/* * @doc INTERNAL * * @module RTFLEX.CPP - RichEdit RTF reader lexical analyzer | * * This file contains the implementation of the lexical analyzer part of * the RTF reader. * * Authors: * Original RichEdit 1.0 RTF converter: Anthony Francisco * Conversion to C++ and RichEdit 2.0: Murray Sargent * * @devnote * All sz's in the RTF*.? files refer to a LPSTRs, not LPTSTRs, unless * noted as a szUnicode. * * Copyright (c) 1995-1997, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. */ #include "_common.h" #include "_rtfread.h" #include "hash.h" ASSERTDATA #include "tokens.cpp" // Array used by character classification macros to speed classification // of chars residing in two or more discontiguous ranges, e.g., alphanumeric // or hex. The alphabetics used in RTF control words are lower-case ASCII. // *** DO NOT DBCS rgbCharClass[] *** #define fCS fCT + fSP #define fSB fBL + fSP #define fHD fHX + fDG #define fHU fHX + fUC #define fHL fHX + fLC const BYTE rgbCharClass[256] = { fCT,fCT,fCT,fCT,fCT,fCT,fCT,fCT, fCT,fCS,fCS,fCS,fCS,fCS,fCT,fCT, fCT,fCT,fCT,fCT,fCT,fCT,fCT,fCT, fCT,fCT,fCT,fCT,fCT,fCT,fCT,fCT, fSB,fPN,fPN,fPN,fPN,fPN,fPN,fPN, fPN,fPN,fPN,fPN,fPN,fPN,fPN,fPN, fHD,fHD,fHD,fHD,fHD,fHD,fHD,fHD, fHD,fHD,fPN,fPN,fPN,fPN,fPN,fPN, fPN,fHU,fHU,fHU,fHU,fHU,fHU,fUC, fUC,fUC,fUC,fUC,fUC,fUC,fUC,fUC, fUC,fUC,fUC,fUC,fUC,fUC,fUC,fUC, fUC,fUC,fUC,fPN,fPN,fPN,fPN,fPN, fPN,fHL,fHL,fHL,fHL,fHL,fHL,fLC, fLC,fLC,fLC,fLC,fLC,fLC,fLC,fLC, fLC,fLC,fLC,fLC,fLC,fLC,fLC,fLC, fLC,fLC,fLC,fPN,fPN,fPN,fPN,fPN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, }; const char szRTFSig[] = "rtf"; #define cchRTFSig 3 #define cbRTFSig (cchRTFSig * sizeof(char)) // Specifies the number of bytes we can safely "UngetChar" // before possibly underflowing the buffer. const int cbBackupMax = 4; // Bug2298 - I found an RTF writer which emits uppercase RTF keywords, // so I had to change IsLCAscii to IsAlphaChar for use in scanning // for RTF keywords. inline BOOL IsAlphaChar(BYTE b) { return IN_RANGE('a', b, 'z') || IN_RANGE('A', b, 'Z'); } // Quick and dirty tolower(b) inline BYTE REToLower(BYTE b) { Assert(!b || IsAlphaChar(b)); return b ? (BYTE)(b | 0x20) : 0; } extern BOOL IsRTF(char *pstr); BOOL IsRTF( char *pstr) { if(!pstr || *pstr++ != '{' || *pstr++ != '\\') return FALSE; // Quick out for most common cases if(*pstr == 'u') // Bypass u of possible urtf pstr++; return !CompareMemory(szRTFSig, pstr, cbRTFSig); } /* * CRTFRead::InitLex() * * @mfunc * Initialize the lexical analyzer. Reset the variables. if reading in * from resource file, sort the keyword list (). Uses global hinstRE * from the RichEdit to find out where its resources are. Note: in * RichEdit 2.0, currently the resource option is not supported. * * @rdesc * TRUE If lexical analyzer was initialized */ BOOL CRTFRead::InitLex() { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSRTFR, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CRTFRead::InitLex"); AssertSz(cKeywords == i_TokenIndexMax, "Keyword index enumeration is incompatible with rgKeyword[]"); Assert(!_szText && !