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* MkClnMkf - generates the makefile to cleanse the VC++ v7.0 CRTL sources
* in preparation for a Microsoft-internal build of the CRTL. Those
* cleansed sources will also be used for the publicly-released CRTL
* source as a part of the VC++ 7.0 retail product.
* Programmed by Steve Salisbury, 1994-12-07 Wed
* This program takes 7 arguments:
* prefixSrc - path to the raw VC++ 7.0 CRTL sources
* prefixDst - path to the partly cleansed VC++ 7.0 CRTL sources
* prefixDst2 - path to the final cleansed VC++ 7.0 CRTL sources
* inputRaw - a list of raw input files
* inputCln - a list of the input files that must be cleansed
* output - name of the first output file (may not already exist)
* outputRel - name of the second output file (may not already exist)
* Modified by Steve Salisbury, 1994-12-15 Thu
* Restore the crtw32/ and fpw32/ subdirectories
* Automate the generation of the directory list
* Modified 1995-01-16 Mon - take directory list from an input file, too.
* Modified 1995-01-17 Tue - many changes to make things work when removing
* crtw32/ and fpw32/ directories from the target filename paths.
* Modified 1995-01-18 Wed - The 3 files cleansed with bldmkf.sed should
* have that file as an explicit dependency.
* Modified 1995-01-23 Mon - Add a second output file
* Modified 1996-06-27 Thu - Fix off by 1 error in list allocation
* Modified 1997-08-14 Thu (Jamie) - Revved version strings from 4.0 => 6.0
* Modified 1999-05-16 Sun (PhilipLu) - Removed MAC support
* Modified 1999-08-02 Mon (PhilipLu) - Revved version strings from 6.0 => 7.0
* Modified 1999-08-06 Fri (PhilipLu) - Set .RC file names by cmdline switches
* Modified 1999-10-17 Sun (PhilipLu) - Add -noclean options
* Build Version Options
/* define KEEPDIRS */
* Include Header Files
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
* Define Constants
#define MAXARGLEN 128
#define CRTW32 "crtw32\\"
#define FPW32 "fpw32\\"
* Define VERBOSE to get verbose output makefiles
#ifdef VERBOSE
#define AT ""
#define AT "@"
#if defined(_BUILD_IA64)
#define TOOLDIR "..\\libw32\\tools\\i386"
#define CPUDIR "ia64"
#elif defined(_BUILD_AMD64)
#define TOOLDIR "..\\libw32\\tools\\i386"
#define CPUDIR "amd64"
#elif defined(_M_IA64)
#define TOOLDIR "..\\libw32\\tools\\ia64"
#define CPUDIR "ia64"
#elif defined(_M_IX86)
#define TOOLDIR "..\\libw32\\tools\\i386"
#define CPUDIR "intel"
#define INTEL_DIR "intel"
* Define Global Variables (Constants)
#ifndef KEEPDIRS
char fmtRaw2 [ ] =
"%s%s: %s%s %ssrcrel\\bldmkf.sed\n"
"\t" AT "echo Copying %s from %s to %s. (using SED.EXE)\n"
"\t" AT "if exist %s%s attrib -r %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "sed -f %ssrcrel\\bldmkf.sed %s%s > %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "attrib +r %s%s\n"
"\n" ;
#endif /* KEEPDIRS */
char fmtRaw [ ] =
"%s%s: %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "echo Copying %s from %s to %s.\n"
"\t" AT "if exist %s%s attrib -r %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "copy /b %s%s %s%s >nul\n"
"\t" AT "attrib +r %s%s\n"
"\n" ;
char fmtCln2 [ ] =
"%s%s: %s%s %ssrcrel\\msvc40.if\n"
"\t" AT "echo Cleansing %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "if exist %s%s attrib -r %s%s\n"
