// Upload.cpp : Implementation of CUpload #include "stdafx.h" #include "resource.h" #include "CompatUI.h" #include "shlobj.h" extern "C" { #include "shimdb.h" } #include "Upload.h" TCHAR szKeyDataFiles[] = TEXT("DataFiles"); // // lives in util.cpp // BOOL GetExePathFromObject( LPCTSTR lpszPath, // path to an arbitrary object CComBSTR& bstrExePath ); // // lives in proglist.cpp // wstring LoadResourceString(UINT nID); // // lives in ntutil.c // extern "C" BOOL WINAPI CheckFileLocation( LPCWSTR pwszDosPath, BOOL* pbRoot, BOOL* pbLeaf ); // // conversion // BOOL VariantToBOOL(CComVariant& v) { if (SUCCEEDED(v.ChangeType(VT_BOOL))) { return v.boolVal; } return FALSE; } wstring VariantToStr(CComVariant& v) { wstring str; if (v.vt != VT_EMPTY && v.vt != VT_NULL) { if (SUCCEEDED(v.ChangeType(VT_BSTR))) { str = v.bstrVal; } } return str; } HRESULT StringToVariant(VARIANT* pv, const wstring& str) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; pv->vt = VT_NULL; pv->bstrVal = ::SysAllocString(str.c_str()); if (pv->bstrVal == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { pv->vt = VT_BSTR; hr = S_OK; } return hr; } BOOL GetTempFile( LPCTSTR lpszPrefix, CComBSTR& bstrFile ) { DWORD dwLength; TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szTempFile[MAX_PATH]; dwLength = GetTempPath(CHARCOUNT(szBuffer), szBuffer); if (!dwLength || dwLength > CHARCOUNT(szBuffer)) { return FALSE; } // // we got directory, generate the file now // dwLength = GetTempFileName(szBuffer, lpszPrefix, 0, szTempFile); if (!dwLength) { return FALSE; } bstrFile = szTempFile; return TRUE; } wstring StrUpCase(wstring& wstr) { ctype _ct; wstring::iterator iter; for (iter = wstr.begin(); iter != wstr.end(); ++iter) { (*iter) = _ct.toupper(*iter); } return wstr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CUpload BOOL CUpload::GetDataFilesKey(CComBSTR& bstrVal) { // STRVEC::iterator iter; MAPSTR2MFI::iterator iter; bstrVal.Empty(); for (iter = m_DataFiles.begin(); iter != m_DataFiles.end(); ++iter) { if (bstrVal.Length()) { bstrVal.Append(TEXT("|")); } bstrVal.Append((*iter).second.strFileName.c_str()); } return bstrVal.Length() != 0; } STDMETHODIMP CUpload::SetKey(BSTR pszKey, VARIANT* pvValue) { wstring strKey = pszKey; VARIANT vStr; HRESULT hr; HRESULT hrRet = S_OK; // // dwwin is case-sensitive // // StrUpCase(strKey); if (strKey == szKeyDataFiles) { // data files cannot be set directly return E_INVALIDARG; } VariantInit(&vStr); hr = VariantChangeType(&vStr, pvValue, 0, VT_BSTR); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { wstring strVal = vStr.bstrVal; m_mapManifest[strKey] = strVal; } else if (pvValue->vt == VT_NULL || pvValue->vt == VT_EMPTY) { m_mapManifest.erase(strKey); } else { hrRet = E_INVALIDARG; } VariantClear(&vStr); return hrRet; } STDMETHODIMP CUpload::GetKey(BSTR pszKey, VARIANT *pValue) { CComBSTR bstrVal; wstring strKey = pszKey; // StrUpCase(strKey); if (strKey == szKeyDataFiles) { // // data files -- handled separately // if (GetDataFilesKey(bstrVal)) { pValue->vt = VT_BSTR; pValue->bstrVal = bstrVal.Copy(); } else { pValue->vt = VT_NULL; } } else { MAPSTR2STR::iterator iter = m_mapManifest.find(strKey); if (iter != m_mapManifest.end()) { bstrVal = (*iter).second.c_str(); pValue->vt = VT_BSTR; pValue->bstrVal = bstrVal.Copy(); } else { pValue->vt = VT_NULL; } } return S_OK; } #define DWWIN_HEADLESS_MODE 0x00000080 BOOL CUpload::IsHeadlessMode(void) { CComVariant varFlags; HRESULT hr; BOOL bHeadless = FALSE; GetKey(TEXT("Flags"), &varFlags); hr = varFlags.ChangeType(VT_I4); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { bHeadless = !!