Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Common modules shared by OPK tools. Note: Source Depot requires that we
publish the .h (E:\NT\admin\published\ntsetup\opklib.w) and .lib
Brian Ku (briank) 06/20/2000
Stephen Lodwick (stelo) 06/28/2000
Revision History:
#include <pch.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <regstr.h>
#include <winbom.h>
// Local Define(s):
#define MAX_NAME 50
#define REG_KEY_FACTORY _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Factory")
#define REG_VAL_FACTORY_PASSWORD _T("Password")
#define REG_VAL_FACTORY_DOMAIN _T("Domain")
#define REG_VAL_DEVICEPATH _T("DevicePath")
#define REG_VAL_SOURCEPATH _T("SourcePath")
#define REG_VAL_SPSOURCEPATH _T("ServicePackSourcePath")
#define DIR_SYSTEMROOT _T("%SystemDrive%\\") // This has to have the trailing backslash, don't remove.
#define NET_TIMEOUT 30000 // Time out to wait for net to start in milliseconds.
// Local Type Define(s):
typedef struct _STRLIST
LPTSTR lpszData;
struct _STRLIST * lpNext;
// Local variables
static WCHAR NameOrgName[MAX_NAME+1];
static WCHAR NameOrgOrg[MAX_NAME+1];
static LPTSTR CleanupDirs [] =
// Internal Fuction Prototype(s):
static BOOL CheckWinbomRegKey(LPTSTR lpWinBOMPath, DWORD cbWinbBOMPath,
LPTSTR lpszShare, DWORD cbShare,
LPTSTR lpszUser, DWORD cbUser,
LPTSTR lpszPass, DWORD cbPass,
LPTSTR lpFactoryMode, LPTSTR lpKey,
BOOL bNetwork, LPBOOL lpbExists);
static BOOL SearchRemovableDrives(LPTSTR lpWinBOMPath, DWORD cbWinbBOMPath, LPTSTR lpFactoryMode, UINT uDriveType);
static BOOL WinBOMExists(LPTSTR lpWinBom, LPTSTR lpMode);
static void SavePathList(HKEY hKeyRoot, LPTSTR lpszSubKey, LPSTRLIST lpStrList, BOOL bWrite);
static BOOL AddPathToList(LPTSTR lpszExpanded, LPTSTR lpszPath, LPSTRLIST * lplpSorted, LPSTRLIST * lplpUnsorted);
static void EnumeratePath(LPTSTR lpszPath, LPSTRLIST * lplpSorted, LPSTRLIST * lplpUnsorted);
static BOOL AddPathsToList(LPTSTR lpszBegin, LPTSTR lpszRoot, LPSTRLIST * lplpSorted, LPSTRLIST * lplpUnsorted, BOOL bRecursive);
Routine Description:
Enable or disable a given named privilege.
PrivilegeName - supplies the name of a system privilege.
Enable - flag indicating whether to enable or disable the privilege.
Return Value:
Boolean value indicating whether the operation was successful.
IN PCTSTR PrivilegeName,
IN BOOL Enable
BOOL bRet;
LUID Luid;
if(!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(),TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES,&Token)) {
if(!LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL,PrivilegeName,&Luid)) {
NewPrivileges.PrivilegeCount = 1;
NewPrivileges.Privileges[0].Luid = Luid;
NewPrivileges.Privileges[0].Attributes = Enable ? SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED : 0;
bRet = AdjustTokenPrivileges(
// The return value of AdjustTokenPrivileges() can be true even though we didn't set all
// the privileges that we asked for. We need to call GetLastError() to make sure the call succeeded.
bRet = bRet && ( ERROR_SUCCESS == GetLastError() );
Routine Description:
This routine will clean up any registry changes that we made to facilitate
the factory pre-install process
Return Value:
void CleanupRegistry
HKEY hSetupKey;
DWORD dwResult;
DWORD dwValue = 0;
// Open HKLM\System\Setup
dwResult = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
if (NO_ERROR == dwResult)
// Set the SystemSetupInProgress Value to 0.
(LPBYTE) &dwValue,
dwValue = 0;
(CONST BYTE *)&dwValue,
// Delete the FactoryPreInstall value
RegDeleteValue(hSetupKey, L"FactoryPreInstallInProgress");
RegDeleteValue(hSetupKey, L"AuditInProgress");
// Close the setup reg key
// Get Organization and Owner names from registry
void GetNames(TCHAR szNameOrgOrg[], TCHAR szNameOrgName[])
DWORD dwLen = 0;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion"), &hKey)) {
dwLen = MAX_NAME;
RegQueryValueEx(hKey, TEXT("RegisteredOrganization"), 0, 0, (LPBYTE)szNameOrgOrg, &dwLen);
dwLen = MAX_NAME;
RegQueryValueEx(hKey, TEXT("RegisteredOwner"), 0, 0, (LPBYTE)szNameOrgName, &dwLen);
// Strip out non alphabets from guid
DWORD StripDash(TCHAR *pszGuid)
TCHAR *pszOrg, *pszTemp = pszGuid;
pszOrg = pszGuid;
while (pszGuid && *pszGuid != TEXT('\0')) {
if (*pszTemp != TEXT('-') && *pszTemp != TEXT('{') && *pszTemp != TEXT('}'))
*pszGuid++ = *pszTemp++;
if (pszOrg)
return (DWORD)lstrlen(pszOrg);
return 0;
// GenUniqueName - Create a random computer name with a base name of 8 chars
VOID GenUniqueName(
OUT PWSTR GeneratedString,
IN DWORD DesiredStrLen
GUID guid;
DWORD total = 0, length = 0;
// If we have a valid out param
if (GeneratedString) {
// How many characters will come from the org/name string.
