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// (c) 1999 by Microsoft Corporation
// alanbos 23-Mar-99 Created.
// Contains DLL entry points.
#include "precomp.h"
#include <wbemdisp.h>
#define WMITHIS L"instance"
// CWmiScriptingHost::CWmiScriptingHost
// Constructor
m_lRef = 0;
m_pObject = NULL;
#ifdef TEST
// Grab an object to play with
HRESULT hr = CoGetObject (L"winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!Win32_LogicalDisk=\"C:\"",
NULL,IID_ISWbemObject, (void**)&m_pObject);
// CWmiScriptingHost::~CWmiScriptingHost
// Destructor
if (m_pObject)
m_pObject = NULL;
// CWmiScriptingHost::QueryInterface
// CWmiScriptingHost::AddRef
// CWmiScriptingHost::Release
// Purpose: IUnknown method implementations
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CWmiScriptingHost::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppv)
if(riid == IID_IUnknown || riid == IID_IActiveScriptSite)
*ppv = (IActiveScriptSite*)this;
else if(riid == IID_IActiveScriptSiteWindow)
*ppv = (IActiveScriptSiteWindow*)this;
return S_OK;
return InterlockedIncrement(&m_lRef);
long lRef = InterlockedDecrement(&m_lRef);
if(lRef == 0)
delete this;
return lRef;
// SCODE CWmiScriptingHost::GetLCID
// Description:
// Retrieves the locale identifier associated with the host's user
// interface. The scripting engine uses the identifier to ensure
// that error strings and other user-interface elements generated
// by the engine appear in the appropriate language. .
// Parameters:
// plcid
// Address of a variable that receives the locale identifier
// for user-interface elements displayed by the scripting engine
// Return Value:
// HRESULT E_NOTIMPL - the system-defined locale should be used
/* [out] */ LCID __RPC_FAR *plcid)
return E_NOTIMPL;
// SCODE CWmiScriptingHost::GetItemInfo
// Description:
// Allows the scripting engine to obtain information about an item
// added with the IActiveScript::AddNamedItem method.
// Parameters:
// pstrName
// The name associated with the item, as specified in the
// IActiveScript::AddNamedItem method.
// dwReturnMask
// A bit mask specifying what information about the item
// should be returned. The scripting engine should request the
// minimum amount of information possible because some of
// the return parameters (for example,ITypeInfo) can take
// considerable time to load or generate. Can be a combination
// of the following values:
// SCRIPTINFO_IUNKNOWN Return theIUnknown interface for this item.
// SCRIPTINFO_ITYPEINFO Return theITypeInfo interface for this item.
// ppunkItem
// Address of a variable that receives a pointer to the IUnknown
// interface associated with the given item. The scripting engine
// can use the IUnknown::QueryInterface method to obtain the IDispatch
// interface for the item. This parameter receives NULL if dwReturnMask
// does not include the SCRIPTINFO_IUNKNOWN value. Also, it receives NULL
// if there is no object associated with the item name; this mechanism is
// used to create a simple class when the named item was added with the
// SCRIPTITEM_CODEONLY flag set in the IActiveScript::AddNamedItem method.
// ppTypeInfo
// Address of a variable that receives a pointer to theITypeInfo interface
// associated with the item. This parameter receives NULL if dwReturnMask
// does not include the SCRIPTINFO_ITYPEINFO value, or if type information
// is not available for this item. If type information is not available,
// the object cannot source events, and name binding must be realized with
// the IDispatch::GetIDsOfNames method. Note that the ITypeInfo interface
// retrieved describes the item's coclass (TKIND_COCLASS) because the object
// may support multiple interfaces and event interfaces. If the item supports
// the IProvideMultipleTypeInfo interface, the ITypeInfo interface retrieved
// is the same as the index zero ITypeInfo that would be obtained using the
// IProvideMultipleTypeInfo::GetInfoOfIndex method.
// Return Value:
// S_OK Success.
// E_INVALIDARG An argument was invalid.
// E_POINTER An invalid pointer was specified.
// TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND An item of the specified name was not found.