_pchRTFBuffer); // Allocate our buffers with an extra byte for szText so that hex // conversion doesn't have to worry about running off the end if the // first char is NULL if ((_szText = (BYTE *)PvAlloc(cachTextMax + 1, GMEM_ZEROINIT)) && (_pchRTFBuffer = (BYTE *)PvAlloc(cachBufferMost, GMEM_ZEROINIT))) { return TRUE; // Signal that lexer is initialized } _ped->GetCallMgr()->SetOutOfMemory(); _ecParseError = ecLexInitFailed; return FALSE; } /* * CRTFRead::DeinitLex() * * @mfunc * Shut down lexical analyzer */ void CRTFRead::DeinitLex() { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSRTFR, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CRTFRead::DeinitLex"); #ifdef KEYWORD_RESOURCE if (hglbKeywords) { FreeResource(hglbKeywords); hglbKeywords = NULL; rgKeyword = NULL; } #endif FreePv(_szText); FreePv(_pchRTFBuffer); } /* * CRTFRead::GetChar() * * @mfunc * Get next char, filling buffer as needed * * @rdesc * BYTE nonzero char value if success; else 0 */ BYTE CRTFRead::GetChar() { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSRTFR, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CRTFRead::GetChar"); if (_pchRTFCurrent == _pchRTFEnd && !FillBuffer()) { _ecParseError = ecUnexpectedEOF; return 0; } return *_pchRTFCurrent++; } /* * CRTFRead::FillBuffer() * * @mfunc * Fill RTF buffer & return != 0 if successful * * @rdesc * LONG # chars read * * @comm * This routine doesn't bother copying anything down if * pchRTFCurrent pchRTFEnd so anything not read yet is lost. * The only exception to this is that it always copies down the * last two bytes read so that UngetChar() will work. ReadData() * actually counts on this behavior, so if you change it, change * ReadData() accordingly. */ LONG CRTFRead::FillBuffer() { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSRTFR, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CRTFRead::FillBuffer"); LONG cchRead; if (!_pchRTFCurrent) { // No data yet, nothing for backup // Leave cbBackupMax NULL chars so backup // area of buffer doesn't contain garbage. for(int i = 0; i < cbBackupMax; i++) { _pchRTFBuffer[i] = 0; } } else { Assert(_pchRTFCurrent == _pchRTFEnd); // Copy most recently read chars in case // we need to back up int cbBackup = min((UINT) cbBackupMax, DiffPtrs(_pchRTFCurrent, &_pchRTFBuffer[cbBackupMax])); int i; for(i = -1; i >= -cbBackup; i--) _pchRTFBuffer[cbBackupMax + i] = _pchRTFCurrent[i]; if(cbBackup < cbBackupMax) { // NULL before the first valid character in the backup buffer _pchRTFBuffer[cbBackupMax + i] = 0; } } _pchRTFCurrent = &_pchRTFBuffer[cbBackupMax]; // Fill buffer with as much as we can take given our starting offset _pes->dwError = _pes->pfnCallback(_pes->dwCookie, _pchRTFCurrent, cachBufferMost - cbBackupMax, &cchRead); if (_pes->dwError) { TRACEERRSZSC("RTFLEX: GetChar()", _pes->dwError); _ecParseError = ecGeneralFailure; return 0; } _pchRTFEnd = &_pchRTFBuffer[cbBackupMax + cchRead]; // Point the end #if defined(DEBUG) && !defined(MACPORT) if(_hfileCapture) { DWORD cbLeftToWrite = cchRead; DWORD cbWritten = 0; BYTE *pbToWrite = (BYTE *)_pchRTFCurrent; while(WriteFile(_hfileCapture, pbToWrite, cbLeftToWrite, &cbWritten, NULL) && (pbToWrite += cbWritten, (cbLeftToWrite -= cbWritten))); } #endif return cchRead; } /* * CRTFRead::UngetChar() * * @mfunc * Bump our file pointer back one char * * @rdesc * BOOL TRUE on success * * @comm * You can safely UngetChar _at most_ cbBackupMax times without * error. */ BOOL CRTFRead::UngetChar() { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSRTFR, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CRTFRead::UngetChar"); if (_pchRTFCurrent == _pchRTFBuffer || !