DWORD BaseLength = 8;
DWORD i,j;
DWORD UsableCount;
if( DesiredStrLen < BaseLength ) {
BaseLength = DesiredStrLen - 1;
// Get the Organization and Owner name from registry
GetNames(NameOrgOrg, NameOrgName);
if( NameOrgOrg[0] ) {
wcscpy( GeneratedString, NameOrgOrg );
} else if( NameOrgName[0] ) {
wcscpy( GeneratedString, NameOrgName );
} else {
wcscpy( GeneratedString, TEXT("X") );
for( i = 1; i < BaseLength; i++ ) {
wcscat( GeneratedString, TEXT("X") );
// Get him upper-case for our filter...
// Now we want to put a '-' at the end
// of our GeneratedString. We'd like it to
// be placed in the BASE_LENGTH character, but
// the string may be shorter than that, or may
// even have a ' ' in it. Figure out where to
// put the '-' now.
for( i = 0; i <= BaseLength; i++ ) {
// Check for a short string.
if( (GeneratedString[i] == 0 ) ||
(GeneratedString[i] == L' ') ||
(!wcschr(UsableChars, GeneratedString[i])) ||
(i == BaseLength )
) {
GeneratedString[i] = L'-';
GeneratedString[i+1] = 0;
// Special case the scenario where we had no usable
// characters.
if( GeneratedString[0] == L'-' ) {
GeneratedString[0] = 0;
total = lstrlen(GeneratedString);
// Loop until we have meet the desired string length
while (total < DesiredStrLen) {
// Create a unique guid to be used in the string
StringFromGUID2(&guid, szGuid, AS(szGuid));
// Remove the curly brace and dashes to generate the string
length = StripDash(szGuid);
total += length;
if (!lstrlen(GeneratedString)) {
if (DesiredStrLen < total)
lstrcpyn(GeneratedString, szGuid, DesiredStrLen+1); /* +1 for NULL */
lstrcpy(GeneratedString, szGuid);
else if (total < DesiredStrLen)
lstrcat(GeneratedString, szGuid);
_tcsncat(GeneratedString, szGuid, (length - (total - DesiredStrLen)));
// Assert if (total != DesiredStrLen)
BOOL // Returns TRUE if any credentials are found and
// are going to be returned.
GetCredentials( // Tries to get user credentials from a few
// different places.
LPTSTR lpszUsername, // Pointer to a string buffer that will recieve
// the user name for the credentials found.
DWORD cbUsername, // Size, in characters, of the lpszUsername
// string buffer.
LPTSTR lpszPassword, // Pointer to a string buffer that will recieve
// the password for the credentials found.
DWORD cbPassword, // Size, in characters, of the lpszPassword
// string buffer.
LPTSTR lpFileName, // Optional pointer to the file name that will
// contain the credentials. If this is NULL or
// an empty string, the know registry key will
// be checked instead for the credentials.
LPTSTR lpAlternate // Optional pointer to the alternate section to
// check first if lpFileName is vallid, or the
// the optional registry key to check instead of
// the normal known one.
BOOL GetCredentials(LPTSTR lpszUsername, DWORD cbUsername, LPTSTR lpszPassword, DWORD cbPassword, LPTSTR lpFileName, LPTSTR lpAlternate)
TCHAR szUsername[UNLEN + 1] = NULLSTR,
szPassword[PWLEN + 1] = NULLSTR,
szDomain[DNLEN + 1] = NULLSTR;
LPSTR lpUserName;
HKEY hKey;
DWORD dwType,
BOOL bAlternate = ( lpAlternate && *lpAlternate );
// Make sure there is a filename, otherwise we check the registry.
if ( lpFileName && *lpFileName )
// First try the alternate key for a user name.
if ( bAlternate )
GetPrivateProfileString(lpAlternate, INI_VAL_WBOM_USERNAME, NULLSTR, szUsername, AS(szUsername), lpFileName);
// If none found, try the normal section. If they happen
// to pass the normal section in as the alternate section then
// we will check it twice if no key exists, no big deal.
if ( NULLCHR == szUsername[0] )
GetPrivateProfileString(lpAlternate, INI_VAL_WBOM_USERNAME, NULLSTR, szUsername, AS(szUsername), lpFileName);
// Make sure we found a user name.
if ( szUsername[0] )
// If there is now backslash in the username, and there is a domain key, use that as the domain
if ( ((StrChr( szUsername, CHR_BACKSLASH )) == NULL) &&
(GetPrivateProfileString(lpAlternate, INI_VAL_WBOM_DOMAIN, NULLSTR, szDomain, AS(szDomain), lpFileName)) && szDomain[0]
// Copy the "domain\username" string into the returning buffer
lstrcpyn(lpszUsername, szDomain, cbUsername);
AddPathN(lpszUsername, szUsername, cbUsername);
// Copy the username into the returning buffer
lstrcpyn(lpszUsername, szUsername, cbUsername);
// We found the credentials
bRet = TRUE;
// Get the password
if ( GetPrivateProfileString(lpAlternate, INI_VAL_WBOM_PASSWORD, NULLSTR, szPassword, AS(szPassword), lpFileName) )
// Copy the password into the returning buffer
lstrcpyn(lpszPassword, szPassword, cbPassword);
*lpszPassword = NULLCHR;
else if ( RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, bAlternate ? lpAlternate : REG_KEY_FACTORY, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS )
// Check the registry key to see if it has user credentials.
