194,125,103,9,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "",IDC_LICENSETYPE,194,138,103,9,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "",IDC_PRODUCTID,194,151,103,9,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "To change settings, click the Cancel button, select the license server, click View, and then click Properties.", IDC_STATIC,115,172,195,17,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "To continue, click Next.",IDC_STATIC,115,195,195,8,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "This wizard helps you activate your license server.", IDC_BOLDTITLE,115,35,189,16,NOT WS_GROUP END IDD_CONTINUEREG DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 114 STYLE WS_CHILD FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "You then receive an e-mail that contains your server activation PIN. You can complete the server activation process as soon as you have the PIN.", IDC_STATIC,21,1,275,19,NOT WS_GROUP CONTROL "&Complete the server activation process now (I already have my PIN)", IDC_REG_COMPLETE,"Button",BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | BS_TOP | BS_MULTILINE | WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP,21,24,275,10 CONTROL "&Postpone completion of the process until the PIN arrives", IDC_REG_POSTPONE,"Button",BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | BS_TOP | BS_MULTILINE,21,39,275,10 CONTROL "&Restart the licensing process",IDC_REG_RESTART,"Button", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | BS_TOP | BS_MULTILINE,21,54,275,10 LTEXT "If you select this option, all data you have already entered is discarded. Use this option if you typed an incorrect e-mail address.", IDC_STATIC,33,64,263,19,NOT WS_GROUP END IDD_DLG_PROP_CUSTINFO_a DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 170 STYLE WS_CHILD FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Please enter your name, company name and country information below.", IDC_STATIC,25,6,275,16,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "&First name:",IDC_STATIC,23,29,64,14,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_FNAME,95,29,194,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL LTEXT "&Last name:",IDC_STATIC,23,47,60,14,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_LNAME,95,47,194,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL LTEXT "&Company:",IDC_STATIC,23,65,62,14,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_COMPANYNAME,95,65,194,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL LTEXT "Country or &Region:",IDC_LBL_COUNTRY_REGION,23,83,64,12, SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP COMBOBOX IDC_COUNTRY_REGION,95,83,194,129,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_SORT | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP LTEXT "This information is required to proceed.",IDC_STATIC,21, 120,252,8,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "The information entered on this page is used only by a support professional to help you if you need assistance. For more information, please see Microsoft's privacy statement.", IDC_PRIVACY,23,135,275,32,NOT WS_VISIBLE | NOT WS_GROUP END IDD_DLG_PROP_CUSTINFO_b DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 185 STYLE WS_CHILD FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "&E-mail:",IDC_LBL_EMAIL,21,6,71,14,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_EMAIL,102,6,194,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL LTEXT "&Organizational unit:",-1,21,24,75,14,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_COMPANY_DIV,102,24,195,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL LTEXT "Company &address:",-1,21,42,75,8,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_ADDRESS1,102,42,195,38,ES_MULTILINE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_WANTRETURN LTEXT "&City:",-1,21,84,67,14,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_CITY,102,84,195,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL LTEXT "&State/province:",-1,21,102,75,14,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_STATE,102,102,195,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL LTEXT "&Postal code:",-1,21,120,75,14,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_ZIP,102,120,195,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL LTEXT "The information entered on this page is used only by a support professional to help you if you need assistance. For more information, please see Microsoft's privacy statement.", IDC_PRIVACY,21,152,275,32,NOT WS_VISIBLE | NOT WS_GROUP END IDD_DLG_PROP_MODE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 175 STYLE WS_CHILD FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "&Installation method:",IDC_INSTALLATION_LABEL,21,9,90, 12,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP COMBOBOX IDC_MODEOFREG,118,9,178,56,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP LTEXT "Requirements:",IDC_WHEN_LABEL,21,82,75,10,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Static",IDC_CONNECTION_DESC,118,35,191,40,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Description:",IDC_DESCRIPTION_LABEL,21,35,75,10,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Static",IDC_CONNECTION_REQ,118,82,191,40,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "&Select Country or Region:",IDC_COUNTRYREGION_LABEL,21, 132,90,12,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP COMBOBOX IDC_PHONE_COUNTRYREGION,118,132,180,154,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_SORT | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP LTEXT "Product ID:",IDC_STATIC,21,155,90,12,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "",IDC_LABEL_PRODUCTID,117,155,179,12 END IDD_DLG_PROP_PROGRAM DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 186 STYLE WS_CHILD FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Each Terminal Server client must be licensed with a valid Terminal Server license that is equivalent in version to the server being accessed. If you purchased your licenses under multiple programs, activate each group separately.", IDC_LICENSE_EXPLANATION,21,7,275,32,NOT WS_GROUP RTEXT "&License Program:",IDC_STATIC,38,46,80,8,NOT WS_GROUP COMBOBOX IDC_LICENSE_PROGRAM,123,44,143,81,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP LTEXT "Description:",IDC_DESCRIPTION_LABEL,21,64,75,10,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Static",IDC_PROGRAM_DESC,105,64,191,32,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "When to Use:",IDC_WHEN_LABEL,21,103,75,10,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Static",IDC_PROGRAM_REQ,105,103,191,48,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Sample:",IDC_STATIC,26,160,38,8,NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_PROGRAM_SAMPLE_SMALL_1,67,157,40,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_DISABLED