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Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains Javascript code to handle the control channel
Rajesh Soy 10/00
Revision History:
Rajesh Soy - created 10/25/2000
HELPER End of the Control Channel
#include ""
#include ""
* Localizable Constants, text and messages
var L_RELEASECONTROL_Text = " Release <U>C</U>ontrol";
var L_HELPEEREJECTRC_Text = "Your request to take control of remote computer was rejected by ";
var L_HELPEETAKECONTROL_Text = " has stopped control.";
var L_CONTROL1_Text = "You now are sharing control of ";
var L_CONTROL2_Text = "'s computer. Click in ";
var L_CONTROL3_Text = "'s screen to get started.\n\nControl will return to ";
var L_CONTROL4_Text = " if you press the ESC key, or any key sequence or combination including the ESC key (such as ESC+TAB)";
var L_ERRRCPERMDENIED1_Text = "Control of remote computer is not allowed.";
var L_ERRRCERROR_Text = "Request to take control of remote computer failed.";
// VOIP Error messages
var L_ERRVOIP1_Text = c_szVoiceConnError;
var L_ERRVOIP2_Text = c_szVoiceError;
// Helper_SetupControlChannel: Sets up the Control Channel and event handlers
function Helper_SetupControlChannel()
// Get the Channel Manager
DebugTrace("Getting ChannelManager");
if(null == g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFRemoteDesktopChannelMgr)
g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFRemoteDesktopChannelMgr = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFRemoteDesktopClient.ChannelManager;
// Open the Chat channel
DebugTrace("Opening channels");
// Open the Control Channel
g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oControlChannel = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFRemoteDesktopChannelMgr.OpenDataChannel( c_szControlChannelID );
// Send the IP Address of the Expert to the Novice now!
var ip;
var oSetting = new ActiveXObject("rcbdyctl.setting");
ip = oSetting.GetIPAddress;
// Now send it
// Setup the ChannelDataReady handlers
g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oControlChannel.OnChannelDataReady = function()
{ Helper_ControlChannelDataReadyHandler(); }
// Fatal Error
FatalError( L_ERRFATAL_Text, error );
// Helper_ControlChannelDataReadyHandler: Fired when there is data available on Control channel at helper end
function Helper_ControlChannelDataReadyHandler()
var ControlData = null;
// Incoming data on the control channel. Data on this
// channel will be in XML.
ControlData = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oControlChannel.ReceiveChannelData();
FatalError(L_ERRFATAL_Text, error);
// Parse the data sent on the control channel and handle the command
Helper_ParseControlData ( ControlData );
// Helper_ParseControlData: Parses the XML data sent on the control channel and handles the command at the helper end
function Helper_ParseControlData ( ControlData )
var Doc = new ActiveXObject("microsoft.XMLDOM");
var RCCommand = null;
var szCommandName = null;
if( false == Doc.loadXML( ControlData ))
FatalError ( Doc.parseError.reason );
// Get the RCCOMMAND node
RCCommand = Doc.documentElement;
// Get the NAME of the command
szCommandName = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szRCCommandName );
idCtx.minimized = false;
//alert("RCCOMMAND: " + szCommandName );
if( szCommandName == c_szScreenInfo )
// SCREENINFO: Contains width/height/colordepth of user's machine. This is the
// First command received from the helpee. Unless this command is received,
// the connection sequence is not considered complete.
g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_UserWidth = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szWidth );
g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_UserHeight = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szHeight );
g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_UserColorDepth = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szColorDepth );
if( true == g_bVersionCheckEnforced )
// VERSION Check
var szSchemaVersion = null;
var szControlChannelVersion = null;
szSchemaVersion = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szSchema );
if( szSchemaVersion != c_szSchemaVersion )
// Schema Versions differ.
// Our Helpee has an older version
szControlChannelVersion = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szControlChannel );
if( szControlChannelVersion != c_szControlChannelVersion )
// Control Channel Versions differ.
