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; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1989-1991. All Rights Reserved.
; DXNETBIO.ASM - DOS Extender NetBIOS API Mapper
; This module provides the 286 DOS Extender's API mapping of Int 2Ah and
; 5Ch NetBIOS requests. It allows a protected mode application to
; issue NetBIOS requests without worrying about segment to selector
; translations and mapping of buffers between extended and conventional
; memory.
; 11/29/90 amitc Modified code to have the POST routine in GlobalMemory
; and queue the POST when DOSX is not around.
; 11/29/90 amitc Call to InitLowHeap moved to this file from DXOEM.ASM
; 02/01/90 jimmat Update Api mapping table for Ungerman-Bass extensions
; as per new data from UB.
; 06/15/89 w-glenns Finished TermNetMapper, added Delay/ResumeNetPosting
; 04/18/89 jimmat Original version.
; 18-Dec-1992 sudeepb Changed cli/sti to faster FCLI/FSTI
; -------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------
include segdefs.inc
include gendefs.inc
include pmdefs.inc
include interupt.inc
include netbios.inc
include intmac.inc
include stackchk.inc
include bop.inc
include rdrsvc.inc
include dpmi.inc
include rdrsvc.inc
; -------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------
PM_NCB_HANDLING equ 1 ; set to 0 for NCB handling in VM
; -------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------
; The following equates define the codes that map between a NCB Command code
; and the mapping flags used to process it. To be compatible with Windows/386,
; these values are all increments of 4 (they use 32 bit offsets). These
; values should always correspond to the values used by the Windows/386
; NetBIOS mapping!
ApiMapUnknown EQU 00h
ApiMapNone EQU 04h
ApiMapIn EQU 08h
ApiMapOut EQU 0Ch
ApiMapInOut EQU 10h
ApiChainSend EQU 14h
ApiCancel EQU 18h
ApiBufferIn EQU 1Ch
ApiBufferOut EQU 20h
ApiBufferInOut EQU 24h
; The following equates define the bit flags which identify the actions
; to take on entry and exit of a NetBIOS request.
BUFF_IN EQU 01h ;Buffer data to the int handler
BUFF_OUT EQU 02h ;Buffer data from the int handler
BUFF_CHAIN EQU 04h ;Special chain send buffering
BUFF_CANCEL EQU 08h ;Special cancel buffering
REPLACE_MAP_TABLE EQU 1607h ;Int2fh replace net map table service
; -------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------
extrn EnterIntHandler:NEAR
extrn LeaveIntHandler:NEAR
extrn EnterRealMode:NEAR
extrn EnterProtectedMode:NEAR
extrn GetSegmentAddress:NEAR
externFP NSetSegmentDscr
extrn Lma2SegOff:NEAR
; -------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------
DXDATA segment
ifdef NEC_98
extrn fNHmode:BYTE
endif ;NEC_98
extrn pbReflStack:WORD
extrn bReflStack:WORD
extrn regUserSS:WORD
extrn regUserSP:WORD
extrn rgbXfrBuf1:BYTE
extrn segDXCode:WORD
extrn NetHeapSize:WORD
ifdef WOW_x86
extrn FastBop:fword
OldInt73 dd 0
public HCB_List
Cancel_NCB EQU rgbXfrBuf1 ;Easier for commenting/readability
HCB_List dw 0 ;linked list of low HCB/NCB/Buffers
lpfnOldInt2A dd ? ;old int vector 2Ah & 5Ch routines
lpfnOldInt5C dd ?
lpfnRmNetIsr dd ? ;Real Mode vector to Network Int Rtn
SelNetStubCode dw 0 ;sel for stub code
SegNetStubCode dw 0 ;segment for stub code
AddrfStubDelayNetPosting dw ? ;address of fStubDelayNetPosting in StubSeg
AddrfStubTermNetRequest dw ? ;address of fStubTermNetRequest in StubSeg
NBPSp dw 0
; The ApiMapTbl converts an NCB Command code (0-7F) into a code that
; identifies the particular mapping routine to execute.
ApiMapTbl label byte
db ApiMapUnknown ; 00h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 01h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 02h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 03h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 04h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 05h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 06h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 07h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 08h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 09h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 0Ah -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 0Bh -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 0Ch -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 0Dh -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 0Eh -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 0Fh -
db ApiMapNone ; 10h - Call
db ApiMapNone ; 11h - Listen
db ApiMapNone ; 12h - Hang up
db ApiMapUnknown ; 13h -
db ApiBufferIn ; 14h - Send
db ApiBufferOut ; 15h - Receive
db ApiBufferOut ; 16h - Receive any
db ApiChainSend ; 17h - Chain send
db ApiMapUnknown ; 18h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 19h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 1Ah -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 1Bh -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 1Ch -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 1Dh -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 1Eh -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 1Fh -
db ApiBufferIn ; 20h - Send datagram
db ApiBufferOut ; 21h - Receive datagram
db ApiBufferIn ; 22h - Send broadcast datagram
db ApiBufferOut ; 23h - Receive broadcast dgram
db ApiMapUnknown ; 24h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 25h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 26h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 27h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 28h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 29h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 2Ah -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 2Bh -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 2Ch -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 2Dh -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 2Eh -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 2Fh -
db ApiMapNone ; 30h - Add name
db ApiMapNone ; 31h - Delete name
db ApiMapNone ; 32h - Reset
db ApiMapOut ; 33h - Adapter status
db ApiMapOut ; 34h - Session status
db ApiCancel ; 35h - Cancel
db ApiMapNone ; 36h - Add group name
db ApiMapUnknown ; 37h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 38h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 39h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 3Ah -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 3Bh -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 3Ch -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 3Dh -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 3Eh -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 3Fh -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 40h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 41h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 42h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 43h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 44h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 45h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 46h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 47h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 48h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 49h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 4Ah -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 4Bh -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 4Ch -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 4Dh -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 4Eh -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 4Fh -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 50h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 51h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 52h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 53h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 54h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 55h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 56h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 57h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 58h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 59h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 5Ah -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 5Bh -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 5Ch -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 5Dh -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 5Eh -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 5Fh -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 60h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 61h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 62h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 63h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 64h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 65h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 66h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 67h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 68h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 69h -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 6Ah -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 6Bh -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 6Ch -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 6Dh -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 6Eh -
db ApiMapUnknown ; 6Fh -
db ApiMapNone ; 70h - Unlink
db ApiMapUnknown ; 71h -
db ApiMapNone ; 72h - Ungerman Bass Register
db ApiBufferIn ; 73h - Ungerman Bass SendNmc
db ApiMapNone ; 74h - Ungerman Bass Callniu
db ApiMapNone ; 75h - Ungerman Bass Calladdr
db ApiMapNone ; 76h - Ungerman Bass Listenaddr
db ApiBufferIn ; 77h - Ungerman Bass SendPkt
db ApiBufferOut ; 78h - Ungerman Bass RcvPkt
db ApiBufferIn ; 79h - Ungerman Bass SendAttn
db ApiBufferOut ; 7Ah - Ungerman Bass RcvAttn
db ApiBufferOut ; 7Bh - Ungerman Bass Listenniu
db ApiBufferOut ; 7Ch - Ungerman Bass RcvRaw
db ApiBufferIn ; 7Dh - Ungerman Bass SendNmc2
db ApiMapUnknown ; 7Eh -
db ApiMapNone ; 7Fh - Install check
; The next table maps the (Windows/386 compatible) code from ApiMapTbl
; to the bit flags which control our entry/exit mapping.