EDITTEXT IDC_PROGRAM_SAMPLE_SMALL_2,108,157,40,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_DISABLED EDITTEXT IDC_PROGRAM_SAMPLE_SMALL_3,149,157,40,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_DISABLED EDITTEXT IDC_PROGRAM_SAMPLE_BIG_2,175,157,76,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_DISABLED EDITTEXT IDC_PROGRAM_SAMPLE_SMALL_4,191,157,40,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_DISABLED EDITTEXT IDC_PROGRAM_SAMPLE_SMALL_5,233,157,40,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_DISABLED LTEXT "Authorization Number",IDC_PROGRAM_AUTHORIZATION_NUMBER, 68,174,99,8,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "License Number",IDC_PROGRAM_LICENSE_NUMBER,175,174,75,8, NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_PROGRAM_SAMPLE_BIG_1,67,157,103,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_DISABLED EDITTEXT IDC_PROGRAM_SAMPLE_SINGLE,67,157,76,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_DISABLED END IDD_PROGRESS2 DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 217 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Completing the Terminal Server CAL Installation Wizard", IDC_BIGBOLDTITLE,115,8,190,24,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "",IDC_MESSAGE,115,40,190,15,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Successfully installed:",IDC_STATIC,115,60,190,8,NOT WS_GROUP LISTBOX IDC_SUCCEEDED_CODES,115,70,190,50,LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT | WS_VSCROLL | WS_HSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP LTEXT "Error, unable to validate the following codes:", IDC_FAILED_CODES_LABEL,115,125,190,8,NOT WS_VISIBLE | NOT WS_GROUP CONTROL "List1",IDC_FAILED_CODES,"SysListView32",LVS_REPORT | LVS_SINGLESEL | LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS | LVS_NOSORTHEADER | NOT WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,115,135,190,50 LTEXT "You may have mistyped a portion of the above license code(s). Select Back to try entering license code(s) again, or Finish to end this operation.", IDC_CODE_ERROR_SUGGESTION,115,190,187,24,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "The new client Client Access Licenses have been successfully installed.", IDC_KEY_PACK_SUCCESS,115,190,187,24,NOT WS_GROUP END IDD_DLG_WWWREG_REISSUE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 178 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Terminal Server License Server Reactivation Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "To reactivate your license server, you must obtain your new license server ID from the Terminal Server Licensing Web site listed below:", IDC_STATIC,21,1,275,24,NOT WS_GROUP CTEXT "",IDC_WWWINFO,21,28,275,22,SS_CENTERIMAGE | SS_SUNKEN | NOT WS_VISIBLE | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "You need your existing license server ID and Product ID to complete this operation. Your existing license server ID is:", IDC_STATIC,21,53,275,24,NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_MSID,21,79,275,14,ES_CENTER | ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_READONLY LTEXT "Your Product ID is:",IDC_STATIC,21,100,275,8,NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_PRODUCT_ID,21,112,275,14,ES_CENTER | ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_READONLY LTEXT "Type your new &license server ID in the boxes below.", IDC_STATIC,21,133,275,16,NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_WWWINFO1,21,155,39,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_WWWINFO2,61,155,39,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_WWWINFO3,101,155,39,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_WWWINFO4,141,155,39,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_WWWINFO5,181,155,39,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_WWWINFO6,221,155,39,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_TXT_WWWINFO7,261,155,39,14,ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL END IDD_WELCOME_ACTIVATION DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 318, 205 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | DS_FIXEDSYS | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Terminal Server License Server Activation Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "",IDC_BIGBOLDTITLE,115,8,196,24,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "The Terminal Server License Server must be activated with Microsoft so that Terminal Server Client Access licenses can be securely installed.", IDC_STATIC,115,42,196,31,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "License server activation involves the issuance of a digital certificate from Microsoft to the license server.", IDC_STATIC,115,75,196,23,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Once license server activation is completed successfully, Terminal Server Client Access licenses can be installed and deployed.", IDC_STATIC,115,104,196,29,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Terminal Servers will stop serving unlicensed clients after 120 days (90 for Windows 2000) if an activated license server is not located.", IDC_STATIC,115,138,196,29,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "For more information, read the Terminal Server Licensing overview.", IDC_HYPERLINK_MOREINFO,115,169,196,21,NOT WS_VISIBLE | NOT WS_GROUP END IDD_WELCOME_CLIENT_LICENSING DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 318, 220 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Terminal Server CAL Installation Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "",IDC_BIGBOLDTITLE,115,8,189,24,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Your Terminal Server License Server has been activated.", IDC_BOLDTITLE,115,37,189,19,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "This wizard will help you acquire and install Terminal Server Client Access License tokens onto your Terminal Server License Server.", IDC_STATIC,115,57,190,27,NOT WS_GROUP GROUPBOX "License server settings",IDC_STATIC,115,136,195,52 LTEXT "Activated for:",IDC_STATIC,125,148,69,9,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Installation method:",IDC_STATIC,125,161,69,9, SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Licensing Program:",IDC_STATIC,125,174,69,9, SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "",IDC_COMPANYNAME,194,148,103,9,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "",IDC_ACTIVATIONMETHOD,194,161,103,9,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "",IDC_LICENSETYPE,194,174,103,9,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "To