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// File: tls.hxx
// Purpose: manage thread local storage for OLE
// Notes: The gTlsIndex is initialized at process attach time.
// The per-thread data is allocated in CoInitialize in
// single-threaded apartments or on first use in
// multi-threaded apartments.
// The non-inline routines are in ..\com\class\tls.cxx
// History: 16-Jun-94 BruceMa Don't decrement 0 thread count
// 17-Jun-94 Bradloc Added punkState for VB94
// 20-Jun-94 Rickhi Commented better
// 06-Jul-94 BruceMa Support for CoGetCurrentProcess
// 19-Jul-94 CraigWi Removed TLSGetEvent (used cache instead)
// 21-Jul-94 AlexT Add TLSIncOleInit, TLSDecOleInit
// 21-Aug-95 ShannonC Removed TLSSetMalloc, TLSGetMalloc
// 06-Oct-95 Rickhi Simplified. Made into a C++ class.
// 01-Feb-96 Rickhi On Nt, access TEB directly
// 30-May-96 ShannonC Add punkError
// 12-Sep-96 rogerg Add pDataObjClip
// 26-Nov-96 Gopalk Add IsOleInitialized
// 13-Jan-97 RichN Add pContextObj
// 10-Feb-99 TarunA Add cAsyncSends
#ifndef _TLS_HXX_
#define _TLS_HXX_
#include <rpc.h> // UUID
// forward declarations (in order to avoid type casting when accessing
// data members of the SOleTlsData structure).
class CAptCallCtrl; // see callctrl.hxx
class CSrvCallState; // see callctrl.hxx
class CObjServer; // see sobjact.hxx
class CSmAllocator; // see stg\h\smalloc.hxx
class CMessageCall; // see call.hxx
class CClientCall; // see call.hxx
class CAsyncCall; // see call.hxx
class CClipDataObject; // see ole232\clipbrd\clipdata.h
class CSurrogatedObjectList; // see com\inc\comsrgt.hxx
class CCtxCall; // see PSTable.hxx
class CPolicySet; // see PSTable.hxx
class CObjectContext; // see context.hxx
class CComApartment; // see aprtmnt.hxx
// Struct: CallEntry
// Synopsis: Call Table Entry.
typedef struct tagCallEntry
void *pNext; // ptr to next entry
void *pvObject; // Entry object
} CallEntry;
// Struct: LockEntry
// Synopsis: Call Table Entry.
#define LOCKS_PER_ENTRY 16
typedef struct tagLockEntry
tagLockEntry *pNext; // ptr to next entry
WORD wReaderLevel[LOCKS_PER_ENTRY]; // reader nesting level
} LockEntry;
// Struct: ContextStackNode
// Synopsis: Stack of contexts used with Services Without Components
typedef struct tagContextStackNode
tagContextStackNode* pNext;
CObjectContext* pSavedContext;
CObjectContext* pServerContext;
CCtxCall* pClientCall;
CCtxCall* pServerCall;
CPolicySet* pPS;
} ContextStackNode;
// Struct: InitializeSpyNode
// Synopsis: Node in a linked list of Initialize Spy registrations
typedef struct tagInitializeSpyNode
tagInitializeSpyNode *pNext;
tagInitializeSpyNode *pPrev;
DWORD dwRefs;
DWORD dwCookie;
IInitializeSpy *pInitSpy;
} InitializeSpyNode;
// Struct: VerifierTlsData
// Synopsis: Per-thread data needed by the COM verifier
typedef struct tagVerifierTlsData
LPVOID rgpvLastUninitStack[MAX_STACK_DEPTH];
LPVOID rgpvLastOleUninitStack[MAX_STACK_DEPTH];
} VerifierTlsData;
// Synopsys: bit values for dwFlags field of SOleTlsData. If you just want
// to store a BOOL in TLS, use this enum and the dwFlag field.
typedef enum tagOLETLSFLAGS
OLETLS_LOCALTID = 0x01, // This TID is in the current process.
OLETLS_UUIDINITIALIZED = 0x02, // This Logical thread is init'd.
OLETLS_INTHREADDETACH = 0x04, // This is in thread detach. Needed
// due to NT's special thread detach
// rules.
OLETLS_CHANNELTHREADINITIALZED = 0x08,// This channel has been init'd
OLETLS_WOWTHREAD = 0x10, // This thread is a 16-bit WOW thread.
OLETLS_THREADUNINITIALIZING = 0x20, // This thread is in CoUninitialize.
OLETLS_DISABLE_OLE1DDE = 0x40, // This thread can't use a DDE window.
