Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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include kernel.inc
include protect.inc
externB WinFlags
externW hGlobalHeap
externW pGlobalHeap
externW ArenaSel
externD hBmDPMI
externD FreeArenaList
externD FreeArenaCount
externD SelTableStart
externW SelTableLen
externW InitialPages
assumes CS,CODE
externNP get_physical_address
externNP set_physical_address
externNP set_selector_address32
externNP set_selector_limit32
externNP alloc_arena_header
externNP AssociateSelector32
externNP alloc_data_sel
externNP alloc_data_sel32
externNP GrowHeap
externNP DPMIProc
externFP greserve
; get_selector_address32 ;
; ;
; Function to translate return of get_physical_address (DX:AX) into EAX ;
; ;
cProc get_selector_address32,<PUBLIC,NEAR>
parmW selector
push dx
cCall get_physical_address,<selector>
shl eax, 16
mov ax, dx
ror eax, 16
pop dx
; GlobalInit ;
; ;
; Procedure to initialize the global heap. Called with the starting ;
; and ending paragraph addresses. ;
; ;
; Arguments: ;
; parmW hdelta = size (.25k) of master object ;
; parmW palloc = block to mark allocated ;
; parmW pstart = first available address ;
; parmW pend = last available address ;
; ;
; Returns: ;
; AX = handle for allocated block ;
; ;
; Error Returns: ;
; ;
; Alters: ;
; ES ;
; Calls: ;
; ginit ;
; hthread ;
; ghalloc ;
; History: ;
; ;
; Sat Jun 20, 1987 05:55:35p -by- David N. Weise [davidw] ;
; Making real EMS work with the fast boot version. ;
; ;
; Sun Mar 15, 1987 06:38:04p -by- David N. Weise [davidw] ;
; Added support for the linked free list long ago. ;
; ;
; Wed Feb 18, 1987 08:09:18p -by- David N. Weise [davidw] ;
; Added the initialization of the gi_alt entries. ;
; ;
; Mon Sep 08, 1986 07:53:41p -by- David N. Weise [davidw ;
; Changed the return values so that this can be called from other than ;
; initialization code. ;
cProc GlobalInit,<PUBLIC,NEAR>,<ds,si,di>
parmW hdelta
parmW palloc
parmW pstart
parmW pend
localW emspalloc
localW hInitMem
localD allocated_arena
localW next_block
localW free_hi
localW free_lo
mov ax,palloc ; AX = block to mark allocated
mov bx,pstart ; BX = first available address
mov cx,hdelta ; CX = size (.25k) of master object
mov dx,pend ; DX = last available address
call ginit
jc FailGlobalInit
SetKernelDS es
mov allocated_arena,eax
xor edi,edi ; Initialize master object
mov [di].phi_first,ebx ; Fill in pointers to first and
mov [di].phi_last,edx ; last blocks
mov [di].hi_count,4 ; 4 arena entries
or eax,eax
jnz short allocated_block
mov [di].hi_count,3 ; 3 arena entries
mov [di].gi_lruchain,edi ; Nothing in LRU list so far
mov [di].gi_lrucount,di
mov [di].gi_lrulock,di ; ...and not locked
mov [di].gi_reserve,edi ; No discardable code reserve area yet
push eax
mov eax, ds:[edx.pga_address]
mov word ptr [di].gi_disfence,ax ; gi_disfence = hi_last
shr eax, 16
mov word ptr [di].gi_disfence_hi,ax
pop eax
mov [di].gi_alt_first,-1 ; Fill in pointers to first and
mov [di].gi_alt_last,-1 ; last blocks, the -1 is necessary!!
mov [di].gi_alt_count,di ; # of arena entries
mov [di].gi_alt_lruchain,di
mov [di].gi_alt_lrucount,di ; MUST be 0!
mov [di].gi_alt_free_count,di
mov [di].gi_alt_reserve,di
mov [di].gi_alt_disfence,di
mov [di].gi_alt_pPhantom,-1 ; MUST be -1!
