//{{NO_DEPENDENCIES}} // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file. // Used by CompatUI.rc // #define IDS_PROJNAME 100 #define IDB_PROGVIEW 101 #define IDS_DESKTOP 101 #define IDR_PROGVIEW 102 #define IDS_COMMON_STARTMENU 102 #define IDD_PROGVIEW 103 #define IDS_STARTMENU 103 #define IDR_UTIL 104 #define IDS_COMMON_PROGRAMS 104 #define IDB_SELECTFILE 105 #define IDS_PROGRAMS 105 #define IDR_SELECTFILE 106 #define IDS_PROGRAMNAME 106 #define IDD_SELECTFILE 107 #define IDS_FOLDER 107 #define IDS_SETTINGS 108 #define IDR_UPLOAD 109 #define IDS_SENDINGINFO 109 #define IDD_UPLOADFILES 110 #define IDS_CLEANINGUP 110 #define IDS_SENDINGCAPTION 111 #define IDS_WAITCLEANUP 112 #define IDS_LAUNCHINGDR 113 #define IDS_COLLECTINGDATACAPTION 114 #define IDS_COMPATWIZARD 115 #define IDS_GRABMISTATUS_COLLECTING 116 #define IDS_WIZARD_INFOTIP 117 #define IDC_LISTPROGRAMS 201 #define IDB_SORTDN 203 #define IDB_SORTUP 204 #define IDC_EDITFILENAME 207 #define IDA_WATSONANIM 207 #define IDC_BROWSE 208 #define IDA_FINDANIM 209 #define IDI_COMPATWIZARD 210 // // to items below should be identical with one difference - one // should have quotes (the string we use in .cpp file) and the // other should not (resource compiler adds quotes) // #define IDR_SHOWTEMPFILESDLGRC TempFileListTemplate.html #define IDR_SHOWTEMPFILESDLG TEXT("TempFileListTemplate.html") #define IDC_UPLOADFILES 212 #define IDC_STATUSLINE1 213 #define IDC_STATUSLINE2 214 #define IDC_ANIMATEFIND 215 #define IDS_CHECKING_FILES 216 // Next default values for new objects // #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #ifndef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 212 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 32768 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 217 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 111 #endif #endif