Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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//* Microsoft Windows **
//* Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1999 **
// OBSHEL.IDL - Component description and Type Library for ObShell (MSOBSHEL)
// 1/27/99 a-jaswed Created.
import "unknwn.idl";
import "oaidl.idl";
// Component descriptions
// Interface IObShellStatusPane
helpstring("IObShellMainPane Interface"),
interface IObShellMainPane : IUnknown
HRESULT CreateMainPane ([in] HANDLE_PTR hInstance,
[in] HWND hwndParent,
[in] RECT* rectWindowSize,
[in] BSTR bstrStartPage);
HRESULT ExecScriptFn ([in] BSTR bstrScriptFn,
[out] VARIANT* pvarRet);
HRESULT Navigate ([in] WCHAR* pszUrl);
HRESULT ListenToMainPaneEvents ([in] IUnknown* pUnk);
HRESULT SetExternalInterface ([in] IUnknown* pUnk);
HRESULT PreTranslateMessage ([in] LPMSG lpMsg);
HRESULT AddStatusItem ([in] BSTR bstrText,
[in] int iIndex);
HRESULT RemoveStatusItem ([in] int iIndex);
HRESULT SelectStatusItem ([in] int iIndex);
HRESULT SetStatusLogo ([in] BSTR bstrPath);
HRESULT SetAppMode ([in] DWORD dwAppMode);
HRESULT GetNumberOfStatusItems ([out] int* piTotal);
HRESULT OnDialing ([in] UINT uiType);
HRESULT OnConnecting ([in] UINT uiType);
HRESULT OnConnected ([in] UINT uiType);
HRESULT OnDownloading ([in] UINT uiType);
HRESULT OnDisconnect ([in] UINT uiType);
HRESULT OnDialingError ([in] UINT uiType,
[in] UINT uiErrorCode);
HRESULT OnServerError ([in] UINT uiType,
[in] UINT uiErrorCode);
HRESULT OnRefDownloadProgress ([in] UINT uiType,
[in] UINT uiPercentDone);
HRESULT OnRefDownloadComplete ([in] UINT uiType,
[in] UINT uiErrorCode);
HRESULT OnISPDownloadComplete ([in] UINT uiType,
[in] BSTR bstrURL);
HRESULT MainPaneShowWindow ();
HRESULT DestroyMainPane ();
HRESULT Walk ([out] BOOL* pbRet);
HRESULT get_PageType ([out] DWORD* pdwPageType);
HRESULT get_PageFlag ([out] DWORD* pdwPageFlag);
HRESULT get_PageID ([out] BSTR* pbstrPageID);
HRESULT get_URL ([in] BOOL bForward,
[out] BSTR* pbstrReturnURL);
HRESULT get_IsQuickFinish ([out] BOOL* pbRet);
HRESULT SaveISPFile ([in] BSTR bstrSrcFileName,
[in] BSTR bstrDestFileName);
HRESULT OnDeviceArrival ([in] UINT uiDeviceType);
HRESULT OnHelp ();
HRESULT OnIcsConnectionStatus ([in] UINT uiType);
HRESULT PlayBackgroundMusic ();
HRESULT StopBackgroundMusic ();
HRESULT UnhookScriptErrorHandler ();
// ObShell Type Library
helpstring("ObShell 1.0 Type Library")
library ObShellLib
// ObShellMainPane
helpstring("ObShellMainPane Class")
coclass ObShellMainPane
[default] interface IObShellMainPane;