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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993.
// File: bmpfile.hxx
// Contents: CBitmapFile
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: 4-23-94 KirtD Created
#if !defined(__BMPFILE_HXX__)
#define __BMPFILE_HXX__
// Data structures and definitions
#define BMP_24_BITSPERPIXEL 24
#define BMP_16_BITSPERPIXEL 16
#define BMP_32_BITSPERPIXEL 32
// Class definition
class CBitmapFile
// Constructor
CBitmapFile ();
// Destructor
~CBitmapFile ();
// Load and related methods
HRESULT LoadBitmapFile (LPSTR pszFile);
HRESULT GetBitmapFileName (LPSTR pszFile, ULONG cChar) const;
ULONG GetBitmapFileNameLength () const;
// Data access methods
LONG GetDIBHeight () const;
LONG GetDIBWidth () const;
HRESULT GetLogicalPalette (LPLOGPALETTE *pplogpal) const;
HRESULT CreateDIBInHGlobal (HGLOBAL *phGlobal) const;
BOOL HasPaletteData () const;
// Member access
LPBITMAPINFO GetBitmapInfo ();
// Private data
// The file name
CHAR _pszBitmapFile[MAX_PATH];
ULONG _cBitmapFile;
// The bitmap info structure
ULONG _cbi;
// The bits
ULONG _cbData;
LPBYTE _pbData;
// Private methods
HRESULT _GetBitmapDataFromBuffer (LPBYTE pbuffer, ULONG cbLow);
HRESULT _ValidateBitmapFileHeader (BITMAPFILEHEADER *pbmfh, ULONG cbFile);