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559 lines
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559 lines
12 KiB
;/* himem5.asm
; *
; * Microsoft Confidential
; * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1988-1991
; * All Rights Reserved.
; *
; * Modification History
; *
; * Sudeepb 14-May-1991 Ported for NT XMS support
; */
page 95,160
title himem5.asm - Extended Memory Moves
; M001 : inserted a jmp $+2 between an out & in while reading the ISR
; M003 : fixed bug to do with not returning int 15h errors on a blockmove
; call.
extrn TopOfTextSeg:word
extrn hiseg:word
extrn pReqHdr:dword
extrn dd_int_loc:word
extrn interrupt:word
extrn fInHMA:byte
extrn EndText:byte
ifdef NEC_98
extrn InHMAMsg:byte
endif ;NEC_98
_text ends
funky segment word public 'funky'
assume cs:funky
extrn KiddValley:word
extrn KiddValleyTop:word
extrn end_of_hiseg:word
extrn textseg:word
extrn LEnblA20:dword
extrn LDsblA20:dword
extrn FunkyCLI:near
extrn FunkySTI:near
; MoveBlock
; XMM Move Extended Memory Block
; Entry:
; ES:SI Points to structure containing:
; bCount dd ? ; Length of block to move
; SourceHandle dw ? ; Handle for souce
; SourceOffset dd ? ; Offset into source
; DestHandle dw ? ; Handle for destination
; DestOffset dd ? ; Offset into destination
; Return:
; AX = 1 Success
; AX = 0 Failure
; Error code in BL
; Registers Destroyed:
; Flags
public MoveBlock
MoveBlock proc far
assume ds:_text
call FunkySTI ; Be nice
push bp ; Set up stack frame so we
mov bp, sp ; can have local variables
sub sp, 18 ; Space for local variables
; Following Ordering is used in xms.dll and should be retained
; as is or changed in both places.
Count = -4 ; Local DWORD for byte count
SrcLinear = -8
DstLinear = -12
MEReturn = -14 ; Local WORD for return code
SrcHandle = -16
DstHandle = -18
push bx
push dx
xor ax, ax
mov [bp.MEReturn], ax ; Assume success
mov [bp.SrcHandle], ax
mov [bp.DstHandle], ax
mov ax, word ptr es:[si].bCount ; Pick up length specified
mov word ptr [bp.Count], ax
mov cx, word ptr es:[si].bCount+2
mov word ptr [bp.Count+2], cx
or cx, ax
jcxz MEM2_Exit ; Exit immediately if zero
lea bx, [si].SourceHandle ; Normalize Source
call GetLinear ; Linear address in DX:AX
jc MEM2_SrcError ; Have Dest Error Code
mov word ptr [bp.SrcLinear], ax ; Save Linear address
mov word ptr [bp.SrcLinear+2], dx
mov [bp.SrcHandle], bx ; Save Handle for Unlock
lea bx, [si].DestHandle ; Normalize Destination
call GetLinear
jc MEM2_Error
mov word ptr [bp.DstLinear], ax ; Save Linear address
mov word ptr [bp.DstLinear+2], dx
mov [bp.DstHandle], bx ; Save Handle for Unlock
shr word ptr [bp.Count+2], 1 ; Make word count
rcr word ptr [bp.Count], 1
jc MEM2_InvCount ; Odd count not allowed
call LEnblA20
cmp ax, 1
jne MEM2_Error
; Parameters on the stack
call LDSblA20
cmp ax, 1
jne MEM2_Error
mov bx, [bp.SrcHandle] ; Unlock Handles if necessary
or bx, bx
jz NoSrcHandle
dec [bx].cLock ; Unlock Source
mov bx, [bp.DstHandle]
or bx, bx
jz NoDstHandle
dec [bx].cLock ; Unlock Destination
pop dx
pop bx
mov ax, 1
cmp word ptr [bp.MEReturn], 0
jz MEM2_Success
dec ax
mov bl, byte ptr [bp.MEReturn]
mov sp, bp ; Unwind stack
pop bp
cmp bl, ERR_LENINVALID ; Invalid count
je MEM2_Error ; yes, no fiddle
sub bl, 2 ; Convert to Source error code
jmp short MEM2_Error
mov byte ptr [bp.MEReturn], bl ; Pass error code through
jmp short MEM2_Exit
MoveBlock endp
; GetLinear
; Convert Handle and Offset (or 0 and SEG:OFFSET) into Linear address
; Locks Handle if necessary
; Entry:
; ES:BX Points to structure containing:
; Handle dw
; Offset dd
; [BP.Count] Count of bytes to move
; Return:
; BX Handle of block (0 if conventional)
; AX:DX Linear address
; CARRY => Error
; Error code in BL
; Registers Destroyed:
; Flags, CX, DI
GetLinear proc near
push si
mov si, word ptr es:[bx+2] ; Offset from start of handle
mov di, word ptr es:[bx+4] ; in DI:SI
mov bx, word ptr es:[bx] ; Handle in bx
or bx, bx
jz GL2_Conventional
test [bx].Flags, USEDFLAG ; Valid Handle?