EntryExitFlags label byte
db BUFF_IN+BUFF_OUT ;ApiMapUnknown
db 0 ;ApiMapNone
db BUFF_IN ;ApiMapIn
db BUFF_OUT ;ApiMapOut
db BUFF_CHAIN ;ApiChainSend
db BUFF_CANCEL ;ApiCancel
db BUFF_IN ;ApiBufferIn
db BUFF_OUT ;ApiBufferOut
db BUFF_IN+BUFF_OUT ;ApiBufferInOut
; -------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------
DXCODE segment
extrn selDgroup:WORD
DXPMCODE segment
extrn selDgroupPM:WORD
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; The following routines handle INT 2Ah and 5Ch interrupts that
; request NetBIOS services. Typically, these interrupts require
; that a NCB and/or buffer be copied between conventional and
; extended memory, and register values be modified due to real-
; mode/protected-mode addressing differences.
; (Note: this comment copied almost unchanged from DXINTR.ASM)
; The following conventions are used:
; A stack is allocated from the interrupt reflector stack for these
; routines to use. This allows nested servicing of interrupts.
; A stack frame is built in the allocated stack which contains the
; following information:
; original caller's stack address
; caller's original flags and general registers (in pusha form)
; caller's original segment registers (DS & ES)
; flags and general registers to be passed to interrupt routine
; (initially the same as caller's original values)
; segment registers (DS & ES) to be passed to interrupt routine
; (initially set to the Dos Extender data segment address)
; This stack frame is built by the routine EnterIntHandler, and its
; format is defined by the structure INTRSTACK. The stack frame is
; destroyed and the processor registers set up for return to the user
; by the function LeaveIntHandler.
; There are two sets of general registers and two sets of segment
; registers (DS & ES) on the stack frame. One set of register values
; has member names of the form intUserXX. The values in these stack
; frame members will be passed to the interrupt service routine when
; it is called, and will be loaded with the register values returned
; by the interrupt service routine. The other set of registers values
; has member names of the form pmUserXX. These stack frame members
; contain the original values in the registers on entry from the
; user program that called the interrupt.
; When we return to the original caller, we want to pass back the
; general registers as returned by the interrupt routine (and possibly
; modified by the exit handler), and the same segment registers as
; on entry, unless the interrupt routine returns a value in a segment
; register. (in this case, there must be some code in the exit routine
; to handle this). This means that when we return to the caller, we
; return the general register values from the intUserXX set of stack
; frame members, but we return the segment registers from the pmUserXX
; set of frame members. By doing it this way, we don't have to do
; any work for the case where the interrupt subfuntion doesn't require
; any parameter manipulation. NOTE however, this means that when
; manipulating register values to be returned to the user, the segment
; registers are treated opposite to the way the general registers are
; treated. For general registers, to return a value to the user,
; store it in a intUserXX stack frame member. To return a segment
; value to the user, store it in a pmUserXX stack frame member.
; -------------------------------------------------------
subttl NetBIOS API Mapper Initialization Routine
; -------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------
DXPMCODE segment
assume cs:DXPMCODE
; InitNetMapper -- This routine initializates the NetBIOS API mapper.
; Input: none
; Output: none
; Errors: none
; Uses: all registers preserved
; Note: This routine expects to be called late enough in the DOS
; extender initialization cycle that it can use other interrupt
; mapping functions (like INT 21h). It must be called in
; And, assumes interrupts are to be enabled.
public InitNetMapper
InitNetMapper proc near
push es
; Do an installation check before doing anything else
assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP
mov ax,355Ch ;make sure the Int 5Ch vector
int 21h ; really points somewhere
assume es:NOTHING
ifdef NEC_98
mov ax,es
test fNHmode, 0FFh ;N/Hmode no kiriwake
jz NetBios_Nmode
cmp ax,60h ;Hmode default(not install)
;coading no tameni toriaezu 60h wo ireteoku node debug no tokini
;60h no ataiwo Hmode youni change surukoto!!!!!
jz inm20
jmp NetBio_Install
cmp ax,60h ;Nmode default(not install)
jz inm20
endif ;NEC_98
mov ax,es ;can't be installed if 0 vector
or ax,bx
jz inm20
push ds
pop es
assume es:DGROUP
mov cx,(size NCB_Struc)/2 ;build a dummy NCB with an invalid
mov di,offset rgbXfrBuf1 ; 7Fh (Install) command code
mov bx,di
xor ax,ax
rep stosw
mov [bx].NCB_Command,Install ;issue invalid request
int 5Ch
xor bx,bx ;assume not installed
cmp al,RC_Invalid_Cmd ;if it says invalid command, then
jnz inm20 ; it must be installed
dec bx ;bx !=0 means NetBIOS is installed
or bx,bx ;skip install if no NetBIOS
jnz inm20A ;net bios is there
jmp inm80 ;no NetBios
; we need to allocate a block of memory in the low heap and copy some code
; down there which would handle the POST calls from the NetWork. It is
; necessary to have a piece in global memory do the POST handling because
; DOSX might have been swapped out by the Switcher when a POST request
; comes in.
; -----
; This archaic piece of code was only necessary on the real DOSX running
; standard mode Windows 3.0. On NT, dosx is never switched out. So the
; relocation performed here could be just thrown away and replaced with a
; normal piece of RM code.
mov ax,100h ;allocate block
push ds
FBOP BOP_DPMI, Int31Call, FastBop
jnc inm20C ;allocation succeeded
jmp inm80 ;fail the initialization
xchg ax,dx
mov [SegNetStubCode],dx ;save it
; DX has a selector pointing to the start of the block. Copy the stub routine
; down into the block.
push es ;save
mov [SelNetStubCode],ax ;save the selector value
push ds ;save
mov es,ax ;destination sel of the xfer
push cs
pop ds
xor di,di ;destination offset
lea si,NetBiosStubCode ;source offset of xfer
mov cx,SIZE_OF_GLOBAL_NET_STUB_CODE ;size of the block
rep movsb ;copy the block down
pop ds ;restore our DS
; now copy the FAR address of the RMPostRtn into the stub code segment
lea di,FarAddrOfRMPostRtn ;variable where address to be saved
lea ax,NetBiosStubCode ;offset of the routine
sub di,ax ;DI has the offset in the stub
mov ax,segDXCode ;segment of real mode DosX
mov es:[di][2],ax ;save the segment
lea ax,RMPostRtn ;offset of the POST routine
mov es:[di][0],ax ;save the offset
; patch the address 'NBS_Patch_CalFarAddr' with the address in DI
mov si,NBS_Patch_CallFarAddr ;address to patch
mov es:[si],di ;patch it.