(varFlags.lVal & DWWIN_HEADLESS_MODE); } return bHeadless; } /* DWORD CUpload::CountFiles(DWORD nLevel, LPCWSTR pszPath) { WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; wstring strPath = pszPath; wstring::size_type nPos; HANDLE hFind = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD dwCount = 0; nPos = strPath.length(); if (strPath[nPos-1] != TEXT('\\')) { strPath += TEXT('\\'); ++nPos; } FindFirstFileExW( strPath += TEXT('*'); hFind = FindFirstFile(strPath.c_str(), &wfd); if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if (nLevel < 3 && wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (wcscmp(wfd.cFileName, TEXT(".")) && wcscmp(wfd.cFileName, TEXT(".."))) { strPath.replace(nPos, wstring::nPos, wfd.cFileName); dwCount += CountFiles(nLevel + 1, strPath.c_str()); } } else { // file ++dwCount; } } while (FindNextFile(hFind, &wfd)); FindClose(hFind); } return dwCount; } */ BOOL CALLBACK CUpload::_GrabmiCallback( LPVOID lpvCallbackParam, // application-defined parameter LPCTSTR lpszRoot, // root directory path LPCTSTR lpszRelative, // relative path PATTRINFO pAttrInfo, // attributes LPCWSTR pwszXML // resulting xml ) { GMEPARAMS* pParams = (GMEPARAMS*)lpvCallbackParam; CUpload* pT = pParams->first; IProgressDialog* ppd = pParams->second; if (ppd == NULL) { return TRUE; } ppd->SetLine(2, lpszRoot, TRUE, NULL); // ppd->SetLine(2, lpszRelative, TRUE, NULL); return !ppd->HasUserCancelled(); } STDMETHODIMP CUpload::AddMatchingInfo( BSTR pszCommand, VARIANT vFilter, VARIANT vKey, VARIANT vDescription, VARIANT vProgress, BOOL *pbSuccess) { /* HANDLE hThread = NULL; DWORD dwExitCode = 0; DWORD dwWait; */ if (!m_Safe) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); } CComVariant varFilter(vFilter); DWORD dwFilter = GRABMI_FILTER_NORMAL; wstring strKey; wstring strDescription; if (SUCCEEDED(varFilter.ChangeType(VT_I4))) { dwFilter = (DWORD)varFilter.lVal; } strKey = VariantToStr(CComVariant(vKey)); strDescription = VariantToStr(CComVariant(vDescription)); *pbSuccess = AddMatchingInfoInternal(::GetActiveWindow(), pszCommand, dwFilter, VariantToBOOL(CComVariant(vProgress)), strKey.empty() ? NULL : strKey.c_str(), strDescription.empty() ? NULL : strDescription.c_str()); /* MITHREADPARAMBLK* pParam = new MITHREADPARAMBLK; CComVariant varFilter(vFilter); if (!pParam) { goto cleanup; } pParam->pThis = this; pParam->strCommand = pszCommand; pParam->hwndParent = ::GetActiveWindow(); pParam->dwFilter = GRABMI_FILTER_NORMAL; if (SUCCEEDED(varFilter.ChangeType(VT_I4))) { pParam->dwFilter = (DWORD)varFilter.lVal; } pParam->bNoProgress = VariantToBOOL(CComVariant(vProgress)); pParam->strKey = VariantToStr(CComVariant(vKey)); pParam->strDescription = VariantToStr(CComVariant(vDescription)); hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)_AddMatchingInfoThreadProc, (LPVOID)pParam, 0, NULL); if (!hThread) { goto cleanup; } dwWait = WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE); if (dwWait != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { goto cleanup; } GetExitCodeThread(hThread, &dwExitCode); cleanup: if (hThread) { CloseHandle(hThread); } *pbSuccess = !!dwExitCode; */ return S_OK; } DWORD WINAPI CUpload::_AddMatchingInfoThreadProc(LPVOID lpvThis) { BOOL bSuccess; HRESULT hr; MITHREADPARAMBLK* pParam = (MITHREADPARAMBLK*)lpvThis; if (!pParam->bNoProgress) { hr = CoInitialize(NULL); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pParam->bNoProgress = TRUE; } } bSuccess = pParam->pThis->AddMatchingInfoInternal(::GetActiveWindow(), pParam->strCommand.c_str(), pParam->dwFilter, pParam->bNoProgress, pParam->strKey.empty() ? NULL : pParam->strKey.c_str(), pParam->strDescription.empty() ? NULL : pParam->strDescription.c_str()); if (!pParam->bNoProgress) { CoUninitialize(); } delete pParam; return bSuccess; } BOOL CUpload::AddMatchingInfoInternal( HWND hwndParent, LPCWSTR pszCommand, DWORD dwFilter, BOOL bNoProgress, LPCTSTR pszKey, LPCTSTR pszDescription) { CComBSTR bstrPath; CComBSTR bstrGrabmiFile; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; IProgressDialog * ppd = NULL; HRESULT hr; GMEPARAMS GrabmiParams; MFI MatchingFileInfo; wstring strKey; UINT DriveType; BOOL bLeaf = NULL; BOOL bRoot = NULL; DWORD dwFilters[3]; wstring Paths[3]; int nDrive; DWORD nPasses = 1; wstring DriveRoot(TEXT("X:\\")); // // this is kinda dangerous, the way it works. We collect the info while yielding to the // creating process (due to the start dialog // so the calling window needs to be disabled -- or we need to trap doing something else // while we're collecting data // if (!::GetExePathFromObject(pszCommand, bstrPath)) { return FALSE; } // // bstrPath is exe path, create and grab matching info // if (!GetTempFile(TEXT("ACG"), bstrGrabmiFile)) { goto cleanup; } // // we are going to run grabmi!!! // // // prepare callback // if (!bNoProgress) { hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ProgressDialog, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IProgressDialog, (void **)&ppd); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ppd = NULL; } } // // check to see what happened to hr // if (ppd) { wstring strCaption; strCaption = LoadResourceString(IDS_COLLECTINGDATACAPTION); ppd->SetTitle(strCaption.c_str()); // Set the title of the dialog. ppd->SetAnimation (_Module.GetModuleInstance(), IDA_FINDANIM); // Set the animation to play. strCaption = LoadResourceString(IDS_WAITCLEANUP); ppd->SetCancelMsg (strCaption.c_str(), NULL); // Will only be displayed if Cancel strCaption = LoadResourceString(IDS_GRABMISTATUS_COLLECTING); ppd->SetLine(1, strCaption.c_str(), FALSE, NULL); ppd->StartProgressDialog(hwndParent, NULL, PROGDLG_NOPROGRESSBAR| PROGDLG_MODAL| PROGDLG_NOMINIMIZE| PROGDLG_NORMAL| PROGDLG_NOTIME, NULL); // Display and enable automatic estimated time remain } // // this is where we have to determine whether grabmi is a going to be running wild // Check the drive first to see whether it's removable media // cases : leaf node / root node // : system directory // : cd-rom // : temp directory // there could be many combinations // if (ppd) { wstring strCaption = LoadResourceString(IDS_CHECKING_FILES); ppd->SetLine(2, strCaption.c_str(), FALSE, NULL); } // // this is the default filter we shall use // dwFilters[0] = GRABMI_FILTER_PRIVACY; Paths [0] = bstrPath; nPasses = 1; // // determine if it's root/leaf node (could be both) // if (!CheckFileLocation(bstrPath, &bRoot, &bLeaf)) { // we cannot check the file's location goto GrabInformation; } DriveType = GetDriveTypeW(bstrPath); // this will give us *some* clue // rules: // cdrom and not