dwSize = sizeof(szUsername);
if ( ( RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REG_VAL_FACTORY_USERNAME, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) szUsername, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) &&
( dwType == REG_SZ ) &&
( szUsername[0] ) )
// Check the registry key to see if it has user credentials.
dwSize = sizeof(szDomain);
if ( ( StrChr(szUsername, CHR_BACKSLASH) == NULL ) &&
( RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REG_VAL_FACTORY_DOMAIN, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) szDomain, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) &&
( dwType == REG_SZ ) &&
( szDomain[0] ) )
// Copy the domain and username into the returning buffer.
AddPathN(szDomain, szUsername, AS(szDomain));
lstrcpyn(lpszUsername, szDomain, cbUsername);
// Copy the username into the returning buffer.
lstrcpyn(lpszUsername, szUsername, cbUsername);
// We found the credentials
bRet = TRUE;
// Check the registry key to see if it has user credentials.
dwSize = sizeof(szPassword);
if ( ( RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REG_VAL_FACTORY_PASSWORD, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) szPassword, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) &&
( dwType == REG_SZ ) )
// Copy the password into the returning buffer
lstrcpyn(lpszPassword, szPassword, cbPassword);
// No password specified, just return and empty string.
*lpszPassword = NULLCHR;
// Always remember to close the key.
return bRet;
NET_API_STATUS FactoryNetworkConnectEx(LPTSTR lpszPath, LPTSTR lpszWinBOMPath, LPTSTR lpAlternateSection, LPTSTR lpszUsername, DWORD cbUsername, LPTSTR lpszPassword, DWORD cbPassword, BOOL bState)
nRet = 0;
static BOOL bFirst = TRUE;
BOOL bJustStarted = FALSE;
TCHAR szUsername[UNLEN + DNLEN + 2] = NULLSTR,
szPassword[PWLEN + 1] = NULLSTR,
szWinbomShare[MAX_PATH] = NULLSTR;
LPTSTR lpSearch;
DWORD dwStart;
// Get the credentials for the current section
if ( bState )
// Make sure we pass in a username buffer big enough to hold the "domain\username" string.
GetCredentials(szUsername, AS(szUsername), szPassword, AS(szPassword), lpszWinBOMPath, lpAlternateSection);
// Get just the share pare of the winbom path if it is a UNC.
if ( lpszWinBOMPath )
GetUncShare(lpszWinBOMPath, szWinbomShare, AS(szWinbomShare));
// Determine all of the UNC paths in the string supplied
lpSearch = lpszPath;
while ( lpSearch = StrStr(lpSearch, _T("\\\\")) )
// See if this is a UNC share.
if ( GetUncShare(lpSearch, szBuffer, AS(szBuffer)) && szBuffer[0] )
// We can not connect or disconnect from the share where the winbom is.
if ( ( NULLCHR == szWinbomShare[0] ) ||
( lstrcmpi(szBuffer, szWinbomShare) != 0 ) )
// Connect/disconnect from the share and
nErr = 0;
dwStart = GetTickCount();
if ( nErr )
if ( NERR_WkstaNotStarted == (nErr = ConnectNetworkResource(szBuffer, szUsername, szPassword, bState)) )
// Wierd bug here we are hacking around. If we just wait till the network starts, sometimes the first
// call it gives us a wierd error. So if we run into the not started error, then we keep retrying on
// any error until we time out.
bJustStarted = TRUE;
#ifdef DBG
LogFileStr(_T("c:\\sysprep\\winbom.log"), _T("FactoryNetworkConnect(%s)=%d [%d,%d]\n"), szBuffer, nErr, dwStart, GetTickCount());
#endif // DBG
while ( ( bFirst && bJustStarted && nErr ) &&
( (GetTickCount() - dwStart) < NET_TIMEOUT ) );
// If we hit an error and it is the first one,
// return it.
if ( nErr && ( 0 == nRet ) )
nRet = nErr;
// Once we have tried to connect to a network resource, we set
// this so we don't ever time out again as long as we are still
// running.
bFirst = FALSE;
// Move the pointer past the share name.
lpSearch += lstrlen(szBuffer);
// Go past the double backslash even though it is not a UNC path.
lpSearch += 2;
// Might need to return the credentials we used.
if ( lpszUsername && cbUsername )
lstrcpyn(lpszUsername, szUsername, cbUsername);
if ( lpszPassword && cbPassword )
lstrcpyn(lpszPassword, szPassword, cbPassword);
// Return the net error, or 0 if everything worked.
return nRet;
NET_API_STATUS FactoryNetworkConnect(LPTSTR lpszPath, LPTSTR lpszWinBOMPath, LPTSTR lpAlternateSection, BOOL bState)
return FactoryNetworkConnectEx(lpszPath, lpszWinBOMPath, lpAlternateSection, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, bState);
Routine Description:
This routine will locate the WINBOM.INI file. The search algorithm will be:
* Check the registry key
* Check local floppy drives
* Check local CD-ROM drives
* Check the sysprep folder
* Check the root of the boot volume
lpWinBOMPath - return buffer where the winbom path will be copied.
cbWinbBOMPath - size of return buffer in characters.
lpFactoryPath - the sysprep folder where factory.exe is.