/* [in] */ LPCOLESTR pstrName,
/* [in] */ DWORD dwReturnMask,
/* [out] */ IUnknown __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppunkItem,
/* [out] */ ITypeInfo __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppTypeInfo)
if (NULL == m_pObject)
if(_wcsicmp(pstrName, WMITHIS))
*ppTypeInfo = NULL;
*ppunkItem = NULL;
return E_POINTER;
m_pObject->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void**)ppunkItem);
// TODO - host should support SCRIPTINFO_ITYPEINFO
// but we'll need scriptable objects to support IProvideClassInfo
// or just hard code the typelib here
return S_OK;
// SCODE CWmiScriptingHost::GetDocVersionString
// Description:
// Retrieves a host-defined string that uniquely identifies the
// current document version. If the related document has changed
// outside the scope of ActiveX Scripting (as in the case of an
// HTML page being edited with NotePad), the scripting engine can
// save this along with its persisted state, forcing a recompile
// the next time the script is loaded.
// Parameters:
// pstrVersionString
// Address of the host-defined document version string.
// Return Value:
// S_OK Success
// E_NOTIMPL The scripting engine should assume that
// the script is in sync with the document
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CWmiScriptingHost::GetDocVersionString(
/* [out] */ BSTR __RPC_FAR *pbstrVersion)
return E_NOTIMPL;
// SCODE CWmiScriptingHost::OnScriptTerminate
// Description:
// Informs the host that the script has completed execution. The
// scripting engine calls this method before the call to the
// IActiveScriptSite::OnStateChange method, with the
// SCRIPTSTATE_INITIALIZED flag set, is completed. This method can
// be used to return completion status and results to the host. Note
// that many script languages, which are based on sinking events from
// the host, have life spans that are defined by the host.
// In this case, this method may never be called.
// Parameters:
// pvarResult
// Address of a variable that contains the script result,
// or NULL if the script produced no result.
// pexcepinfo
// Address of an EXCEPINFO structure that contains exception
// information generated when the script terminated, or NULL
// if no exception was generated.
// Return Value:
// S_OK Success
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CWmiScriptingHost::OnScriptTerminate(
/* [in] */ const VARIANT __RPC_FAR *pvarResult,
/* [in] */ const EXCEPINFO __RPC_FAR *pexcepinfo)
return S_OK;
// SCODE CWmiScriptingHost::OnStateChange
// Description:
// Informs the host that the scripting engine has changed states.
// Parameters:
// ssScriptState
// Value that indicates the new script state. See the
// IActiveScript::GetScriptState method for a description of the states.
// Return Value:
// S_OK Success
/* [in] */ SCRIPTSTATE ssScriptState)
return S_OK;
// SCODE CWmiScriptingHost::OnScriptError
// Description:
// Informs the host that an execution error occurred while the engine
// was running the script.
// Parameters:
// pase
// Address of the error object's IActiveScriptError interface.
// A host can use this interface to obtain information about the
// execution error.
// Return Value:
// S_OK Success
/* [in] */ IActiveScriptError __RPC_FAR *pase)
hres = pase->GetExceptionInfo(&ei);
printf("\nGot Error from source %S", ei.bstrSource);
printf("\nDescription is %S", ei.bstrDescription);
printf("\nThe error code is 0x%x", ei.scode);
DWORD dwLine, dwCookie;
long lChar;
pase->GetSourcePosition(&dwCookie, &dwLine, &lChar);
printf("\nError occured on line %d, character %d", dwLine, lChar);
return S_OK;
// SCODE CWmiScriptingHost::OnEnterScript
// Description:
// Informs the host that the scripting engine has begun executing the
// script code. The scripting engine must call this method on every
// entry or reentry into the scripting engine. For example, if the
// script calls an object that then fires an event handled by the
// scripting engine, the scripting engine must call
// IActiveScriptSite::OnEnterScript before executing the event, and
// must call the IActiveScriptSite::OnLeaveScript method after executing
// the event but before returning to the object that fired the event.
// Calls to this method can be nested. Every call to this method
// requires a corresponding call to IActiveScriptSite::OnLeaveScript.
// Return Value:
// S_OK Success
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CWmiScriptingHost::OnEnterScript( void)
return S_OK;
// SCODE CWmiScriptingHost::OnLeaveScript
// Description:
// Informs the host that the scripting engine has returned from
// executing script code. The scripting engine must call this method
// before returning control to a calling application that entered the
// scripting engine. For example, if the script calls an object that
// then fires an event handled by the scripting engine, the scripting
// engine must call the IActiveScriptSite::OnEnterScript method before
// executing the event, and must call IActiveScriptSite::OnLeaveScript
// after executing the event before returning to the object that fired
// the event. Calls to this method can be nested. Every call to
// IActiveScriptSite::OnEnterScript requires a corresponding call to
// this method.
// Return Value:
// S_OK Success
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CWmiScriptingHost::OnLeaveScript( void)
return S_OK;