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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993.
// File: rotut.cxx
// Contents: Unit Test for ROT
// Classes: MISSING
// Functions: MISSING
// History: 16-Oct-93 Ricksa Created
// 31-Dec-93 ErikGav Chicago port
#include <windows.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include <olebind.hxx>
#include <stdio.h>
class CRotTestObject : public IUnknown
CRotTestObject(WCHAR *pwszID);
// IUnknown Interface
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID riid, void **ppv);
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)(void);
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)(void);
WCHAR _awcID[256];
ULONG _cRefs;
CRotTestObject::CRotTestObject(WCHAR *pwszID) : _cRefs(1)
wcscpy(_awcID, pwszID);
STDMETHODIMP CRotTestObject::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv)
if (memcmp((void *) &riid, (void *) &IID_IUnknown, sizeof(GUID)) == 0)
*ppv = (IUnknown *) this;
return S_OK;
*ppv = NULL;
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CRotTestObject::AddRef(void)
return (ULONG) _awcID;
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CRotTestObject::Release(void)
ULONG cRefs = --_cRefs;
if (cRefs == 0)
delete this;
return cRefs;
// Test Running Object Table
// BUGBUG: Need to test enumerator
XUnknown punk2;
XMoniker pmk;
XMoniker pmk2;
XRunningObjectTable prot;
XEnumMoniker penummk;
HRESULT hr = GetRunningObjectTable(0, &prot);
TEST_FAILED_HR(FAILED(hr), "GetRunningObjectTable failed!")
// Make sure that we can do something on the pointer that
// we got back.
// Create an IUnknown pointer for the class.
IUnknown *punk = new CRotTestObject(L"First Test Object");
hr = CreateItemMoniker(L"\\", wszPid, &pmk2);
TEST_FAILED_HR(FAILED(hr), "CreateItemMoniker for \\Bob failed")
// Do a get object to make sure that this is not in the ROT already
hr = prot->GetObject(pmk2, &punk2);
TEST_FAILED_HR(SUCCEEDED(hr), "GetObject on nonexistent succeeded")
// Cookie for deregistering object
DWORD dwRegister;
hr = prot->Register(0, punk, pmk2, &dwRegister);
TEST_FAILED_HR(FAILED(hr), "Register in ROT for \\PID failed")
hr = prot->IsRunning(pmk2);
"Unexpected return from IsRunning")
// Test Get Object
hr = prot->GetObject(pmk2, &punk2);
TEST_FAILED_HR((hr != S_OK), "Unexpected from GetObject")
// Confirm object identity
WCHAR *pwszID = (WCHAR *) punk2->AddRef();
TEST_FAILED_HR((wcscmp(pwszID, L"First Test Object") != 0),
"GetObject ID is invalid");
// Make sure pointer == original pointer
TEST_FAILED((punk2 != punk), "GetObject Pointers are not equal!")
// Clean up punk2 -- two releases because +1 on return and +1 on
// addref to get id string
// Test set the time
FILETIME filetime;
memset(&filetime, 'A', sizeof(filetime));
hr = prot->NoteChangeTime(dwRegister, &filetime);
TEST_FAILED_HR((hr != S_OK), "NoteChangeTime Failed")
// Test get the time
FILETIME filetime2;
hr = prot->GetTimeOfLastChange(pmk2, &filetime2);
TEST_FAILED_HR((hr != S_OK), "NoteChangeTime Failed")
TEST_FAILED((memcmp(&filetime, &filetime2, sizeof(filetime)) != 0),
"GetTimeOfLastChange != NoteChangeTime value")
// Enumerate all the running monikers
hr = prot->EnumRunning(&penummk);
TEST_FAILED_HR(FAILED(hr), "EnumRunning Failed")
// Cycle through running object table
BOOL fFound = FALSE;
int cIdx = 0;
int cOurMoniker;
while (SUCCEEDED(hr = penummk->Next(1, &pmk, NULL))
&& (hr != S_FALSE))
if (pmk2->IsEqual(pmk) == S_OK)
fFound = TRUE;
cOurMoniker = cIdx;
TEST_FAILED_HR(FAILED(hr), "ROT Moniker Enumeration ended in failure")
TEST_FAILED((!fFound), "Did not find our moniker in the table");
// Reset the pointer
hr = penummk->Reset();
TEST_FAILED_HR(FAILED(hr), "ROT IEnumMoniker::Reset Failed");
// Skip to our moniker
hr = penummk->Skip(cOurMoniker);
TEST_FAILED_HR(FAILED(hr), "ROT IEnumMoniker::Skip Failed");
// Read it from the enumerator
hr = penummk->Next(1, &pmk, NULL);
TEST_FAILED_HR(FAILED(hr), "ROT IEnumMoniker::Next Failed");
TEST_FAILED((pmk2->IsEqual(pmk) != S_OK),
"ROT IEnumMoniker::Next after skip monikers !=");
// Clean up enumerator
// Test duplicate registration
DWORD dwRegister2;
hr = prot->Register(0, punk, pmk2, &dwRegister2);
"2nd Register in ROT for \\PID failed")
// Revoke non-existent object
DWORD dwDummy = (DWORD) &dwRegister2;
hr = prot->Revoke(dwDummy);
TEST_FAILED_HR((hr != E_INVALIDARG), "Revoke for bad item wrong result")
// Revoke the object
hr = prot->Revoke(dwRegister);
TEST_FAILED_HR(FAILED(hr), "Revoke of first reg in ROT failed")
// Revoke duplicate registration
hr = prot->Revoke(dwRegister2);
TEST_FAILED_HR(FAILED(hr), "2nd Revoke in ROT failed")
// Make sure it is no longer running
hr = prot->IsRunning(pmk2);
"Revoked ROT entry unexpected error")
// If we get to here the test passed
return FALSE;