@echo off REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ REM REM AllRel.cmd REM Check the status of release across release servers REM REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. REM REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ perl -x "%~f0" %* goto :EOF #!perl #use strict; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts"; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH}; use PbuildEnv; use ParseArgs; use GetIniSetting; sub Usage { print<] [-b ] [-a ] [-t ] [-l ] Check the release servers specified in the .ini file for the state of the matching release. build number Build number for which to examine the relase logs. Default is latest build for each server / flavor. branch Branch for which to examine the release logs. Default is %_BuildBranch%. arch Build architecture for which to examine the release logs. Default is %_BuildArch%. type Build architecture for which to examine the release logs. Default is %_BuildType%. lang Language for which to examine the release logs. Default is 'usa'. USAGE my ($build, $branch, @arches, @types); parseargs('?' => \&Usage, 'n:'=> \$build, 'b:'=> \$branch, 'a:'=> \@arches, 't:'=> \@types); *GetSettingQuietEx = \&GetIniSetting::GetSettingQuietEx; my $back = 1; $build ||= '*'; $branch ||= $ENV{_BUILDBRANCH}; if (!@arches) { @arches = ('x86', 'ia64', 'amd64') } if (!@types) { @types = ('fre', 'chk') } for my $arch (@arches) { for my $type (@types) { print "$arch$type\n"; my @servers = split / /, GetSettingQuietEx($branch, $ENV{LANG}, 'ReleaseServers', "$arch$type"); my $bldMachine = GetSettingQuietEx($branch, $ENV{LANG}, 'BuildMachines', "$arch$type"); for my $server (@servers) { my $NoLogFound = 0; my $FailedToOpenLog = 0; my $FailedToParseLog = 0; my $IsReleaseRunning = 0; my $IsReleaseDone = 0; my $IsThereAnError = 0; my $LogFileTime = "[UNKNOWN]"; my $ReleaseLogDir = "[UNKNOWN]"; my $ReleaseLogFile = "[UNKNOWN]"; my $ReleaseErrFile = "[UNKNOWN]"; my $sServerHash = ""; my $sBldMachineHash = ""; # Tell the user what server we're examining print " $server\n"; # Find the log files... my $temp = '\\temp$'; my $alt_temp = 'c$\\temp'; my $log_base = "\\\\$server"; if ( -e "$log_base\\$temp" ) { $log_base .= "\\$temp"; } elsif ( -e "$log_base\\$alt_temp" ) { $log_base .= "\\$alt_temp"; } else { # Add error reporting here. $log_base .= "\\$temp"; } $log_base .= "\\$ENV{LANG}"; # Switch to using release share instead of d$ share. my $release_spec = "//$server/release/$ENV{LANG}/$build.$arch$type.$branch.*"; my $hash_loc; my $sServer_loc; my @releases = glob $release_spec; if(lc($ENV{LANG}) ne "usa") { $hash_loc = "\\\\$bldMachine\\release\\$ENV{LANG}\\"; } else { $hash_loc = "\\\\$bldMachine\\release\\"; } $sServer_loc = "\\\\$server\\release\\$ENV{LANG}\\"; # Handy debugging code... #print " LOG BASE DIR: \"$log_base\"\n"; #print " RELEASE SPEC: \"$release_spec\"\n"; #print @releases; for (my $i=0; $i < $back and $i <= $#releases; $i++) { my ($build_name) = $releases[$#releases-$i] =~ /([^\/]+)$/; my $sBMHAsh; my $sRelHash; $build_name =~ s/_TEMP$//; if(open(BLDHASH,"$hash_loc\\$build_name\\build_logs\\bldhash.txt")) { $sBMHAsh = readline(BLDHASH); close(BLDHASH); } if(open(BLDHASH,"$sServer_loc\\$build_name\\build_logs\\srvrelhash.txt")) { $sRelHash = readline(BLDHASH); close(BLDHASH); } my $log_dir = "$log_base\\$build_name"; print " $build_name: "; my $log_file = "$log_dir\\srvrel.log"; my $err_file = "$log_dir\\srvrel.err"; # Save this off for later... $ReleaseLogDir = $log_dir; $ReleaseLogFile = $log_file; $ReleaseErrFile = $err_file; if (-e $err_file and !-z $err_file) { # We found an error. Save that info off. $IsThereAnError = 1; $ReleaseErrFile = $err_file; } if (!-e $log_file) { $NoLogFound = 1; } else { if( !open FILE, $log_file) { $FailedToOpenLog = 1; } else { $LogFileTime = localtime((stat FILE)[9]); if ( =~ /Start \[srvrel.cmd\]/) { seek(FILE,-100,2); local $/ = undef; if ( =~ /Complete \[srvrel\.cmd\]/) { $IsReleaseDone = 1; } if ( !$IsReleaseDone ) { seek(FILE,-100,2); if ( =~ /\(srvrel.cmd\) Please check error at/) { $IsReleaseDone = 1; } } if ( !$IsReleaseDone ) { $IsReleaseRunning = 1; } } else { $FailedToParseLog = 1; } close FILE; } } # Done gathering info for this server. Print it. if ( $NoLogFound ) { print "NO LOG FOUND\n"; print " $ReleaseLogDir\n"; } elsif ( $FailedToOpenLog ) { print " : FAILED TO OPEN LOG\n"; print " $ReleaseLogFile\n"; } elsif ( $FailedToParseLog ) { print "FAILED TO PARSE LOG\n"; print " $ReleaseLogFile\n"; } else { if ( $IsThereAnError ) { print "ERROR. "; } if ( $IsReleaseRunning ) { print "RUNNING (@ $LogFileTime)\n"; } elsif ( $IsReleaseDone ) { print "DONE AT $LogFileTime - "; if($sBMHAsh) { if($sBMHAsh eq $sRelHash) { print "CHKSUM OK\n"; } else { print "CHKSUM ERROR\n"; } } else { print "CHKSUM NOT FOUND\n"; } } if ( $IsThereAnError ) { print " $ReleaseErrFile\n"; } } } } # Done with this archtype entirely - move on print "\n"; } }