mov ax, ds:[esi.pga_handle] ; Pick up master objects selector
mov hGlobalHeap,ax
mov ds:[esi].pga_count,0
mov ds:[esi].pga_selcount,1
mov esi,ds:[edx].pga_prev ; Point to allocated object before
mov bx,ds:[esi.pga_handle]
StoH bx ; It is moveable
mov ds:[esi].pga_handle,bx
mov hInitMem,bx
mov ds:[esi].pga_count,0
; initialize free list
mov [di].gi_free_count,1
mov eax,[di].phi_first
mov ecx,[di].phi_last
mov ebx,ds:[eax].pga_next
mov ds:[eax].pga_freeprev,-1 ; Fill in first sentinal
mov ds:[eax].pga_freenext,ebx
mov ds:[ecx].pga_freeprev,ebx ; Fill in last sentinal
mov ds:[ecx].pga_freenext,-1
mov ds:[ebx].pga_freeprev,eax ; Link in free block
mov ds:[ebx].pga_freenext,ecx
SetKernelDS fs
mov edx, 030000h ; Insist on enough for fence
call GrowHeap
jc short Failed_GrowHeap ;garage sale machine,tough luck!
; 192k (3 segs) fixed greserve
mov ax, 1000h ; fence it all off. (in paras)
push fs
call greserve ; greserve will triple the no.
pop fs
or ax, ax
stc ; assume failure
jz short Failed_GrowHeap
ifdef WOW
; WOW isn't greedy and doesn't have gcommit_block
mov esi, ds:[edi].phi_last ; sentinel
mov esi, ds:[esi].pga_prev ; not_there
mov esi, ds:[esi].pga_prev ; free blk
call gcommit_block ; commit it all
jc short Failed_GrowHeap ; to guarantee stable system
; Let's start with 20MB reserve and allocate more as reqd.
mov edx, 20*1024*1024 ; Let's get greedy
call GrowHeap
clc ; we don't care about this fail
UnSetKernelDS fs
jc short FailGlobalInit
mov ax,hInitMem
; ginit ;
; ;
; Procedure to initialize the global heap. ;
; ;
; The global heap looks as follows after this procedure returns: ;
; ;
; BX - first object in arena, alway busy, zero length. ;
; - free object ;
; AX - allocated object ;
; DS - master object ;
; DX - last object in arena, alway busy, zero length. ;
; ;
; ;
; Arguments: ;
; AX = address of block to mark allocated. May be zero. ;
; BX = address of first paragraph in arena ;
; DX = address of last paragraph in arena ;
; CX = initial size of master object, in bytes ;
; ;
; Returns: ;
; AX = aligned address of block marked allocated. ;
; BX = aligned address of first object in arena ;
; CX = size of master object, in bytes ;
; DX = aligned address of last object in arena ;
; DS = aligned address of master object ;
; ;
; Registers Preserved: ;
; ;
; Registers Destroyed: ;
; DI,SI,ES ;
; Calls: ;
; nothing ;
; History: ;
; ;
; Thu Sep 11, 1986 04:22:02p -by- David N. Weise [davidw] ;
; Commented it, made it handle the case of no allocated block correctly.;
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
cProc ginit,<PUBLIC,NEAR>
localD size_free
localD size_allocated
localD size_master
localD allocated_arena
localW allocated_sel
localD BurgerMaster_arena
localW BurgerMaster_sel
localD new_last_arena
; ESI = the first block address (sentinel, always busy)
SetKernelDS es
push ax
cCall get_selector_address32,<bx> ; Start of our memory
add eax, GA_ALIGN_BYTES ; Align our start
push eax ; Save the start address
cCall set_selector_address32,<bx,eax> ; This will be our arena list
mov ArenaSel, bx
mov BurgerMaster_sel, bx
mov si, bx
push bx
push di
xor bx, bx ; # physical pages available
sub sp, 30h
mov di, sp
push es
smov es, ss
pop es
mov eax, 16*1024 ; Size of selector table
jc short default_sel_table
mov bx, word ptr ss:[di][10h]
cmp bx, 256
jb short default_sel_table
;;;mov eax, 31*1024
mov eax, 32*1024
mov [InitialPages], bx
; For WOW we assume 386 Kernel is running on paging System
; So always set WF1_PAGING
ifndef WOW
mov ecx, ss:[di][20h] ; Paging file size
inc ecx
cmp ecx, 1 ; 0 or -1?
