/****************************************************************************/ /* qidle.c */ /* */ /* QueryIdle utility source */ /* */ /* Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation */ /****************************************************************************/ /* * Includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #pragma warning (push, 4) #include "qidle.h" #define MAX_SERVER_NAME 120 #define MAXADDR 16 // ( null-terminated) #define MAX_SEND_STRING 64 #define MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH 80 const int BEEP_FREQUENCY = 880; const int BEEP_DURATION = 500; const int SLEEP_DURATION = 30000; #define BEEPANDDONOTHING 0 #define LOGTHEMOFF 1 #define DISCONNECTTHEM 2 #define DEFAULT_PORT "9878" /* * Global variables */ SOCKET g_sockRoboServer = INVALID_SOCKET; HANDLE g_hServer = NULL; BOOL g_WinSockActivated = FALSE; char g_SendString[MAX_SEND_STRING]; int g_DoToBadSessions = BEEPANDDONOTHING; int g_Silent = FALSE; /* * Private function prototypes. */ typedef struct _ELAPSEDTIME { USHORT days; USHORT hours; USHORT minutes; USHORT seconds; } ELAPSEDTIME, * PELAPSEDTIME; int GetSMCNumber(wchar_t *psSmcName); int SendToRS(char *senddata); LARGE_INTEGER WINAPI CalculateDiffTime( LARGE_INTEGER FirstTime, LARGE_INTEGER SecondTime ) { LARGE_INTEGER DiffTime; DiffTime.QuadPart = SecondTime.QuadPart - FirstTime.QuadPart; DiffTime.QuadPart = DiffTime.QuadPart / 10000000; return(DiffTime); } // end CalculateDiffTime int OutputUsage(wchar_t *psCommand) { WCHAR sUsageText[MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH]; LoadString(NULL, IDS_USAGETEXT, sUsageText, MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH); wprintf(sUsageText, psCommand); return 0; } int ConnectToRoboServer(wchar_t *psRoboServerName) { struct addrinfo *servai; char psRSNameA[MAX_SERVER_NAME]; WSADATA wsaData; WORD wVersionRequested; WCHAR sErrorText[MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH]; // Initialize Winsock wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD( 2, 2 ); if (WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsaData ) != 0) { LoadString(NULL, IDS_WINSOCKNOINIT, sErrorText, MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH); wprintf(sErrorText); return -1; } g_WinSockActivated = TRUE; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, psRoboServerName, -1, psRSNameA, MAX_SERVER_NAME, 0, 0); if (getaddrinfo(psRSNameA, DEFAULT_PORT, NULL, &servai) != 0) { LoadString(NULL, IDS_UNKNOWNHOST, sErrorText, MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH); wprintf(sErrorText, psRoboServerName); return -1; } g_sockRoboServer = socket(servai->ai_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (g_sockRoboServer == INVALID_SOCKET) { LoadString(NULL, IDS_SOCKETERROR, sErrorText, MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH); wprintf(sErrorText); return -1; } if (connect(g_sockRoboServer, servai->ai_addr, (int) servai->ai_addrlen) != 0) { LoadString(NULL, IDS_CONNECTERROR, sErrorText, MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH); wprintf(sErrorText); return -1; } // We've connected. return 0; } int HandleDeadGuy(WINSTATIONINFORMATION winfoDeadGuy) { WCHAR sOutputText[MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH]; switch (g_DoToBadSessions) { case LOGTHEMOFF: // this is where we log him off // figure out session number // (session number == winfoDeadGuy.LogonId) // log off session LoadString(NULL, IDS_LOGGINGOFFIDLE, sOutputText, MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH); wprintf(sOutputText); if (WinStationReset(g_hServer, winfoDeadGuy.LogonId, TRUE) == FALSE) { FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, GetLastError(), 0, sOutputText, MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH, 0); } // inform roboserver