root -- three passes // root - add current file // if (bRoot || DRIVE_REMOTE == DriveType) { dwFilters[0] |= GRABMI_FILTER_LIMITFILES; } else if (DRIVE_CDROM == DriveType) { nDrive = PathGetDriveNumber(bstrPath); if (nDrive >= 0) { dwFilters[0] |= GRABMI_FILTER_NOCLOSE|GRABMI_FILTER_APPEND; dwFilters[1] = GRABMI_FILTER_NORECURSE|GRABMI_FILTER_APPEND; Paths [1] = DriveRoot; Paths [1].at(0) = (WCHAR)(TEXT('A') + nDrive); nPasses = 2; } } if (bLeaf) { // we may want to do more here -- future dev ; } GrabInformation: // // set callback context // GrabmiParams.first = this; GrabmiParams.second = ppd; while (nPasses-- > 0) { if (SdbGrabMatchingInfoEx(Paths[nPasses].c_str(), dwFilters[nPasses], bstrGrabmiFile, _GrabmiCallback, (LPVOID)&GrabmiParams) == GMI_FAILED) { goto cleanup; } } // // figure out the key/description // if (pszDescription) { MatchingFileInfo.strDescription = pszDescription; } MatchingFileInfo.strFileName = bstrGrabmiFile; MatchingFileInfo.bOwn = TRUE; // we have generated this file // // key // if (pszKey == NULL) { strKey = MatchingFileInfo.strFileName; } else { strKey = pszKey; } StrUpCase(strKey); m_DataFiles[strKey] = MatchingFileInfo; // m_DataFiles.push_back(StrUpCase(wstring(bstrGrabmiFile))); // // // bSuccess = TRUE; cleanup: if (ppd) { ppd->StopProgressDialog(); ppd->Release(); } return bSuccess; } STDMETHODIMP CUpload::AddDataFile( BSTR pszDataFile, VARIANT vKey, VARIANT vDescription, VARIANT vOwn) { MFI MatchingFileInfo; wstring strKey = VariantToStr(CComVariant(vKey)); BOOL bKeyFromName = FALSE; if (strKey.empty()) { strKey = pszDataFile; bKeyFromName = TRUE; } StrUpCase(strKey); if (m_DataFiles.find(strKey) != m_DataFiles.end() && !bKeyFromName) { CComBSTR bstrKey = strKey.c_str(); RemoveDataFile(bstrKey); } MatchingFileInfo.strDescription = VariantToStr(CComVariant(vDescription)); MatchingFileInfo.strFileName = pszDataFile; MatchingFileInfo.bOwn = VariantToBOOL(CComVariant(vOwn)); m_DataFiles[strKey] = MatchingFileInfo; // m_DataFiles.push_back(StrUpCase(wstring(pszDataFile))); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CUpload::RemoveDataFile(BSTR pszDataFile) { // STRVEC::iterator iter; MAPSTR2MFI::iterator iter; wstring strFileName; wstring strDataFile = pszDataFile; StrUpCase(strDataFile); iter = m_DataFiles.find(strDataFile); if (iter != m_DataFiles.end()) { if ((*iter).second.bOwn) { ::DeleteFile((*iter).second.strFileName.c_str()); } m_DataFiles.erase(iter); } /* for (iter = m_DataFiles.begin(); iter != m_DataFiles.end(); ++iter) { if (*iter == strDataFile) { // // found it // m_DataFiles.erase(iter); break; } } */ return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CUpload::CreateManifestFile(BOOL *pbSuccess) { // // manifest file creation code // HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WCHAR UNICODE_MARKER[] = { (WCHAR)0xFEFF, L'\r', L'\n' }; MAPSTR2STR::iterator iter; DWORD dwWritten; wstring strLine; CComBSTR bstrDataFiles; BOOL bResult; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; if (!m_Safe) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); } if (!GetTempFile(TEXT("ACM"), m_bstrManifest)) { goto cleanup; } // // m_bstrManifest is our file // hFile = CreateFileW(m_bstrManifest, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { goto cleanup; } bResult = WriteFile(hFile, UNICODE_MARKER, sizeof(UNICODE_MARKER), &dwWritten, NULL); if (!bResult) { goto