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// WinMsgEvent.h --
// Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
using namespace std;
#define MSGWINDOWNAME TEXT("WinMsgEventProvider")
class POLARITY CAutoEvent
HANDLE m_hEvent ;
CAutoEvent() { m_hEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL ); };
~CAutoEvent() { CloseHandle( m_hEvent ); };
DWORD Wait( DWORD a_dwMillSec ) { return WaitForSingleObject( m_hEvent, a_dwMillSec ); };
BOOL Signal() { return SetEvent( m_hEvent ); };
class POLARITY CWinMsgEvent
static CCritSec mg_csMapLock ;
static CCritSec mg_csWindowLock ;
static CAutoEvent mg_aeCreateWindow ;
typedef std::multimap<UINT, CWinMsgEvent*> Sink_Map ;
static Sink_Map mg_oSinkMap ;
static HANDLE mg_hThreadPumpHandle ;
static HWND mg_hWnd ;
static void HandleEvent( DWORD a_dwPowerEvent, DWORD a_dwData ) ;
static void CreateMsgProvider() ;
static HWND CreateMsgWindow() ;
static void DestroyMsgWindow() ;
static void WindowsDispatch() ;
IN HWND a_hWnd,
IN UINT a_message,
IN WPARAM a_wParam,
IN LPARAM a_lParam ) ;
static DWORD WINAPI dwThreadProc( LPVOID lpParameter );
static BOOL WINAPI CtrlHandlerRoutine( DWORD dwCtrlType ) ;
void RegisterForMessage(
IN UINT a_message
) ;
bool UnRegisterMessage(
IN UINT a_message
) ;
void UnRegisterAllMessages() ;
CWinMsgEvent () ;
~CWinMsgEvent () ;
enum E_ReturnAction {
e_DefProc, // call DefWindowProc
e_ReturnResult // return msg with WinMsgEvent() LRESULT
virtual void WinMsgEvent(
IN HWND a_hWnd,
IN UINT a_message,
IN WPARAM a_wParam,
IN LPARAM a_lParam,
OUT E_ReturnAction &eRetAction,
OUT LRESULT &a_lResult
) = 0 ;