// Our Helpee has an older version
// Send our version across to the Helpee
else if( szCommandName == c_szDisconnectRC )
// DISCONNECTRC: Helpee initiated a Disconnect.
g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_bUserDisconnect = true;
// Call the shutdown sequence
else if( szCommandName == c_szFileXfer )
// FILEXFER: Helpee is initiating a file transfer
var vArgs = new Array(13);
vArgs[0] = 1; // Destination Mode
vArgs[1] = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oControlChannel; // Control Channel
vArgs[2] = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFRemoteDesktopChannelMgr; // Channel Manager
vArgs[3] = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szFileName ); // FILENAME
vArgs[4] = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szFileSize ); // FILESIZE
vArgs[5] = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szChannelId ); // CHANNELID
vArgs[6] = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oFso; // File system object
vArgs[7] = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oRCFileDlg; // File SaveAs dialog object
vArgs[8] = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFClassFactory; // SAF ClassFactory object
vArgs[9] = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_szUserName; // Sender
// Logging DCR - Sending in a reference to the RAEventLog object
vArgs[10] = new ActiveXObject("RACplDlg.RAEventLog");
vArgs[11] = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_szHelpeeIP; // Remote IP
vArgs[12] = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_szLocalUser; // Remote Username
// Launch the File xfer UI in it's own Modeless dialog
//DebugTrace("launching RCFileXfer.htm");
var subWin = window.showModelessDialog( c_szFileXferURL, vArgs, "dialogwidth:" + c_FileXferWidth + "px;dialogHeight:" + c_FileXferHeight + "px;status:no;resizable:no;help:no");
AddOpenSubWin( subWin );
else if (szCommandName == c_szAcceptRC)
// ACCEPTRC: Helpee has accepted request for control of his desktop
parent.frames.idFrameTools.btnTakeControl_1.disabled = false;
parent.frames.idFrameTools.btnTakeControl_1.innerHTML = L_RELEASECONTROL_Text;
parent.frames.idFrameTools.idTB.SetVisibility( "btnTakeControl", false);
parent.frames.idFrameTools.idTB.SetVisibility( "btnReleaseControl", true);
// Log to the event log (event 3)
var oLogger = new ActiveXObject("RACplDlg.RAEventLog");
var args = new Array(2);
args[0] = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_szLocalUser;
args[1] = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_szUserName;
// Expert side
// do nothing
// Change Mode from VIEW to CONTROL
parent.frames.idFrameStatus.Helper_UpdateStatus( L_INCONTROL_Text );
#ifdef _BVT
if( false == g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_bBVT )
var vArgs = new Array(1);
vArgs[0] = L_CONTROL1_Text + g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_szUserName + L_CONTROL2_Text + g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_szUserName + L_CONTROL3_Text + g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_szUserName + L_CONTROL4_Text; // Message
var vRetVal = window.showModelessDialog( c_szMsgURL, vArgs, c_szTCMsgSpecs );
AddOpenSubWin( vRetVal );
var vArgs = new Array(1);
vArgs[0] = L_CONTROL1_Text + g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_szUserName + L_CONTROL2_Text + g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_szUserName + L_CONTROL3_Text + g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_szUserName + L_CONTROL4_Text; // Message
var vRetVal = window.showModelessDialog( c_szMsgURL, vArgs, c_szTCMsgSpecs );
AddOpenSubWin( vRetVal );
g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_bRCEnabled = true;
else if (szCommandName == c_szRejectRC)
// REJECTRC: Helpee rejected request for control of his desktop
var vArgs = new Array(1);
vArgs[0] = L_HELPEEREJECTRC_Text + " " + g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_szUserName; // Message
parent.frames.idFrameTools.btnTakeControl_1.disabled = false;
parent.frames.idFrameTools.idTB.SetState( "btnTakeControl", true );
parent.frames.idFrameTools.g_bTakeControlDisabled = false;
parent.frames.idFrameStatus.Helper_UpdateStatus( L_SCREENVIEWONLY_Text );
var vRetVal = window.showModelessDialog( c_szMsgURL, vArgs, c_szMsgSpecs );
AddOpenSubWin( vRetVal );