jbe short @F
or byte ptr WinFlags[1], WF1_PAGING
mov ecx, ss:[di][0]
shr ecx, 7 ; Bytes reserved for arenas
add sp, 30h
pop di
pop bx
add ecx, GA_ALIGN_BYTES ; Align length of arena table
add eax, GA_ALIGN_BYTES ; Align length of selector table
mov SelTableLen, ax
cmp ecx, DEFAULT_ARENA_SIZE ; Number of bytes of arenas
jae short @F
mov ebx, Size GlobalInfo+GA_ALIGN_BYTES
and bl, GA_MASK_BYTES ; EBX start of arenas
mov size_master, ebx
add ecx, ebx
mov SelTableStart, ecx
add eax, ecx ; EAX total length of segment
push ecx
push ebx
push eax
push si
mov cx, ax ; Make BX:CX required
mov ebx, eax ; length of Burgermaster
shr ebx, 16
push bx ; Save length
push cx
mov hBmDPMI[0], di ; Save DPMI handle
mov hBmDPMI[2], si
pop di ; SI:DI now length
pop si
jc Failginit
if 0
mov di, 4096 ; Lock first page
xor si, si
DPMICALL 0600h ; Now page lock it
push bx
push cx
add cx, word ptr SelTableStart
adc bx, 0
and cx, not 4095
pop cx
pop bx
shl ebx, 16
mov bx, cx ; Address in EBX
pop si
pop eax
cCall set_selector_address32,<si,ebx>
mov edi, ebx
;;; cCall set_selector_limit32, <si,eax>
push eax
push dx
dec eax
mov ecx, eax ; Limit in CX:DX
shr ecx, 16
mov dx, ax
test cx,0fff0h ; bits 20-31 set?
jz @F ; No.
or dx,0fffh ; Yes, page align limit.
mov bx, si ; Selector in BX
pop dx
pop eax
pop ebx
pop ecx
jc Failginit
mov ds, si
sub ecx, ebx ; Subtract out BurgerMaster
cCall InitialiseArenas,<ebx,ecx>
mov ecx, eax
pop esi ; Sentinel address
cCall alloc_arena_header,<esi> ; Sentinel
mov esi, eax
cCall alloc_arena_header,<edi> ; BurgerMaster
mov BurgerMaster_arena, eax
mov ds:[eax].pga_handle, ds ; Save selector in handle field
mov ds:[eax].pga_size, ecx
push edi
push ecx
movzx ecx, SelTableLen
mov edi, SelTableStart
push es
smov es, ds ; Zero this area
UnSetKernelDS es
shr ecx, 2
xor eax, eax
rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
pop es
ReSetKernelDS es
pop ecx
pop edi
cCall AssociateSelector32,<ds,BurgerMaster_Arena> ; Set back link
; EDI = the Free block address (initial free block)
mov eax, ds:[esi].pga_address
;;; add eax, ecx
cCall alloc_arena_header,<eax>
mov edi, eax ; Free block arena in EDI
movzx eax, dx ; Get linear address
shl eax, 4
; EDX = the last block address (sentinel, always busy)
push eax
cCall alloc_arena_header,<eax>
mov new_last_arena, eax ; Save it away
pop ebx
pop ax ; Allocated Block
cCall get_selector_address32, <ax>
and al, GA_MASK_BYTES ; "Align" it
sub ebx, eax ; Length in bytes
push eax
push eax
cCall alloc_arena_header, <eax>
mov ds:[eax].pga_size, ebx ; Record size
mov allocated_arena, eax
mov ebx, eax
pop eax
cCall alloc_data_sel32, <eax, ds:[ebx].pga_size>
mov allocated_sel, ax
mov ds:[ebx.pga_handle], ax ; Save selector
cCall AssociateSelector32,<ax,ebx> ; Set back link
pop ebx
sub ebx, ds:[edi].pga_address ; Length in bytes
mov ds:[edi].pga_size, ebx
mov eax, allocated_arena
mov ecx, BurgerMaster_arena
mov edx, new_last_arena
; Fill in first block
xor ebx, ebx
mov ds:[esi].pga_sig,GA_SIGNATURE
mov ds:[esi].pga_size,ebx
mov ds:[esi].pga_owner,-1
mov ds:[esi].pga_flags,bx
mov ds:[esi].pga_prev,esi ; first.prev = self
mov ds:[esi].pga_next,edi ; first.next = free
mov ds:[esi].pga_handle,bx
mov ds:[esi].pga_lrunext,ebx
mov ds:[esi].pga_lruprev,ebx
; Fill in the last block (sentinel block)
mov ds:[edx].pga_sig,GA_ENDSIG
mov ds:[edx].pga_size,ebx
mov ds:[edx].pga_owner,-1 ; Always allocated
mov ds:[edx].pga_next,edx ; last.next = self
mov ds:[edx].pga_prev,eax ; last.prev = alloced
mov ds:[edx].pga_flags,bx
mov ds:[edx].pga_handle, bx
mov ds:[edx].pga_lrunext,ebx
mov ds:[edx].pga_lruprev,ebx
; Fill in the master object
mov ds:[ecx].pga_next,ecx
mov ds:[ecx].pga_prev,ecx
mov ds:[ecx].pga_sig,GA_SIGNATURE
mov ds:[ecx].pga_owner,-3
mov ds:[ecx].pga_flags,bx
mov ds:[ecx].pga_lruprev,ebx
mov ds:[ecx].pga_lrunext,ebx
; Fill in the allocated block
mov ds:[eax].pga_next,edx ; next object is Sentinel
mov ds:[eax].pga_prev,edi ; Previous object is second block
mov ds:[eax].pga_sig,GA_SIGNATURE
mov ds:[eax].pga_owner,-1
mov ds:[eax].pga_flags,bx
mov ds:[eax].pga_lruprev,ebx
mov ds:[eax].pga_lrunext,ebx
; Fill in free block
mov ds:[edi].pga_sig,GA_SIGNATURE
mov ds:[edi].pga_owner,bx ; This is a free block
mov ds:[edi].pga_flags,bx
mov ds:[edi].pga_next,eax ; Next obj allocated block
mov ds:[edi].pga_prev,esi
mov ds:[edi].pga_handle,bx
mov ds:[edi].pga_lruprev,ebx
mov ds:[edi].pga_lrunext,ebx
; Initialize master object
mov ecx, size_master
mov dx,BurgerMaster_sel
shr ecx, 1
push ecx ; save size in words
mov pGlobalHeap,dx
mov es,dx
UnSetKernelDS es
xor eax,eax
xor di,di ; Init master object to zero
shr ecx, 1
rep stosd
mov ds,dx ; Switch to master object as our DS
pop ecx
shl ecx,1 ; ECX = size of master object in bytes
mov eax, allocated_arena ; EAX = address of allocated block
mov edx, new_last_arena ; EDX = address of last block
mov ebx, esi ; EBX = address of first block
mov esi, BurgerMaster_arena ; ESI = arena of BurgerMaster
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
cProc InitialiseArenas,<PUBLIC,NEAR>
parmD StartOffset
parmD BytesAllocated
push ecx
push esi
push edi
CheckKernelDS es
ReSetKernelDS es
mov esi, StartOffset
mov ecx, BytesAllocated
add ecx, esi
mov FreeArenaList, esi ; Point to list
lea edi, [esi+size GlobalArena32]
cmp edi, ecx
jae short IA_done
mov [esi.pga_next], edi
add esi, size GlobalArena32
add edi, size GlobalArena32
inc FreeArenaCount
jmps IA_loop
mov ds:[esi.pga_next], -1 ; Terminate list
UnSetKernelDS es
pop edi
pop esi
pop ecx