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// File: lockperf.hxx
// Contents: class for lock monitoring for locks used by ole32.dll
// Classes: CLockPerfTracker
// History: 20-Dec-98 mprabhu Created
#ifndef _LOCKPERF_HXX_
#define _LOCKPERF_HXX_
#if LOCK_PERF==1
// Max entries in the file-line table
// Max # of (different) locks tracked
#define MAX_LOCKS 64
// Structure: CTlsLockPerf
// Synopsis: TlsEntry used when a lock is requested/held
struct CTlsLockPerf {
void *_lpLockPtr;
DWORD _dwFlags;
ULONG _loc;
ULONG _idx;
DWORD _dwRecursion;
// Flags for TLS entries used when a lock is requested/held by a thread
#define TLS_LOCKPERF_INUSE 0x00000001
#define TLS_LOCKPERF_WAITING 0x00000010
#define TLS_LOCKPERF_ENTERED 0x00000020
// Max # of Tls Entries (== max # different locks a thread can hold at a time)
// LockPerf does not use OleTls, it allocates its own data during
// Thread_Attach and frees it during Thread_Detach.
// These two functions are used for the purpose.
HRESULT AllocLockPerfPvtTlsData();
void FreeLockPerfPvtTlsData();
// TlsIndex allocated during Process_Attach (DllMain)
extern DWORD gTlsLockPerfIndex;
// Structure: CTlsLockPerf
// Synopsis: Represents a critical section guarded by a lock at a {file, line}
// in the code.
class CFileLineEntry {
DWORD dwNext; // wsed to chain data by LockName (i.e. by lpLockPtr).
BOOL bWriteCritSec; // are we writing to shared data at this location?
ULONG ulLockTableIdx; // index in the lock table for lpLockPtr
DWORD dwLine; // Line number, eg. 2345
const char *pszFile; // File name, eg. d:\nt\private\ole32\com\dcomrem\marshal.cxx
const char *pszLockName; // Name of the lock, eg. gComLock
void *lpLockPtr; // Critical section used by the lock.
DWORD dwNumEntrys; // Count of visits to this {file,line} by all threads.
DWORD dwWaitTime; // cumulative waiting time at this {file,line} entry point
DWORD dwLockedTime; // cumulative locked time.
DWORD dwContentionCount; // obtained from the lock.
DWORD dwAvgTime; // average time spent in this critical section.
// Structure: CLockEntry
// Synopsis: Stores data for each individual lock object
// This is used for cumulative data and for reader-writer locks when different
// reader threads could be at different locations in the code at a time.
// We keep track of the time when the first thread entered and the time the last
// thread left (possibly at different code locations) so as to calculate
// a shared lock time.
class CLockEntry {
void *lpLockPtr; // the lock this entry represents
const char *pszLockName; // name of the lock
DWORD dwHead; // these two are used to chain the data by
DWORD dwTail; // LockName in the _LockPerfData array.
DWORD dwTotalWriteWaitTime; // total write wait time.
DWORD dwTotalWriteLockTime; // overall time spent holding this lock for Writes.
DWORD dwTotalWriteEntrys; // total write entry count for this lock.
DWORD dwTotalReadWaitTime; // total read wait time.
DWORD dwTotalReadLockTime; // overall time spent holding this lock for Reads.
DWORD dwTotalReadEntrys; // total read entry count for this lock.
DWORD dwWriterContentionCount; // overall write contention for this lock.
DWORD dwReaderContentionCount; // overall read contention for this lock.
DWORD dwSharedTime; // cumulative shared time
DWORD dwNumReaders; // count of simultaneous readers in the lock
LARGE_INTEGER liEntered; // time when the first reader entered this lock.
// Class: CLockPerfTracker
// Synopsis: Exposes lock monitoring functionality.
// This is the main lock tracking class. We just have one object called gLockTracker
// of this class. All locks interested in timing data must Register themselves before
// use and call appropriate methods eg. gLockTrack.ReaderWaiting ... etc.
// A lock is responsible for maintaining Contention counts (and optionally entry counts).
// These must be reported before the lock is destroyed.
class CLockPerfTracker {
// called by the lock instance creation function.
void RegisterLock(void *lpLockPtr, BOOL bReadWrite);
// called by the lock code as its state changes depending upon the request
// bWriter argument of WriterWaiting and WriterEntered is only used internally.
void ReaderWaiting(const char*pszFile, DWORD dwLine, const char* pszLockName, void *lpLockPtr);
void WriterWaiting(const char*pszFile, DWORD dwLine, const char* pszLockName, void *lpLockPtr, BOOL bWriter=TRUE);
void ReaderEntered(const char*pszFile, DWORD dwLine, const char* pszLockName, void *lpLockPtr);
void WriterEntered(const char*pszFile, DWORD dwLine, const char* pszLockName, void *lpLockPtr, BOOL bWriter=TRUE);
void ReaderLeaving(void *lpLockPtr);
void WriterLeaving(void *lpLockPtr);
// called by the lock instance prior to destruction/cleanup
void ReportContention(void *lpLockPtr, DWORD dwWriteEntrys, DWORD dwWriteContention, DWORD dwReadEntrys, DWORD dwReadContention);
// called during Process_Attach to initialize statics
// called during Process_Detach to report the timing information
void OutputPerfData();
// internal functions used by the tracker
ULONG FindOrCreateFileTableEntry(const char*pszFile, DWORD dwLine, const char* pszLockName, void *lpLockPtr, BOOL bWriter, ULONG *lpIdx);
ULONG FindLockTableEntry(void *lpLockPtr);
void ProcessPerfData();
void UpdateFileTableEntry(CTlsLockPerf *pTlsEntry, LARGE_INTEGER *pLiUnlock);
void OutputFileTableEntry(ULONG index, ULONG bByName, ULONG percent);
void UpdateHoggers(ULONG* hogList, ULONG index, ULONG listType);
void OutputHoggers(ULONG *list);
// These are the tables that lock data is collected in.
// Each entry in _FileLineData corresponds to a code critical section.
// ({File, line} where the lock is entered).
static CFileLineEntry _FileLineData[MAX_LOCKPERF_FILEENTRY];
// Each entry in _LockData corresponds to a lock eg. gIPIDLock
static CLockEntry _LockData[MAX_LOCKS];
static LARGE_INTEGER _liFreq; // Performance Frequency on the system
static ULONG _numCritSecs; // count of {file,line} critical sections monitored
static ULONG _numLocks; // count of distinct locks being monitored
// single global object
extern CLockPerfTracker gLockTracker;
#endif //LOCK_PERF==1
#endif //_LOCKPERF_HXX_