"\t" AT TOOLDIR "\\detab < %s%s | " TOOLDIR "\\trailing > %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "rem *\n"
"\t" AT "rem * IFSTRIP is NOT used on .INC assembler include files!\n"
"\t" AT "rem *\n"
"\t" AT "rem " TOOLDIR "\\ifstrip -z -c -t -x.TMP -f %ssrcrel\\msvc40.if %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "rem del %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "rem ren %s%s.TMP *%s\n"
"\t" AT TOOLDIR "\\striphdr -r %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "del %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "ren %s%s.NEW *%s\n"
"\t" AT "attrib +r %s%s\n"
"\n" ;
char fmtCln [ ] =
"%s%s: %s%s %ssrcrel\\msvc40.if\n"
"\t" AT "echo Cleansing %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "if exist %s%s attrib -r %s%s\n"
"\t" AT TOOLDIR "\\detab < %s%s | " TOOLDIR "\\trailing > %s%s\n"
"\t" AT TOOLDIR "\\ifstrip -z -c -t -x.TMP -f %ssrcrel\\msvc40.if %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "del %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "ren %s%s.TMP *%s\n"
"\t" AT TOOLDIR "\\striphdr -r %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "del %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "ren %s%s.NEW *%s\n"
"\t" AT "attrib +r %s%s\n"
"\n" ;
const char prefixSrc [ ] = "$(SRC)\\" ;
const char prefixDst [ ] = "$(DST)\\" ;
char * * DirList ;
const char * szRcFiles [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] =
{ "msvcirt.rc" , "msvcprt.rc" , "msvcrt.rc" } ,
{ "msvcirt.rc" , "msvcprt.rc" , "msvcrt.rc" }
} ,
{ "sysirt.rc" , "sysprt.rc" , "syscrt.rc" } ,
{ "sysirt64.rc" , "sysprt64.rc" , "syscrt64.rc" }
} ;
* Function Declarations (Prototypes)
int main ( int argc , char * * argv ) ;
void Usage ( void ) ;
char * fgetsNL ( char * lineBuf , int lineSize , FILE * fileInput ) ;
void Progress ( int prefix , char * string , int suffix ) ;
char * SkipFirstDir ( char * string ) ;
* Function Definitions (Implementations)
int main ( int argc , char * * argv )
FILE * inputRaw ;
FILE * inputCln ;
FILE * inputDir ;
FILE * output ;
FILE * output2 ;
char lineRaw [ MAXARGLEN ] ;
char lineCln [ MAXARGLEN ] ;
char * rvRaw ;
char * rvCln ;
char * defaultSrc ;
char * defaultDst ;
char * defaultDst2 ;
char * lineSkip ;
char * * pDirs ;
time_t timestamp ;
struct tm localt ;
char * * nextArg ;
int fSysCrt = 0;
int fCrt64 = 0;
int fNoClean = 0;
nextArg = ++ argv ;
while ( * nextArg != NULL && * * nextArg == '-' )
if ( strcmp ( * nextArg , "-sys" ) == 0 )
fSysCrt = 1 ;
else if ( strcmp ( * nextArg , "-64" ) == 0 )
fCrt64 = 1 ;
else if ( strcmp ( * nextArg , "-noclean" ) == 0 )
fNoClean = 1 ;
Usage ( ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
nextArg = ++ argv ;
-- argc ;
if ( -- argc != 8 )
Usage ( ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
defaultSrc = * nextArg ;
++ nextArg ;
defaultDst = * nextArg ;
++ nextArg ;
defaultDst2 = * nextArg ;
++ nextArg ;
if ( ( inputRaw = fopen ( * nextArg , "rt" ) ) == NULL )
fprintf ( stderr , "mkclnmkf: cannot open input file \"%s\"\n" ,
* nextArg ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
++ nextArg ;
if ( ( inputCln = fopen ( * nextArg , "rt" ) ) == NULL )