sprintf(g_SendString, "restart %03d", GetSMCNumber( winfoDeadGuy.UserName)); SendToRS(g_SendString); break; case BEEPANDDONOTHING: sprintf(g_SendString, "idle %03d", GetSMCNumber( winfoDeadGuy.UserName)); SendToRS(g_SendString); if ( !g_Silent ) { Beep(BEEP_FREQUENCY, BEEP_DURATION); } break; case DISCONNECTTHEM: break; } return 0; } // Function to handle CTRL+C so we can exit gracefully BOOL WINAPI CleanUpHandler(DWORD dwCtrlType) { WCHAR sOutputString[MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH]; // Load the correct string from the string table and output it. switch (dwCtrlType) { case CTRL_C_EVENT: LoadString(NULL, IDS_TERMCTRLC, sOutputString, MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH); break; case CTRL_BREAK_EVENT: LoadString(NULL, IDS_TERMCTRLBREAK, sOutputString, MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH); break; case CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT: LoadString(NULL, IDS_TERMCLOSE, sOutputString, MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH); break; case CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT: LoadString(NULL, IDS_TERMLOGOFF, sOutputString, MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH); break; case CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT: LoadString(NULL, IDS_TERMSHUTDOWN, sOutputString, MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH); break; } wprintf(sOutputString); // Perform cleanup activity WinStationCloseServer(g_hServer); if (g_WinSockActivated == TRUE) WSACleanup(); ExitProcess(0); return TRUE; } int __cdecl wmain( int argc, wchar_t *argv[ ] ) { PLOGONID pLogonId; ULONG Entries; ULONG ReturnLength; WINSTATIONINFORMATION WSInformation; WINSTATIONCLIENT WSClient; SYSTEMTIME currloctime; int numUsers; int numOtherUsers; ULONG i; WCHAR sOutputString[MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH]; WCHAR sIdleOutputString1[MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH]; WCHAR sIdleOutputString2[MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH]; WCHAR sDisconnectedOutputString[MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH]; WCHAR sSummaryString[MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH]; if ((argc < 2) || (argc > 4)) { OutputUsage(argv[0]); return -1; } if (wcscmp(argv[1], L"/?") == 0) { OutputUsage(argv[0]); return -1; } if ( argc > 2 ) { if ( !wcscmp(argv[2], L"/s") || (argc > 3 && !wcscmp(argv[3], L"/s")) ) { g_Silent = TRUE; } else { OutputUsage(argv[0]); return -1; } } if (SetConsoleCtrlHandler(CleanUpHandler, TRUE) == 0) { LoadString(NULL, IDS_CANTDOCTRLC, sOutputString, MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH); wprintf(sOutputString); return -1; } LoadString(NULL, IDS_TITLE_TEXT, sOutputString, MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH); wprintf(sOutputString); g_hServer = WinStationOpenServer(argv[1]); if (g_hServer == NULL) { FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, GetLastError(), 0, sOutputString, MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH, 0); LoadString(NULL, IDS_ERROROPENINGSERVER, sOutputString, MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH); wprintf(sOutputString, argv[1]); return -1; } if (argc > 2) { if (wcsncmp(argv[2], L"/r:", 3) == 0) { if (ConnectToRoboServer(&(argv[2])[3]) == 0) { g_DoToBadSessions = BEEPANDDONOTHING; } else { LoadString(NULL, IDS_ROBOSRVCONNECTERROR, sOutputString, MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH); wprintf(sOutputString, &(argv[2])[3]); } } } LoadString(NULL, IDS_IDLESESSIONLINE1, sIdleOutputString1, MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH); LoadString(NULL, IDS_IDLESESSIONLINE2, sIdleOutputString2, MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH); LoadString(NULL, IDS_DISCONNECTED, sDisconnectedOutputString, MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH); LoadString(NULL, IDS_SUMMARY, sSummaryString, MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH); for ( ; ; ) { #define MAX_DATE_STR_LEN 80 #define MAX_TIME_STR_LEN 80 WCHAR psDateStr[MAX_DATE_STR_LEN]; WCHAR psTimeStr[MAX_TIME_STR_LEN]; // Display the current time GetLocalTime(&currloctime); GetDateFormat(0, 0, &currloctime, NULL, psDateStr, MAX_DATE_STR_LEN); GetTimeFormat(0, 0, &currloctime, NULL, psTimeStr, MAX_TIME_STR_LEN); wprintf(L"%s %s\n", psDateStr, psTimeStr); numUsers = 0; numOtherUsers = 0; if (WinStationEnumerate(g_hServer, &pLogonId, &Entries) == FALSE) { FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, GetLastError(), 0, sOutputString, MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH, 0); break; } for (i = 0; i < Entries; i++) { LARGE_INTEGER DiffTime; LONG d_time; ELAPSEDTIME IdleTime; BOOLEAN bRetVal; bRetVal = WinStationQueryInformation(g_hServer, pLogonId[i].LogonId, WinStationInformation, &WSInformation, sizeof(WSInformation), &ReturnLength); if (bRetVal == FALSE) { FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, GetLastError(), 0, sOutputString, MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH, 0); continue; } DiffTime = CalculateDiffTime(WSInformation.LastInputTime, WSInformation.CurrentTime); d_time = DiffTime.LowPart; // Calculate the days, hours, minutes, seconds since specified // time. IdleTime.days = (USHORT)(d_time / 86400L); // days since d_time = d_time % 86400L; // seconds => partial // day IdleTime.hours = (USHORT)(d_time / 3600L); // hours since d_time = d_time % 3600L; // seconds => partial // hour IdleTime.minutes = (USHORT)(d_time / 60L); // minutes since IdleTime.seconds = (USHORT)(d_time % 60L);// seconds remaining if (WSInformation.ConnectState == State_Active) { if (WinStationQueryInformationW(g_hServer, pLogonId[i].LogonId, WinStationClient, &WSClient, sizeof(WSClient), &ReturnLength) != FALSE) { // 2 or more minutes == bad if ((IdleTime.minutes > 1) || (IdleTime.hours > 0) || (IdleTime.days > 0)) { // sIdleOutputString1, loaded above, is the first part of // the format string. sIdleOutputString2, also loaded // above, is the second part. wprintf(sIdleOutputString1, WSInformation. UserName, WSInformation.LogonId, WSClient. ClientName); wprintf(sIdleOutputString2, IdleTime.days, IdleTime.hours, IdleTime.minutes); if (wcsstr(WSInformation.UserName, L"smc") != 0) HandleDeadGuy(WSInformation); } { WCHAR *pPrefix = wcsstr(WSInformation.UserName, L"smc"); if ( pPrefix != NULL ) { int index = wcstoul(pPrefix + 3, NULL, 10); if ( index >= 1 && index <= 500 ) { numUsers++; } else { numOtherUsers++; } } } } else { FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, GetLastError(), 0, sOutputString, MAX_OUTPUT_STRING_LENGTH, 0); wprintf(sOutputString); } } else if (WSInformation.ConnectState == State_Disconnected) { wprintf(sDisconnectedOutputString, WSInformation. UserName, WSInformation.LogonId); } } wprintf(sSummaryString, numUsers, numOtherUsers); // Sleep for a while Sleep(SLEEP_DURATION); wprintf(L"\n"); } // In case an error broke out of the loop GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(CTRL_BREAK_EVENT, GetCurrentProcessId()); // required to shut the dumb ia64 compiler up--will not get here return 0; } /* main() */ // from a username of the format "smcxxx," where xxx is a three-digit // 0-padded base 10 number, returns the number or -1 on error int GetSMCNumber(wchar_t *psSmcName) { return _wtoi(&psSmcName[3]); } // sends the data in senddata to the RoboServer connection. Returns // SOCKET_ERROR on error, or the total number of bytes sent on success int SendToRS(char *senddata) { if (senddata != 0) return send(g_sockRoboServer, senddata, (int) strlen(senddata) + 1, 0); else return SOCKET_ERROR; } #pragma warning (pop)