; calculate the offset to the other flag bytes in the stub code area that
; we will have to access.
lea di,fStubDelayNetPosting ;address when assembled
lea ax, NetBiosStubCode ;address of start of routine
sub di,ax ;address after move
mov [AddrfStubDelayNetPosting],di ;save it
; patch the address 'NBS_Patch_fsDelayNetPosting' with the value in DI
mov si,NBS_Patch_fsDelayNetPosting ;address to patch
mov es:[si],di ;patch it.
lea di,fStubTermNetRequests ;address when assembled
sub di,ax ;address after move
mov [AddrfStubTermNetRequest],di ;save it
; patch the address 'NBS_Patch_fsTermNetRequests' with the value in DI
mov si,NBS_Patch_fsTermNetRequests ;address to patch
mov es:[si],di ;patch it.
pop es
; The stub routine in global memory has now been put in place to handle POST
; calls. We now need to hook the INT 2AH and 5CH PM vectors to trap the network
; calls.
; The network seems to be installed, hook the INT 2Ah & 5Ch PM vectors
mov ax,352Ah ;get/store old Int 2Ah vector
int 21h
assume es:NOTHING
mov word ptr lpfnOldInt2A,bx
mov word ptr [lpfnOldInt2A+2],es
mov ax,355Ch ;get/store old Int 5Ch vector
int 21h
mov word ptr lpfnOldInt5C,bx
mov word ptr [lpfnOldInt5C+2],es
push ds
pop es
push cs
pop ds
assume ds:NOTHING,es:DGROUP
mov ax,252Ah ;set new Int 2Ah handler
mov dx,offset DXPMCODE:PMIntr2A
int 21h
mov ax,255Ch ;set new Int 5Ch handler
mov dx,offset DXPMCODE:PMIntr5C
int 21h
push es
pop ds
assume ds:DGROUP
; See if anybody wants to provide a different NetBIOS mapping table
assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP
FSTI ;don't need 'em disabled
xor cx,cx ;subf'n zero
mov es,cx ;preset address to copy to NULL
mov di,cx
; DOSX net extender API call to substitute alternate NETBIOS
; mapping table
int 2Fh
; ES:DI contains address of alternate mapping table or NULL
mov cx,es ;Q: valid table pointer ?
jcxz inm70 ;N: NULL...keep current table
;Y: copy table pointed to by es:di to table area (simple replace)
mov ax,ds ; string move source (int 2F provided) table
mov es,ax ; in ds:si, and destination ApiMapTbl in the
mov ds,cx ; data segment now in es:di
mov si,di
mov di,offset ApiMapTbl ;ptr to table
mov cx,64 ;copy over 128 byte table
rep movsw
mov ds,ax ;recall data segment
jmp short inm90
stc ;tell caller we didn't install
pop es
InitNetMapper endp
; NetBiosStubCode
; DESCRIPTION This routine is actually relocated to a block of Global Memory
; obtained from the Switcher. It handles the POST calls from the
; NETBIOS layer. If DosX has been swapped out, fStubDelayPosting
; would be true and this routine would set a flag in the HCB
; to imply that the POSTing must be done. If DosX is active, this
; routine will call off to the RMPostRtn in DosX via a far call
; pointer.
; All registers preserved but for flags.
; Flags
; This routine will actually be copied to a global memory stub segment
; and will execute from there. However, since the routine would be moved
; while we are in protected mode, the routine is being assembled in the
; protected mode code segment.
NetBiosStubCode proc far
FCLI ;just to be sure
; Don't post anything if in the process of terminating
; The following instruction will have to be patched after the move:
; cmp cs:[fStubTermNetRequests],1
; we will mark the place that has to be patched.
db 2eh, 80h, 3eh ;CS: CMP BYTE PTR
NBS_Patch_fsTermNetRequests equ $ - NetBiosStubCode
dw ? ;address to compare
db 1 ;value to comapare
je NBSC_post_done
; Check if posting should be delayed
; The following instruction will have to be patched after the move:
; cmp cs:[fStubDelayNetPosting],0;Q: delay postings ?
; we will mark the place that has to be patched.
db 2eh, 80h, 3eh ;CS: CMP BYTE PTR
NBS_Patch_fsDelayNetPosting equ $ - NetBiosStubCode
dw ? ;address to compare
db 0 ;value to comapare
je NBSC_post_no_delay ;N: don't delay this posting
; we can do no posting. DosX has been swapped out. Set a flag in the HCB to
; imply that POSTing must be done later.
or byte ptr es:[bx.HCB_Flags],HCB_DELAY ;Y: mark as delayed
jmp short NBSC_post_done
; call off to RMPostRtn in DosX. We will have to patch the following
; instruction after the move.
; call cs:[FarAddrOfRMPostRtn] ;call routine in DosX proper
; we will mark the place to match
db 2eh,0ffh,1eh ;CALL CS: DWORD PTR
NBS_Patch_CallFarAddr equ $ - NetBiosStubCode
dw ? ;call far address
NetBiosStubCode endp
; allocate space for some of the variables that the Stub Code uses. These ;
; will be filled in by PMODE code in the DosX. ;
fStubTermNetRequests db 0 ;DosX is terminating
fStubDelayNetPosting db 0 ;delay posting, DosX swapped
FarAddrOfRMPostRtn dd ? ;address of the actual POST rtn
; -------------------------------------------------------
subttl NetBIOS API Mapper Termination Routine
; -------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------
DXCODE segment
assume cs:DXCODE
; TermNetMapper -- This routine is called when the 286 DOS extender
; is winding down so that any pending network requests from the
; protected mode application can be canceled.
; Input: none
; Output: none
; Errors: none
; Uses: ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,es
; Note: This routine must be called in REAL MODE!
public TermNetMapper
TermNetMapper proc near
; set a flag in the stub code to imply that DosX is terminating and no more
; POSTs to be done.
mov di,[SelNetStubCode] ;selector for the stub area
or di,di ;is global heap in place ?
jnz @f ;yes.
push es
mov es,di
assume es:nothing
; get the address of the flag byte fStubTermNetRequest after the block was
; relocated
mov di,[AddrfStubTermNetRequest]
; ES:DI has the flag byte address. Set the flag
mov byte ptr es:[di],1 ;set flag to delay posting
pop es
assume es:dgroup
; terminating the net driver interface...no more postings allowed
mov cx,size NCB_Struc / 2
mov si,offset Cancel_NCB ;cancel control block buffer
mov di,si
xor ax,ax ;zero fill structure
rep stosw
mov ds:[si.NCB_Command],Cancel ;Cancel command NCB
; We don't need to release the NCB/buffer(s) from the low heap because
; the entire low heap will soon be released.