fprintf ( stderr , "mkclnmkf: cannot open input file \"%s\"\n" ,
* nextArg ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
++ nextArg ;
if ( ( inputDir = fopen ( * nextArg , "rt" ) ) == NULL )
fprintf ( stderr , "mkclnmkf: cannot open input file \"%s\"\n" ,
* nextArg ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
++ nextArg ;
if ( ( output = fopen ( * nextArg , "rb" ) ) != NULL )
fprintf ( stderr , "mkclnmkf: first output file already exists: \"%s\"\n" ,
* nextArg ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
if ( ( output = fopen ( * nextArg , "wt" ) ) == NULL )
fprintf ( stderr , "mkclnmkf: cannot open first output file: \"%s\"\n" ,
* nextArg ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
++ nextArg ;
if ( ( output2 = fopen ( * nextArg , "rb" ) ) != NULL )
fprintf ( stderr , "mkclnmkf: second output file already exists: \"%s\"\n" ,
* nextArg ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
if ( ( output2 = fopen ( * nextArg , "wt" ) ) == NULL )
fprintf ( stderr , "mkclnmkf: cannot open second output file: \"%s\"\n" ,
* nextArg ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
++ nextArg ;
* Read in the list of directories
int numDirs = 0 ;
int maxNumDirs = 0 ;
char nextDir [ MAXARGLEN ] ;
char * pDir ;
pDir = fgetsNL ( nextDir , sizeof ( nextDir ) , inputDir ) ;
while ( pDir )
if ( numDirs + 1 >= maxNumDirs )
maxNumDirs += 16 ;
if ( ! ( DirList = ( char * * ) realloc ( DirList ,
sizeof ( char * ) * maxNumDirs ) ) )
fprintf ( stderr ,
"mkclnmkf: realloc failed (maxNumDirs=%d)\n" ,
maxNumDirs ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
DirList [ numDirs ] = _strdup ( nextDir ) ;
if ( ! DirList [ numDirs ] )
fprintf ( stderr ,
"mkclnmkf: strdup failed (nextDir=\"%s\")\n" ,
nextDir ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
++ numDirs ;
pDir = fgetsNL ( nextDir , sizeof ( nextDir ) , inputDir ) ;
DirList [ numDirs ] = NULL ;
int i ;
fprintf ( stderr , "Reading in directory list...\n" ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; DirList [ i ] ; ++ i )
Progress ( '(' , DirList [ i ] , ')' ) ;
Progress ( '(' , NULL , ')' ) ;
if ( fclose ( inputDir ) )
fprintf ( stderr ,
"mkclnmkf: error closing input file \"%s\"\n" ,
* nextArg ) ;
* Generate MAKEFILE header comment
time ( & timestamp ) ;
localt = * localtime ( & timestamp ) ;
fprintf ( output ,
"# This is a program-generated Makefile, the purpose of which is to\n"
"# copy Visual C++ v7.0 C Run-Time Library Source files from the raw\n"
"# source tree to a directory structure suitable for end user usage\n"
"# in debugging and modification. Not all of the VC++ 7.0 CRTL srcs\n"
"# are provided to end users, but the ones that are 'cleansed' using\n"
"# an automated process. Another makefile will copy these cleansed\n"
"# files to their final directory lay-out.\n"
"# This Makefile was generated on\n"
"#\t\t%.3s %2d %4d at %02d:%02d:%02d\n"
"# The program that generated this Makefile was compiled on\n"
"#\t\t" __DATE__ " at " __TIME__ "\n"
"!if \"$(SRC)\"==\"\"\n"
"!if \"$(DST)\"==\"\"\n"
"all:\tdirs files\n"
"files: \\\n" ,
localt . tm_mon * 3 + "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec" ,
localt . tm_mday , localt . tm_year + 1900 ,