Return Value:
TRUE - WINBOM.INI was found
FALSE - WINBOM.INI could not be found
BOOL LocateWinBom(LPTSTR lpWinBOMPath, DWORD cbWinbBOMPath, LPTSTR lpFactoryPath, LPTSTR lpFactoryMode, DWORD dwFlags)
BOOL bFound = FALSE,
bNetwork = !(GET_FLAG(dwFlags, LOCATE_NONET));
szCurUser[256] = NULLSTR,
szCurPass[256] = NULLSTR;
// Set the error mode so no drives display error messages ("please insert floppy")
// Always set the return buffer to an empty string first.
*lpWinBOMPath = NULLCHR;
// This neat little flag is used when we think that we already found a
// winbom sometime this boot (like when factory runs from the run key) and
// we want to make sure we use the same winbom instead of searching again
// and maybe getting a different one.
if ( GET_FLAG(dwFlags, LOCATE_AGAIN) )
BOOL bDone;
// Try our state winbom key to see if we have a winbom that we are already using.
bFound = CheckWinbomRegKey(szWinBom, AS(szWinBom), szCurShare, AS(szCurShare), szCurUser, AS(szCurUser), szCurPass, AS(szCurPass), lpFactoryMode, REG_KEY_FACTORY_STATE, bNetwork, &bDone);
// Now if the registry key existed, we don't want to do anything more. Just use
// what we got right now and be done with it.
if ( bDone )
// Check to see if we have anything to return.
if ( bFound )
// Copy the path we found into the return buffer.
lstrcpyn(lpWinBOMPath, szWinBom, cbWinbBOMPath);
// Set the error mode back to system default
// Return right now if we found it or not.
return bFound;
// Check to see if the system drive is a CD-ROM (which pretty much
// means that we are running in WinPE and we should search this drive
// last).
ExpandEnvironmentStrings(DIR_SYSTEMROOT, szWinBom, AS(szWinBom));
bRunningFromCd = ( GetDriveType(szWinBom) == DRIVE_CDROM );
szWinBom[0] = NULLCHR;
// Check the magic registry key first as an option to override were the winbom is.
bFound = CheckWinbomRegKey(szWinBom, AS(szWinBom), szCurShare, AS(szCurShare), szCurUser, AS(szCurUser), szCurPass, AS(szCurPass), lpFactoryMode, REG_KEY_FACTORY, bNetwork, NULL);
// Walk through the drives first checking if the drive is removeable and NOT CDROM.
// Check for the presence of the WinBOM file and quit if it is found.
if ( !bFound )
bFound = SearchRemovableDrives(szWinBom, AS(szWinBom), lpFactoryMode, DRIVE_REMOVABLE);
// Walk through the drives again this time checking if the drive IS a CD-ROM.
// Check for the presence of the WinBOM file and quit if it is found. Also
// only do this if the OS is not running from a CD. This is so in the WinPE
// case the person can put a winbom on the hard drive and it will be used
// before the one that is always on the CD-ROM that WinPE boots from.
if ( !bFound )
bFound = SearchRemovableDrives(szWinBom, AS(szWinBom), lpFactoryMode, bRunningFromCd ? DRIVE_FIXED : DRIVE_CDROM);
// Now if still not found, check the same directory as factory.
if ( !bFound )
lstrcpyn(szWinBom, lpFactoryPath, AS(szWinBom));
AddPath(szWinBom, FILE_WINBOM_INI);
bFound = WinBOMExists(szWinBom, lpFactoryMode);
// Now if still not found, check the root of the system drive.
if ( !bFound )
ExpandEnvironmentStrings(DIR_SYSTEMROOT, szWinBom, AS(szWinBom));
lstrcat(szWinBom, FILE_WINBOM_INI);
bFound = WinBOMExists(szWinBom, lpFactoryMode);
// Now if we skipped the CD-ROM search above, do it now if we still
// don't have a winbom.
if ( !bFound && bRunningFromCd )
bFound = SearchRemovableDrives(szWinBom, AS(szWinBom), lpFactoryMode, DRIVE_CDROM);
// Make sure we found a WinBOM and look for a NewWinbom key.
if ( bFound )
DWORD dwLimit = 10; // Must be greater than zero.
BOOL bAgain;
LPTSTR lpszNewWinbom;
// Copy the path we found into the return buffer.
lstrcpyn(lpWinBOMPath, szWinBom, cbWinbBOMPath);
// Now do the loop to search for possible NewWinBom keys.
// Reset the bool so we can check for alternate WinBOMs.
bAgain = FALSE;
// See if the NewWinBom key exists in the winbom we found.