; Search low heap list looking for copy of target NCB
mov cx,HCB_List
mov di,HCB_Header_Size ;offset of NCB in low heap block
jcxz term_done
mov ax,cx
call GetSegmentAddress
add dx,di
adc bx,0 ;BX:DX = lma of low target NCB
call Lma2SegOff ;BX:DX = normalized SEG:OFF
dec bx ;return the same slightly unnormalized
add dx,10h ; SEG:OFF that was used initially
mov ds:[si.NCB_Buffer_Seg],bx ; point to NCB to cancel
mov ds:[si.NCB_Buffer_Off],dx
SwitchToRealMode ;also disables ints for us
assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP
mov bx,si ;ES:BX points to cancelling NCB
call lpfnRmNetIsr ;do the cancel call
; return code in AL
mov es,cx
mov cx,es:[di.HCB_Next]
jmp short term_next
assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP
TermNetMapper endp
; -------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------
subttl NetBIOS API Int 2Ah Mapper Interrupt Hook
; -------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------
DXPMCODE segment
assume cs:DXPMCODE
; -------------------------------------------------------
; PMIntr2A -- This routine traps Int 2Ah requests from a
; protected mode application. NetBIOS requests (ah =
; 1 or 4) are passed on to the Int 5Ch handler for
; further processing. Other requests are passed on
; to the next Int 2Ah handler in the interrupt chain.
; Input: User regs at time of interrupt
; Output: none
; Errors: none
; Uses: none
public PMIntr2A
PMIntr2A proc near
cld ;cya...
cmp ah,1 ;we only need to map the Int 2Ah
jz @f ; ah = 1 & 4 services--if it's
cmp ah,4 ; not one of those, just pass it
jz @f ; on down the chain...
sub sp,4 ; build a stack frame
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ax
push ds
mov ds,selDgroupPM
assume ds:DGROUP
mov ax,word ptr [lpfnOldInt2A+2] ; store previous INT 2A
mov word ptr [bp+4],ax ; handler
mov ax,word ptr [lpfnOldInt2A]
mov word ptr [bp+2],ax
pop ds
assume ds:NOTHING
pop ax
pop bp ; SS:SP -> previous handler
;let someone else deal with it
retf ; (most likely PMIntrReflector)
; if this is NT then we have decided we are making a NetBIOS call (es:bx points
; to an NCB in protect-mode memory). INT 0x2A, ah=1 or ah=4 just ends up calling
; the 0x5C entry point; ah is returned as 1 or 0, depending on whether an error
; is returned from 0x5C or not
push dx
mov dl,2ah
push bx ;save caller's bx
mov bx,4*2Ah ;indicate we came from int 2A handler
jmp short DoNetRqst ;int 2Ah/5Ch common code
PMIntr2A endp
; -------------------------------------------------------
subttl NetBIOS API Int 5Ch Mapper Interrupt Hook
; -------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------
; PMIntr5C -- This routine maps Int 5Ch (and selected Int 2Ah)
; NetBIOS requests between a protected mode application, and
; the real mode interrupt handler.
; Input: User regs at time of interrupt
; Output: regs as returned by interrupt handler
; Errors:
; Uses: none
public PMIntr5C
PMIntr5C proc near
; we no longer want to make the call through the real-mode handler, since all
; it does is make the BOP
cld ; just in case
push dx
mov dl,5ch
; Do a sync/async NETBIOS presence check. Don't BOP for this simple case.
; Also don't do the async call because Delrina WinFax Pro hasn't initialized
; The post address in the NCB.
cmp byte ptr es:[bx],7fh ; sync NETBIOS presence check
je skip_bop
cmp byte ptr es:[bx],0ffh ; async NETBIOS presence check
je skip_bop
ifdef WOW_x86
push ds
mov ds,selDgroupPM
assume ds:DGROUP
pop ds
endif ; WOW_x86
cmp dl,2ah
jne @f
; this was a 0x2A call. Return ah = 0 if NetBIOS returned al = 0, else return
; ah = 1
sub ah,ah
or al,al
jz @f
inc ah
@@: pop dx
mov al,3 ; INVALID COMMAND error
mov es:[bx].ncb_retcode,al ; returned in NCB_RETCODE && al
mov es:[bx].ncb_cmd_cplt,al ; and NCB_CMD_CPLT
pop dx
cld ;cya...
push bx ;save caller's bx
mov bx,4*5Ch ;indicate we came from int 5C
DoNetRqst label near ;start of int 2Ah/5Ch common code
push ax ;move the address of the
push ds ; proper real mode interrupt
mov ds,selDgroupPM ; handler (2A or 5C) to global var
assume ds:DGROUP
push es
mov es,ax
mov ax,word ptr es:[bx]
mov word ptr lpfnRmNetIsr,ax
mov ax,word ptr es:[bx+2]
mov word ptr [lpfnRmNetIsr+2],ax
pop es
pop ds ;restore caller's environment
assume ds:NOTHING
pop ax
pop bx
call EnterIntHandler ;build an interrupt stack frame
assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING
FSTI ;-----------------------------------------------
; Allocate space in the low heap for the HCB/NCB and maybe a buffer
xor dx,dx
mov cx,HCB_SIZE ;DX:CX = # bytes low heap required
call GetEntryExitFlags ;AX=Entry flags / ES:BX -> PM NCB
test al,BUFF_IN+BUFF_OUT+BUFF_CHAIN ;need to allocate a low buffer?
jz i5c_alloc
; RLF 06/09/93
; from the command type, we think we have a buffer address and size. If either
; of these is 0, then we actually don't have a buffer; skip it
mov ah,al ; set default no buffer
and al,not (BUFF_IN or BUFF_OUT)
mov dx,es:[bx.NCB_Buffer_Off]
or dx,es:[bx.NCB_Buffer_Seg]
jz i5c_alloc
mov dx,es:[bx.NCB_Length]
or dx,dx
jz i5c_alloc
xor dx,dx ; restore dx to 0
mov al,ah ; restore buffer flags
add cx,es:[bx.NCB_Length] ;if so, add in it's length
adc dx,0
add cx,1fh ;allow space to align buffer
adc dx,0 ; on a paragraph boundry
and cx,not 0fh
test al,BUFF_CHAIN ;a 2nd weird-o buffer?
jz i5c_alloc
add cx,word ptr es:[bx.NCB_CallName] ;yes, add in it's len also
adc dx,0
add cx,1fh ;allow space to align buffer
adc dx,0 ; on a paragraph boundry
and cx,not 0fh
push ax ;save entry/exit flags
FCLI ;treat allocate as critical section ------------
push bx
mov bx,cx ;loword length
mov ax,dx ;hiword length
add bx,15 ;round up
shr bx,4 ;discard last 4 bits
and ax,0fh ;discarded bits were 0
shl al,4 ;get it in MS nibble
or bh,al ;BX has the size in paragraphs
mov ax,100h ;allocate block
push ds
FBOP BOP_DPMI, Int31Call, FastBop
pop bx
jnc @f ; HCB/NCB and maybe buffer
Debug_Out "Low heap allocation failed!"
