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subttl emerror.asm - Emulator error handler
;emerror.asm - Emulator error handler
; Copyright (c) 1987-89, Microsoft Corporation
; Emulator error handler
; This Module contains Proprietary Information of Microsoft
; Corporation and should be treated as Confidential.
;Revision History:
; See emulator.hst
ProfBegin ERROR
; error entry to check for unmasked errors
error_return macro noerror
pop eax ; common exit code
ifdef XENIX
ifdef i386
pop ss ; pop stack selector
ifnb <noerror>
iretd ; normal return
int 0FFh ; special XENIX int for error
endif ;XENIX
TESTif macro nam
mov bl,err&nam ; default error number
IF (nam GE 100H)
test ah,nam/256
ELSE ;not (nam GE 100H)
test al,nam
ENDIF ;(nam GE 100H)
jnz short signalerror
pub CommonExceptions
ifdef QB3
jmp $EM_INT ; jump to QB3 error handler
else ;not QB3
push ds ; get address from task DS
push ebx
TESTif StackUnderflow ; Stack underflow
TESTif StackOverflow ; Stack overflow
TESTif SquareRootNeg ; Square root of negative number?
TESTif IntegerOverflow ; Would number not fit in integer?
TESTif Invalid ; indefinite error ?
TESTif ZeroDivide ; zero divide error ?
TESTif Overflow ; overflow error ?
TESTif Underflow ; underflow error ?
; TESTif Denormal ; denormal error ? not yet implemented
TESTif Precision ; Precision error ?
TESTif Unemulated ; unemulated error ?
; BL = error code value
pub signalerror
ifndef XENIX
LOADthreadDS ; macro in emthread.asm
; load thread's DS; trash AX
elseifdef standalone
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov ds,ds:[4*TSKINT+2]
elseifdef _COM_
mov ds, [__EmDataSeg]
else ;Default
mov ax, edataBASE
mov ds,ax
endif ;Default
; lock _SIGNAL_LOCK to guard SignalAddress (also used by signal func.)
mov ax,DGROUP
mov ds,ax ; establish DS == DGROUP for __lock
call __lockf
add sp,2
mov ax,EMULATOR_DATA ; use thread 1's data segment
mov ds,ax ; establish DS == EMULATOR_DATA
mov ax,word ptr [SignalAddress] ; check for nonzero address
or ax,word ptr [SignalAddress+2]
jnz short havehandler
; go straight to DOSEXIT call below ...
; don't bother cleaning up the stack or unlocking _SIGNAL_LOCK
;pop bx ; don't bother tossing
;pop ebx ; don't bother tossing
;pop ds ; don't bother tossing
mov ax,1
push ax
; BL = error code value
xchg ax,bx ; al = return code
xor ah,ah
push ax
os2call DOSEXIT ; DOSEXIT(1,return code) to terminate process
elseifdef WINDOWS
push es
push bx
mov ax, DOS_getvector*256 + TSKINT
mov ax, es
or ax, bx
pop bx
pop es
jnz short havehandler
else ;not MTHREAD or WINDOWS
mov ax,word ptr [SignalAddress]
or ax,word ptr [SignalAddress+2]
jnz short havehandler
; UNDONE - why no "os2call DOSEXIT" for the DOS5 case?
;pop bx ; don't bother tossing
;pop ds ; don't bother tossing
xchg ax,bx ; al = return code
mov ah,04Ch
int 21h ; terminate process with fp error code
endif ;not MTHREAD or WINDOWS
pub havehandler
; DS == EMULATOR_DATA ; Use thread 1's DS for SignalAddress.
; BL = return code
xchg ax,bx ; al = return code
push word ptr [SignalAddress+2]
push word ptr [SignalAddress]
mov bx,DGROUP
mov ds,bx ; establish DS == DGROUP for __unlock
call __unlockf
add sp,2
mov bx,sp ; SS:BX points to a copy of SignalAddress on the stack
else ;not MTHREAD
; bl = return code
xchg ax,bx ; al = return code
; other error return info for recovery
pop ebx
endif ;not MTHREAD
; all registers are the original values except AX and DS
; al = error code (81h and up)
; if the signal routine is going to return to the user program, it can
; just do a long ret. The users DS is sitting above the far return address
ifdef POLLING ; new exception handling code
ifndef frontend
ifdef DOS3and5
cmp [protmode],0 ; check for protect mode
jne callsig ; yes - call signal now
endif ;DOS3and5
ifdef DOS3
cmp [have8087],0 ; check if emulating
je callsig ; yes - call signal now
cmp [errorcode],0 ; check if pending error
ifdef WF
je ncs1
jmp nocallsig
jne nocallsig ; yes - just return
mov [errorcode],al ; save error code for later
;* Set 80x87 exception occured flag.
