SELECT * from win32_product WHERE NAME LIKE "Microsoft Office XP%" AND InstallState = 5 Creates the desktop wallpaper for the build name and language Win32_UserDesktop vba.set.wallpaper.wsf /computer:i32bt0011 /label:TEST /scheme:flesh vba.set.wallpaper.wsf /computer:i32bt0011 /label:SAFE /scheme:fen Flesh colorscheme: 164,179,255 # background 224,125,225 # big letters 74,25,65 # computer name Fen colorscheme: 0,64,48 # background 128,128,0 # big letters 255,128,0 # computer name The following break occurs at user level. To reproduce: 1. create an .bmp image name it 2. set this image a wallpapaer by browsing for image from desk.cpl 3. overwrite the image with siomething different. 4. set this image a wallpapaer by browsing for image from desk.cpl The desktop wallpaper will not change, To verify that the image is changed, change the desktop wallpaper into some different image, then back to the browser dile. Now you see the image is changed to what you supplied as the second file. ppLayoutBlank ppLayoutChart ppLayoutChartAndText ppLayoutClipartAndText ppLayoutClipArtAndVerticalText ppLayoutFourObjects ppLayoutLargeObject LayoutMediaClipAndText LayoutObject LayoutObjectAndText LayoutObjectOverText LayoutOrgchart LayoutTable LayoutText LayoutTextAndChart LayoutTextAndClipart LayoutTextAndMediaClip LayoutTextAndObject LayoutTextAndTwoObjects LayoutTextOverObject defined in ? \Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\MSPPT.OLB 60 174 60 Name NTDEV\sergueik WallPaper Win32_Desktop HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WallPaper This approach does not work. Objects\Shell\MinimizeAll.htm ...change wallpaper... Objects\Shell\UndoMinimizeALL.htm