pop ax ;clear stack
mov byte ptr [bp].intUserAX,RC_Resources
mov es:[bx.NCB_RetCode],RC_Resources
mov es:[bx.NCB_Cmd_Cplt],RC_Resources
jmp i5c_done
mov ax,dx ;get the selector
; Copy the PM NCB to the low heap and add our extra HCB fields
mov es,ax
xor di,di ;es:di -> low heap block
stosw ;HCB_Handle
mov ax,bx
stosw ;HCB_PM_NCB_Off
mov ax,[bp].pmUserES
stosw ;HCB_PM_NCB_Seg
mov ax,HCB_List
stosw ;HCB_Next
xor ax,ax
stosw ;HCB_Flags = 0
mov HCB_List,es ;link HCB to head of list
FSTI ;-----------------------------------------------
push ds
mov ds,[bp].pmUserES
assume ds:NOTHING
errnz <size NCB_Struc and 1> ;if odd # bytes, can't just movsw
mov si,bx ;ES:DI->low NCB, DS:SI->PM NCB
mov cx,size NCB_Struc / 2
rep movsw
pop ds
assume ds:DGROUP
; Update the interrupt handler's registers to point to the low NCB
mov ax,es
call GetSegmentAddress
add dx,HCB_Header_Size
adc bx,0 ;BX:DX = lma of low NCB
pop ax ;refresh entry flags
push ax
push bx ;save lma of NCB
push dx
call Lma2SegOff ;BX:DX = normalized SEG:OFF of low NCB
dec bx ;we want to do a negative offset on the
add dx,10h ; NCB segment, so un-normalize it some
mov [bp].intUserES,bx ;point int handler's ES:BX to low NCB
mov [bp].intUserBX,dx
; If this is a cancel request, find the target NCB in the low heap
test al,BUFF_CANCEL ;cancel request?
jz i5c_not_cancel
mov di,HCB_Header_Size ;ES:DI -> low heap Cancel NCB
FCLI ;don't want list changing while looking --------
call FindTargetNCB ;BX:DX = SEG:OFF of target NCB
FSTI ;-----------------------------------------------
if DEBUG ;------------------------------------------------------------
jnc @f
Debug_Out "FindTargetNCB didn't!"
endif ;DEBUG --------------------------------------------------------
jc @f
mov es:[di.NCB_Buffer_Off],dx ;point cancel NCB to low
mov es:[di.NCB_Buffer_Seg],bx ; heap target NCB
pop dx ;restore lma of NCB
pop bx
; If necessary, update NCB buffer pointer(s) and copy buffer(s) to low heap
pop ax ;recover entry flags
test al,BUFF_IN+BUFF_OUT+BUFF_CHAIN ;a buffer to point to?
jnz @f
jmp i5c_no_buf_in
add dx,size NCB_Struc + 0fh ;get lma of buffer, rounded up
adc bx,0 ; to the next higher paragraph
and dx,not 0fh
push ds
mov ds,[bp].pmUserES
mov si,[bp].pmUserBX ;DS:SI -> PM NCB
assume ds:NOTHING
push bx
push dx
call Lma2SegOff ;BX:DX = SEG:OFF of low buffer
mov di,HCB_Header_Size ;ES:DI -> low NCB
mov es:[di.NCB_Buffer_Off],dx
mov es:[di.NCB_Buffer_Seg],bx
pop dx
pop bx
test al,BUFF_IN+BUFF_CHAIN ;actually need to copy buffer?
jz i5c_buf_in_done
mov cx,ds:[si.NCB_Length] ;CX = buffer len
lds si,dword ptr ds:[si.NCB_Buffer_Off] ;DS:SI -> buffer
push ax
xor ax,ax
call CopyBuffer ;copies DS:SI to lma BX:DX len CX
pop ax
test al,BUFF_CHAIN
jz i5c_buf_in_done
add dx,es:[di.NCB_Length] ;BX:DX = lma of 2nd low heap buffer
adc bx,0
add dx,0fh
adc bx,0
and dx,not 0fh
push bx ;update low heap NCB with SEG:OFF
push dx ; of 2nd buffer
call Lma2SegOff
mov word ptr es:[di.NCB_CallName+2],dx ;2nd buffer loc stored
mov word ptr es:[di.NCB_CallName+4],bx ; at callname + 2
pop dx
pop bx
mov ds,[bp].pmUserES
mov si,[bp].pmUserBX ;DS:SI -> PM NCB
mov cx,word ptr ds:[si.NCB_CallName] ;CX = buffer len
lds si,dword ptr ds:[si.NCB_CallName+2] ;DS:SI -> buffer
xor ax,ax
call CopyBuffer ;copies DS:SI to lma BX:DX len CX
pop ds
assume ds:DGROUP
; Switch to real mode, and load the mapped real mode registers.
SwitchToRealMode ;also disables ints
assume ss:DGROUP
; --------------- START OF REAL MODE CODE ------------------------------
pop es
pop ds
assume ds:NOTHING,es:NOTHING
popa ;restore all the other registers
; If this is a NoWait command, hook the mapped NCB to point to our post
; routine. At this time ES:BX -> mapped NCB
test byte ptr es:[bx.NCB_Command],NoWait
jz @f
push ax ;save
; RLF 06/09/93
; although this is an async command, there may be no post address (app just
; polls return code until it goes non-0xff). In this case, don't set up our
; asynchronous notification routine
mov ax,es:[bx.NCB_Post_Off]
or ax,es:[bx.NCB_Post_Seg]
jz no_post_routine
assume ss:DGROUP ;ss has DOSX's data seg
mov ax,[SegNetStubCode] ;get segment of stub code
; the address of the stub code that will handle the POST is AX:0. Save this
; in the HCB.
mov word ptr es:[bx.NCB_Post_Off],0
mov word ptr es:[bx.NCB_Post_Seg],ax
pop ax ;restore
or byte ptr es:[bx.HCB_FLAGS],HCB_ISSUED
; Invoke the appropriate real mode interrupt handler (2Ah or 5Ch),
; reestablish our stack frame with the handler's returned registers,
; and then back to protected mode
call lpfnRmNetIsr ;exectue real mode interrupt handler
push ds
push es
mov bp,sp ;restore stack frame pointer
mov ax,es:[bx.HCB_Handle] ;recover selector to current NCB/buff
push ax
; --------------- START OF PROTECTED MODE CODE -------------------------
; With some network drivers, and some NoWait commands, the operation may
; get 'posted' even before the driver IRETs from the issue call. If this
; has happened, the HCB_POSTED flag will be set. In this case, the caller's
; NCB and (possibly) buffer has already been updated, so we just discard
; the low heap block and exit. If the operation hasn't been posted already,
; we copy back the updated NCB info, and maybe a buffer. Note that interrupts
; are disabled, so we don't get 'posted' half way through this operation--
; that would be bad.
pop ax ;handle (selector) of low heap block
mov es,ax
mov di,HCB_Header_Size ;es:di -> low heap NCB
test byte ptr es:[di.HCB_Flags],HCB_POSTED ;already posted?