_pchRTFCurrent) { Assert(0); _ecParseError = ecUnGetCharFailed; return FALSE; } --_pchRTFCurrent; return TRUE; } /* * CRTFRead::UngetChar(cch) * * @mfunc * Bump our file pointer back 'cch' chars * * @rdesc * BOOL TRUE on success * * @comm * You can safely UngetChar _at most_ cbBackupMax times without * error. */ BOOL CRTFRead::UngetChar(UINT cch) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSRTFR, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CRTFRead::UngetChar"); AssertSz(cch <= cbBackupMax, "CRTFRead::UngetChar(): Number of UngetChar's " "exceeds size of backup buffer."); while(cch-- > 0) { if(!UngetChar()) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* * CRTFRead::GetHex() * * @mfunc * Get next char if hex and return hex value * If not hex, leave char in buffer and return 255 * * @rdesc * BYTE hex value of GetChar() if hex; else 255 */ BYTE CRTFRead::GetHex() { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSRTFR, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CRTFRead::GetHex"); BYTE ch = GetChar(); if(IsXDigit(ch)) return (BYTE)(ch <= '9' ? ch - '0' : (ch & 0x4f) - 'A' + 10); if(ch) UngetChar(); return 255; } /* * CRTFRead::GetHexSkipCRLF() * * @mfunc * Get next char if hex and return hex value * If not hex, leave char in buffer and return 255 * * @rdesc * BYTE hex value of GetChar() if hex; else 255 * * @devnote * Keep this in sync with GetHex above. */ BYTE CRTFRead::GetHexSkipCRLF() { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSRTFR, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CRTFRead::GetHexSkipCRLF"); BYTE ch = GetChar(); // Skip \r \n while(ch == CR || ch == LF) ch = GetChar(); // Rest is same as CRTFRead::GetHex() if(IsXDigit(ch)) return (BYTE)(ch <= '9' ? ch - '0' : (ch & 0x4f) - 'A' + 10); if(ch) UngetChar(); return 255; } /* * CRTFRead::TokenGetHex() * * @mfunc * Get an 8 bit character saved as a 2 hex digit value * * @rdesc * TOKEN value of hex number read in */ TOKEN CRTFRead::TokenGetHex() { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSRTFR, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CRTFRead::TokenGetHex"); BYTE bChar0 = GetHex(); BYTE bChar1; if(bChar0 < 16 && (bChar1 = GetHex()) < 16) _token = (WORD)(bChar0 << 4 | bChar1); else _token = tokenError; return _token; } /* * CRTFRead::SkipToEndOfGroup() * * @mfunc * Skip to end of current group * * @rdesc * EC An error code */ EC CRTFRead::SkipToEndOfGroup() { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSRTFR, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CRTFRead::SkipToEndOfGroup"); INT nDepth = 1; BYTE ach; while(TRUE) { ach = GetChar(); switch(ach) { case BSLASH: { BYTE achNext = GetChar(); // EOF: goto done; else ignore NULLs if(!achNext && _ecParseError == ecUnexpectedEOF) goto done; if(achNext == 'b' && UngetChar() && TokenGetKeyword() == tokenBinaryData) { // We've encountered the \binN tag in the RTF we want // to skip. _iParam contains N from \binN once the // tag is parsed by TokenGetKeyword() SkipBinaryData(_iParam); } break; } case LBRACE: nDepth++; break; case RBRACE: if (--nDepth <= 0) goto done; break; case 0: if(_ecParseError == ecUnexpectedEOF) goto done; default: // Detect Lead bytes here. int cTrailBytes = GetTrailBytesCount(ach, _nCodePage); if (cTrailBytes) { for (int i = 0; i < cTrailBytes; i++) { ach = GetChar(); if(ach == 0 && _ecParseError == ecUnexpectedEOF) goto done; } } break; } } Assert(!_ecParseError); _ecParseError = ecUnexpectedEOF; done: return _ecParseError; } /* * CRTFRead::TokenFindKeyword(szKeyword) * * @mfunc * Find keyword

