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// TimerQueue.h
// Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#include <windows.h>
#include <deque>
class CTimerEvent
CTimerEvent () : m_bEnabled ( FALSE ) , m_dwMilliseconds ( 1000 ) , m_bRepeating ( FALSE ) {} ;
CTimerEvent ( DWORD dwTimeOut, BOOL fRepeat ) ;
CTimerEvent ( const CTimerEvent &rTimerEvent ) ;
virtual ~CTimerEvent () {} ;
virtual void OnTimer () {} ;
virtual ULONG AddRef () = 0 ;
virtual ULONG Release () = 0 ;
DWORD GetMilliSeconds () ;
BOOL Repeating () ;
BOOL Enabled () ;
__int64 int64Time; // Scheduled callback as an offset of the system clock.
BOOL m_bEnabled ;
DWORD m_dwMilliseconds; // Scheduled callback time in milliseconds
BOOL m_bRepeating; // indicates a one shot or repeating callback
void Disable () ;
void Enable () ;
class CRuleTimerEvent : public CTimerEvent
CRule *m_pRule ; // argument for the timed callback
CRuleTimerEvent ( CRule *a_Rule ) : m_Rule ( a_Rule ) { if ( m_Rule ) m_Rule->AddRef () } ;
CRuleTimerEvent ( CRule *a_Rule , BOOL a_Enable , DWORD dwTimeOut, BOOL fRepeat ) ;
CRuleTimerEvent ( const CRuleTimerEvent &rTimerEvent ) ;
~CRuleTimerEvent () {} ;
CRule *GetRule () ;
} ;
class CTimerQueue
static CTimerQueue s_TimerQueue ;
void OnShutDown();
void Init();
BOOL QueueTimer( CTimerEvent *pTimerEntry );
BOOL DeQueueTimer( CTimerEvent *pTimerEntry );
void vUpdateScheduler();
__int64 int64Clock(); // System clock in milliseconds
// pure virtual
// virtual DWORD OnTimer( const CTimerEntry *pTimerEntry ) = 0;
DWORD m_dwThreadID;
HANDLE m_hSchedulerHandle;
HANDLE m_hScheduleEvent;
HANDLE m_hInitEvent;
BOOL m_bInit;
BOOL m_fShutDown;
CStaticCritSec m_oCS;
typedef std::deque<CTimerEvent*> Timer_Ptr_Queue;
Timer_Ptr_Queue m_oTimerQueue;
static DWORD WINAPI dwThreadProc( LPVOID lpParameter );
BOOL fScheduleEvent( CTimerEvent* pTimerEvent );
CTimerEvent* pGetNextTimerEvent();
DWORD dwProcessSchedule();
DWORD dwNextTimerEvent();
void vEmptyList();
BOOL ShutDown();