Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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449 lines
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// File: CFMEx.cxx
// Purpose: This file provides the main() and global functions
// for the CreateFileMonikerEx (CFMEx) DRT.
// This DRT tests the CreateFileMonikerEx API (new to
// Cairo), as well as related changes to BIND_OPTS
// (use of the BIND_OPTS2 structure).
// All moniker activity is performed in the CMoniker
// object (such as creating a bind context, creating
// a link source file, moving it, binding it, etc.).
// The test engine is in the CTest object. When a link
// source file is moved to test link-tracking, the
// original and final location of the file may be
// specified by the user (on the command-line). CTest
// is aware of the filesystem type (FAT, NTFS, OFS)
// of these locations, and is aware of how that will
// effect the results.
// This file also provides global functions (not associated
// with an object).
// Usage: cfmex [-o<Directory>] [-f<Directory>]
// -o<Directory> specifies the original directory for link sources
// -f<Directory> specifies the final directory for link sources
// Examples: cfmex
// cfmex -oC:\ -fC:\
// ----
// TODO:
// ----
// - Replace CRT calls with Win32 calls.
// - Validate the directory in CDirectory.
// - Add a flag to CDirectory to indicate "indexed".
// - Add a flag to CDirectory to indicate local vs remote.
// - Add a test to verify that the moniker returned from Reduce is
// not a tracking moniker.
// -------------
// Include Files
// -------------
#define _DCOM_ // Allow DCOM extensions (e.g., CoInitializeEx).
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <wtypes.h>
#include <oaidl.h>
#include <dsys.h>
#include <olecairo.h>
#include "CFMEx.hxx"
#include "CMoniker.hxx"
#include "CTest.hxx"
#include "CDir.hxx"
// ------
// Macros
// ------
// Early-exit macro: put the error message in a global array,
// and jump to Exit
WCHAR wszErrorMessage[ 512 ];
#undef EXIT
#define EXIT( error ) \
wcscpy( wszErrorMessage, ##error );\
goto Exit;\
// Run a Test: Display a new paragraph on the screen, run a test,
// and update stats.
#define RUN_TEST( testID ) \
nTotalTests++; \
wprintf( L"----------------------------------------------\n" ); \
wprintf( L"Test %d: ", nTotalTests ); \
if( cTest.##testID ) \
wprintf( L"Passed\n" ); \
else \
nTestsFailed++; \
// Function: DisplayHelp
// Synopsis: Display a help screen with usage information.
// Inputs: None.
// Outputs: None.
// Effects: None
void DisplayHelp( void )
wprintf( L"This DRT tests the CreateFileMonikerEx API, and related changes.\n"
L"Most of these tests create a link source file, create a moniker\n"
L"representing that file, then move the file. You can specify the\n"
L"original and/or final locations of the link source, or let those\n"
L"locations default to the \%TEMP\% directory\n"
L"Usage: cfmex [-o<Directory>] [-f<Directory>]\n"
L"Where: -o<Directory> specifies the original directory for link sources\n"
L" -f<Directory> specifies the final directory for link sources\n"
L"Note: If an original or final directory is specified on the command-\n"
L" line, that directory must already exist. If one of these locations\n"
L" is not specified, the TEMP environment variable must be defined\n"
L" and it must specify an extant directory.\n"
L"E.g.: cfmex\n"
L" cfmex -oC:\\\n"
L" cfmex -oE:\\ -fF:\\temp\n"
L"\n" );
// Function: UnicodeToAnsi
// Synopsis: Convert a Unicode (wide) string to ANSI
// Inputs: The Unicode String
// The buffer for the ANSI string
// The size of the above buffer
// Outputs: 0 if successful
// GetLastError() otherwise
// Effects: None
DWORD UnicodeToAnsi( const WCHAR * wszUnicode,
CHAR * szAnsi,
int cbAnsiMax )
int cbAnsi = 0;
// Convert WCS to the MBCS, using the ANSI code page.
cbAnsi = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP,
wcslen( wszUnicode ),
if( !cbAnsi )
// No characters were converted - there was an error.
// Note that this will be returned if a null Unicode string is
// passed in.
return( GetLastError() );
// Terminate the Ansi string and return.
szAnsi[ cbAnsi ] = '\0';
return( 0L );
} // UnicodeToAnsi()
// Function: AnsiToUnicode
// Synopsis: Convert an ANSI string to Unicode (i.e. Wide)
// Inputs: The ANSI String
// The buffer for the Unicode string
// The size of the above buffer.