and return its token value * * @rdesc * TOKEN token number of keyword */ TOKEN CRTFRead::TokenFindKeyword( BYTE * szKeyword) // @parm Keyword to find { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSRTFR, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CRTFRead::TokenFindKeyword"); INT iMin; INT iMax; INT iMid; INT nComp; BYTE * pchCandidate; BYTE * pchKeyword; const KEYWORD * pk; AssertSz(szKeyword[0], "CRTFRead::TokenFindKeyword: null keyword"); #ifdef RTF_HASHCACHE if ( _rtfHashInited ) { // Hash is 23% faster than the following binary search on finds // and 55% faster on misses: For 97 words stored in a 257 cache. // Performance numbers will change when the total stored goes up. pk = HashKeyword_Fetch ( (CHAR *) szKeyword ); } else #endif { iMin = 0; iMax = cKeywords - 1; pk = NULL; do // Note (MS3): Hash would be quicker than binary search { iMid = (iMin + iMax) / 2; pchCandidate = (BYTE *)rgKeyword[iMid].szKeyword; pchKeyword = szKeyword; while (!(nComp = REToLower(*pchKeyword) - *pchCandidate) // Be sure to match && *pchKeyword) // terminating 0's { pchKeyword++; pchCandidate++; } if (nComp < 0) iMax = iMid - 1; else if (nComp) iMin = iMid + 1; else { pk = &rgKeyword[iMid]; break; } } while (iMin <= iMax); } if(pk) { _token = pk->token; // here, we log the RTF keyword scan to aid in tracking RTF tag ocverage // TODO: Implement RTF tag logging for the Mac and WinCE #if defined(DEBUG) && !defined(MACPORT) && !defined(PEGASUS) if(_prtflg) { #ifdef RTF_HASCACHE _prtflg->AddAt(szKeyword); #else _prtflg->AddAt((size_t)iMid); #endif } #endif } else _token = tokenUnknownKeyword; // No match: TODO: place to take return _token; // care of unrecognized RTF } /* * CRTFRead::TokenGetKeyword() * * @mfunc * Collect a keyword and its parameter. Return token's keyword * * @rdesc * TOKEN token number of keyword * * @comm * Most RTF control words (keywords) consist of a span of lower-case * ASCII letters possibly followed by a span of decimal digits. Other * control words consist of a single character that isn't LC ASCII. No * control words contain upper-case characters. */ TOKEN CRTFRead::TokenGetKeyword() { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSRTFR, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CRTFRead::TokenGetKeyword"); BYTE ach = GetChar(); BYTE *pach; SHORT cachKeyword = 1; BYTE szKeyword[cachKeywordMax]; _szParam[0] = '\0'; // Clear parameter _iParam = 0; if(!IsAlphaChar(ach)) // Not alpha, i.e., { // single char if (ach == '\'') // Most common case needs { // special treatment // Convert hex to char and store result in _token if(TokenGetHex() == tokenError) { _ecParseError = ecUnexpectedChar; goto TokenError; } if((_token == CR || _token == LF) && FInDocTextDest()) { // Add raw CR or LF in the byte stream as a \par return tokenEndParagraph; } } else { // Check for other known symbols const BYTE *pachSym = szSymbolKeywords; while(ach != *pachSym && *pachSym) pachSym++; if(*pachSym) // Found one { _token = tokenSymbol[pachSym - szSymbolKeywords]; if(_token > 0x7F) // Token or larger Unicode return _token; // value } else if (!ach) // No more input chars goto TokenError; else // Code for unrecognized RTF _token = ach; // We'll just insert it for now } _token = TokenGetText((BYTE)_token); return _token; } szKeyword[0] = ach; // Collect keyword that starts pach = szKeyword + 1; // with ASCII while (cachKeyword < cachKeywordMax && IsAlphaChar(ach = GetChar())) { cachKeyword++; *pach++ = ach; } if (cachKeyword == cachKeywordMax) { _ecParseError = ecKeywordTooLong; goto TokenError; } *pach = '\0'; // Terminate keyword if (IsDigit(ach) || ach == '-') // Collect parameter { BYTE *pachEnd = _szParam + sizeof(_szParam); pach = _szParam; *pach++ = ach; if(ach != '-') _iParam = ach - '0'; // Get parameter value while (IsDigit(ach = GetChar())) { _iParam = _iParam*10 + ach - '0'; *pach++ = ach; if (pach >= pachEnd) { _ecParseError = ecKeywordTooLong; goto TokenError; } } *pach = '\0'; // Terminate parameter string if (_szParam[0] == '-') _iParam = -_iParam; } if (!