else if (szCommandName == c_szTakeControl)
// TAKECONTROL: Helpee took back control
// Log event log (event 4)
var oLogger = new ActiveXObject("RACplDlg.RAEventLog");
var args = new Array(2);
args[0] = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_szLocalUser;
args[1] = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_szUserName;
// expert
// do nothing
var vArgs = new Array(1);
vArgs[0] = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_szUserName + L_HELPEETAKECONTROL_Text; // Message
parent.frames.idFrameTools.btnTakeControl_1.disabled = false;
parent.frames.idFrameTools.btnTakeControl_1.innerHTML = L_TAKECONTROL_Text;
parent.frames.idFrameTools.idTB.SetVisibility( "btnReleaseControl", false);
parent.frames.idFrameTools.idTB.SetVisibility( "btnTakeControl", true);
parent.frames.idFrameTools.idTB.SetState( "btnTakeControl", true );
parent.frames.idFrameTools.g_bTakeControlDisabled = false;
g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_bRCEnabled = false;
// Change Mode from CONTROL to VIEW
parent.frames.idFrameStatus.Helper_UpdateStatus( L_SCREENVIEWONLY_Text );
var vRetVal = window.showModelessDialog( c_szMsgURL, vArgs, c_szMsgSpecs );
AddOpenSubWin( vRetVal );
else if (szCommandName == c_szEscRC)
// ESCRC: Helpee took back control by pressing ESC
// Log event log (event 4)
var oLogger = new ActiveXObject("RACplDlg.RAEventLog");
var args = new Array(2);
args[0] = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_szLocalUser;
args[1] = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_szUserName;
// expert
// do nothing
var vArgs = new Array(1);
vArgs[0] = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_szUserName + L_OR_Text + g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_szLocalUser + L_ESCHIT_Text; // Message
parent.frames.idFrameTools.btnTakeControl_1.disabled = false;
parent.frames.idFrameTools.btnTakeControl_1.innerHTML = L_TAKECONTROL_Text;
parent.frames.idFrameTools.idTB.SetVisibility( "btnReleaseControl", false);
parent.frames.idFrameTools.idTB.SetVisibility( "btnTakeControl", true);
parent.frames.idFrameTools.idTB.SetState( "btnTakeControl", true );
parent.frames.idFrameTools.g_bTakeControlDisabled = false;
g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_bRCEnabled = false;
// Change Mode from CONTROL to VIEW
parent.frames.idFrameStatus.Helper_UpdateStatus( L_SCREENVIEWONLY_Text );
var vRetVal = window.showModelessDialog( c_szMsgURL, vArgs, c_szMsgSpecs );
AddOpenSubWin( vRetVal );
else if ( szCommandName == c_szDeniedRC )
var vArgs = new Array(1);
vArgs[0] = L_ERRRCPERMDENIED1_Text; // Message
parent.frames.idFrameTools.btnTakeControl_1.disabled = false;
parent.frames.idFrameTools.idTB.SetState( "btnTakeControl", true );
parent.frames.idFrameTools.g_bTakeControlDisabled = false;
parent.frames.idFrameStatus.Helper_UpdateStatus( L_SCREENVIEWONLY_Text );
var vRetVal = window.showModalDialog( c_szMsgURL, vArgs, c_szMsgSpecs );
else if ( szCommandName == c_szErrorRC )
var vArgs = new Array(1);
vArgs[0] = L_ERRRCERROR_Text; // Message
parent.frames.idFrameTools.btnTakeControl_1.disabled = false;
parent.frames.idFrameTools.idTB.SetState( "btnTakeControl", true );
parent.frames.idFrameStatus.Helper_UpdateStatus( L_SCREENVIEWONLY_Text );
var vRetVal = window.showModelessDialog( c_szMsgURL, vArgs, c_szMsgSpecs );
// PreStartYes
else if (szCommandName == c_szVoipPreStartYes)
if (false == g_bVoIPEnabled)
if (false == g_bVoipConnected)
// Start Voice and send a message to the Helpee(Server) so it also starts.
// Send a message to 1. Ask for Voip and 2. if yes, call Listen and continue
Helper_SendControlCommand ( c_szVoipPreGo );
catch (e)
// This is the case where Voice is active. Stop it.
// No message needs to be sent because the onVoiceDisconnected event will fire
catch (e)
// Ungray the voice button
frames.idFrameTools.btnVoice.disabled = false;
frames.idFrameTools.idTB.SetState( "btnVoice", true );
// start accepting StartPending messages
g_bStartEnabled = true;
// PreGo - Helper
else if (szCommandName == c_szVoipPreGo)
if (false == g_bVoIPEnabled)
// alert("Helper: Got StartPending!");
// This message means that the Helpee(Server) has called Start(). So we need to call start
// and send an ack back to the Helpee
// Put up a Dialog to see if the helpee wants to 'GO VOICE!'