cleanup; } // // done with the marker, now do the manifest strings // // for (iter = m_mapManifest.begin(); iter != m_mapManifest.end(); ++iter) { strLine = (*iter).first + TEXT('=') + (*iter).second + TEXT("\r\n"); bResult = WriteFile(hFile, strLine.c_str(), strLine.length() * sizeof(WCHAR), &dwWritten, NULL); if (!bResult) { goto cleanup; } } // // done with the general stuff, do the data files // if (GetDataFilesKey(bstrDataFiles)) { strLine = wstring(szKeyDataFiles) + TEXT('=') + wstring(bstrDataFiles) + TEXT("\r\n"); bResult = WriteFile(hFile, strLine.c_str(), strLine.length() * sizeof(WCHAR), &dwWritten, NULL); if (!bResult) { goto cleanup; } } bSuccess = TRUE; cleanup: if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hFile); } if (!bSuccess && m_bstrManifest.Length()) { DeleteFile(m_bstrManifest); m_bstrManifest.Empty(); } *pbSuccess = bSuccess; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CUpload::SendReport(BOOL *pbSuccess) { UINT uSize; TCHAR szSystemWindowsDirectory[MAX_PATH]; wstring strDWCmd; wstring strDWPath; STARTUPINFO StartupInfo = { 0 }; PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInfo = { 0 }; DWORD dwWait; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; BOOL bResult; DWORD dwExitCode; BOOL bTerminated = FALSE; DWORD dwTimeout = 10; // 10ms per ping // // Create Progress dialog // IProgressDialog * ppd = NULL; HRESULT hr; // // do not allow upload unless it is hc that is hosting us // if (!m_Safe) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); } if (IsHeadlessMode()) { hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ProgressDialog, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IProgressDialog, (void **)&ppd); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ppd = NULL; } } // // check to see what happened to hr // if (ppd) { wstring strCaption; strCaption = LoadResourceString(IDS_SENDINGCAPTION); ppd->SetTitle(strCaption.c_str()); // Set the title of the dialog. ppd->SetAnimation (_Module.GetModuleInstance(), IDA_WATSONANIM); // Set the animation to play. strCaption = LoadResourceString(IDS_WAITCLEANUP); ppd->SetCancelMsg (strCaption.c_str(), NULL); // Will only be displayed if Cancel strCaption = LoadResourceString(IDS_LAUNCHINGDR); ppd->SetLine (1, strCaption.c_str(), FALSE, NULL); ppd->StartProgressDialog(::GetActiveWindow(), NULL, PROGDLG_NOPROGRESSBAR| PROGDLG_MODAL| PROGDLG_NOMINIMIZE| PROGDLG_NORMAL| PROGDLG_NOTIME, NULL); // Display and enable automatic estimated time remain } uSize = ::GetSystemWindowsDirectory(szSystemWindowsDirectory, CHARCOUNT(szSystemWindowsDirectory)); if (uSize == 0 || uSize > CHARCOUNT(szSystemWindowsDirectory)) { goto cleanup; } strDWPath = szSystemWindowsDirectory; if (strDWPath.at(strDWPath.length() - 1) != TCHAR('\\')) { strDWPath.append(TEXT("\\")); } strDWPath += TEXT("system32\\dwwin.exe"); strDWCmd = strDWPath + TEXT(" -d ") + (LPCWSTR)m_bstrManifest; StartupInfo.cb = sizeof(StartupInfo); bResult = CreateProcess(strDWPath.c_str(), (LPWSTR)strDWCmd.c_str(), NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &StartupInfo, &ProcessInfo); if (bResult) { // // recover an exit code please // if (ppd) { wstring strSending = LoadResourceString(IDS_SENDINGINFO); ppd->SetLine(1, strSending.c_str(), FALSE, NULL); } while(TRUE) { dwWait = WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInfo.hProcess, dwTimeout); if (dwWait == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { if (GetExitCodeProcess(ProcessInfo.hProcess, &dwExitCode)) { bSuccess = (dwExitCode == 0); } else { bSuccess = FALSE; } break; } else if (dwWait == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { // // check the cancel button // if (ppd && !bTerminated && ppd->HasUserCancelled()) { TerminateProcess(ProcessInfo.hProcess, (UINT)-1); bTerminated = TRUE; bSuccess = FALSE; dwTimeout = 1000; // wait a bit longer } } else { // object somehow became abandoned bSuccess = FALSE; break; } } } if (ppd) { wstring strCleaningUp = LoadResourceString(IDS_CLEANINGUP); ppd->SetLine(1, strCleaningUp.c_str(), FALSE, NULL); } cleanup: if (ProcessInfo.hThread) { CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hThread); } if (ProcessInfo.hProcess) { CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hProcess); } if (ppd) { ppd->StopProgressDialog(); ppd->Release(); } *pbSuccess = bSuccess; return S_OK; } wstring MakeXMLAttr(LPCTSTR lpszName, LPCTSTR lpszValue) { wstring str; wstring strVal; LPCTSTR pch; wstring::size_type nPos = 0; int nlen; if (NULL != lpszValue) { strVal = lpszValue; } // find and replace: all the instances of " & < > // while (nPos != wstring::npos && nPos < strVal.length()) { nPos = strVal.find_first_of(TEXT("&\"<>"), nPos); if (nPos == wstring::npos) { break; } switch(strVal.at(nPos)) { case TEXT('&'): pch = TEXT("&"); break; case TEXT('>'): pch = TEXT(">"); break; case TEXT('<'): pch = TEXT("<"); break; case TEXT('\"'): pch = TEXT("""); break; default: // lunacy, we saw it -- and now it's gone pch = NULL; break; } if (pch) { strVal.replace(nPos, 1, pch); // one character nPos += _tcslen(pch); } } // once we got the string, assign str = lpszName; str += TEXT("=\""); str += strVal; str += TEXT("\""); return str; } wstring MakeXMLAttr(LPCTSTR lpszName, LONG lValue) { WCHAR szBuf[32]; wstring str; swprintf(szBuf, TEXT("\"0x%lx\""), lValue); str = lpszName; str += TEXT("="); str += szBuf; return str; } wstring MakeXMLLayers(LPCTSTR lpszLayers) { wstring str; wstring strLayer; LPCTSTR pch, pbrk; // // partition the string // pch = lpszLayers; while (pch && *pch != TEXT('\0')) { pch += _tcsspn(pch, TEXT(" \t")); // check if we're not at the end if (*pch == TEXT('\0')) { break; } pbrk = _tcspbrk(pch, TEXT(" \t")); if (pbrk == NULL) { // from pch to the end of the string strLayer.assign(pch); } else { strLayer.assign(pch, (int)(pbrk-pch)); } if (!str.empty()) { str += TEXT("\r\n"); } str += TEXT(" "); // lead-in str += TEXT(""); pch = pbrk; } return str; } STDMETHODIMP CUpload::AddDescriptionFile( BSTR pszApplicationName, BSTR pszApplicationPath, LONG lMediaType, BOOL bCompatSuccess, VARIANT* pvFixesApplied, VARIANT vKey, BOOL *pbSuccess ) { // // manifest file creation code // HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WCHAR UNICODE_MARKER[] = { (WCHAR)0xFEFF, L'\r', L'\n' }; DWORD dwWritten; wstring strLine; CComBSTR bstrDescriptionFile; BOOL bResult; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; WCHAR szBuf[32]; VARIANT vFixes; MFI MatchingFileInfo; wstring strKey = VariantToStr(CComVariant(vKey)); wstring strLayers; static TCHAR szTab[] = TEXT(" "); static TCHAR szCRTab[] = TEXT("\r\n "); VariantInit(&vFixes); if (!m_Safe) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); } if (!GetTempFile(TEXT("ACI"), bstrDescriptionFile)) { goto cleanup; } // // m_bstrManifest is our file // hFile = CreateFileW(bstrDescriptionFile, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { goto cleanup; } bResult = WriteFile(hFile, UNICODE_MARKER, sizeof(UNICODE_MARKER), &dwWritten, NULL); if (!bResult) { goto cleanup; } // xml marker strLine = TEXT("\r\n"); bResult = WriteFile(hFile, strLine.c_str(), strLine.length() * sizeof(WCHAR), &dwWritten, NULL); if (!bResult) { goto cleanup; } // compose compat wizard... strLine = TEXT("\r\n"); if (SUCCEEDED(VariantChangeType(&vFixes, pvFixesApplied, 0, VT_BSTR))) { strLayers = vFixes.bstrVal; } if (!strLayers.empty()) { // // parse the layers string and get all of them listed // strLine += MakeXMLLayers(strLayers.c_str()); strLine += TEXT("\r\n"); } strLine += TEXT("\r\n"); // we are done generating data, write it all out bResult = WriteFile(hFile, strLine.c_str(), strLine.length() * sizeof(WCHAR), &dwWritten, NULL); if (!bResult) { goto cleanup; } /* // // after we get through the descriptions // write out data strLine = TEXT("[CompatWizardResults]\r\n"); bResult = WriteFile(hFile, strLine.c_str(), strLine.length() * sizeof(WCHAR), &dwWritten, NULL); if (!bResult) { goto cleanup; } // // write out all the info // strLine = TEXT("ApplicationName="); strLine += pszApplicationName; strLine += TEXT("\r\n"); bResult = WriteFile(hFile, strLine.c_str(), strLine.length() * sizeof(WCHAR), &dwWritten, NULL); if (!bResult) { goto cleanup; } strLine = TEXT("ApplicationPath="); strLine += pszApplicationPath; strLine += TEXT("\r\n"); bResult = WriteFile(hFile, strLine.c_str(), strLine.length() * sizeof(WCHAR), &dwWritten, NULL); if (!bResult) { goto cleanup; } strLine = TEXT("MediaType="); _sntprintf(szBuf, CHARCOUNT(szBuf), TEXT("0x%lx"), lMediaType); strLine += szBuf; strLine += TEXT("\r\n"); bResult = WriteFile(hFile, strLine.c_str(), strLine.length() * sizeof(WCHAR), &dwWritten, NULL); if (!bResult) { goto cleanup; } // // success // strLine = TEXT("CompatibilityResult="); strLine += bCompatSuccess ? TEXT("Success") : TEXT("Failure"); strLine += TEXT("\r\n"); bResult = WriteFile(hFile, strLine.c_str(), strLine.length() * sizeof(WCHAR), &dwWritten, NULL); if (!bResult) { goto cleanup; } // // fixes applied // strLine = TEXT("Layers="); if (!SUCCEEDED(VariantChangeType(&vFixes, pvFixesApplied, 0, VT_BSTR))) { strLine += TEXT("none"); } else { strLine += vFixes.bstrVal; } strLine += TEXT("\r\n"); bResult = WriteFile(hFile, strLine.c_str(), strLine.length() * sizeof(WCHAR), &dwWritten, NULL); if (!bResult) { goto cleanup; } */ // standard file -- manifesto MatchingFileInfo.strDescription = TEXT("Application Compatibility Description File"); MatchingFileInfo.strFileName = bstrDescriptionFile; MatchingFileInfo.bOwn = TRUE; // // key is the filename prefixed by ACI_c:\foo\bar.exe // if (strKey.empty()) { strKey = TEXT("ACI_"); strKey += pszApplicationPath; } StrUpCase(strKey); m_DataFiles[strKey] = MatchingFileInfo; // m_DataFiles.push_back(StrUpCase(wstring(bstrDescriptionFile))); bSuccess = TRUE; cleanup: if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hFile); } if (!bSuccess && bstrDescriptionFile.Length()) { DeleteFile(bstrDescriptionFile); } *pbSuccess = bSuccess; VariantClear(&vFixes); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CUpload::DeleteTempFiles() { // kill all the supplemental files // STRVEC::iterator iter; MAPSTR2MFI::iterator iter; for (iter = m_DataFiles.begin(); iter != m_DataFiles.