OLETLS_APARTMENTTHREADED = 0x80, // This is an STA apartment thread
OLETLS_MULTITHREADED = 0x100, // This is an MTA apartment thread
OLETLS_IMPERSONATING = 0x200, // This thread is impersonating
OLETLS_DISABLE_EVENTLOGGER = 0x400, // Prevent recursion in event logger
OLETLS_INNEUTRALAPT = 0x800, // This thread is in the NTA
OLETLS_DISPATCHTHREAD = 0x1000, // This is a dispatch thread
OLETLS_HOSTTHREAD = 0x2000, // This is a host thread
OLETLS_ALLOWCOINIT = 0x4000, // This thread allows inits
OLETLS_PENDINGUNINIT = 0x8000, // This thread has pending uninit
OLETLS_FIRSTMTAINIT = 0x10000,// First thread to attempt an MTA init
OLETLS_FIRSTNTAINIT = 0x20000,// First thread to attempt an NTA init
OLETLS_APTINITIALIZING = 0x40000 // Apartment Object is initializing
// Structure: SOleTlsData
// Synopsis: structure holding per thread state needed by OLE32
typedef struct tagSOleTlsData
// jsimmons 5/23/2001
// Alert Alert: nefarious folks (eg, URT) are looking in our TLS at
// various stuff. They expect that pCurrentCtx will be at a certain
// offset from the beginning of the tls struct. So don't add, delete, or
// move any members within this block.
// ********* BEGIN "NO MUCKING AROUND" BLOCK *********
// Docfile multiple allocator support
void *pvThreadBase; // per thread base pointer
CSmAllocator *pSmAllocator; // per thread docfile allocator
DWORD dwApartmentID; // Per thread "process ID"
DWORD dwFlags; // see OLETLSFLAGS above
LONG TlsMapIndex; // index in the global TLSMap
void **ppTlsSlot; // Back pointer to the thread tls slot
DWORD cComInits; // number of per-thread inits
DWORD cOleInits; // number of per-thread OLE inits
DWORD cCalls; // number of outstanding calls
CMessageCall *pCallInfo; // channel call info
CAsyncCall *pFreeAsyncCall; // ptr to available call object for this thread.
CClientCall *pFreeClientCall; // ptr to available call object for this thread.
CObjServer *pObjServer; // Activation Server Object for this apartment.
DWORD dwTIDCaller; // TID of current calling app
CObjectContext *pCurrentCtx; // Current context
// ********* END "NO MUCKING AROUND" BLOCK *********
CObjectContext *pEmptyCtx; // Empty context
CObjectContext *pNativeCtx; // Native context
ULONGLONG ContextId; // Uniquely identifies the current context
CComApartment *pNativeApt; // Native apartment for the thread.
IUnknown *pCallContext; // call context object
CCtxCall *pCtxCall; // Context call object
CPolicySet *pPS; // Policy set
PVOID pvPendingCallsFront;// Per Apt pending async calls
PVOID pvPendingCallsBack;
CAptCallCtrl *pCallCtrl; // call control for RPC for this apartment
CSrvCallState *pTopSCS; // top server-side callctrl state
IMessageFilter *pMsgFilter; // temp storage for App MsgFilter
HWND hwndSTA; // STA server window same as poxid->hServerSTA
// ...needed on Win95 before oxid registration
LONG cORPCNestingLevel; // call nesting level (DBG only)
DWORD cDebugData; // count of bytes of debug data in call
UUID LogicalThreadId; // current logical thread id
HANDLE hThread; // Thread handle used for cancel
HANDLE hRevert; // Token before first impersonate.
IUnknown *pAsyncRelease; // Controlling unknown for async release
// DDE data
HWND hwndDdeServer; // Per thread Common DDE server
HWND hwndDdeClient; // Per thread Common DDE client
ULONG cServeDdeObjects; // non-zero if objects DDE should serve
// ClassCache data
LPVOID pSTALSvrsFront; // Chain of LServers registers in this thread if STA
// upper layer data
HWND hwndClip; // Clipboard window
IDataObject *pDataObjClip; // Current Clipboard DataObject
DWORD dwClipSeqNum; // Clipboard Sequence # for the above DataObject
DWORD fIsClipWrapper; // Did we hand out the wrapper Clipboard DataObject?
IUnknown *punkState; // Per thread "state" object
// cancel data
DWORD cCallCancellation; // count of CoEnableCallCancellation
// async sends data
DWORD cAsyncSends; // count of async sends outstanding
CAsyncCall* pAsyncCallList; // async calls outstanding
CSurrogatedObjectList *pSurrogateList; // Objects in the surrogate
LockEntry lockEntry; // Locks currently held by the thread
CallEntry CallEntry; // client-side call chain for this thread
ContextStackNode* pContextStack; // Context stack node for SWC.
InitializeSpyNode *pFirstSpyReg; // First registered IInitializeSpy
InitializeSpyNode *pFirstFreeSpyReg; // First available spy registration
VerifierTlsData *pVerifierData; // Per-thread info for the COM verifier (if enabled)
// Put small types here, for packing purposes
DWORD dwMaxSpy; // First free IInitializeSpy cookie
BYTE cCustomMarshallerRecursion; // Number of times the custom unmarshaller path (GetCustomUnmarshaler)
// has been taken recursively in CoUnmarshalInterface
void *pDragCursors; // Per thread drag cursor table.
IUnknown *punkError; // Per thread error object.
ULONG cbErrorData; // Maximum size of error data.