jz GL2_InvHandle
mov ax, [bx].Len ; Length of Block
mov cx, 1024
mul cx ; mul is faster
sub ax, si
sbb dx, di ; DX:AX = max possible count
jc GL2_InvOffset ; Base past end of block
sub ax, word ptr [bp.Count]
sbb dx, word ptr [bp.Count+2]
jc GL2_InvCount ; Count too big
inc [bx].cLock ; Lock the Handle
mov ax, [bx].Base
mul cx
add ax, si ; Linear address
adc dx, di ; in DX:AX
call FunkySTI
pop si
mov ax, di ; Convert SEG:OFFSET into
mov dx, 16 ; 24 bit address
mul dx
add ax, si
adc dx, 0 ; DX:AX has base address
mov di, dx
mov si, ax
add si, word ptr [bp.Count] ; Get End of Block + 1 in DI:SI
adc di, word ptr [bp.Count+2]
cmp di, 010h ; Make sure it doesn't wrap
ja GL2_InvCount ; past the end of the HMA
jb GL2_OKExit
cmp si, 0FFF0h
jbe GL2_OKExit ; Must be < 10FFF0h
jmp short GL2_Error
mov bl, ERR_DHINVALID ; Dest handle invalid
jmp short GL2_Error
mov bl, ERR_DOINVALID ; Dest Offset invalid
jmp short GL2_Exit
GetLinear endp
;* *
;* pack_and_truncate - packs everything down into the *
;* lowest available memory and sets up variable for driver *
;* truncation, then terminates. *
;* *
ifdef NEC_98
HMALen dw ? ; Length of funky (without init code)
endif ;NEC_98
public pack_and_truncate
pack_and_truncate proc far
assume ds:_text,es:nothing
push ds
mov dx, offset _text:EndText ; end of text seg
add dx, 15
and dx, not 15 ; size of text seg including init code
mov ax, TopOfTextSeg ; end of resident text seg
or ax, ax
jnz @f
xor di, di
pop es
jmp short InitFailed
add ax, 15
and ax, not 15 ; size of resident text seg
sub dx, ax ; size of memory whole between
shr dx, 4 ; resident text seg and funky seg
; The funky seg should be moved down
; 'dx' number of paragraphs
mov ax, hiseg ; Get the current seg at which funky
; is running from
cmp ax, dx ; If funky is already running from a
; segment value less than 'dx'
; number of paras funky can be
; moved to zero segment only
jbe @f
mov ax, dx ; ax has min of seg of funky
; & memory whole size in para
or ax, ax ; if funky is to be moved by zero
; paras our job is over
jnz @f
mov es, hiseg
assume es:funky
mov di, es:KiddValleyTop
jmp NoMoveEntry
mov dx, hiseg ; current segment value of funky
push ds
pop es
assume es:_text
mov ds, dx ; which is our source for move
assume ds:nothing
sub dx, ax ; less the 'paras' to be shrinked
mov hiseg, dx ; is the new seg value of funky
mov es, dx ; which is our dest. for the move
assume es:nothing
mov si, HISEG_ORG
mov di, si
mov cx, end_of_hiseg
sub cx, si ; size of funky without ORG
rep movsb ; move it!!!