// Outputs: 0 if successful
// GetLastError() otherwise
// Effects: None
DWORD AnsiToUnicode( const CHAR * szAnsi,
WCHAR * wszUnicode,
int cbUnicodeMax )
int cbUnicode = 0;
cbUnicode = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP,
strlen( szAnsi ),
cbUnicodeMax );
if( !cbUnicode )
// If no characters were converted, then there was an error.
return( GetLastError() );
// Terminate the Unicode string and return.
wszUnicode[ cbUnicode ] = L'\0';
return( 0L );
} // AnsiToUnicode()
// Function: main
// Synopsis: Run the CFMEx DRT. All tests are in the CTest object. These
// tests are simply called sequentially.
// Inputs: (argc) the count of arguments
// (argv) the arguments. See DisplayHelp() for a description.
// Outputs: 0 if completely successful
// 1 if help was displayed
// 2 if a test failed
// Effects: None
int main( int argc, char** argv )
// ---------------
// Local Variables
// ---------------
// Test statistics.
int nTotalTests = 0;
int nTestsFailed = 0;
// The original and final directories (in ANSI) of the link source file.
CHAR* szOriginalDirectory = NULL;
CHAR* szFinalDirectory = NULL;
// Objects representing the original and final directories.
CDirectory cDirectoryOriginal;
CDirectory cDirectoryFinal;
// The test engine.
CTest cTest;
int index = 0;
// --------------
// Opening Banner
// --------------
printf( "\n"
"*** CreateFileMonikerEx DRT ***\n"
"(use \"cfmex -?\" for help)\n"
"\n" );
// ------------------------------
// Handle command-line parameters
// ------------------------------
for( index = 1; index < argc; index++ )
// The first character of an argument should be an "-" or "/"
// (they are interchangable).
if( ( ( argv[index][0] != '-' )
( argv[index][0] != '/' )
( strlen( &argv[index][0] ) < 2 ) // Must have more than '-' & an option.
printf( "Invalid argument ignored: %s\n", argv[ index ] );
// Switch based on the first character (which defines the option).
switch( argv[index][1] )
// Help requested
case '?':
exit( 1 );
// An original directory is specified.
case 'o':
case 'O':
// Verify the specified path length.
if( strlen( &argv[index][2] ) > MAX_PATH )
printf( "Path is too long, ignored: %s\n", &argv[index][2] );
break; // From the switch
szOriginalDirectory = &argv[index][2];
break; // From the switch
// A final directory is specified
case 'f':
case 'F':
if( strlen( &argv[index][2] ) > MAX_PATH )
printf( "Path is too long, ignored: %s\n", &argv[index][2] );
break; // From the switch
szFinalDirectory = &argv[index][2];
break; // From the switch
// Invalid argument.
printf( "Invalid option ignored: \"-%c\"\n", argv[index][1] );
// --------------
// Initialization
// --------------
// Initialize COM
CoInitialize( NULL );
// Initialize the CDirectory and CTest objects. If no original/final
// directory was specified above, CDirectory will create a default
// (based on %TEMP%).
if( !cDirectoryOriginal.Initialize( szOriginalDirectory ) )
EXIT( L"Could not initialize cDirectoryOriginal" );
if( !cDirectoryFinal.Initialize( szFinalDirectory ) )
EXIT( L"Could not initialize cDirectoryFinal" );
if( !cTest.Initialize( cDirectoryOriginal, cDirectoryFinal ) )
EXIT( L"Could not initialize CTest" );
// Show the end result.
wprintf( L"Link sources will be created in \"%s\" (%s)\n",
cDirectoryOriginal.GetFileSystemName() );
wprintf( L"and will be moved to \"%s\" (%s)\n",
cDirectoryFinal.GetFileSystemName() );
// ---------
// Run Tests
// ---------
RUN_TEST( GetOversizedBindOpts() );
RUN_TEST( GetUndersizedBindOpts() );
RUN_TEST( SetOversizedBindOpts() );
RUN_TEST( SetUndersizedBindOpts() );
RUN_TEST( CreateFileMonikerEx() );
RUN_TEST( GetDisplayName() );
RUN_TEST( GetTimeOfLastChange() );
RUN_TEST( ComposeWith() );
RUN_TEST( IPersist() );
RUN_TEST( BindToStorage() );
RUN_TEST( BindToObject() );
RUN_TEST( DeleteLinkSource( 0 )); // Timeout immediately.
RUN_TEST( DeleteLinkSource( 200 )); // Timeout in multi-threaded search
RUN_TEST( DeleteLinkSource( INFINITE )); // Don't timeout
// ----
// Exit
// ----
// Show test results.
wprintf( L"\n\nTesting complete:\n"
L" Total Tests = %d\n"
L" Failed = %d\n",
nTotalTests, nTestsFailed );
// Free COM
return( nTestsFailed ? 2 : 0 );