_ecParseError && // We overshot: (ach == ' ' || UngetChar())) // if not ' ', unget char return TokenFindKeyword(szKeyword); // Find and return keyword TokenError: TRACEERRSZSC("TokenGetKeyword()", _ecParseError); return _token = tokenError; } /* * CRTFRead::TokenGetText(ach) * * @mfunc * Collect a string of text starting with the char

and treat as a * single token. The string ends when a LBRACE, RBRACE, or single '\\' is found. * * @devnote * We peek past the '\\' for \\'xx, which we decode and keep on going; * else we return in a state where the next character is the '\\'. * * @rdesc * TOKEN Token number of next token (tokenText or tokenError) */ TOKEN CRTFRead::TokenGetText( BYTE ach) // @parm First char of 8-bit text string { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSRTFR, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CRTFRead::TokenGetText"); BYTE * pach = _szText; SHORT cachText = 0; LONG CodePage = _pstateStackTop->nCodePage; BOOL fAllASCII = TRUE; int cTrailBytesNeeded = 0; _token = tokenError; // Default error // FUTURE(BradO): This 'goto' into a while loop is pretty weak. // Restructure this 'while' loop such that the 'goto' is removed. // Add character passed into routine goto add; // If cTrailBytesNeeded is non-zero, we need to get all the trail bytes. Otherwise, // a string end in the middle of a DBC or UTF-8 will cause bad display/print problem // - 5 to allow extra space for up to 4 bytes for UTF-8 and Null char while (cachText < cachTextMax - 5 || cTrailBytesNeeded) { ach = GetChar(); switch (ach) { case BSLASH: { // FUTURE(BradO): This code looks ALOT like TokenGetKeyword. // We should combine the two into a common routine. BYTE achNext; // Get char after BSLASH achNext = GetChar(); if(!achNext) goto error; if(achNext == '\'') // Handle most frequent { // case here if(TokenGetHex() == tokenError) { if(cTrailBytesNeeded) { // The trail-byte must be a raw BSLASH. // Unget the single-quote. if(!UngetChar()) goto error; // fall through to add BSLASH } else { _ecParseError = ecUnexpectedChar; goto error; } } else { ach = (BYTE)_token; if (cTrailBytesNeeded == 0 && (ach == CR || ach == LF) && FInDocTextDest()) { // Here, we have a raw CR or LF in document text. // Unget the whole lot of characters and bail out. // TokenGetKeyword will convert this CR or LF into // a \par. if(!UngetChar(4)) goto error; goto done; } } goto add; } // Check next byte against list of RTF symbol // NOTE:- we need to check for RTF symbol even if we // are expecting a trail byte. According to the rtf spec, // we cannot just take this backslash as trail byte. // HWC 9/97 const BYTE *pachSymbol = szSymbolKeywords; while(achNext != *pachSymbol && *pachSymbol) pachSymbol++; TOKEN tokenTmp; if (*pachSymbol && (tokenTmp = tokenSymbol[pachSymbol - szSymbolKeywords]) <= 0x7F) { ach = (BYTE)tokenTmp; goto add; } // In either of the last two cases below, we will want // to unget the byte following the BSLASH