change settings, click the Cancel button, select the license server, click View, and then click Properties.", IDC_STATIC,115,192,195,17,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "You will need your license purchase information (e.g. retail license codes or volume license agreement number(s) information) in order to complete this wizard.", IDC_STATIC,115,84,190,27,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "For more information, read the Terminal Server Licensing overview.", IDC_HYPERLINK_MOREINFO,115,115,196,19,NOT WS_VISIBLE | NOT WS_GROUP END IDD_WELCOME_REACTIVATION DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 318, 204 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Terminal Server License Server Reactivation Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "",IDC_BIGBOLDTITLE,115,8,189,24,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "This wizard helps you activate your license server.", IDC_BOLDTITLE,115,33,189,16,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "The information entered in this wizard is used only by a support professional to help you if you need assistance. For more information, please see Microsoft's privacy statement.", IDC_PRIVACY,115,57,190,40,NOT WS_VISIBLE | NOT WS_GROUP GROUPBOX "License server settings",IDC_STATIC,115,100,195,67 LTEXT "Activated for:",IDC_STATIC,125,112,69,9,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Connection method:",IDC_STATIC,125,125,69,9, SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Licensing Program:",IDC_STATIC,125,138,69,9, SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Product ID:",IDC_STATIC,125,151,69,9,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "",IDC_COMPANYNAME,194,112,103,9,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "",IDC_ACTIVATIONMETHOD,194,125,103,9,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "",IDC_LICENSETYPE,194,138,103,9,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "",IDC_PRODUCTID,194,151,103,9,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "To change settings, click the Cancel button, select the license server, click View, and then click Properties.", IDC_STATIC,115,172,195,17,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "To continue, click Next.",IDC_STATIC,115,195,195,8,NOT WS_GROUP END IDD_AUTHENTICATE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 295, 71 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | DS_3DLOOK | DS_CENTER | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Terminal Server License Server Activation Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Please wait while the wizard locates the Microsoft activation server.", IDC_MESSAGE,21,1,253,10,NOT WS_GROUP CONTROL "Progress1",IDC_PROGRESSBAR,"msctls_progress32",0x0,21, 20,253,14 END IDD_CH_REGISTER DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 206 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Terminal Server CAL Installation Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Product &version:",IDC_STATIC,21,66,63,12, SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP COMBOBOX IDC_CH_PRODUCT_VERSION,99,66,211,53,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_SORT | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP LTEXT "Product &type:",IDC_STATIC,21,84,63,12,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP COMBOBOX IDC_CH_PRODUCT_TYPE,99,84,211,53,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_SORT | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP LTEXT "",IDC_PRODUCT_TYPE_EXP,102,104,208,51,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "&Quantity:",IDC_STATIC,21,161,51,14,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_CH_QUANTITY,102,161,35,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_NUMBER LTEXT "(The number of licenses to be available from this license server)", IDC_STATIC,102,179,200,27,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "License Program:",IDC_LICENSE_PROGRAM_LABEL,21,40,80,12, NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "",IDC_LICENSE_PROGRAM_STATIC,99,40,155,13 LTEXT "Every Terminal Server Client must be licensed with a valid Terminal Server Client Access License. Please enter the following license information.", IDC_STATIC,21,3,275,24,NOT WS_GROUP END IDD_DLG_ENTER_LIC DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 317, 206 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Terminal Server CAL Installation Wizard" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Every Terminal Server Client must be licensed with a valid Terminal Server Client Access License. Please enter the agreement number with which you will purchase your Terminal Server Client Access Licenses. Click Back to change your license program.", -1,21,3,275,24,NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "License Program:",IDC_LICENSE_PROGRAM_LABEL,21,45,95,12, NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "",IDC_LICENSE_PROGRAM_STATIC,116,45,155,13 LTEXT "&Agreement Number:",IDC_AGREEMENT_LABEL,21,62,95,14, SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Sample:",IDC_SAMPLE_LABEL,21,111,95,14,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_PROGRAM_SINGLE_LICNUMBER,116,62,70,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_PROGRAM_AUTHORIZATION_NUMBER,116,62,104,14, ES_AUTOHSCROLL EDITTEXT IDC_PROGRAM_LICENSE_NUMBER,116,81,70,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL LTEXT "(License Number)",IDC_CH_MOLP_AGREEMENT_NUMBER_EXP,225, 129,56,14,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "(Authorization Number)", IDC_CH_MOLP_AGREEMENT_NUMBER_EXP2,224,111,72,14, SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT IDC_PROGRAM_SAMPLE_BIG_2,116,128,76,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_DISABLED EDITTEXT IDC_PROGRAM_SAMPLE_BIG_1,116,111,103,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_DISABLED EDITTEXT IDC_PROGRAM_SAMPLE_SINGLE,116,111,76,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_DISABLED END ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // DESIGNINFO // #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED GUIDELINES DESIGNINFO MOVEABLE PURE BEGIN IDD_LICENSETYPE, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 21 RIGHTMARGIN, 314 VERTGUIDE, 105 TOPMARGIN, 1 END IDD_CH_REGISTER_SELECT, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 21 RIGHTMARGIN, 296 VERTGUIDE, 106 TOPMARGIN, 1 HORZGUIDE, 30 HORZGUIDE, 47 END IDD_CH_REGISTER_MOLP, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 21 RIGHTMARGIN, 296 VERTGUIDE, 110 TOPMARGIN, 1 HORZGUIDE, 31 HORZGUIDE, 49 HORZGUIDE, 65 END