var vArgs = new Array(1);
vArgs[0] = L_VOIPSTART_Text; // Message
var vRetVal = window.showModalDialog( c_szVOIPMsgURL, vArgs, c_szMsgSpecs );
if( 0 == vRetVal)
// Helper accepts Voice request
// call Listen()
// g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFIntercomClient.Listen();
// We succeeded so send a message to the Helpee/Server
Helper_SendControlCommand( c_szVoipPreGo2 );
catch (e)
// Helper_SendControlCommand( c_szVoipGoNo );
// Helpee rejects Voice request
Helper_SendControlCommand( c_szVoipQNo );
// ungray the voice button
frames.idFrameTools.btnVoice.disabled = false;
frames.idFrameTools.idTB.SetState( "btnVoice", true );
g_bStartEnabled = true;
catch (error)
FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error );
// QNo
else if (szCommandName == c_szVoipQNo)
if (false == g_bVoIPEnabled)
DisplayMessage( L_ERRVOIP1_Text );
// ungray the voice button
frames.idFrameTools.btnVoice.disabled = false;
frames.idFrameTools.idTB.SetState( "btnVoice", true );
g_bStartEnabled = true;
catch (error)
FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error );
// GoNo
else if (szCommandName == c_szVoipGoNo)
if (false == g_bVoIPEnabled)
DisplayMessage( L_ERRVOIP1_Text );
// ungray the voice button
frames.idFrameTools.btnVoice.disabled = false;
frames.idFrameTools.idTB.SetState( "btnVoice", true );
g_bStartEnabled = true;
catch (error)
FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error );
// Go
// TODO: Change this to receive the KEY!!!! JP 3.5.01
else if (szCommandName == c_szVoipGo)
if (false == g_bVoIPEnabled)
var szKey = null; // Used to store the Key that has been sent through this message
var szIPPort = null;
var szTemp = null;
var szIP = null;
var szRAIP = null;
var i = 0;
var j = 0;
var bFoundIP = false;
// Get the trasmitted Key from the XML
szKey = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szVoipGoKey );
szTemp = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szVoipIPList );
// go through the list of IPs and when we find the right one
// grab it and the respective port. Then use it to call connect(...)
// The 'right one' is the one that matches the RA IP
// If we didn't send an IP list, then we use m_szHelpeeIP to try to connect for Voice
while ((szTemp != null) && (i != -1) && (!bFoundIP))
i = szTemp.indexOf(";"); // Grab pos of End of this IP
if (i != -1)
szIPPort = szTemp.slice(0,i); // Grab this IP:Port
szIPPort = szTemp;
j = szIPPort.indexOf(":");
if (j == -1)
// The IP doesn't have a port, just use the string
szIP = szIPPort;
szIP = szIPPort.slice(0,j);
szRAIP = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_szHelpeeIP;
// Compare the two IPs
if (szIP == szRAIP)
bFoundIP = true;
// Move to the next token in the string (if necessary)
if (i != -1)
szTemp = szTemp.slice(i+1);
if (!bFoundIP)
szIPPort = g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_szHelpeeIP;
g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFIntercomClient.Connect(szIPPort, szKey);
catch (e)
// Call Helpee_onVoiceDisabled() -
// Disable voice in the case that Connect fails
// PreStartNo
else if (szCommandName == c_szVoipPreStartNo)
if (false == g_bVoIPEnabled)
// This means, that a connection transaction has already been established the opposite direction
// Enable Start
g_bStartEnabled = true;
// Ungray the voice button
frames.idFrameTools.btnVoice.disabled = false;
frames.idFrameTools.idTB.SetState( "btnVoice", true );
catch (error)
FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error );
// PreStart
else if (szCommandName == c_szVoipPreStart)
if (false == g_bVoIPEnabled)
// This message Starts the connection transaction
// gray the voice button - so that we can't click on it also
frames.idFrameTools.btnVoice.disabled = true;
frames.idFrameTools.idTB.SetState( "btnVoice", false );
if (false == g_bStartEnabled )
// Start is not enables, send PreStartNo
Helper_SendControlCommand ( c_szVoipPreStartNo );
// Ungray the button
frames.idFrameTools.btnVoice.disabled = false;
frames.idFrameTools.idTB.SetState( "btnVoice", true );
// it's ok - send PreStartYes
Helper_SendControlCommand ( c_szVoipPreStartYes );
catch (error)
FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error );
// VoipDisable
else if (szCommandName == c_szVoipDisable)
if (g_bVoIPEnabled == true)
DisplayMessage( L_ERRVOIP2_Text );
// disable VoIP
g_bVoIPEnabled = false;
// set you to bad
g_stateVoipYou = 2;
// Gray the button
frames.idFrameTools.btnVoice.disabled = true;
frames.idFrameTools.idTB.SetState( "btnVoice", false );
catch (error)
FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error );
// VoipWizardGood
else if (szCommandName == c_szVoipWizardGood)
// set you to good
g_stateVoipYou = 1;
// check to see if we can enable voice
if ( (g_stateVoipYou < 2) && (g_stateVoipMe < 2) )
// Ungray voice button
g_bVoIPEnabled = true;
frames.idFrameTools.btnVoice.disabled = false;
frames.idFrameTools.idTB.SetState( "btnVoice", true );
catch (error)
FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error );
// VoipWizardBad
else if (szCommandName == c_szVoipWizardBad)
g_bVoIPEnabled = false;
DisplayMessage( L_ERRVOIP2_Text );
// set you to bad
g_stateVoipYou = 2;
// gray button
frames.idFrameTools.btnVoice.disabled = true;
frames.idFrameTools.idTB.SetState( "btnVoice", false );
catch (error)
FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error );
// VoipBandwidthToHigh
else if (szCommandName == c_szVoipBandwidthToHigh)
g_VoipBandwidth = 1;
g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFIntercomClient.SamplingRate = 2;
// VoipBandwidthToLow
else if (szCommandName == c_szVoipBandwidthToLow)
g_VoipBandwidth = 0;
g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oSAFIntercomClient.SamplingRate = 1;
#ifdef _BVT
else if (( szCommandName == c_szBVTPASS )&&( true == g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_bBVT ))
frames.idFrameChat.Helper_UpdateChatHistory( c_szBVTPASS );
else if (( szCommandName == c_szBVTFAIL )&&( true == g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_bBVT ))
frames.idFrameChat.Helper_UpdateChatHistory( c_szBVTFAIL );
FatalError( L_ERRFATAL_Text, error );
// Helper_SendVersionInfo: Routine to send the helper version information across to the helpee
function Helper_SendVersionInfo()
var Doc = null;
var RCCommand = null;
// Create an XML document
Doc = new ActiveXObject("microsoft.XMLDOM");
// Create the RCCOMMAND root node
RCCommand = Doc.createElement( c_szRCCommand );
// Set the NAME attribute to HELPERVERSION
RCCommand.setAttribute( c_szRCCommandName, c_szHelperVersion );
// Set the SCHEMAVERSION attribute
RCCommand.setAttribute( c_szSchema, c_szSchemaVersion );
RCCommand.setAttribute( c_szControlChannel, c_szControlChannelVersion );
// Send control message to other end
g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oControlChannel.SendChannelData( RCCommand.xml );
FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error );
// Helper_SendControlCommand: Routine to send a control command across to the helpee
function Helper_SendControlCommand( szCommandName )
var Doc = null;
var RCCommand = null;
// Create an XML document
Doc = new ActiveXObject("microsoft.XMLDOM");
// Create the RCCOMMAND root node
RCCommand = Doc.createElement( c_szRCCommand );
// Set the NAME attribute to szCommandName
RCCommand.setAttribute( c_szRCCommandName, szCommandName );
// Send control message to other end
g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oControlChannel.SendChannelData( RCCommand.xml );
FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error );
function Helper_SendIPAddress( szIP )
var Doc = null;
var RCCommand = null;
// Create an XML document
Doc = new ActiveXObject("microsoft.XMLDOM");
// Create the RCCOMMAND root node
RCCommand = Doc.createElement( c_szRCCommand );
// Set the NAME attribute to szCommandName
RCCommand.setAttribute( c_szRCCommandName, c_szExpertIP );
RCCommand.setAttribute( c_szExpertIPDATA, szIP );
// Send control message to other end
g_oSAFRemoteAssistanceHelper.m_oControlChannel.SendChannelData( RCCommand.xml );
FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error );
// Helper_ResetHelpee: Routine to reset Helpee after RC
function Helper_ResetHelpee()
// Send control message to other end to signal Remote control end
Helper_SendControlCommand( c_szRemoteCtrlEnd );