ifdef USE_IRET
mov byte ptr cs:[FWAITiret], iNOP ; nop out "iret"
elseifdef WINDOWS
ifdef WF
cmp [wfGoFast], 0
je WinSlow2
; int 3
push bp ; bp[0], ds[2], ax[4], retip[6], retcs[8], retfl[10]
mov bp, sp ; faultip[12], faultcs[14]
push es
mov ax, REMLSW
mov [wfErr], ax
push cs ; if fault CS:IP == our int 3d handler
pop ax ; then we don't want to patch it, we just want
cmp [bp+14], ax ; to set the flag as if we had
jnz wfPatch
mov ax, offset wfFaultHere
cmp [bp+12], ax
jnz wfPatch
mov [wfInsn], 3dcdh
jmp short wfNoPatch
push [bp+14] ; copy faulting CS to data selector
push [wfSel]
call ChangeSelector
mov es, [wfSel] ; es:bx points to faulting insn
mov bx, [bp+12]
mov ax, es:[bx] ; save old insn value
mov [wfInsn], ax
mov es:[bx], 3dcdh ; put INT 3D at fault location
pop es
pop bp
pop ds
pop ax
; fall through to old code
mov [ExceptFlag], 1
mov byte ptr cs:[FWAITRetF], iNOP ; nop out "retf 2"
mov word ptr cs:[FWAITRetF2], wNOP
endif ;DEFAULT
jmp short nocallsig ; just return
endif ;DOS3
endif ;not frontend
endif ;POLLING
call dword ptr ss:[bx] ; call thru thread 1's signal address
add sp, 4 ; remove address of signal handler from stack
pop ebx ; note that bx is restored after the call to the
; SIGFPE signal handler, but the SIG_DFL, SIG_IGN, or
; user-handler shouldn't care; in the event of SIG_IGN
; or a user handler that actually returns instead of
; doing longjump(), this pop instruction will restore bx
elseifdef WINDOWS
mov REMLSW, ax ; save error code
pop ds
pop ax ; stack is now just an int stack frame
ifdef WF0
; int 3
push bp ; bp[0], retip[2], retcs[4], retfl[6]
mov bp, sp ; faultip[8], faultcs[10]
push ds
push es
mov ds, ax
cmp [wfGoFast], 1 ; if running Std Mode
jnz WinSlow2
mov ax, REMLSW
mov [wfErr], ax
push [bp+10] ; copy faulting CS to data selector
push [wfSel]
call ChangeSelector
mov es, [wfSel] ; es:bx points to faulting insn
mov bx, [bp+8]
mov ax, es:[bx] ; save old insn value
mov [wfInsn], ax
mov es:[bx], 3dcdh ; put INT 3D at fault location
pop es
pop ds
pop bp
WinSlow2: ; can't do fast (non-poll) fp, so
popa ; restore stack and use old method
pop es
pop ds
pop bp
; fall through to old code
inc bp
push bp
mov bp, sp
push ds
push ax ; save user's ax
push cs ; must set up another stack frame
mov ax, offset DummyReturn
push ax
mov word ptr [bp-2], EMULATOR_DATA ; emulator's ds goes on first frame
inc bp
push bp
mov bp, sp
push ds ; push user's ds onto dummy stack frame
mov ds, ax
push es ; if windows => setup SignalAddress for
push bx ; far call
mov ax, DOS_getvector*256 + TSKINT
mov word ptr [SignalAddress], bx
mov word ptr [SignalAddress+2], es
pop bx
pop es
mov ax, REMLSW ; al = error code
call [SignalAddress] ; execute signal routine
pop ds ; restore user's ds
add sp, 6 ; get rid of dummy stack frame
pop ax ; restore user's ax
add sp, 2 ; get rid of emulator ds on stack
pop bp
dec bp
iret ; return
else ;not MTHREAD or WINDOWS
call [SignalAddress] ; execute signal routine
endif ;not MTHREAD or WINDOWS
pop ds ; restore user DS
error_return noerror ; treat as if nothing happened
else ;XENIX
pop ebx ; restore EBX and DS
pop ds
error_return ; error exit for XENIX
endif ;XENIX
endif ;not QB3