inc di ; round to word value
and di,0fffeh
mov si,di
assume es:funky
xchg si,es:KiddValley ; replace KiddValley with new location
mov cx,es:KiddValleyTop
sub cx,si
rep movsb ; move the handle table down
mov es:KiddValleyTop,di ; update end of table
assume es:nothing
pop ds ; restore _text segment
assume ds:_text
add di,15 ; round new segment to paragraph
and di,not 15
ifndef NEC_98
ifdef debug_tsr
mov ax,ds ; # paragraphs to keep =
mov dx,es ; (ES - DS) +
sub dx,ax ; (DI >> 4) +
mov ax,di ; 10h
shr ax,4
add dx,ax
add dx,10h ; PSP size
mov ax,3100h
int 21h
lds si,[pReqHdr] ; discard the initialization code
mov word ptr ds:[si].Address[0],di
mov word ptr ds:[si].Address[2],es
mov ds:[si].Status,100h ; Store return code - DONE
pop ax ; throw away return from InitDriver
push cs
call an_iret ; call an iret in our segment
or di, di
jz we_are_quitting
mov ds, textseg
assume ds:_text
mov ax, hiseg
mov dd_int_loc,offset Interrupt ; replace Interrupt with
; tiny permanent stub
mov ax, KiddValleyTop
sub ax, KiddValley
add ax, end_of_hiseg
sub ax, HISEG_ORG ; size of resident funky including
mov cs:HMALen, ax
mov ax, ((multMULT shl 8)+multMULTGETHMAPTR)
xor bx, bx ; in case there is no HMA handler
int 2fh
cmp cs:HMALen, bx
ja we_are_quitting
cmp di, HISEG_ORG
ja we_are_quitting
mov bx, cs:HMALen
mov ax, ((multMULT shl 8)+multMULTALLOCHMA)
int 2fh
cmp di, 0ffffh
je we_are_quitting
call MoveHi
pop bp
pop si
pop di
pop es
pop ds
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
ret ; far return from driver init
else ;NEC_98
ifdef debug_tsr
mov dx,di
shr dx,4 ; get # paragraphs to retain
mov ax,3100h
int 21h
lds si,[pReqHdr] ; discard the initialization code
mov word ptr ds:[si].Address[0],di
mov word ptr ds:[si].Address[2],es
mov ds:[si].Status,100h ; Store return code - DONE
pop ax ; throw away return from InitDriver
push cs
call an_iret ; call an iret in our segment
or di, di
jz we_are_quitting
mov ds, textseg
assume ds:_text
mov ax, hiseg
mov dd_int_loc,offset Interrupt ; replace Interrupt with
; tiny permanent stub
mov ax, KiddValleyTop
sub ax, KiddValley
add ax, end_of_hiseg
sub ax, HISEG_ORG ; size of resident funky including
mov HMALen, ax
mov ax, ((multMULT shl 8)+multMULTGETHMAPTR)
int 2fh
cmp HMALen, bx
ja we_are_quitting
cmp di, HISEG_ORG
ja we_are_quitting
mov bx, HMALen
mov ax, ((multMULT shl 8)+multMULTALLOCHMA)
int 2fh
cmp di, 0ffffh
je we_are_quitting
call MoveHi
pop bp
pop si
pop di
pop es
pop ds
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
ret ; far return from driver init
endif ;NEC_98
pack_and_truncate endp
ifndef NEC_98
HMALen dw ? ; Length of funky (without init code)
endif ;NEC_98
; procedure : MoveHi
MoveHi proc near
push di ; remember offset in HMA
mov si, HISEG_ORG
ifndef NEC_98
mov cx, cs:HMALen
else ;NEC_98
mov cx, HMALen
endif ;NEC_98
mov ax, textseg
mov ds, ax
assume ds:_text
mov ds, hiseg
assume ds:nothing
rep movsb ; move it to HMA
pop di ; get back offset in HMA
mov ax, HISEG_ORG
sub ax, di
shr ax, 1
shr ax, 1
shr ax, 1
shr ax, 1
mov bx, es
sub bx, ax
mov ax, textseg
mov ds, ax ; get addressability to text seg
assume ds:_text
mov fInHMA, 1 ; Flag that we are running from HMA
mov hiseg, bx
mov es, bx
mov di, TopOfTextSeg ; end of resident text code
mov ax, textseg
lds si, pReqHdr
assume ds:nothing
mov word ptr ds:[si].Address[0],di
mov word ptr ds:[si].Address[2],ax
MoveHi endp
an_iret proc near
an_iret endp
public end_of_funky_seg
funky ends