localt . tm_hour , localt . tm_min , localt . tm_sec ,
defaultSrc , defaultDst ) ;
fprintf ( output2 ,
"# This is a program-generated Makefile, the purpose of which is to\n"
"# copy the cleansed Visual C++ v7.0 C Run-Time Library Source files\n"
"# to their directory lay-out which will be received by end users.\n"
"# This Makefile was generated on\n"
"#\t\t%.3s %2d %4d at %02d:%02d:%02d\n"
"# The program that generated this Makefile was compiled on\n"
"#\t\t" __DATE__ " at " __TIME__ "\n"
"!if \"$(SRC)\"==\"\"\n"
"!if \"$(DST)\"==\"\"\n"
"all:\tdirs files\n"
"\t" AT "if not exist %s" CPUDIR "\\NUL mkdire %s" CPUDIR "\n"
#if defined(_BUILD_IA64)
"\t" AT "if not exist %s" INTEL_DIR "\\NUL mkdire %s" INTEL_DIR "\n"
"\t" AT "if not exist %ssys\\NUL mkdire %ssys\n"
"\t" AT "if not exist %sbuild\\NUL mkdire %sbuild\n"
"\t" AT "if not exist %sbuild\\" CPUDIR "\\NUL mkdire %sbuild\\" CPUDIR "\n"
"files: \\\n"
"\t%s%s \\\n"
"\t%s%s \\\n"
"\t%s%s \\\n"
"\t%smsvcrt40.rc \\\n"
"\t%smakefile \\\n"
"\t%smakefile.inc \\\n"
"\t%smakefile.sub \\\n" ,
localt . tm_mon * 3 + "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec" ,
localt . tm_mday , localt . tm_year + 1900 ,
localt . tm_hour , localt . tm_min , localt . tm_sec ,
defaultDst , defaultDst2 ,
/* if not exist ... CPUDIR */
prefixDst , prefixDst ,
#if defined(_BUILD_IA64)
/* if not exist intel */
prefixDst , prefixDst ,
/* if not exist sys */
prefixDst , prefixDst ,
/* if not exist build ... */
prefixDst , prefixDst ,
prefixDst , prefixDst ,
/* RC files... */
prefixDst , szRcFiles [ fSysCrt ] [ fCrt64 ] [ 0 ] ,
prefixDst , szRcFiles [ fSysCrt ] [ fCrt64 ] [ 1 ] ,
prefixDst , szRcFiles [ fSysCrt ] [ fCrt64 ] [ 2 ] ,
prefixDst ,
/* makefile.{,inc,sub} */
prefixDst , prefixDst , prefixDst ) ;
* Generate default ("all") dependecy
* First, files that are just copied
rvRaw = fgetsNL ( lineRaw , sizeof ( lineRaw ) , inputRaw ) ;
while ( rvRaw )
lineSkip = lineRaw ;
#ifndef KEEPDIRS
if ( ! strncmp ( "crtw32\\" , lineSkip , 7 ) )
lineSkip += 7 ;
else if ( ! strncmp ( "fpw32\\" , lineSkip , 6 ) )
lineSkip += 6 ;
#endif /* KEEPDIRS */
fprintf ( output , "\t%s%s \\\n" ,
prefixDst , lineSkip ) ;
if ( ! memcmp ( lineSkip , "stdcpp\\" , 7 )
|| ! memcmp ( lineSkip , "stdhpp\\" , 7 ) )
* Files in the stdcpp / stdhpp directories are
* special cases -- they are not cleansed but are
* copied to the crt/src/ directory.
fprintf ( output2 , "\t%s%s \\\n" ,
prefixDst , lineSkip + 7 ) ;
if ( ! memcmp ( lineSkip , "stdcpp64\\" , 9 )
|| ! memcmp ( lineSkip , "stdhpp64\\" , 9 ) )
/* same goes for stdcpp64 / stdhpp64 */
fprintf ( output2 , "\t%s%s \\\n" ,
prefixDst , lineSkip + 9 ) ;
if ( ! memcmp ( lineSkip , "heap\\" , 5 )
&& strcmp ( lineSkip , "heap\\lsources" ) )
/* same goes for heap\*opnt.cpp */
fprintf ( output2 , "\t%s%s \\\n" ,
prefixDst , lineSkip + 5 ) ;
rvRaw = fgetsNL ( lineRaw , sizeof ( lineRaw ) , inputRaw ) ;
* Second, files that have be cleansed
rvCln = fgetsNL ( lineCln , sizeof ( lineCln ) , inputCln ) ;
while ( rvCln )
lineSkip = lineCln ;
#ifndef KEEPDIRS
if ( ! strncmp ( "crtw32\\" , lineSkip , 7 ) )
lineSkip += 7 ;
else if ( ! strncmp ( "fpw32\\" , lineSkip , 6 ) )
lineSkip += 6 ;
#endif /* KEEPDIRS */
fprintf ( output , "\t%s%s \\\n" ,