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter).second.bOwn) { ::DeleteFile((*iter).second.strFileName.c_str()); } } m_DataFiles.clear(); // // kill the manifest // if (m_bstrManifest.Length() > 0) { ::DeleteFile((LPCTSTR)m_bstrManifest); } m_bstrManifest.Empty(); return S_OK; } VOID CUpload::ListTempFiles(wstring& str) { // STRVEC::iterator iter; MAPSTR2MFI::iterator iter; str = TEXT(""); for (iter = m_DataFiles.begin(); iter != m_DataFiles.end(); ++iter) { if (!str.empty()) { str += TEXT(";"); } str += (*iter).second.strFileName.c_str(); } /* // this will show the manifest file as well -- but I don't think we need to // do this as the manifest is irrelevant if (!str.empty()) { str += TEXT("\r\n"); } str += (LPCTSTR)m_bstrManifest; */ } STDMETHODIMP CUpload::ShowTempFiles() { TCHAR szMshtml[] = TEXT("mshtml.dll"); TCHAR szModuleFileName[MAX_PATH]; LPMONIKER pmk = NULL; HRESULT hr; CComVariant vargIn; CComVariant vargOut; DWORD dwLength; TCHAR szUrl2[MAX_PATH]; wstring strURL = TEXT("res://"); wstring strArg; SHOWHTMLDIALOGFN* pfnShowDlg = NULL; if (!m_Safe) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); } HMODULE hMshtml = ::GetModuleHandle(szMshtml); if (NULL == hMshtml) { hMshtml = ::LoadLibrary(szMshtml); if (NULL == hMshtml) { goto cleanup; } } pfnShowDlg = (SHOWHTMLDIALOGFN*)GetProcAddress(hMshtml, "ShowHTMLDialog"); if (NULL == pfnShowDlg) { goto cleanup; } dwLength = ::GetModuleFileName(_Module.GetModuleInstance(), szModuleFileName, CHARCOUNT(szModuleFileName)); if (dwLength == 0 || dwLength >= CHARCOUNT(szModuleFileName)) { goto cleanup; } _sntprintf(szUrl2, CHARCOUNT(szUrl2), TEXT("/#%d/%s"), (int)PtrToInt(RT_HTML), IDR_SHOWTEMPFILESDLG); strURL += szModuleFileName; strURL += szUrl2; hr = CreateURLMoniker(NULL, strURL.c_str(), &pmk); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto cleanup; } ListTempFiles(strArg); // create argument In vargIn = strArg.c_str(); pfnShowDlg(::GetActiveWindow(), pmk, &vargIn, TEXT("center:yes"), &vargOut); cleanup: if (NULL != pmk) { pmk->Release(); } return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CUpload::GetDataFile(VARIANT vKey, LONG InformationClass, VARIANT* pVal) { CComVariant varKey(vKey); LONG lIndex; MAPSTR2MFI::iterator iter; wstring str; HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (!m_Safe) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); } pVal->vt = VT_NULL; switch(InformationClass) { case InfoClassCount: // requested: counter pVal->vt = VT_I4; pVal->lVal = m_DataFiles.size(); break; case InfoClassKey: if (!SUCCEEDED(varKey.ChangeType(VT_I4))) { break; } lIndex = varKey.lVal; iter = m_DataFiles.begin(); while (iter != m_DataFiles.end() && lIndex > 0) { ++iter; --lIndex; } if (iter != m_DataFiles.end()) { hr = StringToVariant(pVal, (*iter).first); } break; case InfoClassFileName: case InfoClassDescription: if (SUCCEEDED(varKey.ChangeType(VT_I4))) { lIndex = varKey.lVal; iter = m_DataFiles.begin(); while (iter != m_DataFiles.end() && lIndex > 0) { ++iter; --lIndex; } } else if (SUCCEEDED(varKey.ChangeType(VT_BSTR))) { str = varKey.bstrVal; iter = m_DataFiles.find(str); } if (iter != m_DataFiles.end()) { switch(InformationClass) { case InfoClassFileName: str = (*iter).second.strFileName; break; case InfoClassDescription: str = (*iter).second.strDescription; break; } hr = StringToVariant(pVal, str); } break; default: break; } return hr; }