jnz i5c_release ; yes, just discard
and byte ptr es:[di.HCB_Flags],not HCB_ISSUED ;so post rtn knows
;we updated already
push ax ;save handle for later
call UpdateNCB ;update the caller's NCB
call GetEntryExitFlags ;AX=Exit Flags / ES:BX->PM NCB
test es:[bx.NCB_Command],NoWait ;don't copy buff now if NoWait
jnz i5c_no_buf_out
test al,BUFF_OUT
jz i5c_no_buf_out
; RLF 06/09/93
; although the flags for this command say we have an output buffer, we may
; not have one - address or length is 0; check it out
mov ax,es:[bx.NCB_Buffer_Off]
or ax,es:[bx.NCB_Buffer_Seg]
jz i5c_no_buf_out
mov ax,es:[bx.NCB_Length]
or ax,ax
jz i5c_no_buf_out
pop ax ;handle to low block back
push ax
call CopyBufferOut ;copy low heap buffer to pm app buffer
; If this was a Wait operation (or NoWait that failed), we are finished with
; the low heap block and can release it now.
pop ax ;recover handle to low heap block
test es:[bx.NCB_Command],NoWait ;if Wait, go release now
jz i5c_release
cmp es:[bx.NCB_RetCode],RC_Pending
jz i5c_done
; Most NetBIOS implementations seem to (correctly) set the RetCode to
; RC_Pending on NoWait requests. However, it seems that some Novell
; NetBIOS implementations can return RetCode == 00 but Cmd_Cplt ==
; RC_Pending (FFh). So, if it is a NoWait request, and RetCode isn't
; Pending, also check the Cmd_Cplt code.
cmp es:[bx.NCB_Cmd_Cplt],RC_Pending
jz i5c_done
Debug_Out "NoWait cmd with non Pending retcode!"
push ds ;make sure es != low heap block sel
pop es ; (else FreeLowBlock will GP fault)
call DeLink ;DeLink HCB/NCB/Buffers from lnk list
push dx
mov dx,ax ;selector to free
mov ax,101h ;free block
push ds
FBOP BOP_DPMI, Int31Call, FastBop
pop dx
; Finished! (at least for now) Restore caller's regs/stack and return
mov ax,[bp].pmUserBX ;restore possibly modified BX to
mov [bp].intUserBX,ax ; PM NCB offset
call LeaveIntHandler
endif ; if PM_NCB_HANDLING
PMIntr5C endp
; -------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------
subttl NetBIOS API Mapper Post Routine
; -------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------
;* The code from here on down is only used if we are switching between real
;* and protect mode when making NetBIOS requests. It is ifdef'd out for WOW
;* because we now BOP the NetBIOS requests without switching modes
DXCODE segment
assume cs:DXCODE
; -------------------------------------------------------
; RMPostRtn -- This REAL MODE routine is invoked by the network
; software when a NoWait NetBIOS command completes. This
; routine must update the applications copy of the NCB,
; possibly copy a buffer of data to the application, and
; possibly invoke the application's own post routine.
; Note, this will now be called when it is OK to POST the request
; back to the application. The Stub Code in global mrmory makes
; sure that this is OK to do.
; Input:
; Output:
; Errors:
; Uses:
public RMPostRtn
RMPostRtn proc far
FCLI ;just to be sure
cld ;cya...
push ax
push bx
push es
push ds ; NBP assumes ds saved, greaseballs
mov ds,selDgroup
assume ds:DGROUP
; Allocate a new stack frame, and then switch to the reflector stack
; frame.
mov regUserSP,sp
mov regUSerSS,ss
mov ss,selDgroup
mov sp,pbReflStack
sub pbReflStack,CB_STKFRAME ;adjust pointer to next stack frame
push regUserSS ;save current stack loc on our stack
push regUserSP ; so we can restore it later
push es:[bx.HCB_Handle] ;selector to low heap block
; We are now running on our own stack, so we can switch into protected mode.
SwitchToProtectedMode ;destroys ax
; --------------- START OF PROTECTED MODE CODE -------------------------
pop ax ;ax = selector to low heap block
call NetBiosPostRoutine ;do the actual posting
pop regUserSP ;recover previous stack location
pop regUserSS
SwitchToRealMode ; Switch back to real mode.
; --------------- START OF REAL MODE CODE ------------------------------
; Switch back to the original stack, deallocate the interrupt stack frame,
; and return to the network software
mov ss,regUserSS
mov sp,regUserSP
add pbReflStack,CB_STKFRAME
pop ds ; give ds back to NBP/XNS
pop es
pop bx
pop ax
RMPostRtn endp
; -------------------------------------------------------
subttl NetBIOS API Mapper Utility Routines
; -------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------
DXPMCODE segment
assume cs:DXPMCODE
; -------------------------------------------------------
; NetBiosPostRoutine -- local routine
; This PROTECT MODE routine is called when the network
; software completes a NoWait NetBIOS command. This
; routine must update the applications copy of the NCB,
; possibly copy a buffer of data to the application, and
; possibly invoke the application's own post routine.
; Input: ax --> selector to low heap block
; Output:
; Errors:
; Uses: ax,bx,es
public NetBiosPostRoutine
NetBiosPostRoutine proc near
push fs
push gs
; Update the protected mode copy of the NCB and copy buffer if required
push ax ;handle (selector) of low heap block
call UpdateNCB ;always update the caller's NCB
mov es,ax
mov bx,HCB_Header_Size ;ES:BX -> low heap NCB
les bx,dword ptr es:[bx.HCB_PM_NCB_Off] ;ES:BX -> PM NCB
call GetExitFlags2 ;AX=Exit Flags
test al,BUFF_OUT
jz postsub_no_buf
; RLF 06/09/93
; once more unto the breach dear friends: although we think this command has
; an output buffer, the app may think otherwise; let's check...
mov ax,es:[bx.NCB_Buffer_Off]
or ax,es:[bx.NCB_Buffer_Seg]
jz postsub_no_buf
mov ax,es:[bx.NCB_Length]
or ax,ax
jz postsub_no_buf
pop ax ;handle to low block back
push ax
call CopyBufferOut ;copy low heap buffer to pm app buffer
; Release the low heap space, unless the HCB_ISSUED flag is set (meaning
; that the net driver called us before returning from the initial Int 5Ch).