LPTSTR lpShareRemove;
// The NewWinBom key might be a UNC, so see if we need to connect
// to the share.
szNewShare[0] = NULLCHR;
szNewUser[0] = NULLCHR;
szNewPass[0] = NULLCHR;
if ( bNetwork && GetUncShare(lpszNewWinbom, szNewShare, AS(szNewShare)) && szNewShare[0] )
// Only really need to connect if the we are not already
// connected.
if ( lstrcmpi(szNewShare, szCurShare) != 0 )
FactoryNetworkConnectEx(szNewShare, lpWinBOMPath, NULL, szNewUser, AS(szNewUser), szNewPass, AS(szNewPass), TRUE);
bSame = TRUE;
// Now make sure the winbom we found really exists and is a vallid
// winbom we can use.
if ( WinBOMExists(lpszNewWinbom, lpFactoryMode) )
// Copy the new winbom path we found into the return buffer.
lstrcpyn(lpWinBOMPath, lpszNewWinbom, cbWinbBOMPath);
bAgain = TRUE;
lpShareRemove = szCurShare;
lpShareRemove = szNewShare;
// Do any share cleanup that needs to happen.
if ( bNetwork && *lpShareRemove && !bSame )
FactoryNetworkConnect(lpShareRemove, NULL, NULL, FALSE);
*lpShareRemove = NULLCHR;
// Also save the share info if there was one so we can cleanup
// later if we find another winbom.
if ( bAgain )
lstrcpyn(szCurShare, szNewShare, AS(szCurShare));
lstrcpyn(szCurUser, szNewUser, AS(szCurUser));
lstrcpyn(szCurPass, szNewPass, AS(szCurPass));
// Clean up the ini key we allocated.
while ( --dwLimit && bAgain );
// Save the winbom we are using (or empty string if not using one) to our state
// key so other programs or instances of factory running this boot know what winbom
// to use.
// We may want to save the credentials that we used to get to this winbom in our
// state key so we can get them back and reconnect, but for now if we just don't
// ever disconnect from the share where the winbom is, we should be fine. Only need
// to worry about this if the caller of the function wanted to disconnect this
// network resource when they were done. If we do that, these keys will have to
// be written. But we will have to put in a bunch of code so that CheckWinbomRegKey()
// returns the credentials used, and when doing our NewWinBom search that we also
// save the credentials we finally end up using. This is a lot of work, and I see
// no need for this now. Just make sure if you call this function that you do NOT
// call FactoryNetworkConnect() to remove the net connection.
// This didn't work, because when we log on we loose our net connection so we need
// the credentials to reconnect after logon. So I went through all the work I mentioned
// above to make this work.
// Set the error mode back to system default
// Return if we found it or not.
return bFound;
BOOL SetFactoryStartup(LPCTSTR lpFactory)
HKEY hKey;
// Now make sure we are also setup as a setup program to run before we log on.
TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH + 32] = NULLSTR;
DWORD dwVal;
// Setup the control flags for the SETUP key
// The Setting used are:
// CmdLine = c:\sysprep\factory.exe -setup
// SetupType = 2 (No reboot)
// SystemSetupInProgress = 0 (no service restrictions)
// MiniSetupInProgress = 0 (Not doing a mini setup)
// FactoryPreInstallInProgress = 1 (Delay pnp driver installs)
// AuditInProgress = 1 (general key to determine if the OEM is auditing the machine)
lstrcpyn(szFileName, lpFactory, AS(szFileName));
lstrcat(szFileName, _T(" -setup"));
if ( RegSetValueEx(hKey, _T("CmdLine"), 0, REG_SZ, (CONST LPBYTE) szFileName, ( lstrlen(szFileName) + 1 ) * sizeof(TCHAR)) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
bRet = FALSE;
if ( RegSetValueEx(hKey, TEXT("SetupType"), 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST LPBYTE) &dwVal, sizeof(DWORD)) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
bRet = FALSE;
dwVal = 0;
if ( RegSetValueEx(hKey, TEXT("SystemSetupInProgress"), 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST LPBYTE) &dwVal, sizeof(DWORD)) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
bRet = FALSE;
dwVal = 0;
if ( RegSetValueEx(hKey, TEXT("MiniSetupInProgress"), 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST LPBYTE) &dwVal, sizeof(DWORD)) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
bRet = FALSE;
dwVal = 1;
if ( RegSetValueEx(hKey, TEXT("FactoryPreInstallInProgress"), 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST LPBYTE) &dwVal, sizeof(DWORD)) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
bRet = FALSE;
dwVal = 1;
if ( RegSetValueEx(hKey, TEXT("AuditInProgress"), 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST LPBYTE) &dwVal, sizeof(DWORD)) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
bRet = FALSE;
bRet = FALSE;
return bRet;
BOOL UpdateDevicePathEx(HKEY hKeyRoot, LPTSTR lpszSubKey, LPTSTR lpszNewPath, LPTSTR lpszRoot, BOOL bRecursive)
lpUnsorted = NULL;
LPTSTR lpszDevicePath;
// First add any paths already in the registry to the lists.
if ( lpszDevicePath = RegGetString(hKeyRoot, lpszSubKey, REG_VAL_DEVICEPATH) )
AddPathsToList(lpszDevicePath, NULL, &lpSorted, &lpUnsorted, FALSE);
// Now add any they wanted to the list.
AddPathsToList(lpszNewPath, lpszRoot, &lpSorted, &lpUnsorted, bRecursive);
// Now that we are done, we can free our sorted list.
SavePathList(hKeyRoot, lpszSubKey, lpSorted, FALSE);
// Now save our final list back to the registry and free
// it.