prefixDst , lineSkip ) ;
fprintf ( output2 , "\t%s%s \\\n" ,
prefixDst , SkipFirstDir ( lineSkip ) ) ;
rvCln = fgetsNL ( lineCln , sizeof ( lineCln ) , inputCln ) ;
fprintf ( output ,
"\n\n# Directory Dependencies:\n\ndirs:\n"
"\t" AT "if not exist %sbuild\\NUL mkdire %sbuild\n" ,
prefixDst , prefixDst ) ;
* Create Root Directory Component by Component
* NOTE: this code assumes prefixDst resembles:
* \msdev\crt\src\
char temp [ MAXARGLEN ] ;
char * prefixSlash ;
char * prefixNext ;
int len ;
strcpy ( temp , prefixDst ) ;
len = strlen ( temp ) ;
if ( temp [ len - 1 ] == '\\' )
temp [ len - 1 ] = '\0' ;
prefixNext = prefixDst + 1 ;
while ( prefixSlash = strchr ( prefixNext , '\\' ) )
temp [ prefixSlash - prefixDst ] = '\0' ;
fprintf ( output ,
"\t" AT "if not exist %s\\NUL mkdire %s\n" ,
temp , temp ) ;
prefixNext = prefixSlash + 1 ;
temp [ prefixSlash - prefixDst ] = '\\' ;
#endif /* BLDROOTDIR */
* Create Directories
for ( pDirs = DirList ; * pDirs ; ++ pDirs )
char * targetDir ;
targetDir = * pDirs ;
#ifndef KEEPDIRS
if ( ! strcmp ( "crtw32" , targetDir )
|| ! strcmp ( "fpw32" , targetDir ) )
continue ;
if ( ! strncmp ( "crtw32\\" , targetDir , 7 ) )
targetDir += 7 ;
else if ( ! strncmp ( "fpw32\\" , targetDir , 6 ) )
targetDir += 6 ;
#endif /* KEEPDIRS */
fprintf ( output ,
"\t" AT "if not exist %s%s\\NUL mkdire %s%s\n" ,
prefixDst , targetDir ,
prefixDst , targetDir ,
prefixDst , targetDir ) ;
fprintf ( output , "\n\n#\n# Individual Dependencies:\n#\n\n" ) ;
* Second output makefile has some special targets
fprintf ( output2 , "\n\n#\n# Individual Dependencies:\n#\n\n" ) ;
static char * listMkf [ ] =
"makefile" , "makefile.inc" , "makefile.sub" , NULL
} ;
static const char * listSpc [ ] =
"msvcirt.rc" , "msvcprt.rc" , "msvcrt.rc" ,
"msvcrt40.rc" , NULL
} ;
int i ;
listSpc [ 0 ] = szRcFiles [ fSysCrt ] [ fCrt64 ] [ 0 ] ;
listSpc [ 1 ] = szRcFiles [ fSysCrt ] [ fCrt64 ] [ 1 ] ;
listSpc [ 2 ] = szRcFiles [ fSysCrt ] [ fCrt64 ] [ 2 ] ;
for ( i = 0 ; listSpc [ i ] ; ++ i )
fprintf ( output2 ,
"%s%s: %slibw32\\%s\n"
"\t" AT "echo Copying %s from %s to %s.\n"
"\t" AT "if exist %s%s attrib -r %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "copy /b $** $@ >NUL\n"
"\t" AT "attrib +r %s%s\n"
"\n" ,
/* %s%s: %slibw32\\%s */
prefixDst , listSpc [ i ] ,
prefixSrc , listSpc [ i ] ,
/* echo Copying %s from %s to %s. */
listSpc [ i ] , prefixSrc , prefixDst ,
/* if exist %s%s attrib -r %s%s */
prefixDst , listSpc [ i ] ,
prefixDst , listSpc [ i ] ,
/* copy /b $** $@ >NUL */
/* attrib +r %s%s */
prefixDst , listSpc [ i ] ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; listMkf [ i ] ; ++ i )
fprintf ( output2 ,
"%s%s: %s%s relmkf.sed\n"
"\t" AT "echo Copying %s from %s to %s. (using SED)\n"
"\t" AT "if exist %s%s attrib -r %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "sed -f relmkf.sed %s%s > $@\n"
"\t" AT "attrib +r %s%s\n"
"\n" ,
/* %s%s: %slibw32\\%s */
prefixDst , listMkf [ i ] ,
prefixSrc , listMkf [ i ] ,
/* echo Copying %s from %s to %s. */
listMkf [ i ] , prefixSrc , prefixDst ,
/* if exist %s%s attrib -r %s%s */
prefixDst , listMkf [ i ] ,
prefixDst , listMkf [ i ] ,
/* sed -f relmkf.sed %s%s > $@ */
prefixSrc , listMkf [ i ] ,