#if DBG==1
LONG cTraceNestingLevel; // call nesting level for OLETRACE
} SOleTlsData;
// Constants used by TLS entries
// class COleTls
// Synopsis: class to abstract thread-local-storage in OLE.
// Notes: To use Tls in OLE, functions should define an instance of
// this class on their stack, then use the -> operator on the
// instance to access fields of the SOleTls structure.
// There are two instances of the ctor. One just Assert's that
// the SOleTlsData has already been allocated for this thread. Most
// internal code should use this ctor, since we can assert that if
// the thread made it this far into our code, tls has already been
// checked.
// The other ctor will check if SOleTlsData exists, and attempt to
// allocate and initialize it if it does not. This ctor will
// return an HRESULT. Functions that are entry points to OLE32
// should use this version.
class COleTls
COleTls(HRESULT &hr);
COleTls(BOOL fDontAllocateIfNULL);
// to get direct access to the data structure
SOleTlsData * operator->(void) { return _pData; }
operator SOleTlsData *() { return _pData; }
// Helper functions
BOOL IsNULL() { return (_pData == NULL) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
HRESULT TLSAllocData(); // allocates an SOleTlsData structure
SOleTlsData * _pData; // ptr to OLE TLS data
extern SOleTlsData *TLSLookupThreadId(DWORD dwThreadId);
// Method: COleTls::COleTls
// Synopsis: ctor for OLE Tls object.
// Notes: Most internal code should use this version of the ctor,
// assuming that some outer-layer function has already verified
// the existence of the tls_data.
__forceinline COleTls::COleTls()
_pData = (SOleTlsData *) NtCurrentTeb()->ReservedForOle;
Win4Assert(_pData && "Illegal attempt to use TLS before Initialized");
// Method: COleTls::COleTls
// Synopsis: ctor for OLE Tls object.
// Notes: Special version for CoUninitialize which will not allocate
// (or assert) if the TLS is NULL. It can then be checked with
// IsNULL member function.
__forceinline COleTls::COleTls(BOOL fDontAllocateIfNULL)
_pData = (SOleTlsData *) NtCurrentTeb()->ReservedForOle;
// Method: COleTls::COleTls
// Synopsis: ctor for OLE Tls object.
// Notes: Peripheral OLE code that can not assume that some outer-layer
// function has already verified the existence of the SOleTlsData
// structure for the current thread should use this version of
// the ctor.
__forceinline COleTls::COleTls(HRESULT &hr)
_pData = (SOleTlsData *) NtCurrentTeb()->ReservedForOle;
if (_pData)
hr = S_OK;
hr = TLSAllocData();
// Enum: APTKIND
// Synopsis: These are the apartment models COM understands. The
// GetCurrentApartmentKind functions return one of these values
// identifying which apartment the currently executing thread
// is in.
typedef enum tagAPTKIND
// Thread IDs for the various apartment types. STA uses the currently
// executing TID.
#define MTATID 0x0 // thread id of the MTA
#define NTATID 0xFFFFFFFF // thread id of the NTA
typedef DWORD HAPT;
const HAPT haptNULL = 0;
// Function: GetCurrentApartmentId
// Synopsis: Returns the apartment id that the current thread is executing
// in. If this is the Multi-threaded apartment, it returns 0; if
// it is the Neutral-threaded apartment, it returns 0xFFFFFFFF.
inline DWORD GetCurrentApartmentId()
COleTls Tls(hr);
// If TLS is not initialized, this is a MTA apartment.
if (FAILED(hr))
return MTATID;
return (Tls->dwFlags & OLETLS_INNEUTRALAPT) ? NTATID :
(Tls->dwFlags & OLETLS_APARTMENTTHREADED) ? GetCurrentThreadId() :
// Function: DoATClassCreate
// Synopsis: Put a given Class Factory on a new ApartmentModel thread.
REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, IUnknown **ppunk);
// Function: IsSTAThread
// Synopsis: returns TRUE if the current thread is for a
// single-threaded apartment, FALSE otherwise
inline BOOL IsSTAThread()
COleTls Tls;
// Function: IsMTAThread
// Synopsis: returns TRUE if the current thread is for a
// multi-threaded apartment, FALSE otherwise
inline BOOL IsMTAThread()
COleTls Tls;
// Function: IsOleInitialized
// Synopsis: returns TRUE if the current thread is for a
// multi-threaded apartment, FALSE otherwise
inline BOOL IsOleInitialized()
COleTls Tls(FALSE);
return((!Tls.IsNULL() && Tls->cOleInits>0) ? TRUE : FALSE);
BOOL IsApartmentInitialized();
IID *TLSGetLogicalThread();
BOOLEAN TLSIsThreadDetaching();
void CleanupTlsState(SOleTlsData *pTls, BOOL fSafe);
inline HWND TLSGethwndSTA()
COleTls Tls;
inline void TLSSethwndSTA(HWND hwnd)
COleTls Tls;
Tls->hwndSTA = hwnd;
#endif // _TLS_HXX_