; In that case, the low heap block will be released by the Int 5Ch mapper.
pop ax ;recover handle to low heap block
push ax
push es
mov es,ax
mov di,HCB_Header_Size
or byte ptr es:[di.HCB_Flags],HCB_POSTED ;mark as posted
pop es
; Invoke the user's PM post routine, if there is one - AL=retcode, ES:BX->NCB
mov ax,es:[bx.NCB_Post_Off] ;did user specify a post routine?
or ax,es:[bx.NCB_Post_Seg]
jnz @f
jmp postsub_done
mov [NBPSp],sp
rpushf ;build iret frame for user's
push cs ; routine to return to us
push offset postsub_ret
mov al,es:[bx.NCB_RetCode] ;pass ret code in al
push es:[bx.NCB_Post_Seg] ;invoke the user's post routine
push es:[bx.NCB_Post_Off]
; PM app's post routine returns here when finished
mov ds,ax
mov sp,[NBPSp]
pop ax
mov es,ax
test byte ptr es:[di.HCB_Flags],HCB_ISSUED ;still in Int 5C code?
jnz postsub_no_release ; yes, don't release
push ds ;make sure es != low heap block sel
pop es ; (else FreeLowBlock will GP fault)
call DeLink ;DeLink HCB/NCB/Buffers from lnk list
push dx
mov dx,ax ;selector to free
mov ax,101h ;free block
push ds
FBOP BOP_DPMI, Int31Call, FastBop
pop dx
pop gs
pop fs
NetBiosPostRoutine endp
; -------------------------------------------------------
; DelayNetPostings -- This function is called when NetBIOS completions
; are to be delayed. We simply set a flag that causes the async
; post routine not to post to the application.
; Input: none
; Output: none
; Errors: none
; Uses: none
public DelayNetPosting
DelayNetPosting proc near
; Make sure posting is delayed. We need to set a flag in the StubCode area.
push es ;save
push di
mov di,[SelNetStubCode] ;selector for the stub area
or di,di ;did we copy to global memory ?
jz DelayNetPostingRet ;no, nothing to do.
mov es,di
; get the address of the flag byte fStubDelayNetPosting after the block was
; relocated
mov di,[AddrfStubDelayNetPosting]
; ES:DI has the flag byte address. Set the flag
mov byte ptr es:[di],1 ;set flag to delay posting
pop di
pop es ;restore
DelayNetPosting endp
; -------------------------------------------------------
; ResumeNetPostings -- This function is called when completed NetBIOS
; postings can be resumed to the application. We traverse the
; list of NetBIOS requests, and 'post' the application on any that
; completed while posting were delayed.
; Input: none
; Output: none
; Errors: none
; Uses: none
public ResumeNetPosting
ResumeNetPosting proc near
push es
push di
push bx ; used by NetBiosPostRoutine
push ax
; set a flag in the StubCode area to imply that POSTing need not be delayed.
mov di,[SelNetStubCode] ;selector for the stub area
or di,di ;global heap in place ?
jnz dummy1
jmp ResumeNetPostingRet ;no.
mov es,di
; get the address of the flag byte fStubDelayNetPosting after the block was
; relocated
mov di,[AddrfStubDelayNetPosting]
; ES:DI has the flag byte address. ReSet the flag
mov byte ptr es:[di],0 ;reset the flag
FCLI ;protect access to linked list
mov cx,HCB_List
mov di,HCB_Header_Size ;offset of NCB in low heap block
jcxz resume_done
mov es,cx
mov cx,es:[di.HCB_Next]
test byte ptr es:[di.HCB_Flags],HCB_DELAY ;Has this one completed?
jz resume_next ; no, skip it
;Y: this packet was delayed...post it NOW !
mov ax,es:[di.HCB_Handle] ;selector to low heap block
call NetBiosPostRoutine ;post the NCB finally
; *** modification warning ***
; note: block has just been de-linked from list, so we MUST
; get the pointer to the next block before NetBiosPostRoutine
; is called (which calls DeLink)!
jmp short resume_next
pop ax
pop bx
pop di
pop es
ResumeNetPosting endp
; ------------------------------------------------------
; CopyBufferOut -- This routine copies a buffer from the low heap
; block up to the PM app's buffer area.
; Input: AX = Selector to low heap block
; Output: none
; Errors: none
; Uses: none
assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING
public CopyBufferOut
CopyBufferOut proc near
mov cx,es:[bx.NCB_Buffer_Seg]
or cx,es:[bx.NCB_Buffer_Off]
jz CBO_Buffer_Is_Null
push ds
mov di,bx ;ES:DI -> PM NCB
call GetSegmentAddress ;BX:DX = lma of low heap block
lds si,dword ptr es:[di.NCB_Buffer_Off] ;DS:SI -> PM buffer
assume ds:NOTHING
add dx,size NCB_Struc + HCB_Header_Size + 0fh
adc bx,0
and dx,not 0fh ;BX:DX = lma of low heap buffer
mov cx,es:[di.NCB_Length] ;CX = buffer length
mov al,1
call CopyBuffer ;copies from lma BX:DX to DS:SI, len CX
pop ds
assume ds:DGROUP
CopyBufferOut endp
; ------------------------------------------------------
; CopyBuffer -- This routine copies a buffer of length CX
; from DS:SI to the lma in BX:DX _or_ from the lma in
; BX:DX to DS:SI.
; Input: AX = direction flag, Z = from DS:SI -> lma,
; NZ = from lma -> DS:SI
; BX:DX = lma of source or dest
; CX = length in bytes
; DS:SI = pointer to source or dest
; Output: none
; Errors: none
; Uses: none
assume ds:NOTHING,es:NOTHING
public CopyBuffer
CopyBuffer proc near
push ds
push es
; Setup a selector/descriptor for the linear memory address
push ax ;save direction flag
push ds
mov ds,selDgroupPM ;temp dgroup addressability
assume ds:DGROUP
mov ax,SEL_NBSCRATCH or STD_RING ;our scratch selector to use
dec cx ;length to limit
cCall NSetSegmentDscr,<ax,bx,dx,0,cx,STD_DATA>
pop ds
assume ds:NOTHING
inc cx ;back to length
; If necessary, adjust the length so we don't fault due by overrunning the
; DS segment
mov bx,ds ;get limit for DS segment
lsl bx,bx
sub bx,si ;less the DS offset
inc bx ; (limit is len - 1)
cmp bx,cx ;at least CX bytes left in segment?
jae @f
mov cx,bx ; no, only do # remaining
; Copy the buffer
xor di,di ;AX:DI is now SEL:OFF to lma
pop bx ;recover direction flag
or bx,bx
jnz @f
mov es,ax ;from DS:SI -> AX:DI, almost ready
jmp short cb_copy
xchg si,di ;from AX:DI -> DS:SI, adjust
push ds ; regs for movs instruction
pop es
mov ds,ax
shr cx,1 ;byte count to words, low bit to CY
rep movsw
jnc @f
movsb ;get any odd byte
pop es
pop ds
CopyBuffer endp
; ------------------------------------------------------
; DeLink -- This routine will unlink a HCB/NCB/Buffer low heap
; block from the HCB_List linked list.
; Input: AX = selector to block to unlink
; Output: block unlinked
; Uses: none
assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING
public DeLink
DeLink proc near
push bx
push cx
push es
mov bx,HCB_Header_Size
cmp ax,HCB_List ;special case likely condition
jnz ul_search
mov es,ax ;ES:BX -> block to unlink
mov cx,es:[bx.HCB_Next] ;block is first in linked list
mov HCB_List,cx
jmp short ul_done
mov es,HCB_List ;ES:BX -> first block in list
mov cx,es:[bx.HCB_Next] ;is this just before the block?
cmp ax,cx
jz ul_got_it
mov es,cx ; no, try the next one
jmp short ul_loop
push es ;okay, cut the selected block
mov es,cx ; out of the linked list
mov cx,es:[bx.HCB_Next]
pop es
mov es:[bx.HCB_Next],cx
pop es
pop cx
pop bx
DeLink endp
; ------------------------------------------------------
; FindTargetNCB -- This routine searches the low memory heap
; to locate an NCB pointed to by another user PM NCB.