if(!UngetChar()) goto error; if(cTrailBytesNeeded && !IsAlphaChar(achNext)) { // In this situation, either this BSLASH begins the next // RTF keyword or it is a raw BSLASH which is the trail // byte for a DBCS character. // I think a fair assumption here is that if an alphanum // follows the BSLASH, that the BSLASH begins the next // RTF keyword. // add the raw BSLASH goto add; } // Here, my guess is that the BSLASH begins the next RTF // keyword, so unget the BSLASH if(!UngetChar()) goto error; goto done; } case LBRACE: // End of text string case RBRACE: if(cTrailBytesNeeded) { // Previous char was a lead-byte of a DBCS pair or UTF-8, which // makes this char a raw trail-byte. goto add; } if(!UngetChar()) // Unget delimeter goto error; goto done; case LF: // Throw away noise chars case CR: break; case 0: if(_ecParseError == ecUnexpectedEOF) goto done; ach = ' '; // Replace NULL by blank default: // Collect chars add: // Outstanding chars to be skipped after \uN tag if(_cbSkipForUnicode) { _cbSkipForUnicode--; continue; } *pach++ = ach; ++cachText; if(ach > 0x7F) fAllASCII = FALSE; // Check if we are expecting more trail bytes if (cTrailBytesNeeded) cTrailBytesNeeded--; else cTrailBytesNeeded = GetTrailBytesCount(ach, CodePage); Assert(cTrailBytesNeeded >= 0); } } done: _token = (WORD)(fAllASCII ? tokenASCIIText : tokenText); *pach = '\0'; // Terminate token string error: return _token; } /* * CRTFRead::TokenGetToken() * * @mfunc * This function reads in next token from input stream * * @rdesc * TOKEN token number of next token */ TOKEN CRTFRead::TokenGetToken() { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSRTFR, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CRTFRead::TokenGetToken"); BYTE ach; _tokenLast = _token; // Used by \* destinations and FE _token = tokenEOF; // Default end-of-file SkipNoise: ach = GetChar(); switch (ach) { case CR: case LF: goto SkipNoise; case LBRACE: _token = tokenStartGroup; break; case RBRACE: _token = tokenEndGroup; break; case BSLASH: _token = TokenGetKeyword(); break; case 0: if(_ecParseError == ecUnexpectedEOF) break; ach = ' '; // Replace NULL by blank // Fall thru to default default: if( !_pstateStackTop ) { TRACEWARNSZ("Unexpected token in rtf file"); Assert(_token == tokenEOF); if (_ped->Get10Mode()) _ecParseError = ecUnexpectedToken; // Signal bad file } else if (_pstateStackTop->sDest == destObjectData || _pstateStackTop->sDest == destPicture ) // not text but data { _token = (WORD)(tokenObjectDataValue + _pstateStackTop->sDest - destObjectData); UngetChar(); } else _token = TokenGetText(ach); } return _token; } /* * CRTFRead::FInDocTextDest() * * @mfunc * Returns a BOOL indicating if the current destination is one in which * we would encounter document text. * * @rdesc * BOOL indicates the current destination may contain document text. */ BOOL CRTFRead::FInDocTextDest() const { switch(_pstateStackTop->sDest) { case destRTF: case destField: case destFieldResult: case destFieldInstruction: case destParaNumbering: case destParaNumText: case destNULL: return TRUE; case destFontTable: case destRealFontName: case destObjectClass: case destObjectName: case destFollowingPunct: case destLeadingPunct: case destColorTable: case destBinary: case destObject: case destObjectData: case destPicture: case destDocumentArea: return FALSE; default: AssertSz(0, "CRTFRead::FInDocTextDest(): New destination " "encountered - update enum in _rtfread.h"); return TRUE; } }