SavePathList(hKeyRoot, lpszSubKey, lpUnsorted, TRUE);
return TRUE;
BOOL UpdateDevicePath(LPTSTR lpszNewPath, LPTSTR lpszRoot, BOOL bRecursive)
return ( UpdateDevicePathEx( HKLM,
lpszRoot ? lpszRoot : DIR_SYSTEMROOT,
bRecursive ) );
BOOL UpdateSourcePath(LPTSTR lpszSourcePath)
if ( lpszSourcePath && *lpszSourcePath )
if (bRet = RegSetString(HKLM, REG_KEY_SETUP_SETUP, REG_VAL_SOURCEPATH, lpszSourcePath))
return bRet;
// Internal Function(s):
static BOOL CheckWinbomRegKey(LPTSTR lpWinBOMPath, DWORD cbWinbBOMPath,
LPTSTR lpszShare, DWORD cbShare,
LPTSTR lpszUser, DWORD cbUser,
LPTSTR lpszPass, DWORD cbPass,
LPTSTR lpFactoryMode, LPTSTR lpKey,
BOOL bNetwork, LPBOOL lpbExists)
HKEY hKey;
BOOL bFound = FALSE,
bExists = FALSE;
// Check the registry key to see if it knows about a winbom to use.
DWORD dwType,
dwSize = sizeof(szWinBom);
// Try to get the value.
if ( ( RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REG_VAL_FACTORY_WINBOM, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) szWinBom, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) &&
( dwType == REG_SZ ) )
// Now the key must have existed. If there was something
// in the key, lets try to use it.
if ( szWinBom[0] )
szUser[256] = NULLSTR,
szPass[256] = NULLSTR;
// Throw some networking support in here.
if ( bNetwork && GetUncShare(szWinBom, szShare, AS(szShare)) && szShare[0] )
FactoryNetworkConnectEx(szShare, NULL, lpKey, szUser, AS(szUser), szPass, AS(szPass), TRUE);
// Check to see if the winbom is actually there still.
// If not, then it is bad and we should just act like
// the key didn't even exist.
if ( WinBOMExists(szWinBom, lpFactoryMode) )
// If found, return the winbom in the supplied buffer.
lstrcpyn(lpWinBOMPath, szWinBom, cbWinbBOMPath);
bFound = bExists = TRUE;
// See what we might need to return.
if ( lpszShare && cbShare )
lstrcpyn(lpszShare, szShare, cbShare);
if ( lpszUser && cbUser )
lstrcpyn(lpszUser, szUser, cbUser);
if ( lpszPass && cbPass )
lstrcpyn(lpszPass, szPass, cbPass);
else if ( bNetwork && szShare[0] )
// Clean up our net connection.
FactoryNetworkConnect(szShare, NULL, NULL, FALSE);
// There wasn't anything in the key, but it did exist.
// This most likely means we didn't find the winbom the
// first time around, so we may need to know that now.
bExists = TRUE;
// Always remember to close the key.
// If they want to know if the key existed, then return it to them.
if ( lpbExists )
*lpbExists = bExists;
// If we found a winbom, return true.
return bFound;
static BOOL SearchRemovableDrives(LPTSTR lpWinBOMPath, DWORD cbWinbBOMPath, LPTSTR lpFactoryMode, UINT uDriveType)
DWORD dwDrives;
szDrive[] = _T("_:\\");
BOOL bFound = FALSE;
// Loop through all the dirves on the system.
for ( szDrive[0] = _T('A'), dwDrives = GetLogicalDrives();
( szDrive[0] <= _T('Z') ) && dwDrives && !bFound;
szDrive[0]++, dwDrives >>= 1 )
// First check to see if the first bit is set (which means
// this drive exists in the system). Then make sure it is
// a drive type that we want to check for a winbom.
if ( ( dwDrives & 0x1 ) &&
( GetDriveType(szDrive) == uDriveType ) )
// See if there is a wINBOM.INI file on the drive.
lstrcpyn(szWinBom, szDrive, AS(szWinBom));
lstrcat(szWinBom, FILE_WINBOM_INI);
if ( WinBOMExists(szWinBom, lpFactoryMode) )
// Return the path to the winbom in the supplied buffer.
lstrcpyn(lpWinBOMPath, szWinBom, cbWinbBOMPath);
bFound = TRUE;
return bFound;
static BOOL WinBOMExists(LPTSTR lpWinBom, LPTSTR lpMode)
// First the file must exists.
if ( FileExists(lpWinBom) )
TCHAR szModes[256] = NULLSTR;
// See if there is even a mode string in this winbom (has to be or
// we will automatically use it).
if ( lpMode &&
*lpMode &&
GetPrivateProfileString(WBOM_FACTORY_SECTION, INI_KEY_WBOM_FACTORY_TYPE, NULLSTR, szModes, AS(szModes), lpWinBom) &&
szModes[0] )
LPTSTR lpCheck = szModes,
// Loop through ever comma delimited field in the value we got
// from the winbom (there is always at least one).
// See if there is another mode field in this string.
if ( lpNext = StrChr(lpCheck, _T(',')) )
*lpNext++ = NULLCHR;
// Make sure there are no spaces around the field.