IDD_DLG_WWWLKP, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 21 RIGHTMARGIN, 296 TOPMARGIN, 1 BOTTOMMARGIN, 142 HORZGUIDE, 18 HORZGUIDE, 38 END IDD_PROGRESS, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 115 VERTGUIDE, 305 TOPMARGIN, 8 BOTTOMMARGIN, 183 HORZGUIDE, 35 HORZGUIDE, 162 END IDD_CONTACTINFO1, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 10 RIGHTMARGIN, 306 VERTGUIDE, 102 VERTGUIDE, 297 TOPMARGIN, 6 BOTTOMMARGIN, 199 END IDD_CONTACTINFO2, DIALOG BEGIN VERTGUIDE, 10 VERTGUIDE, 102 VERTGUIDE, 297 BOTTOMMARGIN, 197 END IDD_CONFIRM_EMAIL, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 245 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 83 END IDD_DLG_PIN, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 21 RIGHTMARGIN, 296 TOPMARGIN, 1 END IDD_DLG_GETREGMODE, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 21 RIGHTMARGIN, 306 TOPMARGIN, 1 BOTTOMMARGIN, 196 HORZGUIDE, 46 HORZGUIDE, 48 END IDD_DLG_TELREG, DIALOG BEGIN VERTGUIDE, 21 VERTGUIDE, 296 TOPMARGIN, 1 BOTTOMMARGIN, 136 HORZGUIDE, 33 HORZGUIDE, 67 HORZGUIDE, 77 HORZGUIDE, 94 END IDD_DLG_RETAILSPK, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 21 RIGHTMARGIN, 297 VERTGUIDE, 239 VERTGUIDE, 246 TOPMARGIN, 1 BOTTOMMARGIN, 198 HORZGUIDE, 38 HORZGUIDE, 48 HORZGUIDE, 72 HORZGUIDE, 90 END IDD_DLG_CERTLOG_INFO, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 21 RIGHTMARGIN, 296 VERTGUIDE, 97 VERTGUIDE, 102 TOPMARGIN, 1 BOTTOMMARGIN, 126 HORZGUIDE, 30 HORZGUIDE, 48 HORZGUIDE, 66 HORZGUIDE, 84 END IDD_DLG_CONFREVOKE, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 21 VERTGUIDE, 302 TOPMARGIN, 1 BOTTOMMARGIN, 136 HORZGUIDE, 9 HORZGUIDE, 33 HORZGUIDE, 43 HORZGUIDE, 59 HORZGUIDE, 77 HORZGUIDE, 87 END IDD_DLG_TELREG_REISSUE, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 21 RIGHTMARGIN, 296 TOPMARGIN, 1 BOTTOMMARGIN, 152 HORZGUIDE, 33 HORZGUIDE, 75 HORZGUIDE, 93 END IDD_DLG_COUNTRYREGION, DIALOG BEGIN VERTGUIDE, 267 TOPMARGIN, 1 BOTTOMMARGIN, 129 END IDD_EDIT_RETAILSPK, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 245 VERTGUIDE, 195 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 83 HORZGUIDE, 24 HORZGUIDE, 34 END IDD_DLG_WWWREG, DIALOG BEGIN VERTGUIDE, 21 VERTGUIDE, 296 TOPMARGIN, 1 BOTTOMMARGIN, 126 HORZGUIDE, 17 HORZGUIDE, 57 HORZGUIDE, 101 END IDD_DLG_TELLKP, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 21 RIGHTMARGIN, 296 TOPMARGIN, 1 BOTTOMMARGIN, 158 HORZGUIDE, 42 HORZGUIDE, 86 HORZGUIDE, 96 HORZGUIDE, 105 END IDD_WELCOME, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 115 RIGHTMARGIN, 311 VERTGUIDE, 115 VERTGUIDE, 125 VERTGUIDE, 194 VERTGUIDE, 304 TOPMARGIN, 8 BOTTOMMARGIN, 198 END IDD_CONTINUEREG, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 21 RIGHTMARGIN, 296 VERTGUIDE, 33 TOPMARGIN, 1 END IDD_DLG_PROP_CUSTINFO_a, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 21 RIGHTMARGIN, 296 VERTGUIDE, 97 VERTGUIDE, 102 TOPMARGIN, 1 BOTTOMMARGIN, 169 HORZGUIDE, 30 HORZGUIDE, 49 HORZGUIDE, 66 HORZGUIDE, 84 HORZGUIDE, 102 HORZGUIDE, 120 END IDD_DLG_PROP_CUSTINFO_b, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 21 RIGHTMARGIN, 296 VERTGUIDE, 96 VERTGUIDE, 102 TOPMARGIN, 1 BOTTOMMARGIN, 184 HORZGUIDE, 54 HORZGUIDE, 72 HORZGUIDE, 90 HORZGUIDE, 106 END IDD_DLG_PROP_MODE, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 21 RIGHTMARGIN, 296 BOTTOMMARGIN, 173 END IDD_DLG_PROP_PROGRAM, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 21 RIGHTMARGIN, 296 TOPMARGIN, 1 BOTTOMMARGIN, 176 END IDD_PROGRESS2, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 310 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 210 END IDD_DLG_WWWREG_REISSUE, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 310 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 171 END IDD_WELCOME_ACTIVATION, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 311 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 198 END IDD_WELCOME_CLIENT_LICENSING, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 311 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 219 END IDD_WELCOME_REACTIVATION, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 311 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 197 END IDD_AUTHENTICATE, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 21 RIGHTMARGIN, 274 TOPMARGIN, 1 BOTTOMMARGIN, 70 END IDD_CH_REGISTER, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 21 RIGHTMARGIN, 310 TOPMARGIN, 3 BOTTOMMARGIN, 199 END IDD_DLG_ENTER_LIC, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 21 RIGHTMARGIN, 296 VERTGUIDE, 116 TOPMARGIN, 3 BOTTOMMARGIN, 200 END END #endif // APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Dialog Info // IDD_CH_REGISTER_SELECT DLGINIT BEGIN IDC_CMD_PRODUCT_TYPE, 0x403, 27, 0 0x6957, 0x646e, 0x776f, 0x2073, 0x544e, 0x3420, 0x302e, 0x5720, 0x726f, 0x736b, 0x6174, 0x6974, 0x6e6f, "\000" IDC_CMD_PRODUCT_TYPE, 0x403, 35, 0 0x6957, 0x646e, 0x776f, 0x2073, 0x544e, 0x3420, 0x302e, 0x5720, 0x726f, 0x736b, 0x6174, 0x6974, 0x6e6f, 0x5520, 0x6770, 0x6172, 0x6564, "\000" 0 END IDD_CH_REGISTER_MOLP DLGINIT BEGIN IDC_CMD_PRODUCT_TYPE, 0x403, 27, 0 0x6957, 0x646e, 0x776f, 0x2073, 0x544e, 0x3420, 0x302e, 0x5720, 0x726f, 0x736b, 0x6174, 0x6974, 0x6e6f, "\000" IDC_CMD_PRODUCT_TYPE, 0x403, 35, 0 0x6957, 0x646e, 0x776f, 0x2073, 0x544e, 0x3420, 0x302e, 0x5720, 0x726f, 0x736b, 0x6174, 0x6974, 0x6e6f, 0x5520, 0x6770, 0x6172, 0x6564, "\000" 0 END IDD_CH_REGISTER DLGINIT BEGIN IDC_CH_PRODUCT_VERSION, 0x403, 27, 0 0x6957, 0x646e, 0x776f, 0x2073, 0x544e, 0x3420, 0x302e, 0x5720, 0x726f, 0x736b, 0x6174, 0x6974, 0x6e6f, "\000" IDC_CH_PRODUCT_VERSION, 0x403, 35, 0 0x6957, 0x646e, 0x776f, 0x2073, 0x544e, 0x3420, 0x302e, 0x5720, 0x726f, 0x736b, 0x6174, 0x6974, 0x6e6f, 0x5520, 0x6770, 0x6172, 0x6564, "\000" IDC_CH_PRODUCT_TYPE, 0x403, 27, 0 0x6957, 0x646e, 0x776f, 0x2073, 0x544e, 0x3420, 0x302e, 0x5720, 0x726f, 0x736b, 0x6174, 0x6974, 0x6e6f, "\000" IDC_CH_PRODUCT_TYPE, 0x403, 35, 0 0x6957, 0x646e, 0x776f, 0x2073, 0x544e, 0x3420, 0x302e, 0x5720, 0x726f, 0x736b, 0x6174, 0x6974, 0x6e6f, 0x5520, 0x6770, 0x6172, 0x6564, "\000" 0 END ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // String Table // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_REG_ERR_RG00041 "The License Server Activation Wizard cannot connect to the selected license server. Make sure the license server is installed and running." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_TITLE1 "Type of Agreement" IDS_TITLE2 "Contact Information" IDS_TITLE3 "Company Information" IDS_LARGEFONTNAME "MS Shell Dlg" IDS_LARGEFONTSIZE "12" IDS_TITLE4 "Company Information" IDS_TITLE5 "Processing the Request" IDS_TITLE6 "Licensing Activation Completed" IDS_LBL_EMAIL_ONLINE "&E-mail:" IDS_TITLE7 "Shipping Address" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_PHONE "Phone: " IDS_EMAIL "E-mail: " END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_TITLE "Terminal Server License Server Activation Wizard" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_TITLE8 "Shipping Address" IDS_TITLE9 "Activation PIN" IDS_TITLE10 "Licensing program" IDS_TITLE11 "Program and Client License Information" IDS_TITLE12 "Program and Client License Information" IDS_TITLE14 "Contact Information" IDS_TITLE15 "Contact Information" IDS_TITLE16 "Select a Drive" IDS_ERR_CREATE_FAILED "The License Server Activation Wizard cannot start. Close one or more programs, and then retry the operation." IDS_ERR_LSCONNECT_FAILED "The License Server Activation Wizard cannot connect to the selected license server. Make sure the licensing service is installed and running." IDS_ERR_RPC_FAILED "The License Server Activation Wizard cannot obtain the activation information from the license server. Check connections, and then retry the operation.\r\n\r\nMessage Number:0x%x" IDS_ERR_NO_CERT "Your license server has not been activated. The License Server Activation Wizard will now guide you through the activation process." IDS_ERR_LS_ERROR "The License Server Activation Wizard encountered an internal error from the license server.\r\n\r\nMessage Number: 0x%x" IDS_ERR_CRYPT_ERROR "The License Server Activation Wizard encountered a cryptography error.\r\n\r\nMessage Number:0x%x." IDS_ERR_OUTOFMEM "Your system is running low on memory. Close some programs, and then retry the operation." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_ERR_REGCONNECT_FAILD "The License Server Activation Wizard cannot connect to the license server registry. Check your network connections, and then retry the operation.\r\n\r\nMessage Number:0x%x." IDS_ERR_REGCREATE_FAILED "The License Server Activation Wizard cannot access the system registry. Make sure you have administrator privileges on the system, and then retry the operation. If the problem persists, make sure the licensing service is installed and running.\r\n\r\nMessage Number: 0x%x" IDS_ERR_CHCERTKEY_EMPTY "A required registry key is empty." IDS_ERR_CHURLKEY_EMPTY "The License Server Activation Wizard cannot read the registry entries needed to connect to Microsoft. Reinstall the Licensing Services software." IDS_ERR_CERT_DEPOSIT_LSERROR "The License Server Activation Wizard cannot complete the license server activation process. The PIN is not valid for this License Server. Click Back, and then compare the Product ID with the Product ID in your e-mail. If the problem persists, try using a different connection method." IDS_ERR_CERT_DEPOSIT_RPCERROR "An error occurred during installation of the certificates.\r\n\r\nMessage Number: 0x%x" IDS_ERR_RPC_ERROR "The License Server Activation Wizard encountered an RPC error. Check your network connections, and then retry the operation.\r\n\r\nMessage Number: 0x%x." IDS_ERR_LSKEY_IMPORT_FAILED "The License Server Activation Wizard cannot retrieve cryptography keys from the license server. Check your network connections, and then retry the operation.\r\n\r\nMessage Number: 0x%x" IDS_ERR_FIELD_EMPTY "Please complete all required fields." IDS_ERR_INVALID_CHAR "One of the fields contains an invalid character. The following characters are not allowed: "",~, or |." IDS_ERR_INVALID_EMAIL "Type a valid e-mail address. The format should be name@domain.ext (example: username@microsoft.com)." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_ERR_EXCEPTION "An internal program exception error occurred. Retry the operation." IDS_ERR_INVALID_PIN "The License Server Activation Wizard cannot complete the activation process. Make sure that the PIN you entered is valid, and then retry the operation. If the problem persists, try using a different connection method." IDS_ERR_DEPOSIT_LKP_FAILED "The License Server Activation Wizard encountered an error while installing the client license key pack. Check your network connections, and then retry the operation. If the problem persists, try using a different connection method.\r\n\r\nMessage Number: 0x%x." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_MSG_PROCESSING "Your request is being processed." IDS_MSG_LKP_PROCESSED "The new client license key pack has been successfully installed." IDS_MSG_CERT_INSTALLED "Your license server has been successfully activated.\r\n\r\nTo install client licenses now, click Next.\r\n\r\nTo postpone client license installation, clear the check box below, and then click Finish." IDS_SUBTITLE1 "Specify the type of agreement purchased." IDS_SUBTITLE2 "Provide the name of a contact person for your licenses." IDS_SUBTITLE3 "Please enter this optional information." IDS_SUBTITLE4 "Provide the requested company information." IDS_SUBTITLE5 "The wizard is ready to process your request." IDS_SUBTITLE6 "Not used" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_SUBTITLE9 "Specify your PIN." IDS_SUBTITLE10 "Choose the appropriate license program." IDS_SUBTITLE11 "Provide the requested licensing information." IDS_SUBTITLE12 "Complete the following program and client license information." IDS_SUBTITLE14 "Provide the name of a contact person for your license." IDS_SUBTITLE15 "Provide the requested contact information." IDS_TITLE18 "Completing the Process" IDS_SUBTITLE18 "The wizard sends your license server information to Microsoft." IDS_MSG_PROCESS "The License Server Activation Wizard now has the information needed to process your request. \n\nTo begin processing, click Next." IDS_ERR_AUTH_FAILED "The license server authentication was unsuccessful. Make sure the license server has been properly activated. If the problem persists, try using a different connection method." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_LBL_CONTACT_ONLINE "Type your contact information below." IDS_ERR_CERT_NOT_ENOUGH "Because this license server is activated with a basic certificate, you cannot use the Select option. To proceed with activation, select one of the other options. " IDS_LSNAME "LS Name: " IDS_ERR_INVALID_QTY "You must provide a quantity greater than zero." IDS_ERR_DUPLICATE_LKP "This client license key pack has already been installed on this license server." IDS_EMAIL_MISMATCH "The e-mail addresses you typed do not match. Please retype the e-mail addresses." IDS_ERR_INVALID_CERT_CHAIN "Invalid information has been received from the server." IDS_TITLE19 "License Server Activation" IDS_SUBTITLE19 "Enter the license server ID." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_INTERNETMODE "Automatic connection (recommended)" IDS_TELEPHONEMODE "Telephone" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_ERR_LCONNECTTRUST_FAILED "The License Server Activation Wizard cannot establish a secure connection with the license server." IDS_ERR_INVALIDLENGTH "The license server ID has become corrupted." IDS_TITLE20 "Connection method" IDS_SUBTITLE20 "Select the best activation method." IDS_ERR_NOLSID "A Product ID was not generated during installation. Reinstall the license server software." IDS_ERR_DEPOSITSPK "The License Server Activation Wizard is unable to verify the license server ID. Check that you have entered the correct ID for this server and retry this operation.\r\n\r\nMessage Number: 0x%x." IDS_TITLE21 "Obtain client license key pack" IDS_SUBTITLE21 "Provide the client license key pack ID." IDS_ERR_DEPOSITLKP "The License Server Activation Wizard was unable to install the client license key pack. Please verify your entry and try this operation again.\r\n\r\nMessage Number: 0x%x. " IDS_TITLE22 "License Code" IDS_SUBTITLE22 "Enter the license code found in your product packaging." IDS_RETAIL_HEADERSPK "License code" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_RETAIL_HEADERSTATUS "Status" IDS_RETAILSPKSTATUS_PENDING "Pending" IDS_RETAILSPKSTATUS_UNKNOWN "Unknown" IDS_ERR_INVALIDSPK "The license code contains invalid characters or is too short." IDS_ERR_DUPLICATESPK "The license code has already been entered." IDS_TITLE23 "Activation Options" IDS_SUBTITLE23 "Select the task you want to perform." IDS_ERR_SEND_FAILED "The License Server Activation Wizard cannot connect to Microsoft. The site may be down, or you may not have Internet access from this computer. Check your Internet connection, and then try again. If the problem persists, try using a different connection method." IDS_ERR_CHFETCHRESPONSE "The License Server Activation Wizard cannot read the response from Microsoft. The site may have gone down, or your Internet access may have been lost. Check your network connection, and then retry this operation. If the problem persists, try using a different connection method." IDS_ERR_CHBAD_DATA "The License Server Activation Wizard received an unrecognized response from Microsoft. The site may be experiencing problems, or your Internet connection may not be functioning properly. Check your network connections, and then retry the operation. If the problem persists, try using a different connection method." IDS_ERR_SPKERRORS "One or more license codes were not validated. To view the status of your license codes, click Back. Correct or remove any invalid license codes, then resubmit your request. If the problem persists, try using a different connection method." IDS_RETAILSPKSTATUS_OK "OK" IDS_RETAILSPKSTATUS_INVALID_SIGNATURE "Invalid license code. Check for entry errors." IDS_RETAILSPKSTATUS_INVALID_PRODUCT_TYPE "Invalid Product" IDS_RETAILSPKSTATUS_INVALID_SERIAL_NUMBER "Invalid Serial#" IDS_RETAILSPKSTATUS_ALREADY_REGISTERED "Already Activated" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_ERR_CHSERVER_PROBLEM "The Microsoft server is experiencing problems. Please try this transaction later. If the problem persists, try using a different connection method." IDS_ERR_CHINVALID_DATA "The data provided is not valid. Check all the information you provided, make any necessary corrections, and then resubmit your request. If the problem persists, try using a different connection method." IDS_ERR_CHFAILURE "Your request cannot be processed. Make sure you have provided all the required information accurately, and then resubmit your request. If the problem persists, try using a different connection method." IDS_ERR_CHNOT_IMPLEMENTED "This feature has not yet been implemented." IDS_MSG_CERT_REVOKED "Your license server has been successfully deactivated." IDS_MSG_REVOKECERT "Are you sure you want to deactivate your license server? You will be unable to license additional clients from this server unless you reactivate." IDS_MSG_CERT_REISSUED "Your license server has been successfully reactivated." IDS_TITLE24 "Information Needed" IDS_SUBTITLE24 "Provide the requested company information." IDS_TITLE25 "License Server Deactivation" IDS_SUBTITLE25 "Enter the confirmation code." IDS_TITLE26 "License Server Reactivation" IDS_SUBTITLE26 "Enter the new license server ID." IDS_ERR_INVALID_CONFIRMATION_NUMBER "The confirmation code is not valid." IDS_TITLE27 "Country or Region Selection" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_SUBTITLE27 "Select your Country or Region." IDS_COUNTRYREGION_HEADER "Country or Region" IDS_DUPLICATESPK "The new license server ID is the same as the old one. No change is required. Verify the license server ID, and then re-try the operation." IDS_NOSPKSTOPROCESS "No license codes have been provided for processing. Provide at least one license code, and then click Next." IDS_ERR_INVALIDID "The license key pack ID is not valid, or was not entered." IDS_ERR_TOOMANYSPK "You are exceeding the maximum number of license codes which can be accepted in a batch. Please process the values that you have already entered, and then enter the rest of the license codes in the next batch for processing." IDS_ERR_NOCOUNTRYSELECTED "You must select a Country or Region." IDS_MSG_LSIDACCEPTED "Your license server has been successfully activated." IDS_ERR_CERTBAD "License server information is invalid. This may be because of an invalid or unsupported activation or disk corruption. You will need to reactivate your license server. Do you want to reactivate now?" IDS_ERR_CERTREVOKED "The license server's activation has been deactivated. If you choose to continue, deactivated information will be cleaned from your license server. This will allow you to reactivate the license server. Do you want to continue?" IDS_ERR_CERTEXPIRED "The license server's activation has expired. To use this license server, you must reactivate it. Do you want to reactivate the server now?" IDS_ERR_SPKBAD "The license server information is not valid, possibly because of an invalid/unsupported activation or disk corruption. If you choose to continue, invalid information will be removed from your license server, allowing reactivation of the license server. Do you want to continue?" IDS_ERR_REGERROR "The License Server Activation Wizard cannot read the registry entries needed to complete the operation. Reinstall the Licensing Services software." IDS_MSG_REQUEST_LKP_NOW "You have successfully activated the license server. Do you want to request Client Access Licenses now?" IDS_WWWMODE "Web Browser" IDS_INTERNET_DESC "Use the fast and easy Internet method to activate a license server or install licenses by connecting directly to Microsoft. To use this method, you need an Internet connection on the server running Terminal Server Licensing. Any information you transmit over the Internet is encrypted for your security." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_TELEPHONE_DESC "Use the Telephone method to activate a license server or install licenses by speaking to a Customer Service Representative. During the phone call, you receive the information you need. Use this method if you cannot use any other method." IDS_WWW_DESC "Use the World Wide Web method to activate a license server or install licenses by connecting to the Microsoft Terminal Server Web site. After you enter the data, you receive the information you need. You can use this method on any computer with an Internet connection. Any information you transmit over the Internet is encrypted for your security." IDS_TITLE28 "License Server Activation" IDS_SUBTITLE28 "Enter the license server ID." IDS_TITLE29 "Obtain Client License Key Pack" IDS_SUBTITLE29 "Provide the client license key pack ID." IDS_MSG_WWWREG_SUCCESS "Your license server has been successfully activated. Did you also obtain a client license key pack from the Terminal Server Licensing Web site?" IDS_AGREEMENT_SELECT "Select/EA" IDS_AGREEMENT_MOLP "Open" IDS_AGREEMENT_OTHER "Other" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_TO "To:" IDS_FAX "Microsoft fax number:" IDS_DATE "Date:" IDS_PAGES "Number of pages:" IDS_RETURN_FAX "Return fax number:" IDS_COMMENT1 " " IDS_REQUEST "Request:" IDS_AGREEMENT "Licensing Program:" IDS_PRODUCT_ID "Product ID:" IDS_LSID "License Server ID:" IDS_FIRST_NAME "First name:" IDS_LAST_NAME "Last name:" IDS_COMPANY "Company:" IDS_ORGUNIT "Organizational unit:" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_ADDRESS "Address:" IDS_CITY "City:" IDS_STATE "State/province:" IDS_ZIP "Postal code:" IDS_COUNTRY "Country or Region:" IDS_PHONE_NUMBER "Phone number:" IDS_EMAIL_ADDRESS "E-mail:" IDS_LIC_TYPE "Product Type:" IDS_QUANTITY "Quantity:" IDS_ENROLL "Enrollment number:" IDS_AUTH "Authorization number:" IDS_LIC "License number:" IDS_LIC_CODES "License codes:" IDS_FAX_TO "Microsoft Terminal Server Licensing Activation" IDS_TITLE30 "Complete Fax Activation" IDS_SUBTITLE30 "Enter the activation information below." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_TITLE31 "Obtain Client License Key Pack" IDS_SUBTITLE31 "Provide the client license key pack ID." IDS_MSG_CONTINUEREGISTRATION "Your request has been submitted for activation. The wizard will help you in completing this process." IDS_MSG_UNREGISTERED "This wizard helps you activate your license server." IDS_MSG_DOWNLOADLKP "Your Terminal Server License Server has been activated." IDS_COUNTRYREGION_HEADER2 "Country or Region" IDS_TITLE36 "Installation Method" IDS_MSG_REREGISTRATION "This wizard helps you reactivate your license server" IDS_MSG_UNREGISTRATION "Your license server will be deactivated." IDS_FINALFAILMESSAGE "There were errors in completing this operation." IDS_ALTFINISHTEXT "&Exit" IDS_TITLE37 "Licensing program" IDS_TITLE38 "Required Information" IDS_TITLE39 "Optional Information" IDS_MSG_DOWNLOADLASTLKP "This wizard helps you retrieve information from your last licensing transaction and apply it to your license server." IDS_FINALSUCCESSMESSAGE "You have completed the Terminal Server License Server Activation Wizard." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_FAX_LABEL "&Fax:" IDS_FAXOPTION_LABEL "&Fax (optional):" IDS_EMAIL_LABEL "&E-mail:" IDS_EMAILOPTION_LABEL "&E-mail (optional):" IDS_ERR_INVALIDLSID "The license server ID is not valid, or was not entered." IDS_ERR_INVALID_PROGINFO "The licensing agreement data provided to Microsoft is not valid. Check all the information you provided, make any necessary corrections, and then resubmit your request. If the problem persists, try using a different connection method." IDS_SELECT_DESCRIPTION "Choose ""Microsoft Select or Microsoft Enterprise Agreement"" if your company purchases Microsoft products through either the Select program or the Enterprise Agreement program. You must have your Enrollment Agreement number to obtain Terminal Server client licenses." IDS_OPEN_DESCRIPTION "Choose ""Microsoft Open License Program"" if your company purchases Microsoft products through the Open License program. You must have your Authorization Number and License Number to obtain Terminal Server client licenses." IDS_OTHER_DESCRIPTION "Choose ""Other"" if you purchased or received packaged Terminal Server client licenses. Packaged product contains a License Code for use in the License Server Activation Wizard." IDS_ERR_REQ_FIELD_EMPTY "Customer information is missing or corrupt. Please enter all required information using the Properties dialog." IDS_INTERNET_CONNECTION_DESC "This is the recommended method. The license server will automatically exchange the needed information with the Microsoft Clearinghouse over the Internet." IDS_INTERNET_CONNECTION_REQ "The computer must be able to connect to the Internet using a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection." IDS_CONNECTION_DESC_HEADER "Description:" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_CONNECTION_REQ_HEADER "Requirements:" IDS_CONNECTION_WHEN_HEADER "When to Use:" IDS_WWW_CONNECTION_DESC "Connect to the Microsoft Clearinghouse Web site. Use this method if the license server does not have Internet access, but you have Internet access through another computer." IDS_WWW_CONNECTION_REQ "This method requires a computer with a Web browser and Internet access. This computer does not have to be connected to the license server." IDS_PHONE_CONNECTION_DESC "Speak over the telephone with a Microsoft Clearinghouse operator. Use this method if you do not have Internet access." IDS_PHONE_CONNECTION_REQ "This method requires a standard telephone. This is a toll-free call from most locations." IDS_PROGRAM_LICENSE_PAK "License Pak (Retail Purchase)" IDS_PROGRAM_OPEN_LICENSE "Open License" IDS_PROGRAM_SELECT "Select License" IDS_PROGRAM_ENTERPRISE "Enterprise Agreement" IDS_PROGRAM_CAMPUS_AGREEMENT "Campus Agreement" IDS_PROGRAM_SCHOOL_AGREEMENT "School Agreement" IDS_PROGRAM_APP_SERVICES_AGREEMENT "Services Provider License Agreement" IDS_PROGRAM_OTHER "Other agreement" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_PROGRAM_LICENSE_PAK_DESC "This is a license purchased in preset quantities through a retail store or other reseller. The package may be labeled ""Microsoft Windows Client License Pak""." IDS_PROGRAM_LICENSE_PAK_REQ "The license code from inside the License Pak will be required. The license code is a sequence of five sets of five alphanumeric characters." IDS_PROGRAM_OPEN_LICENSE_DESC "Includes Open Business and Open Volume offerings which are volume licensing programs for small or medium-sized organizations." IDS_PROGRAM_OPEN_LICENSE_REQ "The authorization and license