REM REM We're building the '' file for the current language REM and processor architecture. REM setlocal setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS set cablist= set comptype=-m NONE REM REM Baseline cab and the cab for this language REM set cablist=%cablist% if "%lang%" == "" set lang=usa set cablist=%cablist% REM REM On ia64 builds, we have to add the x86 assemblies as well. REM if "%_buildarch%" == "ia64" goto x86Wasms if "%_buildarch%" == "amd64" goto x86Wasms goto NoWasms :x86Wasms set cablist=%cablist% set cablist=%cablist% set cablist=%cablist% set cablist=%cablist% :NoWasms set CabTempPath=%temp%\sxs_cabmerge.%RANDOM%\ mkdir %cabtemppath% call :ExpandCabs %cabtemppath% %cablist% call :MergeCabs %cabtemppath% %_ntpostbld%\ rmdir /s /q %cabtemppath% REM REM Short-circuit all this goop if there's on asms directory REM if not exist "%_ntpostbld%\asms" goto :EOF setlocal setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS set nextcabfilenumber= REM REM First, go create a temporary directory for us to work in. REM set ExistingCabsExpansion=%temp%\sxs_current_cabs.%random% set BuiltAsmsList=%temp%\sxs_built_asms.%random% mkdir %existingcabsexpansion% mkdir %BuiltAsmsList% :FindNext if not exist %_ntpostbld%\ goto NoMore set /a nextcabfilenumber=%nextcabfilenumber%+1 goto :FindNext :NoMore REM REM Set up the built asms directory like it should be in a cab REM sxs_cabhelper -sourcepath %_ntpostbld%\asms -targetpath %BuiltAsmsList% if "%dopatching%"=="yes" ( call :ExpandExistingCabs %_ntpostbld% %existingcabsexpansion% call :CreatePatches %BuiltAsmsList% %ExistingCabsExpansion% ) for /f %%f in ('dir /b /ad %BuiltAsmsList%') do echo %%f\* >> %BuiltAsmsList%\list pushd %BuiltAsmsList% cabarc -p -r -P %BuiltAsmsList% %comptype% N %_ntpostbld%\ @%BuiltAsmsList%\list popd rem rmdir /s /q %BuiltAsmsList% rem rmdir /s /q %ExistingCabsExpansion% goto :EOF :ExpandExistingCabs REM %1 = source of cabs REM %2 = target of cabs set localnumber= :ExpandAgain if not exist "%1\" goto ExpandNoMore cabarc -p X "%1\" * %2\ set /a localnumber=%localnumber%+1 goto :ExpandAgain :ExpandNoMore goto :EOF :ExpandCabs :Again cabarc -p X %_ntpostbld%\%2 * %1 shift /2 if not "%2" == "" goto :Again goto :EOF :MergeCabs pushd %1 if exist "listing" delete "listing" for /f %%f in ('dir /b /ad') do echo %%f\* >> listing cabarc -p -P %CD% -r %comptype% -s 8192 N %2 @listing popd goto :EOF