/* attrib +r %s%s */
prefixDst , listMkf [ i ] ) ;
* Reset input files for another pass: individual dependencies
if ( fseek ( inputRaw , 0L , SEEK_SET )
|| fseek ( inputCln , 0L , SEEK_SET ) )
fprintf ( stderr , "mkclnmkf: cannot reset input file(s)\n" ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
* Generate individual dependecies for files that are copied as-is
fprintf ( stderr , "Producing copied file dependencies...\n" ) ;
fprintf ( output , "# Copied File Dependencies:\n\n" ) ;
rvRaw = fgetsNL ( lineRaw , sizeof ( lineRaw ) , inputRaw ) ;
while ( rvRaw )
lineSkip = lineRaw ;
#ifndef KEEPDIRS
* strip crtw32\ and fpw32\ from the input string
if ( ! strncmp ( "crtw32\\" , lineSkip , 7 ) )
lineSkip += 7 ;
else if ( ! strncmp ( "fpw32\\" , lineSkip , 6 ) )
lineSkip += 6 ;
if ( ( lineRaw [ 0 ] != 'f'
|| strcmp ( lineSkip + strlen ( lineSkip ) - 9 , "\\lsources" ) )
&& strcmp ( "makefile" , lineRaw ) )
#endif /* KEEPDIRS */
fprintf ( output , fmtRaw ,
/* %s%s: %s%s */
prefixDst , lineSkip , prefixSrc , lineRaw ,
/* echo Copying %s from %s to %s */
lineSkip , prefixSrc , prefixDst ,
/* if exist %s%s attrib -r %s%s */
prefixDst , lineSkip , prefixDst , lineSkip ,
/* copy /b %s%s %s%s */
prefixSrc , lineRaw , prefixDst , lineSkip ,
/* attrib +r %s%s */
prefixDst , lineSkip ) ;
#ifndef KEEPDIRS
fprintf ( output , fmtRaw2 ,
/* %s%s: %s%s %ssrcrel\\bldmkf.sed */
prefixDst , lineSkip ,
prefixSrc , lineRaw , prefixSrc ,
/* echo Copying %s from %s to %s */
lineSkip , prefixSrc , prefixDst ,
/* if exist %s%s attrib -r %s%s */
prefixDst , lineSkip , prefixDst , lineSkip ,
/* sed -f %ssrcrel\\bldmkf.sed %s%s > %s%s */
prefixSrc ,
prefixSrc , lineRaw , prefixDst , lineSkip ,
/* attrib +r %s%s */
prefixDst , lineSkip ) ;
#endif /* KEEPDIRS */
if ( ! memcmp ( lineSkip , "stdcpp\\" , 7 )
|| ! memcmp ( lineSkip , "stdhpp\\" , 7 ) )
* Files in the stdcpp / stdhpp directories are
* special cases -- they are not cleansed but are
* copied to the crt/src/ directory.
fprintf ( output2 , "%s%s: %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "echo Copying %s from %s to %s.\n"
"\t" AT "if exist %s%s attrib -r %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "copy /b %s%s %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "attrib +r %s%s\n"
"\n" ,
prefixDst , lineSkip + 7 ,
prefixSrc , lineSkip ,
lineRaw , prefixSrc , prefixDst ,
prefixDst , lineSkip + 7 ,
prefixDst , lineSkip + 7 ,
prefixSrc , lineSkip ,
prefixDst , lineSkip + 7 ,
prefixDst , lineSkip + 7 ) ;
if ( ! memcmp ( lineSkip , "stdcpp64\\" , 9 )
|| ! memcmp ( lineSkip , "stdhpp64\\" , 9 ) )
/* Same goes for stdcpp64 / stdhpp64 */
fprintf ( output2 , "%s%s: %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "echo Copying %s from %s to %s.\n"
"\t" AT "if exist %s%s attrib -r %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "copy /b %s%s %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "attrib +r %s%s\n"
"\n" ,
prefixDst , lineSkip + 9 ,
prefixSrc , lineSkip ,
lineRaw , prefixSrc , prefixDst ,
prefixDst , lineSkip + 9 ,
prefixDst , lineSkip + 9 ,
prefixSrc , lineSkip ,
prefixDst , lineSkip + 9 ,
prefixDst , lineSkip + 9 ) ;
if ( ! memcmp ( lineSkip , "heap\\" , 5 )
&& strcmp ( lineSkip , "heap\\lsources" ) )
/* Same goes for heap\*opnt.cpp */
fprintf ( output2 , "%s%s: %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "echo Copying %s from %s to %s.\n"
"\t" AT "if exist %s%s attrib -r %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "copy /b %s%s %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "attrib +r %s%s\n"
"\n" ,
prefixDst , lineSkip + 5 ,
prefixSrc , lineSkip ,
lineRaw , prefixSrc , prefixDst ,
prefixDst , lineSkip + 5 ,
prefixDst , lineSkip + 5 ,
prefixSrc , lineSkip ,
prefixDst , lineSkip + 5 ,
prefixDst , lineSkip + 5 ) ;
Progress ( '[' , lineRaw , ']' ) ;
rvRaw = fgetsNL ( lineRaw , sizeof ( lineRaw ) , inputRaw ) ;
Progress ( '[' , NULL , ']' ) ;
* Generate individual dependecies for files that are cleansed
fprintf ( stderr , "Producing cleansed file dependencies...\n" ) ;
fprintf ( output , "# Cleansed File Dependencies:\n\n" ) ;
rvCln = fgetsNL ( lineCln , sizeof ( lineCln ) , inputCln ) ;
while ( rvCln )
char * pExt ;
char pNoExt [ MAXARGLEN ] ;
lineSkip = lineCln ;
#ifndef KEEPDIRS
* strip crtw32\ and fpw32\ from the input string
if ( ! strncmp ( "crtw32\\" , lineSkip , 7 ) )
lineSkip += 7 ;
else if ( ! strncmp ( "fpw32\\" , lineSkip , 6 ) )
lineSkip += 6 ;
#endif /* KEEPDIRS */
pExt = strrchr ( lineSkip , '.' ) ;
if ( ! pExt )
fprintf ( stderr ,
"Warning: filename has no extension: %s\n" ,
lineCln ) ;
pExt = lineSkip + strlen ( pExt ) ;
strcpy ( pNoExt , lineSkip ) ;
pNoExt [ pExt - lineSkip ] = '\0' ;
if ( !fNoClean )
* .INC files do not get ifstripped - use fmtCln2 for them
fprintf ( output ,
strcmp ( ".inc" , pExt ) ? fmtCln : fmtCln2 ,
/* %s%s: %scrtw32\%s %ssrcrel\msvc40.if */
prefixDst , lineSkip , prefixSrc , lineCln , prefixSrc ,
/* echo Cleansing %scrtw32\%s */
prefixDst , lineSkip ,
/* if exist %s%s attrib -r %s%s */
prefixDst , lineSkip , prefixDst , lineSkip ,
/* detab < %scrtw32\%s | trailing > ... */
prefixSrc , lineCln , prefixDst , lineSkip ,
/* ifstrip %s\srcrel\msvc40.if %s%s */
prefixSrc , prefixDst , lineSkip ,
/* del %s%s */
prefixDst , lineSkip ,
/* ren %s%s.TMP *%s */
prefixDst , pNoExt , pExt ,
/* striphdr -r %s%s */
prefixDst , lineSkip ,
/* del %s%s */
prefixDst , lineSkip ,
/* ren %s%s.NEW *%s */
prefixDst , pNoExt , pExt ,
/* attrib +r %s%s */
prefixDst , lineSkip ) ;
* -noclean: Just copy, don't cleanse, for development builds
fprintf ( output , fmtRaw ,
/* %s%s: %s%s */
prefixDst , lineSkip , prefixSrc , lineCln ,
/* echo Copying %s from %s to %s */
lineSkip , prefixSrc , prefixDst ,
/* if exist %s%s attrib -r %s%s */
prefixDst , lineSkip , prefixDst , lineSkip ,
/* copy /b %s%s %s%s */
prefixSrc , lineCln , prefixDst , lineSkip ,
/* attrib +r %s%s */
prefixDst , lineSkip ) ;
* Secondary makefile
if ( memcmp ( "libw32" , lineCln , 6 ) )
char * lineSkipFirst = SkipFirstDir ( lineSkip ) ;
if ( ! strcmp ( ".asm" , pExt ) &&
( ! memcmp ( "mbstring" , lineSkip , 8 )
|| ! strcmp ( "memmove.asm" , pExt - 7 )
|| ! strcmp ( "strcspn.asm" , pExt - 7 )
|| ! strcmp ( "strpbrk.asm" , pExt - 7 ) )
|| ! strcmp ( ".c" , pExt ) &&
( ! strcmp ( "mbscat.c" , pExt - 6 )
|| ! strcmp ( "mbsdup.c" , pExt - 6 ) ) )
fprintf ( output2 ,
"%s%s: %s%s asmfile.sed\n"
"\t" AT "echo Copying %s from %s to %s. (using SED.EXE)\n"
"\t" AT "if exist %s%s attrib -r %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "sed -f asmfile.sed %s%s > $@\n"
"\t" AT "attrib +r %s%s\n"
"\n" ,
/* %s%s: %s%s asmfile.sed */
prefixDst , lineSkipFirst ,
prefixSrc , lineSkip ,
/* echo Copying %s from %s to %s... */
lineSkip , prefixSrc , prefixDst ,
/* if exist %s%s attrib -r %s%s */
prefixDst , lineSkipFirst ,
prefixDst , lineSkipFirst ,
/* sed -f asmfile.sed %s%s > $@ */
prefixSrc , lineSkip ,
/* attrib +r %s%s */
prefixDst , lineSkipFirst ) ;
fprintf ( output2 ,
"%s%s: %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "echo Copying %s from %s to %s.\n"
"\t" AT "if exist %s%s attrib -r %s%s\n"
"\t" AT "copy /b $** $@ >NUL\n"
"\t" AT "attrib +r %s%s\n"
"\n" ,
/* %s%s: %s%s */
prefixDst , lineSkipFirst ,
prefixSrc , lineSkip ,
/* Copying %s from %s to %s */
lineSkip , prefixSrc , prefixDst ,
/* if exist %s%s attrib -r %s%s */
prefixDst , lineSkipFirst ,
prefixDst , lineSkipFirst ,
/* copy /b $** $@ >NUL */
/* attrib +r %s%s */
prefixDst , lineSkipFirst ) ;
* Show Progress
Progress ( '{' , lineSkip , '}' ) ;
rvCln = fgetsNL ( lineCln , sizeof ( lineCln ) , inputCln ) ;
Progress ( '{' , NULL , '}' ) ;
return 0 ;
* Usage - print message explaining the arguments to this program
void Usage ( void )
fprintf ( stderr ,
"Usage: mkclnmkf [opts] prefIn prefOut prefOut2 fRaw fCln dirList mkfOut mkfOut2\n"
"where\tprefIn is the input prefix (such as \"\\crt\")\n"
"\tprefOut is the primary output prefix (such as \"\\msdev\\crt\\prebuild\")\n"
"\tprefOut2 is the secondary output prefix (such as \"\\msdev\\crt\\src\")\n"
"\tfRaw is a list of files to be copied as-is\n"
"\tfCln is a list of files to be cleansed\n"
"\tdirList is a list of the directories to be created\n"
"\tmkfOut is the primary output makefile (it may not already exist)\n"
"\tmkfOut2 is the secondary output makefile (it may not already exist)\n\n"
"\t -sys\t\tuse system CRT filenames\n"
"\t -64\t\tuse Win64 CRT filenames\n"
"\t -noclean\tdon't cleanse source files\n"
) ;
* fgetsNL - same as fgets except final newline character is deleted
* Upon EOF or error, make sure the buffer is set to the empty string.
char * fgetsNL ( char * lineBuf , int lineSize , FILE * fileInput )
char * retval = fgets ( lineBuf , lineSize , fileInput ) ;
if ( retval )
size_t len = strlen ( lineBuf ) ;
if ( len < 1 || lineBuf [ len - 1 ] != '\n' )
fprintf ( stderr , "mkclnmkf: malformed input line:\n\t%s\n" , lineBuf ) ;
lineBuf [ len - 1 ] = '\0' ;
lineBuf [ 0 ] = '\0' ;
return retval ;
void Progress ( int prefix , char * string , int suffix )
static size_t prevlen = 0 ;
static int counter = 0 ;
if ( string == NULL )
fprintf ( stderr , "%*s\n" , prevlen + 3 , " " ) ;
prevlen = 0 ;
counter = 0 ;
else if ( ++ counter % 100 == 1 )
size_t length = strlen ( string ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , "%c%s%c%*s\r" ,
prefix , string , suffix ,
prevlen > length ? prevlen - length : 1 ,
" " ) ;
prevlen = length ;
char * SkipFirstDir ( char * string )
char * pFile = string ;
while ( * pFile ++ != '\\' )
if ( ! * pFile )
fprintf ( stderr ,
"mkclnmkf: no \\ in \"%s\"\n" , string ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
return pFile ;