numbers are found on the header of your order confirmation. The authorization number is fifteen alphanumeric characters (8 numbers followed by 3 letters followed by 4 numbers) and the license number is 8 numeric digits." IDS_PROGRAM_SELECT_DESC "This is a volume licensing program for customers with 250 or more desktops." IDS_PROGRAM_SELECT_REQ "The enrollment number found on your signed agreement form is required. The enrollment number is seven numeric digits." IDS_PROGRAM_ENTERPRISE_DESC "This is a volume licensing program for customers with 250 or more desktops." IDS_PROGRAM_ENTERPRISE_REQ "The enrollment number found on your signed agreement form is required. The enrollment number is seven numeric digits." IDS_PROGRAM_CAMPUS_DESC "This is a volume licensing program for a higher education institution." IDS_PROGRAM_CAMPUS_REQ "The agreement number found on your signed agreement form is required. The agreement number is seven numeric digits." IDS_PROGRAM_SCHOOL_DESC "This is a volume licensing program for primary and secondary institutions." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_PROGRAM_SCHOOL_REQ "The agreement number found on your signed agreement form is required. The agreement number is seven numeric digits." IDS_PROGRAM_APP_SERVICES_DESC "This is a volume licensing program that enables services providers to license Microsoft products on a monthly basis." IDS_PROGRAM_APP_SERVICES_REQ "The agreement number found on your signed agreement form is required. The agreement number is seven numeric digits." IDS_PROGRAM_OTHER_DESC "This is a volume licensing program such as Open Value, Multi-Year Open License, and Open Subscription License." IDS_PROGRAM_OTHER_REQ "The agreement number may be found with your program information." IDS_PROGRAM_STATUS_BOX_SMALL "1A2B3" IDS_PROGRAM_STATUS_BOX_BIG_1 "12345678ABC1234" IDS_PROGRAM_STATUS_BOX_BIG_2 "12345678" IDS_PROGRAM_STATUS_BOX_SINGLE "1234567" IDS_SEND_FAILED_NO_CONN "The License Server Activation Wizard cannot connect to the Microsoft Clearinghouse. The Internet connection has not been configured on this computer. Check or configure your Internet connection, and then try again. If the problem persists, use a different connection method." IDS_SEND_FAILED_NO_NIC "The License Server Activation Wizard cannot connect to the Microsoft Clearinghouse. It does not appear as though a network card has been installed or configured on this computer. Check or configure your networking setup, and then try again. If the problem persists, use a different connection method." IDS_SEND_FAILED_NO_OTHER "The License Server Activation Wizard cannot connect to the Microsoft Clearinghouse. Check or configure your Internet connection, and then try again. If the problem persists, use a different connection method." IDS_WWW_BROWSER_LAUNCH_ERROR "Couldn't launch default browser." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_WIZARD_MESSAGE_TITLE "Licensing Wizard" IDS_CH_LICENSE_NUMBERS "License Nu&mbers:" IDS_CH_LICENSE_NUMBER "License Nu&mber:" IDS_PRODUCT_TYPE_EXP_W2K_CLIENT "A client access license assigned to a particular device that allows access to a Windows 2000 Server via Teminal Services enabled in application server mode." IDS_PRODUCT_TYPE_EXP_W2K_IC "A concurrent use Terminal Services license for Windows 2000 servers only. Not applicable to Windows Server 2003 Servers." IDS_PRODUCT_TYPE_EXP_WHISTLER_PER_SEAT "A client access license assigned to a particular device that allows access to a Windows Server 2003 via the Terminal Server component." IDS_PRODUCT_TYPE_EXP_WHISTLER_PER_USER "A client access license assigned to each individual Terminal Server User on Windows 2003 Terminal Server. There is no license management on the Terminal Server for this type of CAL at this time." IDS_FINALREACTIVATIONSUCCESSMESSAGE "You have successfully completed the license server reactivation wizard." IDS_PRODUCT_TYPE "Product Type" IDS_FINALSUCCESSMESSAGE2 "You have successfully completed the Terminal Server CAL Installation Wizard." IDS_PROPERTIES_TITLE "Licensing Wizard" IDS_KEY_PACKS_WELCOME "Welcome to the Terminal Server CAL Installation Wizard" IDS_ACTIVATION_WELCOME "Welcome to the Terminal Server License Server Activation Wizard" IDS_OTHER_WELCOME "Welcome to the Terminal Server License Server Wizard" IDS_KEY_PACKS_TITLE "Terminal Server CAL Installation Wizard" IDS_ACTIVATION_TITLE "Terminal Server License Server Activation Wizard" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_REACTIVATION_TITLE "Welcome to the Licensing Wizard" IDS_OTHER_TITLE "Licensing Wizard" IDS_WIN2K_PERSEAT "Windows 2000 Server - Terminal Services CAL (per-device)" IDS_WIN2K_INTERNET "Windows 2000 Server - Terminal Services Internet CL" IDS_WHISTLER_PERUSER "Windows Server 2003 - Terminal Server Per User CAL" IDS_WHISTLER_PERSEAT "Windows Server 2003 - Terminal Server Per Device CAL" IDS_UNKNOWN_PRODUCTTYPE "License code not recognized" IDS_ACTIVATION_COMPLETION_MESSAGE "Completing the Terminal Server License Server Activation Wizard" IDS_KEY_PACKS_COMPLETION_MESSAGE "Completing the Terminal Server CAL Installation Wizard" IDS_REACTIVATION_COMPLETION_WIZARD "Completing the License Server Reactivation Wizard" IDS_FINAL_KEYPACK_SUCCESS_MESSAGE "You have successfully completed the Client Licensing Wizard." IDS_FINAL_REACTIVATION_SUCCESS "You have successfully completed the License Server Reactivation Wizard." IDS_INSTALLED_WIN2K_CLIENT_ACCESS "Windows 2000 Server - Terminal Services Client Access Licenses (per device) installed" IDS_INSTALLED_WIN2K_INTERNET_CONNECTOR "Windows 2000 Server - Terminal Services Internet Connector Client Access Licenses installed" IDS_INSTALLED_WHISTLER_PER_SEAT "Windows Server 2003 - Terminal Server Per Device Client Access Licenses installed" IDS_INSTALLED_WHISTLER_PER_USER "Windows Server 2003 - Terminal Server Per User Client Access Licenses installed" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_PRODUCT_VERSION_W2K "Windows 2000 Server" IDS_PRODUCT_VERSION_WHISTLER "Windows Server 2003" IDS_ENTER_LICENSE_WIZARD_SUBHEADER "Enter the agreement number." IDS_ENTER_LICENSE_WIZARD_HEADER "Licensing program" IDS_CALWIZ_TITLE "Terminal Server CAL Installation Wizard" END #endif // English (U.S.) resources ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource. // #define _AFX_NO_SPLITTER_RESOURCES #define _AFX_NO_OLE_RESOURCES #define _AFX_NO_TRACKER_RESOURCES #define _AFX_NO_PROPERTY_RESOURCES #if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU) #ifdef _WIN32 LANGUAGE 9, 1 #pragma code_page(1252) #endif #include "res\LrWizDLL.rc2" // non-Microsoft Visual C++ edited resources #include "afxres.rc" // Standard components #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED