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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998.
// File: apmupgrd.cpp
// Contents: DllMain
// Notes: copied from net\config\upgrade\netupgrd\netupgrd.cpp by kumarp
// Author: t-sdey 19 June 98
#include <winnt32.h>
#include "apmupgrd.h"
#include "apmrsrc.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// variables
HINSTANCE g_hinst;
TCHAR g_APM_ERROR_HTML_FILE[] = TEXT("compdata\\apmerror.htm");
TCHAR g_APM_ERROR_TEXT_FILE[] = TEXT("compdata\\apmerror.txt");
// Function: DllMain
// Purpose: constructor
// Arguments: Standard DLL entry point arguments
// Author: t-sdey 19 June 98
// Notes: from kumarp 12 April 97
extern "C"
DWORD dwReasonForCall,
LPVOID lpReserved)
BOOL status = TRUE;
switch( dwReasonForCall )
g_hinst = hInstance;
return status;
// Function: ApmUpgradeCompatibilityCheck
// Purpose: This function is called by winnt32.exe so that we
// can scan the system to find any potential upgrade problems.
// NOTE: we do not call CompatibilityCallback to report
// conflicts to winnt32 unless there was a problem removing them
// or the user cancels removal.
// Arguments:
// CompatibilityCallback [in] pointer to COMPATIBILITYCALLBACK fn
// Context [in] pointer to compatibility context
// Returns: FALSE if successful (no conflicts remaining)
// TRUE if unsuccessful (conflicts still exist -- cancel setup)
// Author: t-sdey 1 July 98
// Notes:
BOOL WINAPI ApmUpgradeCompatibilityCheck(
IN LPVOID Context)
if (HrDetectAPMConflicts() == S_OK)
return FALSE;
// Signal to the user that there was a problem.
// Prepare the warning message
TCHAR szDescription[5000];
if(!LoadString(g_hinst, APM_STR_CONFLICT_DESCRIPTION, szDescription, 5000)) {
szDescription[0] = 0;
// Use the callback function to send the signal
ZeroMemory((PVOID)&ce, sizeof(COMPATIBILITY_ENTRY));
ce.Description = szDescription;
ce.HtmlName = g_APM_ERROR_HTML_FILE; // defined above
ce.TextName = g_APM_ERROR_TEXT_FILE; // defined above
ce.RegKeyName = NULL;
ce.RegValName = NULL;
ce.RegValDataSize = 0;
ce.RegValData = NULL;
ce.SaveValue = NULL;
ce.Flags = 0;
CompatibilityCallback(&ce, Context);
return TRUE;
// Function: ApmUpgradeHandleHaveDisk
// Purpose: This callback function is called by winnt32.exe
// if user clicks HaveDisk button on the compatibility
// report page. However, that situation *should* never
// arise, so this function does nothing.
// Arguments:
// hwndParent [in] handle of parent window
// SaveValue [in] pointer to private data
// (we store CNetComponent* in this pointer)
// Author: t-sdey 1 July 98
// Notes:
DWORD WINAPI ApmUpgradeHandleHaveDisk(IN HWND hwndParent,
IN LPVOID SaveValue)
// Function: HrDetectAPMConflicts
// Purpose: Detect and disable any APM drivers which will not work under
// NT 5.0.
// Arguments:
// Returns: S_OK if conflict detect/disable was successful
// S_FALSE if unsuccessful/cancelled -- must ABORT SETUP!
// Author: t-sdey 29 June 98
// Notes:
HRESULT HrDetectAPMConflicts()
HRESULT hrStatus = S_OK;
// Check each company's drivers individually
hrStatus = HrDetectAndDisableSystemSoftAPMDrivers();
if (hrStatus == S_OK)
hrStatus = HrDetectAndDisableAwardAPMDrivers();
if (hrStatus == S_OK)
hrStatus = HrDetectAndDisableSoftexAPMDrivers();
if (hrStatus == S_OK)
hrStatus = HrDetectAndDisableIBMAPMDrivers();
return hrStatus;
// Function: DisplayAPMDisableWarningDialog
// Purpose: Display a popup informing the user of APM services about to be
// disabled.
// Arguments: dwCaptionID [in] the ID of the caption for the window
// dwMessageID [in] the ID of the message to display
// Returns: integer flag - IDOK if the user clicked "OK"
// IDCANCEL if the user clicked "Cancel" or some other
// error occurred -- Must exit setup
// Author: t-sdey 29 June 98
// Notes:
int DisplayAPMDisableWarningDialog(IN DWORD dwCaptionID,
IN DWORD dwMessageID)
// Prepare the strings
TCHAR szCaption[512];
TCHAR szMessage[5000];
if(!LoadString(g_hinst, dwCaptionID, szCaption, 512)) {
szCaption[0] = 0;
if(!LoadString(g_hinst, dwMessageID, szMessage, 5000)) {
szMessage[0] = 0;
// Create the dialog box
int button = MessageBox(NULL, szMessage, szCaption, MB_OKCANCEL);
// Check which button the user pushed
if (button == IDOK) // The user clicked "OK"
return (IDOK);
else // The user clicked "Cancel" or an error occurred
return (IDCANCEL);