StrTrm(lpCheck, _T(' '));
// If the mode we are in matches the one in the winbom, then
// we are good to go.
if ( lstrcmpi(lpMode, lpCheck) == 0 )
bRet = TRUE;
// Set the check pointer to the next
// field.
lpCheck = lpNext;
while ( !bRet && lpCheck );
// It would be nice to log if we don't use this winbom because of this
// setting, but we can't really do that because we need to winbom to
// init logging.
if ( !bRet )
// Log here.
bRet = TRUE;
return bRet;
static void SavePathList(HKEY hKeyRoot, LPTSTR lpszSubKey, LPSTRLIST lpStrList, BOOL bWrite)
LPSTRLIST lpStrListNode;
DWORD cbDevicePath = 256,
dwLength = 0,
LPTSTR lpszDevicePath;
// Initialize our intial buffer we are going to use to
// write to the registry.
if ( bWrite )
lpszDevicePath = (LPTSTR) MALLOC(cbDevicePath * sizeof(TCHAR));
// Loop through the list.
while ( lpStrList )
// Save a pointer to the current node.
lpStrListNode = lpStrList;
// Advanced to the next node.
lpStrList = lpStrList->lpNext;
// If we are saving this list to the registry, then
// we need to add to our buffer.
if ( bWrite && lpszDevicePath )
// Make sure our buffer is still big enough.
// The two extra are for the possible semi-colon
// we might add and one more to be safe. We
// don't have to worry about the null terminator
// because we do less than or equal to our current
// buffer size.
dwOldSize = cbDevicePath;
dwLength += lstrlen(lpStrListNode->lpszData);
while ( cbDevicePath <= (dwLength + 2) )
cbDevicePath *= 2;
// If it wasn't big enough, we need to reallocate it.
if ( cbDevicePath > dwOldSize )
LPTSTR lpszTmpDevicePath = (LPTSTR) REALLOC(lpszDevicePath, cbDevicePath * sizeof(TCHAR));
// Make sure the REALLOC succeeded before reassigning the memory
if ( lpszTmpDevicePath )
lpszDevicePath = lpszTmpDevicePath;
// Make sure we still have a buffer.
if ( lpszDevicePath )
// If we already have added a path, tack on a semicolon.
if ( *lpszDevicePath )
lstrcat(lpszDevicePath, _T(";"));
// Now add our path.
lstrcat(lpszDevicePath, lpStrListNode->lpszData);
// Free the data in this node.
// Free the node itself.
// If we have the data, save it to the registry.
if ( bWrite && lpszDevicePath )
RegSetExpand(hKeyRoot, lpszSubKey, REG_VAL_DEVICEPATH, lpszDevicePath);
static BOOL AddPathToList(LPTSTR lpszExpanded, LPTSTR lpszPath, LPSTRLIST * lplpSorted, LPSTRLIST * lplpUnsorted)
LPSTRLIST lpSortedNode,
// Loop until we get to the end or find a string that is bigger than
// ours.
while ( *lplpSorted && !bQuit )
// If we do this, we don't have to do the complicated
// indirection.
lpSortedNode = *lplpSorted;
// Compare the nodes string to the one we want to add.
switch ( CompareString(LOCALE_INVARIANT, NORM_IGNORECASE, lpszExpanded, -1, lpSortedNode->lpszData, -1) )
// If the are the same, we just return FALSE because we do
// not need to add it.
return FALSE;
// If our string is less than the one in this node, we need
// to stop so we can insert ourself before it.
bQuit = TRUE;
// Default, just try the next item in the list.
lplpSorted = &(lpSortedNode->lpNext);
// Now we need to advance the pointer of the unsorted list to the
// end so we can add ours.
while ( *lplpUnsorted )
lpUnsortedNode = *lplpUnsorted;
lplpUnsorted = &(lpUnsortedNode->lpNext);
// Allocate our nodes. If anything fails, we have to return false.
if ( NULL == (lpSortedNode = (LPSTRLIST) MALLOC(sizeof(STRLIST))) )
return FALSE;
if ( NULL == (lpUnsortedNode = (LPSTRLIST) MALLOC(sizeof(STRLIST))) )
return FALSE;
// Set the data in the sorted node and insert the list since we
// know where that goes right now.
lpSortedNode->lpszData = lpszExpanded;
lpSortedNode->lpNext = *lplpSorted;
*lplpSorted = lpSortedNode;
// Now set the data in the unsorted node and insert it at the end
// of that list.
lpUnsortedNode->lpszData = lpszPath;
lpUnsortedNode->lpNext = NULL;
*lplpUnsorted = lpUnsortedNode;
return TRUE;
static void EnumeratePath(LPTSTR lpszPath, LPSTRLIST * lplpSorted, LPSTRLIST * lplpUnsorted)
WIN32_FIND_DATA FileFound;
LPTSTR lpszNewPath,
DWORD cbNewPath;
BOOL bAdded = FALSE;
// Process all the files and directories in the directory passed in.
if ( (hFile = FindFirstFile(_T("*"), &FileFound)) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
// First check to see if this is a a directory.
if ( ( FileFound.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) &&
( lstrcmp(FileFound.cFileName, _T(".")) != 0 ) &&
( lstrcmp(FileFound.cFileName, _T("..")) != 0 ) &&
( SetCurrentDirectory(FileFound.cFileName) ) )
// Need the size for the new path... which is the length of the
// old path, plus new path, and 3 extra for the joining backslash,
// null terminator, and another one more to be safe.
cbNewPath = lstrlen(lpszPath) + lstrlen(FileFound.cFileName) + 3;
if ( lpszNewPath = (LPTSTR) MALLOC(cbNewPath * sizeof(TCHAR)) )
// Create our new path (note this one is not expanded out,
// it may contain environment variables.
lstrcpyn(lpszNewPath, lpszPath, cbNewPath);
AddPathN(lpszNewPath, FileFound.cFileName, cbNewPath);
// Make sure we can expand out the buffer.
if ( lpszExpandedPath = AllocateExpand(lpszNewPath) )
// Now add the path to the list.
bAdded = AddPathToList(lpszExpandedPath, lpszNewPath, lplpSorted, lplpUnsorted);
// If the path didn't get added, we have to free the buffer.
if ( !bAdded )
// Continue the recursive search
EnumeratePath(lpszNewPath, lplpSorted, lplpUnsorted);
// If the path didn't get added, we have to free the buffer.
if ( !bAdded )
// Set the current directory to parent, to continue.
while ( FindNextFile(hFile, &FileFound) );
static BOOL AddPathsToList(LPTSTR lpszBegin, LPTSTR lpszRoot, LPSTRLIST * lplpSorted, LPSTRLIST * lplpUnsorted, BOOL bRecursive)
bAddBackslash = FALSE,
LPTSTR lpszEnd,
DWORD dwSize,
// If they don't pass in the root we don't do anything.
if ( lpszRoot )
if ( NULLCHR == *lpszRoot )
lpszRoot = NULL;
else if ( _T('\\') != *CharPrev(lpszRoot, lpszRoot + lstrlen(lpszRoot)) )
// The root path passed in doesn't have a backslash at
// the end so we set this so that we know we have to add
// one each time we add a path.
bAddBackslash = TRUE;
// Loop through all the semicolon separated paths in the
// buffer passed to use.
// Find the beginning of the path past all
// the semicolons.
while ( _T(';') == *lpszBegin )
if ( *lpszBegin )
// Find the end of the path which is the next
// semicolon or the end of the string, whichever
// comes first.
lpszEnd = lpszBegin;
while ( *lpszEnd && ( _T(';') != *lpszEnd ) )
// See if our new path has a backslash at the
// beginning of it.
dwBackslash = 0;
if ( _T('\\') == *lpszBegin )
// If it does and we don't want to add one,
// then advance the pointer past it.
if ( !bAddBackslash )
else if ( bAddBackslash )
// Set this so we know to add the backslash and
// allocate the extra space for it.
dwBackslash = 1;
// Figure out the size we need for the path we are going
// to create. It is the length of the new string, plus
// the root if one was passed in, plus 1 for the backslash
// if we need to add one, plus 2 extra (one for the null
// terminator and one just to be safe).
dwSize = ((int) (lpszEnd - lpszBegin)) + dwBackslash + 2;
if ( lpszRoot )
dwSize += lstrlen(lpszRoot);
// Now allocate our path buffer.
if ( lpszPath = (LPTSTR) MALLOC(dwSize * sizeof(TCHAR)) )
// Reset this so if anything doesn't work we know to
// free our allocated memory.
bAdded = FALSE;
// Copy the path into our buffer.
lpszCat = lpszPath;
if ( lpszRoot )
lstrcpy(lpszCat, lpszRoot);
lpszCat += lstrlen(lpszCat);
if ( dwBackslash )
*lpszCat++ = _T('\\');
lstrcpyn(lpszCat, lpszBegin, (int) (lpszEnd - lpszBegin) + 1);
if ( lpszExpanded = AllocateExpand(lpszPath) )
// Add it to our lists.
bAdded = AddPathToList(lpszExpanded, lpszPath, lplpSorted, lplpUnsorted);
// If this is a recursive add, we try to enumerate all the
// sub directories and add them as well.
if ( ( bRecursive ) &&
( DirectoryExists(lpszExpanded) ) &&
( SetCurrentDirectory(lpszExpanded) ) )
EnumeratePath(lpszPath, lplpSorted, lplpUnsorted);
// If it wasn't added to the list, then free the memory.
if ( !bAdded )
// If it wasn't added to the list, then free the memory.
if ( !bAdded )
// Reset the beginning to the next string.
lpszBegin = lpszEnd;
while ( *lpszBegin );
return bRet;
VOID CleanupSourcesDir(LPTSTR lpszSourcesDir)
UINT i = 0;
// If we have a valid sources
if ( lpszSourcesDir &&
*lpszSourcesDir &&
lpEnd = lpszSourcesDir + lstrlen(lpszSourcesDir);
for (i = 0; ( i < AS(CleanupDirs) ); i++)
AddPath(lpszSourcesDir, CleanupDirs[i]);
*lpEnd = NULLCHR;
// External functions
typedef BOOL ( *OpkCheckVersion ) ( DWORD dwMajorVersion, DWORD dwQFEVersion );
// Wrapper around the syssetup OPKCheckVersion() function.
BOOL OpklibCheckVersion( DWORD dwMajorVersion, DWORD dwQFEVersion )
BOOL bRet = TRUE; // Allow tool to run by default, in case we can't load syssetup or find the entry point.
OpkCheckVersion pOpkCheckVersion = NULL;
hInstSysSetup = LoadLibrary( _T("syssetup.dll") );
if ( hInstSysSetup )
pOpkCheckVersion = (OpkCheckVersion) GetProcAddress( hInstSysSetup, "OpkCheckVersion" );
if ( pOpkCheckVersion )
bRet = pOpkCheckVersion( dwMajorVersion, dwQFEVersion );
FreeLibrary( hInstSysSetup );
return bRet;