Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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// Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#include "wmicom.h"
class CWMIStandardShell
CWMIProcessClass * m_pClass;
CProcessStandardDataBlock * m_pWDM;
BOOL m_fInit;
HRESULT Initialize (
WCHAR * wcsClass,
BOOL fInternalEvent,
CHandleMap * pList,
BOOL fUpdateNamespace,
ULONG uDesiredAccess,
IWbemServices __RPC_FAR * pServices,
IWbemServices __RPC_FAR * pRepository,
IWbemObjectSink __RPC_FAR * pHandler,
IWbemContext __RPC_FAR *pCtx
inline BOOL HasMofChanged() { return m_pWDM->HasMofChanged(); }
// Process All and Single WMI Instances
HRESULT ProcessAllInstances();
HRESULT ProcessSingleInstance( WCHAR * wcsInstanceName);
// The put instance group
HRESULT FillInAndSubmitWMIDataBlob( IWbemClassObject * pIClass, int nTypeOfPut, CVARIANT & vList);
// Event functions
HRESULT ProcessEvent(WORD wBinaryMofType, PWNODE_HEADER WnodeHeader);
inline HRESULT RegisterWMIEvent( WCHAR * wcsGuid, ULONG_PTR uContext, CLSID & Guid, BOOL fRegistered)
{ return m_pWDM->RegisterWMIEvent(wcsGuid,uContext,Guid,fRegistered);}
// method functions
HRESULT ExecuteMethod( WCHAR * wcsInstance,
WCHAR * MethodInstanceName,
IWbemClassObject * pParentClass,
IWbemClassObject * pInClassData,
IWbemClassObject * pInClass,
IWbemClassObject * pOutClass ) ;
// data processing functions
HRESULT GetGuid(WCHAR * pwcsGuid);
HRESULT SetGuidForEvent( WORD wType,WCHAR * wcsGuid, int cchSize );
HRESULT RegisterForWMIEvents( ULONG uContext, WCHAR * wcsGuid, BOOL fRegistered,CLSID & Guid );
inline BOOL CancelWMIEventRegistration( GUID gGuid , ULONG_PTR uContext ) { return m_pClass->WMI()->CancelWMIEventRegistration(gGuid,uContext);}
// The binary mof groupg
HRESULT ProcessBinaryGuidsViaEvent( PWNODE_HEADER WnodeHeader,WORD wType );
HRESULT QueryAndProcessAllBinaryGuidInstances(CNamespaceManagement & Namespace, BOOL & fMofHasChanged, KeyList * pArrDriversInRegistry);
// Misc
inline CLSID * GuidPtr() { return m_pClass->GuidPtr();}
inline HRESULT SetErrorMessage(HRESULT hr){ return m_pClass->WMI()->SetErrorMessage(hr,m_pClass->GetClassName(),m_pWDM->GetMessage());}
// The Hi Performance Shell
class CWMIHiPerfShell
CHiPerfHandleMap * m_pHiPerfMap;
CProcessHiPerfDataBlock * m_pWDM;
CWMIProcessClass * m_pClass;
BOOL m_fAutoCleanup;
BOOL m_fInit;
HRESULT QueryAllInstances(HANDLE WMIHandle,IWbemHiPerfEnum* pHiPerfEnum);
HRESULT QuerySingleInstance(HANDLE WMIHandle);
CWMIHiPerfShell(BOOL fAuto);
HRESULT Initialize (
BOOL fUpdate,
ULONG uDesiredAccess,
CHandleMap * pList,
WCHAR * wcs,
IWbemServices __RPC_FAR * pServices,
IWbemServices __RPC_FAR * pRepository,
IWbemObjectSink __RPC_FAR * pHandler,
IWbemContext __RPC_FAR *pCtx
) ;
inline void SetHiPerfHandleMap(CHiPerfHandleMap * p) { m_pHiPerfMap = p; }
inline CCriticalSection * GetCriticalSection() { return m_pHiPerfMap->GetCriticalSection();}
inline CHiPerfHandleMap * HiPerfHandleMap() { return m_pHiPerfMap;}
HRESULT QueryAllHiPerfData();
HRESULT HiPerfQuerySingleInstance(WCHAR * wcsInstance);
HRESULT AddAccessObjectToRefresher(IWbemObjectAccess *pAccess, IWbemObjectAccess ** ppRefreshable, ULONG_PTR * plId);
HRESULT AddEnumeratorObjectToRefresher(IWbemHiPerfEnum* pHiPerfEnum, ULONG_PTR * plId);
HRESULT RemoveObjectFromHandleMap(ULONG_PTR lHiPerfId);
HRESULT RefreshCompleteList();
inline HRESULT SetErrorMessage(HRESULT hr){ return m_pClass->WMI()->SetErrorMessage(hr,m_pClass->GetClassName(),m_pWDM->GetMessage());}