; Input: ES:DI -> Cancel NCB pointing to PM target NCB
; Output: BX:DX = RM SEG:OFF of target NCB in low heap
; Error: CY if target NCB can't be found
; Uses: none
assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING
public FindTargetNCB
FindTargetNCB proc near
push ax
push cx
push di
push es
mov bx,es:[di.NCB_Buffer_Seg] ;get selector:offset of PM
mov dx,es:[di.NCB_Buffer_Off] ; target NCB to cancel
; Search low heap list looking for copy of target NCB
mov cx,HCB_List
mov di,HCB_Header_Size ;offset of NCB in low heap block
jcxz ft_err
mov es,cx ;ES:DI -> first/next HCB/NCB in list
cmp bx,es:[di.HCB_PM_NCB_Seg] ;is this the one?
jnz ft_not_it
cmp dx,es:[di.HCB_PM_NCB_Off]
jz ft_got_it
ft_not_it: ; no, get ptr to next one
mov cx,es:[di.HCB_Next]
jmp short ft_next
; ES:DI now points at the low heap copy of the target NCB, convert to SEG:OFF
mov ax,es
call GetSegmentAddress
add dx,di
adc bx,0 ;BX:DX = lma of low target NCB
call Lma2SegOff ;BX:DX = normalized SEG:OFF
dec bx ;return the same slightly unnormalized
add dx,10h ; SEG:OFF that was used initially
clc ;found it!
jmp short ft_done
ft_err: stc ;couldn't find the target ?!
pop es
pop di
pop cx
pop ax
FindTargetNCB endp
; GetEntryExitFlags -- This routine looks up the entry/exit mapping
; flags for the current NetBIOS command.
; Input: user regs on stack frame
; Output: AX = flags
; ES:BX -> caller's PM NCB
; Errors: none
; Uses:
public GetEntryExitFlags
GetEntryExitFlags proc near
mov es,[bp].pmUserES ;point ES:BX to pm app's NCB
mov bx,[bp].pmUserBX ; and get command code
GetExitFlags2 label near
push di
mov al,es:[bx.NCB_Command]
and al,7Fh
mov di,ax ;map NCB command code to API
mov al,ApiMapTbl[di] ; mapping code via ApiMapTbl
shr ax,2 ;use map code to select entry/exit
mov di,ax ; flags via EntryExitCode
mov al,EntryExitFlags[di]
pop di
GetEntryExitFlags endp
; ------------------------------------------------------
; UpdateNCB -- This routine updates the user's PM NCB copy from the
; low heap real mode copy.
; Input: AX = selector pointing to low heap HCB/NCB
; Output: User's PM NCB updated
; Errors: none
; Uses: none
public UpdateNCB
UpdateNCB proc near
push ax
push cx
push si
push di
push ds
push es
mov ds,ax
mov si,HCB_Header_Size ;DS:SI -> low heap NCB
les di,dword ptr [si.HCB_PM_NCB_Off] ;ES:DI -> protect mode NCB
mov al,[si.NCB_Command] ;want to check the command code later
and al,not NoWait
movsw ;copy command, retcode, LSN, Num
add si,4 ;skip the buffer pointer
add di,4
movsw ;move the length
mov cx,34 / 2 ;len of callname, name, rto, sto (words)
cmp al,ChainSend ;funkey chain send command?
jnz @f
add si,16 ; yes, skip callname
add di,16
sub cx,16 / 2
rep movsw ;move name, rto, sto, maybe callname
add si,4 ;skip the post address
add di,4
mov cx,16 / 2 ;move the rest
rep movsw
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop cx
pop ax
UpdateNCB endp
; -------------------------------------------------------
;endif ; ife PM_NCB_HANDLING
DXDATA segment
my_sp dw ?
DXPMCODE segment
assume cs:DXPMCODE
;* HandleNetbiosAnr
;* Called when a simulated h/w interrupt for net callback functions occurs.
;* Checks if the call is a PM netbios ANR. If it is, we get the NCB
;* information and call the PM post routine
;* ENTRY Nothing
;* EXIT Nothing
;* RETURNS Nothing
;* ASSUMES Nothing
public HandleNetbiosAnr
HandleNetbiosAnr proc
assume cs:DXPMCODE
assume ds:DGROUP
assume es:nothing
assume ss:nothing
; perform a BOP to discover if this is a protect mode netbios ANR. If it is then
; es and bx will point to the NCB
push ds
pop ds
ifdef WOW_x86
endif ; WOW_x86
jnz @f
jmp chain_previous_int ; not PM Netbios ANR
; this is a PM Netbios ANR. Save state and call the post routine. There MUST be
; a post routine if we're here
pushad ; save all 32 bits
push fs
push gs
push es
ifdef WOW_x86
endif ; WOW_x86
; save the stack pointer - apparently some apps will RETF, not IRET from the
; ANR. NB - this ISR cannot be re-entered since we only have the one previous
; stack pointer saved. This should be okay as long as the EOI is issued at the
; end of the ISR
mov my_sp,sp
; perform a fake interrupt to the PM post routine. ES:BX point at the NCB, AL is
; the return code. Post routine will IRET back (supposedly)
mov al,es:[bx.NCB_RetCode] ; pass ret code in al
call dword ptr es:[bx.NCB_Post_Off]
; restore our data segment and stack pointer, lest the app didn't IRET
mov ds,ax
mov sp,my_sp
; restore the interrupted state, then perform a BOP to reset the PIC and clean
; up any interrupt state
pop es
pop gs
pop fs
; this BOP will clear the emulated PICs (sends non-specific EOIs), and cause the
; next NET interrupt to be generated, if one is queued
ifdef WOW_x86
endif ; WOW_x86
; restore the rest of the interrupted context and resume
pop ds
push word ptr OldInt73+2 ; selector of previous handler
push word ptr OldInt73 ; offset of previous handler
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ds,[bp+6] ; retrieve interrupted ds
pop bp
retf 2 ; chain previous handler, removing space
; used for ds
HandleNetbiosAnr endp
public HookNetBiosHwInt
HookNetBiosHwInt proc near
; Save everything!!
push ds
push es
ifdef NEC_98 ; '98/6/2 RAID #178452
mov ax,350dh ; get old handler
mov ax,3500h + NETWORK_VECTOR ; get old handler
endif ;NEC_98
int 21h
mov word ptr [OldInt73],bx
mov word ptr [OldInt73 + 2],es
mov ds,dx
mov dx,offset HandleNetbiosAnr
mov ah,25h
int 21h ; set new handler
pop es
pop ds
HookNetBiosHwInt endp